7f- WESTON WEEKLY LEADER. G. P. X'COLL, rm!lBer. Imbed Eveky Friday Morning, AT WE3TON, UMATILLA COUNTY OR. ftabcrl?tloit Kates s r. EC MdljpMMlliuiMta......... O i Yr, fin advance) 2 00 His Month 1 " Hire Month. "" 8 nlo Copiw 12i CU HUTOH LODGE DlHtll'TOBY. wkti iv f nrwiv wn T ri o raft?? F. Meets everv Thursday even- it-iLi tnz- Brothers in (roort sranuinr; w,peettilly invitrd t" ti.it. V. B. MITC'.IKLL, N. O. . P. M'COLL.Sec. WKTiJ TUN LODfiK, NO. to, A. r- on tin second and I .urtn aa"" leach month. , L. S. tvw WKSToN LOltOE. NO. 71. A. . I . W. Metta every TtMWday veninsr t hVins'i hill. Visitin',' brothers invited tOUttcnl. CrM.-C V. . PAULY, Uee. H. b. ne:.. I. Kali. M. WHITE, r.hVK MfUNTAtST.01K;R. No. Ml. I. O. O. T. Meet every baturdav evening at Mclan J. E. KHAM, W. C. T. Secretary. VOL VBL ESTON, UIViATiLLA COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 25, 1885. NO 41 OBtrrrillc l.orise Wlrerlnry. DdLPII l.OIXiK No. Sn, A. F. a A. M. M.:U or Hie first aiul unru cutur aav fllooti month at 7 e'er p. in. T. ,). HIItK, W. M. W. T. COOK, Secretary. WILD HORSE LODGE X . 3, 1. . o. F. Mejts ever' Fiidav ovenimr. t. J. kikk, ;;. a. J. P. MILLER, Sec. Hilton Ludge mrrctory. .-'. MILTON LODGE NO. 61, 1. O. O. F &$T2?4'5 Mert every Sittirdav evening at fViff.-' o.l.l F-llnw.' Hall. Milt ill. Or. C. E. bEURY, Sec. I. W. liEUUY, N. G. a PROFHEcr. SAVED BY ( BlJilE. Absolutely Pure.' ENTERPRISE LuDGF. No. 481, I. O. 0. T., of 1 Milt jn, meets every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. J. N. SAMUEL, ftue. PKOFKSSIONAL CARDS. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomencss. Mora economical than the ordinary kind9, and cannot be sold in com petition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold oxlv is cans. Royal Bakj.ns I'owckr Co., 106 Wall-si, N. Y. em - A. SlIARl'STEIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pendleton, Oregon. Will practice In all the courts of Oregon, Wash ngrton and Idaho. 1). FLETCHER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, cndlcton - - - rogon. Court St., in Demert's Drujr Store. Watch n?pairin:r a specialty. Jewelry made to r,lcr and repaired. All work warranted. Acnt or the sale of American Watches Pacific Jewel ry Company and Kin;;'s celebrated combination pectu-les the best ill t'no world; also a;cnt for the V.'clicr and Cbickerinir pianos, the Kstey and tcrlin' organs, C. U. Conn's and C. Mahiilon's orass instruments. w. F. BUTCHER, ATTORNEY AT. LAW, MulnHt. Ceatcrvlllc, Orcciin. Will practice in all the courts of Oregon and Washington Territory. r('o!lections promptly attended to. IS. V0UI), J. IffOTA.3."ir2?irJ3SIiIS3 WESTON, Oregon. Leal blanks of all kinds lor sale. Office at I'oHtoffiec. 10-29 "Yy-ALKKLt & BUCEY, ATTORNEYS AH3 COUNSELLORS AT LAW pcnoletm.m, ocr.i;ov. Rnl Estate and Public Land Mitter a specialty. Cnlbvtions promptly attended to. Ofttcc over the t'iwt National Bank, Court St. 5 ' - T1? Tlio r most nnnnlar Wpok IV news- T) riper dcvot,ffi 1.n Kpinnra. iaei-hiinmi. en- gineorinjr, discoveries, inventions end patents evor published. Every oumber illastrated with splendid pocraTinca, This publication, furnishes a most valnablo encyclopodia of information which no person should bo without. The popularity of Uio DfTiENnno Axerican is such that its cir culation nearly equals that of all other papers of it rlasa combined. Price, fiS.SOaynr. Jisconnt toCjnbs. 8nld bv all nowndcaiers. MUNN 4 CO., Publishers, No. 36i Erondway, K. Y. . Miinn Co. have . nUohadTbirty ' Savaii Years' tMMCM'1 practice before fw:i th Patent Office, and have prepared more t nan one Hunarea i nous end aoplications tor patents in tbo United States and foreign countries. ?n cMnt.ia Tr;u1 n-Ttf arkt. Oorwrichtfi. ABKitmitiintR. and all other Dancrs for seenring to inventors their rights in tha United Statea, Canada, England, France, Germany and other foreign countries, pre pared at short notico and on reoeonablo terms. Information aa to obtaining patents cheer fully riven without charge. Wand-books OV. sn..nn unt. fva VAtp.nta obtained thronRh Munn & Co. ere noticed in the Scientific Amorican tree. jq oavDiagri o huu uu w well understood by all porsona who wish to dispose of their patents. Amkbicas, 3G1 Broadway, Kow Vorlc S, V. KNOX, Attorney at Law, Will practice in the Courts of this State and IVastiiuston Territory. .Speci.il attention paid to Laud Gflic harness and Collections. OffliT-Wiilii St.. Westnn. Op. it-.7".I'.iJ,'e L. L. M'.'Arthur will be al"'0(:iacd ith me in all my casciln the Circuit or Hup.vi.ie " C jurt. Jjli. 11. J. WILLIAMS Physician ami ADAMS, Ol'FICE- Store. C,A11 calls promptly attended to. ill. V. T. ViI.I.IAMSX, Sitrscon, 01.KG0N. lif.cae Sz C'o.'s Diuj. "Lei us go into the 'muse of the Lord,'' rSALSLS 122: 1. , Divine eorvitto at the First Baptist n, Oregon, mi the First each month, in Ciuircli of Wc;ti ami lliira Mim.luvs morning Rati cvonmg. hunilay sc.iotil at 3 p. in. every tSimday. Prayer Meeting every Tliursiiay at 7 p. tn. All arc cot-' dial I y inviied to attend these services. W. 11. I'lil'LTT, Fastov. Physician and Surgeon. ubr 'otrics and tlisea-?s of women a specialty. Orncis Ovr.u Srr.iNAiir.'.i's. WKSTON, O'lKGOX. 1 T K. IJAUKEU, M. i). hi. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, CKr;:iiviLLi:. - oit::;i). OlU.'e at CdoIv ,t Ir-ine' nrii)- Store. ill. S. C.CUAFT, Oenterville House. G. W. TI7SWQR7H - MANAGER, This n".r an l pjinuiodion hot"! hns ju-;t been C'i'nj-1. 't.'d n.ri'1 U i;ow rt.uuy fur ilia tui:.piin of yachts. , The Rooms arc all Neatly Furnished ! The tabla J1 vrYA at all tiuie ho furnished with the D PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON,' Admit, Orc. So rlTort fort. bit. will by scared to make quests com- j Large Sample Room Hood is waking up! The rocky Brow of Vulcan's sleeping son is coming Through the snowd of death! His pallid Hps of Gray basalt grow warm and move, to free a Curie conS.iid within their niigrhty grip a Million years ago; when he, with othcra. Hushed the deep artillery of awful Cyclopean war, and yielded to the Chill of time. To him a joy sublime it Was to chorus with the groaning of the Spheres, in line with all the brotherhood of Thunderous Titans. Up from Fuego's brawling Sisterhood, and fnmi the dark Antarctic, Up past Chimborazo, on, through quaking Cordilleras, on, through California's Fiery chaos, on, through Oregon, the Battle ground of Gods, on, on along the Vie? Alaska, roared these mountain Iuitifc, and lighted up the Arctic Night with fires so fierce that Boreal suns In ver" vanquisbment went out. Still onward Through the rocking outinent and into Deep Pacific's waves the line marched out to Threaten Apia's distant coast; tmtil they Stood with cold brine to their very nostrils. One by one they spent their fury. One by One thev yielded to the stealing coolness Of the sphere. Among the last to sleep was Hood; At first his rocky nostril fluttered Fitfully; and, in a haif delirious slumber, He tossed out the sea that laved his Flinty ribs. And then he seemed to sleep. The young fir sprouted in his shadow. Sweetest Grasses lured the antelope. The mountain Sheep, the chamois of the west, looked into The abyssmal throat whence hct the vapors Of the giant's burning heart ascended. Emigrants, with beating hopes of future homes, Stole through the passes to the farther west. The years swept on. No fear shook any heart; Although, anon, a student of the rocks Would view the lava beds and write or Speak his dark misgivings. Bent on riches, Men still plowed and sowed and reap'd the harvest; Built and entered in. They sometimes spent a Day about the glaciers of the mountain; And some wise ones said it was but yesterday That this cold summit was a beacon For a thousand railed around. A hardy One or two declared the rocks were yet too Hot for human feet. Some keen, eye iu the Far off city saw a smoke go up from Hood. And thus the world went round; And yet no J ear fell on men's hearts. At last a tourist From the foot of some wide field of ice whence Flows a river, came to town. He had a Sketch or two of golden morn and purple -Eve, in all of which the awful head of Great dead Vulcan, rising from his grizzled Beard of trees, detained the constellations! "When," said he, "I q icnched my torch at night And went to sleop, no rock about the mountain. Tup was bare; hut, in the morning, I looked Up to see a thousand roods of bare and Blackened rock, where, but the night before, the ohroud of snow lay dte'.). 2ot he alone, but Many a snug and happy burgher in the Deep and quiet valley spent a night of Strange unrest. The kettles in the poor man's Pantry danced a wilt?, and rattli;, jig. Tlic Bottlss on the sumptuons sideboards of the Kich grew drunk and reeled like Bacchus; And the chandeliers within the saercd chapel Swayed like censers. Dizzy sleeplessness lay like a spell above the pillows of the People. Yet ag.-.in the dread wore off. At Length, one summer day, Jehovah spurned his Footstuol from beneath! i A far off sigh of Some impending woe, a mutter, half in Whisper, of some Ml calamity, stole Into er.rs till now unused to terror. Nature caught a breath and held it listening, Then one blinding, stunning jar compressed the Very air, till eyeballs ached and hearts grew Sick. An instint later fell the earth a Lozen fathom down, as drops a felon Through the trap door of a galiuws. Eagles On the crags were left midair. Their perches Quick escaped their clutches. Jerk on jeik,in Si-it tiful -luickncia followed. Rivers paused and Turned, then disappeared, or rose in foaminjr Breakers. All the doleful creatures haunting Hood's deep mantle, dazed by fear, forgot their Nature. Panthers, toothed and muled,likc kittens Fawned. The timid deer fled down the slopes; ifnd nice or greedy, wild or gentle, terror Made alike. Three Bqaaaa ratlaaertl. Each. MIMwak tMM0m.i,,. ... VV lcnJLNUac..Be tba. , qaartertjr.. ".,..., "Mildred, you hae been crying." Dolly Shaw knelt down beside her el der sister and clasped ber arms about her, looking up into tbe beautiful face with anxious, loving brawn eyes. "I cannot deny it, Dolly," fclie said. "Scarcely, with such proot as tear wet lashes; but the cause what has happened to griere you you Mildred, whose life seems all sunshine, wha are beautiful, admired, loved "l)ut no one's life can be all sunshine, Dolly; the shadows will come. Don't mind, dear; it is only my weakness." "Then no one has offended you?" "No." "And nothing is wrong?" ! -'Only mysf.lf." "Hare baye you and Koger quar reled?" A pained look crossed Mildred's fair face, and her lips quivered; then she rose and shook down her coils of waving hair. "No," she answered, in low tones. "Iiuu away, now, dear, I'm going to dress for dinner." "Is Roger coining?" She turned suddenly and faced her younger sister; her face had grown pale, her eves shone like stars, her lips were set. "Roger is never coming!" she said. "He is going away to-morrow, to Cali fornia. That is all I know. Go, Dolly, I would be alone." Dolly went out slowly. There was that in her sister's manner that warned her that Koger Warren's departure had much te do with her sorrow and tears, and yet she did not seem to grieve as one does over the loss of a dear friend. There was' a tinge of bitterness, of despair, in every toue, and a look on her face that she had never seen there before. "There is something beneath it all," she thought, as she returned to the lower rooms. Left alone, Mildred continued her pre parations, but her fingers moved slowly; she paused now and then as though ab sorbed in thought, and once a sigh fell from her lips, and the tears sprung again to the lovely blue eyes. Roger was going away Roger, whom she had always known and lovsd, and from her his dismissal had come. She did not think when he told her of his intention that she could care so much. He had never thought of losing her till one ill-fated day there came to the village a niaa with the dark beauty of a corsair, the grace and fascination of a Leicester, and a fancy that was attract ed by Mildred Shaw's beauty which held him, for the time, captive. He was Guy Froctor, a guest at the heme of Judge Leonard, and Roger's rival, in truth; for Mildred, whose faith had never swerved before, found a pleasure in the stranger's presence that was irresistible. Out of this, mutual fancy had come Ro;er Warren's misery, and now the enJ had come. They had parted forever, and he was going away, leaving the field clear for his more favored rival, and surrender ing a quest that he deemed hopeless. "I will miss him for a while, and then things will go on the same as ever," thought Mildred, as she secured her "The first waltz to-moirow evening, Adelaide, remember." "I wander that you did not request that of our rustic beauty," answered Adelaide Leonard's fine voice, in tones that were suggestive of mingled malice and jealousy. "You will dance with her I suppose?" "You speak as though it were a nat ural consequence," said Guy Proctor, lightly, "You have been quite devoted " . "Nonsense. She has a pretty face acd a refreshingly natural maimer, I admit, but it does cot follow that be cause a man is attracted by these things hr, must fall in love with th object. It is Absurd for you to think such things, Adelaide." "But your own actions, Guy." The man laughed iaditTerentiy. "Meant nothing at all. Do you doubt me still? Would I have asked you to be my wife, Adelaide, if I laved I been any one but yourself?" ' Mildred fell back with a low cry, hearing nothing more. All her hopes, her dreams, her trust, lay a shattered wreck before her. J She heard tlie approach of the judge's daughter and drew back behind a tall urn of Southern cactus, standing there motionless and breathless till the tall, slender form, in its robes of muslin and lace, had passed her and disappeared from view. . Hastening back into the ante-room, she saw a maid crossing the threshold. "Take the parcel to Miss Leonard, please," she said falteringly. "I will not see her. 1 I am not well. I must go!" An instant later she was in the outer air. Down by the iron gates she met Guy Proctor. He advanced with a smile on his handsome face and his hand outstretch ed. Pride gave Mildred courage, and she greeted him calmly, but there was a tinge of coldness in her manner. Somehow he realized that something was amis", and the words of tenderness were checked upon his lips. There was a vague regret in his heart, for in his selfish, shallow way, Guy Proctor loved this girl, though the wealth of Adelaide Leonard had proved a bait, more tempting. Mildred, understanding his nature at lust, felt a great scorn and contempt rising to thrust out the infatuation that had possessed her. She left him with less regret than gladness; her heart .was heavy, but the burden was not for Gui Proctor's sake 'it w.is of another she wa thinking, one who had been always loyal and true. Near her home she saw a familiar form approaching, Roger Warren would have passed her with a grave bow, but she put out one hand to detain him. "Do not let us piirt like this," she said hesitatingly. "You are going to- tM lTILll COI STY.. Borrowed from Exchanges. The Prospect farm turned off 21,000 bushels of this scasan. The poor farm was sold on Wednes day to F. W. Wcntz, far $2,5J0. Henry Bucey will leave vith his family for Tacoma next week where he goes, to take up his future residence. Circuit court conveaes on Monday, Not. 9, 1885. One hundred and fifty cases of law and equity to date. P. Maxwell, this week, purchased the residence and lot adjoining the Center villinn office. Consideration $200. The Pendleton manufacturing com pany have purchased of S. L. Morse a piece of land and water power? and will commence at once the erection of buildr ings. Since the first day of July there has CiLinnArl f - ... PD.JI.nn Rnn.t. ........ . ...j '- . i . . i , , A.uu, nc- vine and ,astland 'zbb carloads ot wheat. -' ' 'V . ' ' "j" I' I ' -J rtQenimoiit Fall Sioct: is now arriving, arr4we are,(rrepard: to ftftBr- Groods Cheaper thajxEverl We. haye the largnst and best stock of Perhaps he read in her face a. hope for him even then, he was not proud when love was concerned. "I am going,"' he said slowly, "unless you bid me stay." She slipped her arm through his and j raised hr eyes wistfully. i "I wish j'ou would stay, Roger," she lace fichu with a coral brooch, and drew said soltiy. OIT: at hii residence on Main and Calvin Calls promptly rcpjndid t- day or iiiglit. St 3. Q.O. W. KING, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Olfies over Steinalccr's store, WESTON - - OREGON. I'all.H promptly uiitweri'il day or night. r j. Mcdonald, 0 . Physican and Surgson. FOK COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. Main St. F U'lLDMAN. Ceiiterville. O. HoLbilA.V BROS., OFFICE Over land City, Oregon. y atended to. These throes he'd on till winter. Once ai'ain the winter storm let softly 1 iwn his shroud of snow. Again the sweeping Avaianche would cdol thegrcsat Volcano's Throbbing temple; and the winds conspired to Stay the kindling fever on his forehead. Vain'v were the scunccl and hardened features Wet with winter rain; for all the mercies That, descend from heaven cannot cool the Heart when set on fire of hell. Look up! The Stoves and Hardware!I'uridbH7eo,Toi,1,cti'm'n,ad'ilu;'re' j Higher than Mount Ararat, of crimson Litfht. The faces of the multitude are Uudily with t'no warmest hue of happy lltaltii; but terror-started eyeballs, speechless Lips, and movements numb, declare a helpk-ss, i Blank hiatus of despair. ! The earthquake PF..ll,KR3 IS Adams, Oregon. Keep a'wMys in tix'!; a stWt assorti:?en of CUT I KUY of the best branus, and a full iine of VokI and Willow Ware. tlie Drug Store, Is- j N'ai!?, B .Irs, Screws, Tiles and everythi ,, . luvir line 1 hat larin.-rs nttfl. Pa'runuL' S3-All calls prompt- j rc,. ,mUv s,,i:rt,.d M, II. CnK. E. rKOPLES. COOK St PEOPLES, Wagon & Carriage jEakcrs, Adams, Oregon. All Viudof Carpentering and Wood Work done o order at reasonable raUs. 1 1 air TresUincJit Guaranteed J i " V' ' ' i I i i i TO KEE, Washing and Ironing, Adams . . Orrsron. The fine Lauv.drv Work d.me on the shortest i n'.'l.ce and in a yty.c to pleas the most fastidi ms. j QHUIS VVHEELEK, j TONSORIAL ARTIST, j Adam . . . reson. j rpn razors, clean tow eU, easv chairs ant a hei't rand.' Hair cutting in tn latest ar.d twt '.r.o i.f tiie ait. IS ,m BUSINESS COLLEGE. 15 i:at Main Si. V-T'.!K Wali.4 W.uia Hi Nr.s rni.tr.nF, of Walla a. 1 1, W. T.. oTers rn?rior advantage tn the J-'in,-and mi '.Jle-ac.d M h-th sexes who dcire to uonm a huftinefti educnt-.on in the shortest i ; "iv and at tha liir UYnnnu n-;, ,..i in..rr;u-tion day and evening. Ptudents admitted - .'tin;, circular on app'iratit.n. Those desirinc flue, cen trail v located B-isiness ' T.ots or Iw.viTifnUy aituuttd IUnidmu-t. aites in i the thriving new XITYOF ADAMS, ' can be accommodated by calling at the office of the Adams Peal Estate Association, 24 ADAMS, OREGON The BuYsmf Grrrz is issued IiIarA and Sept., each yertr; 224 pages, S;xll inches, with over 3,SOO illustrations a whole picture gallery. Gives wholesala prices -direct to consumers on all goods for personal or p!P!?$K famiiy cse. Tells how to K4 order, and gives exact fijif 0051 eT" erythingyou ES 29 rise, drink. eat, wear, or hav3 fna with. These , invaluable books contain information gleaned from Diesar.aee; but Hood revives. The stream of Snx,kc bears off across the continent, a Huge, unerring, tortuous lasso, cruel, I:ack as Iieath; and, with its thictc mercurial Fumes, it tij'hu-ns round the vitals of a Million. E;a, or Python, that, from nether Tartarus ascending. See h's writhing, Hungry thousand miics of length! His mottled Front sways back and forth above a nation! Down the vaileys mn red streams of fluid Iron. Showers of hurninir sulphur blast and , Slacken all the land. The swaying, tiltinff ' Earth subsides; until the ocean sv.e.'ps where But a week ago the plowman stood. I I Five I Monftis of hell pour out their quenchless hate: And then the slow relapse of peace comes on. I The Statesman stands appalled to viw the ruin; j Mariners set out aain. The farmer i Peeks his field; the weaver starts his shuttle; i And in ail the wide domain a freer i Breathic conies. Old Hood is sleeping now. The red rock cools to black. The python has gone Back to hell. The echoes ccme no longer Up from Shasta, nor from far Tacoma. Lol The solemn morgue of Hood, the mighty! Canxore, in Albany Deniocrat. The bav gelding McLeod trotted four :i 3:. S. T.I.V'KKR. rrin"!-a. the markets of the world. We will mail ! i"1" ' Narragansett Park, . x ., re- i a copy Frt-e to ccy address upon receipt ; centlv in 9:40. The several miles were j ?Lthe PKtaCt 8 cent;. Let us hear ! raaj8 in 2:32; 2:24; 2:24; 2:2$ .It is the j ; i.i.M-r'4is.iw y ! fastest time ur&a record i'ir that di3 IVIwIlM uyiticm VTfAKU & CO. ' KfcO tVltwa Arcane, CfctcaS. UL ' tance. a spi ay ot lilies through. "I am sorry for Roger, but he will forget, and it is for the heat. Once I thought I should be his wite, but uow it is impossible simply that." She met the gaze of her own tzure eyes in the mirror, and blushed at the thought that she read in their depths. Then with a last survey at a reflec tion in which the sternest critic could detect no flaw, she gathered up her lilac draperies and descended to the dining room. Dolly looked at her in mute wonder. That fair, calm face with smiling lips and brilliant eyes seemed scarcely like the toar-stained features she had seen but an hour previous. Perhaps it was nothing serious, after all. The Shaws were not wealthy. The death of the head of the family had left them with their cottage home and a small income, which, with the closest economy, covered their needs; and now and then Mrs. Shaw would accept a light task from her neighbors, glad of the opportunity to add a few dollars to their scanty board. She came to her elder daughter when the morning meal was over and laid a hand on her shoulder. "Will you take Adelaide Leonard's cloak home, dear? Dolly must finish the ironing, and I am yery tired. She wants it to-night." Mildred hesitated. The errani was distasteful to her, but her gsnerous na ture overcame her scruples. "Yes, mother, I'll take it," she said. 'Knld it. lilt in a rlnip naaf nor.ol trA . r , fcnoflr rae 1 a get my wraps. f Mrs. Shaw shook out the finished garment with its delicate rose-silk lin ings and fringe of creamy tint, and laid it carefully between the fld-i of tissue" paper. Fifteen minutes later Mildred was on her way to t'n Leonard mansion. She was ushered into the little ante room adjoining the parlor. It wasrilledl with the shadows of twilight, and Mil' drd, sitting there alone, grew impa, tient at the delay. She rose at last and went under the i plush-draped archway to tbe conserva tory beyond. There was a glass door leading into the garden, and passing it, Mildred heard the sound of a voice that was fa miliar to her a vice that raade her pulses thrill. It was after their marriage Roger heard her story. Ha understood it aright, and only drew her closer with a kiss. "It is all past now, dear," he said. "If you love me now, I m content." "I have always loved you," she an swered. "I did net know it; but I always loved you." Change Wanted. A dozen nion or more were sitting around a saloon in a mountain town when the door opened and a raw-boned, ugly mugged looking feHow came in with a whole armory attached to his person. He looked at the crowd a min ute, without speaking, and then stcp- v ped up to the counter. "Here, barkeep," he growled, "gim me some licker, an' gimme it raw. Don't put no trimiu's into it for I'm no wo man, to waDt my licker ornamented.' "Yep, sir," replied the barkeeper' quietly and politely, reaching under the counter for a jug. "Shove around sharp there," he went on speaking in a louder tone, "I'm that dry inside I can hear my liver rattle 'round aginst my short ribs. He took the jug and poured out a pint tin cupful and swallowed it. "Twenty-live cents," said the bar keeper. "What?" asked the drinker, looking at him fiercely. "In your pocket, I reckon, to pay for that drink." ' "Not much there hain't. You don't do' you? I'm Bill; Bloody Kill, from Troublesome creek, and you don't want tcr get me riled. I'm quiet ez June when I'm pleased, bnt I'm 23G kead of horses, 918 head of cattle and 2225 head of sheep. A. S. Le Grow informs us that he has a Red June apple tree at his resi dence that is bearing a .second crop, and that one side ot the tree is literally load ed down with ripening fruit. Peed is scarce on the reservation, and the stock men are considering the question of driving their herds into the Wallowa country. Those who do not do so must feed the entire winter. The great secret of the rapid growth of Adams lies in the fact that the busi ness men pull together in everything that tends to mutual advancement. They realize the truth, that what will help one, helps all. Owing to a stress of circumstances, Emesley Ridenour has been appointed justice of the peace. Thirteen of his old associates have been fined already for lack of proper respect in addressing his squireship, and all the rest stand iu constant dread of his brief authority. Messrs. Vaughn ar.d Page inform ua that Indian Agent Summerville s order for whites to quit the reservation, does not effect settlers who have taken land according to law, as they have done. The order simply effects trespassers who have been iptringing on the rights of the Indians to such extent that they can be borne no longer. It is rumored that Father Wilbur will give one thousand dollars toward the building of a new school house at Adams. Equally liberal donations are pledged by our business men, so that with a very light taxation a building can be erected to cost not less than six or seven thousand dollars. This is substantial mark of improvement and one that will be a credit and honer to the place. Let the good work go on. 10 give some idea ot the immense amount of wheat handled in our ware houses this fall so tar, we quote from their books. Reese & Redman, 41,090 sacks, of which 10,279 were received the first four days of tnis week. Page fc Son, 12,000 sacks; Snedgrass, 8,000 sacks. And yet it is said wheat has but just commenced coming in. The very honorable county court, at its last session, awarded the contract for 4500 20 page pamphlets, doscriptive of Umatilla county, Oregon for distribu tion by the County Board of Immigra tion, to the East Oregonian Publishing Company. The business was managed very fly. not another paper in the coun ty being allowed an opportunity to make a bid. The honorable court had a fine opportunity to give its organ a lift and get whole lots ot glory without costing itself a cent. Father Wilbur has just returned from assisting in dedicating a Methodist Episcopal church at Pilot Rock. Dr. II. K. limes also took part. The socie ty has a neat church, costing about 500, enclosed with a painted pailiug fence, with a parsenage and barn, worth about 3,000, all paid for and free of incumbrance. It was suggested after the dedicatiou that the church would need a bell, and the people present promptly raised nearly $100, which was given to Father Wilbur to send away for that purpose. Tim i Eyei brought to Umatilla Qnfijrf.. OUR STOCK OF Boots and Shoes either for size or. quality, U. not equalled East of the Mwuataina. Ihpj wa5 bonghtfos wiakandwillbeaoldjCHEP-v . OUR HAT AND GAP DEPARTME1IT ia complete with the latest and bast styles. Oaf - are thja very beat, embracing the !a$esi styhj,. Our stock of GROCERIES is complete, and will be no Id at bottom, prises A MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT is connected with our store, where aa experienced) man, wilt talqa jtnjt measure and guarantee a good fitting suit of clpthea. In order to. give om customers all advantage our Jfr X. Dusenbery, of San Francisco, has. instructed us t alt low 1 CEiTS OX THE DOLLAR, for-all cash, purcha of Dry Woods. Clothing, Hts, Boots and Knees, Tuts an raugenent will continue unt il the 3 tst of December. ALL GOOpSMAKHEDiXPLAIXFIGlJUES la er than any house in Eastern Oregon. DON'T PAIL TO CALL AT THE OLD RELIABLE; H$IB D ADAMS MEAT MARKET THOMAS CALVERT, Proprietor, Here is where you can get your money's wortn in Beef, Pork, Mutton,' and everything in the line of meats that tbe country produces. 1. TEOEBSTL, Highest market price paid for fat cattle. MAIN ST. ADAMS. Toomlis, the Unlucky Fisherman. Robert Toombs, ef Georgia, whose chief ambitioa at one time was to call the roll of his slaves at the foot of Bunker Hill monument, was known as the "unlucky fisherman." When he was a boy he was quite ungainly in ap pearance, and his companions used to say that he was so ugly that he scared tbe fishes awaj All through his career he never had any luck in angling. He would sit for hours n the banks of a stream impatiently awaiting a bite and cursing his luck, while others aronnd were landing usli by the dozen. After fishing all day in a Georgia stream he drew up a huge mud turtle. He cut his name in full on the hard shell and threw the turtle hack into the water. Two years afterward he was fishing ERY S. A. GARDEN would rcmctfully inform thp public that she vas jut upenea out a VOmjucie Btocfct ol Spring and Summer Millinery in Mrs. Ashby's old stand pn Water t UNTR1MME0 HATS TRIMMED AND Feathers, Trimmings, . J Flowers, Ornaments and all he latest Kovcltics. Mv Stork ia all new and fresh, and the ladies ol Weston and vicinity are respectfully invited to call and examine it. MRS. A. GARDEN, C, B.. FKOXfSTOl. WESTON louring ill Proebstel Bjros, F-rovrrss F1RST-OUAS8 FLQUr And keep constantly on. hand all feMft ff. W6 T BRAJf, j i shorts, Xotice te the Futile, All persona knowing therawlr fe. debted either by note or book aeaaunT" are hereby requested to coma forward and make immediate payment, aa all .lei running accounts must b aeHlad W l.We also wink tn nt -.11 .... the Weston stfw FIoiSnTtafiwSi Prof frMf 1 Broi, at the same spot and again drew out a March an' Janniwary when I get riled, j turtle. It was the very same turtle on I never pay for my drinks an' yer'll hev to l'arn who Bill is, Bloody Bill, dy'er hear?" "And you won't pay for that drink?" i couid, out i never pay lor my Nobody knew what happened, ex actly, but in about rive minues the barr keeper got up out ot a pile of indistin guishable humanity, boots and pistols ! in the comer, and remarkf.il nnipflv am he kicked the pile: which he had inscribed his name, but he was astonished to find below his name the words: "Too ugly to catch fish." A waggish fellow had caught the denizen of the mud and cut the line below. The story went that Toombs caught this identical turtle no less than fire times, and the last time, in a fit ei rage, cut its bead off. WANTEP! 500,000 BUSHELS A little girl of seven exhibited much disquiet at hearing of a new exploring "Say, boys, won't some of you take ! expedition. 'When asked why she qooi H. O- MARSHALL, WESTOH, OREGOX, l PHspard to 4q any and all kind l Work in his Hue. Price reaaemabla. J ft KIRKLijp, Notary liblie, MILTOlf, OtUBoojt; BREWING BARLEY for which the highest market price will be, paid. Also, same amount of "WHEAT. Parties having barley can have sacks famished by me. I receive at any ship ping point, either on rivet or railroad. ADVANCES MADE ON WHEAT, and very reasonable rates of storage Land tatine of an kinds-ffiiag. Marine at c -at tended to, with tonrpfoe. tid eai. Collecting AeocunU a Specialty, this bill out and get it changed?" i hould care about it, she said: "If they -: discover any more countries, they will j jve,j No dsuree of knowledge attainable by ' add to the geography I have to study, j W'm -TOTCTi f5 man is sble to set him above the want j There are C0,jntn63 enough in it now. .- p hourly 3FMt.:ince. '" '" " ' (SaMsqr to ffingj, t BARBER .' ASr. Work dona in tbe Litt and BetSWv Sqor S inm to Itaan rWiy a On