Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, August 28, 1885, Image 2

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    Weston Weekly Leader.
FRIDAY, AUGUST '28, 1885.
Wallowa Lake, Aug. 2-i.
For tii I.hvlkb.
. TuoDon,"oppo'"on is th life
trade," monopolies do not necesnar
ily kill trad or business. Monop
olies are however none tbu less
. oneroas Ucituso they Wisely refrain
from taxing trade mere tbaa it can
bear. TheO. K it$. Co. would
be committing suicide to charge the
producers cf the Inland Empire
wore than the traific can stand.
" liut whenever a monopoly has it
in its power to say abide ty our
terms or leave theoi alone, the
terms are apt to be eppressive.
This is certainly the case with the
bufievolent monopoly. Eastern
Oregon hss been tho prey of mo
tionolies. One of the worst of
these has been the Insurance mo
nopoly or Compact, which discrim
Lutes against Eastern Oregon.
Some time ago the principal insur
anca companies on the Coast form
ed themselves into a Compact hav
ing uniform rates. This prevented
cutting and competition. One cf
the first acts of the Compact was
to increase the rate of expouures in
Eastern Oregon. There being no
... . .
real competition the Uonopact said
take our terms or do without, and
the people of Eastern Oregon had
to submit. It is gratifying to learn
that in California tUere is a flatter
ing prospect that the Compact will
speedily be broken up. Should
this happen Oregon will probably
follow suit. ' This is needed. We
need opposition iu trade, competi
tion to keep prices within reasona
ble limits in insurance as well as in
The past year has been one of
general business depression. Hard
times necessitate economy. It
would be interesting to ascertain in
what direction people have econ
omiaed. Not certainly in that
which many would: suppose might
most easily be dispensed 1 with.
Statistics clearly prove that there
has been no diminution in the sale
nd consumption of intoxicating
liquors. Times may have been
hard and money scarce, but people
have not denied themselves in the
liquor line. Perhaps they econom
ised on tobacco. For the fiscal
your ending June 30 1885 the
cigar factories returned for taxation
9C,64C,384 cigars less than they
did r. the previous year. But to
offset this attempt at economy on
the part of smokers they returned
150,659,515 raoro cigarettes, 758,-
049 j more pounds of snufT, and 2,
822,200 more pounds of tobacco
than they did the previous year.
Hard times evidently drove men
from smoking cigars to smoking
cigarettes and to indulging in snuff
ing and chewing tobacco. But this
tit of economy was very light, show
ing only a self-denial per capita of
five cigars during the year. So the
tobacco'' trade did n"t lose ground.
Tho revenue collected for 1883-84
from tobacco was $2(5,002,400 and
in 1881-85 20,407,088, an increase
of $344,088. It would be interes
ting of ascertain wherein the peo
pie did economise.
Some years ago, and by some
years I mean six or seven, I read
an inviting, indeed an enchanting
account of the wonders and pictur
esque beauties of the Wallowa
Lake and the perilous horrors of
the almost interminable Wallowa
Canyon. The aforesaid account in
gratiated itself into my confidence
and by reason of the character of
the party by whom it was rendered,
it left such an impression on my
mind that time nor distance had
not dimmed it. The beauty of the
Wallowa River can hardly be ques
tioned by the crustiest of sight-
seekers; it runs its crystal waters
over a rocky bottom with a decliv
ity of fifty feet to the mile. He
who has acquired the art of fishing
is captured by its possibilities for
real sport. The lnh banks and
rocky hills which enlock the limpid
waters of the Wallowa River, are
indeed rugged and precipitous and
for nine miles are a source of won
der and labor to travel over. This
is the only toll road in the county
and the toll will likely be removed
before many months are over. The
route through the lower, middle
and upper Wallowa valleys, for a
distance of forty miles, at this sea
son of the year when . hay is being
made and the golden harvest being
cut, is delightful to the eye ' and
encouraging to the hardy settlers
who have encountered the priva
tions of opening up the country.
The distance and difficulty of ship
ping grain will soon necessitate a
railroad. After escaping from the
Wallowa Canyon, with its rocks
and hills and grouse and deer and
bear and passing into the
middle valleys, the tourist, dry
and with a keen appetite reaches
Lostine, where lift cooks and eats
his own dinner if he wishes to rel
ish it. This is a prosperous little
town of perhaps one hundred in
habitants, containing two stores and
a blacksmith shop, but without a
doctor, lawyer orsaloen. Ihe Los
tine school house -however is a dis
graceful looking hovel, without a
door, the windows all broken and
the whole structure a very strong
indication that there is some unpro
gressive element dominating the
fortunes of- Lostine. From Los
tine to Joseph, a distance of about
twenty miles and along the course
of the swift running Wallowa is a
succession of thrifty farms; and to
the north, a width of twenty miles,
is a succession of rolling hills and
all adapted to the production
grain. At present cattle and sheep
team unobstructed by fences over
this excellent grazing expanse,
I'inally the town of Joseph is reach
d. It irets its name from chief
Joseph of Indian territory. It is
a modest little village, built on a
rocky flat about three quarters of
a mile from the Wallowa Lake,
which I had traveled over eighty
miles to look at and fish in. I did
considerable looking, but miserable
fishing; that is, I caught a misera
bly small number. Perhaps an ex
hibit of the pecuniary feature of
the expedition may not be destitute
of interest.
Wallowa Lake trip in account
The steamer Klamath City is
again making regular trips between
Linkvillo and the fort.
To 6 days' hack hire, $5. . . .
30 00
fishiug tackle, flies &c 15 00
"blankets, damaged 10 00
" grub box, frying pan &e 12 00
" 5 lbs salmon eggs at Lake. . o 00
" use of bout 2 days 5 00
The government geological survey
party are now taking observations
in and near Goose Lake valley. :
The melon crop of Wasco county
is an immense one thi3 season and
thousands are shipped from The
Dalles daily.
J. C. Fairchield, n old bachelor
residing on full Pickett creek,
Josephine county, was found dead
in his cabin recently.
The lands of the military svagon
road claim in .Lake county are
assessed at S3,250 this year, $42
245 more than last year.
The Ashland -woolen mills are
running oa full time on a number
of orders from San Francisco and
Portland jobbing houses.
The hay crop has all been put up
on Smith river, without any damage
and will be a-uply sufficient to sup
ply the market.
James Ferren, of Slate creek,
Josephine county, killed a grizzly
bear weighing 700 pounds, at his
ranch, recently.
The vild plum crop of Klamath
county and other sections in Oregon
is reported short this year because
of the spring frosts.
The logging camps on Smith river
above tide water, are all running
with full crews, nnd will continue
to do so until the rainy ssuson sets
Mr. Sergent, while mining on
Brush creek, in the steamboat dis
trict, picked up or.e piece of gold
weighing $25 and another worth$7,
W ednesuay.
The yield of gold in Jackson
county exceeds $100,000 annually.
Its value is greater than the profits
of either agriculture or manufac
turing in the same county.
The new flume of the Big
Klamath Ditch company has been
completed, which will enable the
difeh to carry 400 or 500 inches
more of water than has been run
ning in it heretofore.
Berryman & Co., who a-e mining
in the bed of Applegate creek, clean
ed up $50 to $70 during the first
three days, when they were com
pelled to suspend work for some
changes in their flume.
Mr. John Matthews, one of the
pioneers of Jackson county, died
last Wednesday at home near .Eagle
Point, from typhoid fever. Mr.
Matthews came to this valley, at an
early day in its settlement
and located a home on Little Butte
creek. He died aged 70 years.
The house on the farm of Claude
Hill, in Little Butte precinct.
Jackson county, was destroyed by
fire one day last week, as also were'
many of its contents. The loss will
not' fall much short of $1000, upon
which7 there is no insurance.
The barn or C. G. Palmer, of
Griffin's creek, Jackson county, was
burned to the ground last luesda',
together with some of its contents.
The loss is several hundred dollars,
as there was a considerable quantity
of hay stored in the barn at the
time, The origin of the fire is unknown.
Three Chinamen were drowned j
in the Grazer river, a. V.. Jbnciay
their boat being overturned by a
passing steamer.
A congress of Mormons has been
held in Holland. A report read
states there has been a decrease in
the number of Dutch going ta Salt
it i
Lake, and also a decrease in the
number of converts to the faith in
There was a grand morality de
monstration at Hyde Park, attend
ed by at least 150,000 people, main
ly women. Hundreds of banners
were borne, all having inscribed on
them such mottoes as "Save our
daughters," etc.
King Alfonzo of Spain has do
nated $20,000 to the Granada chol
era fund. It was badly needed.
Hundreds of people have died in
the streets and it is almost impossi
ble to get men to remove the dead
bodies. Convicts are liberated for
that purpose.
'K . mo c
Rheum atism, neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache,
B.ra Ihraat, SwellSne. Sprelns, Bruise,
Bumm Scaldn, FroM Kites,
Sold by D ruggits and Dealers everywhere. Fifty Cents a
bottle. Directioai in 11 Languaecs.
to A. vuuuuivu.i jsajuaare, jio 1. o.
Campbell & Callweii's
is here for a j
to make all kinds of
j3e wtu woii; ea.iy and ia:e iitea a wiioli
sonic reliable medicine like PFUNUKRS ORE
GON ELOOD PURIFIER. As a remedy and
preventive of diseases it cannot be beat. It
chtc-s rheumatism and JlaJ&ria, relieves Consti
pation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness,, and puts fresh
cnery into the system by ni.Viin Xew, Rich
Blood. All Trujists and Dealera keep it. $1.00
bottles, 6 for $o.0C. 3o2m
Stoves and Hardware
Adams, Oregon.
Keep always in stock a select assortment of CUT
LERY of the best branus, and a full line of
Wood and Willow Ware.
Xails, Bolts, Screws, Files and everything; in
tneir line that farmers need. Patronage
rcspectiully tjolicud and
Fair Treatment Guaranteed
reasons who suffer from Indigestion
sm arrest the progress of that i 'air.iul
na'r.'Jy by tho use of an aftcr-ini:cL-
ni? I rt .ftTnnnvpi! v.mI -i o T.,:ir
;oi;!ie stoii.nh. urc-wiir. ho-iribr.rr. rouc !
he- liver to lieaiiluu! a-t;c:i, invigorate j
;h& kidneys, r.nd thus, through the aciivity
)f these orgaiis, promote the natural
rovement ot the stomach ami bowels.
A .tub's Pills are so coinpoimil. il that
:'ieir action, though mild, ftlt'etiially pro
vinces the above results. They aiVo, in
.urinsr Constipation, remove the cpuse of
biliousness. Liver Complaint, Kidney Ills
ease, Hheuuratism, and many oiher serious
contain no mineral nor poisonous, sub
stance, and do not (i-ipe unless- the
bowels are irritated, and even then their
inilucuee is heaiiiiij. To continue their
effect in constipated or chronic cases, they
need only be taken in diminishing instead
of increasing doses. 1'or seamen, and in
habitants or travelers in snarsdv tctiled
countries where physicians mx- not at
hand, they are of inestimable value.
There is liardlv a sickness thev will nut
alleviate, and in most cases cure, if taken
promptly. To young girls just entering
upon womanhood, and to women wiioie
period of maternity is urawins lo a close,
Aver's Fills, in moderate dosos, Eerely
su'fiieient to ensure regular action of tiie
bowels, will be found of
Read and Hearl
Be sure and see the undersigned before
disposing of your
- l;1! tret.
fey f ?9 bfSM
II i
The most favorable terms given en eon
siguuisnts. Will also buy
A. J. Rouanzoin.
Quacknbush & Co.,
iTSTAffenfc for Sibton
Poxtliiid .
500,000 BUSHELS
for which the highest market price will
be paid. Also, same amount of
Parties having barley can have sacks
furnished by me. I receive at any ship
ping point, either on river or railroad.
and very reasonable rates of storage
given .
Walla Wqlla - W. T.
Total ?77 CO
Ily one trout 10 inches long $ JO
liy one sight of cinnamon bear in
Wallowa Canyon 10
Looking at Wallowa Lake 76 SU
Tue beneficial efTucts of gonuine
competition are demonstrated by
tho following facta tfiken from the
Portland Standard: Less than twen
ty years ago the managers of trunk
lints ensi' from Chicago did not be
lieve it could be made to pay to j
haol grain from tho west. Prior to
18G9 and back to 1857 the charge
per bushel for wheat from Chicago
to New York, via lake and canal,
was 2j j cents, (since then by
competition, rates hare dropped to
less than 8 cents for lake and canal,
less than 10 cents for lake and rail
and less than 14 cents for all rail
j reduction to one-third of rates
17 years ago. A steamer is now
- '-on its way from Chicago to Montreal
laden with wheat which it carries
for 4 cents a bushel and on which
it hag to pty tolls of '2 cents a ton.
When the natural means of trans
portation in this region are opened,
' wheat can be shipped from the
Inland Empire- to the seaboard for
'' less than it now is from the Miss
issippi valley states.
$77 00
Iu the Wallowa valley there ars
probably two thousand inhabitants
and it contains an area of perhaps
one thousand square miles. Ine
health of the valley is unrivalled.
In the whole valley there is only
one drui; store, one doctor, and one
saloon which is not paying ex
penses. The people of Lostine will
not permit a saloon in their pre
cinct. This is local option. If
this spirit of common prudence
shall alwavs obtain sway in the
I beautiful Wallowa valley the pro
gress) and happiness of its people
cannot bo doubted. Tourist.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Slass,
Sold by all Druggi
FARM iftGi
S. P. WELL, -
I take this method of informing' the puWic, and
the farmers in particular, that 1 have
opened a complete assortment of
Agricultural Implements,
coxsisma OF
Plows and Harrows.
Headers, Wagons, Etc.,
Travelers will rind that this hotel sets
as good a table as is 10 be round in the
whole "Upper Country." Bedrooms
are large, clean ami airy. Every atten
tion paid to Uie comfort and convenience
of guests.
Patronage- Respectfully Solicited.
intend to make a specialty of the celebrated
tho most complete farming implement ever in
vented. Anything I do not happen to have in
stock will be ordered on short notice.
The dethronement of king Claus
Spreckles ftoni his seat on the su
gar monopoly of the Coast has ben
the newspaper topic of the past
week. It u said that the Ameri
can Refinery Company will reign
in his stead. It will probably be
N. Y. special in Chicago Times:
The rumor originating in St. Paul,
and telegraphed here to day, that
an elTort is to be made by the Bil
lings interest at the approaching
stockholders' meeting to reinstate
Henry Villard in the directory of
the Northern Pacific railroad ob
tains no credit in New Yotk. The
street simply laughed at the mere
suggestion. One broker said:
"Henry Villard is as dead as a door
nail. Nothing can ever resurrect
him. The stockholders of the North
ern Pacific worked for months to
get rid of him, and they will not
sutTer his return." The rumor had !
no effect on Northern Pacific se
curities. Mr. Villard is now in
Berlin. There is talk of his return
ing to New York in October.
Immigration into the United
States from foreign countries is
lighter than for several years past.
Fcr seven months, ended July 31st,
the total was 1SS.070, against 217.
33S for the same portion of last
year. Uerwanr is still sending
( EXtltH SEWS.
Itussia has abandoned her claim
to Zuliikar pass.
St. touis will raise $50,001 for
a Grant monument.
France has sent out an envoy to
negotiate a treaty with Chiua.
The Prince of Wales has srone on
a cruise aloug the coast of Norway.
Hanlan won the sculling race
with Lee at Rockaway beach, by
two lengths.
The Mississippi democratic con
vention nominated Ilobert. Lowry
for Governor.
It is reported that the president
will visit Ohio some time before
the October election.
A fire at Tulare, California, des
troyed twenty. five buildings in the
Chinese quarter; loss, '35,000.
The Cunard line steamer Etruria
made her last trip across the At
lantic in six days and two hours.
The Central and Union Pacific
railroads are bending their energies
to save themselves the tea trade.
China has contracted with a Man
chester firm for the construction of
a railway from Pekin to the Yellow
A steamer ran down and sank a
yacht off the ceast of Scotland with
all on board, including the owner,
Mr. Crcssman, and his wife.
Information has been received at
Cairo of a great massacre at Ber
ber. The populace are starving,
and have seized the city treasury.
German-American journalists in
session at Milwaukee perfected per
manent organization and will hold
their annual meeting in New York
next year.
The treasury commission, which
is for the purpose of submitting a
report that may lead to the reduc-
liils Fiiare a paid for by tho
Adams Liv,:ry St lulu..
Established ISGi.
And all inuS a!
! Ekiir i
My New Warehouse
is now ready to receive
I will pay the
tor wheat.
fiSTAgtntfor Matlioit Ero3., Portland, Oregon.
fg. PIERCE.,
Fire-Proai Building, litem Sireet,
one to order in first-class
' In addition to Vac above we vrouTd lcectfully
lmwnri u:e -mrmers ot tne surr.mnaia
coutitrv that now carry a lull
li:is nf
J. E. Casfs ami llandolph
The elehvRte.i Empire Mow
ers a;id the Sttuiebakcr Wag
ons. THAttP BEOS.,
Idanis ' Orcsrcn.
Thos desiring fine, centrally located Business
Lots or beautifully situated Residence Sites in
the thriving new
can be accommodated by calling at the office of the
Adams Peal Estate Association,
er Hanger,
Graining in All Kinds of Wood.
Vm. Lowndes.
Fall term will bcin Tcemliy, September 1st, !
lSS't. No better place in tho Pacific Northwest
to tike a
College Course,
or to prepare for Teachin.T, for B'.islnesa or for
College. Ample bo-rdin f.ciiitici at r-:.;lueed
rates. Send lor Cat.louc to l!j ; t'rc'iiocnt.
A. J. AXlii;.S)'., I'll. 1).,
341m Walla Waila, V..T.
. H Cm tj
ir me rarmers
Notwitlistanlins the low price for wheat,
there are ooI times for the farmers who
deal with RoEESE & REIMXAX, at Adams,
where they get good goods in erery line at
astonishingly low prices.
Our Fail Goods hare begun to arriye,
which we purchased in the best markets at
the lowest possible rates. These advan
tages we will share with our customers.
ur new brick building will be ready for
occupancy ia about forty days, and for. that
length of time we will oner EXTRA IN
and BOOTS and SHOES.
Come and sec us.
Powell & Erwny
and Builders,
Parties who contemplate huiMiTicr no matter
how small or ianre the fJif:ce tviii c-n?u!t ffir
in tt-rc-st by coiualtiT,' us ns t plans, s; eTiik-a- 1
tions ana pnees. ALL w UKiv GL AKA.N XtLU.
Powell & Erwhi.
liGIff FLETSiiJR A!!9 L E. G20L3,
lCAL,na is
Cigars, Notions, Cutlery,
French ard American Candies,
O keeper' ttian ! Ever
.AT.. ...
ira - r-v t ; r
mum aid posik
Our moats arc always froli ami ood
All r;iers filled with promptness.
Satisl'action Guaranteed.
Police for Publication
Land Office at LaGratspk, Orios.
Juir 10th, ISii.
Xotlce is hereby given that the folicwiny
named settler has filed hotice of his intention so
miie final proof in support of his claim, and thai
nothins more than a change ef more ll.au any other country. But ! tion of expenses m that department j 'LLtv.t Lc,!rZ'
is senilin" us i "ave ocSua 'nelr investigations. i August 50th,isio, viz:
masters. What we need is active
competition that will reduce prices
A war cloud the size of a man's
land ia aa welcome to the average
pracger aa was a raiu cloud ia the
time of tke drought.
the only land which
an increased number is Scandinavia. Jud?e Tbomanj 0f ihe dvil 6er.
J. M. Walah and H. T. Bragdin!vic? commission, will conduct ex
of Ashland, have bonded and bought i "-" for oppartnient service ac
Son.equartzied?es on Wagner creek, 1 "elpna,' B', Portland SeP"
Notice fur Pabiicatiou.
Lasd Officb at La GaAXPr-O Rtoos,
Aucust 1S, 15.
Notiro is hfreliv jriven ri- t'-e foiloT.ir.j.
nsmod settler has THed notice of her irit-.-r.tiou to
xnake final proof in suymon of her oiairn, and
t!-.at sai.i rirocif will be made t!.-f:re J. 11. Haley, a
Noiaiv.- Public at I'lindxtjn, Oregon, on
October 3rd, 134, vi:.:
D. S. ?."o. KMO. for the ncrtir.vest quarter of
sretion 4. townsiiip 5 uorth. rjsi 'x Z east. V.".
M. , !
e r.nme the follov.;nc:u'itr.hf:5c-s to prove her t
continuous rcsider.ee upon, aLd cultivation of, I Vii GSlGIl
said laad, viz: '
T. Peterson, of w:ia Wia, VT. 1.: lUrvej E j
Yountr, p. Sturis &nd Kicard Defrtece, oi 1 piopl-o
teiiiaiier So Co-
Watchmaker IJeweler
Post Office Building,
i Slilton, Ortjjcn.
and wjU imraediatelv besin to 1J; eeaj. p.
4oirolnr. ( f 1 ! CISCO Oct. 1.
21 j at San Fran-
uiS gone to work upon them last i Ri.?ht Rev. .Tnrir. J. TCpar.e. Cath-
week. A minin2 expert has rro-; olic bishon of th (lineup nfirli.
tho rock as being verv ! uiond has written a letter to the
There are more thn a thousand
deaths aily in Spain from cholera.
The dread disease is seriously inved
ing Fraace also.
1 promising
Several jn'ar trees in Ashland are
! bearing their second crop, and soae
hive blcssr 51s on there no--.
Hon. A. M. Keilev, minister to
Austria, sympathizing with him in
what hs terms his eharaeful perse
tic n.
f.lllMri ti. C aihrarl,
D. S. No 57S2. for the southeast ijuarter of uc I
tion 30. township 6 north, rane : E. VT. M.
tie names the foilov-'inir wiener??! to i.rove liis i
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, j
sai'i land, vt;: j
Han-ey Younc Richard Pefreese, Vvliliam F.iee !
and Eugene KiSer, ail of Uiiton. Oreuoi. I
2 P.Ciister.
L.lockg ana watches cleaned anri re
j paired Id a skiful mani:c-r at reasonable
Saw Timljef for Sale!
fi.tL, lHitimtHOtV, Oi iiJct. flit.
G-Kwi location . ?nt" of wate
run tr.c vear
Price, 62 per M, !
i !
Kea razors. c'es tvs j, earr chairs aad Call an or addres3
Ijthara. Hifrcuttiss in ti6 l&teii sr-1 less ) ;
lTetton, urraoa.
st;-le cf thi rt.
Th" ouly illastrntftd Jlnsszine AerrUA to the
j d'-Ttior3i.nt 4 tee Great West. Ccntain.i a
I Tanc amount o general information and epe
: cial articles on sabie-sof in-.erestto all. Ah'iy
coadncteU! SSaperhly iilnstratedf
! Only il z jftr. I.. Stjsncl, Pa'iUer, 5o. U3
. rioatitisjt, ForUtnd,
Fane j DresgGoo ds,
Ladies' Year in Endless Variety.
t Canned Goods and Groceries.
BuoMnghm & HecMi's Ecots and Sloes
JO"2?33 TSIS: We Trill not be undersoil
for easts.