Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, January 21, 1890, Image 3

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    '-.6 '
TPKIPAtTaNUARY 21, 1890.
,! 1000 dosen Z3 wanted at Sating &
"Handkerchiefs from 4 cts to 150 at
Rubberos-er shoes, Arctics, etc., at
Crefntt & Ce's.
Celluloid floss Starch, the best ia the
w.rld at 8. Co.'a. 1
Man's and boy's ap, a large assort
ment, at Baling 4 Co's.
Call Mrs. Carden of Athena, fir
jaur (all and winter hats.
Call on Mrs. Careen, of Athena, for
yoar Millinery. All the latest styles.
Stationery, a large variety to select
from, at L. S. Wood, pest-offioe.
Boh McGrow keeps on hand a full
Uk of school books and stationoy.
Ladies Seal ehin cn ' bf fejld
this week for $1.90 at Saline & Co s.
Mrs. CarJon o Athena, has just re
ceived a fine stock of Millinery, from
t. raul.
We rezrel to leara tfeat Dallas O'Har-
ra, who is lying at the hospital at Walla
Walla, is no better.
r. B. rrino and H. W. Richardson
vera out on the streets Friday for the
first tins siace thoir sickness.
Dr. I. X. Richardson, dentist, is pcr
saanently located at Athena, and doea all
kinds of dentistry at very low rates.
Chas. McBride brought the nail up
from Feodleten, Monday night. This is
the first mail received here since January
11 Ih.
Considerable sickness still prevails
aaaoDg our people. Except in a few
cases the prevailing cause is still la
Mrs. Jennie Richardson, of Athena,
fashionable dress maker, has had seven
rears' experience in the art of dress tit
ling. i
Maxwell 4 TodJ are closinz out their
ntire stock of boots and shoes, rubbers,
to., at cost, prapurtory to leaving
The inquest over ths remains of A. T, .
It arry ereated a great deal of iuterest
and an unusual number of people were
in town iu consequence .
A pair of crystal lens eyeglasses in a
Morocco case. The finder will confor a
favor wn the owner by leaving them
at this office.
Billy Bernard, one day last week, fill
ad his sleigh with little ones and gave
them their, annual sleigh ride. The
little folks seemed to enjoy their rule
immensely, and Billy was happy as the
happiest in the group.
Sheriff Houior drove over from Pen
dleton one day this week on oflicial busi
ness, reluming the snue day. He con
I veyed uiaay m9njs and letters from
our people, who are snow-bound and
without communication with the out
side world.
According to ''Notice to Tux-payers"
in the Pendleton Tribune, our sheriff,
Zo Heiiaer, will meet the tax-payers of
Westen and Mountain p redact on Feb
ruary 27 and 23, for the purpose of col
lecting state, county and school tax for
The K. O. says thai the next Legisla
ture will provide for the erection of a
new asylum, to oe located either at Pen
dleton, Athena or Hilton. Weston, it
Appears will not be considered in the
matter. We would ask our senator,
Why not?
Johnson, the Athene Drusrgist, has
taken a liquor licsiise and now retails
the ''flery liquid" out to the hoys of our
neighboring burg at five cents a gla..
It is said that the ealuons are extremely
quiet and their business tlu'l ns a con
sequence of this cheap bid fur ths trade.
At. Carden was over frcm Athena,
yesterday, and as he says, for Ihe special
purpose of getting the I.kidik ; the de
layed trains having deprived him of the
pleasure of his weekly persualof its col
umns. Who savs that the Leader is
wot appreciated T
We wager that our friend. R. M. Pow
ra, will not be very anxious to secure a
eat in .the red painted sleigh again.
His experience up the mountain, Mon
day, rolling in the snow drifts from
three to five feet deep, resulting from
tka upsetting f the sleigh, was not very
pleasant for nimseli, although amusing
for his more fortunate companions.
Nethtng retaids the growth of Weston
is much as the indifference manifested
by some of our property holders and
who are looked upen as the solid men
f the town, financially. We wish that
we could impiess upon the minds of,
these individuals the necessity of taking
deeper interest in the welfare of their
City, and co-operate with other citizens
who are enterprising anil are always to
be found ready to do their part towards
building up the interests of the city of
One ef the most pressing needs of
West.u is a hank. Sometime ago an
Uert was mads hy Mme 0f our iocai
capitalists to incorporate a national bank
with a capital of .T0,000, hut for some
reason the matter has bean allowed to
10 by default. A bank at Weston would
ef great convenient- to our formers
as well as our business men, and with
premisinj outlook for business this
7sr we art confident that it would orove
00d p.vins investment. We hope
is see ,orn active steps taken towards
orgamzmj this spring.
The fakir don't like being called a fak
ir, but a fakir is a fakir all the same.
A fakir is a man who taken; in other
words, ho who goes forth among - his
kind seeking a subsistence in a question
able manner is a fakir. Although that
branch of the book business carried on
by traveling agents is often a butt for
the ridicule of the paragrapher, i
nevertheless perfoclly honorable and if
conducted by an henorable man or wo
man, but the business may be condnct--4
: i. - ,i:..nnii!i manner as to
CU lit PULU M lO I ' -
receive the condemnation of the honest
nubile. A fakir may by shrewdness
avoid arrest, but vagabondism is con
sidered by our cruel laws, a crime.
Hank Vaughn returned this week
fresn a visit to his Yakima stock ranch,
fie reports a deplorable sale of affairs
consequent upon the sevare weather in
that locali y. According to Hank s
statements which we do not doubt, there
will he very severe losses among the
stockmen on that side of the Columbia.
Snipes, the Yakima cattle king, had al
ready lost 2,000 head of cattle at one
corral and others wore dying at the rate
of a hundred per day. Hank was con
siderable loser hiuuelf. Out of 47 head
of fine mares there were only 13 left
which number he had abandoned to
their fate. The tules upon which the
cattle usually subsist during these
extreme occasions, are covered with
snow and all outside stock must most
surely perish. Hank wound-up his
startling account ef affairs in that coun
try with the statement that ''there
would not be three head of cattle left on
the Yakima, and tire head of horses to
round thorn up with.''
Time was when tho O. R. & N. Rail
way and its branches were deemed of
importance, ?.nd its affairs were con
ducted iu a business like manner. The
addition of the '"Short Line," system
lost it some of its prestige but it still
conticued to be a fector in the afiairs of
the country. Since the Uuien Pacific
Anaconda has swallowrd it up we are
made puinfully aware that our once
boasted and wcil conducted railroads
have become mere accomodation branch
es for a groat system. While the North
ern Pacific and Hunt's lines have been
making their usual time and trips, the
grasshopper ongiues of the Union Paci
fic have, abandoned the Spokane
branch "on account of a few light snow
drifts, and the inhabitants along this
once great line have been deprived of
transportation for nearly two weeks. A
monopoly is bad but a monopolized
monopoly is worse.
don't sae how we can do it with three
or six dollars? Pay np and you shall
see it done, after which .we too, mav
crow oyer a snccessfal newspaper career.
Wild Bersa IKc.shhU.
Editor Testox Leaeer:-Ai I
never see anything i your esteemed
paper freau this part of the B!ue
Mountains, and fearing that the rest
f the world will cesse to the conclusion
we have abandoned thii fertile section
f Umatilla county, I take.up ny pea
to write yu a few items t dispel
any daubtsas t our exiitanee m the
land ef the living. Cut where are the
itenu? They are as scarce as hen's teeth
and so I am compelled te write on the
weather for a change. Change, well
yes, I believe we mountaineers weuld
all vote the straight ticket on that
line if by so daing we could indues the
gantle chinook te cetne, and dissolve
taste snowdrifts Which are obstructing
travel. The scow on a Isvel is abut
30 inches, but eh, ray! the snew-drifts
are something leu than that many
fathoms. Your humbie eerres
pendent has been taking daily ehser
vatien of the mercury every day siuce
the presant year organ and wiiting
then dawn for fature reference. Janu
rary 21 mercury steed 16 above, Janu
ary 3d 2 above, January 4th 5 helw,
January 5th 1 holow. January 6th 8
above, January 7th 12 above, January
8th 16 above, January 9th 26 afeeve,
(ad snowing) Janmry 10th 20 above,
(and snowing) January 11th 2 abeve.
January 12th 22 above (and snowing)
tbese eijfrvatisn are taken from the
tea of the Wild Iferso Mountain every
rning at tke hour of 7 o'clock and
ar sometimes very bracing cold fasts.
1 ho nealth record of the" jioisilibor-
hood and vicinity is extra pood, no
sickness prevailing here, save colds
which are plenty. Mr. Hank Fannin"
has been somewhat under the weather
for some time eaased by the contract
iag of a revere cld while attending
one of our tri weekly dnrei. which a-e
never postponed on account of weatlur,
but like the Louisiana State Lottery.
olds its drawings regularly. But
Hank is being tended and eared for bv
these kind and whole-souled seen!
Mr. and Mrs. F. Taylor at their heme
and with such kind and careful nur
ses it is only a matter f a short time
until Mr. Fanainsr will be himself
20RS IP-At Weston, J,(Ii,rv
Ueaty' dfvs. twoulons and
Why We're Blue,
Sometimes when we get to cogitating
over one thing and another and our own
affairs in particular especially that por
tion of them connected with the Leader
we, with reluctance, arrive at the con
ciusioi mat we lacK tuo gall necessary
io conduct a newspaper under tho cir
cumstances that surround us.
The "Necropolis Free Press" informs
the world at large and its admiring reaiV
ers, in particular, that it has entered up
on the fourth year of its existence under
the most auspicious circumstances imag
inable, with an ever increasing circula
tion. It calls attention to its neatness
ivpogrnpnicaiiv ; its large corps ot cor
respondents from Helix and Adams, and
is tireless in sinking its own wondrous
merits. The "Eastland Tribnnus" g-'ee-
fully informs the anxious public that it
lias a monopoly pf the news of the world-
and if they fail to take it they're certain
ly ldl't if they want the news. Its en
vious rival, the Ilyohenated-one-thing-
and-another, oracularly informs the pub
lie in "blil face'' that owing to the aus
picious hour selected for its issuance it
is the the Encyclopedia Oregon ica, con
taiiiing a oriel ana concine uany com
pendium of everything worthy of record
transpiring in several other hemisphere
etc.. etc.. etc. Thu Spafi'ord Uavcn nev
er tires ot recoiiHting its manifold ex
cc'lences, ami the Tunialum Zeitung re
it?rafvM tin nft repi it.vj assertion that
its vivacity effectually excludes the flies
from tke atiiiospliese surrounding it.
l.'ius wejv.int eontir.no enumerating
indefinitely tho esteemed cotempoiaries
vhr appear sali.-fied with theircondilioii
and proud of their positions. We wil
not he o ungenerous as to question thei
ns-ever4iic.nx, but v,i!i presume that al
thoy sny regarding their circulation and
prominence in the estimation of the pub
lie is true. At any rate we can, iu the
goodness of our heart, wish it were, and
kindly repress the douhts that may arise
in our minds regarding the statement.
We could pay the same thing regard'njr
the Leader and as our cotemparaiies
do, leave the burden of the proof to our
readers. We have been counselled by
shrewd advisers to do this, but when we
have attempted the thing our heart has
invariably failed us. We claim with
pride that the Leader has been of ser
vice to the community in which it is pub
lished, and we hardly think there i3 one
among our readers who will dispiue it.
We also assert honety of purpose and
industry in the labors that devolve upon
us as its editor, but here we cease toot
ing Gur own little horn. Mechanically,
the paper is a failure. Look at its
blotched, poorly printed form this week.
Do you not suppose that we grind ' our
teeth in impotent rage with every im
pression of the press, when such blurred,
unreadabli paper is the result? . Do you
know what is the matter? Our tvpe is
worn oat. Our press is out of date and
a cumbersome thing. We want a new
press and new type and are unable to
get them. Do you know the reason
why? Just because you, gentle reader,
are holding back that small ajjrn or your
indebtedness to us, just because it is
small you know. We realize the ex
treme smallness of the sum. dear reader,
but will promise you that if you will
come forward immediately and pay it,
renewing your subscription at the same
time, wo will send our order the next
mail for a new press and type. You
Reserved for
Ira J. Crofutt & Co.
-Have just Eeceived-
Mew Orleans Syrup,
Gold Hiedal Syrup,
Faple Syrup
and,: Sorghum.
By the way Mr- Editer what
has became of that perk-packery estab
lishment at Westen'J The Westen
Leadek kept hammeriar; awav until
Westen got her water-works. The Wes
tn Leader kept en knocking until
Westen gt geed substantial side-walks
etc, etc, Now Mr. Editor tho farmers
wants the Westen Leadeu to keep the
bill rolling until this perk-packery is a
soiia substantial l:ict, such an establish
ment would be ef incalculable
benefit to beth city and cesntry. HereJ
is an illustration; a little while ajro.
near neighbor ef mine who hud a eeu
pie ef hundred hogs, had te ship them
te Seattle in order to find a market
for thu; new next summer all. our
merchants will be importing lrd and
bacsn fissa Chicage. Wisconsin and
othr eastern paints, and wert of all
neifcjier me reiren-ints nor patrons are
ia the Uast certain that the article
tdy buy is pure or healtUy. Cut
what ii the use of dwelling any logr
en this suViect? Any sne man knows
tho f.ict that a very h.rp hook eould
he written in favor of the baildiag ef
'Mi a
of both
a poik-vpackery at Wegtea
regards the fioancial interest
raaichiRts and farmers. Lot the far-
msrs all wake up to their own inter
est in this matter and strike while the
iron is list.
Our scaowl in the western end of
this district (No. 8S) has bsn running
in full blast new for nearly fire months
and wid veoa close the present terra,
Miss T innie Hasting is the teacher,
a d a mor z;lus, painstaking, earnest
an sucesssful teacher or one wh jives
better satisfaction m ths s-heil roara
as a tsaeher weuld indeed is a hard to
find. Miss Winnie Hastinz, has in
deed e lined the most earnest and sin
.1. e ii . ,
" iiiunKg er an parens wiiese
ch! d ea attended her school where
i. i i ... ,
bvhi- sua ijr.es ner scholars will always
niu nir in gratetul remeinbarana.
Mr. and Mrs, J. K. Soling are
having q.dta a number of their re
latives and friends visiting them here
thi wintr, com sf them from Kansas.
It. F. Jon:-sos.
IriT Blia MFEWJ)
Unduly ilii UjUifirdjiU ,
Would attempt to gainsay our statement, or dispute our claims, backed
they are by an overwhelming popular patronage, which proves all we claim.
And ask for more, and if the "proof of the pudding is in the eating," there is no
tl rill rr I her nrn a 4l- y-l-.-.. . t . : i
vwuu .. mi tuuscH caterers i unucai cusioxuei'S.
jn two rumiiAt that please the publie palate and our pudding is fall of theB
""i"1" f,.umo in bvciv une anu scyie oi goous. Jjel no
maice you sutler, the loss of bargain. 1 ou get what you want at less prices than
t i , "-jsu-uuii t-see-wnai-you-want-asit-ior-it-and-we'll-tell-yon-it's
OUt-Of-Rtvla-Rtnr J
Twist, fte
d FUt
-AND o
Manufacturers of th"
Threshers, Headers, Mowers and all kinds of Farm Machinery, Repaired at
Reasonable Rates. Ca'stings'mado to order of any desirable pattern.
Washington Taprit
The Only House that is Strictly .$1.00 per Day.
Is Now tinder llie Mnnaseuient ot .-.
Whose Reputation as Caterers is Well KhOWH.
KITCHEN is under the Management of ED. TEFFT as Ceek, a4
TEFFT has charge of the DINING ROOM. MS. T. C fiSID IkM
-iharge of the BEDS, and they are kept eleaa. Tom mi alsraya go a- ta1
from Mr. Reid. V:
Cigars, Notions, Cutlery,
Pendleton is agiin enavarinjf to
tax the county for improvsmsnts with
in its to n limits. A bridge across
the Umatilla at feet Lee street is being
proposed and it is reliably reported that
the county court has asrreed to jy
one half of the cost ths-. a it. Ths tax
payers in tha county, enpaci.iHy those
outside of Penrlleton dosira t-j k'aow of
our county commissioners thtir riht
to appropriate mnfv fi-;u th.
eosnty treasury t' builJ iai jrovsrnr'nts
! J-' . ' i. ' l " e i
itnin iu; coi pomie mnns oi l i;Uio
ton, or any ether t-n in the cosnty,
in building city briftgs, improving
streets etc. The sduiig ef additional
burdsiis t the tix-payers of tho coun
ty in placing in tho coar.ty covtvt house
t-iwr a eoitly clock for the sole bene
fit of Pendltton was bad enough, but to
assist in buildin ker bridges is ging
toe far altogether. If Pendleton or
Westen need more bridges or batter
street'!, let the same be WjiR; bat with
their own funds and not by the tax
payers of the. eounty. If the county
court is right in this proposed action,
Weston needs several new bridges
across Pine creek and we suggest that
our county commissioner require the
county t build the same, aud thus
distribute their favors to other tewns
as well as to the favared city of Pen-e'lstsa.
WSS lfkai r"fc sfagiawrih atfVMJB ( 0 ssnsMt. sssDnnasaj
For the many kind aUentions ten
dered by friends during the illness and
death of icy little neice, Seulah, I wish
to extend my sincere and heartfelt
Hettie Eeyxo'.ds.
prench and American Candies,
Cneaper than ever before
We would be pleased to have yoar patronage whem jrm
want a change from CHINESE HASH, which is so
lanch the style in Walla Valla.
All Ms ofltessi Imlsr
All orders PROJIPTLY FILLED. Mills located 15 miles
East of Weston on the old toll road.
a , ; I: iii'! ! '.if ) Ii
ra FBetaffl
Finest Wines and Liqu
county constantly on hand. The best
bramls of Cigars, and Beeifyon draogth
H. W. Richardson.
ICE COLD BELK al waps on draught