- 1 -"iPget-.-.va. aj. - stt- n -7 ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE If LUX U. aiTCUS-LU !y Lsadsr. FRIDAY.SEPTEMBER 5, 18S5. IB AGE.1T8. The folhjwlsig an the authorized amenta of the Leash ia that respective localities: peadletoa O W Walker. Hrppuer 0 U Hallock, Mlltoa A B Evans. Centerville S H Stuart, Walla Walla G T Thompson, ftlla P. O Frank Oviatt Island Cit J. L. Carter. Walla Waila A. Meachen LOCAL LEADERS. Oovrt cheese, tii-e be.st. at I'auiyV - Loo'i at Btticakti A; Co. "a new al. The Apollo Social Club has re- School Books at Pauly's. Mr. Sattler was in town SaJurday in tha itereta of the CcHltn-ilUan. j A new and ele-pint lot of writing paper at Pauly't. Mis EJith Wood is occupying Min Mary Miller's positien in the pub lic icheol Wurinj the itinera of the latter. Largest and best assortment of "boot and shoes at .Saling &. Co'a. Dr. Eagan was up from Pendleton dast Monday on a professional visit. Go to Saling & Co. for yonr cold .pressed castor and mineral oils. Mr. Chas. Williams of Pendleton was ia the city this week. A nice line of candies and nuts at J. J. Banta & Co., Centerville. Mr. Chas. McMorrin is (jutting a brick foundation under his dwelling. School Stationery of all dis eriptions at Pauly'a. Mr and Mrs. Proebstel, Mrs. Wil liamson and Miss Powell went from here to Pendleton on Tuesday to wit ness the rdiiiatiun of lie v. E. C. Jehn-sn. Fatmers who had some summerfal- low mre busy sowing. Sow in the dust and wait for the rain eeems to be the most profitable plan. Bird seed of the freshest and clean est kind, at 15c, at Puuly's. Mr. Ed. Thomas, abeut a mile south of town, has some Mammoth Cuban Corn, Some of the stalks arc fourteen feet high and the corn in the patch will average 12 feet in height Next. Young men when you want a nob by suit of clothes go to Saling & Co. - Mr, T, A. Crump, who used to carry the mail between here and Partly, lett this week for the Malheur country to engage in the same kind of business Mr. I. V, Lynjh lett tor Texas a few days ago. Two Democrats lost to this precinct. N. Duscnbcry & Co. give 10c on the dellar discount on all cash purchases of dry goods, hats, clothing, boots and shoes. G. W. Proebstel has fer the time being given up his farming. Last week lis sold all his landed possesions nnd improvements, excepting his timber culture claim, in the Yakima country. Mr. J. W. Warner bought his farm. Don't forget to call and see N. Dusenbery & Co.'s immense fall stock. all are welcome. All goods are mark ed in plain figures. The best compliment that has beeu paid to Weston for some time was by a man who wits trying to say. something the reverse of complimentary. He de clared that on Sunday our "town is as dull, and quiet as if half the people were dead nothing going on." Just o. Weston is a moral, lnw-abiding place. A Bottle of Samaritan Nervine ena bles one to defy asthma, nervousness, and general debility. $l.D0, at J. J. Banta's, Centerville. Mr. Dodge of Wallula informs us that the price of wheat at that place is only 52 cents. For a time 60 cents had 'been paid, but there being only one buyer who was shipping over the North ern Pacific a monopoly was established with the usual result. Mr, Uumuey and other farmers will now be obliged to ship over the U. II. & X. Many will be sadly disappointed as they ex pected to make a fe.v cents on the feushel by sending their wheat East. "Every Epileptic sufferer ought to try Samaritan Nervine at once," says Kev. J. T. Etter, of New Glnrtis, Wis , "it's a never failing remrdy." Aycr's Ague Cure is the only icm dy known which is certain to cure Fe wer and Ague permanently, by expell ing the malarial poison which pmduces ,the disease. It docs this surely, and deaves no ill effects upon the system. Jotjiing is so thoroughly depressing and discouraging as the periodical re organized. It is said that a second saloon will seen be started here. . Notions, etc., at your own price, at Pauly's. "Cnn'more's" Prophecy left no space for Hash this week. Rev: E. C. Johnson was ordained at Pendleton last Tuesday. -J-The price of sugar continues to have an upward tendency. , I Note the professional card of Mr. J. T. Armstrong iu this issue. - N. Diamond spent several days in Walla Walla during the week. Nice clean mixed bird seed, only 15c per pound at J. J. Banta & Co.'s, Centerville. The weather during the past week has been as near perfect as it is possible for weather to be. Mr. Chas. Maybee, an old-time sub scriber to the Lkadeu gave us a pleas aut cull tliis week. Mrs. Geo. Hartnian, who has been quite ill far some days, is, w-e are pleas ed to note, improving. Kemcniber the cheapest place to buy your tobacco and cigars is J. J Banta & Co.'s, Centerville. Tl. H. Simpson, the Helix mer chant, has just returned from Portland, at which place bo bought his fall goods. A young man, recently arrived from Scotland, was thrown from his horse a few days ago. His arm is said to be broken. An eclipse of the mooa occurred yesterday morning, but at such an ear ly hour that very few ia Weston wit nessed it. Miss Mary Miller, one of the pub lic school teachers is seriously ill. Her father who lives in the Willamette val ley has been telegraphed for. Mr. Millard White and wife swoop ed down upon the Leader office this week and overwhelmed the whole force with good things. Come again. L. C. Grovcr, living about ten miles northeast of Pendleton, was exam ined last Monday, and, being adjudged insane, was committed to the asylum. Wm. Lowndes, the Painter, now has tor sale paints of all colors, ready cvixed, in any quantity. Farmers make a note ot this. Get good paint at reasonable rates. The gambling ordinance recently passed by the Pendleton eouucil went into effect on Monday, and on Wednes day five or six of the "fraternity" pass ed through here in search of a more friendly field of operations. Wheat has evidently gone' back to its old figures. All r mi ml us last week the price reached 50 cents, but the news did not reach the buyers in Weston, that is, if anybody iu Weston is making a business of buying wheat. The New Zealand Loan and Mer cantile Agqupy, at San Francisco, has received from New Zealand some fa mous Seed Oats, samples of which may be seen at the LEADER office. Parties wishing to purchase oats for seed from this Agency should do so before the middle of October. For prices apply at LEAI)i;it otiice. Orders respectfully solicited. On the northeast corner of Frank lin and Bruce streets, Mr. Doble is put ting up a building which is to be used as a .shingle mill and furniture factory. The steam engine aud machinery for cutting shingles are now being put in place. The turning lathes and other machinery used iu makiug furniture will be added in the course of a week or two. The U. B. Church was dedicated last Sunday. Bishop Wright of Indi ana preached the dedication sermon to a crowded house. After the sermon it his er..j- '.sv(.r.-.s-i xn;-i -- hi:-' ,.. wtieat to tire acre aner beiti irut bitteu aud apparently killed. Mr. S. F. Wallace, one of the sterlinn young business men of La Grande, was m Weston last Monday and wade the Leader office a pleasant call. Mrs. Powers, at "The Delmonico," is offering extra inducements to the travelling public. Head the ad. iu an other column. Education In California. Mrs. W. E. Chamberlain, wife of Professor W. E. Chamberlain, princi pal of the celebrated Pacific Business College, San Francisco, Cal., writes that from personal experience she can heartily recommend Red Star Cough Cure to any one troubled with cough, cold or sore-throat. It gave her relief at once. , tETi:iVlLLfc CHAT. Centerville, Sept. 22. Tc the Editor of the Leader: Mrs. Geo. Derrick, who has been sick for so long, is not expected to recover. Mrs. W. P. Willoughbv, who has been confined to her bed for some time, is improving. j " W T. Cook, I understand, will make 'Frisco a visit seme time this fall, for what purpose I cannot find oiit. Among those that received orders to quit the reservation were Pete Colean, James Ladouceau and T. Rain villa. Pendleton has more pretty aud viva cious girls than any city in Eastern Oregon.- -E. 0. How about the young men? "Slabsides," for example. Kay Edwards, who clerked for J. M. Morris for the last three years, and who has been stopping in C. A. Barrett's store, has accepted a position with liol lis & Cleve. Neal McEachcrn's new blacksmith shop is about completed. From his fre quent visits to the city of Adams, one should think that a new dwelling weuli be needed soon. j E. L. Burnett and wife arrived in Centerville this week and will move in to James Cecil's house. Mr. Cecil will remove to Washington Territory, where he has his Cattle. A horse race came off on the evening of the 22d, near town, between B. F. Swaggart's two-year-old colt and a horse belonging to John Tharp. Ben's colt came out ahead and took first money. The I. O. G. T. lodge of this place is in a flourishing condition. Charles Cleve and a number of the young men of Centerville have joined the order and are determined to make the Lodge a success. Last night an old man by the name of Hudson pitched his tent near Wild Horse creek, and while looking for some grain for his team some sneak thief stole his blankets and his only coat, leaving the old man coatless aud bed- less. C. Cleve will start the first of next week for 'Frisco, vlierc he goes to lay iu a large stock of dry goods and cloth ing. The boys are making quiet prep arations to give hi in a big blow-out, as be says that he has grown weary ot boarding. The CenterviUian, which has "taken some trouble to look the matter up," has arrived at the remarkable conclu sion that "the Indian reservations are set aside for the Indians." K . 0. Her man did not mean the Umatilla Indian Reservation, for that was set aside for the sole benefit ot Pendleton and "Sam." A. Z. Mistaken Consumptives. In the treatment of lung and bron chial diseases the liver is often impli cated to such an extent that a hepatic remedy becomes necessary in effecting a cure of the lungs. In the treatment of such cases I prescribe Simmons Liyer Regulator with entire satisfaction. I. L. Stepiiexsox, M. D Owen3boro, Kv. PEXWXTOX, ?ept. 22. George Darveau returned from Can ada Friday night. Lot Livermore and Mrs. E. Switzler were married on Monday, Sept. 21st. The Tribune office his been moved into the Second story of Mairston's brick building. i Grand Master Tweedale was in town and visited Eureka Lodge I. O. O. F., on Tuesday. Died At the residence of his par ents on the morning f the 19th, Benja min Selling, aged 23 years. Quite a number of gamblers and lewd women have left town, but there are still a number of them that should be forced to leave Pendleton at once. Dr. llorder was arrested at Hunting ton and brought back by Sheriff Mar tin Sunday night charged with the lar ceny of a pair of blankets. He was brought up Tuesday and the examina tion postponed till Wednesday morn ing. Brady Huffman was brought dowa from Pilot Rock Saturday and lodged in jail charged with the larceny of a horse. Buster Scott aud Joe Hudson have also been arrested tor horse steal ing and several attorneys have pone, to Pilot Rock to attend the trial to-day, (Tncsday) P. G. Strickland was tried Saturday on three charges, kidnapping a child, assault with a dangerous weapon and a3snut with intent to kill, lie was bound over on each ot them and in de fault of $300 bonds, was committed to the classic shades of the county cooler. Died. At the residence of C. L. Bal lard in Pendleton, Friday, Sept. 18 Wm. Fmdlev, aged 53 years. This riom the W cstc i c-jrrespa:id?rico to the Portlaud Standard we clip the fol lowing: There is an average attendance at the Weston public school of 150 pupils. Weston has the well-earned reputa tion of being the neatest and most or derly town in Eastern Oregon. Hugh McArthur, Esq., who has done more than any other one man to build up Weston, will spend the coming win ter with his family in California. If "man could "live by bread alone," the people of this country would not suffer, as the amount of wheat raised has been immense. We need more di versity in farming. The Blue Monntain baseball elub of this place, champions of the Inland Em pire, have evidently laid up for the sea son, without plating the Portland Stars, as was once expected. Members of the club have been too busy to play or prac tice. The high license here has made a monopoly in the saloon business. The city council recently passed an ordinance compelhngall hotels and boarding houses to pay a license of $30 per quarter. This may make a monopety iu the hf business. The council is large' publican, Mayor White and C man Hartmau being the only d' And what "they say" is trul hut in a way Not set down in the books. Ic serves to show Hftw very many on to fortiav go While he standi waiting;. Wt to him is lite H he but wait and look up the strife? He has no share in aU the jcfr.ee won. Bin idle hands take part in!othinf done; ilia meed ot glory is to stasl and wait And see ten thousand others growing great. So let him serve. He is not at to rule. A slave to self, his master is tooL K.EYSOTE TO HEALTH. Health Is wealth. Wealth means Independ ence. The Keynote is Dr. Bosanko's Con"h and Lung Syrup, the best Cough Syrup in tho world. Cures Coughs, Colds, Pains in the Chest.Brom.-hi- Us and Primary Consumption. One dose gives relief in every case. Take no other. Price 50 cents and (LOO. fatnples free. Sold by W. H-McCoy. SB. ICQ Are recciv&s their- Stock When Mr. Headricks goes to any kind of a show nowadays the band al ways strikes up "Hail" to the Chief." Then they tackle such stirring melodies as "Snakes in Kis Books," "Th Whis kers en the Moon," and "Wake np. William Riley," And yet they say that Vice-Presidents neyer have any fan. Five hundred telephone instruments in Buffalo. N. Y.. are supplied with eiectricity made by the water-power of ia?ara tails. . ... - PKX AND SCISSOBS. . h'mall Fmdley, aged 53 years, gentleman had children living in Call fornia who were on their way to Pen dletoii when his death occurred; finding that they were too late to see their father aliye and being delayed at Port land, they telegraphed to delay the funeral as long as possible that they might be in attendance. The telegram was not delivered and Mr. Findley was turied Sunday, his children arriving on tne Monday morning train. Ibis another shining example of the prompt ness aud efficiency with which the ser vice ef the Western Unien Telegraph Company is cariied on in Oregon. The case of A. Wing, charged with assault and battery, came up before Justice Bishop Monday morning. The evidence went to show that on Friday evening as Mose Thompson was leaning up against McCullnck's barber shop, drunk, Wing came along and began teasing end insulting him by telling him that he had been rolled. Mose re plied by saying that anyone who said he had been rolled lied, and whea Wing persisted in his statements, Mose followed suit in stronger terms. Fin ally Wisg asked Mose if he wanted to be slapped and Mose with drunken gravity saia yes, whereupon vv ing struck him and with all his mighty strength was attempting to throw him down when they were separated. At the first trial the jury disagreed, an other jury was summoned and found Wing guilty. He wa3 fined 10 and costs, amounting in all to. 63. Alkj. Notice to Teachers. Notice is hereby given that a pnbljc examination of applicants f jr teacher's certificates, will be held in the school building at Centerville during Friday Sept. 25th and 26th, John Edington, School Supt. and Saturday, ?SS5. was announced that an indebtedness of ! - 1 1 L 1 1 . v :j i j tin bite nuuiii nave iu uc cancelled before the ceremonies could be proceeded with, and, notwithstanding the stringency of the times, the money was immediately raised by subscription. At the residence of the bride in Weston, Mr. A. Gross was married to Mrs Margaret rattison, on Wednesday, Sept 2.1, 1SS5, at 10 o'clock a. in., by Rev. R. ( Ogiesby. There were pres ent: M. F. White and wife, Weston; P. Landing and wife, Centerville; Mrs. L. J. Weston; Mrs. N. E. Strickfadden; .Mrs. N. Stroble and friends of the fam- i ily. After a very sociable time of about I one hour the uewly wedded pair depart- I ed for Walla Walla. May pence and ! Tlse Xrw York Itcpuldicans. SARATOGA, September 23. The at tendance at the New York State Re publican Convention has been larger than at any preceding State Conven tion for years, and much interest was manifested in the probable otilccme. Ira Davenport was nominated, after several ballots, for Governor, and Gene ral Joseph B. Carr, hi3 opponent, re received the nomination for Lieutenant Governor. General Carr is the present Secretary of State and one of the only two Republicans in the present State admiuistratio'n. When liaby was sick, we gave her CASTORIA, When she was a child, we gave her CASTORIA, When she became Miss, she clung to CASTORIA, When she had childrcn,shegave them CASTORIA. olie. Particular. The customers and patrons of the un dersigned, who know themselves in debted to him, are herewith asked for an early settlement of their accounts, as money is needed. All bills are ready; please ask for them. F. M. Pauly. Teacher: "Define 'snoring. boy: ".Letting ett sleep. It is hard to tell at what age man loses his faith in circus bills. Don't forget that Reese & Redman are located at Adams, aud do a "boss" business. What is the difference between a pa per dollar and a dollar of silver. Never mined. When the Germans hoifted their flag at Yap, they did net suppose the Span iards would yawp. An organist, who advertised for vo calists for a church choir, headed his advertisement; "Good chants for the right parties." Steinaker & Co.keep tne Buckingham & Hecht's boots and shoes. The day of the green apple's over, The banana peel's joke is most done, The ice man and ice ercam discover They're left and the oyster's begun. Easiest way to mark table linen Leave a baby and some black-currant jam alone at the table for three minutes. Porter (in hotel, to parting guest) Please, sir, remember the porter. Guest Oh, so I shall; it was even worse than the beer. Steinaker & Co. have the largest and best assortment of wall paper in Weston. Why is the Puritan like a meat bone, did vou ask? Oh, that is easy enough. It takes the edge off the cutter. A member of the Bible Revision Com mittee received a touching plea against the changing of a verse in I'roverbs, which, sail' the write'-, "was always a great comfort to my two husbands, both deceased. A foreign doctor lias discovered a form of micrococci in mumps. So, If you don't want the mumps, Kce away from the pumps. For bargins in glassware and crockery go to Reese&Red man's, Adams. The masher soon will home return From mountain and from shore; And to his friends he will relate His conquest? by the score. And he will call on some of them, If seasoned he in not, And then, to his surprise, will find That him they have forgot. Reese & Redman, Adams, are pay ing the highest market r.ites for wheat. "I have noticed," said a bathing htmse clerk to a reporter of a seaside paper, that there is one article never re ported in the list of things missed and stolen and that's false teeth. Why, we have two or t hree dozen sets of arti ficial teeth in this office now." Steinaker & Co. make a specialty of gents' clothing and furnishing goods. For a nobby suit call on thcia. Dio Lewis has been heard of once again, after a lapse of five years. He now announces that he cannot and will not believe in shoulder-braces. The effect of this declaration on the country just at this time cannot be very disastrous. Whan you are in Weston and want a first-class meal or a good night's lodging, don t fail to stop at THE DELMONICO. "The Delmonico" is now fitted up in firet-Ciass style; everything is neat and clean ; the tables are abundantly loaded with all the good things in the market; no Chinamen are em ployed, and accommodation is offer ed at the following reduced rates: Board by tho week - $4.50 Board by the day $1.00 GIVE THE DELMONICO ATRIAL MRS. B. J. POWERS PROP. Fall and Winter arid will sell at lower prices tharr ha$e;ever: before been offered in Weslqn.. We invite everybody to call and examine" auir UQOas ana prices, mm our vauuu ,u warranted as represented .or money refunded. A FULL LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Dry Goods of all descriptions, Cloaks, Dolmans and Jerseys, TBTieMiigh.ani & Hecht's Boots and Shoes, CROCKERY, TOBACCO. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. iood Hews to f armerst Ship your Wheat with J T. ARMSTRONG, ATTORN FY AT LAW, ADAMS ... OBEGO.V 3T0fflce in TIMES Bu lding.-l Highest Market Price -PAID FOR who have made arrangements for receiving and forwards ing the same to their San Francisco House on Storage, to await a better market. Liberal Cash. Advances , Made at a fair rate of interest, and satisfactory returns; guaranteed. Don't dispose of your wheat before calling; on us,. We have made satisfactory arrangements for a low rate- oi Kioraxe in nau w rauciscy. Sun No Chances, But do your shipping with the Old Reliable iHouse of Schwabacker Brothers, 353m or the same received on consignment at any station on the rail road by J. S. WHITE & CO. Has A IJreat Discovery h:iTintn lif. tltpir Int. Ttia f.rTivp ,tarn of the alternate chills, fever, and , .in i i . . force gratefully acknowledge tne re peating, peculiar to this disease. . t , , ., , , .... . I ceipt of :i generous supply of "cake. 1 lie order of Indian Agent Soinruer- i -ille to trespassers oo the reservation I One of the most enterprising busi- ,dpt ot aeem t.hae had much rllect. J ne cn ln Weston is F. M. Pauly. A few have folded their tents and flown. He is not only enterprising but ener- Xha majority of those wit are common- j ge'io nd accommodating. His patrons, ly tasked pppn as ipterUpers evidently j and their name is legion, find it a pleas aid no attcntian to the order and are re to do business with liitn. It busy with their usual avocations, per-1 """' nien ,nat draw trade to a town haua not ararflv under their own vine i His tobacco and notion store is the tin Sugar Mill on llio ttisc. San Francisco, September '23. An other slight rise in sugar touk-place to day. Sir Claus Sprecklcs, in an inter view, gave it as his opinion that sugar would yet go up to 15 cents. That is daily bringing joy to the homes of thousands by saving many of their dear ones from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's. New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever. Loss of Voice, Tickling iu the Throat, Pain in Side and Cliest, or any disease of the Throat and Lnns, a positive cure. Guaran teed. Trial bottles free at V. H. Mc Cuy s drug store. Large size 1.00. 6 and tig trees but certainly as if they supposed that an one dared to molest them or make them afraid. The Umatilla Titnct, published at Adams by J. T. Armstroug, has come to hand. This makes the fifth newspa per in the county. I'erhap3 there is luck in odd numbers. The Timr is a seven-column newspaper and will "ad vocate the best interests of the people ot Umatilla county," and will be "espe ially devoted to the upbuilding and maintenance of the youn? aid favored city of Adams," and will U "independ ent in pontics." Th t: An Olil-l'asliinned 9i3?a. The old-fashioned idea that one should never enter a sick room with an empty sttmiaeh is a true one. The gastric juice is nt secreted in an emptv storn- is : ach; it is only when food ia taken into the stomach and digestion commences that the gastrie juice is present. Ail d Do .N'nt lc Drrrtvrd. J There is a firm in Walla Walla try i ing, (and partially succeeding) to steal a portion of mv patronage, bv putting out a sign "Davis Dentist," instead of their lirm name. When vou want den tal work, performed and warranted by an operator who is responsible, and here to stau, go to the olhce over Kees s. Wiuau's store. Du. L. M. Davis. Bill-heads, letter-heads, note-heads, etc., printed and put op in tablets at the Lkadkr office at Portland prices. i ircrms are killed bv rmnimr in contact est of the kind in Fasten: Oregon, hand- '; w iih healthy "astric mice therefore a soinely arranged and always kept in the j f"'- stomach, fortifies one- against ron- It is a credit to the j .,u?'"-7l .'"ases. c ua- u'ua j 'j r-jiL-psia i.i;re is especially adapted to act upon the digestive juices of the system and keeps them in a pure and natural condition. In this maimer neutrt manner. It is a credit to tne place; and bears the best of testimony to what may be accomplished by atten tion to business, fair dealing and liberal advertising. The following from the Forest and Slrcirm may be of interest to our local sportsmen: "A young Hun it ensures proper digestion ami assimi lation of the food. It never fails to ef fect a cure in the nwst obstinate case3 of Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Fiatulcnoy and Sifkheadacho. Sample bottles free unan at W. H. McCoy's drug store. friend, speaking of the grouse which . . ! are plentiful on the steppes of hi coun- : Hayward Hand Gsexades. -Tbr l.try, described them as very closely re- j best known Fire Extinguisher in the sembling our prairie chickens iu ap- j world. Don't delay ln supplying your- LttHeji Starts nut .... n.l in hahifa nnrl inAntiAnaH .-1..-. ...:-. .T.M . r, r.. ... , , j inn.uvn ... ... w u. .u, Huu ...bu..u,.u , .-en lWlil ll.t-UL ctl UIILC. J.iUJlCl. iorawe auspices. ot , a plan, in use by sportsmen there, to ' aud lives saved evi . , very nattering local sup-1 obtain some shots after the birds have rtt m advertising, but it Las a good packed, and are difficult to approach, patroiaje from Portland aad Pendle-i Some large buckshot have two holes lou. lue business men of Adams are ! i4r;l!.l thrnnrli thpm rnsainrr po.'li tooted for their enterprise and commend-1 other, and made as Urge as convenient. bl. local prido. Th;jr appreciate the i A charge of these :s fired, not into the advantages, direct ani indirect, that ac-j pack when it rises, but well over it, v.uc.rom Keeping tlieir town and thev when the birds instantly drop into the constantly oetore tao people; therefore the Timet will receive their cordial support, not only in good will but in eoiu. The Lkadf.R wishes it in- ...K , loronE a ion5 course j caused by their natun-1 enemies, " ",",ura'' ! hawk; the grass and lie there "like stones," till several good shots may be obtained. The idea ia that the birds tancy the whistling of he perforated hot to be the s. y day with them. Vou cannot afford to be without them. M. S. McQvAItnil", Agt, Waila Waila. G. J. Decht, 121 Market St., S. F., General Agent. Prof. Riley is authority for the state ment that grasshoppers disappear with the advance of civilization. This ap pears to constitute the distinctive dif ference between grasshoppers and mos quitoes and office-seekers. On the new postal card, instead of the head of the Goddess of Liberty in the vignette in the corner appears an engraving of Jefferson's head. History repeats itself. Under a Democratic Administration Liberty is bounced every time. The LKADKR office does all kiads of job work in first-class style at Portland pi ices. He mourns the happy days of jouth, Now gone forever henoe. When he could sit and whittle sticks Upon a picket fence. But now, alas! he caDnot thus His leisure hours employ. For fate, in shape of wire with barbs. Hath rendered null that joy. The best quality ef envelopes ed aud printed at LEADEll office for $2 per box of o0. The observant person who does the rhyme for the Texas Sifting has this to say: "Some malignant slanderer now states that "a woman needs no eulogy, for she speaks for herself." Georgetown has married off nearly all of her school ma'ams and will import a fresh lot from the Last for the next term of school, only eue of the former teachers remaining. His sleep was broken, and he tossed and tumbled and muttered something about "two of a kind" and a small pair." "Poor John," murmured his wife, "he is tired, and is dreaming of our dear !tvina." i A reliable artic le. j There is a growing fear among the I For enterprise, push, and a des:-e to get such sentimental ladies of St. Louis society . poods as will give the trade satisfaction, w. H. j that Maxwell may prove to be a gentle j McCoy leads all competition. He sells Dr. Bo. j man, a scholar and an innocent man sanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, because it's the ! after all. If such prove to be the case ' test raedMne on the market for Coughs, Colds, j tbey should prosecute him for obtaining 1 Croup and Primary Consumption. Price 50 adoration under false pretenses. ! cents and il.GO. Sr.mp'es free. j A stage line established 100 years i . a go between Skowhe-ran M ml Quebec, a distance of 200 miles, is still maintained. A. J. ROUANZQIN, Milton, Qregon, ryAg-ent for Sibson, Quackenbush & Co., Portland. SHERIFFS SALE. RiOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER mm and by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Uma tilla County, and to me directed and delivered upon a judgment and order rendered and enter ad in said Court on the 29th day of May, 1885, in favor of A S. Bowles, plaintiff, and against S. Doble. defendant, for the auin of Two Hundred and Fort-sixand 75-100 Dollars, and for the fur ther sum of 940.09 costs: and whereas by said judgment it was ordered that the hereinafter I 2?;:ailLlFr,iI f,-lS the best on the Coast, warranted to separate oats quarter of the southwest quarter of section 6 barley from wheat, taking out everything and leaving and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter I " i- 4-1,. nnn ri, v - of section 6, township 3 north, range 37 E. W. M., I in tl mat ilia county, Oregon, be sold to satisfy I saia juag-ment and all costs, l will, on tne been appointed agent at WESTON fof tor the sale of the following Agricultural Implements Batchclors & Wjiye's CELEBRATED SPRING-TOOTH GOODS. Harrows, Cultivators and Seeders MITCHELL'S well-known Wagons, Hacks and Buggies The Western Fanning Mill. and; Kcvcntecnlta Day of October, 1X85, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the court house door, in the town of fendloton, Umatilla countv. Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of the said S. Dohle in and to the above described prop erty, at public auction, to the highest bidder fur cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied in sat isfaction or said execution anu all costs. Dated September 10th, 1883. WM. MARTIN. 18 Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon. nothiiig but the clean wheat. PARLIN & ORENDORFFS AND THE CELEBRATED CANTON SULKY PLOW. Horaces Celebrated Draper Goods, Iron fastenings on the end of sticks, preventing tbeh. breaking. THE WATERTOWX CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES The Ilollingsworth Rake, Self-Dumping. International Hotel Walker's Wrought Tubular and Cast-Iron Fences, $20 Reward. Lost, on June 14th, 1883, one match- ed span of sorrel horses, brand on left shoulder, and on right shoulder. I One has a white spot on forehead; the ; other has no white on him. The horse are 15 hands h:h, weigh about 1000 lbs ! each, are six years old and are work I horses. Twenty Dollars reward will be I paid for their delivery at the livery sta ' ble in Weston. Any information lead ! if!;: to their recovery will be liberally i paid for. J. B. CnAMBEKLAIN, j Dayton, V. T. Corner Third and E Streets, POKTLAXD j . OKEVO.f. Our facilities are such that wc defy com petition. 1 his is the largest aud - most respectably kept hotel in tho Northwest. Board and Lodging, $1 per Day. Meals 25c. Lodging t5 and 50c. Free bus to and from the house. No Chinese Employed. Three blocks fro ai all railroad depots. Three blocks from all steamboat landings. E. LEWISTON, Prop. O. Clark, Agent. AH orders filled with promptness and at Walla Walhi Call and examine Goods and prices. Ofiice on Slain St., one door east of Marshall House. MYERS LAWSOX At Wasco, Sept. 16th, at the residence of Martin Myers, by Elder Bailpy, C. C. Myers, formerly of Weston, to Hiss Min nie Law s-.in, formerly of Coos county, all resi dents of Wasco. GROSS PATTISOX At the residence of the I utiuc, in t.esuu.. on eunesuay, tne zoo rase, .air. a. wross to Jirs. a. j. raiiison. Bnrklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salvs in the world lor Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Kheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, ami ali Skia Erupt- j ions, and positively cures Files, or no i "r.z. r r Z rav required. It is jruarantecd to jjive 1 " w dtlhcnlt to ssy what race existed oe'rfect satisr ictioa, or rannev refundeu. ! f the beginning of the history of man Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv Klnd' l'"'l.le that the people Y H Mc' 'ov " ' wn'1 on "au" a tne B! are "e ' Finnish. The Philadelphia and Readins shoos have turned out a ninety-ton eagine to climb a 200-feet-to-the-mile grade on tne rtocKies. A justice of the peace of Bawdon, Ga., has serred thirty years, and never had a judgment reversed or seat back for a new trial. The prohibition tewn of Central City, Ken., is said to have a social club that consumes ten kc"s of beer each week. Notice for Publication. Laxd Omcj at La Gradh, Oaisoa AuRust 22, 1885. Notice is hereby eiven that the following- named nettler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim.ard that id proof will be made before the County Clerk of t'roatilia County, Oregon, at Pendleton, Ore gon, od ucuoer o, IMS, viz: Eben 8. Waterman. D. S. Xo. 5412, for the northwest quarter of sec tion zo, township 5 north, range 3 t. w. . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: George W. Raymond, Henrv Derrick, J. S. Zer ba and E. J.Zerba, !! of Centnille, Oregon. S. O. SWACKHAMKR, 28 Register. FARwIERS Look Here! -jyj- P. BONEBRAKE, The Painter, Weston - Oregon. DECORATIVE Paper Hanger, HOI SE, sigx, BUGGY AXD WAGOS PAINTER. Graining in All Kinds of Wood. KALSCMIMG, &c. Wm. Lowndes. We are now prepare to receive on consighinent, buy or store Wheat! Thus giving vou choice in disposing of your crop. Grain Sacks for Sale. Also LUMBER, rough or dressed, for mle at reasonable rates and in quantities to suit. Wheat received on ctnsignment r for storage at Centerville and uutland, and bought at anr railroad station. MILLER & ROBLEY, Center.ille ... - Oregon. UY YOU II B BOOKS, STATIONERY School fcappllm. X.Ttltlrs, Cigars, To bacco, f Xtfectlonery, Etc., of w. c. At the P. O. Store STAR KEY. MILTOK, OR. Odor of Forest. Sparkle of Stream. FOREST AND STREAM. Do you own a jrun. or a "flsh-uole." or blA. doe; " or rifle? Ever go ang'ing, or shooting. tramping, or camping, or :anoeiiig, or yachtlDg? Have you a taste f r studying the habits of wild birds or animals? Do you know that for ten y-ars we have been publishing a bright weekly paper devoted to these subjects? Is will repay you to look at a ropy of the Forest ana 8trrara. There is no other paper in the world Inst it. Afiorms r -t ni stream Publishing Co.. U Park Bow, New Tork. , aaedmea Cav 10 Cesata. The Portland Business College, Portland, Ore-; gon, offers superior private and olass instructioa, to the young ami middle-aged of both sexes, who. desire to obtain apractiatf education in the, short est time consistent with thorough workload a the least expense. Hay and evening sessions, throughout the year. Students admjttod any. time. Catalogue on application. A. P. Aaasraoxo, Principal. hi J OYFCLITews for Boys and Girls n Toong and Old A SEW IS- nst jatejstwt Iqg.tnen, tor Home v I ' --" v Fret and Scroll Bawmg, TursfnA: Boring. Prilling, Grinding, Polishing Screw Cutting. Price 86 to too. I Bend 6 cents for 100 pases. JEPHRAJLM BROWS, lowed. Mag - i