ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE ' w --ssr J J 1 ri'iir i I in li mw r r i ; i I , ., t ml r . -i ri i 1 1 i 'i ' ' ' " '"" ,1 - . ft Marage. W. Ill h.n.ll. and lr t anv f i the pledge anil join the society, Mao oarcuntrr lvatorg witnout chars ; T. . , : ... i.or, in ..Ki.w nc. (sheepishly) It a hard t. deny Anally ha told to as. All wbaat anstoro will ba iaaarad for aecannt af wnr np to J Ja. lat, 1890 for ana cent per buahal. Ia tba vent of parties others than our nIh baying the wheat we will charge nlr customary rate, tttikh In 5G :ts. per Un for rrceiTinr, weighing,; and loading oa car and 25ot, per tea fo toragt) aiitil Jan. 1st, 1800 and insur aaco'. - - - Pacific Coast Elevator Co PQ17D Absolutely Pure Thlt powder never varies. A marvel of purity tvenirth and wholeeoinenesM. Mora er'inoniicai tha ardinary kinds, and cannot ha Hold in compoti. Man with the multitude of low text short weiuh I am or phosphite powders. Sold only in cans, karat. BUajx F.viiiia Co.. 106 Wall tr.: N. V Advice la Mel hers. Mrs. Window's Sootbin? Syrnp, for children teething, is the prescription of one t)f the best female nurses and physi eiana io the United States and has be nte4 for forty years with never-failing iccesa by millions of mothers for theii children. During the process of teeth C ib value is incalculable. It relieves Iho child from pain, cures dysentery and diarrhea griping in the bowels, and wind-colic. By giving health to the child it rests the mother. Triers 25c. per bottle. AJl persons knowing themselves in debted to Geo. N. Reynolds, must cn11 and settle either by cash or note, on or before November 25th, 1889, and save tests. I saean business, and will stand Be foolishness. A. A. Walker, Marshall House. The Crave tlcta Tired Yawning. feemingly, for certain wretched invalids who toddle feebly aleng, tlioush always looking as if they were going to die, but omitting to do it. They dry up, wither, dwiadle away finally, but in the mean time never having robust health, know wetting of the physical enjoyment, the xtit ( that existence to which they cling with such remarkable tenacity, they are always to be found tiyhi? lo mend by tinkering at themselves with some trashy remedy, 'tonic or "pick me lip" to give a fillip to indigestion, or "help the liver."" If such misguided folks would resort and adhere to lies tetter's Stem-ch Bitters it wou'd be well with them. This superb invigor ant supplies the stamina that the feeble require, by permanently reinforcing di gestion and assimilation. It over comes nervousness, Insomnia, malaria, kidney cemplaints, biliousness, constipation, rheumatism and neuralgia. THE LATEST OCT. X Daily Through Car Service has leen established by the Chicago. Unien Pacific & North-Western Line between Pertlund and Chitage via Ceuacil B'ufTi, thus offering to the pohlio facilities not given by any other line. "The Limited Fast Mail ' which run daily between the abeve paints, carries the Overland Font Mail, a limi ted number ef first-class passengers without extra charge, and is composed f Pullman Vestibuled Sleepers and Pullman Dining Can, Portland to Chi cage vU Council Bluffs This is another indication that the Unieu Pucilie is desirous of meeting the requirements of the people. For information in regard to this and ether train on this line, apply te B. F. Jones Agent O, R. & N. Co. Wogton. OK to A. L. Maxwell, o. p. and t. a. Portland, Or. All About fiTtUjink. . This is the title of a SC-page pamphlet ( information containing answers to al! the questions an inquirer would be likely to ask about systems, books, instruction, salaries, of stenographers, how to secure positions, etc., etc. It will show what young - men have done at home, on farms, and in workshops; how from the linmblest beginnings the highest suc cess has been reached by learning this . art at piece-meal study, and while pur cuing ether ccupations. The success f stenographers as compared with the access of young men in any- ether vocation in life, will be seen to be marvelous and encouraging. The author of this tystem was himself a farmer's boy and learned the art while following Hie plow. The information he gives 1) this pamphlet will be of interest and value to every young man (ar young woman either) who must earn their own living. The pamphlet ia mailed free to anyone writing for it and men tioning jhe paper in which this article appears. Address D. L. SCOTT-BROWNE, 231 West 14th St.. New-York, K. Y. P. C, CAMPBELL, "'Office over First National Bank Pendle ton. The best artificial teeth, f 10. Geld or silver tilling, positively wit-jout pain, for . Irregular twin straightened. Especial attention Riven to- the care of children's teeth. All work guartintced. Eighteen years' experience. It will cost von nothine for consultation. Will visit Weston tl Hr5t of rest month --i :i 1 t.. iL': no r-f: XSL IVUIM A.. bn what do MM U ; f&)k r 3 aV k tala4 V Wa . 9 a sasttm j Hivtaauiw fallals rieni d.ud no a, aaubiict.-, after all I've said, I hope you'll take you, father, but I'm with, your rever- ence, and v I can't come in inesfclf. bevrot ra, I'll find a substitute, and nobody can Kay any fairer than that. Lowell Citizen. A trw IHscaverr. You have heard your friends" and neighbors talkine afeaut it You may yonrnelf be one of the many who know from personal experienced jutt how good a thing it 19. If you lmve ever tried it, yon are one of its stam-h friends, becan-e the wonderful thing about it is, that when once giveti a trial, Dr. Kins'." New DiHcovery ever after holds' a plai-e in the house. If yrm have never need it and should be afllicted With coti;.'!), cold or any Throat, Lung or Cheat trou ble secure a bottle at once, and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time or money refunded. Trial Bottl3 Free at J, J. Beeler's Drugstore. Burklcu Arnica Salve. The best Salve in tne world fo Cruises, Soies. Ulcers, Salt Fever Suies. Tetter, Chained iicuri , hands, Chi'blains, Corns and ail Skin Eruptions rni'i pos:ively cures Pilot, or no imy re quuea. it is ,u 'iani.wo. le j;iv.? jiei- lect satisfaction or iuosii y ieiun.iri Price 25 cents per box. For Bale bv J. J. Heeler. ah persons Knowing themselves id fltiea to uie unnenujnieu, win plense call at ft. V. Proebslel's hardware titer and settle, and thus uve costs. F. M. Paui-t. The first Step. Perhaps you a-e ina rlon can't eat can't sleep, can t tlmik, can't no any thing te your satisfaction, and you won der what ails you. You should iised the warning, you are taking the first step inte Nervous Prestratien. You need a Nerve Tonic and in E!ctric Bitters yon will find the exact remedy for restoring vour nervous svstem to its normal, healthy, condition. , Surpris ing results folluw the use . of Isiis gifcat Nerve Touic and Alterative. Yeur appctito return, goad digestion is re. stored, and the Liver and Kidneys re. sume healthy action. Try a botile. Price 50c. at J, J. itee'er's Drug Store. . v Hi ram Lester, now an inmate of the ponrhonsa at McDouough. Ga., is thought to be the oids. man in the world. He is one hundred and twenty years old. Colonel Sloan of MuDonaugli, who is over eighty years age says when lie was a boy .Luster was an old man. Lesters teeth are perfectly sound and his eve-sights and heariag are good. His skin is wrinkled and as hard as parchment. lie eats and sleeps well, and says he has given up all idea of ever dying. He remembers all absut the Revolutionaiy War and knew George Washington. What Is Meant by A Permanent Cure." Hundreds Renew Like This: First Statement. Liverpool, Pa., Feb. 23, 1882. Mb. J. E. BonsalL, (Clerk of Courts, Perry Co., Pa.,) certi fies: "lam 48. At 15 was prostrated with Inflammatory rheum atism. "I a 1866, had another violent at tack; got about again, but was never irt-e from pain. Winter '80 and 81 could not walk. "Morphine was pre scribed to give me rest. Used St. Jacobs Oil by advice. 1 used "After two yean have fblt no rheuma tism. I am cured per manantly after &i years suffering." Second Statement. April 28, 1888. Mr. J. E. Bonai,l writes: "Five years ago I used St. Jacobs. It effected an entire, permaneut cure. No return of pain." Third Statement. April 21, 1888. Mb. J. E. B0K8AL1 writes: "My health continues good. No return of rheuma tism since 18S1, when cured by Ft. Jacobs Oil. Buffered over 83 It ircciy, aud it cilec- ted a cure. i cure. years." . 3C T 3 -fulfil .9 Cured why n-w nr." jo. ' r i BALTD-MB. IHEEHAS-A-YDSELERES' AND ELECTRIFIED THE WORLD By .the announcement of bis safe return To civilization. His adventures and dis coveries have been grand, wonderful marvelous. The world has peen nothin; like them netore. ins tnriiunir adven tures, marvelous discoveries, darir.; ex ploits, astounding privations", wondM-ful trip across the Dark Continent. How he found Emin Dey Everything will be in eluded, from is urst entrance into Africa to the present time. Evervbody wants the new Qenuine St.aiiley Boot ! From Stanlov's own writinrs and des patches. Over 400 ef the grandest and most wenderfiil new enyravinss and llored plates ever seen in a book c.f travels. It has been eagerly awaited and will be inoro sought after, niak more monev for the ;.;riH and make H easier than any book issued for the past fatty years. UiiUllUili accounts nf Stanley's travels are being published. Ilo not be dereivpd bv old lo,ks, re-hashes and battered Dlate3. We announce this to protect our agents anil the public attains Hie numerous, worthless so-called Man ley Books all of which are simply old books that have been m use tar year.s and are now buitsjr offered s new bonks with a few pages of new mutter added acksts w.ivn.n ev::k 'wbirs. Teachers, vnunj men. ladies, ministers fanner, merhnnics and clerks cin casi lv make from So tri 25 Per dav. Xo ex osrieuce reunired Cauvxssiuir outli! new ready. Send immediately for illus stra'ed tdrrulara and terms tree, or, t secure an agency at onee, send ?1 for the nnt-nt and yu shall he served nrst. .- ,l.l tf ,.ot nti':'rv A l 1 ra n -M. till. you want tha cow to i 1 BLIND TOM'S : WONDERFUL GIFT. Eollinjj on tbe flo.tr ia sa Fe-tnsy . -lleasarePhcnoirciml AfaMical Tirnt. - Siuce tlie recent action of the courts i; taking Blind Tom from thc'.cnstc-.ly t Jlr. lie t liana, bis former life Ion!? frii'ati manager and protector, has brought jjii -: so prominently before the public ialli nen-sp.npers, a few f;rcts eoDcctiali" childhood by one Tflio knew liim tin may not prove uninteresting. He born near, the city of Colnmbun, in Hur cogee countj', Ga,, of slave parents, tin property of Gen. James N. Bethiiue; a that time editor and proprietor of a news paper called The Corner Stone, but in ex actly what year I do-sot know, aa he w.is some C cr 8 years, or it niay be a lliU older, when I first cict him ia ii'oo. My f.r.:t T"Dcti:i; with liim was in thi: wise: I had Just married a few monf hs pr viotisly, and one of Cea. Bcth.-auc's r.augh ters iiacl been paeof or.r bridesmaids. Cr. our return from a northern tour v.e were invited to dine t;t Gen. licthmie's. Dur ing the day n:nsic v.-aS prorcsed, aud upon the piaao and Unto my wife cud 1 played a li:ne which we h;id heard fr.rthc first time at one of the theatres iu Pliil.".--dc-lphia. At the first sqind of the mrtsis Tom came rtishing into the parlor iu a inlc gr-2-nici-.r, so common among the little liisgers in the south, ind while tiie mnoic y::s i;oii,jt cn he feli down upon th" floor, roiled over, turned somersanlts, clapped his Leiitls, groaned end wc:;i through divers motions, really more r.s if he were i:i l ain than exi;cricncinss emo tions of pIe:iEi:re. As soon, however, as the last noto Tt;s . -played ho Fprawjj up. rallied to my wife end, pushing at her, cried out ca;-C! It: "-.lis: I" ' ho knew her well- "p!e;:se git i.v.ay; I wants ter play did t-anc!" And jumpirss: npon the piano stool he played it off perfectly, although I know he had neer hrard it until that moment, for it h; -.1 only been recently pnb:hc-.'i and h;;;'. i!:t y-. tec:.;;- so-ath. To test Lisa, then ct-tcrs i-kiyed lanes he had never heard end he won-d irtinieuiuUly pkv them v.1 with both hais-'.s, just p.t he he heard lh'. ::i. lie s?eu:s to I::.-.-e h .st r;il eor.'i'.!., v he: her miKcri cr h: rsh. Ik loe l to d-j t'.v. cbt-rniu for iho family, just, to heer the i:.or.,ttn us s. ui.ds of the dasher in tho c-eir,-.. II-.-ha:-: even bet n known to p!::cb at:d oi'mrwlse tease babio just t jH:tur i.e-;i cry. One haiiit cf his r-v;on3 to raver a cwd deal of ron:mce, yet it is true. Iiein blind, he wt.:::-.i : ;:.y aw: y i:c:n b-::.c, listening 'to the ...-rta of l.':r;ls as they Git ted from true lo tice till he would get lor.t in i!--v.oca-i, nuaUe to fied his way back, t'r-on s;K'h occttsions the most pr.ncticr.ble way to find him7 would be lot Mr. John Ik-thtsne, his first laanaer, to go cut iu Use woods r.aU ilay his flute, Wiien 1 cm would hear i:, tome to the sor.nd, and tlina got l.ae"; home. Allaou 'Is idiot ie, ho was even at that early uzc endowed with a wonderful Mem ory. After speiidiiig the day at Cea. ijcarunt's, r.s related above, it was over six years before I saw him again. The war was poms on, r.ad one day on tr king a train I unexpectedly found JiShn Eethuno with loirs en the train. I addressed Sir. Uethnne and then 'J'mn, nob dreaming i,at ho would rceorniize me, wi:en. to mv islfir.ite surprise, he said: 'How d ye, Jlr. Sham; Low's Iiliss Fannie?" To which I said: "Why. Tom. hew do yoti Know me so well?" Ho replied: "Oh. I krows Ton. en Hiss ratsme, too; (lou t you Know when yon was at our noiioe and played d:s tisne?' nnd he whisued the very tunc mentioned aoove. On that tr'p I discovered how the eh- eance of Eight had remitt-cd all his oiiie more aenie, lor as wo dashed aloncr at perhaps thirty miles an hour he could aiways toll whether we were passinc woods or open fields, bouses, cuts, em Dankir.ents, bridges, cr almost nnythiiiK else, l remember we entered a small vil hi;e on tae railroad, when I asked Tom what was outside, to which ho promptly sepnea: a lieap of houses. "Augusta QUEER BUH1AL RITES. How ronca Indhins IJIanoscd of the IJody a Cbiof Sport ami Sorrow. Wa-si-ka,' head chief of the Ponca In dians, a tribe living in the territory jast south of here, died recently and was burled with all the pomft cud cercTT.oi!? known to the tribe. His body was tahen on a blanket from Is;s tc-nce bv his scraaw anci xuree cniHircii and pi::cs(l in a warron drawn by two hcn.cs, which the ridow guided. This was the Indian hcr.rse. xicuinu this losiowea Jieariy auo tracks and rquavv-s the f orraer on horseback and the latter trotting r.lons on foot. All the way to the buryin.se gicand the widows an;l orphans moaned unceasiiiftlv. When the burial fci-our.d was reached the squaws formed a circle about 100 yards in circumference around the wagon. and outside of this circle twelve squaws were stationed at intervals of , few feet, to keen away evil spirits bv fn'vins vent to nucai't.dy Kcrrcehcs. Beyond thcr-c there were aoout 1 ,.j bucks en horseback, laufTiun?, cuatimr; and tKuuusr horses. After tho eirclo had been formed White pnfalo, head chief cf tho 1'oncas, canjc fonvard and iu tho Ponca tongue delivered an oration on the (creased. At its con clusion the inonrncrs, who in the mean time had kept their eerie in the wa'-on. picked up tho four corners of the blanket on winch rcpo&ed the corpse, and giving i a toss tiircw tae body to the ground. Thei. the widov.-Ti-eut to tho rear of the wagon onrl gathered np r.cr.se "culls," or refuse lumber, w hich she deposited by the sideoi cer ctcaci spouse. iranng tins time an Omaha Indian who had entered the squaw circle kept lllim? a saw which he had in his bands, and the mourners continued taeir mourning-. ; A the Umaha brave had finished filing his saw, he bejan making a receptacle for the remains out t the cnlls. This receptacle was in the form of a chicken coop, beins? eight feet lonat and ii.o feet wide and about five high, securely fastened to 'the ground by pests. lato this the body, covered with th? blanket and other earthly possessions of tiie deceased, was laid. A foot race was then announced by the bucks on tho outside of the circle. Four almost naked Indians were the partici pants. Then followed a two mile hm-se race, in which there were eighteen partici pants, all cf whom had painted their face:: ifl a hideous manner. Itiding off the re quired distance, the chief then eipnalcd for tho start with a looking k!uS3. A t full speed came the eighteen reckless red rMers. As they ncarcd the circle the entire bodv of 4C0 Indians set up a terrific howl, anil as tho horses came in past them the ex citeir.ent was inter.se. Dunn? the rnox- the body was entirely disrobed. Then were four prizes in each event a jacket, a pipe and tobacco has end two bhmkets. The winner of the Crat prize was give!, liis choice cf prizes, the second second choice, the third third choice and the fourth fourth. After the horse race the attention cf the assemblage was once more given to the dead chief. The "chicken coop tomb" having befu constructed, the body of Wa-si-ka was thrown inside and the ends were closed up so as to prevent any annua1 from entering ami carrying off the beny. A horse and two calves, ti e property hi the deceased, were also laid in the toml in order lhat he might enjc y them in tht bappy bunting; ground. Ibis enditl tin ceremony. Arkansas City (Kan.) Coi Kansas City Times. c:;y ? a si at bn-rqtiet in Paria .1 I'- V.ar.i:isia-r bad ? "t;i-.i-u;.t jCcrs Pilut ' tif t. I lookinsr-glass. roal Olympia S. Murray. M. D., Fe- lo : Specialist. Has practiced en j the Pacific Coast for tlu past twenty- itive years.. A life time iieotea to the study ef female troubles, their causes and cures- 1 have tliuiisands of testi monials rf permanent cures from the tyfist people on this coast.. A positive guarantee to permancntjy cure any case ot teraa-le weakness, no m.ittsr how Wng stindmg or 'what the stacie "mav !fi. - Charges rejisoeable and withiti "the reach tf all. For the -benefit of he. very pner t f my sex who are suffer HE Hem any of th Erreat mil tituda f S iirnnts . that in the traiu o! tlut tr rble (iisr-nso known as female weak ness, an:l who are not able t pay for treatment,"! will treAt free of char-'. Couaultatien by "mail, free. All cor respondenco j strictly--";, confidentistl. J.iedicnies packed, boxed and suit by oxpress with cli.Mgs pre-paid for hniiif treatmviiit, with special direc tions for use. if you ,vre suti'-rinw trom any female trouble, puriociicaily or constantly. Add iv! s, Olympia S. McniiAY. M. D., E '.st Portland, Oregon. ttC. All parties vi ho are indebted to the lidersigned are rtquested to cme for- ar 1 at once and aefle their accounts. 1 am in need ot money lo meet payments and if my patrons will came forward and del tie I shall be able to ray mv billi- Pleasa do not delay tiie mailer fer I mutt have tome money. B. F. Plil.NE. 333-jS ASiS Tt-j m. Whai a tct?trai;-:3 ArtisSs ' ;r. Rtlfe ( nasi:. ci::;i,;:s Srv!sSa.i l Kay. The limb sense of hr.nor and intcjrrifv wm. n has marked the lite ot the rele- rated prima d'Mina, .Viiss Emma Abbott. i ? familiar to all Americans. Her strucr- finni an obscure life to (he preeminent p if-ition she now occii-.ius in the Ameri can society, is not less known, r rom er earliest ejr'hood con.'!tiieMliou:r.Pss has jruided lu-r at every slep of her career, and when shv expresses or writes a sentiment it may be accepted aseman r.tinjj from Lcr lovo of truth and sincer- Diirinp: ber vears of travel in tlnr country and Europe she has been inci s- santly miporiuneu to write testimonials for manufacturers ot proprietory articles which she lias refrained from doimr, al though at times she was tempted to do so for largo sums of money. Blit her in nate love of truth always came to her rescue and slit; declined attachimr her came to an assertion of which she had doubts. In Portland, however she found a lii'elte article which afforded v er pleas ure to indorse iu the appended honest terms : Mr. Wisdom Pear Sir: T ber to thank vim tor liio oeiijihttul ami rciresiimsr Robert i ne" you so kindly sent me. 1 have used the toi"'et preparations of the most celebrated manufacturers of Lon don ard Paris, but consider your "Rflbertine" their superior in point of purity and excellence. Wishing you the unb iund priecess you deserve, I re main, taittitully yours, jvmma Abbott. The Esmond, Friday, Xov. loth. Wo have the Exclusive Contra of And don't have to offer a prize to tell thlt flood j, for Its tiie BEST MADE. Euery Can hclda mi m ONE HALF POUHDS. Ira J- Crofutt Sl Go. VJ ESTOrj, OREGO N . .OUR NEW Worth 100.00. IfiT&jS (watch in the world. Perfect timekeeper. Warranted henry. old ituntinfr cset. (Both Indies' and gent'i tizea. with works and cases of eauai vnme. one PKitsoNin ench localitr can seeur aim 'free, toprether with our larpe : vatuaoie uneoi iioiiHenola lies. Then mhidIm. a well as the watnh. are V. All ih wnrk need do (s to show what we send you to thone who call your friends and neighbors and those about you thatalways results in valuable trade for us, which holds for years when once started, and thus we are repaid. We pay all express, freight, etc. After you know all. If you wrniM like to po to work for us. you can earn from JS0 to 4iO per week and upwards. Address. Hinoa fc Co.. liox 1 , JforUund, Mnine. isette'S DISCOVERY AflQ TRA!M!K!3 MZTti In spit of adnltemt-ed imitat-iorn whiU misa tbe theory, and pnioticftl roHiiltsof tb. Uripinal, iuspit-nf the gntesest misrepres'mt.atton' vj ouviout wm:"." comp-titors, nndinspiteof "br." attomptstorf h:'a of the fruit of his lai)''r.-i,(all o! demon;;-?: : f undoubted snperiority and poj..u'.-r;ty of hi-rT. - ''.). Prof. LoiBetto's Art- of Never iV.:Lhng ie recufrniz-edl to-day in both Hemispheres as :r.:irltinjr an Epoch in Memory Culture. His Proapcctua (sent port free) frivea opinions of people fn all parts of the glohw who have act- aaJly Bt udied his System by cirresltondenc, showmfr that his System is v&ul only vhile being studied, not afterward; thatani bHik can be learned inaningli rcadxno, m inn-wtinsierinv cured, fcc if or rrospectas J onus ana 1 esriminisiB aaaress m Prof. A. liOISlilTi;, HI Fifth Avenue, NV THE are those put up by D. M. FERRY CO. Who arc the Largest ! Seedsmen in the world. j T. M Ffehy&Co's ' Beautifully Illustrated. DescriTidve 3 foria-io will le mailed FREE to all H M appHcnnts, and to last season's cus- li &q toiners. It is better than ever. F.v- 2 cry person ufiri Garden, Flower Ei or Field ?EEI3shc"-:!dsen-.jfcrit. D. H . FF.SafiCO. rso'T, MIC-4. Timlisr CfeFi3al?r3jf. McbFot PEulicalioa, Cnitcd atr- Land ('ffic-e, Gnrdc, Or. Hoc. Rrri, lt8. Notice ncreby ra t--i .Irskp : IIn has H cc notice of i. --ent:cn t make hnal I ef- the C-'ttntT C!erk of I'naiii'a Oor.n v, at his nlice in IVndiOt .n. resiv-n, r.n Saturday tlt i'.-h d.-tr ol -J.i'.iirvry. i.Mff on nr.iher cult'ire npp cation o. for tl-,e i-'.i the 8 E I cf cetfion So. 6, in Toi hit 4. X Rat e ho 86 E. Jle nattier m tritite-jf x loht ' Ridenoar, of Wes a r. aii;l Sum Ot. W:;Sia Wii.n, Ilenrv Keel, id Ji. ion, Or. i VUV.OU9 Prof. L DYSPEPSIA. !8 that nilHcry experienced when we snd donly become aware tliat we possess iabolteal arrangement called a stomach. 1 he Ktoniach is the reservoir from which, every fiore and tixKtie must bo nourished, ndnny trouble with itissoonreltthronKh ; aut the whole system. Among a dozen dyspeptics no two will have the same pre : luinlnantsymptoms. DyspepticsolacUve mental power and a blliousteraperamt nt re subject to Sick Headache; those, fleshy nnd phlegmatic have Constipation, while the thin and nervous are abaudoned to gloomy forebodings. Some dyspeptics are wonderfully Ibrgetful; others hava great Irritability of temper. Whatever form Dyspepnia may take, one thing Is certain, The underlying- cause is i the JLir'ER, and one thing more is equally certain, n one will rt mtiiu a dyspeptic who w ill It wilt correct Acidity of the Stomach, Expel fool gases, -Allay Irritation, Assist Digestion, 2giMh3 and. a the earn. Xc JJ, time Start the Liver to tvorhinf9 when alt other troubles soon disappea -n . . . My wife was a confirmed if three year ago by the advic r ?k Regulator. I ieel grateful to V given her, and iray all who rc " afnictedia any way, whether ch" wise, use Simmons Liver Kegula confident health will be restored fc De advised." Wm, M. Kbrsh. B i. See that yott the with red 2 on front o Wrappei, PR&PAKPD ONLY BY JT. H. ZEIL1N & CO., 1'hihidelphla, Pa. MOOSE'S CELEBRATED POISON 0AI EEME3Y. It kills all lnflunautinn and Irritation, and ia ths only sore destroyer of Microbes and other Bkin raragues. Vt freely, price. 25 cents a Box. AVtB & S1ANFIELD, If You Want a Horse Shod, a Plow SJicrfeved, a Wagon Repaired, or Anijuiiiig else in our Line, "iJ&L2AEl Via J M?' For We are Beicnv.hisd to Give Hon. WEAVER & VFAftFSELD, WF.STCX, OREGON A, BUCE1A1T9 Practi-al Maiiuia-turer of BOOT & SHOES. PERFECT CUAHAiiTLED. r.i CEPAaallXA A'EATLV IOXE. INVT.sir.LE PATCHES .4 SPVA JAJ.TY. BIG BOOT. - GREGCF. M aa WE3 s Cil PENDLETON Roller Mills! W. S. BVF.IlSiCO., Proprietor. Ill' fecst tsli Priqj Faid ell Eliads ef Grata. for main,- eraimlaisa, m Seir-Rising Flour, Always on Hand Corn Meal, Chp Feed, PENDLETON OREGON. etc One ofthe rlFFtEE the world. Our facilities uneqtialed. and te rarrodtK-? onf openor good w w U avotUnt toOHl pWlf in Mch locality, x above Only tbot who writ touil once can mak aora of the ch-nce. All yoa bar t6o in return to ahow our a:ood w tboae who call root Aeiglibocr and tboaa aroand jom- The b-. B-Tnninfr of tbia adverti ttomnM' hmra thai amall etui of Lha ttai. CYC eopa. Tb foDowinf t gave tne appearance of It radocad to tbont the ftftietn part of Hs bulk. It ia a arand. aVmbU atu tcta copcaalarK i eaty to rarry Wj wi'.l aio ibow yo bow yoa a. maka rlnlf (a.llASIAaihr a laut ftn ett. rt aatith 1 auiexpartrora BfUer wnte alonce pay all npnaa cbjira. a.Mreea.H HALLETT ACOH Boa tB. fonuvo, Mitfaf For fTjrtr.er rjartic-jlara wriig AND ALL. SKIN DISEASES m J PP Ural Pi A II IIIIMEl nsrs cane m rtmiuinrffiwv 111 "V LJ -- 7. : . -. 1 .l,.uiini MONEY TO LOAN, ti him, A.3? S S2322, CESTT. X lelavs.' Lang tiai with privil2 of paying ff in ehrt tiaie. - MA ft ts. Million Iciarsbcc and Xcat lat geBl. Firrt National Bank Cuildis?, H, B, KELSON. k!PR5CT!CAL MyWESTOX lillICK are earning an enviable reputation, and it will le my constant endeavor to koep them up to tlieir high standard of excel lence . . Put on board the cars'et Westcn the lowest !iving'prioss. li B. ELSGiV OREGON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealer in IMPORTED A"D DOMESTiC 1 a pp Stine House, Walla ila, W.T CITY BAKEHY. Hare always in Ktork fresh hand-mod candies And Confections. Tbey renew their stock often, and make a specialty of Laving fiesh goods n sale. GROCERIES. t'boice Clgnrs, Tubarca, aar.rd Good it Tull Cream lier.se, Craekerit, etc Fresh Bread always oa band, Main St., Weston, Orgon fti&HSIMLLiiSUSE. Weston, - - Oregon. SAM J. cullet, Proprietor. Good MEALS and Clean, Cofert able BEDS, at reasonable rates. SAMPLE ROOM FCR SALESMEN. BAR WITH CHOTCE LJOORS IGAKS, tc., IN CCNNECTI With Hotel. Great English Remedy. 0 MURRAY'S SPECIFIC y j.' nam ftii rure iir nil TiCTrvrns - LOSS of BRAIN POM KR, lvsterin( IIarfa.h-, PAIX IN THE BACK, ;Kvos prostration, wakk- Ft;LXK8, LKlTOIsKfifKA, 8 KM . . IXAL WKAKNhSS, IinpoUncv pd " gent'ral Joss of owcr of the pinent, tive orjjaps: In either ex, canned hy indireotion or over exertion, and which ultimately If&jg to pre rratnr o!d &t;e Insanitv and conrumptio $1.00 a h.ix or cix boxes for $5.oo. 8ct liy 2.v mail on reef ipt of price. Full par :fc-E ticurnhi i-aini-hU t, sent free to every '( r-; applicant. ff ' WE (.IMKAXTEC SIX KOXE to cure any ease. For every .ft.OO or -jgA. s rter received, we pena ax ooxes, witn , f written uuarantee to refund the nmney if our Kpwific docs not effect cure. - Address al! - commuficatTons ta THE MURRAY MKDICAL f'O So'e Manufacturer. For Sale by G. A. Pw McGiew, Wes ton, Oregon. km Mm ! MARION COUNTY, OREGON. Elementary and preparatory classes for boys (rem 8 to 12 years. Complete f ommrrrlal. ' Srlrnttfle anal t'laxHirnl loorsca For larger boys and young men. This institution, only two years old, is already one of the largest, most popular and l est patronized of the coast. The high est authorities of the state recommend it on account of its healthy location, scientific advantages and strict disci pline. For catalogues with prosDectns, terms, etc., writ to BARNABAS HELD, Director Mt. Angel Goiiege. Arm. Have had twenty years' experience as Public Auctioneer. Satisfaction guaran teed to all who may wish my services t 1-2 and 5 . Leav-a ord?r at th office. - - .s . . . t. . i. A.vii.iw.'--' v-iex-tieEeer. k km (1111X0301111! f Walla, w7 i. often superior adractai;ea to tne I yotmand middle-aged of bti sexes who aeair j to To San francisco, Ual. BK WAY OPTHH Southern Pacific CompanvS LINE TIIE MO KT SHASTA L'OUTJt Quicker id time tlian any between Portland end San . other rsaks Fracruc ' rcriiaao 4 p. xtu dully TH&OVGU TIME S9 HOURS. BfFFS JLKEPCtg TOURIST GLEE PI.'Q CARS FOR IflitKltci. . IKAl-tS. - Fare from 'Portland lo SacrBni,i, J - SSau Fraucixoo. tirili:i:itvd 25. Hnt class, limiivl, f-20; sfcoud clann, limited, $15. -sh Tlrtrtti to ulS i'oiiiU Seafh as I'Mst Via lIiitC'Mi. TICKKT OFFICES: CORfBR F AND FeONT SthkBTS, ; No. 134, Cor. First and Alder Street. Portland, Oregon. E. P. R OGEES. O. F. & Puss. Atcnk. R KOEI'T.F.ft, aiauager, i A GOING WF.ST. . For Pirdielcii. IVrtland nnd 1I East, via. Union rat itic Rv, leava VYes- : ton at 6:38 a. m. dailv. GOING EAST. , For Walla AVa'la. Davton. Totrntrmw. Spokane Falls and all Pylonse Country points, leave Weston at 9 :47 a. m. daily.- Grrnn llvliotr From I'ort mid. Fr m San F eico. 'aring 10 P M. Tearing Swir St. 10 A. M. Stcainwr. Iai-. Oregon fiiinilay iiec Stat Thursday ... Columbia i:i.1ay Oreron Friday " 1 stare Tu.mIt " 1 Columbia Krtnidiy t Orwton Walmwday 1 Utata Sunday ' 1 The company rooerrea tb riirlit to chaur M ir ar.iiin.p .4a .... " .KATES. Firat ClasH, lincluding bjrth and meal, a as Steerage Round Trip, unlimited, River nivKlnn. Ta Asti.rla. St-cutlioat8 leave at a P.M rr niulit- cxu-i.t eund:iyk anil ilaii) at 7 A. M," TrT day ex- pt Tuemiai 3 for WprhinKlnn friae, and Taa day, ThurfrtiiB and baturdajk at 6 A. U Ur r iron iile. O. R. & N. hN lwnr, AR)l St 4 , Steajner Tekplione ieav 8 loi.t cf Alder St TK'KMH To and from principal points in i United Statea Canada and Europa. Elegant PeIIim Slospers and Mil Free Family Sloping car run Throurb oa press trams to Omaha. Council Wuffa and Kaaaaa City, without rhanffe. Shortest Line, quickest time, and most eleaatly equiped tiaius of any traus-contieuta! lino. For further particulars of B. F. Weston, or; Jonea Area 0. J. SMITrl, General Hanger. A. L. WAX ITEM Gen. Pass, a Ticket 44, Pertlaud Orej.a. The Pacific Express Ce. Issues Money orders payable any wher in the United States. 5.00 mr ' under 5cts. $10.00, 8ts. $20 0, lOcts. $30.00 12ets. $40,C0 15t. $50.00 I'Octs. Leave paakagas U W at Pauly's book store. Express racaiv ed will be delivered free. For raaaay orders ask F JEI, V Westen, Oregon. F. R. R. TFE GREAT TMSCOSTIJENTE EOUTE. SHORTEST, BEST ASD QUICKEST Two llirouvjii Fust Trains Daily DINING 6 R ROUTE. Direct Line No Da! ays Lowest rate to Chicago and all pamta esa Tickets sold to all prominent points tlirougbmt k east and southeast. 1 u liaan Uuvi.ig r-xsa Slepinj Cars raa thraua to St. Panl To Fast Round Passengers: R careful and da not msk a mistAlia bat bs aar And vee tiiat jour ticke reeds Yia.St.Fan! nl? MfoHRannlis '. To arohl ex.ume an.l wrious dcia ocv-usioned a ' oliir rmitca. H.rooatt iin::rratt I'mune can ara on iiiircxprttbtu-iiis iuil lintih ol th. lin Berth tVt s tram for St. Paul. Icarca Wallnla Jun.-ti 5:4 r. . daily, arhi in at Minnniop'.ia at 5:15 . and St I'au! . R:05 p. m. of tlia third da. .litre .tiTia in Li.i'.n Detiot ith all fast trains for all p..... e st, no.ith and aoutLwrst ara nii.de. Lowest Katc3 w Quickest Time. Via Pasco n(i ( mcadf i i vision, ta all points on Tuet Hound and tha north' wes. ' W.F. It'amsi.ft, General Ajent, O. & XT. T. . Walla W alla. . t". Jokes, t-Mon. Company, Washinfjion, onldrd. Oreg .riicr Wasbinoa rrrlnfli rf 1. FirlSt. No. No. 121 First are 1'orilau 1, . Barney Prine THE . : ; ' Pioneer Blacksmith. Can be found at tho Ready to repair cr make nw your Wagons cr. Carriage Plow WorJ- and ; . -,H6?sb Shootngr V - ' --Isny specialty. " ; BARNEY PRINE