Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, August 21, 1885, Image 4

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Keep cool.
Dust unto dust.
"The darkest hour is just before
the Dawne.
The Wton public gcLools opens
on tha first Monday of September.
Walla Walla is bring sorely tried
by fires three in one week losses
"To be, or not to be": the lase
of the 0. R. it N. Co.'s liufe and
the Anglo-Russian war.
Judging; from present indications
there will be nearly a million and a
half bushels of wheat shipped from
Centerville, Adams and Eastland.
The annual scarcity of change
has come. Even the fraudulent
eighty cent, trade dollar would he
acceptable to our merchants just
It is said that the Portland sa
loon keepers refused to suspend
their "legitimate" traffic during the
hours of the Grant obsequies at
that place.
Mr. John Roach has gone into
bankruptcy. If hn had saved the
$200,000 he contributed to Repub
lican campaign fur (Is he might now
be solvent.
How are the mighty fallen! .Mias
ISelva Lockwood could not secure
a paying audience at Salem last
week. Perhaps she forgot to give
ft bicycle parada in bifurcated gar
ments in the afternoon.
When individuals conduct insti
tutions of learning for the purpose
of making money they should not
expect newspapers, that are man
aged for the. same purpose, t give
gratuitous advertising.
Some people are agitating an ex
tra session of Congress, "in the in-
terests of small manufacturers and
farmers," of course. It is difficult
to see how an extia session of Con
gress could bring immediate benefit
to the laboring classes.
. . ,
A Portland paper intimates that
the merchants of that place "are
afflicted with paralysis of both brain
and body." If paralysis of the
pocket should supervene the prog
nosis would be very unfavorable.
It is not the most cheerful even
The Democratic Pennsylvania
protectionist, the celebrated Mr.
Randall, dasires it to be understood
that he will not be a candidate for
the Speakership. Quite correct:
the next Congress will probably
not be noted for protective legislation.
Mr. A. Neltner, who is "an of
fensive partisan" of the most pro
nounced type, is said te be in
Washington looking for a federal
office, presumably the Portland post
office. If he gets an appointment
it will do much to weaken the be
lief of the average Oresonian in
the honesty of the Government's
civil service reform.
From Our Regular Corregj.jadrat.
Washington, August 8, 1885.
General Sheridan returned to
Washingtcn last Saturday ereticg,
and called upon the President yes
terday. He reported the Indian
alfairs to be quiet with no pros
pacts of futum outbreak. 6.apt,
Lee, the new mUitary Indian agent,
has assua:ed charge, and all arranga
mefits seemed satisfactory. It. is
understood that Gen. Sheridan
uidde a strong report against the '
manner of conducting business by
some cf the Indian agents, showing
irregularities and abuses tending
to cause trouble among the. Indians,
and recommending ax. entire reor
ganization of the Indian agent sys
tem, it is aaid that he discovered
that one Indian agent was drawing
supplies for twice as many Indians
as were in reality within the limits
oi his agency.
J. he suit against hint Controller
Durham by the authorities of Mis
sissippi to compel hi;u to give a
warrant for five thousand and some
odd dollars due that state from the
national government, is brought
with Judge Durham's consent.
There are two contrary decisions
in the case by Judge Lawrenoe and
Porter. Under these circumstances
and owing to the contrary state
ments of the case Judge Durham
determined to leave the matter to
Congress or to the courts to decide.
It will probably go now through
the courts and be finally settled
by the Supreme Court.
Attorney General Garland, in
reply to questions from Sc?cretary
Manning, hes decided that in the
event that holders or owners of
distilled spirits on which tax. has
not been paid shall have failed
within the seven months specified
in the bond to withdraw them in
fact from the distillery warehouse
a forfeiture of the bond follows.
and the spirits are not protected
tfaereatter trom an obligation for a
domestic tax. The efl'ect of the
bond while in force and before for
feiture is to lreo the spirits frcm
such obligation, but this effect
ceases upon the forfeiture of the
bond. Also, that the spirits cov
ered by exportation bond, after the
failure to withdraw them and atter
the forfeiture ot the bond, are liable
to distraint, and that the condition
of the bond having been broken iy
the failure to withdraw the spirits
from the warehouse, the right of
the government to proceed upon
the bond is unquestioned.
The impression is that the man
who got so severely handled by the
President for making a bad recom
mendation which he was not w illing
to stand by, does not live in Ohio,
but that some other state or ter
ritory had the distinction of pos
sessing a new judge whose backers
diun t mean it. Ex-Representa
tive Follett says he has thought the
thing over, and finds that there
has been no judge appointed in
Ohio, and no Ohio man appointed
to a judgeship outside of the State.
Mr. Follett and other democratic
members have informed the Presi
dent on different occasions that
nobody ever meant anything by
signing a petition, and that it, was
not fair to hold them to a recom
mendation unless it was made in a
personal letter; but the President
has refused to see the thing in that
light, and wants to know what rec
ommendations are for if not to rec
ommend. The President's letter
receives commendation on every
hand, and particular significance is
attached to the reference to his
tight against the "bad elements of
both parties."
A commercial enterprise that
may rightly lead the understanding.
I refer to the field of elevating and
inspiring literature. To give the
mind literary rood a little ahead
of it, to familiarize it with the best
thought in the best possible English,
to connect it with the great sayings
from great authors long before it is
ready to read these authors as a
whole, is, I believe, the highest
wisdom. The child as well as ths '
tdult needs the inspiration of the
i deal. It is not to find that in an1 h
urtetic. It is not to find it in geo-
pby. It is to find it in the re-OL-r.'jed
sentiments of the great and
gcocv Habit is a great power. To
be biVrn and brought up in the com
pany jof people who talk well to it
self awd education. To live in an
atmosphere of fine music, or fine
pictures, is itself an education. So
the covip&nionship of noble thoughts
helps t' sape our courses and refine
our livvs. I should be glad te see
a little time given in our schools
each day - tor memorizing and recit
ing such thoughts. It is unques
tionable a P rt of the business of
school to la."1 the child into the
field of whol.es cmc, reaning and
inspiring reading. If this criticism
is a just one, an d it is made not to
condemn but to help to perfect our
public system, the leadership now
quite generally give u to memory in
the branches should be limited to
the realm of wisely-elected litera
ture. The ambition ;n arithmetic
instead ot being as now to get over
so much ground in a iTivtsn time,
should be to do thorough ork how
ever limited in extent. And geo
graphy and history should 'be stud
ied, not for details of little streams
and towns with hard nam es, and
dates in many cases worst'' than
useless, but for a correct, u nc.'er
standable, , general idea of the sur
face of the earth, and of the people
wno have found on it their hci ne,.
the;r school and their workshop.
Her. Frederick Hinckley.
Did "you; Sup-;
.'pose Mustang Liniment only good
for horses? It is for inflamma
tion of all flesh. "
Mew snyies. new mess.
On Pbouibi tiox, from ait Unex
pected QUAKTEII.
It has seldom been known in the
history ef the world that several
thousand soldiers could be engaged
in war for a few cionths, and be so
well conducted as t o need no court
martial. Snch a rare event has,
however, been witnessed in the
west, and has made t he brief cam
paign ef volunteers' in this respect
unique and unprecedented. One
influential cause of this unlooked
for circumstance has been the class
of men who volunteered and their
conssquent good conduct an i sober
habits. Another reason is that
given in the following spst'ch of
General Middleton at Keina.
What gives special force and pcint
o the speech is, that the Gene
ral is not a total abstainer.
No testimony can be more emphatic
and decided in regard to the value
of prohibition as a preventive of
crime, lawlessness. General Middle
ton replyirg to an address of wel
come at Regina, said: "No praise
could be too great for the way the
volunteers haye behaved. Thev
were taken away from stores and
private callings, but neither at food
nor at fatigue duty was a murmur
heard. As soldiers they were well
fed, but as civilians they perhaps
thought they might had something
feetler than tinned meat. When I
have been serving with regulars I
have heard grumbling, but I never
heard grumbling fron any of the
volunteers. They bore the work
cheerfully. They laughed and sang
and -whistled on the march, tremen
dous marches of 30 miles through
some of ycur charming sloughs, but
never a grumble, always cheenul.
BoHgk on Kals-
Clears oat r&ts, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed
Heart Fains.
Palpitation, Dropsical Swellings, Dizziness,
Indigestion, Headache, Sleeplessness cored by
"Wells' Health Renewer."
Bobxb oil Coras.
Ask lor Wells' "Bough on Corns." 15c. (Juiolt
complete cure. Hard or soft cornB, warts, bun
ions. Bnchu-Paiba.
Quick, complete cure, all Kidney, Bladder and
Urinary Diseases, Scalding, Irritation, Stone,
Gravel, Catarrh of the Bladder, gl, Druggists.
Bed-Bngs, Files. '
Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, goph
ers, chipmunks, cleared out by "Hough oil
Rats." 15c. !
Thin Peoples
"Wells' Health Renewer" restores taalth and
vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Itupoteoce, Sexual De
bility. SI.
Rough on Pain..
Cures cholera, colic, cramps, diarrhow? aches,
pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism.
20c. Rough on Fain Plasters, 15c.
If you are failing, broken, worn out and neiv
ous, use "Wells' Health Renewer." 41. Drug
gists. life Preserver.
If you are losing your grip on life, try '-Wells'
Health Renewer." Goes direct to weak spots.
Rough on Piles.
Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itching, Protrud
ing, Bleeding, Internal or other, Internal and
External Remedy in each Package. Sure cure,
50c. Druggists.
Prett Women.
Ladies who would retain freshness and vivac
ity, don't fail to try " A'ells' Health Renewer.
Koasn on Itch.
"Flough on Itch" cures humors, eruptions,
ri ogworni, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chil
Rough on t'atnrrli.
Corrects offensive odors at once. Complete
ct. re ")l worst chronic cases, also uncjualed as
gai gle lor Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Foul Breath.
50a .
The Hope of the Nation.
Ch.;ldr en, slow in development, puny, scrawny
and dslictte, use "Wells' Health Renewer."
-Catarrh of the Bladder.
Sting ing, irritation, inflammation, all Kidney
andUrit iary complaints, cured by "Buchu-Paiba."
Si. ;
Vater Brigs, Roaches.
"Rough on Rats" clears them out, also Beetles,
Clothing, Hate, Caps; Dress and fancy Booa
Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars.
SIsgnlUcent laj Coacnes an;
with berths free of cost.
From Yiiashingtcnand Oregon
Via St. Paul and Minneapolis,
The only T:ani-continental Line Running
(Meals 75 cents.)
Fastest Time Ever Made from
the Coast
To Slonx City, t'onnell cslnffs, St. .3o
so;b, ACrblsou. iavei:tt'ila. huatMis
City, Ituriiugsun. Siuimj ,
And all points IJirtui ;Iiuut tlie Fast and
Sontbeaal via :it. Paul a! Kiuni-::pntis.
Thronxh Emigrant Sleeping
Cars from Portland.
And hanled on rezular express trnlan
over the entire '? it of the .North
ern Pacific Railroau.
Lfave Wrrlla Junction at 4:40 a. m.
Leave Portland at 3r-X p.m. uuih; arrive at Min
neapolis or St. i'a'ji 1"::0 p m., fourth dav.
Connection made at St. P.uil and linncapolis
to all points cast, boutn and boututast.
Train leaves Portland daily ll:4.i a. m. Arriv
at New Tacoma ti iil p. m., connei-tin v.-itti
K. & N. Co's boats for all points on Pnget Sou
A. V. v IIARl.TON, Cdl'l West'll 1V.SS. Agent,
No. 2 Washington bt., Portland, Or.
For Every Home Library.
Ok the Exousii L vXHCAOR. New Eiiiti- n. With
Sunp'.sinent. I n uridyl and pi ifuxely i;:C3
trai J. liio s-tttiidurJ, and in a:l rcsjits bn,
lricti-.MJcrT poua&liul. Library slices. Hurtled
edges, ii.o.00.
LirJScsTrs pnoxorxox eio.
& ntatmr.g curnp'.ete and concise Bi'igrarhlcal
S'ewhes of the Eminvni Persons of all Ago
and (Vuntries. By J. Tuouas, A. 11., II. D.
L.ittnal Svo. Sheep, tlo.oo. t
A eomo'ete Geographical Dictionary. New Edi
tion. Thoroughly revised and greatly enlarged.
Containing Supplementary Tables, with the
most recent Census Returns. Royal Svo. Sheep.
American Revised Edition. Tbk kt ix evkrt
wav. A Dictionary of Useful Knowledge. Pro-fn-e'y
Illustrated with Ma;s, Plates and Wood
e'lts. 10 vo!s. lloyal Svo. Several editions,
at various prices.
.viiitDs, TACTS A1 I'BKAfr.s,
OF ENGLISH WuKDS." 5 vols. Uouud in
half m.ir.Kvo, in cloth box. &12.50. Or, each
voluaic acid separate'.".
Emhraces "Pce!c:il CnojatloB. Prfie
tnfiHs, a:irt ;rra Ao(!ir ot
All .sr." Complete in three octavo vol
umes. Price per set in cloth, $0.00. Half Rus
sia, 12.W.
sFnr Rile hv all Booksellers, or will be lent
free cf cr euro, on receipt of the price by
j. B. LIPP1MC0TT &C0.,
T15 !i: JSnrLet St., Pbiladelphia.
(Incorporated March IS S3.)
CAPITAL STOCK - - $100,000.
A. P.
S3. .5. Kl'KO
Saw Timfier for Sale!
I lood location. Plen ty of water to run the year
riUT; Good wagon .road s to Walla, Hilton and
Price, fi$2 per M.
CallW"1 or address
Wes ton, Oregon.
In all ensfis of Bronchial and Pulmo-
nary Affec tions is Ayep.'s: Chekrv
Pectoral. . such it is reeoti;'zel iul
Trescribed hv 1 he medical nrofessi in. and
in many thou& wills of famiiies, f'"" Iho
pasi iorty years, ii uas ueen regaru
mvaliiahffi hnusi'lioid reined v. It is a
preparation that c vly requires" to bs- ti' ken
in very small auai itities, and a few doses
of M administered in the early stasre -cf
cold or cough will effect a speedy t "rem
and may, very possib.'y, save life. "Tl ere
is no doubt whatever t hat
Asst. Secretary
Manager Manuf 'g Kept., Chicago
E. ?l!RiXI, A. P. YENEX,
EFFSGER & BOURNE, Attorneys.
the mnm iorseby
The undersigned has on hand a large assortment
of one, two and three-year-old
Take Notice.
Pianos and Organs sold on easy payments Ii you imr-
chase a Piano or Orsan f this Company on the install
ment plan and should be conipeiied, from any canse
whatever, to return the instrument, after having paid a
part on it, you can do so umi not lose one uoElar you have
paid, ttine Chapel . Wrg&ns sold to churches on fatf
monthly payments, which would he osiiy ten cents per
month lor each memoer ot tlie Churcn or abuathschool
to pay. .
The celebrated DSIRAXD PI.1XOS have been in use throughout
the States for over twenty years, and are first-class in every particular.
"We uivc a warrantee with every instrument, that runs five years from
date of sale, 'and we are right here to make it good. We have facilities
for repairing Pianos and Organs at our shops in the city of Portland
and all work warranted.
Our Music Hall and Warerooms arc on First street, No. 320. Take the First street cars and ride
to the corner of Clay street. Those who cannot call on us can write for particulars and catalogue of
our instruments. Address
rand Organ Co., Portland, Oregon
I am sixty-seven years old, and have lived in
th' (, Hall) county all my V.'a. U to twenty
v'l-jht years ao I was regarded as the strongest
man in the miHorhood the most robust in
hca'th. In Novcuihvr, ISfrft, 1 had along and
sen iiiri fiyHiU of typhoid fever. It left me ema
(iakd and eri; pfed in my right leg. At times
that limb wns swollen an enormous size, being
twice as Janre as its natural condition, and in
famed and anjrry in appearatice. From my
Utice down email Fores came, and at the ankle &
I a rye ulcer came, which discharged poicnous
mritter. iy whole system became infected.
The dttetors would patch ine up for awhile, but
the ulcer would never heal. The mercury and
jnV ash with whi-.-h they dosed me brought on
; rheiinaMsm and dyej.epsia. I was an object of
' pity to aH my fritsuds. Some thought that the
onfy hope to save life was amputation. I con
i tinucd to grow worse, and for three years I have
not worn a shoe. Hope 'nod almost left me.
i Swift's Koecific was sunrested. and I commenced
. , rii ti i. 'i18 use at once. From the very first I bcan to
Apples, Fears, Cherries, 1 Ium.e.etc, j feei better. I have taken thirty-six bottles, and
Some new and rare
fruit. Also
everal of the
Russian Varieties
Also six or eight varieties of GRAPE EOOTS,
wuien we win sell at
and will also take in exchange Wheat, Harley
to insure the jrreate?t amount and choicest varie
ties. We warrant our stock true to name; tso
come on and patronize home production.
One Mile North of Milton.
the shadows which had darkened mv life for
twenty-eiht years have alt been dissipated.
l he effect of the medicine has been wonderful
indeed. To-day I am able to attend to all my
forming interests, and walk from one to five
miles iH.-r day. I am satisfied that the disease
is entirely broken up, and henceforth I am to be
free from those terrible apprehensions and suf
fering whk-h formerly iitadv my life miserable.
iStviiiri specific has done more fur me in one
year than all the drug1 store medicine prescribed
by physicians did hi twenty eight yearn, and I
moat cheerfully bear this testimony of Its merits.
Wjl R. Reed.
Hall County, Ga., Feb. 23, 185.
From the Dissecting Room.
Having taUen Swift's Specific for blood poison
c!ii trailed at amedieal colicue at a dissedlin,
while I was a medical stuJent, I am graltlul to
sity thit it grave me a speedy and thorough cure
after my parents had spent hundreds of dollars
f.ir treatment. My arm was twnlen to twice its
usual frizo, and as notliinjr helped me I was des
pairing cf ever beiii cured. Hut h.'arins" of tke
S. i, a., 1 bought a bottle little think uiir 1 would
derive any lK-nciit fnm it. I began taking it
re niT.-.riy, and soon the swelling began to
own und tJie arm e-cased to pain nie. I conti ti
led its iir.c, and after taking1 eight bottles was
.oroutiiy cured.
AnGi sTrs Wknpaix. Newark. N. J,
xreatice on illood and Skin Dieaiscs mailed
The Swivt Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.
Perfection at Last.
mi w
promises well, invites American j Fatigue work is very trying to
The loss from fallen wheat in
Umatilla county will amount to
many thousand dollars. Full sown
grain was too heavy in many places
te withstand the storms of wind
ond rain that came late in the sea
son. Ths best wheat suffered most.
What would have been the disas
trous result if the rain had come
as early and as often as the major
ity of farmers wished for itl The
wisest of grumblers are often very
uhort sighted.
Some Republican papers, preten
tious ones at that, might as well
say ia plain English "what right
hfcve Southerners and Democrats
to express sympathy at Grant's
death" at to whine and snivel about
it as they are cloif. No doubt it
is galling to those "bloody shirt"
journals to have it proved that they
have been misrepresenting the
South and the democracy for twen
ty years and to feel that their occu
pation abuse is almost none. The
war is ver. "Let us have peace."
manufacturers and merchants to de
posit samples of their goods at a
permanent exhibition at Home for
the purpose of extending American
commerce with Italy. The project
starts under a responsible auspices,
and if judiciously managed ought
to help our foreign trade. At
present we export very little to
Italy, though we leave annually a
good deal of American money in
that country. A well managed
commercial agency, such as is now
proposed, might enable us to keep
the balance of trade nearer even.
Secretary Whitney lias made
public the criticisms of the naval
advisory board upon the report of
the Dolphin board of examiners,
with the reply of the latter. The
naval advisory board take up the
objections made by the examining
volunteers. hatever they were
called on to do they did it cheer
fully (cheers) and what would
never have happenel in the case of
regular troops there were no court
martials. One reason for this is
found in that excellent law you
have here prohibiting strong drink.
This total absence of crime, I be
lieve, was due to the total absence
of stimulating liquors. (Cheers.)
They have proved that it is better
to do without it. There were eases
of old soldiers who had been ac
customed to drink, and they found
they could do better without it."
The wheat crop of Umatilla coun
ty is over average. Even jvith tha
prevailing low price farxers will
be able ia a great measure to throw
the incubus of indebtedness that oil
has for more than a year been
weighing so heavily on s great
o . i . . . .
uiauj oi mem. farmers in tue
main ate honest and very willing
to settle up old scores as Boon as
their circumstances permit. It is
Well to bear this in mind, and to
avoid unnecessary annoyance by
crowding for payment too soon
There will be enough for all, at
least very nearly so. Creditors
will gain nothinj- putting honest
grangers to unnecessary annoyance
and expense. There is a good time
cociog; it is almost here. Patience.
Had all been Tncre
"Once upon a time," began the
the teacher, "two brothers started
to a Sunday school on Sabbath
morning. Their way led past a tine
board to the Dolphin and discuss ! peach orchard, when the trees were
them at great lenirth. endeavoring I hanging oer with ripe, luscious
to show that the Dolphin is not peaches.
structurally weak and has the speed j going mto the orchard and jetting
contracted for. The examining some ot ine mm, Dut, tne otner re-
board in their reply maintain their fused and sped away, leaving his
former viftws. and noirt nut further companion Greedily devouring the
Gheiry Pectoral
Has preserved tlie lives of frrent numbers
of persons, by Arresting th e development of
Laryngitis, Tironchitis, Pneumonia,
and Pulmonary Consumption, and by
the cure of those dangerous l.Maludies. It
should be kept ready for use in every
family where there are chiWreu, as it is a
medicine far superior to all ethers in the
treatment of C.-oup, the alleviu tion of
V hooping Cou gh, ana the euro 01' Colds
find lnlluenza, ailments pcculis rlj inci
dental to childhood and youth.' Prompti
tude in dealing 'with all" diseases of 'his
class is of the utmost importance. Ibe
loss of a single day may, m many cases,
entail fatal consequences. Do not waste
precious time in experimenting with
medicines of doubtful efficacy, while the
malady is constantly paining a deeper
hold, but take at once the speediest and
most certain to cure,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J, C. A yer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Diruggists.
That will ride a s easv as a four. Good and strong, with phaeton body
good, full, large ba."k and the rider can use and feel no more horse
motion than in a four-wheeled vehicle. Has all the conveniences for a
doctor's box, for a c be 6t, storm apron, and is as easy to get in and out of
as a buggy; nothing to climb over in getting in. See what is said of it:
detects in the Uolpain not pre
viously mentioned. Lex ox.
Memory and I nilerslandlng.
One fact or principle clearly
understood, and made a part of the
working philosophy of life, is better
than yards of facts and principles
rolled glibly and superficially off
the tongue as the prestidigitators
pull the tape, apparently from their
miraculous mouths. I think close
observation and increasing study
convince unprejudiced minds that
the rote system almost inevitably
neglects the substance, and gives
the impression that the symbol is
the vital thing. There is frequently
no connection between reciting well
and understanding well. Tsaching
which begins with memorizing rules
is the cart before the horse method.
It has been well said that men did
Caveats, Ee-issues and Trade-Marks se
cured, and all other patent causes in the
One of the boys proposed I i'atent Office and before the Courts
upon receipt of model or sketch of
invention, I make careful espr-J'jation
and advise as to patentability -4ee of
Fees moderate, and I mate :no
Information, advice and special referen
ces sent on application.
J. B. L1TTELL, Washington, D. C.
Near U. S. Patent Office.
peaches. Now it happened thai
the owner of the orchard saw them,
and the next day rewarded the good
boy who refused to steel his peaches
by giving hiin 50 cents. He got a
prize for h's honesty, and what do
yoa suppose the cthtr boy got for his
"He got the peaches!" yelled
every member of the class, and
anotner penitentiary story was
brought to a close.
Our lives should be like the days,
most beautiful in the evening; or,
like the spring, aglow with promises,
and, like the autumn, rich with
golden sheaves, where good works
and deeds have ripened on the field.
Washing and Ironing.
Opposite Saling & Co.'s. Main St., Weston.
Washing, 75 cents per dozen. White shirts
washed ani ironed in the best stvie tor 'cne
bitten piece." No charge for enffs. collars and
handkerchiefs if less than six of each. 203m
To sell Dixon's new and superior maps and
chart. As pavin? an agency a anv in the
world. For 36 page catalogue, free, address
John Dixon,
5? Market St. Sam Francisco, Cal.
A good lookir.s; girl, whose lover
asked her in the tsnderest tones
why it was she was so magnetic,
not wait until A ristntU construct- i explained the phenomenon by
ed his logic to reason. The reason
ing cam first, and then thn treatise
on loic. Operations do not grow
ous of rules. Rules are the form
ulating or the results cf operations.
They do not educate the understand
ing. They are simplv the outcome
informing him that her mother and
father were beth telegraph operators.
'There are some things as old as
the hills, anvhow," said Uncle lieu-
ben. "What are they?"' asked his
of thi exerc;se cf an educated ur.dt r-; niese. "Toey are the valleys be-
atanaing. Hat there is one rran.tu tweec em, child, solemnly ansv.-ered
of knowledge in whkh memory ! the c'.i uitn.
A Clear Skin
is only a part of beauty;
but it is a part. Every lady
may have it; at least, what
looks like it Magnolia
"I have been usin? one of Cli !'f' s rnysi
cians' Koad Carts for some time, ai d a" well
pleased with it. I have prctii;i me tic.'ne near
ly twenty-five years, and have used al. no n eve
ry kind of vehicle on cwo wheets th ,jVe
seen, but this is the only conveyance ol tha t de
scription tha. I have ever u-e-i that I car, he. vti
ly recommend." W. T. SHERWOOD, -V. l.
PLASO, ILL , Dec. 8, is."2.
W. R. CHURCH De ir Sir: The Road Ca rt I
purchased of you is all and more than you U 'id
me: It tides as easy as any four-wheeled bu "
cv. and I modt heartily recommend it.
CLAYTON, MICH., April 20, 15?3.
W. R. CHURCH. Yoikville, 111. Dear Sir. I
am well pleased w.th my Cart; think it wll
worth the cost. Would not be without it for
any price.- O. N. RICE.
W. R. CHURCH. Yorkviile. 111. Dear Sir. I
have used one of your Kiad Carts since last Feb
ruary, 1 think it superior to any Koaa Lart i
have examined. It is THE thnv for the "busy
practitioner." V.". E. KIXNi.TT, II. D.,
lortiVLie, in.
PAW PAW, May 1st, 18t.
W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir: You wish to know
how I like my Cart. 1 cannot tsay too much in
its praie. It is simply perfect.
L. a. CKArrn, Ji. v.
MARSHALL, TEXAS, April 30, 1333.
Wi R. CHURCH Dear Sir I have now used
v Cart about ten davs, and must sav it stands
the test admirably. It is admired by everybody.
Send me a top for it. Yours truly,
li. I . t-AUS, Jl- U.
DYEREURGH. TEXX , April 7, 1383.
W. R. CHURCH sir The Cart ia at hand and
I like it spiendidb . It is Simply perfect. I
could not make any alterations.
LAXSDALE, PESN., April 20, 1?53.
The Cart arrived to-day, and 1 am ereatly
pleased. Beat anything in thU section of the
country. 1 wish you success in your enterprise.
Editor and Publisher ot the Medical summary.
people to subscribe for toe LEAnzr. before
Balm both
freshens and
"It is the best cart in our city." H. H. MAT
LOCK, Ottawa, 111.
JACKSONVILLE, ILL., March 28, 1883.
Vt. K. CHURCH Dear Sir I am gteatly
pieasea wun your tv.-o-tvneeiej verncle. it dis
counts anything of the kind. I have no more
use for iour-tt heeled buggies in mv business.
A. W. TIPTON, 11. D.
MARTINS, S. C, Mav 20, lfe3.
W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir The Cart ordered
from you can'.e yesterday. It is all and more
than you claim for it. It is certainlv the hnesl
,nd most convenient thine on wheels. I don'
t "link 1 will use any other vehicle in my practice
no w. Yours respectfully,
IIEMSTEAD, TEXAS, June 10. 1W59.
W. K . CHURCH Dear Sir Cart is at hand
has bed tried bv me and is satisfactory in every
parti nui.-. r. I will not hesitate to reconim..nd
them, r.i, only to physicians, but also to any and
all per -sort having much driving to do.
Yours, etc., P. S. CLARK.
CEOR 3ET0WN-. GEORGIA, July 20, 183.
W. R. i HUR' H 1 received my boad Cart all
ripht and i -:e it very much; would not exchange
it for any ,'our-wljeeled vehicle I have ever had
for my use. It is the admiration of all who see
it. Yours vt ry respectfully,
ST. JOSEPH, MO., August 16, 1883.
' W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir The Cart was re
ceived in gooa shape. I am Hhly pitased with
f- after triving it a trial. Ic is much neater and
more compact than I expected. I thi.-ik it will
take here. Wishing you success, lair, yours,
. C. HOYT.
CHFSTF.R. IOWA, Auiast IS, 1S53.
W. R. CHLRCH Dear sir The Cart is the
ltohtest to dnw in the United States. The more
I use it the better I like it. Yours tniiv,
W. R. CHURCH Thcuijli you have not asked
for a recoiumetdation of your Cart. I think it my
dutv to (rive one. For ease anil speed it can't be
well beaten. With a 650 Texas pony I thirk I
can go with any high-priced horse. S. P. RICE.
is over. It ought to be la tha
of every man in Umatilla County, as the price
is only
OVFUL Kcws for Boys and Cirls D
l.mz and Old ! ! A SEW IN.
VEM'ION just patented for them.
xor fioine use !
Fret and Scroll Sawini?. Tnrnins"
iT?A: Tw;n;n r.... pnii.kin
f'--'tHi ScrewCuttins. ' Price Soto $50.
PKiVh K.,,.1 ('. rent for ICO nare.
EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Ifass
-: i.frf4 Wm Hijiftifu
per year when paid in advance. Gives all the
local intelligence and the news of the
No. 10 Oregon St.
Send for sample aop7-
f-mnized wflh a tun Stair of elghteei
sutd Scrgcona for the l resume lit ot '
ill Cbronlc Diseases.
CltTonie Na!.l Catarrh, Throat and
SjTts.Bf Kiani -ki, Liver and Kidue?
liiif asec, E,':!!;cr Iieae, Diseases
ot 'VFopycrj;, ttiood IfiKeases aud jierv
one Ati'cci io:iw, cuml here or at horaf,
witii or without e-(d tho patient. Corainr. i
r.ys Ui, or Fr-ail l-n cents In stamps for m:i
fc,invE.iicts Gaido iiooi," which givx -ell
lvervci KcbHIty, TmpC
tenr-.y, . turnal Lo9Mi
ana a!! iimorbid Conditio::!
) cwNjt lonmisi tof
v?FSS-S! RHcs anil Pernicioos Soli-
"""""""" a-ttl permanently cured by oi I
EpecuUirts. Book, post-paid, 10 cts. ia sUimrt,
fcBjMznammmTt KFtnre, or lirencb, ruci.
R m E caliy cured without the knifv
S inn's LlKr B witaout misses, witaour pair,
f i.ui mufa an(J wit-noIlt danT. Cn.f l
fcjjiMsuazj fciuarsuiieed. ilook Bent lot
tm cttAh in Fta np.
Sr'VJEi T,ixi4S and STBin ll.
treated under sraaranteo to ur;r "oo
PTni. lor ten cents in stmips. AOtlrvm won ..o i
liifENSAre? :,Ii:dicai. XasOCiAiioa, 0C3 ilaia
Street, BtiZalo, A Y.
l iva ' ' .... .... u. .. i'.
thousands of cases of tuli
diseases peculiar to
at the Invalids Hotel an?
Fiinrical InRtitirte. ban s
forded experience in adapting remedu
tor tneir cure, m j
Jilt. PIEttCE'9
Fayoriia Prescriptiosi
3 tho result cf this vast ezperience.
It $3 a povnnrful Eestoratire Tonf4
apd Jferviue, imparts virar and ttrenps
to toe syfrein, ana cures, as n ry
f.jrrpca, or
flo-.rl-.iir. raioi
j att'ral KuppreHBiou, prolapsuit oi
anlevtrsion, retroversion, bearinc
fioirc secu'.tions, chronie twi'w
tioi), iuSiaiaraation and ulceration
or tho v-oiib, lnfiaramatioii, pain
cni ieneriies( in ovaries, internal
beat, and "female weakness."
It T -m n-r It rptwvpA iinfl etirefl KatiM3
aid fesiicei5 of f tomeeli, Indiaer
tion, Tiia-xi insr, Nerroos Prostration,
&ud blet i.icbsuci.Sj in either sex.
Fend ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's
hm Trtaiiso oa Disca&os ot Women, llluo
tated. i
WsrfiTs Ci:p3ssary Esificsl issoclalioB
83 Kain Btreet, EuTFAiO. H.-'
l, 'tel. Kilinnn Heaaaent-
Y i, Biariaess, Constipa-
y filf Vroxava? cured br
iWf tierce's PJeaiaB
-i&r Pnrgative Pellets, -f
d cures, as it by mane, E,e;i
whites,' exeessivt
i"nl raenstrnation, aiw