Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, August 21, 1885, Image 2

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IXSIIHSSIT KK&ECTtMj. tKXJIE.ft SETTS. ' STATE XJWS. t sf-- ' ?5T ?M -T :V"CTF." ! $7iT 0.
Waatcn Weekly Leader.
Not many yoar ago it would
have'been difficult to convince many
farmers tha? the rate of freight
from Blue Mountain or Centerville
lo Portland would ever bo as low
a nix dollars p-r ton. The build
ing of the railroad along the un
narigsWe Columbia river has re
united in a great reduction of
freight rates. Farmers and ship,
fiers appreciate this. While con
tending for cheaper rates of trans
portation they are not unmindful
of the benefits already received.
It matters not what motives may
' have induced the benevolent monop.
': oly.to make the reductions. The
fanners have received the benefit.
But freights are considered high or
low by comparison. There is no
. ingratitude in attempting to secure
- the lowest possible rates' of trans
jiortation. ' Ilailroed organs would
have us believe that the producers
ef the Inland Empire are the black
est ingrates for daring to complain
of the "reasonable charges" of the
Benevolent monopoly. inis is
mere buncombe, worth so much per
line, r.Ii the; Columbia river was
' navigable from Astoria to Wallula
or if there was a competing line of
railroad across the Cascades to Pu
get Sound, the 0. E. &. N. Co.
ould afford 'to haul wheat from
Blue Mountain to Portland for con
niderably less than nix dollars per
ton. The fact that it has a monop.
oly of the traffic is all that prevents
it frotd doing ho now. Every cent
saved on transportation is clear
gain to the firmer. If he can do
anything to bring aboit better
rates than the benevolent monopol
is giving Liui, it is his business to
lo it It may seem homeless to
look for a free river to tie Pacific
but' it must come sometime, and
much may he dene to hasten the
time. Portland's opposition has
been fully exposed, and it will be
less powerful in the futire in con
trolling the politics and commercial
interests of tho State for the exclus
ive benefit of Portland. The vast
nnd varied resources of that part
of Oregon and Washington of which
the Columbia is the natural outlet
huve become more generally known
throughout the Union. With pro
per care in tlio choice of Eepresen
tative and Senators, national legis
lation on this important subject
will not be so diU'oult as in days
gone by. Despite his promises we
know that wo have nothing to ex
1 ect from Bo!ph. One honest en
deavor is worth ten fair promises
Judging from the temper of the
last Oregon Legislature it is not at
all probable that a Portland man
will succeed . Slater. It i3 of tho
utmost importance that an able and
Reuuine friend of the Inland Em
pire should be chosen. The people
of Eastern Orpgon should impress
this fact upon I heir representa
tives, whether llepuhliuan or Dem
ocratic. Mero party success is a
rmall thing compared with the
opening of '.h". O-.-lumhia river.
' L--v freight havo become a neces
sity. There hss been a vast fall
ing off in prices during the last ten
venrs, in wages and many staple ar
The following cirer.'ar regardinc
"indemnity seleotions" has jus. been
sent to all ilfgiaters and Receiver:
Gextlemax: Before admitting
railroad indemnity selections in any
case yon will require preliminary
lists to be fii?d specifying the par
ticular defkiencie for which in
demnity is claimed. You will then
carefully examine your records,
tract by tract, to ascertain whether
the loss to the grant actually exists.
as alleged. You will admit no in
i . . . . .
aemnity selection without a proper
basis therefor. It vou are in d.nbt
whether the company is entitled to
indennity losses claimed, you will
transmit the preliminary lists to
this otiics for instructions, and will
not place the selections upon record
until directed so to do.
When indemnity selections have
heietoforebeen made without specifi
cation of losses, you will require the
companies to designate the Jehcien
cies for which such indemnity
to be applied before further
selections are allowed.
The selecting agent applving to
make indemnity selection must state
in his affidavit attached to the list
presented that the spocific losses for
which indemnity is claimed are
truly set. forth and described in
said list, and that said losses have
not heretofore been indemnified in
any number.
Where deficiencies: exist, for
which indemnity is allowed by law,
the lieu selections must be made
from vacant - unappropriated land
within proper sections and limits
nearest the granted sections in
which the loss occurred. You will
be careful to see that this rule is
strictly complied with, and will re
iect all selections not made in con
fortuity thereto.
William Walker,
Acting Commisisoner.
L. Q. C. Lamar Secretary.
John Roach's liabilities are $2,- j
20O,OU0j nominal assets, 5,lSl.- j
IMJO; actual assets, 4,481,000. j
Secretary Whitnpy has issued an
order that naval oiScers, instead ef
soldierirg en shore, must go to sea.
Gen. Luther M. Meilly, of Ohio,
has been appointed assistant com
missioner of the general land office,
in place of Harrison.
Trade organizations have peti
tioned the president for an excra
session of congress for the relief of j convene at
industrial classes and the revival of
About sistr persons ire at work
' , ,-1 ! I-k -
in the uiae xuve-r ni.ui--.-i. t
Lafavette wiil have six months lu
free school the co:irg year.
John Cannon, repGO, committed
suicide at Newport fin other day.
At Brownsville list week Andy
Kirk broke his aruiWhiie working
about a threshing ma-'hine.
The fall
County A:
meeting of the Baker
as fci i u fv.M ft &. m i fmm4mimmm&
2 A m W,-;.,A a t
Those who work early and late ueeti a whole
some rrfioMe medicine UUe PFfSDEES OKE
GtJX HLOOD PCE1FIER. Aa a remedy and
preventive of diseases it cannot be beat. It
checks Rheumatism and Malaria, relievts Consti
pation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness, and puts xresh
energy into the system by malting Xew, Rich
Blood. All Prugsists and Dedcrs. tep ft. Sl.CO
bottles, 6 tor J5.00. 3o2m
f lie Laughs!
- k
5 1
.'t :
Bakec Citr October 6ih U PROMPT, SAFE,
and conti;
Last Tuesday, Lotta, 5 year old
Miss Adrianna Brinchle has just
been released from' the Pennvsl
vania lunatic asylum, after 27 years'
confinement. She has been sane
all the time.
Twenty Piegan horse thieves
were killed by a party of cowboys
in Montana last Friday. A later
report says they were not killed,
but the cowboys wero m hot pur
Information has been received
that civil war has broken out at
Khartoum; that the treasury has
been sacked, and that El Mahdi s
successor and other officials have
been killed.
Information has been received
that two whaling barks, Napoleon
r.'J (J&zelle, wero crushed by ice
in ou nortn last July. iwo ot
the boats, containing 1$ of the
crew, were lost.
The graduating class of the Indian
industrial school numbered 25, of
whom 10 are ;irls. These children
will return to their reservation
homes at once, carrying thither, it
is 'hoped, the ways of civilzation
that they have learned in their few
years at the government school.
In 8 boys .are, as a rule, steauy and
industrious, and the girls neat and
thrifty. Discouragements must
beset them wher. they return to
their tribes, and it remains to be
seen whether the little leaven will
leaven the whole lump, iiither
these girls and boys, especially the
former, will be made wretched be
yond description by the knowledge
they have gamed, or they will
successfully introduce the habits
they have acquired into their homes
and lives of their neoijle. In all
naturo the tendency is to return to
primal state when cultivation ceases,
and if these pupils tlegnnerate some
what by contact sgain with their
native sloth and faith, it will not be
strange. It is not likely that their
hands will not forget their cunning
however, and ax to the rest they
Captain P. E. Pierce, of the First
infantry, has been apnointed Indian
agent at San Carlos agency. 1 is
probable that officers of the army
will be placed in charge of all the
agencies where Indians are trouble
some. Typhoid fever has made its ap
pearance in the New Jersey asylum
for the insane, at Morris Plains,
and over a dozen persons are pros
trated with the disease, which is
supposed to have originated in bad
A special from Vicksburg says:
Ann Hogan, colored, died in this
county yesterday, 120 years of age.
Her peculiarity was her hair, which
was three feet long, a sample of
which was on exhibition at the
world's exposition at New Orleans.
In Granada, Spain, cholera is in
creasing fearfully. In the province
outside the citv, there were report
ed Saturday 218 deaths from the!
disease and 485 new cases, and in
the city 213 deaths and 455 new
cases. ,
The people of Camden, New Jer
sey, are considerably alarmed over
what appears to have been a death
from cholera. The subject was an
Irish girl but two weeks in the
country. The coroner found the
symptoms identical with Asiatic
While engaged in raiding China
town in San Francisco in search of
cubic air law violators, the ofiicsrs
found a leper in the last stage o.f
daughter of Dr. S!i jpley of Heppner,
broke both bones her arm while
playing in the barn at her father's
A party of f.ofdiers from Fort
Klamath, in charj-e of Capt. Miller,
are enas;ed i" repairing the mili
tary telegraph 'line between ' Ash
land and Linkvillle.
The work' of'surveying the new j
road to the Pine Creek mines will
be commenced n ext week and push
ed to completion. The work will
be done by private pariius.
James Philips, the ' brakeman
who was stabbed at La Grande last
week, is out of danger, r His hurt
was not so serious as at fif-at suppos
ed. His assa:-.lant free; vet,
Corvallis Gazette: The penny and
silver three cent pkee are coining
into general ;se in this county, the
Oregon Pacific railroad having late
ly procured aiarge number for mak
ing change in rares over the road.
tics cn'J. Poisons
Hoarseness. CuM
lafl ne;i3C, rcniikitL Ai!;tna Croup, 'WTioop
actions of ihc Thrrnt ar.d Lira is.
price 5 ccr:ta a bottie. Sola by Dmcpigts una
Dr'.-utrfsi. 2;f!i-$ unvhhi to induce their denier to
pr-omptitf a-'' f''t' Mwfl v:iU rrcWoe two boitleS)
re" fWi; ;':: jtw;fe, htf fxiv'Jng one doilur U
lliL Oi.lKI.24 A. VOitJ'iLKJl CU3iFAYy
lwi(,re, iiEj-yUiuL ti. 8. A
For Milton!
T.te undersigned is buying
Alfred Guild was fined 100 at
Hillsboro th e other day for smear
ing the seat of P. B. Lewis' buguy
with tar wheyeby the Sunday to to-
meeting trousers and Pi;ince Albert
coat, of thii latter were seriously
A ton of ore from the Pine Creek
mines was shipped, a short time ago,
to Omaha to be reduced, the re
sult was $650 gold. There can be
nodoubt but that this new discovery
is one of the greatest bonanzas of
recent times. ;
Harvest is nearly completed, and
the yield has been the largest ever
witnessed in Wasco count'. The
average will be as hili as forty
bushels to the acre in home places,
while in others it will not reach
over twenty.
A 10-year-old daughter of John
O'Brien, Applegate, met with a
serious accident on Wednesday last.
The little girl was climbing on a
large gate, when she slipped and
fell, the gate falling on top of her,
causing a fracture of one of the
- "What " roh'.er v."o;iH ve-"prop:rly tcvr.i
";an'::ce-''i;e:-.-;-.::3" '.vhu.r. ii bcnc;;.!i,
a-e the J.'inr"s S'iS Sor Kye-.,
iioil?, and Cutaneous Krppucns W..i
wUieu -.(-'vii?;c c'.-e iiitiioyod n r'l'i.iiv; ciud
rr.ri v summer. The c-.?'eft aiatter aceumu
iali'd diu-ins tuo -vvinisr luc-itaj, now
maUcs its prescueo ;-ir thi'.'iuj:".! future's
emleavora to cspol it from the system.
Whi'.e it remains, it is apoi.oa that festers
Jn the Wood and in::- uev'.-'.on into iserof-
ula. This condiliuu cause s derenirouient
nf the li''astiva and n.-Hr.iaicrv orsms
wi'hafccliusol cnRr.u'.:n, .:r.-.a.r.i'nd
wenriness often "ii.u'afl;- "iK.kr-vioi: :is"c.iiy
spring lever.-' i i:trO r.re cvtu.isce i:i".
JJaturo is not Able, unaided, lo t'lfjw)!
t!ie i-oiTUnt atoms win;-:.: wiii:vn til-: vi';;.
f:,w. To n-piin lie:t'.:h. Xaiuwnmst l
aided by a li!iirou:;li !i(jod-;iuri!'yi;ri i.'.cd
kiau; slnd iiolUii:; tlio is si cil'cciic as
v o A'"??f.','.,'
vrliieh i sufficiently poerf::1 to
I'rotu t!ie system even tUo taint oi 1
itiiry St-rcuilii.
'j lie -iiK'Hifai proiess.on nn.crss ,ii t-.t; -
SAnsAPAKIU.A, r.:ui n:;:;sy n:ielat!oi; cf
the rurcss ctl'ected ' y itoum in.:.! nil :.r'
i th'i world, li. i. in tUe i.u-ni:i!-" ol
iho lion. Vr::n-U Te-.Vilt,,ojr--.iK Sei
:'.!or of St;farli'Jsen- and e:c-.!::yor td
i,ov, ?il, t'30 only X'tparatiOtt llu;t dov.
reui, lastlaj gooil."
pr.r.rAP.itD by
And is al'ways redv to
A- J. Rouanzoin.
the "boss"' store
OHit-e with J. B. Williamson,
in Milton, Oregon.
' ZZTXcer.t for Sibeon,
Quackcnbuih & Co.,
Dr. J. C. A yep & Co., Leas!!, tics
Sold by all Dnikts: Trice 1;
SIX bottles tor i-t. .
P. LOWELL, - Prop.
Because he buys his Goods at ADAEVSS from
to Ttnr A -kt
Dress Goods, Laces k, f&ihbons for his
should be encouraged in. every.l Ul0 horrid dj8eaae VVhen bein
possible woy to tnake practical use
of the knowledge they have acquir
ed. Telegram.
As St. Paul paper of August 7
has the following: The Northern
Pacific freight department yester
day received returns from the re
cent experiment of shipping beef
cattle direct from the Washington
territory ranges to he Ghieago
markets. The actual running time
from Spra.ue, "W. T., to St. Paul
1572 miles was 107 J hours. In
addition to this, hours were al
lowed for rest, Reding and water
in", making the total time from
Sprague to St. Paul 1 CO J hours, or
G duvs 1C?! hours. Upon arrival
IviriiyiSiJIfiiLtfS B i
1 take tliis method of informing tlis puMic, and
the fanners in pa.'tie:i!ar, t:i::fc I havo
cpcneJ a com pit' t a assortment or
Agrlcu'-nrai Empigrsients,
Plows and Harrows.
Travelers will tind that this hotel sets
as cwd a tiilde as is lo be tound in the
whole "Upper Coun'.ry.'" Bedrooms
are iare, clean and airy. Every ntten
tioii pr.id to the comfort and convenience
of '.lCitS.
Patroncs3 HsspeoifuHy SolicUed.
Boots, If ats and Eleady-:.2ade Clothing for his
Tea, Sugar and CoSee ar.d all kinds of Groceries for hitf
Tobacco, Sliirts, EJIaalccJs, aad Everything he wants for
searched at the city prison one of
the wretche's fingers wa knocked
off. lie presented a niOEl shocking
spectacle of physical corruption.
The secretary of war has instruct
ed Gen. ililes, in command of the
department of the Missouri, to hold '
troops in readiness to enforce the
President's recent proclamation in
regard to cattlemen on the Chey
enne and Arapahoe reservations.
liy the terms of the proclamation
the cattlemen will be compelled to
remove (heir herds by September
4th. The troops will be held at
Fort Ileno.
Mr. Heap, the United States con
sul, has sent to the porte another
in Chicago, the cattle 270 head, , ' coucllej in sUn-er terms a.nf
worn M vitrtiea on the Kj nion stock i .1 c t, . 1 nh'
tides. As the countrv ..-rows olflni-! 'ard scales. They averaged 1250 L, c. t n';aa
;o was very r... t : . .. 1
there will probably be a stil! greater I f.uK , T,;? ll'r.il?ka
T ' - n. ,
jailing on.
liowu in proportion
ahts must come i
The disposi
tion of this question lies largely ir;
he hands of those most deeply in
teresled. Will they allow neglect
or party politics to prevent its pro
per adjustment!
Tii:: lijard of Kquulizatinn will
meet at Pendleton on tho last day
of this month. TlieJdatits nf tl.
Assensor this year have been of
more than usual importance. It is
to be hoped that no one has been
overlooked. The census tak-.U by
the Assessor will be the b.o.s of
legislative representation, if the
next Legislature does its duty. Ia
the matter of represe-itation Uma
tilla county has been wronged.
Then the census wiil figure in the
H-pportiormenc of thn school fund
hij'ing nothing about the necessity
light, and not Rutlicieiit to interfere
with the price. The price received
was J;5.5 a hundred, or $07.20
per steer. The shipper made a
neat little sum out of the experiment.
Judge Webster on the 6r,h inst.
reversed a decision in the case of
the State vs T. C. Gaunt, of Link
ville, who was indicted at the last
term of the circuit court for Kla
math county for selling liquor with
out license. This is the lirst viola
tion of what is known as the Keady
law, passed bylie last legislature,
and was intended as a test case.
His Honor held tht the law was
operative and could be enforced.
The demurrer being overruled, Mr.
Gaunt's trial will come up at ;he
next term
uem, on
I heir being Jews. Mr. Heap point3
out that the expulsions are in vio
lation of treaty stipulations and
are liable to cause serious dilliculty.
He has also referred the matter to
the government at Washington.
A skiff in which were six boys,
ranging from 8 to 13 years, capsiz
ed in the middle of the IJononga
hela river, at Pittsburg, below lock
No. 1, Tuesday aflerne.on about
4 o'clock, drowning Charles and
Marx lliohcourt and Aiders and
Jacob Mezler. The other two,
Charles Meixner and George Skid
lander, succeeded in reachin; the
Fire broke out at Alkali at 10 p.
m., on Saturday last, in a building
occupied by a lottery racket. .Cin
der s saloon, llendrick's butcher
shop, a building owned by J. Ser
vice, and W. A. Rodkey's meiehan
dise store v.ere totally destroyed.
The loss is about 10,000. There
was only a snsiiil insurance and that
on iiodkey's feteclt. ? '
Astorian: ' From North Bench
come stories of Sharklets se n by
daring bathers. A real live shark
wsmld lie a thrilling, though
uiin.sual, sight along the sand-strewn
' corsL But for a real genuine sensa
tion, nothing equals a devil lish.
Let some of the Clatsop or North
beach romancers invent one theboats
front Portland will be crowded with
passengers coming down.
About 2 o'clock Sunday after
noon George Cogdou, who works in
Keller's fciauuhter house en the
White house rtwd, was attacked by
an infur.tted ox, and recieved in
juries which wiJI prbaiy prove
fatal. Oi;e of the hori;s of tho
limal struck Goudon over the
i hip, and pii-reed its v ay up
ward as far as the ribs, lx'nttrating
the cavity of tlirs body. Thflniysi
cian thinks his condition is ;iitical.
and that there is little hole of recovery.
I intend to make a speda't pi the celebrated
kimmi SEtOER,
tho most complete favminir implement ever in
vented Anythi'tpr I do lmi 'i:i;j'cn to 1-a.ve in
stotk will beordeicd ou start Lotica.
VLUi VsfiLLa DHiilLhl
Established 1SC1.
C p3 f t-s
hJ tc"Vi L.rj Z l -
fJ7 rrm
And all kinds ol
Xiuf J&iij&X JLiii Jzi &A4t hSf
Fii-8-Prcof Ci;;iuln5, n!ain Street,
'an-2 . WAtLA WA1.L W. T.
j j !
1 ti
iVIy M sw Wareh ouse
is now "rc-ady to receive
Gld ''Clubfoot," an immense
grizzly besr i.hat lias ti.stroved
hundreds of dollars worth stock,
andloicLr been the terror' of S.skivou,
it Ifi "fytH r-tf-fL
I v.-iU pay the
fur wlTcat.
"2TAgut for Hathoii Bros., Portland, Orsjon.
I iartar' inns
Done to
In nndi'Icn t - tlifi aluivo we wouM : o ?r.crtfull,
int'oi-iii the i'.1. : iiKTfl oi tho snrr:!nni.in
country that. w ivw carry a full
line of
I. Case a;s;l
ft 3
' UBS.
He buys for CasSi, and declares he can do
better at EEkl B. KEyiwAN'S
than he can at any other place
in the county, for they
keep the best of
everything in
r- n -R
m lis i h
isiiii i s 0 b
and tLcir prices arc very reasonable.
Oigars, Hotions, Cutlery,
h ' 1 1
g T; fj5 tr
k ii s L'ia 'VIcP a
3 lZJ Mm WXJ
F.il term will hftIn Ttios !r.v. Scr.tc-i:ili:T
Says the Shasta Courier, V as ahlill t l"- biirti-rpij-fe in tho IMc-hic .Northwest
some aays nzo hy inrec huntrrs,
a i-fii pp; " a '
who were induced to sio a.tor him
on the strength of a liberal reward.
In the light the bear mat.3 mince
meat of a herd of dos, ind only j 3tl
gave op the ghost ifier a
pound or two ot lead lad been
Dumped into him from Winchesters
I at short rane.
CoS'ege Course,
r.r to p.er.r.re f.-r Tt.K hiis.-. f.-r il;isi:ic-33 cr f:.r
College. Atiiplu l-o-miiui: f;'.ci!il:.-:s at rt;uuct'-l
nttc-ti. Haul t.ir Cat:;!oi.- t-. th.: i'l-e..U-nt.
A. J. ASKEUSo:,', i'u. u..
Vi'ulia Wmla, . T.
of court. Jacksonville j iast time.
hore. lhe accident happened in
sight of hundreds of people, and be-i The stage between The Dalies
fore succor could reach the unfor-1 and Canyon C'ify was overtaken by
turiate lads thev had sunk for the ! a waterspout wncn near Uako Oven
L. Ii. I'OV. KI.L.
r. ii. Kuvrix.
rench and
A r
ericasi Candie:
iat vet'k.
n crnnr. was nriteAtt
! and ni'pnir;niiir-fi Iiv lifa vr Mmnrlcr
T, ,'KH tl,J tLrwIIT H A YicksburS dispatch to the d ightnin?. T"ile wat;.r poiu.Pii
It is said that th design for the TimAB.Dpmocrar. ss.rt Xews is re.-1 , ...... c . . .. , .
nnw t.iwtRl rsrHs. ditlVrino- .-n.n. . . T . I aow n 111 a lorrer.r, ana v-as u.ree
aud justice of as?ssin" all th taxa- provement, and that the line un:lr
ble pfopcrry in tho county, a eom
pleto census is of great importance.
Here is wht makes Hie Repub-
...a .0 ou 1 s: e. on the la a hate hie river, last
in depth, with stock swimming
1 Usv l. a hJju
v iVtU l tun tnu
1 n rG fLi u' : " . 1:1;. u. a m. ba mm. H
!& f
Our meats nro always freh and good
All oi'.iers tillud with iiroirptucsa.
srovrrll ti Erwin.
r.mies v-ho conte;nTiI.-to hniUlii no jr.at;
wadin- around in ii. A nas- ! r???.-?
UTinii v. nr .1 A 1 n M firh. manr.opr . .1 . 1 1.1: ....j . ... ..
.1 , ..... .1.. j .i ; .,. - a ser.eer 011 tie siase as imuiiil' an 1 iw.isa.ni r.ic... LU.i.,i..,i.n,...i!i,,-.i.
'i ' ,ot John Tylers JJelle Chase plai.ia- ; mCreu- for r,otection fron tl,
now reads, Nothing but the ad-! tion T)r ,-.lr.lt.Pr r,f T) i , , P'ctectIC lrohl 1 1H
j. ... i 1 ,1 .1.;. ,;.i. ; "on " VT- -Aci.ur, n,anas,er or U. , Run anj w-len ti,e eifects of the
- 1 " , " , . ' ! i'uraens ijeveriy p;aco. i.u
has been changed to read, "JSof nir.g j old ,r,isvn,ierstandinf was revived.
ltiif flit. ..t-lrutc t r .a er tma CTrtp
..... uuv...vw w v.. ...... nfi ii C 31 1 r.-.r o nn frt artiifa 1.1. . . 1. ,1
r- u. I . ., . . . ' terul havips; Of en nieltea ana Uurn
. . . t uu . caiiMu n iinranfi r irparpnw . . .1.- -.: 1 . - c-
1 : ra ny ine iiuiuuiii'j. ot-raiij.' 10
10 snoot iiim, wlien Adair sliot and
! killed McMatb
' storm were over found himself h )ld- " flW. C. 13. liLi
1 t ho sf-fpV thprlh fini n'.iipr ma. i
iandMcMath rode up to Adair's I i.:u-. ,i..,i
licn spoils nan bitter against tho
u.iimiusLraiion: 1 rom .March 4th to : 1 .-. .,t rMhitn -,.
July 25th there h,ve b,, .n,. ' ' tirs a,i1 !-y, the gentle man Vas not injured
4,0-1 -J lL-.st.cUss postmssters: and ! Tl:e t!!al" be.a.nn1 fc"t ln-'sta P' -d. and subsecuendv released on
bpr.. U ... .1. . n . imeiit ot tea saippecl l.y tl:e oriu-iainf n , - ; The Oregon tt Calitoruia stati
". ' ,Kr I ern Pacific fro:n Tacoaia on the 8;h ' buidins at Oreson Citv was ente:
..u.u,. ullT p?a!nst the admin-linnt.. reached New York to-day I
Htratlon, of thse .1,0 1G vacincies ; noon, inakiujj the run of miles 1 Lou
si ia -J I Of d K
0 mn
re,j ! liiliiiiLOi (Xj 'Li. ut-u
I Watchmaker IJweler '0 f
Post OGce luiluiu
As the south-buunu train on the by burglars at an earl- hour gator- i
ouisville A-Nashville railroad was I dav inorninc: last. Aout 1 2:S0 I
only "JOs vre caused bv removal; I m eiyht oays and tour hours, being ; pulling irom ..Igetield Junction, sV:ock the watchman whiie making
, , j the lastrsl f.ie.e ever macle bv a ; tr-ii miles
win other were caused by
death or resignation.
ten miles north of Nashville. Ten-i his rounds looked into the building j
I nessce. two ycung negro roustabouts and saw two men crouched on the !
C!oe"ic and wntches clrancrl and re
paired in a if a manner at reasonable
The om-uies of the adminisrra-
tion, the sniji- men who paid Bsn January is about 30.000 less than
Cutler to attempt the defeat of 1 during the corresponding period last
Cleveland, arc now niakin- or ran ' VP!ir- Tile c-!'creilst' w:;s laosfniark
luents with IW to hsvlhi-nen'l. ar$ Erst four months of
, ... 1 this resr. Tf.ere was uu:le a in u-ic-dorw
the ftdunnislrai.on with a ! PJ increase in tlw number o Scan
view To prejudicing ths people ! dinavian immigrants,
gainst it, Den Euth-r's inverse in-1 '
j lexas nir-rs s.iy mat that great
wm nr.vn the largest cotton
freight train from ocean to ocean
' j got into an empty box cai, for the floor near the safe. He ordered I
lhe number ot immigrants land-: urmiB(, Qf steaiine a ride. Thev thm tn m out. and snrrw.rW!
. . . i i ' . I .. . : . . i . r . ' . . . - - -
P-l as l-lllLP VJariieil Mlice ise Ibl Ol .0 nrAa.BA hv tho l.ratemen .
when an altercation ersueel between
. rates.
in Cii
the brakeiuen and the negroes, one
of the latter throwing a stone which
hit one of the brakr-men. The hit
ter chafed the neries up the road
and into a corr.iield. The fore
! most of the pursuers followed into,
the cornfield, find was shot and
and I
cbeved only the former com-'
wand, and raised a window an;.; special AUentton Gtv.n
c;;sappearea clown tile rai.road traeic
towards Portland. An exa;:;ina-
tien showed that three hohs i fimim WHEELEU, .
had been bred into :t, one above.
the coiuhination and two below it.vj TGSORJAL ARTIST
xiit: ulij.ci nut; as iilit'U iui j;u i-
der. and the thieves were evidently
iioence being al-nost eqoa! to that ' gute
killed bv one fcf the
r;es. b-
cf the Enst Oronian.
crop ever raised in tho state.
ct v.-;:c:u c-ienped
.. both . tiliinsx the otuer two when surprised. ; Ke-n raiors. t .-cis eir
rr, , 1 li'iit 1. Hair cittir.s in tho latel
' There I'd no clue. i .trio-f ttit.r:.
!- and n
TUMiCrtff I Ladies' Wear in Endless Variety.
IaUMMUI Canned Gocdc and Groceries.
MCmuRani HCCHiiS luui ami onuea
! r i'-1-'"'.
1 : ' .--r-n.