Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, August 21, 1885, Image 1

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One rnar fi inoh)Or tneerttoo.
Each addiUoiua insertion........... . .
Two aquareSsBnrt insertiM... f ffj
. P. ITCOLL, Publisher.
Ibbved Evert Saturday Morsisg,
Eacb aaaiuonai inaeruoa.
Three Squares, SraS iaaartVn. a n
Each adUonlinaertioB.i.....j...,... rB
One Quarter Oohuna, ttast lilWH... aS
- lime advertiser Dv nrfsl sMfkfik
Mnbaerlpllon Unless
kBotiee t5 cant pet ua. -
Advertuamjr SOU payath
AO legal BoOceawta be
square Ira inwrttom, sod X.
each nbiont lneerttoB
ns Tr, (In advance)
Six Months ,
inre. Months.
ingie Copies '
... 1 25
'.124 Cti
NO 36
Nonea Simple ai
manucas and deaths wul
ebarc. Ofcitaory
mm fm MM
ul be i-ilil u
wen..,? r vtji r
Tjiijs 3 F. Meets every Thursday even
OSes' int. Brothers in trood standing-
mjwjuuy inviien to visis.
F. R. MITCHELL, N. O. O. P. jrCOLL,Sec.
Metts on the second and lourtn suur
day ol each month. w
L.B. WOOD. W. K,
sMlii, WESTON LODGE. 10.71, A. O. V.
W. Meets every Tuesday evening
at rialii' hall, vmung- orouiers
I. n. ravbi, Me
M4, 1, o. O. T. Meets every
Saturday evening at McDan
I, , Hall. J. &JUEAH, W. C. T.
M. WHITE, Secretary.
Km At.
' Centervllie, Oreiceji.
Will piictice in a'.l the court ot Oregon and
Wasliirton Territory.
WESTON, Oregon.
Legal blanks of all kinds tor sale.
Office at Postoffice. 10-29
Real FMatn and Public Land Matter a specialty.
Collections promptly attended to. Office over
the First National Bank, Court St. 12
g V. KNOX,
Attorney at Law,
Wilt practice in the Courts ol this State and
WMliitivtoii Territory. Special attention paid to
Land Otlice business and Collections.
Ofltcc-Mnla St.. Weston. Or.
IsT Sv re L. L. Mc Arthur will ba associated
sr' th me in all iny cues in the Circuit or Supreme
j j. Mcdonald,
Physical) and Surgeon.
OFFICE Over the Drug Store, Is
land City, Oregon. 5T All calls prompt
ly ntendud to.
EO. W. KING. M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
OtHco over Stcinaker's store,
Calls promptly answered day or night.
Phyaioian Sui-xeo'...
ADAMS, - - - OtlEliOV.
OrFic-e Iu Jlifso Si Co. '3 Drug
C.A11 calls promptly attended to.
fflTaukeslia Glenn
Dnarantced Medicinally Superior containing
miro imtural ruiiiernl salts. It is pure. Ia the
inly diurectic water known In the world which
u ls. directly upon the secretions of the Liver,
Kidoi-y.Uriimry and Generative Organs, and is
Nature'! Sovereign Remedy for that numerous
ilassof (le.ises that ulllict the humau lamily,
I y Thousands of test Imor.la's mailed free.
Aba ten wo will send you a sample case ot
len quart bottles. bottled for family and club
iso,i ti receipt of $1..0 and this advertisement,
r a iiulf barrel for iX Address
T. n. BRYANT, llos BYArKE.snAra.' '
rrivatc Line Telephones
For iim between office and residence
or factory. Fold outright. No renting
Takes place of Dell Telephone on all
lines under two mile. In lemttb. A9
lufrmgrmmt. Pat. Nov. an, 'so. SOOO
Inune. vimittr rrr. Atrenliwanm
llarbrrt Telephone Co.,
Dealer' in fcltvh'tnt ami Kltrtrtcat
Suvpllf of erery description,
KO LaSallo Bt . Ciiicaoo.
5lTers superior Itiilticrmcnti with Its fine cllm
lie, sjII, niaziilticcnt timbers, fertile prairies,
mil pure waters; with several Railroads ro
enily completed. Farmers, fruit growers,
itock iealers and lutiibernien should invest
fate this splendid country.
Send three postage staiips for late railroad
ind township map of state with reliable infoi
(nation of the best locations, and special rajef
at arc I can obtain.
Hi Dearborn St., Chicago, IB,
AS vast What ifc i v:IT. Z
- -- uuiaea , 5
rr P011 P ; curing !
dcd orVrctioii, Eucll u;
"i , Biliousness
eajM'cstc. ' It is tLerefore i
i, . ivj jj.tita
tis Livtr must be kept in orcler "
12. EAjrOiO'3 ISVIG02AT02.
Ijivicoratcs the Liver, Rcculstrs the Bow
'1. Siren:r.Iiens tho .System. Purifies the
E.00J AwistftDiiTcsticin, Prevents Fevers.
a IIr.srho!d Kced. An luvaluabla
J .:n i!y Medicine for common complaints.
I ; rrrra imaoiuLTca.
x:r.utof Tii'r.i'iiunU yrtrt i!s Merit.
tor f:U iriformitimi end vm-.r a-'dreiMi for v;C
f-T T!M. on the - I :v. r eni d:- ikes - ta
Absolutely Pure.'
varies, a marvel oi purity,
Mrenijth, and wholcsomenem. More economical
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com
petition with the multitude of low test, short
weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only i
cans. Rotaii Basuss Powtta Co., joa Wall-at
Physician and Surgeon.
Obstetrics and diseases of women a specialty.
g It. BARKER, M. D.
Office at Cook & Irene's Drug Store.
jyt. S. C. CRAFT,
Office at his residence on Main and Calvin Sts.
Calls promptly responded to day or night.
Wagon & Carriage Slakers,
Adams, Orezon.
All kinds of Carpentering and Wood Work done
o order at reasonable rates.
Washing .and Ironing,
The fln.;st Laundry Work done on the shortest
rctw. . s. I j:, ,. ;-, ti.r-ar'hemost fantitilous.
xue mn it. nnni uia.i. u nu1,.,
Ifiuesrinjr d'Scoveries. inventions nd patents
eplendid encravincs. Tni publication, furnishes
a most valuable encyclopedia of information which
Pi?.30" "hould l.n without. The popularity of
the bctENTlyio AafntUAK is such that its cir
culation nearly equals that of all other papers of
. r?i ;co"nb'ned. Price. $3.2U a year. Thscoont
tonuhs. KoM by all newi-dealtrs. MUSN A CO.,
Publishers, No. 361 Broadway. K. Y.
Mnrni ft To. hava
atno hod Thirty
Seven Years
the Pntent Offico, and havo prepared
more than One Hundred Thous
and applications f.-ir patents in llio
United btatcs and foreign conntriei.
Caveata Trado-Marks. Com-nehtn.
Assignment, and all other naners for
securing to inventors their riphts" in the
unitea rjmres, i .maun, e.nffiaDa, franco,
Germany and other foreiffn countries, pre
pared at short not ico nnd on reasonable terms.
Iniormntion us to obtaining patents cheer
fully Riven without charge. Hand-books oC
infnrtYMi.tirm fuint fro,. Putoiit. nhtnin.rl
thronirh Munu f'o. are noticed ia tho Scicntitic
Americr.n free. Tho advantage of such notice ia
well understood by all persons who wish to dispose
of their patents.
Address JVUTNN & CO., Offico ScHBruriQ
AXKU1CA3, 361 Broadway, York,
And Other Publications.
For further particulars write to
R. A. Tenney,
riiiRrn oth e.
"Let us go into the house of the Lord,"
psalms 122: 1.
Divine service at the First Baptist
Church of Weston. Oregou, on the First
and Third Sundays in each month,
morning and evening. Sunday school at
S p. m. every inmdav. 1'raver Meetiniz
every Tbursdav at 7 p. m. AH are cor-
uij iunn;u in aiienti inese services.
W. H. Fruett, Pastor.
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
eadlcton - - - Oregon.
Court St., in Demcrfs Drug Store.
Watch repairing a specialty. Jewelry made to
rder and repaired. All work warranted. Aent
o r the sile of Aineri.-.ui Wati-lvs. J'adfie Jewel-
rv Company and Kind's celebrated ecmbination
peetieles the b 'st in the worid: alo au'ent for
the W,.liorat:d Caiekcrinc pianos, the Kstey and
terlintr organs. C. G. Conu's aud C. Mahiilon'a
oruss instruments.
The Buyers' Grrre is issued March
and Sept., each year; 224 paces, SJxll J
inches, with over 3,300 illustrations
a whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale
prices direct to consumers on all poods for
person or s family use.
TeiUtowto pp, order, end
emhingyou IKS rise, drk
ea, Wear, o- VK JPJ v ar.nK,
with. The!; ava, f,u,a
hoc'-, "7 -vsfeii invaluable
-1 lorM. V. e will mail
n copy ir -e to any address rnon recent
of the PcentsTLaVs
if.m toil P0cT,a.. . n 3
W 4 ifi
TALTrT. Catullus' elegy on the death o' hi brother; "Ave
et Vale" (Farewell and forever).
Christian epitaph: 1Resurgamr'(I shall rise again)
If "Ave et vale," Tarewell and foreverr
In that darkest of hour from which nothing
can save,
Be the ultimate voice of Love's baffled endeavor
From the portals of life to the gates of the
Tet Truth we must seek, though it point to the
Where nothing is ours of the glad days gone by,
Leave solace unproved for that Truth ia its stark
ness! Tet, pause we, ere reason makes final reply.
Yes, pause we! If Forces we know are persistent.
If Attraction, Beat, Motion, survive in their
If the sum of each force be the same through the
distant i
Wild waltz of the world through all Time and
.. .all Space,
Can the highfst of Forces, the Thought-Force,
the Vital,
When evolved to the utmost, pass placelcss
Can the wrong done on earth have no meed of
Shall the man be but waste on his funeral day?
But waste! What became of the brave, the true
hearted, For the lost Cause, the true Cause, who per
ished in vain?
Has the imVht of the martyrs and heroes departed,
The Faith, death-deffant, but passed with the
We know not! The Silence is deaf to our question!
At no final answer can Reason arrive:
Nor, in absence of proof, need reject the sugges
That Somewhere each force of the soul may
That Somewhere, though Where our poor w isdom
can show not,
Those energies work that were noble ajd pure;
That the Aims that were highest their purpose
forego not,
That the love-chain, death-broken on earth,
shall endure!
That when closed on the field of defeated endeavor"
The earth-mists are wiped from the generous
That the just cause, earth-thwarted, has failed
not forever,
That the high test of Wisdom still higher shall
Have they changed? Have the little ones bloom
ed to maturement?
Have the old, whom we loved, in new youth
found array?
What heart does not crave for Borne final assure
ment, Some balm for the worst wound we meet in
life's way?
We know not! The wings of our spirit fall broken
And bruised from the bars of our cage when
they soar;
And the last word of Reason and Hope have been
In the whisper that bids us Endure and Adore.
Though unproved, we avow in our heart we ' be
lieve it;
Faith lives, though we own the old fallacies fail.
Though not as the school-men we see and receive
(A JSv..-"-..- r,r
jad solace from Sophaitrwss -.eanaot &Vidli. V
Though adult in manhood, we dare their denial,
Still hopinr through night till the darkness be
That 30MK iife shall crown and requite the earth
Though the proof of our faith be unknown but
to One.
Dr. Mulvancy, M. P.
A little of Everything.
Those who write correct and elegant
English confine themselves to English
words. A violation of this is significant
ly called a barbarism. The compound
er of this Hash can read neither French
nor Latin. There are a great many other
people who are equally "unrefined"' and
"unaccomplished," and who know
equally well how annoying it is to be
come interested in an article, the pith
and point of which is lost in "Uic jacet
hiyu cult us scribendi entente," or some
other equally unintelligible word, phrase
or sentence. But it is evident that
some writers would rather be considered
learned than have their writings under
stood by the majority of English read
ers. There was a fierce fight among a num
ber of patriotic aspirants in Walla Walla
over a paltry deputy collectorship.
"Col." Parker of the Statesman was
one of the hungry candidates, and work
ed for the place with all his infatuated
energy. But, remember, he did not
want the positiou. He said so repeated
ly; aud, surely, a "Col." is an honora
ble man. Weil, he did not get the posi
tion, and now he raves about bio disin
terested service to the Democratic party
in keeping some other unworthy person
from securing it. To those who have
known the callant and modest "Col."
for years, it is necessary to state
that ever since Cleveland's election the
"Col." has been a "Simon pure" Dem
ocrat. Having been defeated in his
frantic endeavors to obtain an
office, which he did not want, he is now
lashing himself iuto an agonizing fury
about certain other offices; and, through
the distorted medium of his imbecile
anger, he actually fancies that he is
hurting some one else, and so sore is he
that he does not realize the fact that
the idea of "Col." Parker's posing as a
civil service reformer must be extreme
ly ridiculous to every intelligent man
who knows him. But the poor "Col."
U so wnint nr. in his ima-inarv imnor -
v- -r a
tance and ignorant conceit that he is
gloriously unconscious of being the
. . ..... ., - . , c
minds one 01 tmperor -orton 01 aau
Francisco. But the "Emperor" was in-
otiensive ana quite seasioie on some
Belief in miracles must be practically
accepted by many who pretest their in-
credulity. I know some people, prents,
, - .1. .!- .l:ii
who fully expect that their children
...:n .!. .....f,,la 1
; "i g'v ul' " iTCf..v.,
: l...llm nun mil vomm. and t'npv
, exercise no good control over their chit-
; dren, who may be seen prying into Chi-
'! : r; i:-,re
i " e& .i
: stables, hancrin about saloons and ;
gamblirg houses, lineniu::
ui. unit
ner of improper language and absorbing i
all macner of immoral ideas. Can any-1 suspended over aur heads like, ' Dame
thing less than a miracle make good : cles' aword, seem to threaten us with
man and women oat of each children .
with such training? '.
It may be true that "it takes all kind
of men to make a world," but the same
cannot be truly said of building up a
town. There are some men who are of
no use, earthly or otherwise, in building
tip a town. They are a detriment, as
far as such small men can be. Take the
conceited ignoramus who yesterday was
in great exultation, boring his neigh
bors with lna a'ufeurd notions f the
town's future greatness, aud who to-day
in the sillisat despondency is i regaling
every stranger with the most, woful
tales of the town's present condiUon
and the direct predictions ot its future.
He should by ordinance be declared a
public nuisance. Take -the sour-souled
ly, socially aud every other way, who
has just sense enough to he dissatisfied
with everybody, his little self included,
who is insane enough to think he is of
suificient force aad importance to have
"everybody down on him," who is nev
er satisfied with what anybody else
does, who curses the town because of bis
owu inability to gtt along well, aud
who stoops to the lowest resorts in his
futile ettorts to "get even -with the
blank place." It requires no ordinance
to suppress him. He is always down
low down. Then there is the mau who
attempts to do business on the spider
priuciple. He spreads his net in some
dark corner, that is, avoids publicity by
not advertising, waits tor the unwary,
unsuspecting flies, that is, people who
never read newspapers, and when they
stumble into his den sucks the life blood
out of them by exorbitant charges.
Sometimes, though not often, through
peculiar force of circumstances,
one of these spiders becomes
bloated with ill-gotten gains; hut being
devoid of local pride, or energy he sim
ply hoards his wealth and spends his
time in abusing his victims and cheat
ing the taxgatherer. The hungry spi
ders, and small as they are they are al
ways hungry, talk o dull times, abuse
the place, and are cliracic growlcr9.
These are a lew samples of men who
do not help to build up a town. The
last mentioned are the ones who do
most to retard it3 progress. They are
cumberers of the ground. The others
arc too insignificant to be obstruction
ists, even vhen thut is their aim. 15ut
in the m'arcli of progress the spiders
get brushed aside and are forced to get
farther back.
Seat-tlh, V. T., Aug9, 1S85. '.
To the editor of the Leader: -i
1 lett Weston August 2d t get a lit
tle nearer sundown, actuated by my
Puritanic blood which, since the days
of Miles Standi th, has been flowing
westward, likethn "Star of Fcpire,'
and now I am ntif enough to see old
Sol, as he sinks i lto the Pacific, wake
his mark tin the bosom of Paget' tioiiud.
15y private conveyance we ifach Mil
ton Saturday evening, and as we slowly
move over the dusty road I feast my eyes
on the prosperous scene spread out be
fore me, on the Umatilla plains, one
continuous wheat field extending as far
as the eye can reach in every direction,
telling me phtiuly that I am about to
leave a trood country, one in which the
people ought to be happy tilling the soil
and worshiping God. Spend Sunday,
Monday and Tuesday in Milton, visit
ing old frienJs, aud Wednesday take
the train, arriving at Walla Walla,
fr&m whence at 9 p. m. wc leave on the
Portland train. I get myself comforta
bly arranged for a good sleep when the
train stops and the conductor yells:
"Wallula. Junction! Change cars for
Umatilla, Portland aud all points on
the Oregon Short Line!" Now conies
the rush of passengers, both old and
young, tall and short, lean aud corpu
lent, all rushing to get the best seat,
like so many .school boys on the "first
day." After considerable enquiring of
brakeman, newsboy, Pullman porter,
etc., all sieceed in getting on the right
train, although one old lady after find
ing a seat seems to doubt, aud asks "if
this car goe3 to Alkali." When as
sured that it does she don't believe it,
for it is headed the wrong way, (this re
minded me of B. F. Taylor's "World
on Wheels") and when we began to
move backwards she wa3 very much
excited, and it took fourteen passeugers,
more or less, the Pullman porter and
several other dignitaries to quiet her.
Now we begin to move down the Co
lumbia, and as it is dark I again take
myself to sleep, and as I get one eye
asleep the the steam whistle gives a
screech, the train ceases to move and
the brakeman announces "Umatilla
I Junction! Change cars for Huntington
I and all points on Short Line!"
j Nothing farther happens to break the
j monotony of car riding until daybreak.
1 7. ... .. ,
Ill:r aa Tll MUll 21 U I ItTil. I B 1 LIU V f. LIIK LttM'
pm it we reacu ijraui s. ana now we i
are to have the beautiful scenery of
Bryant's Oregon, the Hudson of the
Pass Ceiilo, on to The Dalles,
nnthinir hut volcanic rock to be seen
j throo. ? whith tue lmfihty river u cu
s .
j its wav. btop
i minutes. This
t The Dailes but a few
place seems dull. A
j doleful sound comes te our eara from
! the vocal organs of some hotel
j telling somebody or everybody to "Go
r 1 v:..
J to the Columbia House.
A w- mn nnward. itnd now the
.l.u ,
: srpne changes a3 we move alone down
the beautiful river in grand curves that
reminds the matnem.itic:an ot spiral.
i nrannla. :c- On one side the Colum
. . j.-l ,,i
bia moving onward to us naven ol rest,
the Pacific: on the Ctuer. the CianUC
. ' -- - - -
Cascade bills, la-hose frowning rocks
The traia has reached Bonneville,
named in honor bf the explorer. Here
the company ha; established an eating
house, . at wihajh travellers have the
privilege of eaiia'g for the space of thir
ty minutes, inclu ding time to leave and
board the trtin. jjFor this privilege they
pay the small sntf i ef 75 cents and lay
the foundation fur a first-class case ot
1 -dyspepsia.
xSreaktast done, on to Portland we go,
arriving at 10 o'clock a. tn. ; are trans
ferred across thai 'Willamette on the
"Chief,? and at 12 i, o'clock start on the
N. P. line for Taconca. , Reach Kalama,
cross thp Columbia taml plonge into the
great fofeat of Western Washington.
Tbcriis an excursion party aboard,
T'his consists of rti
o.d mau from IlhuohV, a young man, Ol
so very youug, with, spectacles, from
Dakota (th:t is. the 1 nan, and perhaps
the spectacles), a mid die-aged man from
the WTillainette valley , and two ladies
one old one and a i young one from
New York. This constitutes the sum
total of the Alaskan f, arty.
The old man is a very wise man, at
least he thinks so, ani l I am inclined to
believe ha knows gome things he
knows how to hragg t'.ll Illinoisans do.
He was very anxious ti- know if. there
were anyi other passengers on the train
belonging to the Alaskan- excursion, and
when it was suggested bj' the Willam
ette man that the old man canvass the
train, he objected for two reasons one
was that he was a Democrat and it
might seem too officious in hita to do no,
as that party was now in power; the
other reason he did not teU us.
At G:20 we stop at Taco na. The
brakeman announces, "Paoific Avenue!
Tacouia passengers leave cam! Sound
passengers keep your seatsj" As I con
sidered myself a Sound passenger
sound in body, sound iu mind, sound in
politics, etc. I kept my sesvt. In a few
minutes we reach the w'aarf. and take
the steamer for Seattle. As. we move
dwn the bay we have a :fine view of
Tacnina, The most conspicuous object
is the Tacoma House th at temple of
extravagance,, the white elephant of the
Northern Pacific. It reniiixds one of
some old castle on the Rhine. In full
view is the Anna,, Wright Se Quinary, a
beautiful building situated on the high
bluff between ")ld and New Tacoma.
At the old town are several vessels load
ing with lumber. Two large ships are
loading with coal at the "bunkers."
Lumber and coalr-the chief industries
of Puget Sound. Puget Sound is the
mwt .beauti'iul 'sheet of water that 'I
have ever genn. ,--7to-tshS"''if3' Surface'"
as smooth glass, and the land on eith
er side is covered with a luxurious
growth of evergreens, thus forming one
of nature's grandest sights.
Arrived at Seattle at 10 p. m., very
tired and sleepy, but well p leased with
what I have seen.
I'ht ik;hl'ju. '
Beware ot debt. No work is so hard,
no work is so discouraging as working
to pay debts. Nothing is so easily
contracted, it really seems to be infec
tious; we reason this; if one man goes
iu debt for such aud such things, why
may not I . He paid for them why may
not I. But sometimes debts are con
tracted that are it as easily paid for
as Me imagined they would be; time
chantes things, "circumstances alters
casesj and misfortunes cme unexpect
ed airl our debts cannot be paid, con
scquehtly it involves the parties con
cerned in a great ieal of trouble; per
haps f law suit and if ever there was
an expensive luxury in this world (if I
may tfrm it so) it is the luxury of law-
ing. petit is mostly cuie to one s own
foolisaness of trying to live like their
rich neighbors. If you would always
have ere and trouble just try to live
in sty u on other people's money and
lie sure to get enough of it. Peo-
pie tin
t are always in debt are always
in trouble; it is bound to follow and I
have teard: "a pig on credit always
Better own ever so little of
this w
irld's goods, than ever so mush
and oe for thein. Better go to church
in a cllico dress aud slippers, than a.
silk giwu and the finest French kid
shoes than owe for them. Better live
ou: a bare Uoor all the days of your life
than tread on brussels carpet that is
not paid for. If we are out of debt we
are out of danger. Steer clear of debt,
don't gtt tangled in its meshes of in-
terest, compound interest, and that
compounded until it becomes a part ot "I say father," observed aa ir
the priiciple and you can't undeistand reverent passenger on a ferry-boat
when you stand. Pay as ou go, so
you'll never owe. Strictly obey the
divine injunction "Owe no man any-
thing." Alice KntKPATRiCK.
In an examination destined to test
the general knowledge of young lada
about to enter the ranks of professional
' stuUent-Ule, a series 01 questions was
- . . 1 - t
put as tests of the readiug of the candi
dates. The folio a ing were seine of the
replies obtained iroru the aspiring
youths. "What was the Star Cuam-
ber!" Answer: "An astronomer's
iroom!" "What was meant hv the
j .yw of JabUee-r. Ansvver. .lLeap.
j ..What was the 'Bronze Are'I"
Answer: "When the new pennies be-
! i-nt rr.:n r.f tbp rpulm " "What
j arg g -Letters of Junius'?"
i .
I "Letters written in the month of June.'
1 .. t
"VhatlS the -Age oi iteason : AH
! ..-r-t. - i -i
j gjnce tlie per30U 0 that name was
; D ..
- i
i 1, k ,, mmr.-.nv !,
, . -
, tic1!, nui oi.
and In
the Tauels.
A newly-married couple wen en
route to Washington by the Baltimore
& Ohio Railroad. There are many tun
nels on this road en the other side of
the Ohie river. All through Ohio, the
face of the young man shewed looks
of pain, despite his great joy. He
seemed to want something. Apparently
he yearned. .
Over in West Virginia the train fil
tered a tunnel. Upon emerging into
the light, the young man's face was
seen to wear a studious expression. He
was thinking. At first he seemed per
plexed, then interested'then triumph
ant; He had had a revelation'. Then
he smiled with a firm, manly, continu
ous smile and his eyes peered ahead for
the first sign of a yawning cavern in
the mountain side. ,f
' T'u biide was happy and rleraure.
Whish shadow rumble darkness!
The veil is drawn. It is another tun
nel. Light again, and the young man
looks happier than ever. The bride's
cheek disports a gentle blush a modest,
Inexperienced blush, discoverable only to
rtba ;;fiota . ,t An..:-.,n v. 1
wuw .... .'WLVU UUU 1,11 t Q JJQlfllUa.-
ity, no anxiety now. The revelation
has been tested and found a success.
There are many triumphs, hut net
enough. If the whole line were a tun
nel, the bride aud groom would not
care how slow the train proceeded.
The man who has not lived to bless
the builder of tunnels, does not know
what happiness is. He is but little
above the brute which never troubled
the Creater for passing clouds over the
moon on prayer-meeting night.
But our bridegroom was not one of
these parties. He appreciated all the
blessings which man aud nature had be
stowed upon him. He did hot miss a
But all things must have an end.
Daylight always comes to the cewly
married. Strawberries and cream must
be paid for at the cashier's desk. With
in the blissful cucumber hides a mi
crobe. Our young husband goes for-a
drink of water. While on this errand
his eager eye catches the figns of an
other tunnel.
Of course he fears his birdis will be
sore afraid if left in the darkness, and
he hastens to her side. Quick move
his feet, but faster moves the train.
Darkness gathers while he is yet half a
dozen seats away. But the brave man
does not falter. He gropes along, he
reaches the seat, (or thinks he does,)
and slides into it. Deep are t le shad
ows, and loud hums the train,
A scream, langand vigoious asonnd
of scuffling a thump or two aud the
bright light of a May-day- ircnki npao I
the scene. The ycuDg husband frantic
ally endeavor to diseugage himself freai
the giasp of an angry colored woman
sitting in the seat behind his bride. He
at length succeeds, and retires sullenly
to his seat, wiping his mouth, and oc
casionally spitting upon the floor, as if
he had bitten through a worm in a fig.
The tunnels come and go, but their
shadows are scarcely deeper than those
upon the face of the young honeymoon.
There are eight national banks ia
Oregon having combined capital of
$710,000 and. an outstanding circu
lation amounting to $406,140
Tho surplus fund amounts to $6,
780,677, and the undivided profits
to $571,865.43. As individual de
posits they hold $2,074,138 and
their total liabilities are $4,450,
45G.90. The banks have out as
loans and discounts $2,180,855.28.
Their real estate is valued at $146,
433. The cash on hand is as fol
lows: Bills of other banks, $14,-
754; fractional curroncy, 506.59;
specie, $452,807.10; legal tender
notes, 26,783.
Acting Commissioner Walker,
of the general land office, has de
clined to issue any more patents to
Northern Pacific railroad, pending
a decision fixin" the legal status of
the road in this regard. He follows
the rule laid down by Commissioner
Sparks in relation to California &
Oregon and the Oregon and Califor
nia roads. The question at issue,
briefly stated, is that the road was
not completed within the time re
quired by law and that until con
grass takas definite action in one
way or the other, no steps should
be taken to place the matter be
yond the power of the legislative
branches of the government to
protect public rights.
j to a good priest whose mule wa3
j displaying signs of uneasiness as
the bark pushed off, "your mule
j seems uneasy. "My son, said
i the priest, with mud retool, "some
: these days, when VOU find VOUf-
j 8elf with only a thin plank between
; yourself and eternitT. a halter
, around
your neck, and the priest
patting you on the shoulder, you'll
be a great sight u messier' n this 'ere
Bcaet on all Sides
By malaria, how shall we escape the dread In
fection? is the question which the denizens of
fever and ague district ak themselves. The
answer comes from former sufferers who for years
have escaped the visitations of the periodic
scourge, through the protecting influence of
' Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. hen uie ne-es-
-, ! sity for usin? preventive measures arises, use
ir.mmeans oi pre.. x.. u.
- ' the liver, faeil.ta'es nisrestuni. ana ureratcs tm-
j j ounties from the system, when such exist, by
' Ed'
omocmy r.easttiui rt.on oi tne d rxeis ana
rJnfcj s. Act early. In all regions where Ri:atv
mt:c urtva uLviiit it is ooaolutclr nr-
this i true, thouuh a sokitirn in stich localities
is destined to It: !nef No one can afford to
brearlie malaria f ira short time, lhe Bitters
a -on icinf wiMraanwi, kw'iij
onrymeonlni: oa the Train
nn i
acnoJtna'j. Ktp ;t uii hand.
Have removed their
uusenoery &
opposite tie larsM louse,
i where they vviil bo
ineir o.a customers and many now
Here is where you can get yeur money's
worth iu
Beef, Pork, Mutton,
and everything in tho line of meats that
the country produces.
Highest market price paid for fat
would respectfully Inform the public that she
nas just openea out a complete Stock ol
Spring and Summer Millinery
in Mrs. Ashby's old stand on Water St.
and all the latest Novelties.
My Stock is all new and fresh, and the ladles ef
Weston . and vicinity are respectfully invited to
call and examine it,
TJnnf nnrl Olinn Ifnlron
UUUU ClUU UllUD iliUilVul
The finest Boots kept constantly aa
hand or made to order on the
shortest notice.
a Specialty.
SJPrices reasonable.
42 3 P, MAXWELL,
large stock of gooda.
pleased to meet all
j. proerstel c . roxsni
PrpebsteJ Bros. ProprUUnt
And keep constantly on hand aM Mote
r : II i i , -
vi uiui ieea snen M -
IVotice to tlie Pnbil.
All persons knowing themselvM In,
debted cither by note or book account,
are hereby requested to come forward
and make immediate payment, as all iln
running accounts must be nettled By
April 1st, 1884, or the same trill be duly
collected by law.
taWe also wish to give notice that
the Weston Steam Flonr Mill Is for real
or ' for fnrtner particulars apply
lTebHtel Brf.
Is prepared to do any aad all kinds ei
work in his line. Price reasonable.
Satisfaction Gaaraiteed,
Xotary Publlf,
Flouring Mill
btsnBeasq ail kiade-tBag, pmrlaf anv
K) vim promptaees and ears.
i ! Collecting Account.
CSMrris.cc to MmpeoaX
Work done in the Latest and BseteHrW..'
Saue-Xrxt Ooor S9 Dwaevry C