w OJfcO n W Leader. FELIX R. MITCHELL LOCAL ED1T01-. FRIDAY. OCTOBER z, f 8S3. Ol It ACfc.VTS. The following are the authorize! agents of the LrjtiK in their respective localities: Pendleton G VT Walker. Ileppner O II Hatlock, Milton A H Evans. (fenterville S i Stuart, Walla Walla , u T Thomson, Ella P. O Frank Ovlatt Island flitv J. L. Cartr. Walla Walla A. Meat-hen LOCAL LEADERS. School Books at I'auly'. Consult your interests by noting the price of liie Dclmonico Hotel, Wes ton. Largest and best assortmeut of boots and !ioes at fcaling & Co's. Messrs. J. C, McGinnis and E. 0. Wsilker of Milton wan in the city yes terday. We acknowledge a pleasant, call. A new and elegant lot of writing paper at I'auly't. Mr. J. 11. Miller and family have moved into town for the winter. They are living on Washington street. A nice line of candies and nuts at J. J. Uaiita 4 Co., Centcrville. The Leader in pleased to lrarn that Mr. A. Ti. Hendricks of Yakima county, who has been quite ill all sum mer, is somewhat improved. Go to Saling & Co. for your cold pressed castor and mineral oils. The evenings are getting lonj aud a good light is indispensable. It can he secured at very little cost. Read the ad of the Chicago Electric Lamp Co. Joe Truesdalc is running the hotel at Mutnmerville and making a financial success of it. Clad to heir it, but Joe always was a genial fellow. School Stationery of all dis criptious at Pauly's. - To those who have this week and last s kindly remembered the Leader from the proceeds of their wheat sales we return our sincere thanks. Bird seed of the freshest und clean est kind, at 15c, at I'uuly's. In a few days Mrs. C. McMorris and Mrs.) 1'roebstel and her daughters Estella and Bessie will start for an ex tended visit to Vancouver, W. T. They will visit the Mechanics Fair at Portland Young men when you want a nob by suit of clothes go to Saling & Co. Heal estate is worth something in the vicinity of Weston. Mr. II. Mo Arthur sold his tarm southwest of town to Mr. Kmncar for a little more than $45 per acre one-fifth cash. X. Pusenkcry & Co. give 10c on the Cellar discount on all cash purchases of dry goods, huts, clothing, boots and shoes. --Mild and innocent as Tine Creek now seems it is a power in the land whea it gets its back up, when it gets rilel, so to speak. J. W. Vouug and others remenibeiiii' this fact, are mak ing preparations to keep it within hounds. Don't forget to call and see N. Iusenbery & Co.'s immense fall stock. all are welcome. All goods are mark ed in plain figures. : Last week Juiing the absence of Itav. H. C. Johnson and his wife, some one entered the Episcopal rectory at this pla:e and appropriated all the coin found in sigtt, consi.-ting of various church, and Sunday school offerings. The house was entered by removing the window sash. Take Siinraon Liver Regulator to improve the appetite, to slieiiglheu the system, to stimulate the liver, to cleanse the skin of its yellowness, to remove boils and pimples and cause new life in the blood. Grand Master Twtedale will visit AYecton Lodge No. 58, I. (). O. F., on (Joc cheese, the 'tit. at P.iuly'a. U. W. Mycin, inner!y in ih em ;.!ov of 1'roebstel Bros., has accepted a position in the Dayton woclcn mills. Notions, etc., at 3'our own price, at Pauly's. Mr. Izzit a" family left yesterday for their farm in Cold Spring to reside there permanently. The recent rains have settled the dust and rendered travelling much mors comfortable. Nice clean mixed bird seed, only I5c per pound at J. J. Jlauta & Co.'s, Centerville. !f any local paper in Oregon has better correspuiidenlH than the Leader we would like to see a sample copy of Remember the cheapest place to buy your tobacco and cigars is J. J. Ranta & Co.'s, Couterville. Mr. J. W. Kirkland, of Independ ence, one of the sterling Democrats of Polk county, is visiting his son, P. M. Kirkland. The Leader acknowledges a pleasant vin;t from the gentleman. V.'m. Lowndes, the Painter, now has tor sale pa'tiiU of all c:lors. ready tr.ixcd, in any quantity. Farmers make a Dote A this. Get good paint at reasonable rates. Messrs. Proebstel Rros. have added some new machinery to their mill and are now turning out flour that cannot be excelled. On Monday they will com mence shipping at the rate of 500 bar rels a week . Mr. 1!. F. Piine has purchased. J. E, Staiifield's interest in the blacksmith shop formerly run by Weston &. Stan field. Mr. Prine is one of the best blacksmiths in Oregon aud we bespeak for tiie new firm a large patronage. The Xew Zealand Loan and Mer cantile Agency, at San Francisco, has. received from New Zealand some fa mous Seed Oats, samples of which may be seen at the Leader office. Parties wishing to purchase oats for seed from this Agency should do so before the middle of October. For prices apply at LKADKU otBce. Orders respectfully so licited. Wheat in Weston to-day is firm at 50 cents. During the early part of the week Saling & Co. paid as high as 52 cents f ir a few lots, but advices from below compelled them to reduce the price to M) cents. 1 lie highest price paid in other towns around us was 51.J cents. It is needless to say that farm ers are still holding their crops for bet ter prices, and many who were desirous of selling when wheat raised to halt a dollar n w hold on in anticipation of getting 00 cents. There is nothing in foreign, market reports to indicate that the price will greatly exceed the pres ent ligures, still it is hard to tell what may happen. The open meeting ot the Good Tem plars' Lodge that tank plsee at Milton itNTLK VILLI: CHAT. Cksterville, Oct. 1. lo the Editor of ihe LsACsa: B. D. Clemens will build a brick blacksmith shop this fall, has coin- I nienced the foundation this week. Woodruff & Ilemmah has bought the building occupied by Barker & Butcher a3 an office and will fix up a first-class barber shop. Clark Walters, one of Pendleton's commissioners, is able to be on the streets agaiu. J. T. Armstrong, Attorney troin Adams has been in town this week j courting or lawing, I do tfot kucw j which. We understand that the Indian coun-' sel has been postponed for some reason or other, until the 20th of October. Pendleton has some other scheme on hands, she wants to have the Indians placed on the upper part of the Reser vation. A good idea for Pendleton. That would take all the land as far as John Adams; good again. Then she would have all the taxable property and trade tributary and under her contral. That would give her all the voters and she could run the county as she pleased. without even allowing one or two little offices to be selected from the outside of her domain. Would it not be a good idea for the taxpayers of this part of the county to take a look at the situa tion as it is presented t them. The next county campaign -will open the eyes of those that have been disposed to look upon Pendleton as their frieuds. But if there is not something done it will be too late. Let the taxpayers of this part of the county take warning. For if she gets what she is working after, with all the lower part of the Reservation settled up with white men, and the upper part with the Indian, what show will you have? She will show the cloven, foot, aud make yon pay tribute to her. Pendleton well knows that if the Indian is let alone, the upper part of the county would share alike with her, build up her town. Weston, Ceutei-ville and Adams would all share alike. But she is afraid that if there is not something done and at once, she will be unable to dictate aud lose the grip she has had aud has now ou the upper part of tbe county. Bat as long as the people will let her have full sway she will wield the ax to her own advantage, she will gath er the fruits of your labor, and all you can do is to "pass the custard." A. Z. Adams Correspondence. lK.D2XTO. PESC1U.1GH. Pendleton, Sept. 29th G. W. Reading returned Saturday from a feur weeks hunt. George sh, of the firm of Duaen bery & Co , returned from San Fran cisco, Tuesday. Brady Huffman was released from jail Saturday having furnished bonds te Friday, October 0th. At the special meeting to be held at that time all Odd- i to How who can make it convenient to Attend are respcctfull) requested to be present. fill I lltfl:tV rYTI 1 mf 1ll-tl-Cfl 1 ni.mi.UU J. V 7 , i the amount of 1100. oKceuos, rimi iis cnjtiycu very I11UC11 ov all present. The entertainment con sisted of music, recitations, readings and speeches. The meeting was open- i ed by Prof. Pierce of Miltou in a very interesting speech on temperance. The musical exercises were very line, especi ally the singing. After recess the au dience was entertained by speeches from Revs. Oglesby, Knontz and Craig, and Messrs. White, Shields, Beam and Skec. Blue Mountain Lodge was well n -presented, some 35 members being pro.-i;iit. Among those preseut from Weston were Messrs. Shields, White, Bullies. J. E. Beam, Lee Beam, ( amp- bell, Cox, Wood, McAllister, Priue, Froumo, McEacIiern, Hick. Lieuallen. A. Skce, James Skee, Oglesby and Craig; Misses Rothrock, Archibald, Wood, Willard, Heeler, Ridenour, Mor rison, Miller, and Mesdames White and l'riue. The meeting was ona long to be remembered by all present, and the large number present indicated the in terest taken in the temperance cause. Blue Mountain Lodge of this place in tends to have an open temperance meet ing on the liOth of October, to which all are respectfully invited. COM. ulce uoi vr.itN notks. Ru e Mountain-, Sept. 30. Wheat arrives at this station at the Our Western people are liable to be rilte of about 3,000 sacks per day. The laid low by malarial fever, when break- j largest day's work yet was about 4,000 in up new lauds. The folks iu the : sauks. It is a hard matter to estimate Last a-e also complaining of fevcis, i the amount of wheat here. To say the chills and agues, ariing from decaying j least, there is luts of it. This station t-egctable mutter and imperfect drain- I cts very tew cirs about 20 to 2-i a ,ag-. For cither East or West the best j wesk. All the platforms are full and ,rniedy is Ayer's Ague Cure. J as much more piled ou ties, cord woed, --Frank Johns, writing from Yakima f 4c- Scvcn cars were lo:uicJ wkh " heat county siys: Those who are not seed- .esleru-y aim 'y uue taKeu away ing are putting ready to do so. Wheat i ba,ance k,ft on 'dc tr;lck- , on sod made from 10 to 20 bushels to 11. Key is delivering his wheat at the the acre; cn second plowing from 15 to j rate of COO sacks per day. C5 bushel. IV- ly acres of sod on Dr. Mr. J. M. English, who is delivering Lagan's place mn.de 20 bushels the j wheat here, says "that from 21 bushels acre; 35 acrs of recond plowing aver- j f wheat sown last fall, he threshed ajed 25 bushels. Cora made from 15 j eight hundred und sixty bushels and cut to 60 bushels to the acre. Some rail- j 4 acres of it to hay." toad laud is b-'ieg boucLt. i r ir i . -n . i " b - J. II. tannonsays that it will take The other day a gentlewar. wanted , n.are pickets to build a fence over a hill the writer to air a grievance throuih j than it will ou level ground. the I.EADKK. It was something of which the Leadeu Dr. F. H. Young will go over to Lexington Saturday to build and opeu up a drug store at that place. Henry Bucey and wife intend start ing to-night (Tuesday) for Tacoma which place will probably be their fu ture heme. A. W. Nye has sold his residence in Pendleton to R. Alexander. Consider ation $3250. Mr. Nye intends remov ing to Jackson county in the near fu ture. Rev. W. L. McEwan of the Dalles, preached ia the Episcopal church last Sunday morning and evening. He was formerly the rector at this place and has a host of friends to welcome him whenever he ceoies to Peadletoa. Henry Kopetka had the misfortune to almest lose a thumb while chapping wood a day or two since. As Henry is soon to take a better half unto himself he will stand in danger of losing any portion of the natural body it he acts the part of the modern husband and lets his wife wrestle with the wood pile. Another fight teok place in the O. K. saloon Saturday night. Results: bar keeper fired out, followed by half a dozen beer glasses from the hand of saloon keeper; barkeeper with blood flowing down his face swearing Tea- geance; marshal comes along; barkeeper skips; saloon keeper looks serene; all's quiet till the next fight. By the way, what lias become of Pine creek, the flewery, showery, gush ing, semi-annual Pine Creek. Has the Tribune out of respect to the feelings of its readers, requested him to forever withdraw from the fields of journalism or has his copy of the WESTON Leader been stopped and hie supply of news thus been cut off? Whatever may have been the cause of his sudden retirement we most earnestly hope that he will never again be so rash and unfeeling as ta inflict his effusions upon a patient public. Alki. Adams, Sept. 31. To the editor of the Leader: After a delay of some weeks, I again resume my "-indelible." Our little town is looming along as 1 prebunie an ins j towna along the line are duing now ou the lull tide of prosperous times. Reese &. Redman's fine brick is well under way. Mr. Sill has 1 the founda tion laid for a neat brick residence, 22x18, with a 12x14 kitchen. L. M. Simpson is busily engaged hauling the brick for his building; so you see we arc to have three brick buildings this tall, which is a very ?ood beginning. I do not wish to say anything to iu- uce more carpenters to e'eme here, for that would work a hardship en the boy? already here; but I will say that they are all busy, aud "more, too." Riden ours are putting some important im provements on their stable; Howell is building an addition to his hotel; Thurp Bros, and Cook & Peoples are lmprov- ug their buildings to such an extent that they will make, when completed, one of the handsomest blocks in town. I am pleased to note that Abe Jones with his family his moved to town. I. T. Reese left, last Monday, on a business trip to Portland. Mr. Watson, business manager for W. A. Snodgrass, left, last Saturday, for a Bhort visit to his home in Willowa Valley. Mr. Snodgrass himself paid the yillagc a flying visit last week. It is rumored that as soon as he gets his business iu a proper shape to do so, he will put a large stock of goods in Ad ana, ills warehouse building used in its construction 140,000 feet of lumber and cost nearly $7000. Will our idolized Senator lend his in fiuence to the nefarious scheme now undoubtedly being worked up by the Pendletonites? It is greatly to be fear ed, for without it they can never accom plish their object. Poor old Father Courardy! How much treachery has been carried on in thy name! Who is it that cannot see now why the first at tempt to treat with the Indians was failure? The thing was too sudden for them; they had not time to lay their lit tle plans. But what is the use to kick? We are powerless. We of this end stand, and always have stood, a disinte grated mass, as one man. But this we can assert, without fear of successful contradiction, there are not thirty In? dians on the Reserve who would from choice select this end of the reservation j as their future home, and only the worst of treachery will ever place them here. I hope that good old man, who has stood by them through all these years, may so far outwit his calumnia tors as to secure for these people at least their choice of their future home. Your kind reception of the "Times" last week was appreciated by us all and showed us plain enough where your heart was. Some of us have never doubted but .that you were a sincere friend to our little town. May the Leader live forevei, a true friend (as it has always proven itself to be) to those who deserve its friendship. M.S. Lee POSITIVELY H3H-EXPL0SSVE. THE CHICAGO ELEGTRIG LAMP .TJ-t audio Power. nnn iiFrl Vio rnnvtnfpfl " .1 ' ' J a Delivered by exprcs to any part of the Northwest. Address THE CHICAGO ELECTRIC LAMP CO. a cor. f n-btana aaninloll, ivnwii", v- Among its many ailvuntaijes may be cnu mt-nteii the foliowiiur: 1. The lamii, by the laws of "nature, 1 uoKitivi-Sv iiinr.viloivc. 1. It cannot lireaK or smoKe oeiiim". 3. An ordinary ehiuiney can be usetL 4. The lamp "burns at a cost of J cent p. ine wick movement oi im m- ilnr.ihla and cannot not out of oroer. fl yet so simple that any one can wk-k i. lamp in HO seeonua. 6. A wick is furnished free with ccrj Iamji. One wick will last 9 to s months. 7. The lamps, Dcimr maue ui uio,v not break, but will last a lifetime. S. hat you save for chimneys in oni year alnne will suffice to iay for a lamp. O Thi lamn has the OIllV Wick UlOVe ment that requires no tieimr of wick, ana sgm3BB& -S5-ssv! XSBfiESSB 1 fr .t ; n YeSHKSY ft V. UurU&l l-M I M Ik .1 m m i iH2sr iTo ran rBINAKEItICO Are receiving ilieir i and Winter i Stock FO XT lAJr, and will'sell at lower prices than have ever . before been offered in Weston.- i We invite everybody to call and examine" our Goods and prices All Qur ooasare . warranted as represented, pr" money refunded, Also the only movement that brings the wick up perfectly even. i 10. The WlCk trim itself if rnrnrrl r?Ao-r ? until the stop work arts and pvrmittml to jro oui wunouc oeinj oiown, a nv.nutc or less being ail the time required. 11. ine topn the fount s so const runt ed as to hold any mnaU quantity of oil that might acciacnally run over, thereby preventing damage to furuiturc, carpets, etc. 12. The insurance comiaiies repom mend their uae, because they are non-ex-plosi-e, etc.. et et THE BRILLIANT AND STFAiW I IfiHT K Produced by these lamps becaufe 6i their Ec:uur t-Jiioinicuwn, mc ma 111 principle cing a double draft, the outer air tube f giving abumlant supply of oxygen, which id necessary to insure perfect combustion (and thereby burning the odorous and p'liKonous matter which eseapes in other lumps) and the inner or 'spreader" air tubes steadying the flame and nreventimr u lis coming in contact witn tne chimney. m .ht Itbl Uh Llun I m ilade by a prominent authority gives the tollowinx result: Ordinary lamps, 811 candle power. (4 as lamps, 2u candle power. Improved new Chicago lamps, $21 can dle power. THE FOLLOWING STYLES ! Arc manufactured and can be had either in brass, nickel or gold bronze: i FOUNT LAMP Can be attached to any gas or oil fixture, side bracket, etc, holds nc quart of oil and burns i-s hours. Eor table or deslc use. FULL LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE- t Dry Goods pf all descriptions,. Cloaks, Dolmans and Jerseys,- i i BucKngham & Heelt's Boots anff- Sloes CROCKERY, TOBAQPQ. . GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. i f Prn to.--a.( "4vl (STAND KAMP f 3 Holds one quart f J Holds one quart of oil, ami burns 7-8 I tlhoiirs. Price SS.on to sf!1.60. AT 1 T . .:;' Ml ......vm .1- 'jsCyt for library extension hangers. Hplds one I (f'S t"Tfc"v quart or oil ana win Burn -n nyur. -v - Price 82.75 to s?.0o ALL-NIGHT FOUNT Same as Fount Lamp only has a larger reservoir and con sequently will burn longer. Price t'3.00 to 3. 25 STAN'M LAMP. Beware or imitation. IT CANNOT BE HAD FROM ANY OTHER FIRM THAN OURS. ews to Farmers! Ship your Wheat wiji" Notice. Unpaid Westou city taxes are now delinquent. If not paid at once, costs will be added. W. H. Getchell, Collector, Au Old-Fash ioiiod Idea. The old-fushioned idea that one should never enter a sick room with an empty stomach is a true one. The gastric juice is nat secreted in an empty stom ach; it is only when food is taken into the stomncli and digestion commences that the yastrio juice is present. All germs are killed by earning in contact with Healthy jrastnc nucc iherelore & full stomach fortifies ono against con tracting contagious diseases. De Ha ven's l)yspepsia Cure is especially adapted to act upon the digestive juices of tiie system and keeps them in a, pure and natural condition, in this manner it ensures proper digestion and assimi lation of the food. It never fails to ef fect a cure m the most obstinate cases f Dyspnpsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Kiekhnadache. Sample bottles free at W. H. McCoy's drug store. The best quality of envelopes! furnish ed and printed at LEADEli oflice for 2 per box of 250. er iros Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereh' given that the copartnership heretofore existing between C. W. Weston and J. E. Slanfield, under the firm name of Wltnn & Stanf eld, is this day dissolved by mutual con tent. Parties indebted to the Ann will find the books at th old stand. C. W. WESTON. 424w J. E. STAN FIELD. MILTON MICLAXGE. FARMERS AND MECHANICS. Save money and Doctor bills. Kelieve your Mothers, Wives and Sisters by a tir.icly purchase of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, best knovn remedy for Coughs, Cold3, Croup and Brcnc-hial effections. Relieves Children of Croup in one night, may save you hundreds of dollars. Price 50 cts. and SI. 00. Samples free. Sold by W. II. McCoy. ! Pnnsi.'lpr.th'p flats nnJ hnrlpv li:ivp fcnew uoining poci- , , , . . , ., . .m. . ... ... tuHvciiiru tuc i:cuiiuiiiaii iier1 Milton, Sept. SO, 18S5. Quite a number ef families have mov ed iuto Milton for the purpose of send ing their children to our most excellent schools. The primary department is already crowded And we think another teacher is very much needed, which we doubt not will soon be supplied. The Good Templar's entertainment last evening was a very pleasant allair. Key. Koontz delivered quite a stirring temperance lecture after a very credit able programme consisting of a speech by Prof. Pierce, also some music and recitations by other members of the or der. About thirty or forty visitors were present from Weston aud Ceuter rille. Come again. Died Mrs. Catharine Young, at her residence on Hudson Bay. Her funer al service was held at the M. E. Church of this place, conducted by Elder Moss of Centerville, assisted by Ilev. Koontz. The Odd Fellows, of which order her bereaved husband is a member and she a daughter of Ilebekah, also took part in the last sad rites, She was loved and respected by many friends. Mrs. Van Wor mington, a courageous and energetic little citizen of Milton, having grown weary of waiting for some Iturhlcn's Arnica Salve. The Best Salvo in the world tor Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Kever Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, ami all Skin Erupt ions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required, It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Eor sale by W. II. McCoy. Walla and East. Mr. J. D. Pattisoa's little bnv onally; but when it was suggested to him tiiat hi. t!, .,.;i.;i;f.. -f 1-tl.eri.w ,he co.onlaiut 'he was not CRtt J hi tTm Stday, while plnying TTblsk and tae TTerd. When it becomes clearly understood that Dr. Richmond's Samaritan Xervine is not only a specific for Epilepsy, Ner vous Diseases, Liver and Kidney Dis- i case, Scrofnla, aud a host of other dis- Io Not lie nrertvrd. There is a firm in Walla Walla try ing, (and partially succeeding) to steal a portion of my patronage, by nuttint: out a sign "Davis Dentist," instead of their firm name. When von want den tal work, performed and warranted by an nperatur who is responsible, and here to stay, go to the- oflice over Hees & Wiuans store. Dlt. L. M. DavIS. PEN ANI SCISSORS. Blacksniiths. Have noy control of the B'acksmith Shop form erly run by Weston & Stanneld, and are prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITH ING in first-class style and at reasonable rites. ; REPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE Horseshoeing a Specialty. : who have made arrangements for receiving andforwant ing the same to their San Francisco House on Storage, to await a better market Liberal Cash. Advances Ulade at a fair rate of interest, and satisfactory returns guaranteed, Don't dispose of your wheat jDefqpe calling; on us. ; . " ' We have made satisfactory arrangements for a. kwr rat ot storage in San FrancLscor Run No Chances, But do your shipping with the Olff RefF-abls Mouse ot Schwabacker Brothers. 5TDon't fail to call on the new firm. 423m Notice for Publication. Land Office at La Grande, Orkoox, Soptcnibcr 3, 1835. Notice is hcrehv civen that the following- named settler has liled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made hefoiwT. J. Lucv, County Ju'lirc of Umatilla County, Oregon, at pcnul. ton, Oregon, on November 7, ISoo, viz: JOIIX S. WHITE, Jr., toeommute Hu. io. 30&1, -or lotsaand in, sec tion 4, township north, ranu 3i east, W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Dock Linnville, J. S. White Sr., T. M Linn- viiie ana w. &. Montgomery, ail ol vveston, ure- gon. S. O. SCHWAKHAMEIt, 2 Ueinstcr. Don't forsetthat Keese & Redman are located at Adams, and do a "boss'1 business. A Kentucky paper sars. "The Strongest, health itst men stay away from the bath tub." Perhaps so, hut possibly it is only the strongest, healthiest men can do this and live. Steinaker fe Co.keep tne Buckingham & llecht's boots and shoes. A member of the bible revision committee re ceived a touching plea against changing of a verse in Proverbs, "which," said the wtitcr, "was always a great oonfort to my t.o husbands, both deceased. Steinaker & Co. have the largest and best assortment of wall paper m Weston. A morning paper has this tru'y sensational one of the stf ruer sex to take the mat- 1 hcadlnt' to I0 ol its colums: -Edward Graul snoots woman witn whom he was madly in love three times." Nothing is morec immon than a man being in love three times but it is uot usually f v."itii tne same woman. dis J anXl9Uj to harp it il.in,. Tmi .v-.r I thui. l'loaty ef people are willing for tli now; ai.er to champion th-ir grier- ! aucei, but "Juu't mention my name in j couuectu.ii with it." at sc.'ise'. j ordeis, but also for inebriety, thousands will rise up and call the discoverer blessed $1.50, at J. J. Banta & Co's. Nl ff Cev. When baby was sick, w gave her CASTORIA, When she was a child, ire gave her CASTORIA, When she became Miss, she clung to CASTORIA, I'iihm' ciflic I xfli-il Slate. Hon. James X. Kerus, United States ! Marshal nf lVnnsvlvania. wri-5 that ti. ... i oe new spenal delivery stamps are ! durin,; the severe winter weather his j Wnen si-e had children.shcgave them CASTORIA. about twelve and a half inches across j family used Ked Star Ccugh Cure aud I m uiree-nturters of an inch from top j were much benelited by it. He states to bottom. The color is dark blue, j that he knows Bafhing'bettex in reli.v On the kit .i.U is an arched panel v.ith I iug C0Ids orsore throat. the picture of a ruunin- mrt,siij;rr hey, i "rmounted by the word l uit.d' $'JOB-ward. ?" ?.7iht an ob!ouS ! L.t, on ., :4th. 1SS5, one Katcl "t, around which are tke words: "Se- cd span cf s,rrel horses, brand - on '"I dfn'Cry, 8t a j'--" and (on right shoulder, o.luery office." Over the tot. of tl.a ' ., . u W't U the lend: "Sne-rial Dcliv- ! .V".., tI,e v. ..... ii iiiic iu nun . i ne norpi r.v." ana t the bottem "Ten Cents," d l small shieU bearing the numeral "10." Portland is the only town in rego. uiat has sufficient are lo iiaiuls hih, weigh about 1000 ll.s each, are six years old and are work horses. Twenty Dollars reward will be paid for their th-1 nnntil:,tlMn t l.l ; . . f 4nrim i r 1 -vny miormaiion leal- ,wu, t0 be entitled to special delivery j to their recvery will be liberally wt bv mcs-cn;r. j p:u ior. .j. u. LHAMukulais, ! -Dovtop. V. T. A Great Discovery That is daily bringing joy to the homes of thousands by saving many of tht-ir dear ones from an early grave. Truiy is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever. Loss of Voice, Tickiine iu the Throat. Pain in Side and Chest, or any disease of the Throat and Luns, a positive cure. Guaran teed. Trial bottles frejt.at W. H. Mc Coy's drug store. Large size 1.00. 6 ter in hand, started out yesterday with a subscription paper asking for money to baild a fence around the Milton bury ing ground. When heard from to-day she had succeeded ia raising almost enough for the purpose. May success attend her efforts. The M. E, Church house has been considerably improved ef late, owing to the energy of its present pastor. The first quarterly meeting on this charge will be held next Saturday and Sunday, Rev. Dr. Tarr. P. E., of Lewiston will be present. Everybody invited to attend. Notice for Publication. Land Omen at La Granrk, Oregoh, September 25th, lsss. Notice is hereby riven that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be male ncloreJ. r.. rtirklana, s Notary Public, at Milton, Oregon, on Novem ber 16th, 185, viz: JAMES W. WILLIS, P. S. No. 4M9, for the southwest quarter nf see tion 26, township 5 north, range :;o r.. w. M. tie names the followimr witnesses to prove hi: continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of, said land. vU: A. Hnpson, Thomas N. Stark, John Stark and J. F. Cox, all of Miltou, Oregon. S. O. BWACKHAMF.R, j 2 - Keuister. 3.r3m EH 17 aimers J. S. WHITE & CO. Has been appointed agent at WESTON for for the sale of the following a mplements l-'or barging in glassware and crockery go to Heese& Red man's, Adams. " He's not what you call strictly handsome," said the Major beaming through his glasses on a homely baby that lay howiing in his mother's arms, "but it's the kind of face that grows on you." "It's not fhe kind of face that grows on you," was the indignant and unexpectsd ref ly. Reese S: Redman, Adams, ara pay ing the highest market mtes for wheat. "Can you direct mo to the Apoilinaris spring?' inquired a lady at Saratoga. "The Apoilinaris spring?' 'Yes; my husband go;s there every morning before breakfast, and I would like to see it.' "II m. Yeu wi;i find the Apoilinaris Hayward Hand Grenades. -The spnns' t"ink' in ' c to,!ement OI '"en best known Fire Extiucuisher in tbe I Steinaker & Co. make a specialty of International Hotel Corner Third aud E Streets, POUT LAND - OKl.liO.. Our facilities are such that we defy cam petition. This is the largest and most respectably kept hotel in tha Northwest. Board and Lodging, $1 por Day. Mcnls 25c. Lodging 5 and SOr. Free bus to and from the house. No Chinese Employed. Three blocks from all railroad depots. Three blocks from all steamboat landings. ( E. LEWISTON, Prop. O. Clark, Agent. j world. Doa't delay In supplying your selves with them at once. Property and lives saved every day with them. You cannot afford to he without them. M. S. McQlTARRIE, Agt., Walla Walla. G. J. BECHT, 12i Market St., S. i, Geaeral Agent. ' rents' clothing and furnishing goods. For a nobby suit call on tlieta. The Leader office does all kind of job werk in first-class atyle at Portland prices. Notice, Particular. The customers and patrons of the un dersigned, who know themselves' in debted to him, are herewith asked for an early settlement of their accounts, as money H needed. AU bills are ready; please ask for them. F. M. Pauly. PCOPER TKK tTHET FOB COL'CIIS. That the reader may fully understand what constitutes a good Ccugh and Lung Syrup, v.-e will sr.y that Tar and Wild Cherry is the basis of the best remedies yet discovered. These ingred ients with several others equally as efficacious, enter largely into Lr. Bosanho's Cough and Lung Syrup, thus making it one of the most reliable now on the markets. Price 50 cts. and $1.00. Samples free. S?ld by W. H. McCoy. Xoticc for Publication. Laxd OmcE at La Grand, Oasoos August 22, 1SS3. Notice is hereby given that the folTowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim. and that, said proof will be made before the County Clerk of L'niatilla County, Oregon, at Pendleton, Ore gon, ou October o, 135, viz: Klxn ft. Waterman. D. S. No. 5112, for the northwest quarter of sec tion 26, township 5 north, range 34 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: George W. Raymond, Henry Derrick, J. 3. Zer ba and E. J.Zerba, a':i of Cntrviile. Orerfjn. S. O. SWACKUAMEK, 23 Register. BatchelorsA Wj lye's CELEBRATED SPRING-TOOTH GOODS. Harrows, Cultivators and Seeders. 33ITCI5ELLS well known Wagons, Hacks and Buggies, The Western Fanning Milf. the best on the Coast, warranted to separate oats aad barley from wheat, taking out everything and eyng nothing hut the clean wheat. PARLIH & 03END0RFFS AHO THE CELEBRATED CARTOR SOLKY PLOW. Sorack's Celebrated Draper Goods, Iron fastenings on the end of sticks, preventing, thefir breaking. THE WATERTOWX CARRIAGES lXl BTOCHESv The Hallingswortli Rake, Self-Dumping Walker's Wrought Tubular and Cast-Iraq. Fences AH orders filled with promptness and at Walla Walts prices. LIBERAL MISCOUNT FOR CASH. Call and examine Goods and prices. Office on Slain St., one door east of Marshall House. Look' Here M. Weston Bill-head.!, Ietter-head3, nte-heaU. etc, printed and put up in tablets at the Leadee office at Portland prices. KEY Last Monday, Sept. 2Sth, I.ydia Jane, in fant daughter of H. Key, aged 13 days. YOUNG At Hudson Bay, on Sunday, Sei-t- 27, ni consumption. Catherine, wifs of George Yoirj, ad 54 years and 25 days. Her last written words, vere "I have lived the faith of a christian and in the hope of eter nal life. DECORATIVE Paper Hanger, HOUSE, SIGN, BUGGY AND WAGON PAINTER. We are now prepare to rnreiv on eonighnent. buy or store Wheat! Thus giving you choice in disposing of your crop. Grain Sacks for Sale. A!o LUMRER, routjb or dressed, for sale at reascfeitole rates and m quantities to suit. Wheat received on concernment or for storage at t,eni;rviiie ana rotiana, ana bougnt at anv railroad station. MILLER &R0BLEY, Centerville - . r Oregon. Graining in All Kinds of Wood. K.4LSOMI.I.G &c. Wm. Lowndes. yjUY YOUR BOOKS, STATIONERY Scbeul hnpplle, ovrI(leHr Ctxar-,, Vo- Dacco, onlt;rtioncr', Et. sf V. C. STARKE Y. At the P. O. Stere - - KU-TOX, OR. P. BONEBXIAKEy The Painter, Orecoiu Odor of Forest. Sparkle of St rtanu FOREST AND STREAM. dofi: " or rifle? Ever f o angffos;, or st exiting-, r irampin, or camping, or caaoeiBr, oryaohtlprr FTae 3-ou a taste for studying the hahfta of srim birds or animals! Do von know that for m years we have been publishing a brifiM weekly paper devoted to- these subjects? ft wiB repay you to look at a copy ot the Forest an Stmia .. There in ao other paper in the world Inst like it. Address Forest and Stream Publishing Oe.. i Paik Bow, Sew Tort. Svecfnea Cop ISCwafa, The Portland Business College, PortUndOre offers superior-private aarf class instruetteey to the jouflf l"d md die-aged ol both sesss wbo desire to obtain a practical education in the short est time consistent with thorough workv aad at- the leas expense; t)ajr and evening; seseionsx throughouf the year. Students adtastted. an tuue. Catalogue oa application. A. P. Aaasraoas; Jneipal.. TOTrUL BewsrfSrBffin VZWTIOH' ivkf patent tor. I ta-Hnsaoanl Fret and Bentf Sewing, Tuinhisr Boriiir. IrlHijrg,OriijE, Eojuhing BorawCaUing, Price 5 to 860. I ' ' Send C cents tor 100 pages. KF3BAIK : SHOWS LojwaMsest