Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, January 21, 1890, Image 1

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    VOL Xil.
Wton Weekly Leader
Mlf Mgtwr anil 1 ten
. aaaajOS ITHT ft MAT UORSI5.
taktartnUea States
0e. Setter a halt par year, 1 adnata.
WRxToS C0IM5K, WO.S. I. O. O.
awa inf. Brothers ia god tandiry
rnMtfilr leriled ta riit.
fe. W. KI5HAKD30S, N, S;J. KtaKPATRICiiSjc .
wmox LonuK. wo. a. f. a a. .
Meets en the aeced ana lourtu Satur
day ef eaeh Divnte
L. S. WOOD,, W. M.
W. Mreta every Tnnay evening
at kVliig' hall. Visiiir.ij brother
t F. M. PAULY. Rao.
. 7
CralrrrlUe l.oilue IMreetnrjr.
Meeta on the flnt and third Saturday
. vi each aionth at 7 o'clock p. m.
1. O. . r. MeoU every rn
day evening.
01IA8. CLEVE, Soe.
t. W, JARV18, H. O.
Millaa a,ole Directory.
mii.toh widmr so. i l o.o.r
MkU every Sturda evenim at Odd
Fellewa' lla'l, Mi.ton, Or.
Xutary Publio.
eat iaeieaer of D ' I
r aaaliinzt" Tarty, f
Attorney at Law
Wralsn. Orrgan.
Baa aa Wain St., near B.oad.
Rmidenee on Water stre .
l!T0M2T4T-LiW ani
Will practice in nil the courts.
f ;t!je Hair Krcadl&i Escapes,
Tfcnderful Adventures : and
Crvni Uardshl&s of tto Frop
lcr(ps :;i!d Ffchr Jckasses,
for Infants and -Children.
- "Caatoria ia so well adapted to eMdren that 1 Caatoria cores Colic, Conetl-patlon,
IreeomraendltaaperiorteanyprcripUon I ?ur Stomach, I)ikrrhnsa, Krivctuion
bmtom." HA.cma. M.D., I KJ1 W8, (pva. deep, aad Pruuot d
HI So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, X. T. WttHoat tu'juriooa medication.
Till CsNTara Cokpat, 77 Murray Street, K. T.
Dorics !ip Cammrr of iS8. rroui a ISinry
tcpl liy tioci-jic EiiJcnatir, and tdtlctl by
aa e! (''rfhpcuilfcl of Ihc .cutler.
If. nUTCUEll,
renterville. Ori son.
WW prvitica In all the court of Oreiion and
. Mhinrto Territory,
aaycalleetlarn promptly attends to.
MOT .3t"3T IUBiiiO
WKST1. Orrson.
Lafal alanki af all kinds tor a!.
at Poatoffica. 10-20
RaaaaiT, 3,1 an 4, i Thampson -Flack
bailaliaf. apeoiita the Court Hanaa.
raWaLTif. KrlK.
Vitalize the system, anel arrest Uic rayascs of the ilreads'isi
alcohol habit, Eipsc;iui.iia. For sale by all druggists
and wine merchants.
Sole Asests tor yari-hTrestera Coast.
Ji i
IflPIl i lf0&
Lyili m WW 4
Evarybodj in tlia villig that war
ttt ttiitrTviis tngagasl, vrkiah coaaprii-
d a majority- af tha citizms, collacted
ta watch the prapraticiu for our da-
partura, and the tawn wit? rairod mora
than ou jfAiicrak laagh, in which I
jiue'J, at ear xpua. Sill, kovvavar,
was unab'a t ebsarva anvthin; ia
ceiigniaus ia the appearaaca t aithar
aursflves or outfit, and waiVad stolidly
''aiaeiiing" packs and cui'siug tha dank-
ajs in haic Spanish, l-agii rilsss f the
cred. -
: Withalaal "Cbiagara Mtla" we
are ff, Bill on foet, and I will remark
right hare that h kept up this rneuit cf
travel, during ta, whole summer,
as ha was never on an animals back ex
cept ia aa occasional instance when we
were crossing a fard. I may add, that
I tea was ebiigad to "ceaae off rsy
prh," and f5ted it far Biere than a
theusaad miles sf the last poitioa ef
the trip.
A deaeristion of the fint week cf
our trarsla will bs unnecossarj, as it
ld through a portion of the conutrj
familiar to thi:e who are likalj to read
this artiele.
I wag disappeinted in the ap'peare ncs
f the mush t ilkad ef Big Bond ceun
try, aud flt pity for the peer peepla
who were endeavering to establish
hsnies in this, to we, dreary waste.
migration ajents are strict' ferbiien
its uia far apy purpose.
Poor eld Jumbo had bran lams frem
a fandr duriug the first ten d tyi of
ear journey, aael Sndinw that the usaal,
atsfJ t ray wind, inhumtu aethod f
trt-atiag an animal thus affiletod, by
driving him, was only making him
won, we eonclvided to step at the
first suitable eacampmnt and remain
until 1,9 recovered. Accordingly we
struck :aaije at a plaee called R.ittle
saake springs and finding the srass
geed and "oe-ii" abuneUnk, we stretch
ed our little tnt,and ra.tde preparations
fat a few days rest.
I avn going to assusns right here that
a majority oi ray readers have sever
been '-'a prespsstin' " and that as a con
sequence they will be interested in all
tha sws.ll details of such aa experience.
I will t'lierefaro proceed to describe
iach matters as pertain to it, not neg
lecting the firt and most important,
our bill of fare and usual mode of pre
paring it. I was ceak, self constituted,
for I will not Uy down ths frying pa a,
the principal cooking utensil af a prot
pectr, for aay man living. Bill was
"Cargarlare" or packer, alo frera cheice
and he eauli unpack the "train" of 6va
animals, while I was unsaddling any
saddle hsrse. Thus wo were pleased
with our self assigned duties, and dur
ing our leng jaarney never had a sing-
a "jower" which is an unusual experi
ence under sucn circumsnnces.
Thus far our travels had led 03
through a country almost devoid ef
game. I had ehct a few sae hens,
which were tough, and whoise flesh were
strongly impregnated with the wild
sage they sebsiit upn, and row and
then I knocked ever a iackrabbit,
more for target practice than anything
lse, a3 their backs are full ef wriH3
in the spring, and tiiey are of ceurs
unfit for- fod. As a consequence our
bill of fars was limited to flour, bacon,
dried fruit, cclTee and the mountain
desolate spetj the days spent there as
the rcifct disagreeable, and the land
scape as photographed upon roy mind,
the tsst uiiiitritiog. m my sunioaer's ex
t "crests cf irfge-b-ush extend as far
Physician and Surgccn.
Offlee next door to HolraeB' drug store.
Reaieeace, No. 30 Birch street, corner
I Fiiit. Telephone No. 84.
Walla Walla,
W. T.
Laal aaaiaeH at ail kia'a attendrd tn with
iTiDipliM. ealleetioni a specialty. o;Hca oa
faaaapaoa Street, a)'ioeiie llcthoJkt Churcli.
J. M. K1K3TIDT, M. D.,
Physician an4 Surgem.
t-fciiMin - " aaal ITiUdrMt a MpeetaMy
rneat'at reei4enee on Water St.
Wksto, Or.
Hasjust arrived, and for COMPLETENESS and CHXA. PNESS.it
Uat ary . where '"UMATILLA COU27TY.
tot rnnr n v nTmnir
1 V It i G i .
5 &3 iJJU
Offlco at the City Drug Store.
All sails promptly attraJod ta eT or ni;lit.
jr-. A. B. STRODE,
Office over Pauly's Store. All calls
r ill receive prompt attention.
I flalleaatwerad any time d.y or nijlit.
"Win. Powers,
ataia Str. -t, Wwton, Oiejoa.
fcavsax aad n:ilr-Orrlnx in tbe Hlslirst
tylaariba Taaoarlal Art.
In complete in every detail and at ni-trvelously low prices. Wc tlso cairr a
ull line of Tobaceoes, Cigars and Crockery, Glasswase, Etc.
Listt the uawever, dial net appear ,w, pl.;ncipal tland.-by, bean
in u least ciisceuragea at l .o prosper 0ur casUin uttnsiU consisted of
before ties, and were industriously fryiag tw0 shect iron camp kettiM
plowing, uc-iing, ana mating garaens, anJ a csff-, pot 0ur flgur WM t
upon tneir new, raw jamioa pes- rising that is the mat81.ia) that CJlU3!d
euioni. A sau scanty witaiun.BBr itt,rais8,adbs(a wix8fl with tfc.
reel eiapir-g oa way, an a oarwa- flcur at tha miU flulig th, prt,eess 0f
wire corral was tne principal iiejsreva
rosnt? upsa mest of .these farms. A
wagon loaded with half fiiletl, er empty
barrels, toH in laaguage mere elqaent
than words, ef the scarcity ef that fluid
without which, evan fertile land is
valuekjs, an although the eye could
scan a vasteipanse ot country, no
t!Bssr icr luei vas vuiuio, vo were
infarased that water was obtainable by
digging frem forty to on hundred fret
into the earth, and that the fuel prtrb
lem was solved by hauling f rotn the
tirebftr drifts along tha Columbia riv
mmm? 3
Weston Meat
i.iU 19
B IT "i 5
mfcl h i
I have no dettVt that tisr.e and pcr-
servering industry will evercoaie these,
and all ethsr olittaclos in tha way of
the settlament ef this evidently fertile
fceetioa, n J that oomfoitable hornas
grinding, and it only needed the ad
dition of a suiTicictit amouat ef clear
water and the' necessary ameuut of
kncc'ing te rcake the insst dlieious
bread known to apokery, a verdict un
animously rendered by all hungry
travelers, frona the Grand Duke Alexis
down. By the way, Bill tell me a joke
upon himself regarding his first experi
ence with self rising flour. Ho said
when he was a tendeifeot, which was
nearly a half century ago, he was farm
ing in a small way in California, and
when ha was ready te sow his wheat,
a waggish old miner sent hina thirty
miles on a fools errand t preeuro "self
rising whsat" with whiah to seed his,
ground. As I never heard him tell
what he intended ie to receive as a
istke. ner saw him smile at one I re-
will ,ri in ti9 to replace the shant- u . j w it WM a r,al
rM. V57"I3C3E5:zra"S0353'.
'a F!i,ire, Caaeaa
wav 8M1TH a WESSCO
Sraia ever
and the flrat oliolce of a II
axuerta. la oallbrtia a:.
in aud Ai-llin. fUnirla nr
doable action, Safety Ham
K wuramanahln and mioK. Durlvak-d
X. jrjtrr.ZrlJ'' """P aUrabUt inm imitation
E?SL li 2.. V?,n'e article. They are unre
it .f r??? )0- T" Bar A R.
1. .U1 V T', cpcT ' 'iTel with flrin a
rTlj SSii" tot lnta. and are nuar.
Ml SlT. J 1 . X n h""i then..ai.d If
SL1ZiuHi'lJ:m- ,,r1' nt toad
re aaaakaraa aud pnewaaja aimlictiuT
U ai Wkhmok.
r-ariaaC&ld, Haaa
Monuniients i
tt m mm tt i
!i-H i T. UU&A JJL , mi
i iVrliR-.il J A UnWVLW.T? 111
S I - t iVJ ' it J i if Ii I II I
ies wo Saw, but tho easntiea cf the
Big Band will always be inseparably
connected in my raind with scarcity of
wctor, missrably tired and worn out
ssttler, and "Okanogan coal," as Bill
called the fuel that we were obliged to
collcet and burn in order to fry our
b icon and bail our oolite.
I had seen tho country
we wsrj . passing through,
experience ef his.
Gathering a quantity of the fuel dos-
cribad, we pile it up in a circular form
and set fire te it. After burning a
whilo the offensive odor escapes in the
saaoke, and the pile is reduced to a
snass of bright ceals, without lessening
the bulk of the original pile. My first
meveroent towards preparing a meal
is ts sat my pot of beans and another of
sxtolW by tha p'-w, anfi ;n i!Mrai5ra. ..uit 9n tfeeieea!3- The kneadin- of
s tin M- il
-Proprietor of the
Fost-Offiee Drag Store.
Dealer In
ar.5S Tain Is,
irmshcs, i's,
vas?. eic, etc.
t:n primhlsts, and although I had j
had experience tkat should hava mad
roe wisfr, I half expocted to see a ver
itable paradise. But, I presumn, now
that it is almost wholly settled, it
would be no harm for me te express
my cpiuicn regarang this, and some
'.her h'calitias exceedingly like it, that
are being btomcd in the intetert of
some rslH.h little twas and big rail-
frl ' roids. I will only remark that if I
had a cemfcrtable Lereie in the eastern
! with creat spreaeia bechss oa eash
side of the lane that led to the village
a mile or so away, and a big red' btrn
with a cupalo en tep ef it, w ith a
weather-eock on the tap of that, aad a
delightful let surrounding th;it barn,
filled with giant oaks aad chestnut
tress, with a living spring issuing from
, - , , - e i -ft
a ceirac:e comer sain lawn nte
pasture, and a pretty white cottoge
peeping through tho evergreens just
across the las, and, and several other
desirable tilings I could mention, I
would remain on yen side .f the reck
ies, if I coii'd rais fifty bushels of
wheat per acre on N. P. R. R. land
within a mils' of Ritzvi'l, Wnsbington
N. B., this i copyrighted and ins
tils bread is the next task and as that I
is tha only portion of the camper's culi
nary art that requires any particular
degree of skill, I w ill inform my tender
foot readers hew to knead bread with
out a Boar pan. Take a pint of water
which will make sufficient bread fur
two, if you are net to fcungry,
shkn the )lur solidly into the sack,
make aa agertare in the top, taking
care to have the flour evenly divided
2giri:t the sack to keep the water
from touching it; put in a sufficient
aiajjr.tsf salt aud stir uutil sufficient
ly stiii' to hancils, make into thin cakes
and caek. T.icra is alio an art in cook
ing it but this is only acqined by loi:g
At tkis desolate spet we spent five
days, occupying the time in caring for
eld Jumbo's ailment, and lightening in
a rapid manner th loads of the ani
mali, for cur appetites had increased
ever since our dopartere frem heme.
Tn every journey that I have over
taken there has always been some dark
particular spoV some day or eeeurrense
thai is fi.ted in nriy memory as the
tarn down page, as it were, of the trip.
Rattlesnake spring3 stands oat boldly
in the records of rjiavW -y a3 tBS meit
as the eye c u reach npnn every sislo
and sand lizirds, rattlstnakes anal coy
ets are tha only animal life to be met
with; if I exewut an occasional eage
lien thai was flushed by our dogs as we
traveled along the sanely road.
The wind howl! incessantly during
the whele pei iod of our stay, a great
portion of tho time accompanied by a
driving rain. J
One day I toek my gun ana made
tho circuit of a butte that roared its
scald head a short distance from our
camp. (I wake the unusual simile for
the reason that the top of such emi
nencss are eaUert their heads, and this
one reminded me of a banian head
aillitd with elt rheum.) I Lad hard
ly reached a point out ef sight of our
camp, whirl I observed a shabby coy
ote sneaking up the side of the butte.
In pure wantonness, I raised my guf)
te my sbsukler and fired. I was grati
fied by hearing his yelp of anguish, and
seeing his form quivering and beund-
inT in its death agonies. When
arrived at tho spot where
he had fallen the poor fellow was in
the last threes of death. Near where
he had rseeived tho cruel bullet lay a
dead squirrel with marks of his fang.
upon its body, and 1 knew that lie had
been carrying tht small morsel of food,
though starving himself, to his half
famished dam Who fas caring for her
pretty litter in her den among the
crevices of the reck up tho mountain
side. As I looked upon his stiffening
body and considered my part in tho
tragedy, I folt half a murderer, and
whelly ashamed ef tho act.
Man is the only creature that robs
another ef the existence God has given
it, without reason or motive. Hero
was I, standing over an inanimate
frm, made so by my cruelty, in whoso
death I was none the gainer. I was
reminded by lny wantonness of these
seekers of wealth who, when their do
cires are satiated by enormous accu
mulation!!, murder happiness and de
stroy sosis because they have the
power, and itj is their trade. Old
Hatch and Juy Gouli have crushed to
earth thousands, with less eompunc
tin than I felt over tho despised ani
mal that lay dead at my feet.
But there, I dare say . few whose
trade and delight it is to hunt to death
the wild animals of tho forest and
plain, could moralize thus over the
slaying f a prairio wolf, and I drop
tho subject, feeling that I have made
some reparation for tho deed.
Our patient began to show signs of
recovery and wo gladly resumed ear
journey, for wo began to long for tho
forest clad hills and their cooling
shades. The beat: of the lun on these
plains even at this. early season of tho
year is intense; besides, we longed to
reach a locality where game was to be
found and where wo might begin to
look ief "prospects."
We had met a man from tho Methow
rallay, who informed us that a rich
silver lode had been found in the val
ley just previous to his departure, and
as tho Mothow river country lay in the
district wo had marked out for explor
ation, we heped to lose no time in ar
riving in that vicinity.
N jt far from our lata camp made
Memorable by the incidents related,
we passed a lonely grave lurreunded by
wkite pailings, upen a small butte near
the road. We were informed that it
marked the resting place cf a poor fel
low who had suicided niar tho spet
seine years since. No doubt tho act
had been superinduced by tho depres
sing influences that all aaust experience
who traverse this dreary region.' As
we passed the lonely spot, Bill smiled
grimly, remarking in his droll way
that he couldn't help feeling a little
inclined that way himself; after which,
wo urged tho tired "mules" to a livelier
gait, as if to increase tho distance be'
tween ourselves auu the uncanny
We stretched our tent that evening
in a little valley or "coulee" as the
canyon are called. Rattlesnake ceu
Ue, I think was the ramo of this val
ley. The sail j looked black and
rich, but was, I dare say, liks most of
. t-. . . . i i
tuoso raiieys, suoect to iaie anu eariy
frosts. The grass, however, was luxu
riant and water plentiful; two Lies
sings our recent experience had taught
us tiritppreciate. j
i vYe were nw Hearing Ritzvillo
NO 3. '
lauaMtfaj-aaii him .f.M.-'J-J-'llggingrii
thriving little town laid cut br and
named in honor of , a - former Wal "
Walla gsntlemtn, Hso. P'ailli.j R t..
Arriving here, we replenished of '
stock cf provisions ana wero ptepi'iag
to continue en our way,, whsn aeon
going for our horis, 1 found iny lone; "
sick miscrvent had agsin taku tho
return trail for ho;r.e. After aoaiehing .
for them during the ra-mainder ef the
day, I returned, tireJ and disheattsn
od, aud was lying ia the-tent, bioas!v.
ing my ill luck, when I saw an l!fii- -grant
approaching with his wagon,' and
hitched behind were my runaways.
The roan kal met them ten miles' or
more on tho road, and rightly jadgifg ;
them to be runaways, had had t lit1
kindnoss and good sense to bring theui
with him. . 1 thankod him heartily and -will
not soon feiget his generous,-aet;
Agaiu wo "strike the' read," Vand .
again are wo oppressed by tho heat aad -
the extreme scarcity t-f water. The '
bunch graii waves like a field cf wheat
for miles in eveiy diiection, but tho
absence cf water makss it as useless
for the stockman's purpose as thongk
nothing but saga covered the bread ex.- -panto.
We passed a occasional now
ranch, but tte i'ftlo water ebtainabio .
frem their v eil was by them consider- ;
ed too precious to give to travelor,-anJ
our animals suffered extremely fron
thirst. Tha sm-ill fields cf whent thsk ;
had been sewn tho previous fall wes
growing iinely, but that mischievous'
little .marmot, the speckled ground
squirrel, was making sad havoc with
its tender shoots. The ranchers were
scattering poison for these pests, and
every article likely ta tempt their ap
petites was impregnated with stryeh-
nine. One eld- German blasted bo ,
his Putin mercery had poisonod sonio
bacon skins and scattered them broad
cast over his fluid and along th road
My dog ate a oitien of . this poison.
and was soon ii the awful agony that
follows the swallowing of- strychnine.
Wo sorrowf ally watched Lim through -several
cf tha horrid convulsions and
sadly kft him to bis fate; not, however,-
without first locking up the criminally :
careless Teuton, a-iii expr;?ii"g cur
most Learty disapproval of his mode of
poisoning squirrels. I bastsn to relate
that the succeeding morning whoa I
went out to collect in our animals, I
found, to my astonishment that tho
poor fellow had ir? far recovered as t .
follow us and was lying dwn near
Billy, for whom ho had formed a strong
attachment. lie afterward fully re
covered; but had it net been for tho
scarcity of water and his consequent
inabilityt09btai1.it while under the
influence of the iion, his bones would
no doubt view be - bleaching en . that
miserable dutchnsan's farm, a sad re
minder of his care'essaoss aad stupid-,
ity; - , ;
After a long dri-e of nearly twenty
miles, we were eesspelled to make a
dry samp. We had passed out of the
grassy, supposably fertile 'region, and
were traversing another sand plain
covered by the tallest sage I have yet
seenr It towered on each side of the
road, high above my head whoa open
my horse, and was large enough for
fuel, than which no better can be found
when, like this, of sufficient size for the
purpose. But as in many other in
stances in this country, it was abun
dant where lr.&st possible ef utilization.
The distributing power that perfect
ed arrangements in this locality ' was"
evidently careless in Lis labors. XT
hive an abundiicu rf . grass placed out
of the reach of water, and wood 1st
plenty where neither ef the former
requisites exut, and al infinitum. ;
(To be continued.)
BIsclDf Kelaee
la the ears, sometimes a roaring buzzing
Round are caused by catarrh that ex
ceedingly disagreeable ad very com
mon diBcasa. luss 01 smell or . nsariuer
also result from caUf rh. Hood's'
Ssraaparilla, the great blood purifier
is a peculiar successful remedy for
this disease, which it cures by tnirify-
ing the blond. If you . suffer from
catarrb, try HuoJ's Sarsaparilla, tho'
peculiar medicine.
It doos not pny tr tool with the Arizona'
journalist. The Terap e ews bad a de
linquent advertiser. The editor man'
took out llio ad and replaced it by the'
following : 'This space was taken by
: lie owes $ for it, and won't'
liny. Look outior linn." llie adver
tisei got mail an4 obtained en injnnc
tion restraining the publication, but at
Judge dissolved the injunction. -
Catarrh originates in scrafubuis tsiint,-.
Hood's fs irsapsiilla purifier the bluo-i,
and thus r.srinanent'y cure; cat.TrH '