Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, February 04, 1890, Image 1

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"I S9o.j
NO 5.
Waston Weekly Leader
l.i, sVtJLeMX ESUr bk1 Kll after.
at Cellar aad a half par year, laNedTanee.
W Kr.it.im to r" '""''
Etf&HltAW'. KiaKPaTKCCKS.0 .
eae-afewhinoete f WOOD,, W. M.
- TTr vTl 71 A II.
mm Z's&2. vwti brot1:1"
r "Tt w B1ITIT
oatervlale La(ge llret-ry.
DOI.PH ' LOrKJR SO. M, A. F. fc A. M.
Muete on the drat and third gaturdaye
4 each month at 7 e'cloak p. m.
I. (K.O. F. MocU ovary Fri-
D, w. JAIVVIS, H . O. ,OHA8. C I.EVE, 8oc. .
" Htlfan tudxe Btrrctory..
SP!lM!i.ton loI'or so. ei ic o r
VvSS Mi-eianvcrv H.itnrda? craninc at O.M
ivilows' Hull, Mllt.ni, Or.
ma lieni-r of Dh )
r Waaiilngten Tnrty. f
Notarj Publio.
Attorney at Law
WtKlnn, Oregon.
mm Main St., near Broad. , .
Ileeidenes on Water tre
7! 1). Mcl.AUGHUX,
Will practice in all the courta.
:yrr r. ItL'TCllEll.
. (Yntcrvtllr, r'iion.
. I, I. . , 'I, I. . 'I ." . L I I... 1.1
for Infahtj
end Children.
"OaatoHs is sa wen adapted to cfaBdien that I Casterfa enres Col'e. Constipation, '
I recommend it aa auperior to any proscription I ?tomaii, Diarrtnea, i-"o.
111 Bo. Cxord St, Brooiiljra, N. Y. ( "WitEout injuricrjs medication.
The CsanciCR Cojspajit, 77 Marray Street, N. T.
Via. W Vii
w prwMaa- In all the caurta of Oreon and
,.aa.iito Trritory.
jSTOalloatlMii p'om,.tly atteniad to. .
. naTUtl, Arrsoii.
I,EI blanka of all kinds tor snla.
') at PuatoIHre. 10-2!
Raaaaal, 5, an. 4, i Tliamjwon -Flack
kailllinr, apaita taa Con it Ranaa.
rntVToii. oKttox.
Physician snd Eurgccn.
OfEeo n-xt lor t. Holmes' Jr.g slore.
Rcaidoitct, Ko. HO I'.itcli street, corner
f Firat. 1lfplii. No. 84.
Walla Walla, W. T.
at IiA.r,":-.:
raiiflMiTOK, - eRr;oix.
Le.-ul baoiaew af ail Htfi attended to with
ritaK. PMlwti'.ns a apfcialtv. thia on
1 haajpMia Strtat, ai pnhiie !.thud,vt Cimieh.
Pfcysieiah and Surgeon.
4 Wiiata aad rjUdren a Specialty
Orntm nt rcnialenea on Wattsr St.
Wiwrot, Or.
Vitalize the system,' and arrest the ravages, f the dreadful
alcohol hui;t, IHpsoniaj'Ia. For sale by ai! druggists
and wine merchants.
Sole Ageiits for Norihwestera Ceast. 5 ...
1 M P 11 it
r-Kl?i:'s ink.
Little drops of pi-inter's ink,
A little typa "dUplayed,"
Mako onr merchant besias ,' .
Anil all their big parade.
LittIaUits of Btintinegs,
. Discarding; printer's ink, ' -Eustn
"the man cf business,
And f s bis credit sink. T
The Adventures of Two Pros
pectors and TSircc Jackasses
ia Aiorth-eastern Mashington
and British Columbia in
Search of t!old and Stealth. '
fTb fe??"
Hasjast arrived, and for COMPLETE?? ESS' and Oil's A. PNEr.S.it
liht r.y wharo "'UMATILLA COUNTY.
"Rtstt nnnrn Pi
U!I IjUUU&5 blUill
' i 3 V d
i n it
si sis ?, .
.r , M
0 Ist.p
iX ii U' V '
ft. M. STlLaS
Oillco at Ibe City Drug Store.
All Mill promptly atUudiid ta day r ni;)it.
Is eonipleta in every detail an! at n.rveloasly low jiiioss. We also en-ry a
all linn of Tobaccobs, Cigars and Ci'oukery, Glasswase, Etc.
f -pz&r "TT-CT" vs.
IS lri B
S! 1 8 ft
rr.i a w r; sr. s i
i I I -TTT
& VIsGEm P.o'
Office over Pnly's Store. All calls
will receive premjit attention.
OaJlaaaawarad any tiiaa d.iy or nljht.
Mala a:ract, W?ton, Oragoa.
harlaa anil IlnlrDreMnsc In the Higheal
tylaariha Taa.orlnl Art.
wxix. -wi3cs:xra'ES03!r,
irs ar.A.isxi, field glasses, aH
rCJ , GOODS i,i G EX ERA L. ,
AUWBllk tt lKK.tJTro.
PKKai.ama, Oxsooa
f iir imrui a
irni Tr 1 ' mt
Mltl thf ttrvt i..kt.u... .i
I AVnil iLtlal O I.
aaraMat fa 11.1 Trt IHTAt I-
p't gualiir wrvaicbi V
ilai-J.-.TE V.""'"- uwt'alcafor
a.V? ,0',1 arnalu. ai tide. Tl.cv am nnn.
a im. a,MrH niuldauwi.f i atriit ni.;i V.L
il? ennnnt aupply y.m, an r.!er sent toad
tTi'i"'" "r"' Prompt attmt. n oUSria
aatakarna anil prlc-auoon aiplleatUair
rluaaeld, Mooja.
i Ml
i ifiT HV V 1 JS,. V , -I a. ?
Ei0ici-S'i3GH8 s
34 K.-'ii !1 ' t 'vli I h-jf-
, j I ! I UaaJ rHVS
Oh "Trs irrn3 a"! rT" I
i' r i;ri in: r-vi-A I ill ii
Pi-opriwtor of the
Pfist-Offina I
In!S!, S?.iat,
From a Diary kept by Ceorge Rlrtenour,
nz.a Killted by aa a!.i t'errrspendeat or
tlc Leader.
(Centiauad frcm last week.)
From '-ThousaBd aero lake" ' we
ecentlkl the leng hill ts tke Mathew
rivsr. We found a rushing, roaring
itreatn, from forty te aixky yards wide,
a narrow valley eovtred by a 8len
d id growth ef balm, alder, and birch
timber and hemmed ia on each side by
Ufty, rujfged mountains. Whe rever
the rivar bottom ig not brush-grown, I
the grass reached almost over the backs
of eur )iUl burros. This grass is of
the finest quality, resembling in ap
pearance, Kentucky blue-grass, and
weuld yield hay in abundance if mjwn
fr that purpese. It el 833 net require
ths experience of a residence in that
locality however, te assure ene that the
winters are long, aad that the snow
falls to a great depth, as evidence ef
this fact is apparent all areutid us; but
for summer rauge, these Methew moun
tains caanet he surpassed by any re
gicn in the world.
We begin to experisnee that fever f
expectancy that comas over the prospec
tor when he finds himself in a locality
containing evidences ef the existence of
preeieas tuaUls. Our practiced eyes
had already begun t observe these in
dications in the formation ef the eoun
try -in which we had arrived, and in
the flout (jaartz that formed a peition
of the Methow's pebbly bettem. These
pai tides af the broken ledges had e
ceurse bean tried by the ferce of the
mountain torrents from miles and miles
up lis river, and perhaps were not
gekt bearing, ceuld we trace them to
their tartin-p1.i3o,-bat- we'Tsnew tkit
although all quartz does net bear geld,
all gf.ld was fou.i A in quartz, and hailed
its pi'a-sense, the.ugh barren, as aa indi
cation that we were in a gald country.
lij excellent partner although i
first rate hunter, cared but little ' fer
that cla;s ef spert except as a means t
supply eur larder, but he was passions
ately foal of fishing, and during eur
lsng jeurasy through this angler's, as
well as hunter's paradise, never
missed an opportunity te cata line in
the brooks and rivers that we passed
As soon as we had arranged our camj
for tbs day, and having several hears at
his disposal, he prepared his rod and
! line, and was scon fishing in the rear
j ing Methew. After finishing my after
' dinner sraske, I strolled dawn the river
in the opposite direction te the one ha
j had taken. Observing a fish trap an
cneraa near ens Dante el the ttrerm
procured a plo and proceeded te make
! seme investigatir:s-just ta see whether
. or nt an Liclian knew how to set
1 A. 1 T I
trap lor sainisn. .i ne . Indian Knew
the trick right well, fer J. found that
the trap contained three fine salmon.
Now, I deliberated fer seme tiusc
ranch longer time than it took me
commit the deed whether I should
make public the at I ecminitted en
! tlut
occasion, or keey ?t to myself.
&!ass, etc.. e
J i - ' i i i i l
. -;i i L3L' j n
Finest WilSi4. and Liij;i
'OiiUtV constmtlv on hand.
v, i - - " - c
The best
H. W, Rschardson.
JCE COLD DEERal wapson draught
; S;i!!ice it tt Bay that when I returned
to camp in the evening, I had fish and
Bill had none; and I presume that
wash never knew f bis less. 4
The following morning we proceeded
np the river a few nilss, and the trail
limbing the side of the mountain, we
follewed it until we arrived at a curi
ously formed little vnlley, out ef which
poured a bsaatifsl cascade dewn the
steep mountain sida. The spot where
we camped fer the night ceaid hardly
fee cal'.sd a valley. It looked for all
the world like a gigantic pet, the place
where we had e itared it, appearing as
a great fraeture ia its side. We named
it, at Hill's snggostien, "Tke Devil's
stew pot." The bottom ard surround
ing sides were devoid et timber, and
the red'top grass waved like a splendid
meadow around ns.
Descending a leng hill, we ence mere
traverse the valley of the Methew.
We have not yet arrived at the set
tied portion of this vailey, and although
r.c have been assured tht we are te
pass through such a locality, we wan
der that it is possible. : Hew any sane,
reasonable person can thus isolate kin
self front the rest of huosanity, and lire
eententadiy so, is strange indeed te ns.
And yet there are more than a , hun
dred excellent people, beta sana and
reasonable, who inhabit this beautiful
valley, many of them consisting ef
women and children, whe have ne in
gress or egress frem its mountain-looked
recesses, exeept by the narrow and'
difficult trail ever which we had just
. I will net seen ferret one of the
Methew homes we passed seme week
subsequent te the time e which I an '
new writiag. We had been en t - if
our mountain jaunts, and deoending m
to the valley ef the Methow at a point
farup the stream, we came to a settler'
cabin that stoed near . the trail. ,. A.
small "truck patch," er garden, lay
back of the rudely constructed leg house
and although the first ef July, the
growth ef the vegetables was net far
ther advanced than in April in the
Umatilla country. His snail field ef
wheat and joats, were just peeping out
f the ground, but both the crop ef
grain and vegetables loeked rank aad
thrifty, and the proprietor informed us
that he was certain te harvest anabun-
ut crep. He told us surprising
stories regarding the extreme fertility
f the soil ef the valley, but deprecated
the leng and dreary winters that they
were obliged te endure.
As soon as we drove np to the house
a young and pretty weman, with twe
small children hanging te her skirts,
tame to the doer, and steed listetiing
with long peat-up feminine curiosity, to
the cenversatien between her husband
and ourselves. The little ones peeped
f rem behind her like scared rabbits, and
in my heart I pitied them and their
pear, cast away msther. I thought of
the longings that must fill her heart,
for the sight ef friends, the church go
ings, sabbath schools, and ether con
comitants ef civilization that make
life endurable, and then and there, re
solved t warn my unmarried lady
friends of the danger that lies in mar
rying a man with a "going west" dis-
pesitien. Such adviee may injure my
chancea among the dear girls, but the
the possibility that some peer female
friend may,, through lack f . wiu-i.g
adviee, be inveigled inte seme such
prison as the Methew ' valley, nerves
me to do my duty.
But such isolation has its advan
tages as well as deprivatiens.
This locality at least, is healthy and
the soil is fertile. Gams is abundant,
the pretty stream that meanders
through it, abounds with fish, aad the
scenery upea all sides is the grandest
f Gad's great handiwork. Here a man
may live a life of purity, unlempted by
the vices that surround him in the
crowded communities ef the world.
There is bat tma narrow passage where
by the serpent that is poisoning innum
erable millions, ean enter this sylvan
abode, and with due precautien, the
denizens ef this beautiful retreat may
prevent his adrefit ia their Garden
of Eden.
I am somewhat imbued with social
istic ideas, and frequently found my
self contemplating this as a most fa
vored spot for the establishment f a
community upon seme ideal plan, that
weuld demonstrate the possibility ef
humanity existing without murder,
rapine, and a million ether 'forms of
cruelty being considered necessary and
unavoidable concomitants of civili
zation. Here, with the barrier
that nature has thrown areand
this valley, the ifi&fkard might find
safety frem the cruel fiend that spreads
innumerable snares fer his weak soul,
wherever else he might stray. Here
he whs had found himself incapable ef
battling with the greedy millions for a
subsists nee, might find a haven, wberw
he has only the forces of benirictnt na
ture to contend with.
.There are thousands sueh among the
striving mass of humanity. Men who
are all their lifetime subjeet te the
thralling bondage f poverty, through
weaknesses superinduced by the ne
blest traits f character incidect'to hu
man nature. Hew eftea do we 'give
utterance d this thought when we
rem.irk ef oar frisnds that "he is too
generous fer his own good. He has not
!.- ...U t i - , .
ii. Liuuibj j.r money-mazing, ins
charitable dispesiti?n precludes it."
Ur, be jacks cunning" a raot despic
able trait of chaiac!T: "and cannot
man wealth," etc.
out use these who oppose my epin
loas upon these subjeet, I sometimes
.ear that sueh plans for tha eradica
tien of evil from the world, are fatile,
and no barrur iied by nature, "will
protect peer weak met talitr ' from tha
the we produced by it. ' VYeD, well !
perhaps ia the beyond, when we have
passed from among this strurrlinz,
. Becoming discouraged at the slight
prospect , found' ' tha far,
eentladod to pu sh ort oer way into the
lofty range near tb,erc of the Hat
how. ; The we-tberf aj delightful aaJ
a was oar cuatem w traveled by
ea-sy stages, eampmg wnerever we roin
mercenary, heartless mtss tf Humanity, 'MtTni,,li rtf r ."..
t. . ' l i ; ii -ii I wheaever the panrs ef- hunger visiter!
y mi m"hi, more, win I i i jL iI:i i
, , . , t . ' I us which )cerred aa ho;t IntervaU
on a earricaciq raisea aout us. higher w
and more impenetrable than the rock- J We "panned s indutt' ieiicly U
ribbed mountains " that serreund the a'e"g- teh the' "Methew' and Twut riT
Vtr.,!.... -oil . -a i. I era, ana were almost tnrariahlr rewnrel
-' " - w " . ii ... tiv. auu .viiaw I .
cannot scale. So mete it be; amen. '
We had been informed that we were"
ia the vicinity ef a small trading estab
lishment, but from some oa use we failed
te- find it Whether we had not yet
readied it, or passed it without ebsrv
ing it, I am unable to say. :
Continuing eur way up the valley en
the west side ef the Methew, we ar
rived at the month ef a large stream,
d by a "color," but thus fir we Lad
net found sufficient indication, to justi'
fy us in invest'gatingfuither. .. -
we bad new reached a point about
ixty or seventy mile from the mouth -f
tiia Twist. We made our last eamp
en this river, .. certcleding to remain
until we made arrangement for what
we knew weaid bo a lee and toilsome
march," and began the 'preparation by
killing a fat rieer; ia jfkin tbe ealir
pertionafof) tha e)arnear lent the high al
titude Jbroujh wbieh we would' bo
called by the settlers, Twist river. 'It obliged te travel, would lead u out fer
flews inte the Methow from a north- I the range ef game.
wastei-lT dirortian uil w.ta " The process ef jerking meat is ipl
f,o4. j . - .,, . . , , and generally known: but for fear m
that made it impessible fer us to fe. d 4 j e . J j . , .
r . tenderfoot may road this and net un-
aaa we were therefore oblitred te I ...-) .i a i t :n
I ueio banu VIIO I11VUU "UfUellUl. A. WV HI W Jk.
turn eur course and fellow this stream plain that the flesh is cut inte thin
...... i .... . . t
until we found a place sufficiently shal " nd after being lightly salted, ia
lew t ford ear animals. strong upon email .tielt and upna-
ie , , , , i eu over a heap ct teals. 1t thu mean
li wenaa naa a oimcuit trail te ifc i pa.rtW ceekod atnd tkoroueklv driocl.
travel up the Methew, the ene we new preserving is for any length of time do
enconutered was thrice difficult. All ired. If there is any food more palat-
day we followed a narrow deer trail bl. u a j"F7 proptel.r than jerked
, , , . , ., , , venisen, I have it yet to had.
aiong me oancs ei ine river, tareugn a Th w.--. i .... d...rtlir.
dense, brushy vindergrowth, and ever frem thi camp, Bill ooneluded to make
(tony points that mad us tiemble lest survey of oar probable route, aad
eur animals should lose their footing 'f caaJP fer thit Ppoee. JReturamg
j . ; it.i.j ; . 1 after avfeer hour, ho informed me that
-viin t . he ha made a tranga i and startling
'"n WI"U"- , "U1 iu i8 r.Spoci discovery a ahort distancc.up the river.
came very nearly being realized in one
instance. Peer Meehe whe was mere
heedless that, his companions, stumbled
and fell dawn a steep bank and rolled
end ever end te the bottom.' Fortun
ately fer him and ourselves, his fall
was checked befere reaching the river,
and our anxiety was changed te hearty
irle had keen pushing hi - war
through the thick' underbrush, and.
coming out in an open -spot near the
river bank, he saw evidences to con
vince him that white men . had been
there befere him. Some trees had
been Yelled ia the grove, and toing
nearer, he discovered the foundation
of a house, several legs "having been
iaiA n. V ,.. J 1 L ....
. . , , . , . j up. r - ii p inhuiiiia iws.vb.1 w uivio
laughter, wn.n we saw him regain h.jf(jll JnretieaU . lai, m:,teriou, fiad.
iee ana piace in ine sram, wna oniy a Besides the discoveries made by my
lew slight scratches trom his unleitun- partner, we found a platform fer wbtp-
ato tumble. ' ' "1 sawing lumber, i. leg lyiaj. oMev ifc
nu . . ii .1.- wltb.a P10'- Pa"'T woJfo
v,..,.-s pv.u. ,u . ii. ue kandsDikes standing aboub if tker-
appeared shallow enough te allow us to had just been abandoned,! and Bear the
eres. wo struck cams and . srtent the I eabm was a rude table set for six men.
r ---- r i ..... , . ..... ;
evening in futile attempts to fell a log a Keu'e Ospnaea ever where nro
fr.m L.nV t i'.ir ; ka bn tindled, e.nd other evidenee
. Viltv W I r.AaooWioon.rk.)i a -s-. a.AM La. al
I w wvu v a nv. w m sysau j oa pea, a vv vi ratvu uete
we been at this snot some five or six Tear
feared the risk ef loavius it packed oa nrevious. makin? nrenarations fer rain.
our animals. "The T next marning we laS- ttna ia'df "Pastil jr--ai1onod kbo
succeeded in accomolishing this feat, project; probably frightened away by
j , . , Indians; or: perhaps their kletona
and after canvnvina- am- rrn.fl. am ' . 1 r . .
- - ' i even now, iay: acasterea ;M ine near
we swam the animals; but in deing so, vieiuity of their former! -camp. No
came aer losing my horse, Billy, who I doubt old Meses er seme of his brave
stumbled and fell while in the middle could clear up the mystery;
ef the rapid stream. ; . . (To be continued,)
catunaa wits eur ettort, weeneama
ed upon the bank of the river opposite ln tl.i8cussion t .tin Iab,or question
, , ,. , , there apuears to be a gaed deal of mis
our former eamp, and after we had . . , ..
' irtnnortlAn oa f A (hA lntl laa. naanMiaaaitai
broken our fast en slight meal cen- f th- vari6ng pDrsllitB and .!4WCUpllUoll8
sistmg or semo tweaty or . mere, fried iB which the American people aro
trout, with side dishes ef boiled peta- gaged. According to the census of 188
toss etc.. I teak my gun and climbing hd th8n toUl popula;vioa of 60,
roo,f3.3. ji mis nuinuer? oniy ii,ovz,
000 people of both sexes and all area vara
sigii t lat I eBsraffad'in painful occiinatienn in varr
we had at last arrived in the game Uina o trade, -hueinesa. nrofession or
eeuary we had heard so much about. 1 pursuit. Of-this . grand . total people
I had net gene a half mile frem camp I generally talk as if the manufacturing
when a band of black-tail deer iumned ,,d mechanical tnduajriea employe the
the mountain fer a hhert distance,
found frem the abundant'
from a small clamp ci fir trees a few
rods from where I stood, and bounding
across a lettle canyon, stepped and
gazed back at m. - Selecting the
plumpest ef the let, I sent a ball
through its bedy. Curieu as it- may
seem, the animal ran; a distant, ef
fifty yards befere it fell, although
pierced through the heart by a forty
five calibre Winchester ball. It was a
fine fat buck, and weuld have weighed
when dressed, ene hundred pounds.
While returning to eamp for old Jum
bo te carry my meat in, I saw twenty
er mere deer, and couTSh-have leaded
the train had I desired, hut on deer
was sufficient for eur neeessitieij and
to have slaia more weuld have been
murder. The experience ef that dav
was repeated hundreds ef times during
the cummer. Had there been necessity
fer it, T feel sure that I could have
deer in
As it was, we killed only sufficient to
aupply ns in feed, which, by the way,
oig te eur inordinate appetites, was
quite a dubiW. During this season
deer are extremely fat, and owing to
the faet that they aro seldom hunted
they fall an easy prcr' t the hunts
1 presume there wa net an hour
during the several days that we were
traveling along the banks ef the Tuist
river that I could net have shot a deer
had it been necessary. They bounded
away upon every side, and would fro
quently step while still in gnas-het, and
craze in wonderment at eur little eaval
Cftds. "Verily this it a' paradise of
largest number of hands.,,. This however
was not so. Agriculture employed 7,
670,000 people 4,070,000 were employed
in professional and personal service, -and
nly 3,836,00 'were" engaged in
manufactures, mechanics ' arid mining,
and the remaining 1,810,000 were em
ployed , in trade nd , transportation.
The fact . that people employed in
manufacturing and mechanical pursuit
are chiefly massed in our cities, and aro
combined in trade unions, and agitata a
great deal ia behalf of their own inter
ests leads to prevalent mistake that
they form - the largest division in the
grand army ef labor.'
killed merrttaa a thousand
these muntiins durincr our
. A cave has been discovered in Doug
las county Oregon, near Otk Grovo
station. The Plaiadealer says "it pre
sents evidence ef having been used as a)
place of worship by an extinct race.
: . TV? . '
j . ; - . t-trt? j
Absolutely Pure
lfaUpowdiT ncTcr m, A mantH cf twity
renjftn nd wholcsor.ien. jua. llort econoc3:ci tmvj
her rdinarT kiitiiif. ftriil ear.not cia nwjitk
&!o with the roulttUid $rf lav tvst v ni-ort '
t! Ulfl rsr pho5nh vt fx.wrffr w. tlT ;
atOTAj.B,iittroitCo. K$Wttttx X. Y.