Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, August 28, 1885, Image 3

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Weston Weakly LzzAzv.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1885.
The (ollovinz are the authorized agents o the
fjzxvn in their respective localities:
Pendleton O W Walker
Heppner fJ H Hallock,
Milton A 15 Kvatis.
Ontervilie H H Stuart,
Walla Walla Ill Thompi-on,
Ella p. O Frank Oviatt
Island Citv J. L. Carter.
Walla Walla A. Meachen
Fruit ii plentiful and cheap.
Note the announcement of the
"Walla Walla Buaiuess College in this
Nice clean mixed bird seed, only
15c per pound at J. i. Banta & Co.'s,
Wheat in the neighborhood of Mil
ton ii averaging ovcr thirty bu.thcla to
the acre.
Don't fail to call on J. J. Biinta k
Co., and get their prices an Machine
Oils before you buy.
Mr. N. Pierce, of Milton, is Imsy
threfthin. He expects to have 40,000
bushels of grain this season.
Remember the cheapest place to
buy your tobacco and cigars is J. J.
Banta & Co.'s, Centerville.
Ayer's Hair Vigor, is safe, agreea
ble and beneficial. It is the moat ele
gant, and its effects are veiv laHtiu,
making it the most economical of toilet
preparations. By its use ladies can
keep their hair abundant and natural
in color, lustre, and texture.
By the Ccuncil proceeding it will
be seen that W. II. Getcliell wa-i allow
ed $3.70 witness fees. Is the city mar
shal emitted to witness fees every time
he urrests a man provided, of course,
the man is brought to trial?
Tho dyspeptic nincompoop of the
Weston LfcAIiKR has a most diabolical
hatred of Mr. Noltner, late of the Port
land Standard, and of the editor of the
Statesman. The paltry, deceitful scrub
is not fit to black the shoes of either.
Walla Walla Statesman.
When gayly the thermometer at
ninety holds its place, and with your
hat of straw you fan your mad perspir
ing face, when every stituli of clothes
you wear is sticking to your form, how
soothing 'tis to have a friend inform you
"it is warm."
There is some adverse comment
about the City's paying attorney's foe.-.
What would thoso who object have?
.Tho City refuse to pay its honest debts?
Whatever difference of opiuiou may ex
ist about incurring the debt, there
ought to be none about paying it.
The New Zealand Loan and Mer
cantile Agency, at Sail Francisco, has
receivcil from New Zealand some fa
meus Seed Oats, samples of which may
be seen at the Lkaukk office. Parties
wialn'sg to purchase oats for seed from
this Ageucy should do so before the
middle of October. For prices apply at
LEADER otfice. Orders respectfully so
licited. The Weston correspondent of a Wal
la Walla paper is an ironical "cuss."
Hear him: "Our citizens arc now rest
ing easily about lire. We have a hook
and ladder truck and appurtenances,
all cosily stowed away, awaiting a fire.
If our gallant boys determine whether
their shirt? shall be blue or red tlii
fall, they may possibly get out for
Iiei.1 Ordinance !io. ST.
Adams needs a '.umber yard.
Cove cheese, the best, at Pauly's.
Have your watch repaired, by
Frank Manning,- Centerville.
The cempers and rusticators have
all returned from the mouutaiaa.
Notions, etc., at your own price, at
Largest and best assortment of
boots and shoes at Saling & Co's.
Pauly has a fine awning in front of
his brick building.
jlr. Kouanzoin of Milton has some
thing new to scy this week; look at his
ad. "
Sack needles ot the best quality at
F. M. Pauly's.
Reese & Redman of Adams are hav
ing the brick placed on tho ground for
their store building.
Bird seed of the freshest and clean
est kind, a! 10c., at Paulv's.
Mr. Taylor Green, of La Grande,
one of the early settlers on l'iue Cieck
is in the city visiting old acquaintances.
Go to 'Saling ii C,i. for your cold
pressed ca.itor and mineral oils.
Our Adams correspondent failed to
write up items for us this week, but
just canio along and teld us "how it
-A nice line of candies and nuts at
J. .1. liauta & Co., Centcrviliu.
-Mr. J. Wise has rented his
farm and will pass the winter with his
family at Eugene City.
Young men when von want a nob
by suit of clot'.ipa go to Saling & Co.
- What do fanners want? Good
times? Well that is just what Reoe
t Redman of Adunii are offering them.
. Look at their ad.
Watches cleaned 1.50. Main
springs SI. C'aso springs $1. Clocks
cleaned PI. All work' warranted by
Frank Manning, Centerville.
"Uncle" Tom Fletcher of Walla
Walla has put up a chop mill and wood- j
cutting machine at Adams which will
bo under the management of U. D. Er
vin. Frank Manning watchmaker and
jeweler is at Mcllone's Hotel, Center
ville. Mr. L M. Simpson of Adams
whose building was recently destroyed
by lire has concluded to replace it with
a two-story brick. The material is al
ready contracted for. Such enterprise
is commendable.
When yon visit Portland, remem
ber that the best, 51 per day hotel in the
city is tue I.NTURSATlojiAL, ou the
corner of Third and E streets.
The Lkatjer gratefully acknowl
edges receipt of a complimentary ticket
to the Walla Walla County fair which
commences Sept. 8t!i; also one to the
Portland Mechanics fair which com
mences October 8th.
-Adams has had anolher stabbing
affray, the actors being Scott Gilson
and Daniel Collins, men in the employ
of the briekmakcr, Mr. Sill. Gil-oil,
who was provoked to the cutting, stab
bed Collins thirteen times. Dr. Wil
liams who attended tho case says thftl
the wounds, though serious aie not ne
cessarily lutal. Gilson was arrested,
tried and acquitted on the ground of
suit-defense. An amusing incident
occurcd in the middle of the ttial. The
building in which the court was being
held, is owned by Hank Vaughn, who
it seems does not approve of its being
used lor that purpose, or at least with
out his permission; and this the Court
Al. Moore, 1150 acres of clab wheat,
30 bushels to the -ere.
Gross Bros., 100 acres club wheat,
29 bushels to the acre.
P. Ely 43 acres of wheat, badly
lodged, 45 bushels to the acre.
W. R. Amon, 320 acres of club
wheat, slightly lodged, 30 bushels to
the acre; 40 acres of oata, 50 fcushels to
the acre.
A. Gross & Sons, Sand Hollow, 200
acres of club wheat, lodged a little,
averaged 30 bushels to the acre; 60 acres
of oats, 30 bushels to the acre.
J. B. Frazier, south of Milten, had
240 acres of club wheat that averaged
35 bushels to the acre; 50 acres of oats
that averaged 50 bushels to the acre.
W. S. Frazier, south of Milton, 3S
acres of red chaff wheat, lodged in
places, that yielded 31 bushels to the
acre; 25 acres of oats that gave 1100
S. K. Coe, of Milton, 234 acres of
club wheat, late sowing, 5022 bushels;
30 acres of barley averaged 40 bushels
to the acre; i acres oi spring wheat
averaged 25 bushels to the acre.
Mr. Whittaker, north of Centerville,
34 acres of club wheat, badly lodged,
on corn ground, 27 bushels to the acre,
tG acres of wheat, on summer fallow
34 bushels to the acre; 14 acres of bar
ley yielded 530 bushels; 30 acres ot oats,
25 bushels to the acre.
A. M. Stafford, just north of Center
ville 20 acres of wheat (rcil chaff), 31 !
busheis to the acre; 23 acres of wheat
(club), 20 bushels to the acre; club shat
tered some, red chaff badi lodged; 30
acres of bailey, 51 bushels to the acre,
machine, measure. t
Wm. Piukertou 74 acres of wheat
(club) averaged 35 bushels to the acre;
80 acres of vh;:at (frost bitten), 30
bushels to the. acre; bis spring wheat
averaged 22 bushels to the acre; his
oats, 33 bushels to the aero, barley
(badly shattered) 2S bushels to the acre.
A. L. Price had 20 acres of red chaff
wheat that averaged 32 bushels to the
acre and 150 acres of little club wheat
that averaged 2!) bushels to the acre.
The led chuff was badly fallen and the
club shattered. 10 acres of oafs yielded
400 bushels; 20 acres of barley S00 bush
els, machine measure.
A. M. Flam, of Milton had 40 acres
of red chali wheat that averaged 35
bushels to the acre; 40 acres of little
club, averaged 35 bushels; 10 acres of
velvet chaff, averaged 35 bushels, all
machine measure. The red chaff was
badly lodged, the club not so much,
and the velvet chaff not at all. 20
acres of barley, half of it volunteer,
gave 543 bushels; 20 acres of oai.s yield
ed 47 bushels to the acre.
T. J. Kirk had on his Centerville
farm 50 acres of red chaff that averaged
31 bushels to the acre and 47 acres of
club that averaged 20 bushels. The
red chaff was the better crop; but was
worse lodged tlian t lie cuit. Jo acres
of oats yielded 35 bushels to the acre;
50 acres of barley gave 15,00 bushels.
On kia Wild Horse ranch, 4!0 ncrcs of
elub wheat yielded 11500 bushels and
15 acres of barley gave 100.3 bushels.
JuiJr;er ii?ras.
JrxiPER, Aug. 25, 1SS5.
Harvesting is over. A good thresh
ing machine in this part of the country
is very much neeeded.
Mr. C. Prouty and family will start
for their home in the Willamette valley
next week.
Mrs. Molenkojift, Mrs. Sample, Miss
Alma King and Miss Mary Brassfield
are rusticating at the Cold Springs in
the mountains.
D. N. Yauskiver is building a neat
residence for Mr. J. G. Clark on Cold
Spring. j
R. C. Langtry. Sam Sample, Alex
Sample and the Brasstield boys are en
a hunting tour in the Mountains.
Wheat haulers were never more plen
tiful in this section of the country than
at preseTit.
The Payne Bros, cut about 700 acres
of wheat yielding 14,000 : bushels.
Mostly Bod. Mr. Chalcy's sod crop on
Mr. King's placa yielded 35 bushels per
If your horse eats too much grain, do
as V. J. llerin"' did onft rl:iv Irisf wpnl:.
Wrap wheat sacks around his legs and
pour boiling water on them. ' If he
jumps he is gettiug better.
Aunt Rhotja.
Dr. Williamson takes this method
of notifying his patrons that lie expects
to take a trip to the East about Septem
ber 1st, and urgently needs to collect
what is due him. During his absence
of about a month, II. McArthur will
continue making collections, to whom
all money may b paid.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to Cooper, Sehmuck & Garnett,
are requested to call and settle their
accounts by the 15th of September, as
we intend to close up our business on
that day. Costs will be added to ac
counts not settled by the date above
"Wide-.lwakc t2'ii;i?;!.
Mr. Vv". II. McCoy is always alive to
his business, and spares no pains to se
cure the best of everything in iiis line,
lie has secured the agency for th cele
brated Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption. The only certain cure
known for Consumption, Coughs, Colds,
Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bron
chitis, or any affection of the Throat
and Lungs. Sold on a positive guaran
tee. Trial bottles free. Regular si;:e $1.
Whon baby was Pie':, wc gave her C-ASTOU1A,
When she was a chili!, we yave her CA.STOUIA,
When she became Miss, sho clung to CASTiiKFA,
When she hail chiUU'c-n,shcyave thum CASTORIA.
Do ot ttc IK-ccivol.
There is a firm in Walla Walla trv-
1 lie town ot Adams continues to
improve aud flourish. Its good loc;
lion may hive had something to do
with it bealtliy gro-vth, but the ener
getic enterprise of its founders and bus
iness men have done much to ensure its
success. Nor is the place overdone.
Busineos lots and residence sites may
"V be secured by applying to Jan. T. Red
nan, Secretary of the Adams Real Es
tate Association, Admits, Oregon.
"Still they come." J. S. White &
Co. will have another invoice of Bug
gies and Hack on the 1st inst., direct
from the factory at Watertovn, N. Y.,
made especially for this trade, and
every one of them fully warranted.
Farmeti and others warning anything
: in that line this fall, will make inwuey
. by calling on them before purchasing
. sisewhere. Buggies from $125 to $170,
:,'fack from f 125 to JlfiO. Do not fail
to go and see them before purchasing
i cUc where.
- We are in receipt of 'he annual
. catalogue of the Portland Business Col
i le, A. P. Armstrong, Principal.
. Speaking ut this school the Telegram
says: Tins is emphatically the best ui
,titutir!M of the kiud in the l'aciii.:
northwest, and commends itself cxpec
t ially o tic pareuts of the country who
desire their toys and girls to have an
education that shall be of the moit
piactical beuclit to them in after life.
had neglected to secure. In the course ,
of the trial Hank stalked in, locked j '"S. ("d partially succeeding) Jo steal
.iii-i ,i , -f ,!,,, a portion ot my patronage, by puttin
Uieir tirm ncuie. V nen vou want tci
knew "whose court house that was
ami then commanded them to "walk"' i ta! .vorU, nci iormed and warrauted by
and they all walked ovcr to tho hotel ! operator who is responsible, aim here
and finished the trial
adds "though Gilson wa-i acquitted iu
Haywap.1) Hand Grenades. -The
best known Fire Extinguisher in the
world. Don't delay In supplying your
selves with them, at once. Property
and lives saved every day with them.
Vou cannot afford to be without them.
M. S. McQL-Ai:nil3, Agt, Walla Walla.
G. J. Becht, 124 Market St., S. F.,
General Agent.
Rxc&krK's Ar;i5c.i Salve.
The Best Salvj in the world tov Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt ilheum,
Fever Sores, Teller, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin Erupt
ions, anil positively cures jf Ues, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satistacliou, or money refunded.
I'rice 25 cents per box. For sale bv
W. II. McCoy.
Our informant "? .
iv uiau s sioiu.
the Justice's court, he was afterwards
trieil in the ecclesiastic court and bound
over to appear for trial many years
There must 1 something peculiar
about attorney's fees. Some weeks aim
A .'(Joilicr'.s Tears.
E. W, C. We know that many chil
dren have died from tho use of cough
mixtures containing morphia or opium.
But the new remedy Red Star Cough
Cure is entirely vegetable and harm
less, and eminent physicians testify as
to its curative powers.
the office over Rccs &
l)u. h. M. Davis,
Read am! Itfiiiniibcr.
some persons seem to enter-
I-'or the Leader.
Insinuate your slender bill,
And then proceed to drink j'otir fill.
I w ell can spare one drop of blood
To give thee life-sustaining food
Thou tuneful zephyr, airy sprite
Industrious minstrel of the night!
How sliriiiy sweet the trembling nole
The quivering wings send out afloat,
While :lidc you down tlie niooubeanis
As light as silken fairy s sail.
Pray, fold your wings, and loiter now,
Where purple streamlets limn my brow.
He's coming near, I'll catch him soon,
And make him sing another tuue.
Yes, there, he's lit,
And now. he's hit.
I missed him. lliere, lies
tam verv nnstukeu views us to the 1y
Jaw relative to newspapers and j You little nuscreau. still buz, an
subscribers, we publish a synopsis j While I arise, do vou still sing.
of it, as follows: That blow hurts worse than would your
1. Any person who recieves a pa- T, stlllS ,
1 , , . . -1 It only I coiud linn you now-
per, and makes use ot u, wheiher j pa m:sh Vou if I quite knew how.
he has ordered it or not, is held in "
law us a subscriber. An OIiJ-S'asSBiunort Idea.
1. Subscribers who do not inve ex ! The old-fah;oned idea that one should
Aug. '20th, 1SS5.
All Councilinen present, llartman,
presiding. Ordinance Xc. 37 was read
and passed. The finance committee
recommeuded the payment of $45 attor
neys fees to V. J. Orr, 7 to I). I).
Karp, the legal costs in the ease of City
of Weston vs J. fi. Montgomery. On
motion of Mr. Hayes the payment of
last item was postponed until legal ad
viee he secured. Orr's bill of 13 and
larp s lull of ?h were abowed. Ad
journed to meet on 21st of August.
Present llartman. McCoy, Pauly
Hayes, baling and Stcinaker, Hartmau
presiding, Atter reading the law on
t be subject of the cost bill of City vs
Montgomery was taken up and war
rants drawn in favor of the following
witnesses for the citv:
W. H. Getchell, 5.10; S. A. p.arnes,
95.10; U. C. Ogleshy, 1.70; I). D,
Karp, 1.70; J. E. Saling, J?3.40; C. B.
Proebstel, $ 70; and f;r the following
witnesses for the defendant; Baker Bv
land, $3.40; Norman Byland, $0.70;
Cherokee. Bob, S:).70; Vi. S. Graham,
81 70; I). S. Robprts, o50; Perry Mil
ler, $1.70. Recorder's fees to the amount
of $13.45 were allowed. Bill of J. E.
Beam, constable, was referred back to
be itemized. Adjourned.
An OnV.aar.ce in re!a:on t certain H'sdemcan
ors aad V.iitaruSM. ai:a fii1.? penalty.
The ptoi.eox the City oi V.'fcbtun dc ordain as
Si-cnov 1. That ii any person or persons sbal!,
within the limits -f the City ; f 1ft estoff. mali
ciously or wilfully disturb the peace or qa'rt of
any street, avenue. &li?r, lane or neighborhood,
or any family or person or persons by makiiiir
loud or imu3ua! noises, or shall make false alarms
by crying fire, or s nll threaten or commit a
saa'.t or assault ai3 battery, or shall use any
mews or device vhatpoever tie as to disturb the
peace; or if any j;r3on or persons shall ubuae
any animal, or bhalf i.i aHd or public maimi-r
uer cbsreue or indeeer.t lan'utttr, every7 such
often-icr &hail be deemed guilty uf a breach of
this ordinance, and on conviction thereof shall
forfeit and pay any sura not exceeding Fifty dol
lars, nor less than Five Dollars, or be imprisoned
not uiure than twenty days in the City Jail, or by
both tine and imprisonment.
Skc. 2. Every person who s!iall be found drunk
or intoxicated in any street, lane, avenue, alley
or open ground, or any public plane within the
City of Weston, or in any private lot or grounds
or place, withont the assent of the occuint, or
be found asleep in any such place, shall, on con
viction thereof, be fined in any sum of not less
than Five nor more than Firry Dollars, or by not
lfs than three nor more tlia n t enty days in the
City Jail, or by both fine and imprisonment; and
when siu h uerson or persons sha.l be arrested by
any city officer whPe intoxicated, the said officer
shall commie the offender t jail or Sftme plane of
confinement in tlie city, there to remain until he
or thsy become sober, "when it shall be the duty of
fiid officer to carry such offender before the
Recorder to be dealt with according to law and
the provisions vi the ordinances of said City.
Six. 'A. Whoever shall, within t lis limits of said
Citv. (listrnb or disquiet any iv!ii;ions or other
i.iUiUi a;-mniae or asocial kmi m people, ny
rMde or iiMc"it. ot-Vavior, pr uaiie dis-.-ouiae, or
otii-rwise.vliail h. deemed juiit1. of a l'usdemc-an-
or, and, on convictiou thereat, shall l;e lined in ,
any sum not exceeding: One Hundred Dollars nor
man l ive Joi;ars, or by not in;re than
Twenty Days in City Jail, or by both fine and im
pxirfonment. fc'i:c.4 Whoever shall, within the limits of said
Citv, appear in a:iy public plaee in it statu vt nu
dity, or in a dres:, not bclomrin to his o r her sex,
r.r in air-- indecent or lewddrejs.or bliall make an
inrt''eiA exixjR'.rj of his or her porson, or be
jruilty of any lewd acts or behavior, or shall pub
licly exhibit or sell or offer tu sell any indecent
or lewd book, pieture or thing, or shall exhibit or
perf r.nyny indecent, immoral or le.-d play or
icprt-sertution, shall be deemed guilty of a mis
demeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall for
every ofien.-t; be fined in any sum of not more
thun One Hiuidnd Dollars nor less than Five
I hilars, or by nut more than Twenty Pays in tho
City Jail, or by b'.ih fine and imprisonment.
Ssi. 0 No person shall, within the limits of
the City of Weston, lire or discharge any cannon,
musket, rifle, pistol, fowling piwee or other fire
arms, ext ent it is dime in a case ;ti necessity or in
the performance of a public act or lawful duty;
or discharge or wet olfany cracker, rocket, torpe
do, squib, or other fireworks within the limits of
said City without pcrmisMon first obtained of the
: Mayor. Kverv person so offending shall, on con
viction, be fined in any sum not exceeding Fifty
Dollars nor less than Five Dollars, or by impris
onment in the City Jail not more- than Twenty
l fis, or by both line and imprisonment.
S::e. ti. So person shall, in any of the streets,
lanes, avenues, athys or public grounds, make
or kindle any lires u'i'.hin the limits of said City
without first having obtained permission of the
City Marshal. And every persn so offending
shall, on conviction thereof, forfeit and pay any
smo not exceed) ult Ten Dollars nor less than One
Dollar, or by not more than Five Days in the
City Jail, or by both fine and imprisonment for
each oficn-e.
S:-;c. 7, That it shall lie unlawful for anj person
or persons to ride or drive any horse, mule or an
imal within tlie cify limits at a furious or reckless
g:iit, or in any other manner that will endanger
tin; safety of children or other persons in the
streets or other parts of tho city, or disturb the
place of tlie inhabitants. Any person violating
tiie provisions of Ihis section shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction
thereof, be lined in any sum not exceeding Twenty-Five
Dollars nnrless than Five Dollars, or by
not move than Twenty Days in the City Jail, or
by both flue and imprisonment for each offensa.
but. f. o person shall put or cause to he put
or, having our. shall sutler to remain at any plaee
in the City of Weston any dead hurs, cow, hog,
dog, sheep, or the carcass of any animal whatso
ever; and any person so oiTending shad, on con
viction thereof, be fin yd in any sum not exceed
ing One Hundred PJ.hirs nor less than m Dol
lar, or by not more than Twenty Days imprison
me:it in thy City Jail, or by both line and iui
prUonmunl for each Mid every offense.
Skc. 9. When any dead animal rhall be found
in the limits of thu City of Weston, it shall be
tlie duty of the person owning such animal it the
time of its death to cause the same to be remov
ed to without the limits of said City without de-
lav, and if any owner or owners of anv dead ani
mal, on being notified by Uie City Marshal or any
ottier person, shall, after reasonable notice, re
fuse or neglect to remove tho same, it may be re
moved bv the City Marshal at the expense ot said
owner or owners, or at ths expense of any p ;rson
or persons knowu to have placed such dead ani-
nmle.t a;iy place within the city limit, and the
same msv he collected bv action of debt before
the Kecurdcr: Provided, the payment of such ex
pense shall not in any wise exonerate or absolve
anv pi-ion or persons from the line or penalty
iinp-iScd by this iSecrion. Any person or persons
who s:i.ir ii.'.ec.t to comply with the provisions
oi" this section shall, on conviction thereof, forfeit
and p;iv any sum imt exceeding Ten Dollarw nor
leys then One D-Mlar, or shall be imprisoned in
the C'ifu Jaii nut more than Five Da ya nor less
than One Da
Sec. 10. When anv dead fthimal nbatl be fotmd
or left witliiu the limits of the Cj-y of Weton
and shao not be removed within a reasonable
length of time, it shall be the duty of the City
Matshal, on complaint thereof being made to him
by any p.-rson, to cause Cue saiiie to be removed
at t!;e"c:;pcnsu of the City, and to enforce the
provisions of th;3 Ordinance in relation thereto
against all ofienders.
Skc. II. Any person who shall dig or remove
earth or sand from any of the streets, aile.'s or
sidewalks, or shall throw or deposit any di it or
trash th-.-reoii so as to make them uneven, or
throw or cause to be thrown or deposited in any
part of the Citv of Ve:;ton any vegetable.?, meats.
slops or other filth which by decomposition or
putrefaction will produce an oirensive smell,
v. ueivhy the he-utii of any community- may he
affected or endangered, snail, on conviction there
of, be lined in anv fun not exceeding Fifty Dol
lavs nor less than 1-ive Dohars, or uy noc more
than 'i weiity Da;, s imprisonment, or by both fine
and iijiinisonuitiit.
Skc. i. Any jerson who shall fasten, hitch or
tie any hoive, mule, as or ci'ttle to anv shade
tree growing on anv of the streets of the Citv
Weston, or to anv boxing ;laced around sucli
shade trier;, orshall in any mau.ier injure any
stnde tree or tre.-:s standing on any public
square, or shall cut, break or destroy any 1 imp,
lamp post, il'Ag pole or other public property be
longing to toe City of Weton, shall, on convic
tion thercot, oenned in any sum not exceeding
Fiiry l.illars nor less than Two Dollars, or be
imprisoned ?tot more than Twenty Days nor lew
than Out! Day.
Skc. Any person who s-hall ride upon or
across, or drive, or cause to pass over or across
any improved sidewalk or any paved gutter in
tlie said city, w ith anv b.orse, mine, team, wagon,
c nt., !ed, carriage or other vehicle, or any tim
ber or otiier material drawn by any horsi or
horse:;, oxen or other animals, except at the reg
ular crowing places where the alley intersects the
street, shad, on conviction thereof, forfeit and
in force from nd after its arjf-wAi by the
Ap;roed August 20th, IPS'.
Chairman and Acting Mayor.
W. K, JONES, Recorder.
International Hotel,
Comer Third and E Streets,
Our facilities are such t hat wc dety com
petition. This is the largest and
most respectably kept hotel
in ths Northwest.
Board and Lodging, $1 per Day.
Hefts 35c. Lodgiag 25 aatl SOe.
Free bus to and from the house. No
Chinese Employed. Three blocks
from all railroad depots. Three blocks
from all steamboat landings.
O. Clark, Ageut. ;
I5KatMutn St.
The Walla Walla Business Collkor, of Walla
Va!!:i, W. T., offers superior advantages to the
young and middle-aged of both sexes who desire
to obtain a business education in the shortest
time consistent with thorough work, and at the
least expense. Private and class iindTnction day
and evening Student admitted any Hire. Cir
cular on application, S. THACKHR,
Ir 3m Principal.
Notice for Tublicatiou.
Land Okficb at La Grande, Oregon
August , 1SS5.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, ard that
said proof will bcma.de before the County Clerk
of Umatilla County, Oregon, at Pendleton, Ore
gon, on October 6, 1SS5, viz:
Ebon ft. Waterman
B. S. Xo. 54 12, for the northwest quarter of sec
tion 26, township o north, range S4 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
Oeorge W. Raymond, Henry Derrick, J. S. Zer
ba and E. J. Zerba, all of Ccntrrville, Oregon.
23 Register.
Notice for Publication.
Land Ofvick at La Grande, Orkgox, )
August 19, 1SS5. f
Notice is hereby (riven that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before E. K. Barker, a
Notary Public, at Centerville, Oregon, on Octo
ber 3d, 1SS5, viz:
JuhnM. Goodman
I. S. No. 6142, For the southwest quarter of
section 12, township 5 X., H. :3 east, W. M.
She names the following witnesses to prove hi
continuous resiueiiee upon, ana cultivation oi
said land, viz:
John K. Vincent. A. B. MEwan. Ed White-
man and Itobcrt SU'Kwan, all of Centerville, Or.
23 Register.
Bood lews to rarmersl
Ship your Wheat with-
who have made arrangements for recelvlund forward
ing the same to their San FranciscQ Hapse Ott
Storage, to await a better market.
Liberal Cash Advances
Made at a fair rate of interest, and satisfactory returns'
Don't dispose of your wheat before calling
on us.
Wc have made satisfactory arrangements' for a low rate"
of storage in Sau Francisco
But do your shipping with the Old Reflabfd
House of
Schwabacker Brothers.
The Portland Business College, Portland, Ore-
gin, offurs superior private and class instruction
to the young and middle-aged of both sexes who
de&ireto obtain a practical education in the short
est time consistent with thorough work, and at
the least expense. Day and evening sessions
throughout tho year. Students admitted any
time. Catalogue on application.
A. P. AiutsraoNe, Principal.
Centerville House,
This new and commodious hotel has just beon
completed anu is now ready lor the
reception of guests.
The Rooms are 3!! Neatly Furnished
loots and Shoes
Weston, Oregon.
The table will at all times be fnrniahed with the
delicacies of tlie season.
No effort will be spared to make guests com-fortable.
Large Sample Room
i 1 a
for every ottence any sum not exceeding Five
Don't forget that Keese & Redman
are located at Adams, and do a bofs'
Steinaker & Co. keep tnc Duckiugbain
& Hecht's bauts and hhues.
Stcinnker S: Co. have tlie largest and
beat assortment of wall paper m Wcslon.
bartrins in pla-sware
j if.iiL;rs inr ic :s man me ijouar; i'rov:ae.t mat
j inly occni'ant of any lot, jard or warehouse may
have aeevss to the wimc by placing in front tiierc
1 of, at bis or hiT own ejeijse, witii tho consent
j and direction of the Mayor, a tomjiorary bridge
! cr earnaje way over tne gutter and curmu in
r-;i'b a maimer as v.iil preserve the bams from in-
jury or obstruction.
Si.c I t. Any pern or persons who shall place,
! Fasten or leave sstandinany horse, nuirt', g-eldin,
nuiler a on any imciovcd siucwaltc or in any
1 wjv obs-truet a sidea;k or crossing within tlie
i t.'ity ei VestnnT shal!, on co:ivieti'n tlisrcx't", be
fiurd On-.- JJoHar for each an 1 every ofFetie.
i tfi-x. 10. Any person or I'ersens wlio thall
in uv.y way or manner obstruct any
and ; or improved - sidewalk in the City
:3t')n. shall, on conviction tnreor, ?iay cou-
tne same, and s ich
enen.--eof reuairin:
-Reebe & lied man t Adams, are pav- i an:o'.!.;i may ne recovery! by any ptrson by ac-
1 1 I :,n til i i nf. ti t:irt' 1 lic'tmli r fit thp f itv urn.
rrcss notice to the contrary are con- j never enter a sick room with an empty j ing the highest market r.its for wheat, j viiieii, tii,.t th.s Sc-tiua snuil not in any inanusr
j i i i - ctumipli i: a triif one Tlie gastric I , ,. . , .', I'rcvtnt tiie colkttioo of any tiiiu for a breach of
suiured as wishing to continue their i VVUA?11 Is a . , . ' , ' t" f(- Steinakcr & Co. make a sicialtr of -.isoniiiw.-HK.
subscriptions I1".1 n31 ?,!Crr, Cli '! 1 a, n?n Jp cnts' clnthins and fnrniM.ing Roods. 1 Srx.M. T;t no irivor any team , hall .top
t i a-:h: It is only when foml is taen into 7, , , .. .r.-i . n . .. . Vm .r.;e in tav strett. ianejor aller in the Citv
i. It su'oscriuei'S order the discon-! the stomach ami disestion commences j 1 "l A lu"-'" j ...fVc-st.-.iia t irvnt the va-sia of otlier
that the gastrie juice is present. All B.lMiead, letter-heads, ncte-hcad,, I ItStaSfa? Ai"r1S
rrrm are killed by coming in contact etc, printed and pot up in tablets at KT,w.:t so a w r-rsvent free naswre A fcot
iL-m: rs, Ai.'i ail iK-rsoiis who fh.il! vioiate tins
S.tTio:: i:l!L i:i (-iFiVit-rii ,n iht-rrxir he finfH in
k!Bd-4 of : su:.. :i'-t c:.'.etN4.::i - Twuiiy-tivc ticl ars nor
(1 . kr..--iha:i Two Lol'. :ra, or sh.VU he imprisoned not
i k'M th'-in or.c d::v nor more than ton days.
s s-f.c IT. i: ar.y r .r".n or persons bhall he
fiui.ty ot an lnnecent e:ai;hiti'jn oi ariy
h-j:.-e ir horst'S, jr:c! or i-u;ky, in tiie Cry
taie 01 tfrecon v, iciriner uirecuon, are lietu respon- : it ensures wrnuer digestion and assimi- i r,pr box ot 250. i eonviaioii tiiere-f, shnii he r.ncii
tinuanco of their periodicals or pa-
norB t Yin 1 . i 'h li. mn.T nnn 1 1 ii .1 a
1 ,'. , 1 . I with healthy gastric juice therefore a j the Leaokk office at Portland prices,
the city of Vt.w, ,,rn,nt,l 1 u .,;Tl ' VV' n',. The Leadkr office dees all
bill fur attornera fea for tho fallow. i Si.lis,.r;i,pr u-l,o n to nH,pr ' vens l)vsieiia ("tire is especially 1 1? wor11 ln ,lrs''-,;IasS J10 al 1 -na-
ing ca.es: "fi'.y of Weston vs. J. II. ! places and fail to inform the publish- j dsVted to act upon the digestive juices , l,nccs- .
Iontifniii.ri. t w i i. ! ' i . .t ! of the system anl keeps them in a pure The best quality of enveiones furnish-
papers are seni to me i anJ ,.atul..,i condition. In this manlier e(j an,l printed at LiJAUEIt ofiice for
uirection, are held respon- s it ensures proper digestion and assimi- j t,Cr box of -200.
Desiring to dispose of eur large stock of
been appointed agent at WESTON fof
for the sale of the following
we will offer at Public Sale, at our etore
in l eston, on
Saturday, September 1 2th,
our entire stock, consisting of
and all kind of
We carry a feill stock of
Household Furniture, iu
wnlaut, ash and nine: also,
a larjre assortment of ('hairs
Mattresses, Spring Beds,
Lounges, etc. A smnply on
sand ol House
Doors and Sash.
Eatchelors & Wylj e's
Harrows, Cultivators and Seeders.
MITCHELL'S well known Wagons, Hacks and Busgteo
The Western Fanning Mil),
the hest on the Coast, warranted to separate oats fttfd
harley from wheat, taking oat everything and leaving
nothing hut the clean wheat.
Uorack's Celebrated Draper Goods,
Iron fastenings on the end of sticks, preventing thenY
The Hollingsworth Hake, Self-Dumping.
Walker's Wrought Tubular and Cast-iron Feneet
All orders filled with promptness and at Walla Walh
Call and examine Goods and prices.
(Iflice on Haia St., one door east of Marshall House.
. .i, i i Bi'r
The Painter,
Weston Oreo
. n. Letclicll, $50. The bill was re
(erred w Finance Conin-.iuee. At the
it mcetin- 0 the Council the coiiuait
t rortcd in favor of ,y,j. cvs i
th. Iim two ea,., (l,ut oot ; tue ,hil.a
,'., ' w,3 drawn. Huw j left shoulder, aud l
do lawyers divi.l. . ii
im.ir ices, anyway? One has a white npot on forehead; the
There will be a M Convention ,,lcr ,,as na w''itc "'J llim- 1,e l'rses
of all the Sunday Scliool W" k ' aro 15 iia'" high, weigh about 1000 Ihs
thiseouutv ho! 1 at l.i orker "".each, are eix years oid and are work
o .7 !T-," . ' 'aM!,0" on Sept. lor,eS. Twc n?v Dollars reward will be
-..u .,u -u m wii- i.apust church. Al ! P;d for their delivery at the liverv sla-
$50 Kf ward.
Lost, ou June 4th, 1SS5, one rnateh
ed span uf sirrcl horses, brund on
latiou of thu food. It Mover fails to et-
j fpet a cure in the ir.t-st obstinate cases
i of l").vspp!.iat Indigestion, Flatulency
; and Sicl;hi!;idaelie. Sa:iiile bottles free
i at W. II. McCoy's drti store.
Xolice (u Oi linqtu i'.is.
Siu:::irr's Office, f
PENni-KTOx, Umatilla Co.. Or.
Ordinance So. 3i.
An Ordinance f'cnccrnfns Offcnsci
.s:i:usl Official Autliorit.
SECTt' 1. Fa!?flvr"presntins to be an oifi-c-r:
reiting an otiicor.
-. lira::inir or ctaf.in from c:t? prij'.n
from cU5Tii of oiEver.
i:y suiii uot e:;tti;iij i wcriy collars nor Its
ti:un I :ve L'.-.iuri, or i-i iriii...,:.Tit-,l ir; W n (.'ity
.i nit :;ol iii'.T'j than Tc:i Ita' a ;ior !e3 than To
li.v s.
.-ur. 1?. That an t.Kdr.n- .!-r::'c.t "An Or.
(ii:.a:j-c :n I: ;!uti',n to certain M ief-irior?. a!:(l
Nui-ct, ' ar. i c-i i-! ov.; iK :.--;:u'ovr 20t;:.
1 r . no and tliv -ir.i ': ij ;rf-"ry n-j-ta'ci.
Ax. 19. Ti.fa uniiuuitve snf.'l u .Tcct and
Terms Cash.
Bon't fail to come and se
cure bargains. 1
GGopsr, Scliniuek
& Garnett.
Corner Main aud Water Sts.,
which time th County Sunday School I !'ie w-"oi:
To the delimjueut taxpavcrs of said Sr.?. 3. Penalty, etc
countv 1 The people of tr.c City of Wcsto.. lo orda:.! a
You arc hcrebv notified that if the , fo',"-n'iN 1. Whoever shall, in this cit; . false'.;,
tax for 1SS4, and all unpaid taxes prior represent hini5c:t w be an offi.-e- this cit.-. r-i
.1.... j.. i ,',!! .-ithoui heir.; (iu:y a--';hJr..7..-d by .ncci.v.
Anv intormation lea.l- I i ; ., "' j ZVr'iJw oi fac datiw, famwioriw
A.-ociation will be perfected m , i ,nB to their recovery will be liberally "ft pai.l hy semwr ut, ;ss. m.ie- ( ..l!5ct-r. or!han h :,!.-r. fvwrt ro-m.
1 . nQ tue : .- , ..... .t.. w: i hi. rn fv'p, with s.li l ' . . ,r . t.. i:t ripr. o.str.ct -r rc..... or ot j-
Interuatioual plan. A fine programme!
lmbeeu rreiiared. Mr. E. tl. Wh.l. i
. er, of the Intcruatioual Executive Cm-
.mittce, is expected to be present, to-;
tether With Mr. K. ti. Wheeler n A... .,
th. !, n..... r?,st ' August,
t ....ij , ui.tia ucat v.
Other speakers have also bveii secured,
and a grand meeting is arranged. Come!
nd bring a delegation from your school.
Please cxteud the notice. The first sea
ion will he on tbcvcuing of Sept.
Day too, W. T.
so scarce. Harvest has come. Farmers.! m.n'fromthe ca-iy '!- oQ
can eel advances. L.aoorers can oraw , ! n-aotjiiu iu..ty ta:ii.-:ni.-a
their waires. IiV deuv lonser. as in i s-tc. 2. II any
. . . .
"MU OI LqiaiKIUOII. ho r .-a ...a IV I P IV
'"'Kf is ttcrev civen that on ilon- ! many instances 10 wan ui oe i j -"rr.T.r0i.,.'f this Otv for any r.nBW
i thj city nrm.or li!'
eJ cr irn-
.n cLi-.ly of
We are now prepare to receive on consighmeBt,
buy or HkOre
Thus giving you choice In disposing of your crop.
Grin Sacks for Sale.
Also LUMBER, rough or drewed, for aie it
reaon&ble rates and Ln quantities to suit.
Wheat received on con-ifmment or for storage at
Jenterv;lle ana rjuttiana. anl bought
at any railroad station.
Centerville - - - Oregon.
1SS3, the
i. . -
-oara ot taauIiiUea wiil attend
tne since of the County Clerk of Uma
M.a County, Oregon and publiclv ex
amine tiie assessment roll for the' pur-
from two to ten timrs tie aniouut you ;
now owe. W M. Maf.tis
g errors, omission, &c.
CP. Davis,
srr A.
police. .emur
H. McArthur notifies those interested j
that he holds the l.oois or the C ;ty ; rwiar
Drua Store for collection, and all moa;y irrmisnrnieit.
ever, or saail aia.,.i ; .
1 dv s-tKch no he cSK-r-4. sum pe:v,a j
isr.allboteinieJshtyofair.isa..'ii.!.-ia:;r. . .
for Infants and Children.
Caatcria !a go wen adapted to children that I Castorla cares CbHe. Coasttpatlia,
hail f..neirana pa., i , u. a. axzsa, n. eestion.
f not less t;n i ive v. r''.;-.'-'L,, - i JSs. OzSrd SrsoUia. S. Y. 1 TC&ouS iniedoas aedicatfnn.
-.QV .iav. iir bv io;r. 5 -C.a Trr rt vi im ryoivr TV.Hm Gt Tff '
Krkonl KnyjpileA, XoTellir, I isrv, T
feaficp. toor-!tnerj , r.tr., oT
Odor of Forest Sparkle of Stream.
Io voa own a aron. or a "fish-pol."
dog r rifle? Ever gu aofin, or hoot jay
trampinfr. or camfintr. ' canirrrf or fvzbikitff
Have you s Ut lor ttudylng the (aMt oi tk
Dimi or anunaW! Vo tou Know thai lor ten
rs we have been ptibliahinc . bricht weoUy
Iaper derrited to thew au Mortal It tfr
vou to lo-k at a copy of the Forest aa4' Slmun. .
There u no other paiier in the world lort Ilk lis
AMre Foreitt and Stream PtMiilUr Bo., W
Park Row, New York.
Sale of County Poor Farm.
Notice it herehr efeem tkttaci WedieiMV tUS
ninth day of Heiitember, IttHS, at two e'cloeV f .
iu w Miu wJ . wnv VBUciwgueu WUi
offer H rraUie tale, yp the nlrhat end btet VkS
der, at the court Irmteedcor, in Pertdletri; 6rw-
S'ot, me am kboii we mmf roer f&no.
eituated on Hrcb creek, t'matflta cOTXrhri Ore
(run, (3nitle Jro ?iH RockJ. a(td parbcaUrlr
described as fciltows: The went hilf ot the aoirtfc
exst qoarter and tba ewt ballot the Marthwee
quarter ot Metibn 23, towlaihtp 1 eoath e naco
it 2. W. M, tvBtwniinr 1 W acre:
One-thi al T'Orcfaaae prJe, Cwlhi ene-tUtd f
the end obe y-ar, eti GDe-aira at the end or
i yeer. jne kovmi ewq rtwu lm'
rrew interen at the rase OI tee per cent.
cent, per
num fron date ol Me until pik, and to be eeear--
enutl niornjac O" tne properry. I on per ewai.
fiivmxn Will bealicweit m two-third ot parcbaer -price
il the whole smmnt ii paid at the time c
aaie is SewM wioney of tb United Mtetca. The
( nrcecier wdi be civen p oweerlon on OeteUy
1st, Ssss. ,
innt this 7h dry ol Aosnnt. tSSS.
t.J. I.UCT, County Jodfm.
t.J. BAl Jr,ADSEk. Coat- '
jdueih.t Ve p.iMpros,ptIr. j r7'1
At the TSf Store . MILTON", OIL