Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, September 18, 1885, Image 4

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.i.w .s limits. ; b as-. m. i RRrr.vr nvest ?.n ootrrs
Weston noeds a bank.
The evening ar gjtting longer.
Uuy good books and be happy at
The return of business prosperity
ii trident to all but the fanatical
adherents of machine bossisin in
Tammany is opposed to civil ser.
vie reform. That was one of the
reasons for which Ta in many voted
for Blaine.
ilo U-rnsne cyclone in .nortliera j Watch, note and jarefuilv observe all! According to
Ohio on Tuesday ninht. ::x v.hich a! the while, j Yearbook for tbeG
town of four tliousaud iLh-.'oitanta ""j" ea:' a lmmfiul,eil,2 Ciin
was nearly obliterated, w.s in mark- j (;enTy flaf. gortfe.UH)rellcted light,
eu contrast to the gentle rain which jjat what's the diamond's Hash to mirth's
made things so lovely in this State, j ilcli'ht.
A Lice ii-at cannot fiinie :or i-ninea re
Is like a bud nnblossomed that dies up
on the stalk
To-day the people of Washington,
Ohio, nre searching f ar the dying
and the dead anion" the ruins of
thoir homes, whilo in Oregon nature j Laughter is day-beam of gladness and
to the -Statistical i Bj b 1 h S 1 I i ' 1 f gj If g 1 a 1 1 g 1 1 1 fl 1 If I NGSTiIcRN PACIFIC R. R.
: the German EaiPiref-B5'tS & Mitt IgwH WU4UpHh S . tuc fi"!Y PVC a"v;"i
.n of Germany was, in I - . 3 ' lHfc U.ilf Littt HuuUtiiU
has a STirinMlk-fc KniilP nnrl ic rf,thtr i ..ly
: ..,..,.).; u , Sobriety is lii-ht-
it. i-uim ij.t wr;aatj( nuLll as USUU1JY
tho population of
lb72, 41,-22S,C00 persons; in 1S83
it had men to 45,802,000. In
eloven years, therefore, the increase
! of the population was 4,034,000,
ana yet during thoss eleven years
therp hhd bepn a very large lemi
"ration from Germany. The Ger-
"Wait until wheat brings fifty
cents a bushel" is now the expres
sion used instead of "wait until
after harvest." Patience.
Visit the schools and see for
yourself how your children are
being taught. Don't forget to give
the teacher a word of encouragement.
California has 2682 mile3 of
railroad which the State Board of
Equalisation has assessed at 49,
035,750. The value per mile
ranges from $1,500 on the Nevada
and California to $34,338.57 on
the Central Pacific.
man statistical department has en
may none its powers i , . , , . - . , ,
w aeavorua to ascertain tne numoer
delight the eye and gladden the ; ,tul a smile is the twilight that hovers ! of German residents abroad, and it.
neari in April ana :,lay. U"e
cyclone like that at Washington i"
to pr.t an entire State in apprehen
sion and terror, and cause a general
migration to where such awful
visitations are never known. Each
succeeding tornado and of late
years they come mora and mora
frequently is a solemn warning to
That ever glows wi'.Ii
IVtcrscm's Magazine fjr October.
The principal engraving on steel,
computes this at a little over 2.-500.-
a bewitching j 00o, 0f which nearly 2,000,000 are
' in the United States. In Switzer
! land there are as many as 95,262
(Germans, in Austrns 93,442, and in
; France 81,988. Of course the es
timate of 2.000.000 Germans in the
is a
one of the loveliest of i
i United Slates cannot include the
"lne fctar
f , ...v,,..., .
the people that their lives are m J ,if(j Tbere are twocolirfd patternJ born here, but only those who are
constant jeopardy. It is said peo-. pmW,it;f.rv. a ,llni.1,.,1hM,0.iJ ! ibemselves natives of Germany.
fashion plate; a story profusely j The commissioner of internal rev
illustrated; and some lifty wood cuts j enue reports that the amount of dis
of fashion?, wovk-table 'attorns, etc., tilled spirits gone into consumption
etc. Frank Lee Benedict begins a i in the United States during the fis
new novelet; and there is a little cal year ending June 30, 1885, is
sketch, "That Horrid Divss," which j 09,146,90n gallons, and the amount
every lady ought to insist on her
husband reading. But enough: the
best thing to do is to write for a
spwHnien of "Peterson," which will
pie become indifferent to dangsr to
which they are continually exposed.
If it be true in the mam, torna loes
and cyclones are an exception.
There is a mystenousness and aw ful
ness about them which never leuves
thfc imagination free from fear. In
a moment in the twinkle of an
eye at noon-day or taidnight sud
denly mere is an ominous roar, a
The startling statement has re
cently been made that "to stop the
manufacture of whiskey, wine, beer,
tc, it will be necessary to stop the
raising of the ingredients, and thus
8tp tilling the soil." This is an
argument against Prohibition that
few, very tew 'people would have
been capable uf conceiving. It is
a stupendous thought. "Prodi
The C enter villkin duly made its
appsaranca last Saturday. It is a
six column paper, patent outside,
Try neatly printed and apparently
receiving substantial encouragement
from the town. It says: "Center
villa must be made known to the
utsid world. The VentervUlian,
in politics, v ill be neutral. Tho
subscription price is one dollar and
fifty cents far one year." The
Lkapbr wishes it deserved success.
Of Portland, Oregon.
(Incorporated March 15, 1SS3.)
E. frSUM - ... President
4. P. EXEN - - Sctrctarr
Asst. Secretary
Manager Slanuf "s Dept., Chicago
E. M'SUXft, A. P. YEXEX,
joax white, a w. wixsell,
EFFl&CER & SOUFifiE, Attornsys.
M. .1. IH IUXS
E. E. WiSE
u A i .1.. .:
' 1 t tie Mnt crritis. anri rori-.nnrp with
loss CI : . . ;.. .. ,r .
of malt liquors on which tax was
paid during the same period is 19,
185,953 barrels. The amount of
wine consumed in this country dur
ing the year 1884 is estimated at
L- - , otii(ir- when vim win ki" rori Hin tn 10 :il).S .i4: nns
me. iu precautions can ce lasen . .., . , . r
18SQ. Isow is the time for this.
Thfl price is but two dollars a year,
with great deductions to clubs.
Address Charles Peterson, 30G
(Chestnut Street. Philndplnhia. Tn.
Swaiiijt L:.i:tl.
The S;ile:!i Sjtate-itnaii is authority
No precautions c;
against the dreud catastrophe, whose
very uncertainty is its most depress
ing influence, and people live in
hourly dread ot they know not what.
Every appearance of storm fills
every one with alarm and the con
formation cf the clouds are studied
with more painstaking than the Book
of Iloly Writ, notwithstanding, the
latter contains what is accepted as
the only authentic account of a
prophet ascending from earth to
heaven in a whirlwind.
Whether the multiphying of
railroads and telegraph lines in
Oregon will have a tendency to
change tho climate as many claim
has been the result, in the Ivmtern
States, can nh be dptem.mwl. hut has W l,ward of 0,000 acres, on
' ' i... i -.1 ... t i
cent of the purchase price. On the
The undertaker who had charge
of the Grant funeral has rendered
his bill. The amount is .14,102.75.
Undertakers at New York are re
ported surprised at the moderation
of the charges. How much of the
amount was charged for making
out the bill is not stated. The bill
is to be rendered to the United
States, and an act of congress will
be required to pay it.
The tfreat annual fair at St. Louis
Take Notice.
Pianos nral Organs soM osi easy payments It you par
chase a Piano or Orgau of this Company on the install
ment plan and should be compelled, 'from any cause
whatever, to return the instramttnt, after having paid a
part on it, yon can do so and not lose one dollar you have
paid. Fine Chapel Organs sold to churches on gfl&
monthly payments, which would he only ten cents per
month for each member of the Church oi SaubathSchooI
to pay.
The celebrated Il It AND PIAXOS have been in use throughout
the States for over twenty years, and are first-c!ass in every particular.
We iiive a warrantee with evory instrument, that runs live years from
date of sale, and we are riijht here to make it ood. We have facilities
fur repairing Pianos and Organs at our shops in the city of Portland
and aii w.rk warranted.
Our Music Ha!I and Warcrooms are on First street, No. 320. Take the First street cars and ride
to the corner of Clay street. Those who cannot cali on us can write for particulars and catalogue of
our instruments. Address
Durand Organ Co., PortSarsd, Oregon
the people of the older f rates may
most confidently come now in tho
full assurance that thir slumbers
will he peaceful and their bread and
water sure. News.
There are at present in the ser
vise of the pension bureau about
eleven hundred examining boards,
and the same auniber of single su--gronsfor
examining applicants for
pensions, making a total of twenty
- twt hundred. In many localities
a tingle examining surgeon is ap
pointed, because the pension busi
ness of the locality is not sufficient
te call for a regular board of three.
Where the population and pension
busintcs justifies it a board is ap
pointed. Up to the present there
have been live hundred and fifty
eight changes made in the examin
ing surgeons. Of the new appoint
ees two thirds are democrats, and
on third republicans.
Whatever foundation in fact
there may exist for the assertion
that political equality does not ex
ist south of the Mason and Dixon
line, there can be no mistake as to
the political intentions of the friends
cf Mr. Blaine. The word has evi
dently been passed along the line
from headquarters that the "bloody
.shirt" is to be the main issue. The
Republican central committee of
Mississippi, in accordance with this
programme, have "resolved" to put
no state ticket in nomination be
cause of the "well-known impossi
bility of securing at the polls an
honest election." Under twenty
years of Republican national rule
they did (lot mke this important
discovery, and a one pretends that
matters are any worse now than
they have been during that time.
If such a sad condition really exists,
it is greatly to the discredit of Re
publican administrations.
33iU'h ('routing niionl .Wiirriiigc.
The average society lDurnal
devotes about one column per week
to the discussion ot the so-called
marriage problem. In this the
tendency toward celibacy is again
and again repeated and every reme
dy which could possibly be thought
of is vented at somo time and place
In nine cases out of ten, while some
responsibility is attributed to men,
the blame for tlis falling cli'in innr
riages is placed upon woman. Thev
are accused of being vain, extra va
gant, incompetent and frivolous,
and utterly without -qualification
for any sterner work than flirting
or idling away whole days over
sensational novels. The merits of
the young man who minds his own
business and does not get married
are lauded to the skies; (hose of a girl
who does exactly the same thing
are never mentioned.
Of course, the youna: men
for the foikuvinj:7 i'ow many acres of
"swamp laud" ilo you .suppose is held by
one man iu this Stale? How many?
(iuess. Isot inaiiy ncrsons would suess
a million acres. But thev w.mid have i vlU ijen October lne premium
l- . t r
! to multiply this by thirteen to set at i tumaiiis iwi-iny-iuur iieparc-
nearly the amount. "Hen" Owens cf I '"cuts, ancUhe total of premiums
i-r.t,. ; ,. i.i.r. t . I ofi'ered is 'ST'B.OOO. Sixty. five acres
0!JO,000 acres ot "swamp laud," ami he ! nave U(!en aculeu 10 uje grounds aid
t-l-UUjUJiJ expended on improve
ments. The races are exUicted to
be an attraction of national' propor
tions. Letters from China represent
that France lost 15,000 men in the
Tonquin campaign, and that her
losses in money, including the cost
of building forts, hospitals and fron
tier defenses were 43,000,000,
other 13, 000,0i;0 acre farm he has paid
not a cent, nor is the state or the gov
ernment deriving a cent of revenue from
this land. On one filing he "took up"
1,320,009 acrss, which bind extends, in
townships, from six nnjes cast of Le
banon, southeasterly, entirely through
the state. These figures are connnend
jd to the joint investigation, and a re
futation of their truthfulness challenged.
for infants and Children.
Pullman Palace Sleeping fan,
SlngniUccnt Oiij Coarbps and
with berths free of cost.
From Washington and Oregon
ia St. Paul and ISSianeapelis.
The only Trans-continental Line Running
(Meals T5 cents.)
Fastest Tfcne Ever Made from
the Coast
Northern Pacific Railroa .
To Siotiv City, lonnril KitnTs, SI. Jo
slIi, All-bison. iL-.-ivfiivorl3i. Kaua
4'ily, liurliiiiituu. Quinry,
XkA nil points llironslionl tltc Cast snd
Stuiiix'ast via SI. I'atil and .ttiu:ieai3s.
TSiroush Esnisrant Sleeping
Cars from Portland.
And fcanlec! on rrsisinr fpro trains
over the cnlir;' li:i-li til' I lie ur(k-t-ru
1'aciuc Kailroau.
Leave Wullu'a Junction at 4:40 a. m.
Leave 1'ortlanJ at 3: p.m. daily: arrive at Min
neapolis or St. l'ar.l 1-2:30 p. in., fourth ciav.
Connection made at St. Paul ami Minneapolis
loan points tost, bouiiiand southeast.
Train leaves Portland daily 11:45 a. ni. Arrive
at Nt-w Tacoma li::i p. m., conneetiijr w itlt ().
11. ,t X. Cs boats for all points on Puu;et Sound
A. D. i HAHI.TOX, Cen l Wesfn Pa.ss. Agent,
No. 2 Wasliinton St., Portland, Or.
"l!rf!ii !-i!i-l:iw in 3iisiii-;us;-f .
Tho Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
recomiizing tin: alleged autinuthv
m. Ttr Ta hons-,n ,RW !as KortU Yamliii:, John Edward
ui uHi'Hi uiao ine latter cannot insure
tho life of the former. "A man has
while China's losses were 100,000
men and 38,000,000.
Acting Postmaster-General Stev
enson appointed the following
named fourth-class postmaster:.:
California At Cloverdale, John
Fisld; Tehama, II. L. Stratton: Et
na Hills, Frank Lowe; Millville.
L. Martin. Oregon At
Castona is bo well adaptad to children that 1 Castorfa cures Colic, Conrttnation,
I recommend it as superior to any prescription i Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
teown tome." H. A. Aucber, M. D., i w.orms Gives sleep, and promotes dl
VI Ba Oaford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Wiihou6miuriou3 medicatioD.
Thb CiEJTAua Company, 182 Fulton Street, N. T.
For all Diseases of the
Li7crF Sidneys, Stcsiaeli and Spleen.
This purely vegetable pre
paration, now so celebrated as a
Family Medicine, originated in
the South in 1838. It acts
pently on the 12owels and
Kidneys and corrects the .
action of the Liver, and is, there
fore, the lejt preparatory
inedieiiie.whatever the sick
ness niay prove to be. In all
common diseases it will, un
" assisted by arty other medi
cine, elfoct a ppeetly cure.
The Keprulator is sate to administer in any
condition of the system, ani luuler no circum
stances can it do harm. It wiil i:ivisoraie
like a glas of vine, biit is r.o intoxicating: bever
age to lead ti i!ircn:p'rance; viii prtmtot1? di-g-e5tion,
dUsipatc Sicadache and Rewir
ally tone up the system. Tlie ticisv is small,
not uiiplc:ibaikt, and its virtues undoubted.
TTo loss of time, no inter
ruption or stoppage of '
business while taking the
Children complaining of
Colic, KeadiU'be. or Sick
&ton3:t'h a tcaspoonful or
more will give rIitf.
If taken occfion.-llv by pa
tients exposed to MALARIA,
will expel the poison and protect
thetn from attack.
a pnrsieiAVS oriNiox.
I have been practicing medicine for twenty years,
and have never been able to put up a ve -table
compound that would,like Simmons Liver Regu
lator, promptly and chectivcly move the Livr to
action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak
ening) the digestive and aMiiiita-iive powers of the
system. L. M. HirrroN, M. 3J.,Vasiiinton, Ark.
J. . ZeUIn & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
i . .
Rotice for Publication.
Land Office at La Ok anpk, Oroox,
Auj?ust 19, 1S5. t
Notice is hcrehv iriven that the followin-
naincil wttler has lilcd no;iee of his intention to
make final proof iu Kti:norto' las claim, and that
said proof will be lux to before K. It. liarker, a
Notary l'nl!ic, at Uciitcrville, Oregon, on icto
ber 3d, ISci5, viz:
Jt!;riM. Goodtan
D. S. Xo. C42, For (lie southwest ciiiarter of
section 12, township f N., H. cast, W. M.
ii:e names tlie fouowin witnesses to jrove his
eontiriitotis residence upon, and cultivation oi
said i-uni, viz:
John il. Vineen. A. B. MrKwan, Ed White
man and Robsrt MtEwan, atl of tXntcrv illp, i)r.
?S Rtzister.
The undersigned has on hand a lare assortment
of one, two and three-year-old
no insura'ule interest in the Ufa uf
his mother-in law." With cynical
candor the Pennsylvania Bench
declares that "the mere fact that
he married her daughter given him'
no such pecuniary interest in thte
preservation of her lia as to permit
uiai to effect a valid insurance there
on for his benefit." The intima
tion is that the percentage of
The Northern Pacific bridge over
the Mississippi just below the falls
at Minneapolis will be completed
by the middlo of December. Its
codt is 250,000.
Chinese companies in San Fran
cisco have sent 1000 to the Wyo
ming sufferers.
ing the validity of this class of in
surance policies-
An Oregon t.ia:it.
are not to blame for the failing oil" i mothers-in-law ti curin.? in mortality
" "'"iio.o. u- asis woaiu Dft litcrea.sea ov recoirmz-
ever heard ot a young man who was
larking in any single or double re
spects'? As a rule, they never
smoke, drink, or idle their time
away, but are busy day after day
developing their mental qualities by
industrious study, and saving their
hard earned wages for the purpose
of getting married at a later day.
Uirls frequent beer saloons, play
pool, and organize expensive clubs,
but the young man has no tiine for
such frivolous entertainment. If
he did ho would fall quite to the
leyel of his sister, and such a fate
must be escaped at all hazards.
The marriage problem will doubt
less solve ltsell in a little time, as h,0w.
most evils work out their own so.u
tion. .At any rate there is no rea-
son co war me aepopu.uuon oi ine Oregon giant ei!it feet hiuh."
countrv from the falling oft in the 1 . ', 1
number now. is early every institu- j
tion that the world has ever sane- j
tioued at some time or another, has j
paRiifcd through some Fpf.-cittS of trial, j tho first instance in the history of
j be desire tor congoniat feminine j beorgia wheie lather and son re
society is natural to every man, and j presenter! the State in the Senate
will continue to be cratilied in spite ! of the United Spates. Such ocenr-
of high rents and extravagant mark-
an 1
TVIiat a TuJncrirouItt Yr-ry-;ivopprl1.',rr.-i
"surface indications" of wbaf. is bsncnlli,
a-.-o tiia iimpios, ;t-c;:, S?oe Kjth,
Ho'il.--, miii Cutaiicoiid Kiugtions 'With
ViliicU u(i)!c are aimnyid ia sprini; atul
; ar!y s.inii.r. J Lc eii-re jiuutcr accumu
lated tlurinsr tho winter Months, now
! iii:;kf-s i,s iireser.ee fL-lt,t'iroufrh iN'ature"
e'Hloavors to cxpci is i.-o;a uio syrueni.
V.iiiie it remain!.' it is npr.ison that V 'stors
in the blood anil may develop in'.o Scrof
ula. Tliis ci)i!(.U;k:i causes derangement
of the diire.-iive and asiimilatory oivaiw,
vvi;!i a feelinsr Oi enprvatiou, languor, ami
w.-arimvs often lis'atly ppoken of as "only
Hiring fi-vcrc' TUcso are evidences tiia't.
iNniure is not able, nnauled, t throw oil
tlie corrupt atoms which weaken the vital
forces. To retrain lieailh. Xatun: must be
An Astoria paper says: Astoriars
have noticed during the last fe.w
weeks, a young inan on the streets,
who lowered head and shoulders
above 'all he met in stature. His
name is Dred uiadison, a native of
j California., aged 21 years; lie stands
six feet, ei-rlit arid a half inches.
is not fione growing. .Lai:ey, iu.,-i by a thorough blood-purifvnvi mrni-
of ilabmson's circus j 5 and Kotlmig clic w so eUbctiveas
Ey insuring your dwelling
caught sight of him yesterday after
noon and hur.g to hitn until the
young follow agreed to go with the
lie sets a free riue to Cin
cinnati, and hy next sprinsrlie will
uipcar cui tne oiils as "ine srreat
y 1 y
wlr'eh b wfJicientty powei-"i:l to ostp!
from ihfi system even the taint of Hered
iii'.ry Scrofula.
The medical profession Indorse Atkr's
pAitsAi'AiiiT.LA, and many nttc.-tations of
tli? cures el-'-etedby itcmne from a',! parts
of l!:o world. It is, in thr? lanrna'j:" of
the il.'in. l-"i-:Hiei,3 Jcwett, cx-S"ate Sen
sior of Slassaclrisetts and ex-iayor of
e r( . . . , r -ii l.o'.v-l!. "lbs oilv preparation liiat doc-i
Senator Colquitt has furnished j rcu iaitiii" srood.'
ca Cciiiyvins JSie fnaiuriat Seals or
and while it is bein
rences are very rars. mere are
only three on record. They are these
Dr. J. C. Ayar & Co., Lave!!, Mass.
Sold by ail Druggists: Price 1;
Six bottles for $.").
Vica-Pretidsnt Hendricks made
an Irish land league speech thu
tktr day. It may bo regarded as a
shameless bid for the Irish rote.
Etsb as such it ill became one in
his position te make it. But there
was a worst phase of the matter.
"WhattTsr designing demagogues
and their credulous dupes may as
sort, it is qui'.e certain that no real
friend f Ireland wuld at this day
faTor its independence ef the British
government. That Ireland has
offered wrongs no student of his
tory will attempt to deny. Would
Ireland's condition be bettered by
separation Ilowever the ques
tion may he honestly answered, it
ift certainly net doing Ireland er
the Irish a kindness to incite them
to hostility against their lawful gov
ernment. Every effort at, forcible
separation has been followed by
greater and more cruel oppression, j
The "fool friead
dene nethin; far her but to increase
her misery. It is wrong in any
one t foment insubordination to
legal authority and especially is it
wrong in tha Vice President of the
United States to countenance, even
by an uncalled-for piece of political
demagogism, an organized effort
against the peace and dignity of a
ftatioK with whom we are at peace.
.1 D.'i I r. m'i i M t I.i : Li.-.-..-,- ;...t-f.f'i
'. presented Ielavare in the Senate
...i.-i .. I - I emeu, anu an
wuie. uiiio:: uih us ; iiiiui.. liuf-i t uc'-.iuii i jl ti.iee m.--iiei- i. ,,,,(. lo.. , !... f ...
Caveats, Ke-issnes and Trade-Marks se
cured, and ail other patent causes iu the I
just a little less of the one sided : of Senators Bayard, Dun Cameron
in-mi ninii t rifiinf u-rniif.'i w-imi1! 1... :t lit i ( If-.l n ! 1 1 i T bf T:V!-fl
On the
sensible as men verv cttn more 1 at ions, i'on Cameron took bis ! t.romntlv and oawfnliv nfinnrled tn.
so and given a fair opportunity. ! father's seat. There was thirty ! Upon receipt of model or sketch of
with a husband werthv of the name. ! rears between "Walter T. Colquitt inveution, I make careful examination
they are usually able to do their j and his son in the Scant e. j IittelUability FUEE 0F
part toward keeping tlie weir from i j ' 'iVs""molerate, and I wako
the deor and making home j!eaent i s r ni tin- :-4ri.-zrn Zc-av. cmai:i;k unless patent is s;:c;r.ED.
for those who i-hare in its happiness. ! A fat ruin with a hi' f in and an j ' "formation, advice and special rcferen-
- i .... ,. ,. ce sent on application.
!l.msn as nt n,-,f "j. : . -- Llll r.L.1., v aslnngton, i. U.
Take your ciaoice of Coin
pantes: Home Mutual,
New Zealand,
State or
Mr?. Olive Hanlnian, an old resident of Wal
ton county, and a lady of culture and promi
nence, has tins to say of the treatment of cancer
with Swift's Specifier:
Over fifteen years ago a cancer made its ap-pt-aravce
on n;y face. It v. treated with lus
ters, and tlie core came out. The place hi alud
up after some time, and sctiiiirigvr my iw'e was
well. However, in a lew years it r-vturnerl atrain
witii more viulencti titan ever. Is irave me a
freat deal of j-ain. Tito former remedy seemed
to do it no jr-ntd. Knowing the disease to run
in thu family, having had one sister to die with ;
cancer, I became s riously apjireliensive of my j
condition. It continued to increase in size and
virulence. I almost jjave up all hope of ever
being cured. Thu physicians advised the use of
the knife and caustic. This was more than I
could be:tr, and refused to have it op rated upon
in that way. All other remedies were used, but
the cancer continued to crow worse. The pain
was exerueiatinu', and my life was a burden. In
this extremity my s-n, Ir. llurdmaii, commsmd
ed me to try Swift's Specific. It was 'the last re-
surt. but I was so prejudiced against the use of
patent medicines, and csifcially this one, that I
nesitateu some time. At last ljjave my cfinstMit,
not believing tliere was anv virtue in it. The
first bottle onlv increased tae size of tlie sore
and the discharge from it, and lience did not in
spire me wun any h;pe. On taKUir ttm peconn
bct'.ie there were signs of iinpruveim-nt, and my
faith strengthened just in proportion. I used
the Spet ilic as a wash in the tre tlmcnt t my
cancer with rcmarkaVjle success. I s,iutip;cd the
sore with the medicine diluted with a iitile water,
it softened the scab, conled tha face ami rjlieved
tlie ircldisg sensation. The spot on my face be
jran to decrease, as well as the discharge, and
hope sprang u in my hea.rt. Could it be, I
asked myself, that 1 was at last to hi relieved of
this disuse? It has civen me so many nark
hours in the ; ast that the ich-a of bei:: well a:ra;n
almost overpowered inc. There was a content
between hopr. and fear tor a loujr t'.mo. It wjs a
Ion-; nii.t of v'epin, b'at j y came with the
niovnii:. Tl'cre is nothing !c."t to mark the
place but a smad scar, and I feel that it is im
j.osMljle for me to exiu-ess my gratitude for ibis
great deliverance. It is a wonderful m-.-dir-ino.
Mus. olive IIaiidmas, ilonioe, Ga.
Jan. 9, liisi.
Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums.etc,
Some new and rare fruit. Also cveral cf tiie
Russian Varieties
Also six or ei;;:it varieties of GliAPE HOOTS,
winch we w iil sell at
and will also take in exchange Vlirat, Ilnrley
ai.d Oats at the HIGHEST -MAUliET I'Ult'E.
to insure the greatest amount and choicest varie
ties. We war nint our sto.k true to name; so
come on and patronize home production.
One Mile North of Milton.
LYaukesIia Slenn.
Guaranteed Medicinally Snporint-containtc;
lore natural mineral salts. It is pure. Is the
nly diurectie water known ia t ue world which
lets directly upon tha secretu ne of the Liver, -Kidney,Uriuary
and Generative Orgsns. and it
Nature's Sovereign lU-inedv for that numemta ?
doss of diseases that aCliet the human family.
E2? Tboasands of testimonials mailed free.
As a test we wiil send you a sample case of
n quart bottles,ns buttled for family and club
ise,on receipt of Sl.SO and this advertisement,
a a half barrel tor 3. Address
T. II. BRYANT, Box B,Vi'ArEESJTA,"R"i3. :
Privde Line Telf p&ones
For use between of3ce and n aHenet
or factory. Sold outright. No rent leg
Takes place of Ceil Tea phone on fc!
lines nnder two miles In Jentb. A
jTifrinafme-.it. rat. Nov. 5t-0
lauHc. Circnhtrwfrm. Agent tranttA
Hnrbert IVlrpbune C'k,
Dealers in Trleph'tnc ami i.let lrical
Supplies nf every dftcription,
iyj LaSallo St.. Cuioam.
Swift's Specific is entirely vegetable, and seems
to cure ly foreinjj out the impurities from the
blood .
Treatice on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed
Thk Swipt Ki-Kctnc Co..
Drawer 3, Atlanta. Ua.
Each of these Companies has
The Whit-j
circumst.inct'd is only a public oliice i ,.v
a Nassau street restau:
ink mto : Near I. S. Patent Otiiee.
nd said to his neighbor: : '
"2s o, sir: by the greru A
or department, witn rooin attached, j,
wnioa tno pnwu.em is cofj.ppi.Pti to . horriSnon: It is not hot ellouh for
inhabit, like the. storekeeper who me... ..who prR yt u anyll0-v-r-sked
lives either up stairs, or in the brtc-K the 0;.esi, illd;viaua,- ,n ast0jiih
part of the shop. There hou..l be , nient ..x g; am cf ,,, .mv
Washing and ironing.
, or me lett. tust troxa the fn
household, lie Should Uve U.s!rel.;ons cf vahirton M' " The!
oliices, entl heme apart, 8 that bis j filt laan orob3izej. and offered to 1
lit-mi-ht be permitted tne comfort jgiva tha ogice.set.ker Li winter !
and privacy, whioh can only be j u;ster. !
maintained by eniiro separation , , . j
t'rorn business, and its obtrusion j The Oregon Pacific railroad, assuai-'
No Cabinet officer or Bureau cffiesal jug the name of the Willamette Valley i
would relish living with bis fii!y aaa Co:if.t railroad, submit to the poo- '
within the waiis of hh department, i 0f i.j,.,, Cl.anty a proposition to se-1
The cms of oilice are iuntical ; ,re tletr a;a or extension t.f the road
with the cares of business. When , frora f,)rvaI!!S to Ail.anv. Thev are
a merchant or business man closes : r,jt.,.3 ,,, .,,i.ei.rii- ;-n r,on 1
s" Of Ireland have his days work he goes to his home, j th p"Br, ,0Mi either in "money or suclj
"u 'l n l" 1!le wu"-" li'ves j land and water pHviie-cs as the eomnany !
him solace, and enables bim to uteet j wiu be vim t acce,lt as part oE' the !
the trials of tne day succeeding. subscri tion. Thev cger t0 C8taWi.,h a
The president tmd8 home hie rather iermt ia the t0VI1 of AIbanv aml to
ciitncult to obtain when combined : . j . , , ,. , - , ;
tha tntnnfa t.fnenfa r j-..-.! A r
t r i v. , , I .herein.
Business, in iaet ue nas no come,
nd never will have one until it is
made a seperate establish uient by
' 1 ' - - ' - " t: l . i -i
Whin- T-". wis Per dw. White shirfg PUHCV RO.QCrS.
ir in
Deposited with the State Treasu-
I rer of Gregcn for the protection of
If Yon Want to belSnpy.
If you want to he happy tou must he ood,
A maxim all riirJit in its way;
But u far bi tter one if understood,
Is what I have now ot to su .
If f.u wr.nt to be irmpy on must he wc!l,
Whatever the st:;tioii on sen e in;
Anil of ail tht- ni:dieincs run; hears tiie lead.
The jjo'jfl Samaiuian "KP.vi.Nt. .
I onct tried every sort of cure,
To restore ni-.: to ixood h ;, :h;
And spirit in vain, of that I'm sure,
Considcru'oli shave t;f wutlth;
But all was v;in, til! n friend rviviscd,
In a inanricr most- dfsenin'.
The me'tifiiH' lie in--!y , rizf-d.
lllfiiMuNb'S Samaiiitax Skv.xisi:.
I took liis advice: in one short week,
1 felt no iurth- r I'uin;
For doctors n or.i;rI had to seek,
l' r 1 Kcvt-i fvU r.'nk sxu'.ii.
I'm ltj:i!th.. an:i hsppy the wr.ole daylong;
S-i if health lie wortli iroervin:t
The e intai;t h'.irdt n cf my s-r.i;
Is, tr;" Samaiu i as jm:.
Tvi!l euro the youii'j, 'twiil herd theo'J,
Twi'.l make the v.n.Ie worid b'tt- r;
At St. .h'- .j.h, .MtsjourK the inedie'.iie i? sold,
Drop Dr. riitiiin ind a ierter;
He'll u a-1, i.-e far butter than wealtli,
And')Kirit ut tne v.jy to preserve in
The b ? t.mdiTif;i your newly t .;ind healtli,
liy tlie use of Samamtan N'Eitvixi;.
fie mwm
people to subscribe for toe Leader before
ifTers superior Inducement with 1 fin aia
ite, soil, magnificent tlmbere, fertile prairies,
ind pure waters; with several Railroads ra.
xmtly completed. Farmers, fruit growers,
itock dealers and lumbermen should iuTtati
jate this splendid country.
Send three postage stamps for late railmJ
ind township map of state with reliable inf
3i :i tion of the best locations, aud special rate)
af ire I can obtain.
142 Dearborn 8t., Chicago, H
is over. It ought to be in the
uf every man in Umatilla County,
is only
as the trice
For sn! lv .1.
vilir. slr,
.1. Santa V Co., Vntr-
1 hittee pi'X-e." N't rlvtre lor euffs. eollars and
nanuKcremcis it les tnan six oi eavn. 2uJm
To sell Picon's new iperSor mips anl
!.arr. As piyir-. an ai--:nf-y a anv in the
wcrid. For 36 rj-e ca:a:o,'Uo, froe, aiurcsa
Joliii Dixon,
2."3 Market St. San Francisco, Cal.
Many a Lady
is beautiful, all bi
.- easy
Agency at
It took five roor.tlis to make Bea
trice's wedding-cake. That's about
the tinae it usually takes for a piece
The cholera scourge is on the increase. f iha pestilential stuff to digest. j
beauty on the skin. B-ctw'ry
on ti
Men Think
tbey know all about Mustang Lin
iment Few do, , Not to know is
not to have, x;;.:
J'ipt puhli-rhe.i, ami ior a-!e by the medial book
dealers, or in;y iie ii.yl i:iiv:t fr tlie author.
m.nhooi: ViMA:ion:
An exhu-istive treat ire; a hrii ' It'.-tife on
F.VU. sv .t'itr Xerv...u IC-o -.s. h.- l$ti. H.
A. LlCHMN"i, St .J -.-:.p!i, M'a ':ri. J'rl.-e
l..Vi. r'uiiy iil'i-iTra'ej a:ni clerui.t.y bound,
C'T -niniri over j-ac.
Thij W'nuK-riui hx)k reveals tlie innennost e
ctets 'A nature, and is in fa' .., a key which opens
ti e h ijk of knowle ii, phir-kn leu'.e-; -f
1 -alin? Ir-jTu the tree of .iie. It trrats jf sub
ject wliieh are of iminenv va'nc to ever; man,
ttntin and chi.d in the l:tnd. and will, in ail
j rob.iU-ity, save years of ieUnei ar:d lort ur.ta
in dietur bti'i?. Ai'diti wanted everywhere, trith
nle ani ftmaJe. "Send at once and get agents'
And Olher PabUcatlocs.
For Tarther pirticulars rit to
R. A. Tenney,
per ye-ir when paid in julvanre. Circs al
local iiitclKeuce&nd the news of tlie
Send for tuapl onpT-
Orsantzrd xrlOt a fell filxXT oT el-Lirtt I
Espcricnsca 3d ESiinrul rtjrsici.ii.1 f
and bi;rons tar the trralnitnt or t
ail t hroiiic liisecses. (
Cferonto ?Tasnl C3tarr-Ii,T,Siro".t.-Tt:'"t
E;Ui? Disrr.-en, Licr ct:;a ;''-:" -f
Sktscsuseq, C-ibdcr Biseanea, I.: ' I
Oi Wortr-.n, 3!ood EiNCUJesaud Ut-r- ,
ns AjiccUons, cun.4 here or t I:. "
V!i'.a or v.'itiiouf.ect.ing- t!:o patient. Coir ;:- r.
os, or era-l f n cents m staaips f.r I
'iins,-a?iiti' GuUc SJok,! wiiicii ri'. f
nil pailiculai-a. '
tency, Ncftarnal
cndatl'iorbia fonu.lio: ; f
c-ta&d ly oi:lii'ui it'
!ics sm! Pprticicnsf
tary Ernciiccs crc c; .-j
P.Tifi Tvn-rji-.nr-r.l 1 V Mii-rl ( . !
Specialists. Book, poMrud, W cn. ii ii::'f j
i;an!Krcj or i;rrr.' ii, t;
p' ij ctmiv cuiin wnnout t!l Kn; .
; 1 ?S7!r B-:-r..., .. ;.i .....
ton Yrf3 Jn Ff'iTrr:3.
tix-cK-! cnd'.r cnat-anice 3r :tir-., 1'" -
i)v,:i:,: ftt ili-uciL Azsociaxwo, sea
btrtc-t, iluCalo, 2. Y.
dijeau-s peculiar tu
nt thn Im-ali'Is Eofei
!iirjricnl InstituU!. h:.i :'
fonlf - lanro oirricm ia atiapting rcab.i i
for liieir cum, mid
1 jtjjiti
5n. r"sci2.cE;s
ivorito Presoriotlos
is tho result of this vast experience. '
It tea powerful Rcntoratlva TotM
an.l Iaervlnc. imparts vigor and 9e.-..r t
to thi? system, auiI cun-s, an if Ly manc, i.;s"
""""--) ,inani menstmatiSD, ui:-
ntt.rcl aapprta'-ior.s., proiaoriua oi
fa.I.r.r? ot ta BtomB. tyea.3c l-i-.th.
aiitevcrKion, rctrOTcrion, bc-ariff-&ovn
r.r;-.atlo-!c- .!.,!
? t70!J! iniiaiimatioi!, Vr,
and tendcructm in ovarlex, iiitcriiiJ
iitat, aud ui'cma;o vcakncM."
It rroi"tly relieves ami curea Kan""!
ni'l caknes o gtoKiach, Indir'f
tion, Bloatinir, Nervous Proxlratiaci
ouu biceplukhucsfc, iu eiiiier tez.
' PRICE Sl.DO, toir6
PeaJ ten cents 'n tmp3 for Ir. P-rrfi'k
Iarx3 Treatise oa Diseases of Woiuen, M
Wcrld's Dlspenssry E:SeaI ssosMl2fl
683 Llaia Street, BUFFALO, E.
W ana EJtUon Aria
Timrnntiv ervrrti br
cats" vial, by Zrasc?
f WAX.