Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, January 14, 1890, Image 1

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NO 2.
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Yton Weekly. Leader
i tA.-u8 at aa r
eMiriUe eases
rwpMinily nmtot t. ,.,,,.-piTUtJ
H. W, WC1UHIS JX, , MS-,,P"
rfcT loose, v."). ss. i.
t.w. P.roti'.sr ia to."1.
' " .. - . .. ,r.. rti. -A. I". 4 A
WIHTJN M w.a. lmr.i. tutur-
"''i... hail. VifltiUK
W&Z '"v. ,,,,,, ...
CeatrrviKe Lodge lrevy.
DOI.PH LWC.K 'NO. SO, V r . t A. .
M..-M on the r tna . iniro okouj.
U ste'i month X 7 o'cioek p.'in. .
iV-.? l .1 o. r. Me-.U evjry rn-
J), w. J1RV1H, K. 0. 0HA8. Cl.r K, boc.
MHCao LuflS"! 31r-:;ovy.;
uiirni l.')l;Jf. MO. 61 !."..
for Infants end
' "Castorla ig so well adapted to ccfldren tliat J CsstoHa enrec OoKe, CoBsM7Mon.
IreooiainetalitMBuporiorteeoyprwcripUcn I T Etosnaah, piarria, EnKUOion.
111 Bo. Osiora St., Brooklytt, K. T. tWtaat lajaHass gjfiwtioii,
Tbs CK.1AOH CoxTAirr, TT Murray Street, K. T.
, D'AiEKES.-
Of the Hnir- Krradth Escapes
Wonderfnli: Adventorcs and
. Great DartlsLips of two Pros
pectrs.E4 Fcbt Jackasses,
Bmtli'K (he Snnimr of 1S89. From a lUs'j
Itrptt.r ffliltceur, and rdllcd by
a ld forrf.pindeat oftfcc Leader.
I hoj. th applictio of raj try fararit?. Vfai thera a Jiilleult trail U
is apatrent t all, aij without farthar : pan. Jumbo wm placed ia the led.
cigraaticn uaa ina cm ei tne pies- i lit vti Ihm Cut to crer.t tbe laitgrU! j
& ft f r ji.ii i i .. i ,
a! j misaraWl ia tka abstract, nat' ba-
inj itueibla af kit litiaaiiaa, but usual!
tba hippiaet fallaw aliva, I will allow
yu to iraw yeur aw canclusioni re
garding his lifa and characteristics
freoe the narrative that fallow:
sks gsa m o E 3 fT
H M a pj si 1 N
wia r.-iJ Ilk! hi m w 61 Esd-
l'KUl''i;sSH .' A L OAK US.
at lflilitii Tr'v. I
i If
Notary Pu'ii'.io.
Attorney at Law
YTc-.t". ?i-ea-
li -silcnja on Wtr tro .
Will practice 'in all this cowrta.
r. HUTCUE.'l,
ulaat. . Vnlers:ic., tucgmt.
wm proe-'r In 'l 'Jio curt uf On.on ai.'l
.. Miilnirto Torriturj.
T2iWnv f5r. t'i y'.-S s. is .?. 4fv 5tv
Titalize tlic xystcm, aiiil arrest t!i .rarage3 of the dreadful
a!roSS hVAf, Dipsomania.. For Kale b
li druggists
Sola Asat 'or Northwestern Caast.
LcI bUnks of all kinds lor ilo.
?Boe k Pustuffire. li) 20
Keaiai I, S, 3 r.i i T'nmison -Flaek
bailaJu, fttti the Court !.
Physician tnd Surgcsn.
OfBea neit door (u UbWiT tins? niore.
Beai4oaco, No. "'J I; r-U Btrect, corner
of Kir.t. Tcleulvnac No. S4.
Walla Wl .. . - IT. T.
knmn'ss f Kll Vils RtU'Dd-J t. rith
1on. ))!) Street, oiixwiie Methwlict f:li:lrco.
J. It. XSKNXDY, il. !.,
Phyaissin s.ni Sut gcea.
atOMMel Witcitaaad (UirMiitirlcKj
rriea i at re Jnce on TTatcr St.
Veto-:, 0.
OiHco at tbe City Drug S'ove.
All Oft 111 promptly t tended l 4ar or iiiht.
a. A. J. STKODE,
Office over P.iuly's future. All culls
will receive prompt attention.
jQR. A. H. M.tUTlN,
011 antwerwd any tir (Ujr or n:slit.
I C3 I Q
Hua S'.r.rt, Teftt..n, Orctoa.
haTtaj aad ?!alr-reilas In Wir Ulchekt
atjl BftSic Toawrlal i t.
win. TiVJX.xcariSTSSo,
tii in ca i
Auti i4-!tU, s
aaUe actKn ,
. anl fury
aiel, r,i,lr
"'"iIiit ana oe"ri.rr. Do'
K!" ;wivi t,j ,-hc.;) mo;ea.ti t-i..uiutl.n
r ow lor ih (reimire TLcv ro unr
f. ... nd "l'-"i,Jruu.. The Smith a Vu.v.i Kk
I '.(.Tiu r uauiil n(xn U.e burrrh with llnn-
wnwi Kudtlntmot iiirat. uud hrv tuar.
limtacc lnlc ui-.n Lnvin? iliin. i..l if
!""'!'" onoo wipplf yon, an order m.I u.ad
w" Www wm rveei. iirumpt kintlon. loli
aalaae ul pricupon tM'imuw.
Pirru;3f:i, Kaaa,
iy Ham l-Ni-,s?
1 m.MielH. f I N V.'i
iauck. lnrn;oJ fnrK".:i3
tvi xzSt xk k a
. w Miter Stock
Hasjast arrived, and for COMPLETENESS and CHS A PNESS.it
lest ej where '"UMATILLA COUNTY.
Tkaro ia a cmtiru prevailing; amoa;
autbori to begga thsirniliotioni ura
the pubiie icr a krf-thy preface, en
tiioing an e!ejy or oxplaaatiea
I hare net'aiag af t'uo kiud to offer.
I Gsako do prstsnioaj to (kill ia the
ait deteriptire, a fact which I greatlj
deplore, far ia no locality in tha world
are tka sublimities of nature aasro
abundaut or ittrikin, thxa in the
mount&iaobs rogiene threugh which
our wandsrig led us tin summer.
My readers will therefore eontent them
selves with a plain ns.rrj.iive, plainly
writtea, and a "facts concisely atated,"
iz according to a recant high authority,
the true art of catupexitioa, I have no
doubt the reader of the Leader will
at leatt folio n ms through tba wan
derings of our journey withsut woaryr
One mast meed live ia a locality
where the precious naetals exut in
their natural and hidden conditions
before he is liable to tint fever, that
whea ene cpntractad, it seldom al
layed except by that potent febrifuge,
death, vtacsa esiliy areata lias power
to csl evea the ardent pulae of the
"geld fever" patient.
There are different stages of tit is dis
ease, and the chronic prospector, he
who never tires of the search for hid
don treasures, nor becomes diseeuraged
with a lifetine of failures in the at
tempt to discever it, is caly a a ad
vanced tae of the diseasw.
liij uoUUOj bluulluiLjbuuiu, vmUti?
Is coiupleta in 0Try detail ami at marvelout-ly low pricos. We al eatry a
ull lino of Tobaceoey, Cigars and Crockery, Glass wase, Eta.
jp T.";j"'V!yt'T. 'i "T
Weston Meat
v. I 5 y Ci ? 3
f 1 1.
l " I II ..
Proprietor of the
Post-OIoe Drag. Store.
Dealer In
SrjLes, Cils,
Glass, etc., clc.
igaui i deplore my poor
powers of description
ler cere l wouia Oaliglit to give your
readers a pen picture of the genus honi e
-to whioh-I, unfertanately fer wyself
and all who are interested ia my wel
fare, belong-
The prospector, were he
sensible of his pitiable conditio, weald
be an object for the eoiMnmratim of
all the ret of mankind, for his life is
almost universally osido up of disap
peixttaeets and extreme hardships and,
as a rule, eada in povorty. Occasion
ally the poor fellow "staggers onto"
something, but only in rare instances
does ho prot by his luck. There is a
class cf nen always on the alert for
hisa, and when he succeeds in "making
a strike," they usually manage to
"cniaei sine out ct it. . .these "aiming
experts," "capitalists" etc., abound in
every mining camp ana spend tfcsir
time in ease in the htls cf the town,
while the poor prospector is eligabing
the rugged wioatain tides in pursuit of
his T.-earisetsa vet atisn.
Nc seoaer is it k:iown that ho has
nsado a discovery, than they begin to
lty plans to secure his ledge. His
poverty makes hiss an easy prey, for he
is unable to develop it if a quartz
claim, and in nine instances out of ten
these sharpers "bond" it for a few hun
dreds er thousands, or by buying an
interest, form a stock company and
freeze him oat with assessments.
Their attitude toward the prospector,
forcibly reminds bso of an ecsnrrence
that I witnessed, not one, but many
times while I was living in Alaska. A
few hogs are raissd in Jsnoaa, which
sabsisit principally upon shell-fish upon
the bsasb. Ravens also abound in
great nuasbers all along the coast and
grow fat upon the same teethsonie
provender that the porkers revel in.
Now if there is any bird or animal on
earth that is one half so cunning as
an Alaska raven, I havo it yet to see,
and the ralatiea of the following illus
tration of their eutencsx will, I think,
explain atj adniiratieu for them:
I havo seen t'nesa cunning creatures
perch upea a heg's back and resting
comfortably just behind his oars, watch
until tho gooa-natured animal had un
earthed a fat clam, when down he
would hop and secure it before the pig
was aware of his intenticn. More than
this, I havo teen him iij with his ill
gotten food to the nearest rock, well
oat of his injured pigship's reach, and
laseb; actually laugh ia a nest deri
sive and provoking aaair at tho dis
comfited pig.
During tho eariy portion of tho win
tor of '83-9. there appeared in. Weston
a little oavaleado that attracted public
attention at once, by it comical gro
tesqueness. It was composed of an un
usually tall, angular man, four extreme
It sseall Mexican donkeys er burros,
and a dog. So extremely tall was this
individual and so diminutive wore the
donkeys, that it was possible for him
to stand, upon his tees and allow the
auimals to pass under him. Tho dog
v as ia keeping with his companions,
and was long and lank and lean, a pot
hound of a pronounced type. The
man, after making inquiries as to pric
es of necessaries etc., expressed a do
tal tainatien to winter an tha town and
was teen comfortably domiciled among
us. iackasie. eUz and all. It was
learned that he was a prcfes
sional prespaoter, driven to winter
quartsrs 'of the inclemency of the
weather. I soon formed his acquain
tance and the result was the forming of
a eepiirtnership between us foi the
purpose ef pretpeeting iu the Couer da
Aleno and Salmon river mountains the
ensuing summer.
Our arrangements for the trip were
soon complete, and when the Coiue
plant had begun to nut forth its yel
low umbels, the Curlew to circle over
head with its oar piercing shrieks, and
tha blue-green bunch-grass to shoot
from its pretexting tussocks, which are
not harbingers ef, but evidences sura
that spring has eonae in
Eastern Oregen, then we began our
I presume tint it i necessary at
this juncture to introduce y readers
t-j the parties whose fortunes they are
presumed to follow through this and
succeeding chapters.
Uill. ear nardner. was as 1 have
described, anjrainly in perse, and as
is usual in such instances, eccentric i
disposition as in body. Ho had spent
theVgi'eater portion ef his life ia the
mountain ranges, and upon just such
quests as the one we were then en gag
ed in. He was an excellent hunter, :
practical and experienced prospseter,
and asitJe from his personal peculiar
ities which were not particalarly dis
agreeable, as agreeable a companion as
I have ever traveled with. His por
tion ef the animal oat fit has been men
tioned. Mine consisted of two horses;
one saddle horse and a pack animal,
a deg, and Winchester rifle 45-JO,
model ef 76. My animals wore both cf
the ordinary Cay use breed, and enduod
with all the cussedness characteristic
of the stack. My saddle horse, "Eilly,"
was homesick during the wh&le sum
mer, and never mused an opportunity
to attempt a return to his old range,
and my pack auiuial, a mare, was in
variably at fcis lieels. L nave some
times thought when mors than usually
provoked by a tiresome chase aftor
these runaways, that this creatun
whom I learned to detest most
thoroughly, was tho instigator iu those
attempts to return home, far I had
frequently observed her "nosing" Billy
a way from camp, always bringing up
closely ia the rear. They were a con
stant source ef annoyance, and we were
compelled to keep them closely hobbled
erstaeoa, even wbea tae "rasa was
Bill's burros, however were perfect
campers. Wo had no were fear of
their desei.in us than we had cf
waking in the morning and finding our
d Sne- I have often thought since
becoming acquainted with the habits
and extraordinary intelligence of these
homely and despised little beasts, that
efttimes when we attempt to cast oppro
biuw upon an enemy by him an
ass, we libel a most worthy animal
me nid uown an ass is an express.
ion not so pregnant with debasement
to toe now. "ispit in y lace a ad call
me a aorse was JJalstatis leea 01 igns-
miuy. He eviUontly had a dyue
: . .110
horse la oiina, which was m: re ust and
tree in thd trail. Ly his extreme cau
tion with his pack it was seldom neces
sary t leplace it and as a reward for
his excellent behavior, old Jumbo was
usually the first to be fiecd of his lead
upen arrival at camp and the last one
leaded upon our departure frem it.
"Mocho" and 'Cliiipw' were younger and ance.'
laeked much of the wisdom that, long
experionee had taught their more elder
ly companion, bat did their duty well
. Although tco diminutive in size for
most parposas, the adaptability ef theje
animals for the use of the prospector is
pet feet. They pack with apparent ease
a load of one hundred and fifty pounds
and ascend ami descend the rough
mountain tides like goats. It is a com
monly ascepted opinion among moun
tain men that burro will travel where
a man can go without holding by his
Our dogs, although to figure to imni
extent in these pages, wove cf common
breed, witU no striking characteristics.
Mine was, a shepherd pup that was al
lowed to felUw mo because he "loved
me for myself alone. " So plainly ap-
. . rreo Storage. . .,.. .-.
"We will handle and store at any a(
our country elevators without c'-.trte
until Jan. lt, 1SC0 all wheat which
finally be sold to us. All wheat e eUro
will bo insured (or account ef ownr op
Jan. let, 1890 for one cer.t per bitelel.
Ia the event of parlies others 1han our
selves buying the wheat we wi!l cliar
only tho customary rate, whii li is 60 ct.
per ton for receiving, - weighing, - aii't
loading on cars ; and 25rU. per ton fa
storage until Jan.' Ut, 1SW) and imur-
- "r
Pacific Coaet Elevafcr Co
Absolutely Pur.
This powder never varies. A marvel of wu4f
trliyth 9.11(1 U hiltiYM)i na Uesr fMRumMnloaA -
parent was tkis faefc. that I la ad cot tk htt niinary kinds. cannot sola u
heart to part with him, and as I shal
show farther on, owe my life to his de
votion, and another trifling circum
stance. (To be continued.)
ti um or phosphate ponders. SoM only iu
ttoTAi f uj-.r Uo.. 106 Wall sue . a
l.lectrlc Sitters.
This remedy is becomins eo woll
known, is so popular as to need no spec
ial mention. All who have used Electric
Bitters, sing the same song of praise.
advice ta HstBers.
Mrs. Winslow'a S)oothir2 6vrni, toe
cliihiren teething, in the prescription f
one of tho best female nurses and phym
uiana in tho United States east bee aea
used for forty yean with neTor-ailinif
success by millions of mothers for tlioii
children. Durinr the process of toethr
ng its value is incalculable. .It relievos
ihe child from pain, cures dysentery and
A nuier medicine does not exist and iL is diarrhea griping in tho bowels, an
I -r e .iAl.
guarantee.! to do all that is claimed. "na-conc. giving neaiin n tae
Electric Bitcers will cure all diseases of cl,la re8t "otber. I'nee No. per
the L:ver Kidneys, will remove Pimples, bottle.
Boils, Bait Rheum and other affection I All persons knowing themselves in-
caused by impure blood. Tfill drive debted to Geo. N. Ilejmolds, must sail
Malaria from the system and prevent nd 8,ul8 either by cash or note, on or
as well as cure all Malarial fevers For before November 25tU, 1889, and save
cure of Headache, Constipation, and costs. I mean busiuoss, and will stand
Indigesiion try Electro Bitters Entire
satisfaction guaranteed, or money re
funded. Price 50c. and $1.00 per bottle
at J. J- Boeler's Drugstore.
M. J. McDaniela desires that ell part
ies having accounts with him, to cotce
orward at once aiid" setflo:'
no foolishness.
A..A. Walker,
Marshall House.
The Grave CrU Tired Tawnlna
Seemingly, for certain wretched invalids
who toddle feebly along, though always
looking as if they were going to die, but
omitting to do it. They dry up, wither,
dwindle away finally, but in the mean
Tt art ft - 1 3 vtffi a vl if g"roO u s t eaTi , t no V'
nothing of the physical enjoyment, the
zest ef that existence to which thor
cling with suicli remarkable tenacity,
they are always to be found trying to
mend ny Uniterm; at themselves with
Is roniaiiiyllou Incurable.
Read rhe following: Mr C, A. Mor
rw, Newark, Ark., says: "Wae down
with abcess of lunrs. and iriml mr,J some trashy remedy, tonic or '"pick mo
physicians pronounced an incurable ? Sl'l! P lf J"'!!":!
I " ...w ....... mm int UI,C
w t n..'. I t tl- 1J . i. .
consunnptive. Besan taking Dr. King s
New Discovery for consumption, am
now on nay third bottle, and able to over
see the work on my farm. It is the
finest medicine ever made."
folks would reKort end adhere to Hos-
tetter'e Stmch Bitters it would be
well with them. This superb invigor
ant supplies the stamina that the feeble
require, by permanently reinforcing df
gestion and assimilation. It over comes
Jesse lliddlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says nervousness, insomnia, malaria, kidney
'Had it not been for Dr. King's New
Discovery for consumption 1 would hav
died of lung troubles. Was given np bv
doctors. Am now in best of health."
Try it. Sample bottle free at J. J. Beei-
rrt . i . . . .
mere is a roan ia tins city vnder
medical treatment for a bad case of
contraction or stricture ef the osopha
gas, brought on by drinking some kind
of a noxious mixture tj kill microbes.
The stuff is seme kind of an acid which
bums and tUictens tho inner eoatinz
of tha gullet, and is much more likely
to kill a man than a microbe. It
might be good for worms but bad for
en. Just why one should drink
such stuff to kill microbes which
are in tho air is diffi
cult to imagine. It would seem
about as sensible to drink it ta kill
mosquitoes. Probably the confounded
stuff has more microbes in a gallon of
it than a man is over likely to gat into
his system. This is no laughing matter
but it may bo stated that good old rye
whisky is the best microbe killer yet
discovered. If it don't kill tho microbes
it won't kill the man, unless he drinks
toe much of it. Portland Oregoniah.
complaints, biliousness, constipation.
rumaut auu neuralgia. '
A Daily Through Car Service has
been established by tho Chicago,
Union Pacific & North-Western Lin -between
Portland and Chicago via
Council B'uffs, thus offering to tho
public facilities net given bv any other
line. "The Limited Fast Mail" which
runs daily between the above points,
carries the Overland Fait Mail, a limi
ted number of first class passengers
without extra charge, and is composed
of Pullman Yestibuled Sleepers and
Pullman Dining Can, Portland to Chi
eago via Council Bluffs. j
This is another indication that tha
Unien Pacific is desirous ef meeting
the requirements of tho people. For
information in rtgard to this and other
trains on this liar, apply to
B. jr. JOKSS
Agent O, R. & N. Co. Weston.
or to A. L. Maxwell, a. p. ajidt. a.
Portlaad, Or.
Bark'.cu Aruira Salve.
The best Salve in trie world for Cutu,
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped hands.
Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions
and positively cures Piles, or no pay re
quired. It is L'luirranterd to givo per
fect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 23 cents per box. For sale by J.
J. Bceler.
All per pons knowing Ujeroeelves in
debtcd to, tie undersigned, will please
call at (i. W. rroebstel'shardwaio store
and settle, and thus save costs.-
F. H- Paci.t.
"We Pom With frlde"
be "Good (sai at homo"' won bv
Hro-J's Rariari!!a. In Lowell Mass..
appropriate wan to cast slurs at tLe wvre lt j, prepared, there Is more of
mors intslligent and ia every way more j H od' Carsapzriila sold than of all
worthy iackass. "Jumbo" was a lai i other aseeV.iaej, an. it has given the
and wall Brenortio-d f.ll.r best satisfaction since its Introduction
, r , .. .0.s j
norhans six hundred and tiftv naunds. I
. 4 - - -L
Although more stubborn teas his
mates, ho was our standby in all" diffi
cult situations and his master's especial
ten years ago. Ibis could not bo if the
medicine did not possess merit." If you
suffer from impure blood, try Hood's
Sarstpardla and realize its peculiar cura
live power
Gammon. :
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oreg. - .
for tue County ef Umatilla,
C. F. Ma pes, plaintiff, va Valaria -
Mu pes, dfendant. I -
To Vaiaria Ma pes, the above-named do
fendant: I
Oregon, yon are hereby required7 to
appear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled salt
within ten days from tbedsta of the sor
vice of this Summons upon you, if served
in Umatilla Connty : or if served in snr -
other County in the State of; Orerea,
then within twenty days from the data
of such service upon you ; snd if bv pnbli
cati n then on or befero the 20ih 'day of
January, 18110, that being tho first day
ot uie next regular term of this Court af
ter the expiration ef the time the pab
lication of this Minmions. .
IMi-iHlatit nill take notice that if yen
fai' to appear and answerer p!ed with--in
said time, the Plaintiff, for want there
of, u ill apply to ihe said Court for the
relief prayed for ;n Plaintiffs Complaist
viz : a decree of divorce forever dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony heretofore)
existing between Plaintiff sand Lofend
ant, ami for. Plaintiff costs and disburee
rnen's if tlia suit
Attorneys' for flsintiff.
This Summons is published by order of
tho Hon. .las. A. Fee, Judge of the)
above entitled Court made at Pend'eiea
Oregon, at Chamberr, this 25th day of
Nov. ISS'J. .
TiEser., YisBTARn & TriJOEn,
PUT s Atty.