ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE Advertising Bates. ,, One Sc-reOinchWrstinsertioii....... ..- ' I Each additional insertion ssX Two Sqmrca.flrst insertion...... lauV Ench additional insertion. 7 Three Squares, first insertion. ... I OB. WESTON WEEKLY LEACE.l. C. P. 5IC3LL, Publisher. Is3ued Every Satueday Morsisg, AT WESTON, UMATILLA COCXTY OH. SahHcripllon Kates t ne Year, fin advance) 5M (Six Month 1 5 fhres Months 75 Inifle Copies lJi Cta Lacn additional useruoa. ... ) rl One Qmrtor Column, tnt i&Aerlxo , a taco aaoiuonai insertion.- ., a lime UTcnisera DV aDMiai aamisona. notice 6 oenu pet lino. Advertising bills payable ?aieis. AU legal bo will tx chat-ed TS sea square fits insertioa, and aTJ par cava sBBwuesi inseruen Koncc 8inipi aMwaaeasassAs of . VOL VSB. WESTON,' UflATILLaA COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 28, 1885. WO- 37 marriaifjs and deaths will be In man chars. Obituary --snid -c ssmiltnj' i .. -f' wr.hTox Loiter, dism tout. Tl c f . -ar t -iTij-i r" I'j f 4 ft V. Meet every Tlmnriay trven- res'iectfullv invity. to viit. . F. It MITCHELL, 5. O. G. P. M'CmX.Sw. A' WESTON LODUK, ?.'. s. A. Meets 0:1 the second sua iwu day ofoK-hmonth g w00)) v; ,j WI'.STON LODGE. NO. 71, A. O. C. w s-'fien.r;- T s wUy eveninir 4-"-' at'.sin'.,'l.:i. VisitUis brothers Vr.-.'J,j.j r M. PACf.V, I'.ee. 'Mitf-v II. U. XEL-."S, M. W. C 3ft I an, I. ). C. T. M ffXatr jutiinliiy eve. .in? i le s' H ill. Jf. WHITE, Secretary. evtry ny eve. .in? at -t uan J. E. UHaM, ''. C T. CViiler.tile Lntfsc !ii--i;.;ry. I)0.H LOHOH No. so, A. I'. . '.!. Meets on the hi t Kud imrrt ti.t-.n--days if eicn tucnthul . ' -lo . i. t . .i. iv 1 1.;., u. -i. W. T. COOK, Keeretary- WILD II nisi: LOfM-.E aPBiY vs ' " '' C jH'flt'i' every l"rida ev.Miiii. r-wt;:". ft-B T. .i. kii;;:, n. g. J. P. JliLL.-.J:, fee. tKOWIiG OLD. Milloa Liidr.e teir.-i-.l:. y. . MILTON I'WiK NO. CI, I.O.O.F ij..jJ M'-et everv Satunia ' cvenini; ut . ij. ,- o.m tviiows iuii, , r. c. E. liriHKY, sec. i. w. !ii.:atv, :;. ;. p3 Absclute.y Pye.; Thig powder never varies. A tnirvcl of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More ec-onomiiaj than theordinar,' kiiidi, and cannct be sold ia com petition v ith the tnuituudo of Jov test, sfiorb weight, alum or phosphate powders. oli onlt is CANS. IlOYAIi fiAKUia POWfiEtt Ctt, I0G WaU-sta ii. y. ' PROFESSIONAL CAKDS. AV. F. JIUTCiIKU, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Main HI. t'cntcrvillc, Orcs. Will pnutifo in all the courts ol Orcjon nml WasiiiiiKtun Territory. S. WOOD, U. WESTOS. Orrsn. Lecf:i1 Uanks of all kinds tor rale. Ollica at l'twtollice. l'J-2i' PhvolcJan and OL.it.'tT"i'.:j an'i liiscc-.s of women a tpclalty. WrST'ix, f).-;;:'io;:. OiHee at Cuolc ,fc Ir-ins's Drr.- Store. Crowing old! Tlie pulses' measure Keeps its even tenor still; Eye and hand nor fail nor falter, And the brain beys the will; Only by the whitening tresses, .Vi-1 t'io dcepeniK v.'i inkles tnld, Yo"ith hs3 pa;i.;ei avray like '.-p.-or; rri-'.s U 'A ".us, an:i I gro.v old. L'.:.r:.t .r hujlies at. my ire?:?ncc, Cay y-r-xvj: vo! :'-y winder iuwer, If I fi..ro tjiicrhy it, A'l t:;.;- ttr;:-.m i Yin nn? ?opr, T 'i I lov:, mirth .i :ii;M:en, T :i 'J,::. 1 ;..-:;e ;. o.r.h's - M gold, V.'! K h -.ve 1 1 1 do with either! TiLe iti toiling I row old. Xot :o dreifl the gloomy river il; :t I i!:rar:k from sj of yore; All toy tir-t of iove and friendsliip Gr-ihcr on ihe further shore. V;-re it not the oest to j-ir. them lire I iee! the blood run cold? Ecc I heir it said too harshlr, 'Stand ba"k from us yuu are old!" GiiOlVSXG. Cby is only one year old, l'air and sweet as a daffodilly; H:;ir as bright as the crinkled gold liid in the heart of a water-lily. Eaby is only, two years old, Toi-.guo like a pi; irir Bob o'Liiieoln. Thrills cioro soi;i;-i than can e'er be told Or cvei-a birdie wouid dire to think on. Baby is only who's been stealins Oul, of my arms and olT my knee Sly IvJni The yy.sy years came kneelir., And stole my baby away from me. LEAQJli: SaASEJ. ALKl'.ll t DUCKY, ATTDHHEYS m C3U:i3ELLSR3 AT LAW ri:iLt:ro. oii::ix. Rrnl Estate anil Public Land Matt.jr a spechlt;-. CollectioiH nromi'tlv aiten-leil to. tnnee over the I'irst National lianli, Court St. 12 I) K. S. C. CXtAl' T, :;i"e v fd! ?:v:i p.ri' Calvin td t.i fl.iy ur iiiiic S. V. KXOX, Attorney at Law, d i:o. Vv Will nraetlec in the Court of thW Siato nnd WaHliio.'tou Tiirritory. S)-''nl attention juiu io Land Oliiee business and ConeiUons. Olllt'e-Wiilii Hi.. Wfton, r. tVJwltv L. L. Jl.-.Vrtlmr will be associated itli me in all my eases ill the Circuit or Supreme Court. n. II. J. AVILLTAMS rhjslciiiii asul Sursca-i, ADAMS, ... OEECiON. Office In IViesc & C'o.'s Dtu Store. SEAll calk iironiptly attended to. O.liuo over Steinauer's store, WHSTON - - - OilEU Call.) ;i:m;ii;i! :y aiiS'.'.'oiva dtty or n OA J. ' McUOXALD, j Piiyslscdn an! Surgoon. OT'!j!CK Over t!w I)ru .Store, Is l:in.l Cily, Ore-,Miu i-'A!l calin protiiit- 1' ilr:ni;)d t'. A tiCllfi offlvorySiiijBg. "Ijovo me, love my do." Doul)tles3 a dog may very properly become the worthy object of human attachment. II 13 beauty, utility or fidelity may en dear him to his owner who may perhaps I entitle him to privileges which society has not universally conceded to the ca nine 'jjfcpceies. It i.-s perhaps not true (Hot there is c sott spot in the head of the !'.iu n or woman who dotes on a dog; but it is frequently observable that such j p'in-ons show a lamentable lack of what j is usually considered good sens'e, on ! that one subject, by expecting every one c!.-e io show tiio same liking to the fa voretl r.nimal, which they themselves so lavishly and often disgustingly be stow upon it. While there may bo nothing particularly wrong about being fond of a dog, there is something ridic ulous ani offensive in thrusting that fondness upon other people. AiFectioit should never be demonstrative in public. The man who believes in "Kick my dog, kick me," often deserves to be hiohcrt." HIS jrST DESERTS USTaiLkesha Glenn QUEEX OP WATEltS. . J Tiunrnnti'cd Medicinally Superior coalaialn ! jmre mitiiral mineral balls. It is pure. Is thu nlyiliur,rtlc water known in thewiTld which-' ti-lsilinvtly upiui tin-secretion of the Liv.T, ; K dney.l'rinarj-ami Generative Organs, and ia Nature's .SoverciKu lU'tnedy for that Luaierout slassof diseases that ulllict the huaiau lamily. ' ir TUouands of testimonials mailed free. As a test, we will setnl you a sample) ca.c o ifn (uait bottlcs.nslMitded for family ;id club uo.oii receipt of ? l.."0 ami this advertisement, r a bull' barrel for ill. Address T. II. RilYANT, ISox B,WArKC?nA,T7ra, Private Line Tflrriicacs pnr w bt'twui d vmcn and ncld'-nc-a orf :ciory, fc"il iutrfir!it. N.iivmtnj Tak'.' tl-ce ot lc;i 'ivu fhnne on r.il Hm-sundpr two miles In length. V tnr utftmtrtt. I'at . Nov.iat.'sit. SIjUO lu uf. Cii'rubimfr. Arfitt!. ranted Ituvbrrr TrleIu-iif Deabrjtn l le;ift.. ne aud f-rrttiid Hupplii h of ft try (icripron. Lu5aHo bt, . CuiCAOq, n. c:;iji; :. M::d; k. ncoi'L;: do.ie The Weston Normal School has sub sided. It is not difiieult to discover the cause of the collap e. To dwell upon it would he productive of no advantage. The fact is to be deulorud. IJut tiie I matter ought not to be allowed to rest j here. The success of the scheme dur j ing its practical existence gave encour- ' : 'i'llioot. fif hf'ttor tlllTH'ti r f-nlnf Tn. j '.. . ,. , ..." , . contain you, my darlin s-a!o liiuciue, oopcsitiou and envy, it f r..aile a good bf-iuaitijj. It was gaining I ; gradually in public estimation. There I I is treat need of such an institution of 1 i the ma::rfreuicut could , , . c(t i insl ruction. i profit by past experience and mistakes. : A.l it now needs ; a practical Principal ; of energy and experience! . The linau- The rising moon -threw slanting shad ows across the verdant fields, and re posed with magic effect on the ruffled bosom of the beautiful river spanned by a heavy, artistic bridge of considerable leugth. On the bridge Olive Vance paused and gazed acros3 the scene ot light and shadows the artist soul shining through her soft dark eyes. "How beautiful it is!" she murmured passionately, "Beautiful old Fair lauds ' " 'Earth holds none other like to thee! Or, if itloth, in vain for me,' and yet I must leave you go out into the world alone and lonely to seek my daily bread. Dear old river! it is so hard to say farewell; but out in the world I shall always carry the memory of you as I last saw vou soft murmur, .light and shade, with the moon just tipping it all with splendor." She leaned her dark head over the bridge and gazed dreamily into the shimmering waters below. " Among the long black rafters The waving shadows play; And the current w hieh eanie from the ocean Seemed to lift them and bear them away! " Forever and forever So long as the river flows So long as the heart bath passions So long as life hath woes!" She sang softly in her rare contralto voice, just now quivering with the pa thetic yearning of unshed tears. Philip Sunderland, standing unseen in the deep shadow of the bridge, watch ed the slender, white-robed figure, a yearning regret in his great heart; but he would not intrude on her solitude. A ruau's ringing step fell on the gloaming silence, and a worshipful look shone in Olive's eyes when she was joined by a man, handsome and grace ful as a Greek god, before whom any woman might well fall down ia wor ship. He took the little dark hands in his and raised them to his perfect, lips in silence; and Philip Sunderland, all un consciously imprisoned in the shadows, cwuld have stricken him dead at his feet for that caress. Then he heard the soft, low voice of the girl the sweetest music his noble soul had ever heard. "You know. Lynue?" she asked ear nestly. 'You have heard that to-day I am a beggar, without even a home? Un cle Godfrey's last will caun at be dis covered, and I am not even mentioned in thp othcr which they read a fow, hours ago. I shall have to work for my daily bread." lor a moment the man turned his handsome face away. "It is hard, Olive," he said, in the soft voice which was in itself a caress, "but the hardest of all is that I must lose you, my beautiful, peerless love! Oh, Olive, I love you so well 1 dare not think of a future which does not !" She never siiolic; but, frozen and white, she stood before him, all her rich dark beauty drawn in agony and doubt. I must go," be continued, frighten by the look on her face, "back into ing a scene where the rising moon Reeked the tree tops, and the slanting shadows fell across the river under the long rafters of the bridge. The gift of Philip Sunderland, the handsome young artist who had won such sndden, glorious fame, and whose sympathetic friendship and prolonged usance had -won the only heart he had ever sought. Lyuna Hamilton was still unmarried. Hearing of his flirtation in the pretty rustic town of Fairlands, she had refus ed to many him the gentle, womanly Dcra Vernleigh. In the gratid society of which she was tlu attraction Olive met him often l!5;isoiner thau ever; and the old ftirta t aj;j cjf tLree years' silence was resr.nled; bdv-uo flirtation on his part this, time, who loved the glorious woman with a passionate, reckless devotion. One evening at a grand ball they stood on the white marble balcony and watch ed the moon silver the tree tops and river. j "It reminds me oflhat last night at Fairlauis," he said softly, "beautiful Fairlauds, where the happiest hours of my life were spent. Oh, my beautiful j love "It reminds me also of Fairlands," she replied, in her witching voice; "where the happiest hours of my life will be spent next month, when I am to marry Philip Sunderland. I extend you a personal invitation, Mr. Hamil ton, as an old friend!" Across the odorous brilliancy of rare exotics he caught the sound of her low, mocking voice, and the yellow gleam ol triumph in her dark eyes. And in the white agony of his face Olive Blanche had her revenge. I M AXILLA OlT. My Boy, da J on Smoke'. The United States Navy annually takes into its service a lare number of apprentice boys, who are sent all over the world and taught to be thorough sailors. It lias been the policy of the government sir.ee the war to educate the "blue jackut," upon the principle that the more intelligent a man is, the better sailor he is likely to become. There is no lack of candidates for these positions. Hundreds of boys apply, but many are rejected because they cannot pass the physical examina tion. Major Houston, one of the From the Pendleton Tribune. Born, in this city, .August 15. lS8ii, to the wife of John X. Y'oung, a 10 lb boy. Kerb. Stevens, D. M. French, L. Barnes and Fd. Jennings went out chicken shooting one day this week' and brought home ninety.six. Six car-loads of cattle were shipped from this point to Chicago on Sunday last, and a shipment of eight car-loads was made to the same place yesterday. W. G. Cooper, who for several years has been in charge of the poor farm, will ieave for California the first of next month., He intends residing there in the future. There is no lack of grain buyers here there being no less than five different parties engaged in the business no lack of grain, and the only thing that is lacking is a good price. Last Tuesday was the day set for an extrti session of the County Court but the County Judge was the only member who put iu apptgiraure, the Commis sioners having probably forgotten all about it. The crops .in the vicinity of Echo are tnrning out fairly, the average coming up to expectations. At the Rector farm the yield was about 18 bushels to the acre, and the Ellner farm it is thought will exceed that. Oliver & Kees' threshing machine was struck by lightning last Tuesday night and taking fire burned. The ma chine was set on Elgin's ranch, about five miles northeast of here, the men having just quit work on account of the high wind and had gone about half way to the house when the lightning struck it. The horse-power was all that was saved. Grant Elgin, on whose place the thresher was when struck, had COO bushels oi wheat bnrnod. The lightning struck the derrick pole and running down that, set fire to the grain stack which in turn fired the thresher, An insane man, by the name of Southern, was brought down from Mil ton Wednesday, by Deputy Sheriff Mc Ginnis and locked up m jail over night and yesterday given an examination. It appears that Southern is a stranger, Have removed their large stoqK of good to their al outcome mi';hl mil he great at first. the woild, to take my place in its ;Yan I ifcy Fair;' and oh, my darling, I cannot. bring you with me! I could not tell An earned an i-X'.":elie! liuiid UP that will however, I . J . w r C (1: r.l. f p!fn:l;.l t iv.vv, K la..--.. -?Ar.:'.:cr.c-:- m r-T-MO V.uUt I:.- i - h: ii::;t:i -o A::; -. r-.il.i'ion r.'.v'y c ' its i-i-r-scomh'Ti. "r tofl'itis. Sc'.ll v rll : r-ji.bh.'rs, io. a i; .-SVlVn, n !' -t CO., ARKANSAS MMMMm ITors f uperior Inducements with Its fine cllm- i f "xt- '""J n-l'C- ' ::-';i '! . educator has here. ;t opportunity not only to i a reputation but a business ; eventually pav well. ith ! too present"- prospects of goou times ' there ou'ut not to ba much diUk-ulty in EC-earing such a. person. It is not too . late yet to take advantage of the good j that has atrcady been accomplished. 1 The B-iard of Trustees should not make a dangerous delay in this important matter. j you before until this last hour of part- He. foil, miignillceiit timbers, fertile prairies. ind pure waters; with several Railroads re i ntly completed. Farmers, fruit growers, dock ilealirs and lumbermen should investfc jate this splendid eouutry. Send three postage stamps for late railroad tud township limn of state with iilhill Inf.-n tl.renu-h M- imtl.m f ilia i .1 American tvee. at are 1 can obtain. Li ii.;. r.hort for t W. irEXRY WILLIAMS, 142 Dearborn St .Chica.co.in. II n:: of Or :r r. Aili-icv. nr-rnrr.'s I iiitfd bva-.es, l .v.iuu Cc:t.;.-.-iv rna ftlui i p. r.vUt -.-.nori.:'.; rr. ifcrmr-aon ."sioia-T f.iit:. r-ivru wiinout .-'.-. for"i.a.rn s.lit lr." I n. .".ro n.i The f d-.T.n' i:,- - i too .. i : . ii!C :e on Ir: to his jiulgui ;ig the truth ne sr r.i n to "r.rove all iievrs, lie is forced ;'i win;;! coui!ae.:ds at, without demoii theieof. Ybifc this .1 by all pcroiiii v. bo -.v.L.-h :j uiiHi. j : for a blind as ridiculou But untortu- v community . ;cy:f ;i iiro-dva CO.. C:"V 7, 1-iew Yoili fj hW'me s-'-vi.-e r.t 1h First l.i:tist 1 their 'knowlcdg f YW A i r:T'P :-''-'-v " ' ,riv:'. iy: 1 i vo sCe them v-. l i ::i: - .r.,-: ..,;.H::.' ::;uii the of i i -. a..,. j, jua if. i.cr. I Crrson. j tir.s r; truo it is no excu-i hjiioi in i'.'cas viiicii are as they are erroneous, na'.ely there are in eve "wise old grannie- wi:ii a ly r . ... ij haticaily on questions of law e, theology , meteorology, or an; ide'.iee, no iiia!'a-r how abtrus removed hcvnid tlie reach e of both se.'.cs, who. .siiive assurance that could on f rom utter ignorance, pronounce nig; but 1 am, in benor, bound to Dora Vernleigh; but it i3 you I love, my Leautiful, queenly darling; but 'I had not loved thee, dear, so well Loved I not honor more?'" At last siie found her voice, and scorn unuUcrable flashed in a yellow flatno from her great dark eyes as she con fronted him . "Coward!" she whispered in cold, cutting calm. "You talk of honor! It were a vilo thing, Lynue Hamilton, did j it descend to your level. That I j have worshipped v clay idol, may God ; forgive ine 1 never can myself. Go!" i "Forgive me, Olive," he cried, drop ! ping on his knees before her, and loving ! her as he had never thought his' cool ' selfish nature capable of doing. "For give nie, darling. I " I But she only repeated the one word: ! "Go:" j And he went, his heart all wretched l chaos. the AVashiooton ICavy Yard bar racks, is.; the authority for the state ment that one-fifth of the boys ex amined are rejected on account of heart disease. il'V first, .n nest ion to, a boy-, who desires to enlist is: "Da you smoke?" The invariable response is, "Xo sir," but the tell-tale discoloration of the fingers at ence shows the sruh, Tiia surgeons stty that cigarette smoking by boys produces heart, disease, and that in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred the rejection of would-be apprentices on account of this defect comes from excessive use of the milder form of the weed. This is a remarkable statement, coming, as it does, from so liih an authority and bised upon the re sults of actual examinations going on day after day, and month after month. Jt should be a warning to parenls that the deadly cigarette is sure to bring about incalculable injury to the young. Boys indulg ing in the cigarette ought to be treated to liberal doses of "rod of pickle" until the habit is thoroughly eradicated. Marine Crops who is in charge of ; and has been aronnd Milton only for a few days, during which time he has succeeded iu scaring a number of womes at the houses he visited. He finally drifted to the railroad depot, where his queer actions were noticed by Mr. t jttle, the agent,, whojpotified Mr. Me Ginnis and he was brought here for ex amination. He was taken below last night to the asylum. One hundred and forty-seven head of cattle were loaded en the cars here yes terday having been bought for the Chi cago warket. Nearly the entire lot came out of the Marshall & Beagle's band. They were certainly a prize bunch of cattle and will be no little ad vertisement for Eastern . Oregon. Among the lot was a twQ-year old, bought of A. J. Black that weighed 1400. Mr. Martin, the gentleman who ships them, said that when he arrived here a few days ago, he was anything but favorably impressed with our coun try, but when he come to see the fine cattle that were brought in off the buAch g rass, and the finest quality of grain in the world, he waf convinced that onrs was one of the greatest cattle and grain sections on the globe. opposite the Marshall House, The State department inav now have another Keiley en its hands in the person of James Wbalen, who was recently appointed consul at Fort Erie, opposite Buffalo. Owing to a scarcity of special agents in the General Land Office, the cases of lands illegally fenced in which it has been possible up to the present time to examine and survey (showing an illegal Yv'hnlen, it appears, was an active j appropriation of CoJ.oTO acres), are said Fenian in the ISG'j episode, and by the Acting Corr.miss,ioner Judge on that account is very obnoxious j Walker, to be only a drop in the bucket of illegal fences. The practice against where they will be pleased to meet all their old customers and many nsw ones. ADAMS MEAT MARKET THOMAS CALVERT, Proprietor. Here is where you can get your money's worth ia Beef, Pork, Mutton, and everything in the line of meats that the country produces. COME3 AJffD 3TT2-. J. rKOEBSTEL. C. B. PROBSTI1 WESTON Flooring Hill Highest market price paid for fat cattle. which the President's proclamation has been issued is believed to prevail gen erally and principally in that part of to the Canadian government. A British diplomatic agent has been working on th case, and, it is siid, he has advised YVhakn's rejection on bis record. In that c.tse the State the country which lies between the Department may have a delie ate ' ninety-i.inth meridian and the llocky task ahead of it. V. haien is ;t but- J Mountains. The abandonment of the falo man, a personal acquaintance; j lands and fences will afford some fine of President Cleveland, and well ! opportunities for settlersto secure Unds esteemed in the cominui.ity. j rtady for the plow. They will be apt T- T- . I to take advantage of them. The special delivery soi viti' which Out from the shadows Philip Sunder-j goes into operation on tin; lirst of j This is the way they run politics in ;md coinp laad, her oit-rejectcd lover, stepped to uctober eliouiu prove a great public : Old Yirginia, according to a Richmond her side. j convenience. In most ca.-os it will ; "Mrs. Fitzhugh Lee and Mrs. 'I heard it all. Oiivc." he said in his i shorten the delivery ot lct; rsa nk-voire. "I could not help : who.e cUV. ilienewundi ade lutir eiielo-;o!l. ! sdom" iu ! aorar.t conceit would vai not so pititul. And re an abiding faith Is -ussy-oat. its name impiiS:. g rarely VegetaVi.-Cop0lia(jf tlu pets directly trcon K .. . ' .. ' ndlrlon curia a In K i tvrpj mernve !i?1mrff tr..X. LJ. ..I A.-.tA : V 1 fc.wiiL Wli ui TJyspeps: CcsVcae "TTticrn. 1 7 tIT30ll IVa 1 S :J -aQ that im. coulee, Biliousness f-tlariafSIck-iicadaclie. : eta "It is therefore a ToIevc Good He-VT.' Its livtr must be krot b orr!rr 13. EAP023'3 ilVZH IHYIGCHITCS. invigorates tlic Liver. Keculatcs the Bow ?"' s?1Ux'nS,1,TOS t"8 Pvstem. ruril'es the tsiood Agists Dijtcstion, Prevents Fevers. 1 a Household Xeed. An Invr.luabla l amily sfedicine for rommon complaints. n riirroED-s uriia nrrxGCutoi .-.itpericnM tf Frty years, oud Tmu.' .ta cf Icstinumicd prom ils ilirit. . ITOR SALE BY ALT, EKAT.ERS IX JrEDtcrXES. For fnll lofnnnstlon send vonr address fo- jiO Poole on tha - Liver ad its di'case" ta K4STOfi9 Si BJS 17., Ji.W JOi tll :'s Ini j S: .'-..o rir-tr.rscali.-r.r;. Gi-cjwijolcsalu -'-s eu-irj a ccnsKTi ca ail f -ci: ibr 's VS order, sai .'.-oil V ; J J.r. iiiia-iii then some iu t'ne v.i.-doui of these "old grannies," ! i sad r.-.?tn:.liV beilete tiieir ab.-!:rtitics; . j yes, aacl act upon taern. Some o; tnenC . notions are so very absurd that a nan- I oclicver is apt to exclaim, "surely no : one wi:h a particle of intelligence ba iieves suc'a noaseuse." The c-oaio -.under oi this iiash 'has no desire- to render it nr.palatable by any such h:trh cs sertuin. Tiieje "ol.t grannies," male a;;d female, are occasionally estimaole people in some respects, and they are unfortunately the fathers, mothers, un cles aud aunts, and I he esteemed acouiin- . ; tauces of many otiier people, estimabkin their wav; Their pernicious ieach:xi"s -?r.f;l -ii3T.-'b , , . , " , . . '. r. m ; nave been luen.eaied in t.:e plastic mind of youth during the period of ils greatest susceptibility. It is difficult to eradicate the error, grosi and palpable as it may seem. But surely tiic-y might refrain tror.1 asserting w:t deep, ai it. Forgive me; it iiie cowaniiy cur, have often said you and t et I have a!w will do so to the end of time. I love vou better now than ever, if possible, i l"-"'nt uoubtful, but the leading Wiil vou be my wife?" ' lnotlve on ll'e postal service is not ei.i.n u, t!n,i- ,i ,rL-),n.; ! profit to the government, but the wearily. ' I)on"t rhilip!" she vas not intentional. I Oiive, you could not love me, vs loved vou, and treiicnes somewhat, on the held ot private enterprise, but it is cW.rly within the legitimate functions of I the department. The success of ! the f cheine from the revenue stand would rcspertfiillv inform the public that she ran jusi openea out a complete stock of Spring and Summer Millinery in Mrs. Ashby's old stand on Water SL ;:::iTRi- hats, EV3A1N ST. - ADAMS. : public convenience. it cannot be! I happy; vou could : r mr..! 'ii. A.. sa:d. it is no could not make not make me sol A destiny follows me which forbids, f shall always treasure your as the dearest, truest thing life holds, bat I cannot accept your love." A .a!ral Inference. The member from Calabash rose with Lis usual majestic dignity. i news of Lee's nomination by the Bern- i Feathers, i ocratic convention reached there. The guests were at dinner. Mrs. Wise : arose from the table.passed ovet to Mrs. Lee, and congratulated her, saying: 'If j my husband is to be beaten, I had rath i er he should be beaten by your husband j than by any man living.' Mrs. Lee re j turned thanks and Baid, 'Mrs. Vise, I ' only regret that both our husbands can . not be elected Governor of Yirginia at the same time.' " Frocbstel Bros. Proprietary MAXUFACTL-REna OF FIRST-CLASS FLOUR. And keep constantly on hand all kinds of mill feed such as SHORTS, CHOP BARLEY Xotice to the InbIIc AU persons knowing Jhereselvet 1tv debted cither by note or book acsount are hfcreby reqncKted to come forward and make immediate payment, aa all oM riinning accounts must be settled br r'.18,--,-8?41 or tbs ""will be daly collected by law. " S-i.Ve also wish tn .l .1.-1 the West.m Steam Flonr Mill is for rent or sale. l or further particuUn. .,,p!, to the undersigned. IrobHteI Krou '-;i;ofl aV-r.nf. him for n innnifiit In' "V. ..v.i.i i. ..... A .uu i --..Hlshirt . 7 ' -o". -iiiiuie,:, auoui. wnat. suau j ... j .. , . u , ... , iij-nigiie; asKeu a prosy i orKviiu then, bending his gaze with pierc- j Sunday-school snpeiintendent. "About incr redness ucon the small man 1 ,.,;,.... ,.:,i ti, . , . .u . ... ' . .. .u.vv ui.uu,-:. u muesli. ' ''- i-"'"-" - ! t:oin Glossotn cour.tv is said: said a convulsed :.,..:u l-c-ohsontaln ""allo ; ..i. ... -wwca pieaaea lrosa TrZ$.. xr , - - "-'- " y azures vnoi r-"r ot tne posc-si ce-t. Lttt assurance l'teas ivr v.nch taey cannot j j give a shadow or semblance of a reason. ; Why sho-.ud even "old grannies," on i subjects which they never have studied ; or investigated, set up their unsupport i ed, unreasonable, old fogy otiiuiens more than Iter laurels a:;rl collected MONTGOfwERY VrD .'c3 i "S-dnst the accttmnlated wUdota of e::-; t-easurfj. the prized a smai! raintir-g. fr fei ?iw: Kot-ATaual ' piricnce, lean-ipg and investigion? .! ec:itc?V a -rw-f?r V'i-', r:.::.;-. Y.-: ttnavi-ir- r i-ii L-orl r)is rtilirpli T I -V- . .1 ' 11 .1 " ! -1 snow no j orui no aoatn with laughter. ! no East no Vest!" : i J j The member with hayser in his I Reset a ail side - : hiir was on his feei in an instant, Ey ma!ariai hw sha1 csca; the Hmd in- . and shouted back: ; fection? is the question which the deniien of "Then 1 11 be darned if you ain't ; fever and ayue districts ask themselves. The all-fired poor in geog'aphvl" j answer cmss from former sufferers who forvears " 'have escaped the visitations lof the pericwic I i. ourie, throcti the pr .tectm; insuence of Hotf ttr's StonM-h Bitters. When the nes- 80 mean as to I for UH,ni preventive mea.?ures arises, use Surrounded tv friends, nattered and neap C01S 01 Hie On lov enemv s ' t'.is tntn oJnrevenicn at or.ee. It reaulateii caressed, she yet found that wealth and ! head, Dominie," said Farmer Far-! tSS'S f.,.o ro Inwliv what neotjle reraesent : row to his pastor. : nr-motin; heaitrfii art-.on of the bo--c.s and shetn to be, without iove. ; "And pray, what would you do More ti;an her wealth and costly jaw-; rber,-' Oh, i d in sr. tcrow ash5 nw Three -ears rolled by into the tide of eternitv, bringing to Olive V ance a re-1 "a'.ly beautifnl woman as much com-' pensation as wealth and fortune can Iring. Her exquisite voice had won for her an enviable position in the musical ' world where the gracious prima donna! t'ne utmost was s0 ea-crly sought for and courted. ; 'It It VTonlil be Cciiu; wouian t be Act tar .v. In a.l nrrrions where mi- 5t"v.-.rior br?a disease, it is abIat'-ly nc to h provided witii a .irurtii. ir,.J Trimmings, Flowers, Ornaments ana all he latest Novelties. My Stock in all new and fresh, and the ladies of Weston and vieinity are respectfully invited to call and examine it. MRS. A. CAR DEN. fMXWELL, Boot and Shoe Maker, MA!H ST., CEMTERVILLE. The finet Boots kept constantly on hand or made to order on tha shortest notice. REPAIRING DOHE HEATLY & CHEAPLY. H. O- MARSHALL, WESTON, OhECOS, I prepared to do any and all kinda of work in his line. Price reasonable, j'fofafftlon Guaranteed. r e. kibklanll " Notary Publie, MILTOJf, OREOOX Land bosinewof all klnds-BIinj, prorinjrn-. 4t attended towh promptness and tare. Collecting Accounts a Specialty. GENTS' FINE SOOTS (Successor to Simprock r BARB E R ? AXD f'; Wert; ;n jj.;,.jt ,nj frt cfie. 1 rr