Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, August 14, 1885, Image 4

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It. is prebable tbat no other Tice--Pmidont
ever received aa much
'public notice bing given to
tha present iocombent.
Tk wbt yield of Oregon for
thU season ia estimated at 20,000,
000 buheb. Of this Umatilla
county will fnrauh mora than a
Polygamy ia practiced by many
Indian tribes the Umatillas, for
inatanoe. The Indian Department
is attempting to suppress this crim
inal relio of barbarism among the
wards of the nation.
When the extortionate freight
charges of the railroad company are
considered, there is a semblance of
truth in the statement that the yeo
men ef Umatilla are farming on
shares with the benevolent monop
oly, aad that the latter gets the
Jion's share of the profits.
The cattle Icings of the West and
Southwest hare undoubtedly been
the cause of many Indian outbreaks.
lor tbe uric time in many years
the administration seems determin
ed to mete out justice to the boomer
invaders ef Indian rights. The
change of policy will be approved
by all fair-minded men.
Whenever you have yonr innate
littleness exposed and your con
temptible cowardice made plain and
undeniable, all you have to do is to
pretend that the one doing this ia
unworthy ef notice and then pro
ceed to prove his assertions true by
beeping upon him unadulerated
abuse, xsy pursuing tma course
you will be equal ta the East Ore-
Ionian in fairness and smartness.
The chief of the bureau of statis
tics report that the total value of
imparts of merchandise during the
year ending June 30, 1885, was
' $577,476,850, a decrease ef $90,
220,843 compared with the preced
ing year. The exports of merchan
dise for the year ending June 30,
1885, were $711,893,683, an in
crease of $138,074 over ths preced
ing year.
Tiie ScrviviBS Generals. i
The enlv two great commanders
now living who faced eaih. other in
making the thrilling and crimsoned
annals of the late civil war are Gen
eral William T. Sherman and Gen
eral Joseph E. Johnston. Grant
met Lee, Joseph and Sydney John
ston, Beauregard, Buckner, Bragg
ana iremberton in battle, as chief
commander?, and af them Joseph E.
Johnston, Beauregard and Buckner
survive. " ij
Meade, who met the-terrible
shock of battle at Gettvsbnrtr.' was
borne to tbe city ef the silent with
in a short time of the imposing
southern pageant that committed
the dust te the mother dust; and
Thomas and Hood, who fought the
last great battle at Nashville.
both sleep the dreamless sleep af
tne dead.
Sherman and Johnston alone re
main ef the great conmanders who
lacked horns with each other in the
flame of battle. Their campaign
trotn Uuataneoga to Atlanta, and
from Atlanta to the sea. was the
most brilliant of the war, and they
are the only twa great commanders
wbo are left to sit down and talk
their battles over, as they often do
in the heartiest good-fellowship.
Of the many commanders of the
heroic army of the Potomac none re
main, with tht, single exception of
General McClellan. Scott, McDow
ell, Burnuide, Hooker, Meade and
Grant, who in turn commanded that
magnificent army, have all gene to
join the s;rea majority, and Long
street is the only one ot Lee's great
lieutenants who lingers with the
living. Jackson, Hill, Ewell and
otewart, who were in every great
conflict of the army of Virginia, rest
withjtheir great chieftain at Arling
Joseph E. Johnston and G. T. Beau
regard are the-. 'only surviving con
federate commanders who led groat
armies to battle, and they are whit
ened by the hand of time. Jehnston
has been in congress and is now at the
head of the national railroad bureau
while Beauregard is bartering his
fame in the marketplace where lot
tery swindlers rob the multitude.
Philadelphia Times.
The l&ampin.
Celd ia Kansas?'' interrogated
the redsbirted gentleman who was
industrioubly occupied in holding a
cracker box dewn, just to the right
of the stove. "Well, I should soft
ly sneeze. Tell yer wot; why, when
they wanter make ice cream out
thar, all they hav'ter du is to put a
little lemon peel and sugar inter the
bucket an' go ter milkin,' an, bi tha
time their dun milkin' they hav' a
bucket full ov the werry best ice
The stillness was, as a bystander
remarked, "So thick yer could cut
with an old cheese knife."
"Du tell," murmured a ione slap
sided specimen of humanity, as he
drew himself out of a nail keg and
lared around upon the motley as
sembly with an interrogation point
in bis lett eye and a glass of stale
beer in his lett hand, "that s Durtv
good fer ez it goes, but up inter
Misbygan it air summai kold, too,
lemme tell yer. Why, when I was
up to Mishygan on a wisit ter my
l .1 -rn i ...
oroiner uni. an one mormn in
Jinnaweiry wo went out to milk
old bnndle, an, it was so kold that
we had ter bild a fire under the old
kow ter . thaw her out, so ez she
could give down her milk."
Then a silence like a wet blanket
fell over the little knot of listeners
that was just broken by the cham
pion liar from Kansas, who in a
tone of disgust remarked:
"He takes the sassage."
Then the crowd arose as ene man
and filed out as silent as fuDeral
! i
Did you Sup-pj
?4 s2'.m''-- -!
pose Mustang Liniment only good
for horses? It is for mflamma-
tton-of all flesh.
vm V L-Cj
It ia almost time for the Port
land Oragonian ta crawl back te
its tariff reform doctrines. Of
course it would have been too glar
iagly inconsistent for even such an
independent paper as the Oregon
ian to advocate tariff reform and
Blaina and Logan and the highest
kind ef a high protective platfarm
at tha same time; but if it expects
ta kesp up ita reputation it ia about
time to carry water on tha other
shoulder for a aeason, ao that it
may be ready to gulp with grace
any pill tha next national Repub
lican eonvention may offer it, with
or without augar coating.
Tha preservation of his health ia
ona af man's most important duties
If ho destroys his health to gain
knowledge, he labors for that which
will be useleaa in his hands. If he
destroys his health to gain wealth
ha labors for that which he eannot
enjoy. The man who for any rea
son destroys his health is not only
committing suicide, in a slow way,
but he is depriving himself af the
abilities and opportunities af doing
good. He that sinks his vessel by
overloading it, no mattes how rich
or rare the cargo, will give the
Muter but a poor profit from th
Not his Property.
"Will rou be kind enough to lake
that , grip-sack off that seat," said a
countryman, who got on a train at
Luling, Tex.
"No, sir, I don't propose to do
anytning of the sort, replied the
drummer, who was sitting on the
other side of the seat.
"Do you say that you are going
to let that crip sack stay right
"Yes sir I do."
"In case you don't remove that
grip-sack I shall be under the pain
ful necessity of calling the conduc
"You can call the conductor, the
engineer., and the brakeraan, it you
want to. Perhaps you had better
stop at the next station, and send a
special to old Jay Gould himself
about it."
The conductor will put you off
the train."
"I don't care if he dees. I am
not going to take tbat grip-sack
from that place where it is."
The indignant passenger went
through the train, and soon return
ed with the conductor.
"So you refuse to remove that
grip-sack, do you?" asked the conductor.
"I do."
Great sensation.
"Why do you persists in refusing
to remove, that grip-sack?
"Because it s not mine.
"Why didn't you say so at once?"
"Because nobody asked me.
The young ara toe frequently
taught to conduct themselves
that they may merit the favor and
respect ot all men. ibis is a mis
take. They might as well be taught
ts respect all men. There are me
whose goad opinion is ta be obtain
ad only by conforming to their
ideas, than which nothing could be
mora undesirable. This thing
"making frieads with everybody'
ia a anare and ft. delusion and an
impossibility. Merit and recipro
eata tha esteem ef the wise and th
coed. Ta aateem the foolish and
the bad ia wrong; and to be estee
ad by them is not always creditable
to you.
Rock-ImprlMomcd Toads.
A French writer gives a long
list of apparently well authenticated
instances of the finding of live toads
in solid masses of stone, referring in i
particular to such a discovery made
in 1851 by three workmanof Blois on
breaking open a large piece of flint.
The strength of the evidence thus
presented leads him to insist that it
is unwise to pronounce the phenom
enon absolutely impossible, although
none of the reported cases are quite
beyond the suspicion of fraud. To
explain the occurrence, if genuine,
it seems necessary to suppose that
the creatures have existed in their
close prisons during the unnumber
ed years in which the plastic material
has been hardening into rock. That
they may endure a somewhat pro
longed confinement was shown by
Seguio, who, in 1822, enclosed a
toad in a plaster covering, and found
the reptile alive and in good conui
tion on breaking the shell ten years
Koagfe on Xati.
Clears oat rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed'
Heart Fains.
Palpitation, Dropsical Swellings, Dizziness,
Indigestion, Headache, Sleeplessness cured by
"Wells Health Renewer."
Boncn on Corns.
Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns." 15c. Quick
complete cure. Hard or soft corns, warts, bunions.
Quick, complete cure, all Kidney, Bladder and
Urinary Diseases, Scalding, irritation, Stone,
Gravel, Catarrh of the Bladder. $1, Druggists.
Bed-Bogs, Files.
Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, goph
ers, chipmunks, cleared out by "Routrh on
Rats." 15c.
Thin People.
"Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and
vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual De
bility. 81.
Kongn on Pain. '
Cures cholera, colic, cramps, diarrheca, aches,
pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism.
20c Rough on Fain Plasters, 15c.
If you are failing, broken, worn out and neiv
ous, use "Wells' Health Renewer." 81. Drug
life Preserver.
If you are losing your grip on life, try "Wells'
Health Renewer." Goes direct to weak spots.
Bough on Piles.
Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itchinir, Protrud
ing, Bleeding, Internal or other, Internal and
External Remedy in each Package. Sure cure,
50c. Druggists.
Preit Women.
Ladies who would retain freshness and vivac
ity, don't fail to try "Cells' Health Renewer."
Boogh on Itch.
lough on Itch" cures humors, eruptions,
ringworm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chilblains.
,.; 4rh H
New Styles. ; New Prices.
Clothing, Hats, Gaps, Dress and fancy. Goca
a w i sbasaiu
Incorporated March 15, 1SS3.)
CAPITAL STOCK - - $100,000.
Rough on Catarrh.
Corrects offensive odors at once. Complete
cure of worst chronic cases, also unequaled a3
gargle for Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Foul Breath.
The Hope of the Nation.
Children, slow in development, puny, scrawny
and delicate, use "Wells' Health Renewer."
Catarrh or the Bladder.
Stinging, irritation, inflammation, all Kidney
and Urinary compiaints, cured by "Buchu-Paiba."
Water Buss Boachcs.
"Rough on Rats" clears them out, also Beetlts,
A Chicago lawyer named Turn
bull has surprised the political and
literary public with an article in
the Nineteenth Century showing
that the English government is
really democratic, with the com
mons dominating the queen and the
lords, while the United States gov
ernment is really aristocratic. The
president s yeto power equals two-
thirds of the legislators, and the
senate, not popularly elective, fairly
holds the representatives in captiv
ity, while the supreme court can
set aside all statutes if so disposed.
A large force of men are at work
on the Cascade division ot the
Northern Pacific doing heavy track
and tunnel work. Two tunnels are
in course of construction agoresat-
ing 750 feet in length. The grade
is completed to Green river, and it
is expected that by September 1st
all but seventeen miles of grading
will be finished, and the track laid
to the western portal of the big tun
nel at the summit.
life's Tragedy.
Being weary for a moment, he
lay down by the wayside, and us
ing his burden for a pillow, fell into
that dreamless sleep that kisses
down his eyelids still. While yet
in love with life and raptured with
the world, he vassed to silence and
pathetic dust.
Yet, after all, it may be best,
just in the happiest, sunniest hoir
of all the voyage, while eager winds
are kissing every sail, to aash
against the unseen rock, and in an
instant hear the billows roar above
a sunken ship. For whether in
mid sea or among the breakers of
the farther shore, a wreck at last
must mark the end of each and all.
And every life, no matter if its
every hour is rich with love, and
every moment jeweled with joy.
yfill, at its close, become a tragedy
as sad and deep and dark as can be
woven of the warp and woof of
mystery and death. Iiobert G. In-
Koticc for Publication.
Lasd Office at La Grande, Obkoos,
July 7, 18S5.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made befoi T. J. Lucy,
County Judge of Umatilla County, Oregon, at
i-enui.ron, uregon, on August 17, lSas, rz;
Orlando B. Ballon,
Hd. No. 3135, For the northwest quarter of the
northwest quarter of section 23, townsbip 6
north, range 35 e:tst, W. M.
He names the fcllowinjr witnesses to prove hi
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
said land, viz:
Fiansoro WellsL J.3.L.Hodgen, William CM
man and X. iV A. Crockett, all otMitton.Oregon.
10 Register..
T'lipro Qrn nnmigllv tnnrto , !
United States about 3,250,000,000
cigars, of which number New York
city produces 700,000,000 with a
round valuation of 25,000,000, it
being the largest cigar-manufacturing
center in the world, not except
ing Cupa, which produces annually
47,900,000 cigars for importation
to this country, or nins-tenths of
all the cigars imported from foreign
countries to the United States.
77TC' Hair Vigor .cures baldness
ia. X jEiJtfc K3 Hair Vigor restores you th
ai freshness and color to fsded and gray
air. It attains theeo result4 by the stini
lation of the hair roots ard color glands,
t rejuvenates the i f a TTS d cleanses it.
t restores to the JL.x1lX i-fc that, either by
casun of age or disease? of the scalp, bar
ccoine dry, harsh ond kriiilc, a pliancy and
lossy silken softness of extreme beauty,
.'here is no dye in Aye's Haii-TrryT rVT
ndtho good it does Ja by tha AVXJU-,
t Imparts to the follicles, and tbe clean-
iness and healthfulness oz the .conaiuon
a which it maintains tbe sealp.
e -i,'Til5 50 Hiir Vigor renews the hair.
JL SLiiX D Hair Vigor is the best euro
jiown for Lrashy Hair, Scald Head, Itching
lumore, Ttter Sores, Torpid Follicles, aad
11 other diseaaes of tbe scalp that cnuao
he falling of tbe TT A T"i and its fadiDg.
Nothing cleabses XXxULX. of the nuisuncs
.f dandruff so perfectly, nnd so cfl'eetar.liy
irevents its return, as Ats 's Hair Viqob.
ii addition to the curatlvo and restorative
Ivfaaager Manuf 'g Dept., Chicago
Take Notice.
Pianos and Organs sold si easy payments II you pur
chase a riano or organ oi tnis Company on the install
ment pian and should be compelled, from any cause
whatever, to return the instrument, after having paid a
part on it, you can do so a:id not lose one dollar you have
pami. line tiiapei organs sold to cuurenes on g
moutsuy payments, wmen vvoiiiii we only icbi cents per
montn lor eacii memoer ol tae orarcn or Nauoatnchoo
to pay.
The celebrated DERAXB- PIA50S have been in use throughout
the States for over twenty years, and are flrst-clas3 in every particular.
We give a warrantee with every instrument, that runs five years from
date of sale, and we are right here to make it good. We have facilities
for repairing Pianos and Organs at our shops in the city of Portland
and all work warranted.
Our Music Hall and Warerooms are on First street, No. 320. Take the First street cars and ride
to the corner of Clay street. Those who cannot call on us can write for particulars and catalogue of
our instruments. Address
Durand rgars Co., Portland, Oregon
For Every Home Library.
Of ths EroLisa Lasgcior. New Edition. With,
BHpUexent. Lnabndged and profusely Illus
trated. Ths standard, and in all respects best.
Iicioa-ry published. Libnry sheep, marbled
01,-03, tl.co.
u?riKciTs rBesencns
Containing complete and concise Biographical
Bkcicnes ot the Eminent Persons of all Area
and Countries. By J. Tnoaas, A. M., M. 1).
Imperial 8vo. Sheep. $10.00.
UPFiscorrs proxocscixs gakkt-
A complete Geographical IHctionary. Jtew Edi
tion, inoruujiniy rcvisea and Eroatly enlarged.
Containing Supplementary Tables, with the
most recent Census Buttling. Boyal Sto. Sheep. -$12.00.
American Revised Edition. Tns cest a inn
way. A Dictionary of liseful Knowledge. Pro
fusely Illustrated with Maps, Plates and Wood
cuts. 10 vols. Royal Svu. Several edition,
at various prices.
OF ENGLISH WORDS." S ols. Bound in
half morocco, in cloth box. 812.SO. Or, each
vulume sold separately.
Embraces "PofHral Qantallea," "Preno
Quotations," and "lirrnl AKthers ef
All .l.-H." Complete in three- octavo vol
umes. Price per set in cloth, ta.OO. lialf Rus
sia, 512.0tf.
For sale by all Booksellers, or will be sen
free of evi-ensc, on receipt of the price by
71.1t ;i7Markri8t., Philadelphia.
people to subscribe for toe Leadxe before
is over. It ought to be In the
I am sixty-seven years old. wd hare lived in
1th;9 (Hat!) county all my lite. Up to twenty
eiu'ht years ao I was regarded as the strongest
man in the neighborhood the most robust in
health. In November, 1-S56, 1 had a Ion' and
Briou? spell of tvphoid fever. It If ft me ema-
I ciatd and crippled in my right leg. At times
that limb wus swollen an enormous size, being
I twite as lar-'e as its natural condition, and in
flamed and anrrv in appearance. From hit
knee down small sores came, and at the ankle a
lare ux-cr came, which discharge poisonous
matter. My whole system became infected.
Thu doctors would patch me up- for awhile, but
the ulcer would never heal. The mercury and
potash with which they dosed me brought on
! rheumatism ana aysjtcpsia, i was an ot.ject or
pity to all my friends. Some thought that the
only nope to save me was an.puuu.ion. i con
tinued to grow worse, and for three years I havo
not worn a shoe. Hope had almost left me.
Swift's Specific was suggested, and I commenced
its use at o'ice. rrom the very nrst l began to
I feel better. 1 have taken thirty -six bottles, and
the shadows which had darkened mv life for
I twenty-eight years have all been dissipated.
i Ihe effect of the medicine lias been wonderful
indeed. To-dav I am able to attend to ail my
fanning interests, and walk from one to five
miles per day. I am satisfied that the disease
is entirely broken up, ond henceforth I am to be
free from those terrible apprehensions and suf
fering which formerly nasie my life miserable.
Swift's pL-cific has done more for mc in one
year thnn all the drag store medicine proscribed
by physicians did in twenty eight years, and I
j most cheerfully bear this testimony of its merits.
wit. tt. Kkkd.
Kail County, Ga., Feb. 2S, 13S5.
From tbe Dissecting Room.
Having taken Swift's Specific for blood poison
I contracted at a medical college at a dissection.
I while i was a medical student, I am grateful to
say ihit it gave me a speedy and thorough cure
after my parents had spent hundreds of dollars
lor treatment. My arm was swolen to twice its
usual size, and as nothing helped mc I was des
pairing of ever being cured. But hearing of tho
S, S., I bought a bottle little thinking I would
aerivc any uencnt rrom it i began taking it
reTUlarly, and soon tiic swelling betran to en
d-iwn and the arm ceased to pain me. I contin
ued its use, and after taking eight bottles was
thoroughly cured.
Auoi'sTrs WEKDALi, Mewark, N. J.
Treatice on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed
Tub Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.
Perfection at Last.
Hw itnall and contemptible in
comparisoa with th hero of Ap
pem attar must th apostles cf sec.
UonsJ hatred ftel when thr place
thtlr little spiteful screeds against
the So.th in the balance against
ths simple, dijniQecl utterances of
Grant JL few weeks age writin
to Gn. Buckner he said, " have
tintnettcd tinea my tkkneti just
Wnt I havs vrUhed to ta ever gince
the tear harmony auf good Jttling
between the tedious. J hate alwa yt
eontinded that if there liad leenno
body U ft lul soldiert we should have
had ptQC4 in a year." What a re
bake to those whose stock in trade
for years has been the flaunting of
thebloodf shirt, those petty poli-
iioiaas who still prefer party sue-
eis to the peice of the couctrj.
Family Secrets.
"Pa wants a new strap for that
bridle he got here last week," said j
a small boy to the harness man.
"He hasn't worn that first one
out, has he?" inquired the dealer.
"Yes, sir."
"What the mischief has he been
doing with it? That strap ought
to last a couple of years."
"It don't make no difference wot
he's been doin' with it," said the
boy, clinching his hands behind
him; "he wants another strap, an'
if you think I'm goin' to give way
family secrets between pap an' me,
you're mighty mistaken, an' don't
you forget it neither. Gimme that
strap, for pap said it wouldn't be
healthy for me to stay" away all
An incendiary fire at Alkali Sat
urday night destroyed Linder's sa
loon, Hendrix's meat market and
Rodekey's merchandise store. The
loss is estimated at $10,000. The
fire was started by opium fiends in
a shanty used by them. Three are
under arrest. The citizens are
greatly excited and the result will
be a clearing out of disreputable
characters and possibly a neck-tie
There are at present about 600
men, mostly Chinese, employed on
the Falouse branch of the O. Ii. &
N. Co. The right of way has been
settled for the road, and construc
tion will be pushed rapidly to com
pletion. There are sixteen bridges
along the line. The wages of a
man and team are 4 per day, of
the Chinese laborers eighty cents.
irtues peculiar to Ayer'B Hair 7"Tf fYTf
t is a toilet luxury. The Hair XV5LfiV
s by nr tbe cleanliest bair-dressing made,
t causes tbe heir to grow thick ond long,
aid keeps it always soft and glossy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Contains no deleterious ingredieata. Its ueo
)revenU all scalp disease, secures against tbe
lair growing thin, or gray, and surely cures all
laldness that is net organic.
Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co., Ixiwell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists,
"Try to avoid debating with peo
ple," says Mr. Spurgeon. . The rev
erend is correct Nothing in this
irritatinz old world will make the
old man lose his head so comple
tely and get him so howling mad as
for you to keep perfectly quiet just
when you know he is gettiDg the
better of you, and look at him with
an exasperating smile ot conscious
superiority and pity. But you must
look out that he doesn't brain you
with Sj table leg
A Connecticut man has a machine
with which General Grant used to
split leather. j
The house which Lieutenant
Grant occupied in Detroit years ago
is to be preserved as a public mon
ument. Lsuis de la Ramee ("Ouida"),
whose real same is Mary Jane
Stubbs, although 60 years old, is
to be married.
Yoltaire's heart is to bo removed
from the national hbary of the
Pantheon, according to a vote of
the council of the Seine.
Nebraska, within the thirty years
of its settlement, has acquired 250,
000 acres of forests, where 600,000,
000 trees have been planted.
An Episcopal minister in Virgin
ia City, Nev., drew his salary from
the people in poker chips, which
were redeemed at the bank.
Tbe Rev. Thomas Tenant, of
Fayetteville, Ark., is said to be the
oldest minister living. He was
born n 1771, and, is now 114 years
Caveats, Re-issues aad Trade-Marks se
cured, and all other patent causes in the
Patent Office and before the Courts
promptly and carefully attended to.
Upon receipt of model or sketch of
invention, I make careful examination
and advise as to patentability FREE OF
Fees moderate, and I make 2sO
Information, advice and special referen
ces sent on application.
J. li. 1.11 l L.L, v ashmston, V. V.
Near U. S. latent Office.
Washing and Ironing.
Opposite Salinf & Co.'s. Main St., Weston.
Washing, "5 cents per dozen. White snirts
washed and ironed in the best style for one
bittee piecA" No eharjre for cuffs, collars and
handkerchiefs if less than six of each. 2"3m
To sell Dixon's new and superior maps ar?d
chart". As navintr an airency as any in tne
world. For 36 page cafalosue, free, address
John Dixon,
333 Market St. San Francisco, Cat.
That will ride as easy as a four. Good and strong, with phaeton body
good, full, large back and the rider can use aod feel no more horse
motion than in a four-wheeled vehicle. Has all the conveniences for a
doctor's box, for a chest, storm apron, and is as easy to get in and out of
as a buggyj nothing to climb over in getting in. See what is said of it:
of every man in Umatilla County, as the price
is only
JOHFUL News fnr Bore and Girls II
Young and Old 1 1 A MEW IS-
VENTION hut Ditented lor them
for Home use f
Fret and Scroll Sawing, Turning
Boring, Drilling.Grindinf;, Polishing
Screw Cutting. Price $5 to $50.
Send 6 cents for 100 pages. '
KPH&AUf EROWii, Lowell, Kac
peryear when paid in advance. Gives all
local intelligence and the news of the
guess m,
m a common Sloteli, or Erntitlon,
tbe TTont Serein ia. Sntt-rhenm,
j Send for sample copy.
A Clear Skin
is only a part of beauty;
but it is a part. Every lady
may have it; at least, what
looks like it Magnolia
Balm both freshens and
TORKVILLE, ILL., Dec. 12, 13S3.
"I have been usin one of Church's Physi
cians Koad Carts lor some time, and am well
pleased with it. I have practiced medicine near
ly twenty -nve .veers, ana nave used almost tve
rv kind of vehicle on- two wheels that 1 have
seen, but this is the onlv conveyance of that de
scription that I have ever used that 1 can hearti
ly recommend." W. T. SHERWOOD, -M. D.
PLANO, ILL , Dec. 8, 1882.
W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir: The Road Cart I
purchased of you is all and more than you told
me. It rides as easy as any four-wheeled bug
gy, and I most heartily recommend it.
CLAYTON, MICH., April 20, 1853.
W. R. CHURCH, Yorkville, 111. Dear Sir: I
am well pleased with my Cart; think it well
worth the cost. Would not be without it for
any price. O. X. IUCE.
W. R. CHURCH, Yorkville, I1L Dear Sir: I
have used one of your Road Carts since last Feb
ruary. I think it superior to any Road Cart I
have examined. It is THE tiling for the "busy
practitioner." W. E. K1NXETT. M. D.,
Yorkville, 111.
PAW PAW. Slav 1st, 1SS3.
W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir: You wish to know
how I like my Cart. I cannot say too much in
iU praise. It is simplv perfect.
MARSHALL, TEXAS,' April 30, 1333.
W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir I have now used
my Cart about ten days, and must say it stands
the test admirably, it is admired bv ever. body.
.Send me a top for it. Yours truly,
ii. t . AU5, ii. u.
DYERBURGH. TEXS., April 7, 18S3.
W. R. CHURCH Sir The Cart is at hand and
I like it splendidly . It is simply perfect. I
could not make anv alterations.
LAX?DALE, PESX., April 20, 1S33.
The Cart arrived to-day, and I am greatly
pleased. Beam anything in this section of the
country. I wish you success in vour enterprise.
Editor and Publisher of the Medical ouinmary.
"It is the best cart in our city." H. H.
LOCK, Ottawa, Hi.
JACKSOXVILLE, ILL., March 28, 1883.
IS. CHURCH Dear. Sir I am irreatlv
pleased with your two-wheeled vehicle- It dis
counts anything of the kind. I have no more
use for four-wheeled buggies in mv busines.
A. W. Tll'TON, M. D.
MARTIXS, S. C. Mav 20, 1883.
W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir The Cart ordered
from you came yestcnlay. It is ail and more
than you claim for it. It is certainly the finest
and most convenient thin? on wheels. I don't
think I will use any other vehicle in my practice
now. Yours respectfully,
HEMSTF.AD. TEXAS, June 16. 18S3.
W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir Cart is at hand
has been tried bv me and is satisfactory in every
particular. I will not hesitate to recommend
them, not only to physicians, hut also to any and
all persons having much driving to do
: Yours, etc., py S. CLARK.
W. R. CHCit'.H I received mv hoad Cart all
riyht and like it very much; would not exchange
it for any foiir-v. -heeled vehicle I have ever had
for ray use. It is the admiration of all who see
it. i wurs very respcctiuiiv.
'h. m. kaigler.
ST. JOSEPH, MO., August 16. 183;.
v. . k. CHL RC II Dear Sir Tne Cart was re
ceived in goon shape. 1 am hihlv pleased with
ft after n:vm; it a trial . It is much neater and
mare compact tian I expected. I think it will
uKcuere. n iaiiin;j you success. 1 am vours,
CTTFSTER, IOWA, Arerust 18. 1353.
. n. l rtl RCH-Dcar Sir-The Cart is the
li2h-.ef,t to dras- in the United States. The more
i use ii lac oeuer l like it. Yours truiv,
W. R. CHURCH Though you have not asked
for a rtcommecdition of vour Cart. I think it mv
duty to give one. for ease and speed it can't be
ta otutn. nitn aau leias ponv 1 think i
can go with any high-priced horse. S. P. RICE
,. TTonrs scroima. Bnil.rhenm.
In Ehort, all rHsrnsca caused by badblood ara
conquered by this powerful, purifvin;?, and.
invifcratinymcUleirie. direct Ealing U1-
yeru rnniii7 ccai unaer its benign influence.
liSTxeiallr haa it. lKaiiifrKtO!! irs r-nfpnpv in
curinsr t'ettor, Kosa Kaila, irails, dar
fturacJes, More Eyct!, Cci-of nl::t. orc
nij'i bvjcinnm, Hip-Joint feiieaic,
Wtmc liweSifiirrs, 5re, or "ShUii
Kcckj and Eiiiared tiiati'Js. Send t"a
col,U ia Etamns tor a large treatise, with col
ored plntcs, on" Skin Dis.-mfrs, cr tho Fame
amount foratrsntire on Scrofulous Affection.
"rffSEIi Ii!AH)B SS 1H JLIS'E."
Thoroughly eltanso it by usinjr Mr. Pierce's
fioldesi MOflicnl Etisco-vcrv. nd mod
digetoaj a fair eiiii?, bnoyant pir-
ccuaUtatiou, -wii! be ejtabiiibtd.
which is SerofnlooB Biseae ot th9
1iU1!?k, is promptly aid certainly arrested
and cured by thi3 God-riven remedy, if taken
before the laststntrescf tie difsccso pro reached.
Jprorn lis tronueriui power over thi3 terribly
latEl disease, when first otTering this now ctf
cbr&ted remedy to tho nublic. Dr. PrEHca
tho'Jtht Ecrio'.isly fit callinjr it h3 iCcn
Buaspi i osi Co re," but aanndoned that na.o
as too United Icr a rnedicino which, from ita
wonderful combination of tonic, or strenptbtn
inar, alterative, or blood-clecnsing, anti-bilious,
pectoral, and nvitriti ve properties, is unequaled.
not ouly C3 a remedy for consumption oi ttu
lungs, but for all
Liver. Blood, and Lungs.
If you feel duD, drowsy, debilitated, hava
eallow color of skin, or ycjOTfish-brown Spots
on fae or body, trcqiicnt headache or dizzi
nei5 bad taste in mouth, internal heat or cbul&
al;"rnainn; witb hot flashes, low spirits and
Bloomy borcbodinz irregular appetite, and
coated tongue, you are eulTerinir from Indi
cation, ypepsif and Torpid Liver,
or "Bilioaie." In many casea only
oart of these symptoms are experienced. Aa
a remedy for oil euc-o. r-cses, lr. Pierce's
Kolden Jleuical lrscovery has no
Vor Wcalt LncfS Rplttine of Blood.
KhortucM of iircath, Kroncbitis.
Seicra fOTiBas, Consumption ana
tinclred aSections, it ia a eorerekra remedy,
ifend tn cents in stamps for fir. Pierce's
K-n'r rtTI f VTliTiimnIi-,i, Until 1wVr&u i . .
1 w vrUKXAkM.
FRIGE $l.03,?oaVoToo!
World's Dlspscsary Medical isscsiaticn,
Proprietors, CC3 Main Et, Hvttauo, N. T.
O ta ks.-.
n a q a wX t id up
Sold bf Srugglsts. 25 centa a vial.
is offered by tho proprietors
of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hemedy
for a case of catarrh which they
cennot cure.
If 7011 have a discharge from
the nose, offensive cr otber
wrise, partial loss of smell, taste,
or hearincr. veak erM du il rm n
or pressure in head, you have Catarrh. Thou
sands of cases terminate In consnmption.
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures tbe wont
cases of Catarrh," Cold in the HeadL"
aod Cotaxrbal ueadaelto. SO centi