The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, August 12, 1892, Image 3

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    rilE WESTON. LEADER, somewhat similaf' bd color-blindness,
aiiu u lew uajrs oiixv3 appuw -v -
R. E. Butler for treatment, ne
August 12, 1892.
Sii M'jmn,
Tsua K'mth...
. .15
sneets rverr Tharscar evening. Brother! in jood
standing mpaettallv invited to attend.
' -t ; Ruble Gnad. ' Secretary.
M.'.Mtte.MtlM'Wad'ao' th SturdJ 01
. 1L 8. HA.fCKBL, Sec.
WE8T0 L9D3E, A- - u
W., mmU, nrj Tae-Ur 8aUn' haU"
TisJtlsf Vrether. tarltrf to attend.
THE'). T. DAVIS, Ree.
amis th flrmi aud third Saturday of each month
at their hall,, earner Vain and Water strerts. All
.i.ium ia.r gnriiallr iarlted to attend.
M. A. BAKER. E, UH.n-nia
Adjutant. Commander.
was given an ointment in a small
tin box, to be nsed frequently dur
ing the day and night. Mr. Den
ton is also a sufferer from corns on
his feet, and at the same time pur
chased a box of corn-salve. For
three days Mr. Denton nsed the rem
edies, but both eyes and corns rap
idly grew worse and increased in
painfulness. On Friday morning
he took both boxes back to the drug
store and demanded an explanation.
After a few questions were asked, it
was discovered that he had been
using the Corn medicine on his eyes
and rice term on his toes. Moral:
Always read directions before! using
medicine, speciallyin case of corns
or color-blindness.
Local Notes Gathered by the Reporter
Births, Deaths, Marriages and
Other Interesting News.
STEVEN'S LODGE, NO. 49, K. of P.
Mettaererr Wednesday eveninf at their castle hall.
Mala street. VlsUng brother in food standing in
itd te to present. U. A. BAKER,
K olR. and S.
Mail closes for Pendleton, Portland
nd All points eaet, except tlie Dakotas,
Minnesota And Wisconsin, at 5:15 p. m.
For Walla Walla, Spokane and North
Pacific points at 7 :30 a. m.
From Pendlet'in, Portland and eastern
points at 8 o'clock a. in.
From Walia Walla, Spokane nd
North Pacific points at 6 p. ni.
office not; as.
General deli vuiy open from &. a. m.
to S. p. ra. Sundays, 10 to 11 a. m.
Monev order window open from 9
a. m. to 4 p. m.
Happenings in and About the City
During; the Week.
Hurrah for new sidewalksl
New apples, peaches and water
melons are in the market.
F. G. Hull, of the Milton Eagle,
is very ill with bilious fever.
Red bull calf for sale. In good
condition. Inquire ol S. S. Shields.
List vour property with the Wes
ton tteal Estate,. Loan & Collection
Robert JamiesoVs family has
returned iroin a we'
Linkton mountain.
"4 s
Fraternal Notes.
On Wednesday evening Stevens
Lodge, No. 49, Knights of Pythias,
of Weston, conferred the second
rank up in Messrs. N. R. Springer
and F. VV. Browne, and the third
rank upon Geo. W. Staggs. There
wasalrrrge attendance of visiting
Knights from Milton and Athena,
who materially aided in the work
and to whom the members of Stev
ens Lodge extend hearty thanks.
At 12 o'clock a splendid luiwjh
eon wa wrve.l in tlK-dining hall
of the New Ddinonioo restaurant,
prHpircd by Mr. and Mrs. E. V.
Lublin, i Thi re will he work in the
third rank on Wednesday evening
rrcxftTtrnt- Alt iittniMluii'i: r
tiuented.1 '
Th ordr of Woodman of the
World, recently organized in Wes
ton, is in a prosperous condition
There are now twenty-two mem
bers. Meetings are held on the .ast
Monday of e tch month during the
summer season.
tloili O ld Fellows and M isms
report a! prosperous condition in
point of finances and membership,
although, as with other orders,
there is a mall regular attendance
during harvest sen son.
The A. O. Q. W. lodge of Weston
is probably the most prosperous in
the city ar.d steadily increases in
mem'HTsh -p. It is compos J of
some of our bi-st farmers and busi
ne-ts citizens.
Weston is well represented with
secret and benevolent societies,
there being eight including the G.
A. R., Ladies Relief Corps and W.
C.T. U.
Lo, the Poor Settler.
It seems that through some error
or fault of the land department, or
attorneys for claimants, quite a
number of tilings on railroad land
under the forfeiture act have been
rejected and .claimants notified to
make, supplement proof before
tbecal land office at La jSrande
or the county clerk of this county.
In. accordance with these instruc
tions, Mesnrs. vJeorjse Stages, James
LieualJen, Monroe Hicks and Matt
Isley went to Pendleton on Thurs
day evening and filed corrected ap
plications. . The question nojv occurs as to
the additional expense incurred by
these applicants. There is every
reason to believe '.he department is
at fault for not making all neces
sary rules and regulations govern
ingthe purchase of forfeited rail
road lands. If this be the case,
and in consideration of tb dtrt.
that there are many thousand poor j
eettiers on these lands who are un
justly required to travel long dis
tances and Jncur large expense, it
eems the government should either
grant a rebate of extra expense or
provulein 8ome manner for the py
inmt on aoum of a blunder of the
department, i
The xarket.
The wheat market is dull, only
one sale of 1,000 bushels being re
ported this week.
duBri,fl7u W?8 uoted al 71 cents
fure. Part of lh week.
- v me price oHered bv the
Pacific VVElevaW Company's
wiit and lUmilton A Kntfrksf
Buy your fruit jars of G. V. Staggs.
Kemeiuber Barnett's cheap caah store
on corner next to the Livery stable.
S. S. Shield's crop of red chaff wheat
averapel i'5 bushels per acre. It has
been sold to Hamilton & Rourke.
Bargains at G. W. Stagg's. A complete
stock of hardware of every description
with prices never before offered. It.
Bock beer, first of the season, on
draft at the Fountain saloon, cool, clear,
and spaikling. a22-lt
It is what Hood's Sarsaparilla actually
does that tells the story of its merit and
has given it the largest sale of any medi
cine. J. M. Shields was married Anguat 3d
to Miss Mhggie D. Calhoun, daughter of
Dr. and Mrs G. V. Calhoun, of La
Conner, Wash.
The wife and family of Mr. A. J. Bar-
uett, manager of the new "Cheap Cash
Store" of Weston, arrived last week and
will resMe on North Water street.
On Saturday last George B. Dempsey
and Mis Mattie Stockman, both of
Helix, were united in marriage at Pen
dleton, Judge Wm. Murtin otticiating.
Don't fail to buy your El-lorado, Cas
tor, machine oil and other harvest oils
and axte grease of G. A. R. McGrew.
j 21 tf.
The use of Hall's Hair Renewer pro
motes the growth ol the hair, and restor
es its natural color and' beautv, frees
the scalp of daudrulf, tetter, and all im
Frank Kimberly, a well knon young
man ol Walla Walla and a print, r hy
trade, rode from Summerville to Baker
City in one day last week on a bicycle,
a distam:e uf bjxlv miles.
Thowe who are indebted to ihe Leader
for subscription, advertising ami job
printing will please all and settle
there ar- uianv subscribers in arrears
who have been notified, but tail to re
spond. Xv-.
Frank Ellsworth, bar-keeper in Ed
Kel logo's shIooii at Ada ins, was taken to
l'endlelon Saturday niglil by Consta'
ble Keableson a charge of Belling liquor
lo a mixed blood. He wa incarcerated,
pending examination.
Weston is of sutficient importance and
population lo afford a free reading room
and billiard hall for young gents and
ladies. Why not organize a society
club, as in other towns of even less
population than Weston.
Ayer's Augue Cure is the most popular
antidote for malaria. All who are ex
posed to the dangers of misasmatic re
gions should try it. Always ready for
use, and if taker, according to directions,
warranted a su e cure for all malarial
. Born, in Weston . on Saturday morn
ing, August (jr. ,1892, lo the wife of Hugh
Worthinjton, a son. On the part of a
large circle of friends the Leader offers
congratulations to the voting parents
upon the advent of their first-born child.
The phenomenal success of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla started into existence a host
of competitors. This, of course, was to
be expected ; but the effect has been to
demonstrate the supeiior merits of Dr.
Ayer's preparation by constantly in
creasing demand for it.
Elsewhere appears two ordinances.
passed by the city council of Weston on
Wednesday evening. One provides for
the construction and repair of sidewalk-;
the other to restrain young hoodlum
who are in the habit of making night
hideous on certain streets of the city.
Credit is due the council for passing
both ordinances.
Married, in Pendleton, Or., on Sun
day morning, August 7, 1892, John Gag
en to Mrs. Mary Dwyer. The popular
Golden. Rule Hotel of Pendleton has
prospered during the past two years un
der the proprietorship and management
I of Mrs. Dwyer and Mr. Gagen, and both
A complete stock of iresh fami
ly groceries were received at Bar
nett'scash store this morning.
Farm and city properties for sale
by the Weston Real Estate, Loan
& Collection Company. Qliice in
Leadcu building. i ,;
Read the bargains in real estate
offered by the Weston Real Estate,
loan k uoiiectiyn o., on tne sec
ond page of this issue.
Harry Brown, foreman of the
Leadiou composing room, is visiting
relatives in Uoise Citv, where he
will remain two weeks.
.Mrs. G. A. R. MoUrew and chil
dren are enjoying the cool shade
and good water at Saling's camp.
Bob wears a black shirt.
" In the case of George Froome vs.
Milton Swaggart on a change of ven
ue from Athena to Weston precinct,
Justice R.M. Powers has been cited
to appear before the circuit court, on
a writ of mandamus, on Monday
next, and show cause why he chang
ed the case lrom his court in Wes
toL to Milton. It is claimed by
plaintiff that Adams is the nearest
judicial district, to which the case
! should have been moved upon mo
tion of plaintiff. Judge Powers
claims that Milton furnishes the
nearest and most convenient justice
of the peace.
Jessie Gough, aged nine years,
was badlv burned at Dayton on
Sunday afternoon. With several
other children she was playing in
Mr. Bailey's yard when her cloth
ing took fire from a small stove .
She started at once for the house
and Mr?. Bailey threw a piece of
carpet about her, smothering the
blaze, but not until her lower limbs
were badly burned. Incredible as
it may appear she then walked to
her home a distance of several
blocks . She is in Ji serious condi
tion. . . .
I .
Every dav brings new residents
to Weston. More dwellings and
more business houses are among
the pressing necessities.
Ed Saling reports that huckleber
ries are plentilul in the vicinity of
Saling's camp. Huckleberryiug is
a favorite pastime with Ed.
David Peters. a Pendleton veteran
who tvas recently granted a pension
of12 per mouth, has received a
voucher lor $271.20 back pay.
There are nearly 1,000.000 brick
The citizens of Wallula are work
ing hard for the construction of a
canal leading from the Walla
Walla river for the purpose of irri
gation. A party of St. Paul capit
alists have agreed to build a ditch
and have it completed by the first
of June, 1893, in consideration of a
bonus of 1000 acres offered. The
ditch, which it is proposed to con
struct, will water an area of about
11,00C acres of at present almost
worthless land.
The renowned and only original
"Happy Jack" was among the dis
tinguished visitors to Weston on
Wednesday. He was given special
accommodations in the Hotel d'
Weston during the night and ac
companied to the city limits by the
marshal on the following morning,
where he took the road for Athena.
Samples of wheat at the offices of
J. D Israel, agent for Hamilton &
Rourke, and S. F. LaRut, of the
ready for shipment on -he Weston I P C' Elevator Co , s.)ow a general
Brick & Tile Company's yards.
Thirty men are constantly employ
ed. Charley Coker departed for Ritz
ville, Wash., on Wednesday, where
he will attend to the horses belong
ing to Kiilgore, McDougal &
T. F. Rourke, of the well known
gram shipping firm of Hamilton &
Rourke, was a Visitor to Weston
on Weduebday. He reports no
movement in wheat. .
Or, Th u.rRrlny. lft n. ftmy of
campers on Broad street were cau
tioned by Marshal Beers to depart
from the locality for good and suf
ficient reasons. They departed
average of good wheat in the moun
tain district above Weston, but
considerably wilted below town.
Wheat will yieid an average of 25
bushels t.) the acre in this precinct.
It doesn't require an expert to
tell whether a diamond is genuine
or not. With a lead pencil make a
dot on a piece of paper, then look at
it through the diamond. If you see
but one dot the stone is genuine. If
the dot is scattered, or appears more
than one, the stone is bogus.
I parties deemed it for their best interests
to merge into a matrimonial alliance for
70 cents.
h?i l"ng 1 1 I hundred and
oay 8 ner ton
-N'o shipments so
far this week.
He Dou't Drink, Either.
J ' 'l-n Kd teuton is in a
i . r - n.iiu condition. For sev-
Wr,) ift-Von of th? cres.
On Friday evening last the meat mar
ket at Adams was burglarized, one Henry
Ferguson, a well known resident of that
precinct being suspected of the crime.
The amount stolen was two dollais.
i The constable captured Ferguson, who
' was in a drunken condition and admit
ted h:M guilt. He was bound over in
the t-utn of 1200 to appear for hearing
within ten days.
. According to the Athena Republican
ttfe constable of North Pendleton pre
ciiit has a ' iat job." The office is
I worth $3X1 per month, or $3000 per year.
. It is rumored, says thn Republican, that
arramiementt. are soon to be made
among th three jutices of the peace in
Pendleton eo that they will each run
their courts upotj the eight hour shift
plan so that they may- be able to han
dle Mr. KesWe' increasing business.
Died, at Tacoma on
18l'2, Mrs. Eva Robley, formerly of
this county. Mrs. Robley was well
known in this section. The re
mains were taken to Walla Walla
for burial.
Quite a number of inquiries for
dwelling houses have been made at
this office during the week by par
ties who desire to Jocats. Those
who have residence properties tor
sale or to rent will please report.
N. H. Wilson, representing the
Salem Statesman, one ol the bright
est papers published in Oregon,
called at the Leader sanctum to
day. He is on a soliciting tour for
the weekly edition of the Statesman.
J.N. Stone, of Milton, was ii
the city on Thursday, the guest ol
Mr. and Mrs. Neil McEachein.
Newt admits that Weston now
shows more substantial improve
ments than anv other town in the
George Darveau, of Pendleton,
was in the city Wednesday making
preparations to start for the Green
horn mining district,' where a 1U0
foot tunnel will be run in the
Carbonate mine, owned by Darveau,
Richardson, Duprat and Beardsley.
The sad news of the death of
Mrs. John McRae, of Milton,
reached us on Thursday morning.
Heart trouble was the cause. The
many irieuds of the young husband
win sympathize witn nim in tins
misfortune. One child is left to
bear the father company through
Mr. Wm. dimming, of Golden
dale, Wash., was among the callers
at the Leader editorial rooms dur
ing the week. Mr. Cuinming has
accepted a position in the new gen
eral merchandise store of Marston
& Co., Main street, as manager of
the dry goods department, and
will remove his family here.
The new firm of Saling & Co..
proprietors of the Red Front Store,
haye a new announcement on an
other page of this issue. One ot
the largest and most complete
stocks of clothing, dry goods and
groceries ever shipped to the
county is now en route and will be
open to inspection in about ten
davs. This firm means business.
One of the finest monuments ever
J shipped to this section is now being
placed in position over the graves
of Mr. J. J. Roulstone's three de
ceased children in the Weston city
cemetery. Messrs. Niles & Vinson,
the Walla Walla marble cutters,
are the designers and manufactur
ers. It is of American marble with
a granite pedestal and the design is
a fitting tribute to the dear departed.
Mr. E. Abrahamson on Tuesday
jjuieliastrU a new Walter A. Wooil
self-binder from G,jo. W. Prcenstel,
which works like a charm. It is
one of the new style binders with
truck for transport, being as easily
moved as a buggv or hack, without
August 6,' noise or jar.
Frederick Zorn will hang at
Pendleton on Friday next, Provi
dence or Governor Pennoyer not
preventing. A Leader reporter
will be present and obtain full de
tails. Twelve witnesses are allowed
to attend the execution.
An envelope addressed thus was
received at the dead letter office re
cently: Jack Smith, the webfoot scrub.
To whom this letter wants to go,
Is cutting cord wood for his grub
In Boise City, Idaho.
Milton Brown was taken sud
denly ill on Monday while paint
ing the residence oi Joseph Zigman,
and for a time there seemed danger
of serious results. On the following
day, however, he recovered suffici
ently to resume work..
At a regular meeting of Co. B,
Third Regiment, O. N. G., on Sat
urday evening, M. A. Baker was
elected captain to till the vacancy
made by the resignation or J . D.
The Athena Press issued a very
creditable harvest edition of 1500
copies last week. It is mainly de
voted to a description of Athena
and surrounding neighborhood.
F. M. Paulv shook hands with
1 '
The Yield is Better Than Anticipated
. V-Weston j the Banner Preciuct.
The Portland Oregonian of Thursday
reported the first shipment of new wheat
from Eastern preaon this season. This
wheat was grWwn on the G. A. Hartman
farm, jus north of Weston, and was
shipped by Hamilton & Rourke to test
the grade. One car was a fair sample
-r ii- i . u ' l . i - ,
oi iue uesi wnei grown mis season aiiu I .
was grad. d in Portland as "good mer- L ;
chantab:e." The other ctr was a good
sample of fall grain which was badly
injured hy heat and was Dassed to the
lowest gradi in .Portland.
While there is an unusual amount of
this P'orer class of wheat this season,
especially in the vicinity of Downing
station, still the reporter has noticed
samples of good wheat on Agent J. D.
I-rael's desk equal to any wheat grown
last season.
The variety known as the English
Mole has been affected but very little
by heat. Mr. DeGraw exhibits a very
fine 6am pie of it and states that it
threshed out 35 bushels per acre.
T. J. Price has about 40 acres' of this
vanity which averaged 30 bushels per
acre, good quality.
This wheat was introduced into this
county four years ago by Robert Jam e'
sou ana Mr. l'nce and is growing in
favor in the Eastern End. '
Among the larmers in Weston pre
cinct who have grown t this season we
note: Messrs. Baddely & Hartman, yield
30 bushels per acre; G. DeGraw, 35
bushels per acre; Arthur Lansdale,
40 buehe's . per acre;W. A. Whitman,
35 bushels per acre.
The market for new wheat has opened
with a wide range in price. Buyers
offering from 40 to b'i cents per bushel,
the latter price for the very best milling
Farmers are busy harvesting and lit
tle wheat moving. .No sales reported.
Thos. Nicely, of Juniper, states that
18 bushels per acre is the highest aver
age in that district.
Mrs. Rogers' large farm one mile west
of Weston is yielding 30 bushels of
average good wheat per acre,
S. W. Crow's harvesters have been at
work wfth a horse-power machine on
the reservation between Pendleton and
Adams in the fields of J. II. Robbins,
James btipp and Judge fee. The gen
eral average of the locality will be about
25 bushels of fair grain for this .season
There is an enormous quantity of straw-
ana only aoout 1U0U busnels a ciay can
be threshed.
J. B. Kennedy has finished thrcshin
a quarter section at his place near War
ren station, and secured an average
yield of 18 bushels. The grain is of
fair quality for this season, and weighs
oo.t pounds to the bu?liel. Harvesters
are now atworK on another 1;U acre
field from which Mr. Kennedy expects a
a yield ol lioui 22 to 25 bushels. He
thinks the average yield of all his grain,
450 .icies, will be about 20 bushels. So
says the E. O.
The largest yield so far reported from
the Umatilla reservation is that of Mr.
Hungatv; who reports 30 bushels to the
acre, or a total of 35,000 bu.hels.
J. A. Booth, who is in the city, has
finished threshing about 15,000 3acks at
his reservation rauch near Cay use. The
grain is yielding about 25 bushels to the
acre, and most of it i of .No. 1 qualitv.
His neighbors, Alex and Dan Kirk, are
getting some 30 bushels to the acre ol
good grain. One patch of eleven ucres,
'"California Gol len" variety, aveiaged
45 bushels, a remarkably heavy yield for
this season. E. O.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
An Ordinance to restrain'wNt. tin
City of Weston.
The people of the Citv of Weston d.
ordain as follows:
Skc. 1 That it shall not be lawinl
for boys under the age of fifteen years to
tie lound on the streets ot the citv ol
Weston after the honr of eight o'clock in
the aiternoon from the first ct Mav until
the fi.s.t of October and after seven
o'clock in the afternoon from Jfist
of October to the first of Alav.
Sec. 2. It sl-all be the duty of the
citv marshal to arrest a I boys under
the age of fifteen years foun' on the
streets after the hoors of seven and eight
o clock as mentioned in section one oi
his ordinance unless such boy or bov
have been sent rn an errand of recessitv
by their parent or guardian, in which
case the marshal snail allow them a
reasonable time to transact such busi
ness and no longer, prov.d-d howevei,
that if ar.y bov should be totr-d loitering
ou the street or in any manner disturb-
inst the peace or quiet of the city when
on an errand, l.c shall be subject to the
same penalty as other boys.
bF.c. a. Ihe citv mar-hal shall im
mediately after arresting any boy under
the provisions ot this ordinance, take
him to the homn of his parent or guar
dian and demand of such .parent or
guardian a fee of one. do lar and upon
neglect or refusal to pay the same shall
make a complaint to the city recorder,
who shall cause such parent or guardian
to be brought before him and may as
sess a fine of not less than one dollar nor
more than ten dollars and costs or shall be
imprisoned not leS.s than two davs nor
more toan ten davs.
Sec. 4. This ordinance-, shall take ef
fect aud he in force fr.iin and after its
approval by the inavor.
Fashed the Uommon Uouncil this bt
day of January, it'.)2.
Approved bv the mayor this bth day of
January, 1802.
S. S. SilUvLPS, TliiSU. T. DAVIS
Recorder. Mayor.
A . Splendid Book.
i A book that in bound to attract very
great attention and command a large sale
is published under tne attractive title "f
"Conquest and Discovery of the Jiew
World." An idea of the magnificence of -the
plan of this publication mav be ob
tained from thn fact that it contain the
"Life and Vovages .of Columbus," by
Washington Irving, whose name and
fame are dear to every A merican ; he
"Conquest ofMexicoand Pern," by the
areat EnulishiJii:.torian,Dr. Robertson,
the greatest, iving authority on those
subjects, and A Complete History . of
the United 8tKi condensed from the
works of the leading htsto'rVairir'fcfhTir
country, such as Geo. Bancroft, Lossing,
Fiske, McMasters, Blaine, Grant and
Sherman, by R. B. Davenport, the not
ed author. In ad-tition, there is an elo
quentlutroduction lo the work from the
pen of Mu rat Hal stead, the famous
The liook is magnificently illustrated
with four hundred splendid colored .
plates and engravings made express-ly '
for the liook from picturts gathered dur
ing the last three vears by Dr. Rich, of
Oxford University, who gave his entire
time to the task.
Everyone will want this magnificent
record of tiie marvelous events in our
country's history, for it can be safely
said that it is one of the most remaik
able books of modern times.
The well-known publishers, Pacific
Publishing Company, ffan Framisco,
J Cal., want agents' in everv town to sell
" .1 ' 1 1 m. Y" . . ' I 1
tins oook. iney oner uoerai terms ami
in addition give their agents a splendid
opportunity to earn a free trip to the
World's Fair.
Full particulars will be sent on ap
plication. Read their advertisement in
another column. " . ' :
Changed His Mind.
All old residents of Umatilla
county are acquainted with Jacob
brazier, of Pendleton. Recently,
says the East Oregonian, an instru
ment was filed at the clerk's ollh.i
conveying Irorti Jacob Frazier t
Sam P. Sturgis, F. W. Vincent -iiao)
K. G. Thompson, bis stock in the
Pendleton Manufacturing com
pany, his claims and demands
against that company, all claims
that he possessed against David
Brown, Frank Brown, George Buz
an, J. IS. Ray and Zoeth Uouser,
and his interest in a certain tnort
gage for $ 10,000 given him bv the
Farmers Custom Mill Company
and assigned to R. G. Thompsan
some mouths since as collateral
his many old-time Weston friends eeeimtv. The consideration men
on Monday last. His family is at
the Saling camp, above Weston.
The two large furnaces for heat
ing the new brick school house ar
rived on Thursday and are being
placed in p isition.
The Farmers Bank of Weston is
moving into its new and elegant
ttionery, a large variety to select
:'roin, at L. S. Wood, post-office.
Disastrous Record.
It will interest all railroad men
to recall that during the last three
years 0493 of their number have
been killed and 62,570 have been
injured. Great numbers of these
men, al faithful in the discharge of
their duties, many of them having
large families to support, have been
destroyed or maimed because the
congress of the United States does
not insist upon the employment by
the railroads of some uniform, im
proved system of coupling. This
is the terrible record of destruc
tion: Killed, 1888, 2070; 189,
1972; 18902451; total killed, G4U3.
Injured, 1888, 20,18; 1S89, 20,-
028; 1890, 22,394; total injured,
G2,570.y J
Go to G. W. Staggs for handsome baby
buggies. . It.
For bargain! go to Barnett's cash
s'ore. a5-tf
tioned was $50 per month to be
paid during his lifetime. Now
conies Mr. irazier with a notice
which has been served upon the
parties mentioned by his attorneys,
Measure & btuman, alleging that
the instrument was procured
through undue influence practiced
upon Inm while in leeble health.
The notice stales that lie rescinds
the conveyance and declares it to
be of no force! nor effect whatever.
Si'rimon t'aitra.
irV Clifford. New
An Ordinance to provide for the con
struction and repair of sidewalks.
The people of the city of Weston do
ordain as follows:
Sac. 1. The Common Council may or
der ihe construction or repair ol any
sidewalk alter giving ten (10 days liom-e
ol the proposed construction or repairs
to be mane provided tha; no lot or land
owner shall be compelled to constructor
lepnrany sidewalk!:' a remonstraot e
against the proposed improvements sign-
e.l by the owners of two-thirds of the
i nutate along that street on wliu li im
provements are to De made, be tiled with
the recorder within ten (10; days after
notice is first given of the proposed im
bEC. 2. If a petition signed bv the
owners of two-thirds of the lrontiige on
any street be filed with the recorder a.-k-mg
for ihe construction or reuair of :ii,v
srdewa'k the ten (10) days notice of such
improvement shall not be given, but
the necessary coustruetiou or r. oaim
shall he made by the street commission
er and th; exjieuse assessed and collect
ed oil' of the adjoin. ii proueitv unl-ss
ihe property holders shall undertake the
uuikiog of such improvements as speci
fied in the petition within iwentyiour
(24) hours after notice been served
on him or them or the persons occup-
ig tne lauuoriot ny tne street com
Sec. 3. When the construction or re
pair of any sidewalk is to made under
this oidmam e by the str. et commission
er he shall immediately invite proposals
ior maKiug uie same which proposals
hall be optned in the presence of a ma
jority oi ihe street committee and the
contract be awarded to the lowest and
best bidoer. Upon the sealing of the
contract ihe recorder shall assess against
each lot or parcel oi land the contrai l
price ior the improvement n iroiit
ot said lot which assessment shall be
come due Ui.'on the acceptance of the
work by the street, committee and becol
lected by the fctreet to in in ssioner alter
wie m- nner of loliecting other taxen.
f he amount of such assessment shall he
c-o be declared by or linan. e.
fcjiiC. 4. When any property owner or
other persons shall undertake' the repair
or construction of any piece oi sidewalk
witntu the limits prewribed in flection 2
oi this ordinance they shall make such
improvements tinder ll.-e supervision of
toe street committee and shad cotnpl- te
the same in such reasonable time hm the
committee on streets may j.rer-i ibe. The
failure to complete any construction or
repairs within the said re so;ieble time
granted by the committee oo stieets the
street commissioner shall proceed to
complete the work' as provided in section
(2) two of this ordinance.
bEC. 5 All ordinances or parts of
ordinances in conflict . with this ordi
nance are litiieby repealed.
Skc 6. This ordinance shad be in
force irom and after its approval by the
t ; i
l asaeu common council -an i ap
proved by the mayor this 10th day of
AtlgllSl ICi'Z.
S. S5. StlitXDS, TI1EO. T. DAVIS,
Recorder, Mayor.
Ask your Friends.
Who have taken Hood'ff Sarsaparilla
whet they think of it, and the replies
will be positive in its favor. One has
been cured of indigestion and dyspepsia, ,
another finds it . indispensable for sick
headache, others report remarkable
cures of scrofula, salt rheum and other
blood diseases, still others will tell you
that it overcomes "that tired feeling,"
ami so on. Truly, the best advertising
rhtuh "Aood'e 5arsaparllta""reoeiVW" is
the he irty endorsement of the army of
f iends it has won by its positive medi
cinal merit.
Yum! Yum!
The watermelon season is now
upon us and thresher crews aud
mall boys are happy. One of
Weston's citizens who enjoys the
intorioof a big melon thus sums
up his' views: "The plant has a
happy way of its own of sending
its roots down deep into the sand
and extracting from its cavernous
depths thatsuccharine matter which
makes the fruit so delicious to the
palate. And then, alter the rains
jmd the dews have brought abloom,
modest and blushing, to the trail
ing vine, the tierej sun sends a ray
darting like an arrow to pluck the
liower, and in its place soon appears
a bulb, green and ambitious, which,
shortly expands into huge propor
tions and assumes a rich color tan
talizing to the appetite of the nom
adic Senegambian, who will brave
the terws of watch-dog and shot
gun to snatch that melon in the
dark of the moon and hie him to a
trysting place to t rack the brittle
rind and bury his nose and mouth
in the watery meat."
)ysppsaa -
Few people have suffered more severer
from dyspepsia than Mr. E. A. HcHaboa, a
well known grocer ot Stsuntoa, Va. He says:
Before 18T8 i was in excellent health, weigh,
ins over zoo pounds. In Jljjtyear an aliment
developed, kit acute dyspeptfo. and seen I
Intense $
with liheumatiMn
aisonicred. nis lave:
in flexh and strengh
ten cured liim.
Edward Shepherd.
sore on his Ug of eilht taraitandinK.
DOlues OI E.ltK.-tn: i;
Cassel, Wia.j was troubled
Xeuraltria. .-t ina. h w as
i-vas -iffected tn an alarming de
cree, appetite fell a. and he was terrih-r reduce.!
inree buttles ot Electric Bit
tlarrishursr. III., had a ninnin?
r. t.sed Liivm
tera and set en Iicxk uf r.m-lf .
len's Arnica SaK end his leir is sou-id and well.
John Speaker, Catatba, O., hail five larce fever .res
on his Ire. doctors Aid he was inni:at.Te. One b t
ele of KWtric liittis and one bix Bueklen's Arnica
Salve cuVed hiia eoj.lttely. Sold by J. 1 Beeier
druggist. j
rial orgau of thet-Ute Department of Public In
struction. The Jdtrral is a nionlhl. magazine de
oted to ho:ue an scnool edun tion; therefore, it is
iudispensihle to (deters and invaluable to frismls of
education in genefel. Price ijl per annum; five or
m .rc copies, sO cmti eh; aaniuleco y lOoents.
Addre J. B. Upritr. Pr.jprie or, Albany, or
j D27-ly
; ;Jfotiee.
All persons ir''ebted to the old firm of
Saling & Co., either by note or account
will please callat my office at the old
stand and male settlement.
a5-lt- '
Dry Hollow Items.
Harvesting is almost over in the
Dry Hollow neighborhood. The
wheat cron is vm-v li'dit. the b-et
vaa , 1 n- i i ......
UlU iltlli CAWI lUUCl pel
and the quality is very poor gen
erally. -
A number of the farmers are
now busily engaged hauling their
wheat to the Downing switch.
P. M. Kirkland has purchased
the Athena drue store, and is now
busily engajied in moving to that
city. He takes possession Septem
ber 1st.
The Dry Hollow Alliance will
give a grand ball some time in the
near future. October.
!sw Try This.
It wil ost you noihimr and will surely in you
good, if you have a Cough. Co d, or any trouble
it: the Chest Throat or Lop-.k Dr. Kinfr's Mew
Iri&corery for Crtisumption. Co:ichs and Colds is
guaranteed toive relief, orinonav will be r -funded.
Buff ere from I a Grij-ne found H j'jjt the thing atid
under its oe Lad a speedy and perfect recoverv.
Try a cample tiotUeat cor expense and I jars for
Totiraelf just b"w rood a thin? it It. Trial bottle
fre-at J. 4. Borfer'a dru; Ltrje size cents
and 1 00.
was reduced to 1C2 ponuds. Buffering burning .
ensAtions in the atsnucb,
palpitation cf the heart,
nausea, anS Indigestion.
could net e!cp, lost all
heart In my work, had flu of rRcUr.choiia. and
or days at a time I would have welcomed
death. I became morose, cullen and Urltabut,
and for eight years life was a burden. 1 triad
many physicians ajidirianj remedies. One day
a workman employed by tne suggested that
I take g. tf Hood's
532 Suffering b,
la. I did so, and before taking the whole ot
a bottle I began to feel lite a new man. The
terrible pains to which I had been Mbjeetod,
ceased, the palpitation of tbo heart subsided,
my stomach became caster, nausea disap
peared, and uiy entire system
tone up. With returning
strength eame activity of
mind and body. Before
the fifth bottle was taken
I bad regained ray former weight and natural
condition. I am today well and I ascribe it
to taking Hoof's Sarsaparilla. "
H. B. If ) ou oecido to take Hood's Barssv
parilla do not be Induced to buy any other.
Hood's (Sarsaparilla
SoldtrralldroggteU. l"l; talocgS. Prepared (nip
icy c I. boob ti co, Apouwe. sirs, LowalL
IOO Doses On Dollar
8 Years
cnti -m-BEATTV'S Organ at Bar-OUOiOU"-3'1"'-
for particular, cattv
logoe, a-ldregg, Daniel F.
Beatty, Washington, Sew Jersey. . '
nri7Virt In U everywhere. Fon
tiilAl I I'ataloKue, address Daniel F.
Bfatty, Washington, N. 4 .
Take th Lkaif.b fr.r w news.
- i -
i . .
- -