Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, September 18, 1885, Image 1

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C. r. M-COLL, rablUker,
Issued Every Friday Mormsg,
SnlMcrlptlon Rate I
Oie Yeaf, (In advance) ....S2 00
Ux Months... m... 1 25
rhre. Month. 75
8 "gle Copies 12) Cts
westos Lorx;E, NO. 5 I. o. o.
K. Meets everv- Thursday even
ing. Brother in ifood standing
ri ':ti'irv Invited to viMt.
r. K. MITCHELL, ". C. O. P. M'Cf'LL,.
WE.STO.S" LODOK, NO. 6.'., A. F. A. St
Mtfets on tlie second ana iuurv
duy of each mouthy g wooD,W. M. '
!, WFSTOV LODGE, NO. 71, A. O. U.
' ife w. Meets ever- Tuesday evening
i M3 """
H. B. NEL'WN, M. W.
6 4. I. . O. T. Meets every
Saturday eveninir at M-Dan
llj Hall. J. E. BBAJl, . U. X.
H. W1I1TH, Secretary.
t'eaterville Locfge irrtorr.
DOLPH 1X10E NO. 80, A. K. & A. M.
Meut on the first ana thira atur
darn of each month at 7 o'clock p. m.
t. J. man, w. m.
W. T. COOK, Secretary.
No. 73. 1. o. o. F. Meets
everv r nuav evening .
T.J. KIRK, N. C.
J. P. MILLEU, Sec.
Sllllon Loilgr Directory.
few is? .
NO. 40
riTJtj .'! Meets every Saturday evening; at
S:ti!x-:-- Odd Fellows' Hall, Hilton, Or.
C . EI5EKKY, See. 1. W. bEKKY, N. O.
ENTERPRISE LODGE No. 410, 1. O. O. T., of
Mil Wu.ia.ets every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
J. N. SAMUEL, Sec.
1. SHARrVfElN,
Will iracticc In all the courts of Oregon, Wash
ngt in and Idaho.
Absolutely Pure.'
This TJOwdcr never varieA. Amarvelof niiritv.
Strength and wholesomencss. More economical
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In com
petition with the multitude of low test, short
weight, alum orphosphate powders. Foldonly is
caks. Royal Bahi-no. Powdeh Co., 108 Wall-st,
M. Y. O o
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
end Id on ... Oregon.
Court St., iri Demert's Dru;' Store.
Watch repnirimra specialty. Jewelry made to
rder and repaired. AM work warranted. A'eut
o r the sale of American Watchus, Pacific Jewel
ry Company and Kind's celebrated combination
pc(.-t:u.-Ies tiio best in the world; also aent for
the Weber and Cbickerin piano, the Kstey and
ti.-rlinz oriranj, J. G. Conn's and C. Mabillon's
nrass instruments.
F. liL'TCHEIt,
MnlnM. Ontcrvlllc, Oregon.
Will practice In all the court of Oregon and
Washington Territory.
f.-ifVollections promptly attended to.
ce The mo,, vty
) moett.
aper devoted tn Kc'iancn.
piDeerin?, discoveries, inventions and patent a
Weekly news-
m:STOM. Oregon.
Legal blanks of all kinds lor sale.
Office at PostoHicc.
Ilml Estate and Public Land Matter a specialty.
Oillc-eUans promptly attended tm. Chee-pver
' thelKlrit ffatianal Kink; Conrt ; .Pjj
v . n.uA,
Attorney at Law,
ver published, Evarv nnmhr-r illnstrated with
t pi en did enpravinjzs. Tliis publication, farnishefi
a most valuable encyclondia oi information which
no person should be without. The popularity of
the dcientifio Ahkbicam is anch that its cir
culation nearly equals that of oil other papers of
Its clans combined. Price. $3.20ayear. Discount
toC ubn. Sold bv all newsdealers. MUlfN&CO.,
Publishers, Ko. 3GX Broadway, Ji. Y.
Tijnnn & Co. havo
Raven Yearo'
"omMi pra;tico buforo
tha Patent Office, and have prepared
more than One Hundred Thou9"
Bnd applications lor patents in tiio
nitcd states and foreign countries.
Caveats. Trade-Marks. CoTWriehts,
Assignments, and all othor papisrd for
securing to inventors thoir rights in tha
United States, Canada, Enjrland, France,
Germany and other foreipn countries, pre
pared afcshort notice and on reasonable terms.
Information as to obtaining patent clieeiv
fully eiven without charge, linnd-books ov
Sninntinn tionfc frpR. P,it.;it s obtained
through ilunn & Co. aro noticed in tiio Scientilio
American irce. iuo buvhuibxu iu.w
well understood by all persons woo wifib, to dispose
CHI Itt'.l STI K.
Will practii'c In the Courts of thi? State and
Washington Territory. Special attention paid to
Laud orlW business ami Collections.
omrr-llnlu St.. V(mIimi. Or.
7Judte L, L. McArthur will bo associated
with tne in all my cases in the Circuit or Supreme
Physician and Surgeon,
linens Cos Dru
iiLct us go into the fionsr, of the Lord,
PSALMS 122: I.
Divino sorvico at Iho First Tnvtist
Ciiuntli f V":ston, L-rcori, untiie First
and TliirJ Sjii lavs iu oach month,
mornin" anl tivenia''. Sunday rlicol at
?f p. in. every Sunday. Prayer Meeting
every liiursdny at t . m. All are cor
dudlv invited to attend these survices.
W. H. PnirKTT, Pastor.
With a cadence soft and low
Falls the rain!
All the heavy grasses seem
Bowed with pain!
While the tender flowers droop
To the sod,
Bent like penitents that kneel
To their God;
And the trees loom indistinct
Thro the mist.
While the roses red and sweet,
That were kissed
By the sun to fragrant life,
Blanch with fear.
From each starry jasmine's cup
Drops a tear
Pure as those the angels shed
O'er man's fall;
Anjtt the dark preen, moss that clings
T the wall
Drinks the rain up thirstily.
On their stalks
Lilies bond their stately heads.
Thro' the walks
Tiny streamlets, running clear,
Make it seem
Like some fairy island viewed
I ii a dream.
Oh! my garden brings a joy
To my heart,
As I stand and watch the ruin
Far apart i .
From the throng aroimd mc there,
Who know naught
Of the healing that may come
(All unsought) ;
From tiiehand of nature's God
To the soul,
When it pants with weary breath
For the goal.
When of all our brightest hopes
None remain,
Life is dark and every thought
Brings but pain
Then iti faint gray clouds that veil
Brilliant skies,
And in sheeted rain that falls,
Comfort lies.
When all nature seems to joia
y In our grief,
From the sympathyhe yields
Springs relief;
While the flowers teach to us
Lessons sweet,
Of the solace to be found
At God's feet!
Thus the clouds that dim our lives
Ail depart,
Washed away by blessed tears
From the heart.
Li:iB R ILLSIft.
Office In
All calls promptly attended to.
Obstetrics and diseases of women a specialty.
Omen Oven Stkinakkk's.
WVstox, OltF.noN.
A 11. UAKKKK, M.l).
4 I.N TKItVILI.I'.. . OltfrXO.
Office at Cook & lrine'sj Drug Store.
It. S. C. CKAl'T,
GsiiborYilla House.
G. W. TITSlrVGnTfi
Tliis new and eommodirfns hot-?! ha? just been
cumplct;1;! anil is now r-.-aily ii-r tiio
leciptiuii c; gnost,. .
The Rooms are all NaaiSy Furnished
The table will at all times he furnished with the
delicacies of the SLas'-n.
Adnum, Oregon.
Oiflfo at his residenee on Main and CVivin
Calls promi'tly responded to day or night.
KO. W. KINO, M. 1).,
Xo effort will be ppaml tu
uukc guests com-
Large Sample Room
Jain St.
- Cetilcrvilk.
Physician and Surgeon,
Olfiae over Steiuaker's store,
Calls promptly answered Jay or night.
It .
Physican and Surgeon.
land City, Oregon,
ly aten.led to.
the Drug Store, Is
"A11 calls prompt-
O. 1I'J!.1).MAX
Stoves and Hardware
Adamis, Oregon.
Keen ahviys i?i t K-k a select a:ort:iicnt of C1JT
LKUY of tlie l)Lt l'r;.iu.s, ami a full line of
Wood and
11. COOK.
Wagou & Carriage Makers,
Adaiu. Orecn.
AUVindiof Car)enUrin j and W.od Work done
o order at reasonable rates.
"yy KEE,
ami Ironing,
The ttne.t Unndry Work d..,ic on tl, .hortt
notu-e and a ,tylc to j-lea the mt toitMk
Nail. R tit', Prrcms, Files and everything1 in
their line that farmeis need. Patroiiau
reKx tiuiiy r dieted and
Fair Treatment (juarantccd
A Little of Everything.
It is better to demorislrate than to
dagmatise, unless those whom you wish
to convince are incapable o resoning.
Walla Walla journalism is something
unique in its way. The Journal says
"the Union is the most malicious liar
we know of, and is besides an extraor
dinary .fool," The Uuioji says that the
Journal ' is at it3 usual game deliber
ately lying to the public." The States
Mail says but that ia of no conse
quence: nobody pays any attention to"
what the Statesman says.
It is quite a prevalent opinion that
girth and goodness go together. Now
while it is perhaps true that men of ro
tundity and obesity are often noted for
their good humor and large heartcd
ness, yet it cannot have escaped even
ordinary observation that many men
w ho are physically large are mentally
very small and morally microscopical,
just as if their great bulk was a huge
receptacle for seliishuess and innate littleness.
- Indian Agent Somerville gives public
notice that all persons residing illegally
upon the L niatilla Reservation must
hie them away before the 22nd of tbis
mouth, otherwise he will see that they
are removed. This he does under in
structions from the U. S. Indian De
partment, and his action will be watch
ed with interest. He has a very diffi
cult and a very unpleasant duty before
him. Will he faithfully and impartial
ly perform the same? The wonder has
been how so many have gained a foot
hold on the Reservation without check
or hindrance.
John Kuskin said that "an immense
quantity, 't)f ' modern confession of sin,
even when honest, is merely a sickli
egotism," There is probably much
truth in this assertion. It is an easy
mutter, a cheap kind of self-abasement,
to acknowledge oeing a sinner, or even
a very vile sinner. It is quite conceiv
able how people might soon get to like
this stj'le of confession of sins, and even
become proud about . It is too gene
ral. Many a man who is willing tc
make public confession that he is a sin
ner, might seriously object to acknowl
edging that he is a liar, a horse thief,
a hypocrite, a swindler, a nural coward,
a gambler, or that he is guilty of any
definite or particular form of sin; and
still to be aware that he is a siuner he
must know that he is guilty of some
particular biu or sins.
Keen razors, elean toel, eacv ehairj and a
ltilit hard. Hair cutting in the latest and h.st
tvl of the art. i$3m
Those desiring fine, centrally located Fiisiness
Lots or beautifully situated llcsidenct. Sites in
the thrivingnew
V m U 1 J- U k f j I-ja
can be accommodated bj- cal'.in; at the office of the t
Adams Peal EsJats Association,
IS East llnlm St.
win? u-lli Wal" Bl'""w Cou.f.8?:, of Walla
otfen (uperior advantages to the
tV. . 5, . H'sin education in the shortest
le-wt exnense. private and ,-!as Wr,,,.-!.,,,
'. J . ; nj ;; acii-ti - :,: t-.-c. Cir-
' l'n! .-.):.
Tbe BuvKKf GmE !s issued jrarch
nd Sept., each year; 224 pages, SJxlli
inches, with over 3,30O illustrations
a whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale
prices direct to consumer on all goods for
personal or j&Z&i. ' farnily ns.
Telia how to rgL order, and
gives exact " cost of ev
erything you M3 rase, drink,
eat, wear, or NffWsW hare fun
VKh. These X&lSi invalnabia
doom contain information gleaned from
the markets of the world. . We will mail
acopy Free to any address r.pon receipt
of the postace 8 cents. Let us hear
Wvnj-o! . respectfully-, $
Human nature is prbably pretty
much the same iu all ages and nations.
When Naaman was told by Elisha that
be could be cleansed of his leprosy by
washing in Jordan seven times, he was
wroth; he did not want to be healed in
that simple way; he wauted the cure to
cost something, or to be attended with
some great miraculous manifestation.
There are thousands of the Naaman
type amongst us to-day. They are sick,
and they are willing to do some great
thing to secure good health, but would
refuse to comply with simple hygienic
measures. They would scorn to keep
A-ell by the simple and natural means
of proper living dne regard to diet, ex
ercise, clething, regular habits, fresh
air, and ordinary sanitary precautions.
They hanker after the miraculous liver
pad, the magical galvanic belt, the won
derful elixir of lite, the infallible bloam
o: voatn, tne ltiscrutaaie conqueror et
ath c-r some othsr hiU-SuUiiiiing co
"How clever you are, Kate," and the
speaker, a dot of a girl, with a sweet
face and large blue eyes, looked up ad
miringly at a tall, dark, queenly girl
who stosd at the window and was gaz
ing, with apparent interest at the mev
ing panorama, oul of doors.
The month was August the weather
was August weather, but, being among
the mountains, it was toned down by
invigorating breezes to a degree of com
frt wholly unattainable by the unfor
tunate sojourners in dusty towns; and
the hotels that had been built high on
the crags and peaks of the mountain
chain had lured thither large numbers
of tourists.
Kate Deane and Daisy, her fair-faced,
blue-eyed sister, were the latest arrivals,
and they had been congratulating them
selves upon their good fortune in securJ
ing a rojni; while Daisy had praised the
tact and cleverness with which Kate
had managed to coax the money from
their father for their summer trip.
Small but cozy, Mr. Ellison, the pro.
prietorof the hotel, had said of their
room, and they found it at the top of
the house, somewhat of the proportions
of a drygoods box, and furnished appar
ently with the odds and ends of an auc
tion room.
"Cozy!" Kate exclaimed sarcastically,
as her critical eye took in the meager
ness and disadvantages of the small
apartment, and Mr. Ellison acknowl
edged that it was plainly furnished, but
then he was letting theni have it at a
ruinous price.
Tliero was no help for it they had
left a comfortable home to be packed
into a diminutive chamber, with only a
sky-light window to supply the invigor
atiag air they nad come to seek.
"But never mind," Kate said, "we
caa enjoy views and mountain air out
of doors as well as the test of them, and,
Daisy darling, I have already formed
my plans, but you must not mention
them, and then she exchanged an elab
orate black silk costume for a cashmere
wrapper, and undid the braids of glossy,
raven hair, that were 6f Nature's own
providing, seating herself at last in the
one small' rocker while little Daisy
turned one of their traveling bags into
a temporary hassock on which she seat
ed herself at her sister's teet.
"Mow for the plans," she said, look
ing up to Kate expectantly.
It was Daisy's first flight from the
home tt, and she was sweet sixteen..
"Well," Kate answered, with a ring
of determination in her tone, "I am
tired of economy, and all that sort of
thing, and I intend that this season at
the mountains shall secure me a rich
"And, Daisy, did you notice that tall,
distinguished-looking gentleman at din
ner, just opposite to me? Well, that is
the one out of the goodly number who
surrounded the table, whom I have
chosen; and just for the fun of the thing
my little sister, you may try your
charms on the gentleman who sits at
his left hand a valet, or companion,
or poor relation, perhaps; but remem
ber, Daisy, you are not to fall in love,
enly amuse him and take his time and
attention, you know, while I am capti
vating his royal highness; for he is Eng
lish, and there's no telling but he boasts
a title."
And Kate Deane told her intentions
thus to Daisy, all unconscious that his
royal highness, as she had termed him,
with his fricud, were occupants ot the
next room, and the thin wall had not
prevented their overhearing her designs.
Forewarned is forearmed, Hex, so
we are in no danger," Robert Mordaunt
said to his friend, when the girlish
chatter in tlie adjoining room was at
last hushed; yet, in spite of their bra
very, they had a woman's curiosity to
see their fair neighbors, and, as if fa
vored by a kind fortune, they met next
morning in the passage just outside the
door, and slight bows paved the way
for more marked recognition.
Sitting opposite each other day after
day at table. Rex Stanley, the tall,
handsome gentleman and the victim of
Kate Deane s matrimonial designs, got
in the way of reaching viands to his
vis-a-vis, while Robert Mordaunt was
quite as thoughtful of Daisy's wants
there was plenty of time, too, in the
long days for out door exercise.
They clambered up the rugged monn
tain paths to the topmost peaks, that
they might see the king of day rise from
his couch of gold and amethyst clouds
they searched among the cliffs for rare
mountain flowers, and while Rex Stan
ley was invariably the escort of queenly
Kate, who received his attentions with
evident pleasure, Daisy and Robert
Mordaunt seemed equally interested in
each other; and often, seated on a moss
covered rock beneath some wide-spreading
tree, Robert read aloud poems of
favorite authors that were brimful of
tender sentiment; and there were mar
velous and eutertaing tales, toe, to
which little Daisy was a most appre
ciative listener.
It was a dangerous way, doubtless, of
spending these charming summer days,
for, niau of the world as he was, Robert
Mordaunt had found in Daisy Deane a
nature as fresh and pure as the moun
tain violets. And Daisy? Ah, Daisy
was a true woman, for in this man, who
treated her with such deference, who
studied her tastes and inclinations, and
sympathized with her aspirations, she
had found her here, the ideal of all she
had hoped or dreamed of, and she had
gone beyond the part she was te play in
Kate's drama.
Life had suddenly becoane invested
wiih a resiitv, a straiwe, sweet iaiccse-
ceiSj and se;h;a? would fee agaia as ita;
had been; and so absorbed in her own
affairs had Kate been that she had lett
little Daisy pretty much to herself.
Not that Kate was in love, but Rex
Stanley was handsome, gentlemanly, aa
ever-ready attendant, and she believed
him rich; and while he had not spoken
outright of love, he had surely looked
it he must speak soon; they could not
stay much longer, and she said this to
little Daisy one night just after she had
come in from a walk.
But Daisy was very quiet, her cheeks
were rosy, her eyes had in them a ten
der light, and the ruby lips were aquiver
with emotion.
-"What ails you, Daisy" her sister
asked, and then Daisy Deane threw her
arms about Kate's neck, and as they
sat there in the summer gloaming she
told a long, sweet story, and ended by
holding up a white taper finger, en
which a diamond solitaire flashed and
sparkled like a thing of life.
"Daisy Deane, you have not gone and
thrown yourself away on that portion
less fellow!" and Kate Deane looked
aghast at
EXATtixA cnn.
the mischief that bad been
perpetrated under her very eyes.
"How do you know that he is por
tionless, Kate?" and Daisy's blue eyes
danced with merriment.
"Why, because he is only Rex Stan
ley's companion, you know; a good sort
of fellow, no doubt, and a pleasant ac
quaintance; but, Daisy Deane, neither
you ner I can afford to marry a poor
. "How is it with Rex Stanley?'' and
Daisy's merry laugh brought a dash of
crimson into Kate's olive cheeks as she
"He has always been very reticent
concerning his affairs; Englishmen are
apt to be, I believe; but he has great
expectations. lam sure he said some
thing like that one night when we had
been speaking of authors."
"Very likely; a paper-covered edition,
no doubt."
And when Kate flashed angrily and
asked her meaning, Daisy told her that
Mr. Stanley probably referred to one
of Dickens' works. I
"You mustn't be angry, Kate dear,
she went on' couciliatingly, "bat you
jumped at conclusions, and I have enly
just been undeceived myself," and then
she told her sister of the confession
Robert Mordaunt had made of the con
versation overheard that first night of
their coming, and of the agreement of
the two young men to carry out the
jokj, and exchange positions tsmpor-
arilv, just for the tun of the thing; (hat
ivex Stanley, who was, in truth, the
salaried companion, should take the
position and appearance of a man of
wealth and distinction, whiah Robert
Mordaunt really was, and that the affair
which had commenced in nonsense had
ended for her and Robert iu a true at
Kate Deane listened in silence to
Daisy's explanation; the while, two
lurid spots burned in her dusky cheeks,
and her dark eyes flashed ominously,
and when she had finished she left the
room. Love had no part in the farce
for her, and her heart would not break,
but her pride and ambition had toppled
over, and the next morning' she an
nounced to Daisy that they would take
the afternoon train for home, she was
tired of the mountains, and they went.
There went, also, a letter from Robert
Mordaunt, a letter to Daisy's father
that gave unexceptionable references,
and that also asked for the hand of his
youngest daughter.
The references were all that could be
desired, and Mr. Deane's consent was
freely given. The season at the moun
tains had proved a success in the secur
ing of a rich husband, but little Daisv.
instead of Kate, had secured the prize.
Prohibition in Maine.
Officers Steele and McGrath were
looking around to see what they
could hnd, and McGrath stepped
behind tha counter in the back room
which served as the bar nrorier.
... -r
Here, placed ia such a way as not
to le easily seen, whs a wire which
was used to draw out the nozzle of
about five yards of hose, which led
down through the fleor and under
neath to the hiding-place of the li
quor. Cutting a hole in the floor,
the officers could see that the hose
led to a large object under the floor
and directly beneath the large stove
which stood in the center of the
room. The stove was moved, and
the officers pried up a trap-d&or
which was completely concealed by
ico stove, uensatn tne door was a
large box, half-hlled with stagnant
water. In the water rested a bar-
-1 e i . i - i ., ,
rei oi seer, to wnicn trie hose was
attached. Portland Press.
Borrowed from Exchangeo.
Henry Bucey is building a new house
at the lower end of Pendleton.
The Pendleton. Manufacturing Com
pany have decided to locate at Pendle
ton. Philip Koon is building a new hens
and harm on his place at the Hudaon
The public school at Pendleton opened
on the 7th with one hundred and twen
ty pupils.
From Milton Station will be shipped
this year something ovot-100, 000 sacks
6f wheat.
Miller & Robley, wheat merchants,
have about 90,000 bushels of wheat on
their platforms at Centerville and East
land, ;
Arrangements have been made to es
tablish a Wells, Fargo & Co.'s express
office at Pilot Rock with J. H. Sharon
as agent. -
A liberal reward will be paid per
haps to any oae who will show where
the county line is between Umatilla
and Grant counties.
The contract to build the school
house in district 114 was awarded to
Phelps, Arthur and Sweet, of Milton;
consideration $371.' Work will com
mence immediately.
A Mr. Carline was nabbed by Depu
ty U. S. Marshal Morse, on Monday,
and escorted to Portland into the au
gust presence et Judge Deady for sell
ing whiskey to an Indian.
Some days ago a young man named
Lee Guard, liviug out on Birch creek,
was kicked by a horse in the right eye
and on the nose. The bones of the nose
were broken, also the orbit bones of the
At a regular meeting of Damon Lodge
No. 4, K. of P., held at their castle hall
on Wednesday night last, R. Alexander,
P. C, was eleoted a representative to
the grand lodge which convenes in Sa
lem October 15tb.
The Sisters of Mercy have bphded
blocks 131 and 139, in the reserve addi
tion to Pendleton, to John Gagen and
Eugene Reith, trustees, for the sunt of
$12,000, which sum, we understand, will
at once be expended in building a fine
school house.
Reed & Purinton and John Adams
sold, the other day, 2100 head of mut
ton sheep, which have since been
Ripped'" to Chicago. The 'price paid
was $1.60 for one lot and $1.62 for the
other. Twelve double-decker cars were
required to take the lot.
Agent Somerville of the "Umatilla
Reservation has received word from tha
Secretary of State that another council
will be held with the Indians in regard
to taking lands in severalty. The conn
cil will be held on the reservation on or
about the 20th of October.
v unam liiaKeiey, an old and re
spected citizen ot this connty, who has
been severely afflicted with sciatic rheu
matism for some months past, started
last week for California, in hopes of re
gaining his fast failing health. His
wife accompanied him.
John Borst, living out in Cold Spring,
was kicked by a horse on Snnday, tbe
8th inst., and had his nose and choek
split open and the bone over his left
eye broken. He had bought a new
horse and put it into a stall with anoth
er hsrse, when they commenced biting
and kicking each other. John went to
separate them, and, picking up a small
strap, hit the horse with it when the an
imal let fly with both hind feet, strik
ing him ia the face.
Wild Horse Lodge, No. 509, of Cen
terville, held their regular quarterly
election Tuesday evening, September
8th, when the following members were
elected to serve tor the ensuing year: J.
B. Cain, W. C, T.; Mips Effie Holland,
VV. V. T.; W. F. Gardner, W. S.; W
Seiger, W. F. S.; Wm. Woodruff, W,
T.; R. Maloney, W. M.; Miss Perley
Mcllone, W. D. M.; Miss Susie
Growns, I. G.; Wm. Snyder, O. G.; D.
McEachern, C; F. Manning, P, W,
is now arriving, apd we are prepare! to offer
CrOQds Cheaper thajiEver!
We have the largest and best stock of
Eyei brought te VTtll Conntyt
Boots and Shoes,
either for size er quality, is aot equalled East of the Mountains. They were,
nougat ior cam ana wm be Mid CHEAP.
is complete with the latest and best styles. Oar
The Art of Getting Vigorous
Is comprised in one very simple piece of advise,
improve digestion. Jco elaborate system of
dietetics is needed. If you lack vigor, use sys
tematically that pleasant promoter of it, Hostet-
ter's Stomach Bitters. If you take this hint.
and do not commit any excesses, there is no
reason why you should not gain in strength, ap
petite and weight. Hosts of whilom invalids are
to day tuildiny a foundation for years of vigor
ous health with this sound and thorough renova
tor of dilapidated physique and failing energy.
Dyspcria is eradicated by it, and the constitu
tion fortified against disorders to which, if it
were exposed, it must surely suceonib notably
malarial fever. Kheumatism, inactivity of the
kidneys and bladder, nervousness, and their
various symptoms, disappear when it is used
with persistency, not abandoned after a brief
and irregular trial
Snccessfnl Trimming.
A member of the Georgia Legislature
who attended the Governor's reception
laughingly tells how the Governor ban
died the prohibition question.
It was a hard thing to please all
sides, for the ultra-prohibitionists would
object to anything, while another ele
ment thought that a little something
would not be out of place. So a colored
punch was served, an elegant and re
iresning arint, Dut as mud as a spring
"Ah!" said a prohibition leader.as he
tasted it. "Our good Governor sets
noble example this red lemonade is
In a few minutes a Savannah member
struck the bowl and quenched his
"Ah!" said he, "I am glad to see that
our Governor is not moved by these fool
ish Prohibitionists. Captain, this clar
et punch is delightful, but it is dashed
just a little too lightly.
IdverfMmj Rate.
iHMNtn( Isnrnu.... UMJ
Tw Msya a rat tsoraos,. j
Kcka4raosuI insets ......, 19,
Tkree Maart taaerttoa. m
Each a4dlUeBA teiertlom..... , !.
loralUecs. Bv Uae 3$
Contract mtrttmtmg. sfltsaaxaate'
' vwnerlv.
ammoiii Fall
. IT . M
are the yery best, embracing the latest styles.
Oar stock of
Is complete and will bo sold at bottoa price
is connected with our store, where an experienced njan will take year
measure and guarantee a good fitting suit of clotkt.
n order to cive our riistonirsi all attrantMu 'on.M.
N. Dusenbery, of San Francisco, has instructed ns to all
low 10 CENTS ON THE DOLL A ft for all eashhLS
of Dry Goods. Clothing, Hats, Boots and ShosT This ar,
rangement will continue until the 31st of December.
er than any house in Eastern OrPn f , . u "T1
Here is where you can get your money's
worm a
Beef, Pork, Mutton,
and everything in the line of meats that
the country prod aces.
flouring El
Highest market price paid for fat
would respectfully inform the public that she
ca just openea out a Complete Sfcck of
Spring and Summer Mjlinery
in Mrs. Ashby't old stand on Water St.
and all he latest Novelties,
My Stock is all new and fresh, and the ladies ot
Weston and vicinity are respectfully invited to
call and examine it.
Proebstel Bros. Pr.prUUra)
And keep constantly en kan 4 jj it-a
of mill fead saeh M
Notice to the Pnblle,
All persons knowing 'themselves tam
dfebted either by note or book aeeoaat.
Z teTthy- reJ".este com, forward
We aJ&n wi'.k . .. .
tb. VVeston Sce" l.i MlllU iT, "."J
tToetl Broa.
A Ban on a Dm 2 store.
Never was such a rush made for any
drug store as is now at "VV. H. McCoy's
for a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's Now
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. All persons aifeeted with Asth
ma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe
Co'Juhs, or. any affections of tbe Throat
. j r i-ti. -
es; remf.av iree, fcy caiiiug at tne
i-sve drug store. Eegular size $1
The Rhode Island manufacturers
notify Secretary Manning, that
they do not care to reply to his
circular on tariff reform becaua all
they want is to be left alone. They
xar business is picking up a little
at last, and that it would interfere
with this improvement to haye the
tariff agitation resumed. There i?
much to be said on this side of the
- .t 1 1
question, especially 11 tae surplus
fails oil, as it did fer August, to a i ETPrices reasonable.
catll ffiargir,. j -p MAXWELL,
B00UM Sloe Maker,
The finest Boots kept constantly
hand or made to order on the
shertes; notice.
a Specialty.
Is prepared to do any and ail kinds c
Trorlcin his line. Prioee ieaseMe,
Satisfaction rteA.
J E. kiiklaatd7
Notary Publie,
taad nsln
Of HsiU, t"lm. - -
ettosded to with .- . 1
Collecting Aecuntt Specialty.
Work dotw in 'the Laturt and Best 3ykJ I
SnatKext Jt to Dueecborjrj Co-