Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, February 04, 1890, Image 3

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    Athena, fer
"""" . -v. ' - -
Brevities. ,';.
Sally Peaslee ia Little Brow Jug - is
Just immense.
Ttr u lata of work ahead lor our
health eemmittee.
. Anew ie reported to be tbree feet deep
mt Waterville, Wash.
n. D. Eam osid a buuaess visit to
T endlotou TuodaT,
ITnela Adam Eathrack ia reported to
be somewhat better.
The attoadsnce at ear Xorroal School
la ateadily increasing.
twin nai., nil
Call oa JIra. Carden of
mp fmlt and wiater hats.
Be are and vi.it tea family"
t the Skating Bink en the 12th.
cZl..Mr..C.Hen. et Athena, for
yar Millinery. All the latest etyles.
tetienary, a large variety to aelect
frVt L. S. -Weed, peat-office.
Ask Tom Andeiaea waat made tUeae
narks ea the back ef hit heads.
A. SJlcGrew is visiting Pert Town-.
Mad aad ether points en the Sound. .
George Darvesu, ef Darveaa A Kine,
feadleton, was ia the city thia week.
Mrs. Cardea ef Athena, . has just re
nii4d a ana stock of Millinery, from
St. Paul. ,
Henry Adams iaferms us that he has
lut hot (aw ef his sheeD during the
Wm, Caae ef Waiteburg, Was.,, ia
laities- Westoa. a guest et Marshal
Marina, in "Little Browa Jug." is al-
wart "b'ilin' an' a b'ilin'. At the Skat
ing Rink, Feb. 12th.
The rotary snow plow came up Friday
urninf and aucceeded ia clearing the
track to Walla Walla.
Hanrv Pinker ton presented himself
;w . flr. .aw watch last week. Ha is
deserving ef such a treat.
Robert Ginn. ene of eur old-time resi-
dsats is up frem his heme ia Gillia
ennty, visiting lrfa pareats.
Tkt nat (ail u mbi out and enjoy a
eeod latsh. Jariua' courting is comical
eaeugh to make a horse laagh.
Westoa has beea the terminus ef the
Soak ana branch ef the Union Pacific
Railway duriag the past week.
A social dance will be eiven at the
tannic kiuk one te ir mai
day night. 8t. Valentin's night.
Dr. I. N. Richardson, dentist, is per
manently located at Athena, and does all
kinds el dentistry at very low rates,
Mrs. Jennie Richardson, of Athena,
fashionable dress maker, has had .even
veara' ezuerience in the art of dress tit
. - ,
A social dance waa given by the young
people of Dry Hollow, Friday night,
Several couples from Westoa participat
ed. One week from to-night The stock-holders
ef the Building and Leaa Association
meet. Let every stock-helder be present.
Frem eoaversatien with maay ef eur
farmers we learn hafc there - will be
mere than an average amount ef gran
sown this season, owing to the fine
pi aspects for a good crop this year. .
The comedy, Little Brown Jog, which
will be rendered by the Weston Drama
tic -Club a week from to morrow night,
at the Skating Eink, promises to be ene
ot the best entertsinmenls ever given ia
Weston. Do not fail to be present.
The proceeds ef the entertainment to
be eiven next Wednesday night, will be
devoted to the purchasing of instruments
for the Weston Cornet Band. Let every
one take an interest and purchase one er
sere tickets, and thus assist in helping
the hoys but.
After dnly considering the matter ef
the locating of the proposed branch of
the asylum in Eastern Oregon, we have
coacluded to not pat anything in the
wsy ef Pendleton securing the same. In
fact, Pendleton is our first choice. We
tsiBk that she needs it. It would be so
liaady and convenient you know.
We have yet te record a buainess fail
ure ia Weston. We hear of assignments
made by business houses in the different
towns of ths county, but Weston's mer
chants " always weather the storm
W noticed an article not long since in
eue of our exchangee, from a neighbor
ing town, stating that but one failure
had occurred in that city, since it was
founded, when we kaow personally, of
at least a half dozen during the past
twelve months.
Another Building and Loan associa
tion has been ergsnized at Peadleton.
Lehman Blum president, W. F. Matleck
Ceme out and see Jariua, "the mealy
mouthed eritter among the gals." Also
Sally Peaalee "the gal that gave Si Slo
cum the mitten."'
The lot in Court House -block, corner
f Court and Cottonwood streets, Pen
dletea, waa seld last week for $7,000.
One oa Main street was seld for a simi
lar sum.
L. M. Simpsoa & Co. ef Adams, deal
ers ia general merchandise, bsvs msde
an assignment. Their liabilities are
abent $ll,000. The Weston flouring
mills are among the creditors.
' The political pet ia beginning te sim
mer. At least thia was the impression
made upon eur minds during our stay at
Pendleton last week. Candidatea are
plentiful in the Weat End.
Why aot have a meeting of the Beard
ot Trade T Ceasideraole business "of vi
tal interest te our city is awaiting the
meeting of the beard, and we believe
that a call aheuld be issued at as early a
date as possible.
The Bret through passenger tram en
the Walla Walla branch via Westoa
since January 11, paaaed up on Saturday
morning. The tead is reported te be
clear along the . entire line and trains
will be run on their usual time.
Water ia the bed of Pine -creek at
Weston, commenced to run Tuesdsy
night. This is the firet water in the
creek aince early last summer. As a
rule the creek cemmencee to flew in
October or November at the latest.
Mr. A. K. and B. T. Jeaee, also Mrs.
WML..- I I n
..ii.ur, cnnarenoi vr. n. Jones are in
vnecuy. xneycameia response te a
telegram informing them of the death of
their beloved parent, arriving in time to
pay their last respects at his grave,
I he funeral of W. R. Janes took place
yeeierosy. The day being very stormy
and the reads ia bad condition, many
w. eeterred from attending the funeral
The decessed was interred ia the Mason
ic cemetery.
The book, and hUnk shares ef stock ef
the Westea Building and Loan Ayocia
tioe having arrived, those who have sub-
the stock af the association
sy recei,. the ..me duly .igned, bv
v-... on secretary ef the asaocitien.
Citixen. who wish to .l.t i building
uTwtc of C- U i8t
b vT.,k," succ...
lor extra
sent away.
We have received frem Hon. Binger
Hermann, ene ef the latest large maps
issued by the Interior departm ent.
is ten er twelve feet square, very hand
semely printed in colors, and very valu
able. It is a map of the United States
as a whole. We are under many ebli
nations te Mr. Bermsnn for his kind
Among the needed improvements, and
one that it ia hoped our common council
will make during the presect year, is the
building of a bridge across Pine creek
on Pemeroy street. Wonder if our coun
ty commissioners will not make an ap
propriation, and thus help eur city eut
A bridge at this point is very much
Wm. Anderson, the Adams merchant
whe vamoosed last summer, leaving hi
creditors to mourn his departure, passed
through Wallula last Thursday, with
band of -horses, en his way to the Stund
Officers are on his trail, and it is quit
probable that he will be brought back
and given an opportunity to square ao
counts or abide by the conssqueness.
In a weighing match at Crofutt & Co.
between Jimraie Lieuallen and several
of eur heaviest weights, Jimraie eut
weighed all the other contestants,
though some of them tipped the beam
225. Jimraie paid the price agreed apon
but declares that be will not weigh th
most next time, and. is new looking out
te catch seme one else so that he can
get even.
A cerraspendent for the East Oregon'
ian at Kamela, states that the snow
the Blue Mountains is less than the av
erage, and owing to the dryness of the
ground aad water courses, that the melt
ing snow will be all absorbed by the
mountain soil. Consequently, he be
lieves that there is no grounds for fears
of high water. Snow at the summit is
only 30 inches deep and very dry.
The grand jury, after investigating the
killing ef A. L. Barry by J. K. Davidson,
ordered the discharge of Davidson.' The
action of the grand jury is an endorse'
meat of the vsrdict of the coroner's jury
and meeta with general approval. We
question if there are any who doubt
that the killing was justifiable, it being
done in self defense.
The branch that courses along Water
strest should be changed at soma poin
in the upper part of the city, so that it
waters will run into Fine creek. Valua
ble property along its banks is disfigured,
besides we believe that it is a souree of
ill-health to families living beside it,
It should bo declared a nuisance aad its
course changed, as suggested.
Reports from our farmers who have
fall sown wheat in the ground, are thai
it is growing fine, and where the snow
has disappeared, the wheat is above
ground an inch or more and looking
well. The snow on the ground since
the commencement ef winter afforded
perfect pretcction to the grain, and in
this vicinity there has been no damage
whatever done thus far, The outlook
far a good crop is most promising.
nigh street is at present impassable
between water and Franklin. Our Street
Commissioner started in te fix the ap
proach to the bridge in a most perraan
ent manner, but before he ceuld finish
the work, the ground froze up and h
was compeuea te abandon it. tve pre
sume that the work will seen be resum
ed new the weather having moderated
and the grennd thawed ent. By the way
i j i i. . , . .
we wvuia uko 10 so inierme by oar
etreet committee why it is that this por
tion of High street is merely an alley in
width, while the rest of the street is full
width, 40 feet.
The amount fif real aad personal prow-
erty assessed in the county aa returned
by the assessor is $5,055.469.. and uolls
11,981, The tax ef 23 mills -as ordered
by the county court apon the above prop
erty ia as follows: StatoifHirpoeee, (t
mills ; school purposes, 5 mills; current
expenses, 10.8 mills; Indigent soldiers
aad sailors, two-tenths of a mill. It
there are no delinquents, the' amounts
collected for the above purposes will be
as fgows: State, $30,344 ; school, $25,
287; current expenses $54,620 ; for indis
gent soldiers and sailors, $1,011. Mak
ing a total of $111,203. .
Times ia Wssten are beginning to
improve, business operations art becem-
a; more extensive, aad money is be-
eetniag mere plentiful. New buildings
are ia eentsiopUtien aad a healthier
sentiment is prevailing among eur
property holders. A. bank, machine
shops, and a perk paekery are smeng
the possibilities. Let the good work
go en, aad let every citizen feel that
he has aa interest in Weston's prosperity.
Jesse Melton while down frem his
Ritzville raata to prove up ea his
timber culture, repeited aaew two feet
deep in that section aad stock in a very
bad eoaditien, maay ef them dying
from the cold and lack of feed,
it being impossible to obtain
feed at aay cost. The thermaaseter
he says, has been as low as 24 degrees
below zero.
il. j . uuo.rtsea el reaaieton, a
painter by trade, died en the 30tk
inst in that city. H is deaib is attri
buted tehu sv-a ir g a tack seme
time last spiing, while engaged in.
canvassing a room. The tai k lodged
his stomach causiag lnfljmmatien
and death.
All persons indebted to the Weston
Flouring Mills, wilt please come forward
aad settle their accounts immediately. -Jambs
W. Tet'sta.
;:- A Car ef Tkulu. r
The relatives of Dallas O'Harra, de
ceased, herewith tender sincere
thaaks to their friendalfor their many
acts ef kindaesa during , their late be
Cera at Tkaaka.
We take this method of expreMiagonr
neartteit tnanka to tee Kind mends aad
aeighborswho so freely offered their
sympathy and assistance ia our Into
bereavement. .Wo can only bone that no
sack trouble will ever come te them and
if it should that they may find friends aa
kind aad thoughtful aa tliey haiebeen to
- Mrs. W. B. Jones.
. Amos and Emma Jenea.
Chas. aad Allie Jones.
Mrs. Hsttie Wilbur.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has beea appelated by William
juarun, juago ox umatllla county, as
Administrator or the partaersaip proper'
ty ef Hartman Pritchard, deceased, late
partner of Ira J. Crofatt, heretofore
transacting buainess at Weston. Oregon,
under the firm name and atyle of Crofatt
& Co. All parties having claims against
the partnership aforesaid, are hereby
required te present them te the under
signed at bis place of business at Weston
Orerea, with proper vouchers, within
six months frem the dale hereof.
S. V. Kaox, Ira J. Cbofutt.
Atty. for Ad'm'r. Administrator,
February 8, 1890.
Bora, to the wife of Jesse Kilgare, ea
i January 23, a sen. Br. Kennedy attend
ing. . .
Born, to the wife ef E. D. Leach, Jan
nary 27, a son, Dr. Kennedy in atten
- 1-
Reserved; 6i?
Westoa, Oregon, Feb. 1, 1890.
Ketiee is hereby givea that the peti
tion aad remonstrance now en file ia the
office ef the School Sapt. af Umatilla
county, Oregon, iv regard to dividing
school district P.O. 47. will be acted ea
Saturday, 1 o'clock p. m., Feb. 8, 1890.
All parties interested are requested to
be present at ray office in Weetea, Or.
Waltkb M. Piaacx,
Couaty School Supt.
- -Also " '
Thorough Bass and Harmony,
Is ready to receive pupils in classes,
or to give private lessens at his music
parlors first doer . sooth ef Main,
Broad street, Weston, Oregon. -
far the Westoa Weekly
jl. xu. nagsaaie, wno operated a
menagerie in vr estea last summer, is ia
town looking up more curios for his eel
leetien which is new en exhibitiea at
Tacema. We presume that he will se
cure the wonderful ealf ef Tom Ander
sea. The peeularities of whieh weald
make a shew by itself.
A. party ef Westoaians, John O.
Moereheuse, Emsley Rideneur, H. B.
Nelsca and F. B. Boyd, took advant
age of the "passenger" that came up
laursday eight, aad paid the eeuaty
seat a visit in which pleasure aad busi- I
ness were combined, returning en Sat
urday morning.
morns wae was bound ever ia
the sum of $500 by the Justice ef Wes
toa preeinct last fill, for aa asssult on
the Rose brothers with a dangerous
weapea was tried ia the circuit court
aad fined $250 er 125. days ia the
couaty jaiL
Rsports from the Big Bend country
are that stockmsa are suffering severe
losses among their stock. Mr. Rob
bins, father ef our county Treasurer, is
reported te have lest his entire band ef
sheep, seme 12,000 head.
Cigars, Notions, Cutlery,
Ira J. Crofutt 56 COa
prench and American Candies,
Cheaper than ercr befo r
-Have just Received-
lnaprove Year Vacant Lais.
During the past season the demand
for houses net shells has beea far
ia excess ef the sueply. We kaow ef
New Orleans Syrup,
Gold Medal Syrup,
Maplo Syrup
and Sorghum.
..... ......
: WashiagtaaiTesrHe
icj viny iuusc uiai is wll iliy- wi-vu tJm Uilji
-U Now Vnar th Km:
at mt
eopies te be
We are pleased with the position the
East Oregonian occupies in relation te
the petty criminal cases that are tried in
eur circuit court, especially those from
the Umatilla reservation. The E. 0
hints that these cases are gotten up by
a "combine,'' fer the money there is in
it fer themselves. We know nothing
about this part of it; but do know that
the expense of prosecuting these petty
cases, is borne by the tax-payers of the
coanty , which does not appear right
; J " .. .
reeiaems oi mis reservation Doing in no
sense, citizens er tax-payers of the conn
ty. The bihs that Umatilla county wil
have to foot for reservation cases tried
during this present court, will be very
largo, several cases having been tried
during this term.
aambsr ef families who desired to
locate with us, who w,re obliged to
itatr remain on their farms, er go to
our neighboring towns, because ef their
lability te procure a saitable dwelliag
in which te reside. With bat few ex
ceptions, tkers is tearcely a house ia
the eity that is rentsd, that is ia a fit
eonditiea fer a family to eceany.
Wherever there is one, we have noticed
that it is always occupied, and at a
fair reatal.
Through the laek of tenantable
nouses rv esien loses yearly qaite a
number of people, whe, in all probabili
ty, would become permanent residents
ef the place. Our wealthy real estate
owners should net be telilni in matters
pertaining te the eity's welfare. The
greatest number of the unimproved
city lots are owned by four er five men,
who ought to be greatly laterestsd ia
cue prosperity et tneir town, aad la
its permanent growth. They are all j
aiea of means. They could , build a
few eomraodiess houses ea their
vacant property aad would net feel
the expense, snd the investment would
prove profitable. If we are interested
ia the growth ef our city, in the pros
perity oi its citizens, let us snow oar
interest in some sack practical maa-
aer. Our citizens, especially those
with means have the reputation of
being fall of local pride aad enterprise.
Opportunities te shew that this re
putation is well deserved will not be
lacking during this year,
Whose Reputation as Caterers i Well aaBOWBe
KITCHEN is under the Management ef ED. TEFFTaa
TEFFT has charge of the DICING ROOM. UVL T. C
iharge ef the BEDS, and they are kept clean. Tea eaa j alwaya
frem Mr. Reid.
Would attempt to gainsay our statement, or dispute eur claims, backed
they are by an overwhelming popular patronage, which proves all we claim.
An1 ,sk for ,nre ml if tho "pre1 e the pudding is in the eatiag," there la no
no ma uim uuubob caterers VI critical customers.
TTe would be pleased to hare year patr)MgC wkdmjva
want achange from CHINESE niSH, which Is m
much the style in Walla Walla. .
o AND o
The Importance of purlfytog the blood
aot be overestimated, for without pore blood
yon cannot enjoy good health.
At this season nearly every one needs a
good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich
the blood, and we ask you to try Hood's
DfMilIar SarsapariHa. It strengthens
f CUUIlai ad builds up the system,
ereates an appetite, and tones the digestion,
while it eradicates disease. The peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation
sf the vegetable remedies used give te
Hood's Sarsaparinapeeul- -- leolf
ior curative powers. Ko 1 w 1 lCH
other medicine has such a record of wonderful
cures. . If you have made up your mind to
bay Hood's Saraaparilla do not be induced to
take any other instead. It is a Peculiar
Medicine, and is worthy your confidence.
Hood's Sarsaparula is sold by all druggists.
Prepared by C. L Hood & Co, Lowell. Haas,
IOO Doses One Dollar
In the PUDDING that please the public palate and ear padding is fall ef the I
vaigMiu piuns in every une ana siyieot goods, iet no
make you suffer, the loss of a bargain, t ou get what you want at loss prices than
W An aea e a e eVak a T ST . H J ii 1 t . . -
" , irjw-Boa i-eee-wnat-you-want-asK-ior-it-aad-we Jl-tell-veii
out-of-style-store. '
snnfacturers of the
Threshers, Headerf , Mowers and all kinds of Fam Machinery, Kepaired at
aso nable Rates. CasUngs'made to order of any desirable pattera.
asI.Tk f 1 uTIvi-t! nAT... ... L
ii cut meat mm.
v atwk fc l'.,s WESTON, OB
i x'Xa'sr
All orders PROMPTLY FILLED. 12111. located 15
East of Weston on the old toll road. " v ' '