Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, August 28, 1885, Image 4

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This iu tii nionunif ntal t-gv.
Htrunge as it may seem, Senator
13 not satisfied with the
L-'vi.'iud iiduiin!?tira;.ion.
' j .ddicid 3 aka Hanner is
doad. (-.Not even tho medicinal vi--tvws
of Medical Lake stats could
save it.
si rs i'ttl.
vuiitf r;.Lfi' .1 '. -.it-. ,:i ; t.i v.-; i...:i- i'fouH! .i:iu l'. peric-,iy
iiiun in til. Louis, 'udiK.tjiy rKinvbd ' light that c'liidrs-n. should be made
t.j another world l.y the i..urdroy;t tt fat e.vwythinp; that 13 set before
as-ault of highbinders, was lurkd j them; bat ia carrying oat th.3
with both Christian ai Confucian j singular theory too often the
eremonits, and now the emu doti- i gravest iniarv results. An eminent
biii I a ' y has bten done for Aliici'V c!eru'vn.an
the rrurccred CelcstuU. jn
duly has bten dene for Ah j city cierjjv a,nu tsld me the other
day ti.Lt the mars si-jht of liver
cooked in any form made him ill.
this city. This queer combination
of the ceremonies of Christianity
and what Christianity culls pagan
Did you Sup-
When quite a little fellow his stern
lather, who was one of the sort
The Democratic conventions of
Mississippi, Iowa and Ohio have
endorsed Cleveland' administration
in no uncertain terms.
Iho.'Scout says that "a coal oil
spring, with a steady stream about
ono inch in size," has been discov
ered in Union county.
i.to, suggests the net unreasonable ' that tvould permit no "nonsense,"
inquiry it the allied "converted" 1 as he expressed it, with regard to
Celestials really understand if tbey
are converted, and to and from
what tkev are converted? The re
ligion handed down byCcnfucius an
te datesChnstiaiiity by a littie more
than five centuries, and so eminent
authority as the Protestant, mission
ary, Dr. Samuel Wells Williams,
declared it to be generally unexcep
tional in its moral teaching and
tendency. It is quite possible that
the Chinamen who accept Christian
conversion do so with a reserve in
favor of their own religion cast
an anchor to the windward, so to
The Ore'joitian quotes approvin--
ly from the Cofvallia Gazette the
following: "The Hon. Geo. II. Wil
ii sow aud has been for some
timt the choice of 90 Republicans I 8l-k ""I when they come to die
, TT . , , desire to o to tue yrave with a
luii parade or the burnt joss sticks,
pose Mustang Liniment only good
for horses? It is for inflamma
tion of all flesh.
f 3 p
fc-v ill
1: ;
ki W iiJ 2
.Bf rf very 100 for United States
v(nttoi." Bin!
r' .-J.!oy and Foraker nre again
tii opposing gubernatorial candi
dates in Ohio. If Foraker wins, it
will b a big rebuke to the admin--.trai.ion;
but if lloadly (Deui) wins
ii Republican Ohio, the fact w.H
have no palitical significance what-
vtr, according to the Blaine or-
; .' .4rl.
baked meats, cards and other Chin
ese careinoriials enstoraary, as well
as the prayers and hymns of their
new-found 8unctay-school teachers
and friends. Ncm York World.
Mr. Cleveland's idea of a compro
.i.it the cattlemen ara beginning
. 4 lind out, resembles the indiffitr-
..; "f Dean Kichmond, who said
jis subordinate of esthetic and
independent tastes in the matter of
i - .ration: "I don't care a durn
v. aat color you paint your old car,
. ioHir as you paint her red."
A dorian.
7hen Bourbon editors become
. : ;hteously indignant at the idea of
1 th u man as Stanley Matthews'
o.cupying- a seat on the Supreme
ich and feel like contorting his
; f irious decisions into political
. i.iitil, they should remember that
r: was hy the vote of Bourbon Dem
: '.fcic Senators that said Stanley
'.t tthevs was conh'niied in his pos-'yn.
Ihis much cannot be honestly
;':;!,!: tho administration in at
. .iti. s inia appointments has follow
i lie letter and spirit of the slrict-
: 2 service reform. These are
: vi-ry instances that have given
i - filaine organs and Bourbon or-y-.i.
tho greatest oTene. The lat-t-.j
diiire the continuance of the
!,ro-,s system for present profit and
rjinrr desiro the same for pros
i 1 e profit..
The r11ucr.1l Tunc He lVantrd for a
Ole man Buntin had not been es
pecially blessed in hi.s possession of
a wife, and was rather walked over
by Mrs. B., hut finally she died and
the old man had tho preacher come
and see him.
"Good morning, Brother Bun
tin," he said; "this is a solemn
"Yas, rather, fur the old woman."
"And for you as well, Brother
Buntin, for she was an active
Christian and did much good."
"So I've heern, so I've heern,
Mr. Good."
"I presume, Brother Buntin, you
will -want me to preach the funeral
to-morrow. "
"Jest ez soon ez you please. Mr.
"Are there eny directions you
would like to give?"
"Kin I hev it done som'at az I
want it?"
'Oh, yes, of course."
"Then I won't teeh the sermint,
fur you hev to build that the best
you kin, but I'd like to fix the 1
singin a little. K;n I do thou
"Yes; what do you want to have
"Well, want a chune kinder set
tin' oil" my feeiin's like, an' I reckon
ez how the choir might sing. 'Arise
my soul, shake off your fuars,' fur
a starter, and let 'em give 'Tins is
the way I long have sought' fur a
winder. I reckon thet's all tho
drcckshuns I've got, and thein'li
1 .... t - .
Kiver tue case ez lur ez i m concerned."
children's likes or dislikes as far as
food was concerned, insisting that
tbey should not exercise any taste
or choice in the matter, rtquired
him to eat some liver which had
been put cn his plate. There was
something about the particular piece
of liver that set the child against it,
but he was forced to swallow the re
pulsive morsel, and ever since his
stomach has rebelled even at the
thought of the gross piece of tyranny
which was practiced upon him. It
is a sound rule for all of us that
with respect to food our likes and
dislikes are the best guide as to
what is good for us, aud it is safe
to eat upon the plan that whatever
wo reush will prove on the average
harmless and wholesome, and what
ever produces disgust will prove, as
a general thing indigestible. A re
cent writer on this point has fully
expressed my opinion in saying
that "nothing can be more wrong
than to make children eat fat, for
example, wher. they don't want it.
A heaithy child likes fat and eats
as much of it as he can. If he
shows signs of disgust at fat that
proves him to be of a billious tem
perament, find he ought nevero be
forced to eat it against his will. A
good many of U3 have disordered
digestion in af ter-life simply because
we are compelled to eat rica rood in
childhood which was felt instinctive
ly unsuitable for us."
Bilk j iu Verona.
Verona is noted for the Capitu
lar library, as it is called. This is
said to be the largest collection of
rejected manuscript in the world.
I found a Viigil that was certainly
over 1,G00 years old. I also found
a well-preserved CDpy of "Beautiful
Snow." I read it. It was very
touching inileed. Experts said it
was 1,700 years old, which is no
doubt correct. I am no judge of
the age of manuscript. Some can
j look at the teeth of a literary pro
duction and tell within two weeks
how old it is, but I can't You
can also fool me on the age of wine.
My rul-a used to be to observe how
old 1 felt the next day and to fix
that as the age &f the wine, but
this rule 1 iind is not infallible.
One time I found myself feeling
the next, day as though I might be
138 years old, but on investigation
we found that the wine was ex
tremely new, having been made at
a drug store in Chevecne that same
RoHh on Bats.
Clears out rata, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed
Heart Pains.
Palpitation, Dropsical Swellings, Dizziness,
Indigestion, Headache, Sleeplessness cured by
"Wells' Health Renewer."
Ronsti on Corns.
Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns." 15c. Quick
complete cure. Hard or soft corns, warts, bun
ions. Bncim-Paiba.
Quick, complete cure, all Kidney, Bladder and
Urinary Diseases, Scaluir.r, Irritation, Stone,
Gravel, Catarrh of the Bladder. 1, Druggists.
BoiS-Eiigs, Flies.
Flies, roachos, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, goph
ers, chipmunks, cleared out hy "Hough on
Rata." 15c.
Thin People.
"Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and
vizor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual De
bility. ?1.
Kongh on Pain.
Cures cholera, colic, cramps, diarrhoea, aches,
pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism.
20c. Rough on Paul Plasters, lie.
If you are failing, broken, worn out and nerv
ous, use "Wells' Health Renewer." SI. Drus-
Lite Preserver.
If you are losing your grip on life, try '"Wells'
Health Renewer." Goes direct to weak spots.
Rsuga on Piles.
Cui'cs Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itching, Protrud
ing, Bleeding, Internal or other, Internal and
External Remedy in each Package. Sure cure,
50c. Druggists.
Pret! Women.
Ladies who would retain freshness and vivac
ity, don't fail to try " A' ells' Health Renewer.
Roukh on Itch.
"Plough on Itch" cures humors, eruptions,
ringworm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chil
KousrU on Catarrh.
Corrects offensive odors at once. Complete
euro of wor.-t chronic cases, also unetjualed as
gargle for Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Foul Urcath.
The Hopeorslse S::in.
Children, slow in development, puny, scrawny
nd delicate, use "Wells Health Renewer."
mmuM III
?fi ff m. 5 35 ,v n
Pullman Pa! nee Sleepins Cars,
52a;,T3i!U'Cnl Buy tone-Sec ami
with berihs free of cost.
From Washington and Oregon
Via St. Paul and Slinsieapelis.
The only Trans-continental Line Banning
(Meals (Scents.)
Fastest Time Ever Mads from
the Coast
Korthsrn Pacific Railroad.
To R'oux t'lty. t'.Tj'.Ki! cS!nSTT, Sf. .5
et5?s, Airtit-wa. Lrsivrinvoi-.S:. 3i.aB::4
t'jiy, L;ur:i;:t:!i!.. ifjtucy.
Fe? Every ; Kcnr-s Library.
iCIotMng, Hats,
Silent 33V.1.
Washington never made a speech.
In the zenith of his fame ha once
attempted it, failed, and gave up
confused and abashed. Jn 1'rxuiinL'
'iit:irrh of (lie ISladsJer.
Stinging, irritation, inflammation, all Kidney
and t-rinary complaints, cured by "Iluchu-Paiba
W;ster ISjiksi, Roar has.
"Rough on Rats" clears them out, also Beetles.
ilea JiJis "AcelimaSed" in Texas.
A man who moves to Texas from
tho old States has to be very cau
tious until he has had time to look
i .t! Secretary of State will have
;! id pithy of all Americans, and
1 0 -iiy of all who have traveled
!. V lit his efforts to improve
th- Ui."e of our consular service,
jiwi. radical evil can only be
; !" tJ by Congress. At present,
"-.. in that branch of our ser
1 c-. m 1 abf urdly smull. The con
,u! i tiiat the occupants fall
. : 1 f classes. First, tho im
who, are clad to take
: ' -'o- '"co;id, rich people, who
.'. -I . -. -.'us of social distinction,
-... j, -i!iinj to take place for
-' n '.-nor may go with it;
iuiiu ignorant persons, who
. there is much more
'' glory iu a consulate
- . ' : 1 -ctH warrant. A fourth
.iiH. include ipvalids who
. i !J.'a that a particular cli
:. (.::; ber.etit them, and who
-:c ih order to have a Iivli
' .i an.; eaVy occupation in their
1 lor health. Out of these
i n t- ear foreign consular
) -..( is mostly recruited, and
:. v- . inue to be, until Congress
. o attach proper and sutli
1 ' . .ensalijn to the offices or
. c-.t.i b bettor to abolish tho
the Cmstitutien of the United ! "round. If he has a little money
States, the labor was almost wholiv i he had better keep it low down in
perforined in committre of the
whole.of whicli George Washinniun
was chairman; he made two speeches
during the convention, however,
and was its acknowledged mast, r
spirit, and historians aihrm that j t0- An old acquaintance asked me
had it not been for his personal I yt-sterday if I got acclimated, and
his pocket for a few months or he
will get accli mated. By acclimation
they mean losing what -ou brought
with you and getting so reduced
that you can't get away if you want
popularity and thirty words of his
first speech, pronouncing it the V.est
that could be united upon, the Con
stitution would have been rejected
by the people. Thou. Jefferson
never made a speech. He couldn't
do it. Napoleon, whos;; executive
ability is almost without a parallel,
said that the greatest difficulty was
Gliding men of deeds rather than
wonis. When asked how he main
tained his success in age and ex
perience when Commander-in-chief
of the army in Italy, he said by
reserve. The greatest of man is
not measured by the length of ins
speeches and their number.
1 told him yes and that I had writ
ten home for money to take me
back to Georgia. "Happy man,"
said he, "if you have any left at
home, for but few who come here
leave any behind, and by the time
we acclimate them they are pro
pprly humble and go to work and
in a year or so are reconciled to
stay." Hill Arp.
And Other Public-.llions.
1 T-i r
ntiien-t via St. i'.itii Bi5 I
"nst r;i;0
Off P
j & r"f 5 IW f, 4 s SJ
(Incorporated March 15, 1SS3.)
CAPITAL STOCK - - $100,000.
.4. P. VE5B?f - Secretary
E. E. S33ITSI - Asst. Secretary
M. J. DUB&r - - - - TmjKssrcr
E. E. W&m Manager JSaurafa Icnl., Ciikaao
E. A. l YuVm,
m. j. UKAe.
EFFSMGSR & Attorneys.
Take Notice.
Pianos and rgans tM oa easy jjaymeats It you pur
chase a Piano -w torgmi ? tliin" oia jnay on the install
ment plan and saaaM be cojapeiucd, Vo;n is.y vxmxe
whatever, to reinrn the inmtrnmiV.;t, after having paM a
on is, yon can ao so anil not sose one dosjar yon have
to c!Esnrejes on 1
Q only tea ecJitss fser
TiiFonsh Easistrant Sleepias
Cars fi-oju Portland.
And hnnird o-j resalar exjr-rs trains
over tbe -t:tire Irimfi ifi!jD Nollh
eru i'ueifu- l:i;li-o;:u.
Leave Vt'allula Junction at 4:40 a. m.
Leave Portlai:d at tJ:JU p.m. tlailv; arrive at Min
neapolis .r fet. 1'iUtl 1-2:20 p. m., fourth day.
Connection made at St. Paul aud -Minneapolis
to ail points Eat, South and Southeast.
Train leaves Portland dailv ll:4r, a. m. Annve
at New Tacoma 0:3J p. in., coiitKetinvi with O. j !
J.. tv -t . ii) .- iKti lur ail pti.nts yn riicL aouno : I . :. -
a. i;. - ii Aii:.iv-s, ijeii i v.est n I'ltss. Ajreiu, 1
OF TltU ENCLlill I..vovagf Kev,' IZcl';tion. AVitb
S-.tpji.euier-t. Vn::t-riu.cetl and prMutely illus
trated. The rfcWKiani, ami i:i n'.l respects Wt
Kftiunar.v pubiisucd. L.brarv slieet', ciaielcU
ed-cs, u4x.
urnst-orrs rHosontie ire-
Containing complete and concise EkiprphJoI
Sketches ot the Eminent Fersons of all A?e
and Ctuntries. By J. Thomas, A. M., M. O.
Imperial Svo. Sheep. S10.C0.
A cotnpVte Oeoraj hical nictionary. New Edi
tion. Tnjroughly revisetl and erectly enlarfred.
(.'nuuninsr SupiJeineiitary Tahi, with tho
m-ist recent Census Keturus. Ketyal So. Sheep.
cn.tKB'Kia-s ESCTCior.F.aiA.
American R jviscd Editi-m. Tnr. se-t ts ettet
wai. A Die-: .:ar,- ft Iei i'. ia f.v eii.re. Fro- I
iii-ety 1 Utidr-fe-l with Jla; 3'.ate ai.d V-d-PL.t..'
la wx. lioyal fcvo. ivenU ctiitiwii?,
at vn .i p::ces.
nF..tsjzR-! acrsarst-CE usntcV.
Coiit-ini-i-r "ti:r. i:sr;:irs swoK.
i c;i:.vr .ro w.ns r --.h t. -ivrA-1
j T . -." t -. :
!' KSCLIS'.I Wi!!tt.-;.- a v..!s. l:.-uml in
lia'i ni'.r.re.t, in c'i.th b.-. $12.0J. Or e&dA
vulunic-s.dd sep-iratcy
A3.5.5n;.r.'S QV'ikTATIAJiM.
Emhra.'-e's "oriSr::! CntitiitltjK,' 5ros
ja:;t.-iii!s," .t Antlmra tt
Alt Aj:'-." Ccr.vpU-te in thre.t oi-lav.t -tl-Uitie.;.
Price per set in cl.,th,jj0. Hti; Ui.
sia, 12.-X.
"VFor sale by all PooLscller, or-illbe sent
ree or i-x,-t n:--e, on reeij't n the price bv
. I- 3. LIPPiKCGTT & CO.,
:;.-.'. 'i' a'.i.ei St., Pbi!r.Iclpnfn.
Io. 2 Washington St., Portland, Or.
i til.
pnai Vfe'l f
pahl. Eiine Chapel Osans twit
montniy paynieatM, wntea wonkc
month for each inem&er of the C
to pay.
The celebrated I8I2.4iD PaAN'OS have been in 1132 throughout
the States f-..r over tu'enty years, and are fir.st-c'.-s.-; in every i-aivii-ulir.
Ve ive a warrantee with every instrument, that runs live y.ars tr.-m
date of sale, and .ve are rhriit here to m.ike it iro-td. We have i.iei ities
for rc;:aiiin Pianos and Oraru ai. cur Jic-ps in tha city of Pottlaud
and all work '.varrau ted.
Our JIusic Hall and Warerooins are on First street, No. .".10. Take the First street cars and rido
to the corner of Clay stre'j. Those who emu jt cali n us can write lor particulars and catalogue of
our instruments. Address
For further particulars write to
R. A. Temey,
- 1 li !
; e rapidity with which Assis
J v-toaster General Stevenson
-- -.g republican postmasters
i .'. he vacancies with dem-
causinjf some anxiety
mugwumps. These ofli-
covornd by the civil ser-
and it has been announc-1
o idmiuistration will not
:' scope of the rules at
' ::... Theorists who go to ex
s.j. -a deiiouoco a policy that
compromising with
' r --ils 't.it great reforms move
! . , : they can only move at
i 1 T-.t
i' acpiars that tho classi
t! til-vice has survived a
i-ist'-tw' rrty and is established
a I .-. tuut liftn it above the
'''''- r-' J olitics, that will be
p stride forward. It
' rh-u, after tho post offices
t"c.'. divided with some fair-
tho parties, tho de
;.';" .vi'f.t adopt a more con
! ....licy. But reasonable
: - w:n r-t' criliciss tho adminis
'r:: o , for seeking to ea
rthing like anetjuili
:s matwr.
Idaho no longer takes the cake. The
resignation of Gov. William liunn has
bceu accepted.
Mark Twain says his children are
very modest and retiring. They take
alter their mother.
"Call .Me Hack Again" is the title of
a new song. Rejected Minister Keiley
is susttccted of beiu; the author.
Why is the hoy v. ho plucked a couple
of apples from a tree liite a certain city
iu Nova Scotia? He picked two (Pic
tou). Cossack cavalry are called "Sons of
the hid." When this hecomes known
we thail prohahly hear Congressmen re
ferred lo aa Cos'ui k cavalry.
"I aw siy," iangui.ily observed
one dude to another; "I aw see that
some fellah has aw invented aw
mt'.wchinc faw looking into the
bwain." "Yaas," drawled the other,
'hut that don't iutcrwest us, dou-
la the most virulent form of Wood-poison.
lrtC. Less speedily fatal, but not less cer
tainly so, is the vit iation of the blood of
which tho first symptoms are Iimpl?s,
Sties, Boils, and Cnta-neons Erup
tions. When the 1 nint of Scrof ilia gives
warningof its presence by suchiadictiltons,
no time sliould be lost in usini; Ayeh's
Saijsapauilla. the onlv perfect and reli-
ahle nieUiciue for the purification of the
Is a foul corruption in the blood that rots
out all the machinery of life. Nothing
will eradicate it from the system sind pre
vent ils transmission to ofl'sprius hut
Ayer's Sarsaparii.la. This prepara
tion is also the only one that, will eleanso
the blood of Mercurial poison and the
taint of Contagious Diseases. Impover
ished blood is productive of
Wljicli Tliey K.iii! Bat Iter be. j
"There were two Httlo ;;i;-ls nam
ed Ruth and Jennie," said Deacon
Uucrdg, addressing the Kunde.y
school (the deacon isn't much of a !
talker), "and one day their Uncle !
James gave them a shilling apiece. S
llu'.h put lier shillirg in the mis- !
sioiiary box for tha poor little!
heathen children who haven't nny I
kind fathers and mothers to buy !
them clothes and-er-)rayer-books !
and things; but Jennie ran right :
down street and spent her shilling
for French candy anil nuts and a p.
pies and er-parasols and dolis and
jerseys and tailor-made suits and
er-everything you can think of, ;
and never gave any of it to tho
poor iittlo heathens, whom we all ' tcher know."
f-.nl o.-. c. ....... f..- "NT ,!. :
, i , , . estern act'
ren, uoiiciuoeti ine ciencon, impres
sively, "which would vnn rnthir
be, liuth. who gave all her mor.ev . i,. . ' '" ", " " ' ' " '"'! j
1,..(,'. t ; ...i- : I'.vwiht-U, yes. Wes;cr.i actor- CJ
snonds evrv nut l.o'r.nltC' i V cr-v WOu- 1 m Kni,1S to Missouri
i J "f "x
Mam Ft., Weston.
7.") ren's per dozen. White shirts
1 ir"::e:i in the he style t ir 'one
o ci:?r'c- for cru:i:-. collars and
! Little ioi:i Cood itiL'ilt, mamma, i oa::dkerehieis if lcs tiian .;ix e.f each. 20Jm
; Mamma Why, yon must not o to '
hed yet. Y..u have not had your sup- I 7A:sTED .
j per. Li;tie Tom Oh, r.n; Im not Ko- i ? AGENTS
t t Ti i,J t'-ii I'liin 5 new ana superior maps ana
A wretched condition indirnted lvv Pallid
Skin, Fiaceid JJuseles, Shattered
Kerves, nd Melancholy. Its first
symptoms are Weakness, Languor,
Ijosr, of Serve Force, and -lleutal Lte-
ieetion. Its course, unchecked, lends
'inevitnhlv to insimitv or death. Vt'otm n
f recmeiit Iv snfiV-r from it. The only medi
cine thut, while
riches it with new
the whole system, is
Oyer's Sarsaparills,
Dr. J. C. Ayes- & Co., Lowell, 3Eass,
Sold hy all Druggists: Price 1;
bix bottles for 5.
lililflLLE Willi H
The unricrstfrr.cd has on hand a larjre assortment
oi one, two and three-yutr-otd
Fruit Trees,
Apples, Pears, Cherries, Phims.ctc,
Gome new and rare fruit. Also everal of the
Russian Varieties
Also Bix or ei;,-ht varieties of OKAPE HOOTS,
whi.-h we will sell at
and wPKalso talre in oxeliarrro V.'lioat, Tarlov
and Oatsat the IIUIIIi-ST 'I All MKT VliiCyZ.
I am tivty-scven years old, and have lived in
this (Hall) county all my life. IT to twtnty
citrht ycavs ixifo I w.;s rcn:i:d as the stvontrcst
man in the mi ji'oifiho i tl:c nir-st Miust in
liwiUJi. In Ncvvmiicr, IS'iC, I had a long and
seri-.tus spell if typiitiid fuvor. It lft me eina-rlat-d
ar;d cri; plutl in my riicht Im. At times
that-liiab was MvoMtn an enonons size, heijr
Ivvii-e as lan;o as ils niitura! couuitlon. and in
tUmcd and anrry in a;;u'araiK-e. Knni luy
liiioe down ti:tn.Iisurc'4 came, and at the nnUf x
l.iro ul-cr canic, which tiiachiinivd joisriou
in.-tter. My wholt; pvptcin hv.i-o.iiie infected.
The (Victors would tiutch iwt uv for awhile, but
tin ulc-r wou'.d never iit-al. Tue mert urv .and
; poRs'.i with whi:-h they dosed nie hron r'ut on
; rhouTiat:s:ii and dys; ejia. i wan an object uf
pity to all my friends. Sumo Uiouirht tUa ho
only hoie tr sivt' i:fe w:.s a'cputaiion. 1 con
i tiniiud to ow woie, and fr thrc years ! hive
not worn a sho,-. Hopo ho,d ulmrst left we.
I Swift's Specific was sueRtc-;!, and I connnenccd
i its use at oiee. Front the very Jirst 1 lx-.ia to
fc-i-l i it iter, i !ia'c r.iUcn thirty-sic boUiis, and
the' s.ict'imv widt h Ivul d-irkviicd my i:fe for
tv. t;ut' -fiiiit yiars ht-vc kU b. on tiissijwtod.
'I lie et ft ct of the ir.fiiivine has hten wiidi-rftil
indt -d. To-day I am able t; attend to a!l my
fanjjnir iiit.utsls, and v:ilk fmm one to five
iiiites pur day. I am sat: Sad that the disease
is entirely bvukn up. mu henct fort !i I am to bo
free fr.itii thes.; tjtri!:l- ap;m hem-ions nnd Piif
f''rii;;r v.hich i.-merly nir.dti my lite niisorable.
N'.vlfi's sp'.'t-ii'e hit Ione mare, for inc in one
year th.m a!I the dri!:? t'ovc midieine prcstrrihed
by physicians did in t. uity ciijht years, anil
inoit cheeri'idly hear tiiit; tt&timony vi its merits
a. K. HKr.U
Hall County, Ca , Feb. 23, UvS5.
to insure the greatest amount and choicest vane
ties. We warntnt our stock true to name; so
come on and pa.-onhx honvi production.
One Slile North of ilton.
Pfi r rra $ n
' Pi it
r --i
Fron the isscctins Room.
ITavhii,- ta!;en Hwiit's f:p?cie. forbh-od poison
cantsai te l r-t a im -dieal ejl'c,e :-.t a uai Wti.tfi,
while 1 waa ti'clical studt sit, 1 a:i rulf.'ui to
say I !iat it iruve I'll; s;'.o-ly titovuuch euro
ail' r my p-in nts bad s;cnt hunaeis oi llktrs
for Irjftlr.ii nt. Mycn i w: - sv.-.ien t twice its
uai:a! hize, and as nothing hc-pCil me I was Ies
iKdrin j of ever bt-ir- caivd. ")i;it 1: arin of tko
c?. S, K.t 1 bini-ltt a hint'e little thinking I would
derive ai.y b-ein iit fr:n it. I be-rn tai.?nf it
icrularly. and so m hs ,ve!!l:i ht-an to (;.
dvn and the arm ccasrd t; p:-.in me. 1 eontin
ucd i:s u e, and after taking eiht bottles was
tiiorouh-y eiired.
-.v. i Ktt'H VrsTAUj, Xewarlc, X. J.
Treat tec on I'.iood and Sl.ia liLua-ts mailed
Ti;:;S.vT.Srixii ;cCo., Drawer 3, Ala':ta,Ca.
Perfection at i
Li c.
Pp,r (T, fra
j purifvins the Wood, ni-, , - . , .
w vitality, aud iuyigoi-aies j -that will ride as easy as a four. Good and strong, with phaeton boo y
good, full, large hack and the rider can use ad feel no more horse j
motion than in a four-wheeled vehicle. IL-.s all the conveniences for a '
doctor's box, for a chest, storm apron, and is as easy to get in and out of
as a buggy; nothing to climb over in getting in. See what is said of it:
people to subscribe for toe Leade before
is over. It ought to be in the
A TOTTTX Nrwn for Por3 and Girl? !?
Y.-nTT RI:d Old!! "A NKW I".
".;r '.'-; 7 "ifor Hoais? use !
i V,; .. 1 Frut cid Fcrcll Sasrinr?, Turninu
. Vt. Screw Ct'.ttir.j. Frieft t 00.
I Bnd C cents f-ir IL0 j?s-efl.
EFEliAIAi IiLOWN, Ljweli, Hul
,'. .'. ',1 r - . -
5rcm s- ccmatop z
to ilv; v-oi?t ::-.-rz
m S:
i-p:o: :-:v l.; i.: i.: .:!.- '- -!
tctor ito p'avwrmht) You
touch up jilays, I uudersta.-jil; introduce
lii-:.!ic-s. and
Caveats, lie-issues and Trade-Marks se
cured, and all other patent causes in the
I'iitcnt Office and before the Courts
promptly and carefully attended to.
Upon receipt of mode! or sketch of
invention, I make careful examination
and advise as to patentability PEKE OF
Fees moderate, and I make SO
Information, advice and special referen
ces sent on application.
I. H. LIT TELL, Washington, D. C.
Near U. S. Patent OSce.
: Vcrv well.
, next w eek
j yon to rev.-riU- the ph:y o as to hrin iu
: two oiooil-humiii:
Washing and Ironing.
Ana the scholars all shouted: 1 . . ""'"' 1 Opposite saline: co.s.
ami a oanv.
i-.vhc.i ai.
v.. -
.t e
He Thonslil He was l!ie Han t I It
"I think, my dear,-' sahl Mrs.
Shuttle, as she stitched one n;ore
block into the crazv m:it. '-that ,
--'lined hj public senti-1 you had better send up a man to-
"Send up a man!'" said .Too, sur- j
prised. "Well, what for, I should i
like to know? If there is anvth-nc'
ine to bed. 1 tiion.-it vou were.
Muinma (io ph'.y, chiid. This is my j
new Mother Hubbard. j
Teacher: So you can't do a simple
sum iu arithmetic. Let me explain it
to be done hy a man around here I i ' ya- Suppose eight of you together
guess I'm the man to do it.;' 1 have forty-eight apples, thirty-two
"Very we'd. Then we shall save peaches and sixteen melons, what will
a dollar and a half. I was think- i each one of yon got? '-Cholera mor
ing of taking up the parlor carpet . 2"," replied Johnny Fizzietop, who
and setting a man to beat it."
"Well," said Job, that teats ire,
I will send up thu man."
A scarcity cf pennies in the Wes
goes to show that the business mn
of New York are reallv in farnest ! fer.
was addicted to that maladv
A lawyer addre.-sin a jury a case
proved by strong circumstantial evi
dence, repeated often that "ninety
nitie guilty men should esc.-.pe rather
than tu'.t one innocent man should suf-
The iuaira- in charoiner rl, inr?
and intend building a monument to itold theoi the "mnety-nine guilty men
Gea. Grant, j fcad j0E siace escap..
ii.arte. As pyintr r.n a.ncy as any in taj
wt-rid. Fur pH' cata'c'ue, free, aidress
Jo I; n Dixon.
230 3Iarkc-t St. San Frnnriro. Ca!.
A Clear Skin
is onlv a part of beautv :
out it is a part. Every lady
may have it; at least, what
looks like it Msgnelia
Balm both freshens" and
YORKVILLE, ILL., Dec. 12, mi. "It is tho bi-st cart in our citv." H. H. MAT
"I have been nsinjf one of Ciiuruli'ii I'hvsi- LOCK, Ottawa, 1. 1.
cian.V Road Carts for some time, ami atn well
pleased witli it. I have praetieml meilii. ine near- JACKSONVILLE, ILL.. March SR 13
ly twenty-nve years, ami have useu almost tvs- W. I;. CllL'itCH Dear hir I am treatlv
ry kind of vehicle on two wheels that, 1 have pleased with your tv.o-v.i.etled vehicle. It dia-
seen, out tins is tne only conveyance oi that ot- eoants an.-, thing of the kind. I have no n-.orc
seri;ition that I have ever used that I can hearti- use for f uir-v. heeled bu-" ies in tnv bihircw
ly recommeud." W. T. SlIEitWOOD, il. l. A. W. TIPTON, JI. D.
PLANO, ILL , D;c. 8, 1852. MARTINS, S. C. Slav 0 isi$
W. R. CHITICH llear Sir: The Koad Cart I TV. R. CHCIX'I i-U, ai-s:r The Cart order-d
purchased of you is all and more than you told from you came yesterday. It is ali and -mre
me. It lides as easy as any four-wheeled bug- than yon claim for it. it 'i ccrainiv tiu- Snc-t
gy, and I most heartily recoinm md it. an ! in.,t envenient thh:-,' on v 'nejls. I do.i't
O. P. DLATCHLEV, M. D. tiiini; 1 v.iil use r.ny other vehicle in mv praeti.-e
now. Yuurs rcc'iectluliv,
CLAYTON, MICH., April 20, is3 ' OB EV,'' NS
W. E. CHl'KCH, Yot-kville, ia.lx.ar hir. I ' ' ,
am well plad with my Cart; thmi; ir well IIF.MSTCArt, TEX S, June IG I3
worth the cost. Would not be without ir for W. It. Cin'iiCH l,r Sir--C:irf i -t !-'r-i
any price. O. N. itICli. lias been tried i.v e; and is sr-.'.i.-;--.-tory in every
l.artieutir. I v.ill not Le-itate lo icO'ain -n'd
W. R. CHURCH, Yorkville. 111. Dear Sir. I thorn, r.ot onlv to plivii-iar-i., but aK-. to a-w and
have used one of your I'-oad Carts since last FeV all pt.o: havin ; (iiuc'i uri. in ' to -in
ruary. I think it superior to anv Head Cart I Yours, ., 1' s CLARK
have examined. It is THE thing ;or ihe -busy
praetitioner." W. E. KlN.Ni.TT, 1. I'.. GEOIt til-TTO W flE'IMilA. July 20, HSJ
Yorkville, 111. . li. iil.I;'. Il 1 rs i-iv-.d 'i.iyi.oad' Cart ail
ric-ht and i: ve itvi-rv mui. h: uoild :.ot ex'-haa"-.
PAW PAW. Mav lt, ls-3. it ior an-.- feur-v.-hecle 1 vol i -!e I iiave ever ii"d
. w -R; Cnl BCH-Dcar Sir: You wish to know for my u. It is the admiration of ail who see
how 1 like my Cart. 1 cannot say too much in it. Yours very respeeduli. .
jju.pra-.-e. it is simply lancet. II. M. KAIGLER
I L. H. iiitAFFlT, M. D.
I . ST. JOSEPH, MO Au"u l lisa
MARSHALL. TEXAS, April 50, 1333. TV. R. CiiCi'.C H -1., ar Si-T.- Clr. v. as re-
I . Rv CHt HCII Dear Sir I have" no-v used eeived in :o.-ji si.spe. I mi bMi'v r.iea uh
my Cart about ten days, and must say it stands It aitcr rising it a trial If t mnrf. A-A
tne test admirably. It is admired hv evervbodv. nitra Kmsirt thn I r.v, l I f i,
take here. VVisiiing on sueeess. I rm vo'ir-.
of evsry nian in Umatilla County, as the re
n only
ii: Hi
hr-.-'L rli c'.....-rn c-.:i. r 1 l. v i; iryi n.-r,
:tc( fcy t:..j pov.. vi'i;l, p"r:fyii::r, r-,
1 ?:i:.;!eji-:.
. - f t.-. i-rt
Ij.'i. .-j. C,:.'.!.:;.." :i, i; a
. m pamr-i, fcr a hi?-j cil-
:i ,?:::a l.i.-.f ts'ep, w fti
:it"'.: - fy.i r-'--ro' i:l-:v. A::.
Tnir.-iy-i-rrc- .-r.i-X! it. 1-y 'T.---; i.r. T-icirc&'ri
?.!-:::.-cs- -y, art'i p-Ci'ttJ.
s-:s'6c.-:.t lo-i, a fr,:r n-f,-.!i -i-
ii.-i. viiul ;. ;. ?.:t:l .i:ij-.auaci
CC;lGi.ii-UilLULl5 V.IU hw CSt-tl-i.i.liCti.
i : .
- L. 4- - 'ti li -'i - J 5
per year w hen paid in advance. Oivcs all the
local intelligence and the news of the
L.;'tT". i. prorajiC r"Tl tx.-il-i.-? prr-.-:e.-i
r.:ii d bytbij veri v iu r. ii irk'-n.
l":.';ro'i!w !-u-:ti-';t:-.--,'.-ri.i.e(:i--f u:-ji -'- i -i.ij.'--,.
J'i'.;n wo::;'c--:iii povt-r ..- ':. Ir-i-iiLiy-f:.
-1 ?:': 3-:-;, v!:-,-; i't -i o'S ; ih -: c;v cc-f-t;
1 r iirxly to tn i-vl:, II:-. !-i-tr.r2
ii;r.i:-;bt corVi !y c ct.Kr ? ii
f.u-.!.';":: :iCcre,-hi i.-r-t". .. frv.t n;.fi'
C3 too iiunic-l f.-.-r a -r.oi:::.:: : v.ir-.-.i, I'ick its
VTi!i(':i-f ill coral avs z.i. t'- '.z. c-r.-trviitrri.r-.-i:r,t.
ul.aiative. or pio:.;I-o;--:;.n.-iii,-;, t:r-'.-ifli-M'V
Tt".M,n-.l, or.d r.utrh Ive j,Kit.-;-i x.-s i-i onuinzl'g,
i:t only o a i-n-j ior ccuaapt
lucsrj, Lut for ail "
3 ;
J f-JPim-vJ i.. nmpyff p; l f?pfJT7g
Send me a top for it. Yours trulj
ii. F. EADS, M. D.
DYF.RBUROH. TENN , April 7, 15S3. riTFSTFK, IOWA A i-- -sr!S 1S53
. T1",- P'-.Cl!Ll'.CK at Tin Cart is at hand and W. R. CHI KC H - V-to Sir 1 ..a Cart is" the
I r.Ke it spiendicU . It is biuipi.. perieet. I li-rht-st to dr.tv.- in the Urited ST.-,ei- Tr." irore
couiu not maie any alterations. I use it the butter I like it! YouVrrcv""
JU. A. FOWLKER, M. 1. y. rp.EEJliHE, JI. D.
Th Cart arnved to-day. and 1 am irr-.-.V.Iy TV. R. CHT.T.CTI Thcugh -.on have not a.-ktd
Pleased. Beats anytairig in tins section of tne for a rec-jinmr.dat.c-n of -. uurVart, I t.-ii.-i it :v.y
country. 1 wish you saeee.s in your etit-.-r-irise. dut.'. to -ive on;. For eanean J -peed it ran't be
.. . E- H. A imJr.W'S, Well bvaien. With a ,t L.xr.s ponv I tiiirr. I
Laa.orand Pablisher ot e jledicai Summary. can go with anv high-priced horie. S. P. KICK
Kl '
r. churc:
Xo, 10 Oregon $t' f YOBIiVILLE, ILUXOtS.
send for samplt a:py.
If "t'i f-"l fluSJ, w?7, 'ri-.-.ifatel, hem
ni' -tv co'or f,t!J?- c y i--o-v;: n-Lrwwa r?-.-t'j
orj'li-w or bet'?. tr-rxW or c-":-.7.i-
r I i -i"u.:::i'.ri-a! r.L.-. cicbi;!".
f'i'-h'-r.'-fi wfl"! -!' Jott r-a--:j; and
,''!..n-V i.orc':-x.i:5, iti'-j-Jtor tpy.i.t. rn'l
Viwi fon-.i:'. -. : 6:::';--'i:r m,-n ir.-lim
Tf yi'iov- iypc r-si-lj wii ry.jtl ,kvcr,
or 'I:,lii'-;"-iK;' t; iii r.if-nv ov j culv
part cf iyrzyiO'CS C:t ei ri r .-t .1. As
it rr;T':--y In- c!l ;u..ii r,--z, sv. iVlorcOa
(iol l'MX r cdit-i Uii,covfci-y ha3
'Jrr.r?7c tncsn, fintt'il29e O? 3:oo 3,
-Ttiortiicw vi lUi-tuiii, 22rfsijeliitii
,cv.::re co3j:s, Co,Eptaoil, and
ian'.rt;'i Ci-oeti iai, i n n. kov rcin rt-rnc-dy.
book cn Oin5u:n;jtit,- Soltl by lira-rgiets.
KUl O .,iviu j. ii MvJO4.lli!
fropriotors, tX3 ein EL, VcrrjLLOt .Y.
Soiti iif Ztzu zzizls. S-5 ctnt3 a v-ai.
tggst-A is cfToisfl t-7 tho nrorrrfatcrfl
i '- I s ' -A oC Cauirh X-it-inc-lj
Ot ir. o vjui.i
. foracjrctif carxwl2!ither
the no, ofjensivo of ctutr
tvire, tT.rtial IsofErr.c Ihtaffte,
r.H"- -jr." -. T 5 V v ; dllii T .ai li
or prefsure in betii, you have Catarrh, i'fcoii
tanda of cases lerminaio in cons.umptio
Ir. Base's Catareh EF-ttfEDY c jt-6 tee worrt
cases ofCatarrto" Coi in tlao Kleai'j
and Catarr i Keadac-Uo. 0 cent -
t- n