Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, October 02, 1885, Image 2

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    Weston Weekly Leader.
FRIDAY, OCTOJiFIt 2, 1885.
T LI EKE are general principles, in
religion and politics for example,
that aae capable of almost mathe
matically detnonstratitn, that are
able - to withstand the fiercest at
tacks rf adverse and ignorant criti
cis'n. Hat even open these princi
ples ' creeds and parties are often
bitterly divided. This must he du
to defective understandings, to the
faet that men do not obey the in
junction, "try all things, held fast
thit which is good." Some men
seldom reason about anything:
titer take their ideas open trust
from others; they are too often un
able to tU why they believe as they
do. Beliefs thus entertained may
often be corroct, but those enter
taining them do not know that they
are true. Even when true their be
liefs are mere superstitions or pre
judices. A rational being ought to
know the grounds of his opinion.
It is seldom, however, that much
can bo done in convincing men
whoso habits of thought are fully
and erroneously for.ud. The mind
that has not been trained to exam
ine carefully its methods of arriv
ing at conclusions wi'l find it diffi
cult to adapt itself to unbiased in
vestigation. The mind, like the
body, is strong only in those parts
that have constant exercise. It
would be difficult to make an athlete
out 01 a man of fatty who up to
that time had not developed his
muscle. It would be just as difli
cult to make a logical reasoner out
f a man of fifty who all his life
had been in the habit of "j una pin,
Another Foul Slurries-.
From Harry Bowen, the Jlal
litur s'agtt driyirr, we learn the fol
lowing particulars cf a foul murder
committed on Sull" creek, at the
Warm Springs, near the mouth of
Cottonwood, in this county:
.Last lhursday night, a settler at
that place, named J ackson, and bis
partner, whose name we arc unable
to learn, were killed while asleep,
and Mrs. Jackson was. shot in the
head but, we learn, not dangerous
ly wounded. Jackson's partner
was sleeping in a hay stack, and
was killed with an axe. The stack
was then tired and the assassins pro
ceeded to the house where the fin
ishing touch was put upon their
fiendish work. There were two
other persons on the promises, one
in the house aiid the other in the
stable, neither of whom were mo
lested. Mrs. Jackson saw two men
Icaviflg the vard iust after the
shooting but was unable to recog
nize them. The cause cf this trag
edy is, as yet, unknown, but it is
hoped that the investigation which
must fol.ow will bring entsucu evi
dence as will gi.'e a clue to the mur
derers. Bedrock Democrat.
The Howe sewing machine com-; of dipttheria are reprted
paay has been placed w the hands j at different ,,kceg in Southern 0i-e-cf
a receiver. i . - t., v;i!amert iil.
Ever since Garfield's bedy wad j
placed in the toiub at Cleveland, it !
has been visited daily by persons
who distribute flowers.
The Brazilian senate and chamber
of dk-gates have passed a bill for
the gradual abolition of slavery.
The President has appointed W.
L. Powell, of Virginia, Indian agent
at Neah Bay agency,' Washington
Postmaster-General Vilas has
made a decision that the salaries
of postal employes cannot be attack
ed far debt.
John Griilirn, an old and respect
ed citizen of Union county, was
fatally injured by a falling bucket
in the Rockfellt'.v x Foster taine in
Pine creek district, recently, j
Over in the Ochoco country '.
Richard Graham sold his band of!
shep, consisting of 1S75 head, to
Hahn &, Jtrietl. He received gliO t Free from Vpiifcs, Emetics and J'oisons.
1 . -I . 1 .-.1 O I '
per neaa ior awe a. Misepana fi.ot
tor mutton. !.
s3 k am Kb am i
at conclusions," or blindly follow
iug the lead of his church or party,
It is to the young that ve must
look for a great measure of th
needed improvement. Our public
schools unfortucately do not furn
isa the aid in this direction that
might be expected of them. Though
improving iu this respect, their true
purpose is too often overlooked.
The amount of actual knowledge
acquired at school should be of sec
ondary importance; the intellectual
training should always take the
first place. The hoy who has baen
"pushed through the Arithmetic"
simply that ha may know how to
"figure wll" has been deprivtd of
the but part of a mathematical
training and has carried off nothing
but the husks. To cram a boy
with dry facts, not matter how im
portant they may be, doe.? not edu
cate him, dees not lead him oirt
do not teach him to reason for
himself. It is infinitely letter to
have him know a few things well,
to giro him the habit qf clear think
ing than to fill him with facts ot
which he has no rational conception
Mathematics properly taught will
giro the mind a habit of reasoning
closely and correctly, Will lead it to
observe the connection and depend
nce of ideas and the foundation
upon which they rest. This result
is the cream of a mathematical edu
cation; the actual knowledge ac
quired is simply the skimmed milk
upon which the rich result rested.
Scholars are too often fed on the
skimmed milk. And so in a lesser
Ugrce with almost every other
branch of study. Our schools
might bo made the incurs of giving
excellent intellectual training. But
as lone; as parents persist in judging
n teacher's titnosa simply by the
amount of knowledge he has im
parted without inquiring into the
methods employed or intellectual
advancement mado, just so long will
ttachers find it. difficult to do jus
tice to their noble calling.
Mr. Randall is in an embarrass
ing situation. He announced pub
licly in May that he was in favor of
tariff reform, without going into
particulars. But now appears in
the magazine called Dixie, publish
ed at Atlanta, an article bearing
Mr. Randall's signature, in which
he is made to say, "I favor a total
abolition of our internal revenue
system." The kind of tariff reform
wh'ch this declaration involves is
plainly an increase of the duties.
Mr. Randail has thought it worth
while to deny the authorship of the
article, but the publishers of the
magazine say that they applied to
Mr. Randall for an article on the
tariff and received under his frank
the manuscript to which thev at
tached his name. Ho is therefore
responsible for the article, whether
he wrote it or not. His plan ap
pears to be to prevent any real re.
form of the tariff by proposing to
repeal the internal taxes. But
then, why did he profess to favor
tariff reform7
ilrowlns Interesting.
The Chicago Railway Age says:
"The engineers of the Chicago and
Northwestern Company are now
pushing through Central Wyoming,
by way cf the Sweetwater river, far
north of the Union Pacific, and evi
dently intend to strike the Idaho
line nearly due east from Boise
City. A branch road to Yellow
stone Park from near Laudar, Wy
oming, On the Wind river, seams
also to be in the programme which
means competition with the North
ern Pacific at one of its most profit
able points. Railway matters arc
growing interesting in the new
At the New York Democrat,!-:
Convention Gov. Hill was renomina
ted. Roswell P. Flower was nom
inated by acclamation for Lieutenant-Governor.
Frederick Cook,
of Rochester, on the first ballot was
nominated for Secretary of State,
A. Chapman for Comptroller and
O'Brien for Attorney-General, were
unanimously renominatad. Law
erence F. Fitzgerald,for State Treas
urer, was nominated by acclama
tion, and Nathan Sweet, of Albany,
was enominated for State Engineer
and Surveyor.
The Oregonian reports that the
0. R. it N. Hnu is delivering in
Portland 1500 tons of grain per
day from the Inland Empire, and
says: "Wild as some of the estimate
of this year's surplus, made early in
the season, seemed to be, none
were large enough. Indeed, the
harvest has exceeded the most
sanguine hopes. It is certain that
the surplus of wheat, barley and
flaxseed for export which will be
moved by the O. R. it N. Co., will
reach 400,000 tons, or nearly three
times the surplus of 1S84."
Reswell P. FUwer, recently jiom-
inated by the New York democratic ',
convention for lieutenant-governor, !
declines to make the race.
Sidney V. Smith one of the best
known lawers of Sau Francisco,
died at his home in San Rafael,
Friday, at the age of 67 years'
Russia wants an immediate settle
meat of tbe Reuinelia difficulty on
a basis of accepting the union of
Bulgaria andTouuielia as au accom
plished fact.
By an order in the Canadian
council the passage of neat cattle
through Manitoba from Dakota to
Michigan via Oaklake station or
Gretna is permitted.
A inob in SpartansUurgh county,
Ohio, recently seized a Mormon
elder who had been preaching in
that county and gave him sixty
lashes on the bare back.
The president has, though the
secretary ot the treasury, asked
Prof. Agassiz to take the fiice of
superintendent of the coast and
geodetic survey, vico Prof. Hilgard,
The best payment investments in
Colorado at present are irrigating
canals,andEnglish companies appear
to be monoplizing the water bonan
zas, as they were about the first, to
embark in canals.
The steamer Great Eastern, the
worst Jumbo ever produced across
the Atlantic, is to be sold at auction
this week ii London. It is ques
tionable whether she will sell for
more than the iron is worth.
The Wilmington (Delaware) Star
says there shall be no more pocket
boroughs admitted into the Union
like Nevada and Colorado. This
is certainly monumental cheek from
the oyster beds of htt.ie Delaware.
The population of Kansas has in
creased 10 per cent in the past yeir
in spito of cyclones and drouth.
The State now r.umbers 1,250,000.
It is a wonderful country, filled
with a vigorous and enterprising
August Belmont's mission to
London, for jthe purpose of selling
Nerthern Pacific second mortgage
bonds, has been successful. A
syndicate of bankers have taken
the issue, which will soon be offered
to the public. .
The Mexicans have begun a war
fare against polygamy, and well
grounded rumors are afloat that a
demand has been made of President
Diaz that he rescind the grant of
land in northern Chihuahua to th
Mormons. The Catholic church is
at the head of the movement.
Wm. E. Holmes the well-known
stone contractor of Portland, Henry
Taylor, John P. Davis, and a
Russian Finn whose nama is un
known all three in his employ
were drowned Friday morning at
Granite point in Snake river.
None of the bodies have been re
covered .
J. J. Comstock, one of the early
settlers of southern Oregon, and for
a time superintendent tit the Ore
gon k California Stage company,
died at Eugene City a fw days
sgo, aged 52 years.
Chief of Police Parrish, cf Port
land, has instructed the policemen
to strictly enforce he ordinance
agiiinst gambling, ani when thjr
raid a gambling huse to arrest
visitors ss well as players.
It is statd on good authority in
railruad circles that the Oregon Pa-
siiic proposes to cemieBc work in
a mentb on its eastern extension to
Boise City, thure to connect with
tha Chicago and North Western
from the East.
Last Tuesday twenty car loads of
cattle left Alkali for Chicago by
the Northern Pacific. They were
Thoc wno work ciiy and la:e ncvu a wnp.e
souie reliable medk-ine like WTSKKR'S OEE
preventive oi diseases it eannot be bet.t it
checks Rheumatism and Malaria, reHeves-Constipation,
Pyspcpsia and Biliousness, and puts fresh
energy into the system by mi ins New, Rich i
Blood. AU PriBftista and Dealers keep it. Jl.oo I
aottles, 6 for J5.00. 352nj f
For Cousttj, Sore '.Throo, j&oarocnetj. Colda,
InOiicnzc, Bronchitis, Axthmo, Crcup, Whop
ing Ccngh, 'juinoy, Pulox in Chest, ether
atfKtjcaa 01 u lliroat .-.ml Luna.
Price 50 cents a bottle. Sola by pragsists ni
Dealers. J'lirllfs unable ! ixltii-e tlitir dctl-r ta
promptly net it fr.r Hum trill rcrcire Svo bottle.
Express charges paid, ht) unidinp one tkillar to
TJli. ClItltLES . tOCKLKK roiFM,
Sole OwbCfs iuii! MamiActurcrft,
k Efficient Heme
In all cases of Bronchial nnit Pulmo
nary Artections 13 Ayek's Cherry
Pectoral. As Such it is recojfnized ami
prescribed by thc.nieilreal profession, ami
in many thousands cf families, for the
past forty years, it lias been regarded as an
invaluable household remedy. It is a
preparation that only requires' to be taken
in verv mnali quantities, and a few doses
of it fidtaimstered in the early stages of a
colti or cough will effect a kneeuveurc.
and may. t erv possibly, save life. There ?
is no doubt whatever that f
Tins space spiicf far fry fhc
jiDA3 L:vty Stisik.
p's Cheny Pectoral
Has preserved the lives nf frreat numbers,
of pci-sons, by arresting; the development of
liaryDgitis, lironebitis, Pneumonia,
xru! i'lilmonarv Cons7imntion. Slid bv
bought in Eastern Oregon by Alfred I 1 lie cure of those dangerous maladies, it
According to the republican
state newspapers which are trying
ParaiilyL. Etlieridge lias created
a sensation at Guerneville, Califor
nia, by a dying confession that ho
tired the town in 1S83. He declares
that he waa hired by Herman JIaas,
a merchant of the place, to set fire
to his store, receiving therefor 200.
Haas decamped.
Myers1, of Billings, one of the largest
stock dealers in Montana. The
rate was $215 per car. The cattle
will be unloaded, fed and allowed to
rest four times en route.
The O, E. & N. Co. are taking
down about 1500 tons of wheat a
day from Eastern Oregon and Wash
ington. They could take 2000 tuns,
but this amount would cause a
blockade on the Portland wharves.
If all " the Inland Empire wheat
went that way it would tsike about
250 days at this rate to carry away
the surplus.
This seems to be pre-eminently
an apple year in all parts of the
country. In Oregon the apples are
rotting on the ground. In C!on;;..c-
ticut the farmers are groaning over
the fact that their crop is so immense
that they have more fruit tnan thoy
can sell, eat or make into cider.
In Oregon the cider crop is not
cultivated to tbe extent of orchards
fully warrant.
An extensive fire in the timber
near tha Connor Creek mine last
Wednesday dsstroyed much valua
ble timber, also, 75,000 feet of saw
logs, 5,000 bushels of charcoal, 100
cords of wood and a large quantity
of mine timbers, all the property
ot the Connor Creek Mining Com
pany. The fire originated through
the carelesssaess of a man who
built a fire for the purpose of burn
ing brush.
The Portland Construction com
pany closed a contract to erect two
grain elevators for the Portland
Flouring Mills company, owners of
the large mill below 'Albina. One
of these elevators is to be built in
Moscow, I. T., and the other in
Pullaian W. T. The capacity of
each elevator will be about 50;0GO
bushels. They will be provided
with cleaning machines run by
steam power nd grain will be ship
ped from them in bulk to the Al
bina mill thus saying the cost of
Preliminaries have been arranged
for a sailboat race for $50 a side,
free to all, between Denny Curran
and Captain J. A. Brown, who are
the only entries so far. They are
both possessors of fine Whitehall
boats, and propose to have a fair
test of which is the faster. Any
one that wants to enier a boat can
do so by putting up $50. Ail
boats over nineteen feet must allow
the Whitehall boats twenty-two
seconds for every foot length over
that standard. As'orian.
The man who took Thos. Elgin's
horse aud cart, whom Mr. Elin
supposed had gone over the moun
tains and would come oat through
ishoukl be kept ready for use in" every
family where tl)erc,ive tliildren. :is it is a
medicine far superior to all others in the
treatment of Croap, the alleviation of
Whooping Cough, and the cure of Colds
end Influenza, ailments peculiarly inci
dental to childhood and youlli. Prompti
tude in dealing with all diseases of tiiis
class is of the inmost importance- The
loss of a single day may, in m;ny cases,
entail fatal consequences. Do not waste
precious time in experimentiiKr with;
medicines of doubtful efficacy, while the
malady is constantly raining a deeper
hold, but tafce at once, lliu speediest and
most certain to cure,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Dr J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists.
I take this method of informing the public, and
tha fanners in particular, that I have
opened a complcti assortment of
Agricultural ImpJements,
Plows and Harrows,
Headers, Wagons, Etc.,
iVotwithstandhisf the low price for wheat,
there are good times for the farmers who
deal with REESE & REDMAX, at Adams,
where they get good goods in every line at
astonishingly low prices.
Our Fall Goods have begun to arrive,
which we purchased in the best markets at
the lowest possible rates. These advan
tages we will share with our customers.
Our new brick building will be ready for
occupancy in about forty days, and for that
length of time we will ofTer EXTRA IX
and BOOTS and SHOES.
Come and sec us.
Travelers wirS tiTi thai thh note? sets
as good a table as to be found la tbe :
whole "Upper Country," lvsdrooros
are larce, clean and airy. Everv atten- f
tion paid to the comfort ai d c&veaic.uce
of guests.
Patronage Respectfully Soficited.
Established 1S&1.
I intend to make a specialty of ths celebrated
the most complete farming implement ever in
vented. Anything-1 do not happen to have in
stock will be ordered on short notice.
Adams - - Orcaon.
And all kinds of
Fire-Proof Building, t!ain Street,
TllK Chinesi question is again
coming into prominence on this
Coast. Tbe revelation of disgust
ing Chinese practices in California,
and Chinese riots in tbe Territories,
lav stirred up tbe slumbering feel
ing against them. As usual, de
signing demagogues are taking an
active part; and ill-censidcrcd at
tempts to suppress tha evil are be
ing indulged in. Granting that the
Chinese are a very undesirable pea
pie, that their presence is detriment-
islature called, the republican ma
jority of the legislature, the repub
lican clerks and republican execu
tive officers have been wholly in
competent, or giossly negligent, and
the natural inference would be that
no further legislative duty ought to
be entrusted theui. Tbe only pro
per solution of the question would
seem to be to refer it back to
the electors of the state.
My New Warehouse
is now ready to receive
I will pay the
TsTAgent for Mat-hoit Bros-, Portland, Oregon.
1 iiniii uuuuii
Blacksmith. rig!
Done to
order In
U. D. ERW1N.
PoweSS & Erwin,
where he was tried for steal
ing the horse and cart and bound
r 1 C'AA 1 .1- L
1 , . , omr uuur:i fZtsyjv uui:ua iu await Hit!
varcta distance to get a . t . .
'rifle. He crept back ct.,9nuof.t.l,e "es SA 3!l
tut? hi uail u:iu aiiuL uiiiv uuit:.
Further testimony in the Indian
tn linva a Kneoial session of the lei'- I ,;n;., .1 T.,ll,.l., tl,-o it
..... ... 1 0 . lU I t 1 M D,l 1 Iu t,,.QI irn(,tlnn
murderer, was drunk and bad a ! . . ',. ' '.' j wSPpSnteTS,
bottle of whiskey by his side, lie ; r , tl ,. , ,r
, . r, -T-, 'then brought to tlu place last Mon-
va Rippmnf in the onen air. 1 ne : . . 1
t 'i .i ' day
iHUiaiis m passing iuuuu me iiisney
and drank it. Close ran ta the
river, 130
1 i. u 1
I to jan. it is ciaitnea mat ne nas
heretofore served a term in the pen
,t...: c . i v
led in accordance, ana Close is m ... ,.- B
South Carolinians are solvins; j jail here. Ths examination occurs 1
the Mormon question by a vigorous j to morrow. I An Albany exchange Fays: On
The bullets were all
Indians' bodies. Verdic
found in the ;
t wa.s render-
and Builders,
In addition to the above wc wnuM respectfully
inform the farmers of the surrounding
country that we now carry a full
line of
J. I. Case and Randolph
The Celebrated Empire Mow
ers and the Studcbakcr Wag
ons. T63AlI BROS.,
Adams - - Oregon.
Parties nhn contemplate building no mr.tter
how sinaii or large the edineu will "trr.nsult tlitir
interest by conaubiitij U5 as t' plans, simcifica
lions price3. ALL WOItK GCAHAXTEE1.
Powell & Erwia.
Notice for Publication.
application af the lash to the backs
of the lecherous elders who have
made that State a recruiting station
for several years past. On Friday
this remedy rid one of the countirs
of two obnoxious ciders. Sixtv
ns Mr 1 fT.r.
quo warranto proceedings i . .. . J ,. 7
of James A. Ilmckiev against Dor-' . '. 3 , .
K. Katon. T.erov 1 ). Thoman 1 l" u ' " "lc a.ayuo.u o. .i.gc
warranto proceedings ! 'asf ,u,!K'.a
lashes were laid lustily en the back I . ' , , j hind whtels struck the banister of
ill to the general health and public I of one while the other made his clrcuu cou"at ')s.w 1 ,rK ,B"u.raf the approach, rod breakina it off,
mernlity, and that they injuriously
redoes the price of labor, does this
justify illegal and violent means of
redress) The Chinese came here
with the approbation of the govern
meat. They are therefore entitled
o legal protect ian.
Tuere was a vaccination riot in
the province of Quebec the other
day. The ignorant masses in at
tempting to resist compulsory Tacci
natiea reortd to force aud vio
lence. If tfcere is any one thins
escape amidst flyicg bullets.
The town of Westchester, 2vew
York recently voted to refuse the
bequest f a $15,000 free library
left by the late Peter Van Schaik.
The executors are in an awkward
position with their building all
completed and the town refusing
to take it. This action miizlit have:
j t ! r - ' " " i 'on his way to Sunday school with
anri .Inhn M. (irpcrv rivi service,. . .
,,of.,.0 j his family, his team becamo frisiit
.1.!. wn; n, i ne snd commencd backing.
t at New York Saturday
Hinckley asked leave to j
Dropped ofi'the bridge. The occu
pants, consisting of Mr. Caldwell
ani seven children, -were precipi-
tifteen or twentv feet
below. almcst
W3L tp
Cigars, Notions, Cutlery,
French and American Candies
Cheaper tban Ever
Land Office at La Gkandk.O nros,
AMU'ust 10, 11S5.
Not-ce is hereby sriven tiiat tl.e followinj
nanied settler has lilcd notice of her int-ntion to
make Mnnl tro-f in support of her claim, and
that said proof will be ma'h.- befare J. II. lta.ey,a
Notary I'ublic, at Po.ndictjn, Orcj-on, "on
October 3rd, li4. viz.:
Uugpne Keefer.
D. S. No. .540, for t:;e northwest quarter of
section 4, tovsiliip S north, rar.i'o S-l east. W.
She names the fclio'in witnhsscs to prove her
continuous residence uj'on, and cu.tivation of,
said iand. viz:
T. !'i't-r:-on, cf Walla Wa'Ia, W. T.: Harrey E
Yonnr, W. p. Sturgif and Richard Dcfrcecn, of
Miiton, Oregon.
36 jhr Kciiter.
Our meats are always freh and nd
All orvicrs tilled with promptness.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
bring action to renuov toe commis
sioners and abolish the commission
t ,l ! ' c i tllUated about
9n,1 against th nrLv!,.!,. n.nrt ! lnt0 the hashes
denied the petition for a writ. a n,lircle,' as the hind weP,Ia droP-1
, . ; ped off, the team crammed the waj
tt '.t , . , i on in sucU a way that the hounds
Capt. Hatfield, stationed in the and fere wheel; helJ it on the
uanmea uibuui. o., m wwora, brid and preveritad wha;. must ;
Ween expected of a town that has a ! " " " l L IfX, v 1 haV othwise been a cci-
' , j , iook a nana oi auuui sixty nosuiss ,j.nt BB .fv,
ZrZZJlu:ZZZ2 . were' di TeaT The it OEW TlI31D8r W KW
i 1 1 f II I . K 1 1 Irll ss ri a. i aiiu LaiiltllCU : " 1 l .- i
: ' , , , . 1 , i ouia nave ianen.
forty-three bucks. ord has aiso ;
been received at Tombstone of an j , u: fob piles.
Indian outrage in oonwa on ice
At a rousing anti-Chinese meet-
me m beatt.e fcundaT eTening, re-
clearly esukli6hed in medicine, it is ; solutions were adopted denouncing j I7th, fifteen miles from the San
fuct that vaccination prevents ! the t ninese, deuianding tnat they
nujunpuA in uiunjr instances and in
variably ameliorates tha disease.
That it is th duty of tbe State W
enforce needed sanitary precautions
no intelligent nan will deny. But
hero a-aia many lives have bea j
'roust "o and ask everr town in
the territory to call mass meetings
and elect delegates to an anti-Chin-ese
convention f be hold in Seattle
Sept. 2Sth. The feelinrr ssrainst
the heathen increases.
George Blakenship, publisher o
Piles are frequently preceded bv sense of
we:'ht in th h.i.-t 1vr-.-; a-.i rwr v.t f.t t're '
, t - -- rr i - 1 " 1 I
raOlO mine, near acesari. meBlM , abcoir.cn, casing the patient to suppose that he j
Gandrew, James JIcDerrilOtt, rs. i has some efTection of the kidneys or neighboring ;
Belle Davis, of Tombstone, a bov "nrans. At times symptoms of ind-estion are j
named Fred, and J. A. Mattarsoi P, nrin of the stomach, j
, ,' , , , -,r A moisture, use perspiration, proaa-irc a i
were smbushed by Apaches. Mc- rerT dioeeabie tteWn?, ftpr set'ttes wm, it '
Dermot and Gandrew were killed, ! s common attendant. Kind. Blrdinz and fteh-1
the boy Fred was woundei, but iT!- Pi' .v'c'd at oi.ee to the appii'ation of lt. j
escaped, llrs. Davis was captured. ! Enk.Vj me Remedy, which acts directly upen i
anri lono ,.MH ,,n:yj the par eflec-. -bserhing the wmors.aiIajire
rr.. . , ' , , ! the intense ithi
".:. a no Aca-ihes i'j--:ere . : .... t....-.
Good Iwi::.n . Plenty of -a-ater to run the year
-A-.:nd. Good waon roads to Waiia, Miiton anct
Price, S2 per M.
os. or a4drcs.s
Watchmaker IJeweler
Post Office Building,
Buckingham &
i . i
Clock! and watcbes cleaned anri re
paired in a skiful manner at reasonable
rates. 11
Boots and Shoes
Weston. Oregon.
Diksolnllob Motlre.
Miltov, Oregon, Jane 30. 15.M.
Xotice i; hereby (riven that the copartnership
hereto!--.- esKnc hefrsen Whit or a: Landon is
The only illustrated Majrazine deTnted to the
deTelopment cf tbe Great West. Contains a
-vast amount of stneral iEformafion and spe
cial articles on rj'njectsof interentto til. Ably
roaflncterl! Snperbl.v illustrated!
?. T -a-.1:'-!. P'aliseT, So. I2i
Weston, Oregon.
fcuoc-rs'itioL. rr
: r.f t ' i