Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, October 02, 1885, Image 1

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    Z'L LEADcri.
Each daUUmyd
Usvto Ever? Fsiday Mobsisu,
iw ftp- humi
Eack aeJOlUoMl lttM..... .. V
LecalSsUeea. Mlte.,1!,,. '
Hatxcrlpllaa Bates I
VOL 52.
0 1 Year, (in advance) .
Six Months
ThrtM Month.
8 nle Copiua
92 on
1 s
...Ui Cut
; P
11 1 V
NO, 421
o. o.
few'M' tnV. P.r'.thcrs in vA (tending
rnyvxuy inviU:- to vl-AU
O. P. M'COLL, Bsc.
.jf Moi:t on i
DfJK. N'. 03, A. F. A. M.
thti gwmd and fourth Sutur-
eacli month.
L. 8. WOW). W. M.
WFSTON LOllC'.B. NO.71, A. ). U.
w. Mec'i evnry 1 icsil-iy evsimi-'
Sh ? at SJiHntj'n hall. YisithiK brothers
f invited to attend.
r. si. r al i, i ,-itae.
H. B. SF.LSOS, M. W.
PI 117 WiU'VTUVf.ftHflP v.-
. -Aai! i r. I I J". T If..., m-r.r
lii-.- Satur)Uv cvmiin-r at M-FVn
IcV Flail. J. E. LF.AS1, W. 0. T.
M. WHITE, Secretary.
ClerviH Vnamm OTftjFoiiv
DftLPH I.Oi'fli: NO. Hi). A. F. Si A. M.
.Meets on Mm first and tliird SUtir-
tlay of oach !uoi.t;i -it 7ocm ic i. hi.
T. J. Kliili, V.'. M.
W. T. COOK, Secretary
53, I. o. O. F. Mocii
even' t-'ri'lay ,venin.
' T. J. Kllili, N. G.
.1. P. MILL! I., Scs.
MUlun Lodge Directory.
yiA. mii.tom Lonan :o. 01, i. . o. r
TAi ji Mctn every Siturilar evening at
V'ft'i.tf O ld FvlivaV Mall, Milt in, Or.
5. P.. il'rillKY. S. I. W. UKUH7. N. Q.
KVrBitPlllSB IlDCSE N"-. 431, 1. O. G. T.. of
Milton, uwcts ei'urv Sun.iay afternoon at 4 o'clock.
J. N. S'AMUEL, Sac.
puohwshInaL cards..
ADAMS - onr.O.V
i-7 -Office In TIMES Bu ldinu.-el
r ciiil'.ef un, - - - Oregon.
Absolutely Pure.'
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,
trenfrth and wholesome ncS3. More economical
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com-
petition vith the xnultitudo of low teat, short
weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only 15
cans. Koyai. JBAiuiia Powder Co., loa Wall-sU
Y- & ,
Wato!.ma!or and Jc;ve!er,
eiKlloJoii' - Oregon.
Court St., in Denwrfs Diu Store.
s WaU-h rciirintra 3,e.-;i?.!f,'.-. Jewelry made to
r.lf:r and rcp;uri. AW v. ork warrnnted. Airc-nS
o r t.he su,lu of Aiiio-fS-.i;! Vv ir.-ht L'a ;iiic Jewel-
rv Company and ran'.- i'.l'.;i)rafc;!d conihiintion
pet-tin.-! rs the bV't in he uorid; also atrent for
ti:e V'fh.rar.d C'liickci-itiy; pinnos, the Kstey and
trhn orr; ins, C U. Ci-'im's and C. Muiiiilon'H
ora-j ii;rtirii:in!tiif!.
Will I'mrtUe in
n a tun and Idaho.
i the courts of Oregon, Wash-
-y V. BUTCH Ell,
SlalnHt. ntrTlHe, Orcson.
Will pnetlco in all the courts of Oregon and
WMldrgton Territory.
12TCoUcctions promptly attended to.
WESTOM, Orrgon.
l,ea;al blank of all kinds lor sale.
Office at riwU.fTlfu. 10--!
i.' unMuii i if sciencn. liictuuuics. en
Eineenni, discovdrios. inventions and patents
ever published. Every number illustrated with
rpiomlid cmjrravinca. Tina puHication. furnishes
a most valuable pneyclnppdia of in formation which
no rrson should b without. The popularity of
tlie fei'iENTirio American id such that its cir
culation nenny equals that of all vther papers of
ts c'aasoombined. Price, $3.S0ayear. Discount
toC ubfl. gold by all newsdcalero,
Publwhers, Ko. 361 Broadway, 11. Y.
Slunn ft Co. nave
also had Thlrfva
Seven Years'
practice before
the Patent Office, and have prepared
more than One Hundred Thous
and applications tor patents in ldq
United Status and foreign countries.
We dwell together, yoa and I,
The same, in outward aeerainjr,
As v.hcn we first in yettrs gone by
Saw Uy nen's torches gleaminry.
No open jir, no pafsiu strife
Disturbs our level courses;
But yet we futl the springs of life
Are poisoned at their sources.
The courteous smile, the pleasant speech,
When others gather nar us;
Th; lengthening silence, each with eaoh,
When; noni are by to hear us;
The furtive watch and covert sneer,
."rharp yU in earnest spoken
All thjse hiiV iiica::ini: full and clear,
Thuuh poace may sucm unbroken.
Our idols lie amid 'he uust.
vLij tiiouaand fr.iymeiita shattered.
tiid faith and U.et, truth and trust,
F jr evermore :i-e sscattyrcd.
So day by d:y, uriher.rd, unseen.
Still grows tliu banicr stronger;
A so:uhre s!:a-Jow sweeps between.
And love is ours no longer.
"The little rift within the iutu"
Will mar the song's completeness;
"The little &p&'k within the fruit"
Will kill it bloom and sweetness.
In skies that seem to others bright
We hear the muttering thunder.
The hidden doubt shall leap to light
And part our lives asunder.
T32 btuES Ai 'fU l..S3:i:N.
There were watchers by the bedside,
And fciU. cj in tho room;
Ther? was morning light- and shadow,
From a night of troubled gloom;
There were hearts akin to breaking;
There were 3ouls, bowed down with grief;
There wra tirhikiugs tlrep from sorrow's cup
In moments all too brief.
There were fttrcwulls sad and tender,
In whispers soft and low;
There were waitings for the Messengsr
Of measured st-;ps and slow;
There were earthly warfares ending,
There was ecastj from worldly stnfe;
There were mortals made immortal,
There was death and endless life.
There were watchers by the bedside,
Whose forms we might not see;
There were spirit voices chanting
In sweetest melody,
There was Morning light unbreaking
Into Everlasting Day,
When the watchers and our dear ones
Went up the heavenly way.
Assignments, and all othfr papers for
Mooring to inventors tumr rijrnts in tno
United States, Canada, England, Franco,
Germany and other foreign countries, pre
pared a short notice and on reasonable terras.
f . natnnrirairiiliif nntfintM CflnAr.
follv firivoa without charge. ITand-books oC
i t .i i - D.lnni a nhtainrl
thronch iiunn 4 Co. are noticed in the Scientific
Amoricnn free. The advantsK of nw-h notice is
wel 1 u ndcrKtood by all persons who wiii to disposo
iRcnl Kstate and Public Iind Mattel a specialty.
Uollwiioii'i promptlv attended to. Otlice over
the Kirnt National lUnli, Court St. 512
Attorney sit Law,
V!!I i'-.:fv in tlie Co-.irf5 of thil State and
Va- ,1 tiiun Tt'rrit'ry. S;H--ial jvtti'titto'.i puid Co
Land Otlice tinstine.s ami Collection:.
fllci-n;i!n St.. Wi'Hfiio. Or.
T.F'id; L. L. Mf.Vrt'.pir will he aawiate.l
it!i me in all my cuaujui tile Circuit or Supreme
"Let . go into the house of the Lord,"'
l'SALMS 122: 1.
Divine service at the First Baptist
Church Wcst'tn, irrjioii, mi tlie First
and Third Sundays in each month,
illuming and i-vrnin,. Sunday scliodl at
:', p. iii. evi rv Sunday. I'mysr .Meeting
every Timtwhiy at 7 p. m. All arc cor
dially inviied !n atlenl th''sn services.
V. II. P::i:ett, Tustor.
fiidT5t,9pll IlH'iqo
Uuiiuoi Vilio iIuLi:oji
"The house is sold," cried Minnie
Morrison, excitedly, bursting in, like a
thunderbolt of woe, upon hsr pale, fair
mother's anxious musing. - "That hate
ful old Mr. Grimf orm bid against us
nol ody e!e would have beefl cruel
and the house is his."
Mrs. Morrison never answered a
word. This sudden blow, striking at,
and utterly destroying a cherished hope,
was too much for her. . She pazed for a
nisment into her daughter' flushed, in
dignant face, and theu dropped her
head uuen two tremulous wh't' Viands,
with' a low cry of misery.
In an instant Minnie was on her
knees before her, suothmg, expostulat
ing, caressing and comforting, all in a
"After all, a bouse is but a house,
mamma darling; it isn't as if we had
lost each other, you and I; and theugh
you are o much attached to this one,
and it would have been very pleasant
indeed to have it for our owa, we will
get just as fond of another home in
time, you know. I'lease don't fret tor
it, for my snUe."
The mother looked up sorrowfully.
She drew the fiirl'3 fair head close to
her breast and kissed her sweet lips
"It is for yeur sake that I grie-ye, my
dearest; I should care but little it only
my own interests were at stake. But
we are known in this place and can
make a living. The few hundreds
which your poor father left, and which
I have kept for you, would have been
well invested in the purchase f this
house, which would then have been ourg
beyond all risk. And this is such an
out-of-the-way place, and no neighbor
would have bid against us; it is the
most cruel disappointment that this
rich man to whom our peer house can
be nothing should have taken it out ot
our hands. I .vender I wonder did he
The last words were spoken as if to
herself, but Minnie answered them ln-
Pliysiclun au4 Sarjicon,
AIUMS, - - - Oi.EUON'.
Omen In Ruese it Co.'s Drug
store C3i.A!l calU promptly attended fn.
J-yi. W. T.VIU.lAMS'.-iNi
Physician and Surgeon.
Obstetrics and diaea?a ol women
(irricx Ovia Si-unjikku's.
special tv.
Wt1T'N Or.KG'Ti.-
Ti.U ik-- :
-.1 eci:i::i-,
rotvpti .hi
h-it. l ha fust bocn
i- ! tile
re nl! SaaUy Furnished
A Little or Everything.
Some months ago the people of Pen
dleton were said to be opposed to the
Indians' agreeing to the terms of the
Slater bill. It is now rumored that this
apposition has been withdrawn with the
'inderstanding that the Indians select
their laud3 ic severalty from the eastern
part of the reservation, leaving the land
near I'cadictou tor white settlement.
It is when evil doing is mn,ue some
what respectable by custom that it is
most insidious in its encroaches upon
good morality, and is the most difficult
to combat. A great advance is always
made when wrongdoing is made disrep
utable, when the powerful police of
public opinion drives it out of sioht. It
is cause for congratulation when it is
ohlitred to scree: itself from publicity,
to skulk in back room?, and sneak in at
side doors and rear alleys, when it is
made to feel that it is disreputable.
Some people pretend to hold a hypo
crite in holy honor. They pretend
further that they have more respect for
the man who is bad "open and above
hoard" than for a hypocrite. Perhaps
they toryet that a man is responsible
tor his appearance and his inilueuce up
on others as well as for his overt acts.
The man who does wrong and is so
shamed of it as to try and hide it from
ihr- public faze, is not as bad a man for
sociuy as the one who does the same
wrong and spealy glories in his shame.
.-.-ill rr uV, fm -dt-'.i.
ii ici cl
.-r.i'.h.d ivhh the
,1 11. IJAUKKK, M. D.
Eri::t villi:. oinxiur..
Olfiee at Cook & Irene's I'ng Store.
" effort
will !.
l-v. S. C.Cll.VFT,
I l
i iti;sts com-.
5 Vii!ervii3e.
! 1"
EKAi.?.? in
Office at his rei'lcnr -n Main and Ca'.vin
Cil'. promptly rej nd-ii t day or nilit.
F.O. W. KINU, M. 1).,
Physician and Surgeon,
0;'uce over Steiaaker's store,
(.'.tlis'pr.iiiipily answered day or night.
Stoves and Hardware
Ai:uns, Oregon.
Some people are sill
ine that it is a mark of superiority to
sneer at the pleasures and pastimes of
small towns, and to intimate iu a super
cilious kiud of a way that their esthet
ic souli! are piuii-g avav fur want of '
' more relincd and intellectual sustea-
ance. It a small town is dull an! unin
j taresting, it is simply because its people
are dull and uninteresting, and of all
toe on!!, disagreeable and uninteresting
people in a place, those who fold their
lazy hands and whine about the lack ot
culture and appropriate mental recrea
tion, are the dullest and most uninter
esting. They maUe those with whom
they come iu contact so "tired" as to
los all euerirv.
" ti, he did know, the old hard
heart. Harry Miller" she blushed
charmingly as she spoke the same
"Harry Miller is his clerk and made so
bold as to tell him all about it. And
he said Mrs. Morrison could continue
his tenant if she chose, though he
should raise the rent. Ugh! how I hate
I Ins was what 1 teared, slie said.
"God knows how hard it is to pay the
rent even now; any increase of our ex
penses must needs encroach on eur little
capital, or break down my health by
additional toil. Oh, if he knew how
bitterly I am punished, would he not
And she arose and went sadly from
Minnie did not follow her. She was
pondering in mute bewilderment her
mother's words:
"Oh, if he knew how bitterly I am
punished, would he not spare?"
"Punished for what? Why should
he know? Why should he spare? There's
some mystery here something that
mamma keeps even from me. She said
that in her distress aud then went away
for fear I should notice it and question
her. 15ut I won't; I'll find it out with
out that, and see if I can't help her.
Let me see. Who can I question! Mr.
Griniform himself, lie must kuow what
the mystery is; I'll ask him."
With Minnie to resolve was to do.
Without giving her mother a hint of
her daring intention, she Dut on her
ejough to imag-1 butuiet an(l slirmed ouietlv "out of doors
t visit the obnoxious Mr. Grimform.
She had never yet seea this gentle
man, who had indeed but lately come
Minnie blushed crimson. Harry
spoke up bravely, '
Miss Minnie and I are engaged, sir."
Ah, indeed! The task I have set you
thouU be a labor of love, then. Set
about it at once. Do vou love hin; trur
ly, Minnie?" he questioned, when Harry
had left the room. .
"Indeed I do," she answered honestly.
"And if some older, wealthier lover
tempted you with gold, do you think
you could be true to love?"
"Love is far better than gold, I think,'
she answered simply. J. . -
"So thought not your mother when
:he was betrothed to me," he muttered
bitterly as he turned away. Then
aloud: "Well, child, I wish you all
tke happiness that a constant love de
serves. ATo such as it too often receives,
little Minnie. I have been constant to
one love all my lite, and the wages of
my fidelity have been loneliness and
paia. Ah, here comes Harry. Give
this paper to your mother from me, and
say to her, 'the past is past!'"
"The past is past, indeed," said Mrs.
Morrison, a few hours later as she stood
in her lover's presence again for the first
time in twenty years. "But sutler the
present to explain it, Horace, suffer tho
future to atone. My father was oa the
verge of ruin, could L deny him when
he appealed to me? You were poor,
absent; bankruptcy, disgrace, perhaps
a prison, threatened the father I so
loved. Yet I wrote to you explaining
my cruel pasition, aud imploring you
to forgive the falsehood to which I was
compelled " '
"I never received one line," he cried,
approaching her far the first time and
taking her trembling hands. "Kot
"I know that well," she sighed, "al
though I never learnt it till long alter
ward. . I waited vainly for your reply,
and concluded, with a broken heart,
that you refused rae even your for
giveness. It was not until my father
died two years ago that I knew he
had suppressed my letter."
She put her hand upon his lips as she
spoke.saying softly :
"Pardon him."
He caught that still beautiful hand
and kissed it again and again.
"Oh, how I have mourned for yen,
my lost love, my false love, as I be
lieved. How I have cursed your infi
delity. But I never wished you harm
or did you wrong, dear; my love was
so did I, and before midnight we were
both solid, with all the other doctors
and lawyers in town hanging around
with nothing to do.
'Along about 2 o'clock in the morn
ing we both got to our room and re.
ported progress. lie had dressed the
man's wounds and was to call a jam in
the morning, and I had seen the prison
er, had a long interview with him and
his friends, planned out a very brilliant
line of defense, and ' spent three bit
treating the deputy sheriffs.' The Doc
reported that the wounded, man seemed
to have money , wd i reported that the
prnron'er'anA his crovviT hud agreed that
if I got him clear I waa to hare $250.
We went to bed confident that we had
made a good beginning The next
morning the Doc was up some time be
fore me, because he was a little anxious
about his patient, and, as he was leav
ing the room, he said:
"I'll be back after a little. Wait
half an hour or so, and I will ga to
breakfast with you."
"I got up after a while, and, as he
had not returned, I sat down and began
mapping out on paper the case of my
client. 1 had just got well into the
business when I looked up, and there
stood the Doe.
"The man's gone!" he gasped, look
ing vacantly around.
"Gone where?" says I.
"Don't kow," he said. "Some of
the boys say he's dead and buried, and
ethers say he's gone to Dead wood. I
couldn't find any trace of him or the
gang. 1 saw your client, though.
"Where 'bouts?" says I.
"Down hetfc, hanging to an awning.'1
"Jerusalem!" says I, aud I grabbed
my hat and walked down the street.
Sure enough, there was my man hang
ing dead to an awning. I felt of his
pulse and of his pockets, but didn't get
auytbiag. Kyerybedy had disappeared
from the town for the time being, and I
went back to our rooms. We talked
the matter over long and earnestly, and
after we had looked at the thing in all
its bearings we cane to the conclusion
that young men had no chance in that
town, and left."
is now arriving, and we are prepared to offer -
Goods Cheaper thafa:ip Yr!
We have the largest and best stock ot
Eyei brought 1
OUtt STOCK 01?
raatilla CetWitJi
loots and Shoes
too rue a, love . fjpr that. I never
dreampt that it was yoii whom I was
depriving of the house until your little
girl came here: God bless her for it!
I will see that her love, at least, shall
be happier thau rny own. Could you
think that I would wish to injure you,
to punish you, when yen were suffering
and gad? Ah, Emily, how much you
wrong me!"
She placed the deed of gift in his
"Icannettake it, Horace, indeed I
cannst, unless you will let me pay tor
it, as I should have done at the sale. I
have fifteen hundred dolkrs "
He shook his head.
"Not enough not near enough.
Take it as a free gift, my life-long love,
or pay me a higher price for it."
She was looking into his eyes, but
she drew back suddenly, a blush and a
smile together swept over her face.
"What price?" &he said.
"Yourself," he answered eagerly, aud
caught her to his breast.
She lay there happily.
"But I will not pay your price," she
whispered presently. "I will take the
house as a free gift, and pay you noth
nig at all. There shall be no buying
and selling between you and me. All
that I have, all that I am, is yours!
heart, my life, myself all yours for
either for size or quality, is not equalled East of the Mountain,.
bought or cash and will be sold CHEAP-.
to the place, but so confirmed was her i lve 3 sake, dearest, a free gift foiever!!
prejudice against him, and her convie-
Kecr, r.'wiys in st ck a se'ert a.-ort,i'cnt of Ct'T
l LitV ol t'.ie l,c?r bra;i'-i., nud a full line of
Weot! and "iTiilow Ware.
J. McDonald,
Physican and Surgeon.
OFl'U'E-Ovcr the Drug Store, Is
land City, i rogou. iSWll calls prompt
I.V aten.led to.
Wagon & Carriage Makers,
Adams reeen.
All kinds of Carnen!sri:iR and Wnod Work done
o order at reasonable rates.
Sail. B !t.. Sr
their line t:i:v
w-j, I x.t-6 and pv?rvrn:ns; in
fully a 'i.U-' i and
Fair Tratirioiat toiannitrcd !
Those desiring fiao, oenfr.i
Lots or bft.au! :l'.it!y sittutei ic;ia'.-nct, Sites m
the t;iriiiigntiv
can be accommodated by i-allinj at the office of the
Adams Peal Estate Association,
The Errmtsf Gctt'E Is issued Marcb
V.'asiiiiig aad Ironing,
Anams - - . Oregon.
The finest Laundrv Work done on the shortest
noth-e and in a style tjr.!-.ue titeniost fastidious.
Notwithstanding the great number of
public and private schools and the at
tention that is supposed to be paid to
all c iiicational subjects, it is a matter of
astonishaient that we have so tew good
readers. Even anions those whose bus
iness necessitates much reading aloud,
clergymen and lawyers for instance,
good readers are very rare. To read
well the pronunciation mast be perfect,
the enunciation clear and the articula
tion distinct. The two latter are apt to
be neglected until it is too late to reme-
orated Biisiness i dy the defect without great difficulty.
That reading which clearly conveys to
the listener the meaning of the author,
that has no peculiarities to divert the
attention from the subject matter, must
be pronounced good. Such plain read
ing precludes much of what may be
termed "style" which is io frequently
affected, to the detriment cf conveying
the sons intended. Reading should
be as natural as possible. In view of
tiou ef his outward as well as internal
hideousness, that when her lever as
sured her that his employer was rather
handsome than otherwise, she consid
ered the statement a mero satirical re
"Of course he's as ugly as hateful,"
she aisured herself.
So, when she canie into his presence
at last, she was rather taken by sur
prise. Iron-gray hair and a steru ex
pression made him, perhaps, somewhat
formidable, but iu the still handsome
features and commanding figure there
was nothing that fulfilled the
of his name.
She was a little embarrassed, when
he civilly inquired her business, as to
how she should besrin, but determined
very quickly to explain te him the plain
facts of the case, which she accordingly
did, ending with the question:
Did you ever know my mother? And,
if so, how has she ever wronged you,
that you should hate her so?"
A Lawyer and Doctor as Partners.
An old lawyer and a youag doctor,
the former with a very red nose and
the latter with only a suspicion of a
moustache, had been hunting-together
for about two years through eastern
miniug town3, and had been unable to
fir-J a place where the chances of sue
cess seemed good. The lawyer called
the younn man Doc. and Doc called
the old man Judge. Among their ex
periences they relate the following:
"The first towu we struck," the Judge
j said, "was Lead City, up in the Black
Hills, aud as there were only three er
four lawyers aad doctors there we
thought we had hit it right the first
time. We got a couple of rooms and
fitted up one for sleeping and the other
for an office, while we took our meals
in a saloon beneath us, A week after
we had located and got oar signs out
we sat ene evening talking matters
over aud wondering if we hadn't made
a mistake after all, when our cenveisa-
Iler ewn nervousness had nrevrnterl
her taking note of his, but now, as she tio" WaS 1BterruPted by tw Ptl shots,
raised her eyes to hjs face, she saw that tllat "Dded almnst f they were
it was very pale, and he was trembling
"What is it?" she cried, rising im-
inohc oi'.j." 1 f orJ:n'.;r4:. i the pUasure aud instruction to be de-
i:.' jlM-'-i i':..it ,
i''-.:iir nr. I a
Is ;:-r.
inches, with over 3,300 illustrations
a r hole picture gallery. Gives wholesale
prices atrcc! to consumer! oa alt goods for
personal or rirW0. family osa.
Tells tow to ffiiigik order, and
gives exact fgf S4 cost of ev-
erytkingyou m use, drink,
cat, wear, or W have fua
with. These tSS invaluable
contain infoncation gleaned from P , VT ' ., " C
the markets of th world. WeuS feater ""-'VJ80? thM eDJT
copy Free to anv.Hd . Xl Ration ot the family circle
of the postage 8 cents. Let us hear
rived from reading aloud, it is to be re- I
grettcd that greater attention is not
paid to this important branch of study,
or at least that better results are not
reached. The benefits to be reaped i
from reading sload are not confined to
public places. Few accomplishments
ment anil edi-
during the
pnlsively. "What have I said to
wound you? What have I done?"
He metioned her to resume her seat.
"You have done well, mj child. I
had no idea who your mother was,
though she has fancied differently. I
do not hate her, would net injure her
and once I loved her well."
Minnie sprung up once more.
"Yon loved my mother? You!"
urea in our own room, mere was a
! great hubbub, and as we rushed down
stairs there was a cry of:
"A doctor! a doctor! Call a doctor!"
"Here's one," I said, elbowing my
way through the crowd and making
room for the Doc; "here's one right
here." .
"The Doc and I saw at a glance what
the trouble was. One man had shot
another in the saloon. The wounded
j man lay on the ground and two or three
! men were holding his assailant. I per-
Even I.'" He called his clerk from ! ceived at once that here waa a case for
both of us.
ON7d0rv1EhTV WARD & CO
wir'cr prpinms than
.i l.y i r,e !; is
v.'. ' nod sr
or ;.-ri-
fj MO
another room. "Harrv, draw up a
deed of riffc of the hr,iis.i. T bandit th: ! pitch in and save the man if
n a--- - .
pioruing. Draw it up in favor of Mrs.
Morrison. Be quick, this young lady
and yonrpif "an v.-:t:ie?s my finature.
I ti.mk." with 2 qv.ijk glattue uf ititslSi
SCiice, "that yo'X lv hire -:;: before?''
Borrowed froni Exchanges.
It is expected that the pow-wow will
be held on the 22d ot October.
There are thirteen divorce cases on
the docket for November term.
IMeunla saloon keeper at Pilot
Rock, was arrested the other day for
keeping open on Sunday aud fined $10
and costs.
Down about Echo the farmers are
compelled to quit hauling wheat, on ac
count of the roads being so badly cut up
and dusty, '
Two Chinamen, arrested for killing
fish in the river below Pendleton, with
giant powder, were brought before Jus
tice Logan Thursday aud fined 20 each
and costs.
H. L. Frazer, a leading farme of
Weston precinct, left a few days ago on
a visit to his old home in Rayville, Ray
county, Missouri, He ' will remain
away several nion'hs.
The M. E. church at Miltoa, through
efforts of the pastor, Rev. W. T. Koontz
has been thoroughly overhauled and re
painted. The church yard has been en
closed by a handsome fence.
The business men of Adams have no
reason to grow green with envy, and
they never will with moss. Business is
going forward in every branch. No
long faces, no grumbling and no lag
ging here.
Adams is a city of about three hun
dred souls, and gives a turn-out ef over
a hundred for every church service.
This we think excels any show of mor
ality in towns much larger and more
"portentious." !
The hay -crop on the Hudson Bay will
agSreSate something ever 1,000 tons,
put up as follows. Geo. Young, 350
ton3; W. S.Goodman, 250; R. A; Rice,
100; P. Hoon, 150; M. Croombs', 100;
Wm. Sturgiss, SO; and W. and J. iloon,
Dr. Craft returned Wednesday frem
his ranch near Echo, where he has been
for a week attending to threshing. His
giain grown en sod yielded fifteen bush
els per acre. The conn try ia that vi
cinity is new, but gives promise of
yielding abundant crops when in culti
vation. :
S. M. Penington sold his ranch of
160 acres, nine miles west of Echo, to
Jesse Moore, the other day, receiving
therefor 2,000. This is a splendid
r j i i , .
iarm ana was sola cheap. There was
raised thi3 fear on this place, on it piece
of eight acres, 42i tons of timothy.
The following prisoners are now con
fined in the County Jail: John Riley,
larceny from the person; John Atkin,
assault with intent to commit rape
Brady Huffman, horse and cattle steal
ing; P. G. Strickland, assault with in
tent to kill, assault with a dangerous
weapon, and kidnapping; Dr. Itoeder,
serving a three month's sentence for lar
ceny; Charles Johnson, hone stealing.
John Gulliford, who waa in town the
other day, ray? that the bears in the
mountains, where he has his sheep, are
very troublesenie this year, and can
only account for it because of there be
ing ne huckleberries. A few days ago
one of these animals made a charge
upon his band of theep in mid-day and
within sijlit of the herder, and com
rcenced knocking them right and left,
i killing one. The herder's dog 'gave
is complete with the latest and best styles. Our- ' .
are the very best,, embracing the Tftteat style
Our stock of
ia complete and will ba Mid at bettor prie "
i connected with our store, where an experienced ma.a will takyru
measure and guarantee a good fitting suit of doth. -r .
In order to give our customers all aarantages, our XXrv
IC. Dusenbery, of San Francisco, has instructed us f al
low 10 E3T UN THE DOLLAR for all ash purchaser
of Dry ;oods. Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes., Tbisa r
rangement will continue until the 31st of December.
er than any house in Eastern Oregon. rT
Here is where yon can get your money's
worth iu
Beef, Pork, Mutton,
and everything in the line of meats that
the country produces.
Highest market price paid for fat
would respectfully inform the public that she
nas jug. opened out a Complete fetocK 01
pring and Summer Millinery
i.T Mrs. Ashlij-'B old stand on Water St.
tiring ill
Proebstel Bros, VrvptUfjw
And fceep constantly CB d,b4 ,j kfej,
of mill feed
BTotiee to the Public,
and all he latest Novelties,
My Stock is all new and freh, and the ladles of
Weston and vicinity are respectfully invited to
call and exarnine it.
DergOnS lrnnvln. I ,
debted either by EokTJT
are hereby requested lofaSSl
and make immediate payment
Apnrii"gst"l8SBte r't b 1 bj
J ,A5e Blso wn to aire Bo4i, ....
esior. steam Flonr Mill I for rent
Prefcfl Br.
I prepared tp do R7 ad aU klt,d. ef
work in hi. line, P,,
Satlgfactlea (CemraatgoeL
-OF 000D r
for which the highest market price will
be paia . Also, same amount of
!ao I whispered to the I'oc
could, and I wonld see to the legal de
fence of the guilty party. Ob, you j Cnase and treed brnin. when the herder
I'm older'n he is, aud I thiuk -H j killed it with his revolver. Four Ltars, j and very
Tbei v.irio'is ar.eels cf a ease cof::e a ; rwrt r.f 1, r-iry!! Kv nr.n -:,i;.l ' tf.ven.
an elderly irscn quiofcer than t'aey te ; near the c&tr.p witUia '-he n.at two' 'ftf 3TC3f 3ESV
VJ a younger fuw. He pisched in and . weks j Yj'alUt Walla - . W, T.
Parties having barley can have sacks
furnished by me. I receive at aisy jhip-
(jmg yjiui., cuiici nu river or raairoaa.
reasonable ratas of storage
Notary Public!
Land parineas of all klmioi .
e.-ttended io with pnZf?
Cote'ng Aeunts a Speeiatty,
puceeOT to, HfflXf '
AK& T--
Work done
a the LUcst aai Best Sj le.