Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, August 14, 1885, Image 3

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Weston Weekly Leader.
FRIDAY, AUGOST 14, 1885.
Ths touswiag are the authorized agents ol the
luin in their respective locaUties:
v.m..b O W Walker.
I.n..rnr O H lUllOCli.
Milloa A B Evan.
anMitk. H H Stuart.
Wall vtaila QT Thompson.
Ella P. Prank Oviatt
Island Citr L. lrtr.
Walla Walla A. Meacben
V. Mecto every Thursday even'
ins. Brother iu good standing
respectfully invited to visit.
r. R. MITCHELL, V. O. O. P. M'COLL,Seo-
MeeU on the second and lourra
day ol each month.
L. 8. WOOD, W. M.
.-i?c.rw T AT if". S" VO 71. A. O. U.
'! u.... Tuesday evening
at Haling hall. Visiting cromers
' H. B. KELSON, M. W.
601. L o. U. r. Meew every
Saturday evening at Mcllan
hVs'HalL J. IS. BfcAM, w. U. T.
Ja WHITE, torretary.
Notions, etc., at your own price, at
Head Supt. Ellington's report, on
bcooiiJ jK'.ge.
Sack neodlea ot the best quality at
F. M. 1'auls.
II. Surd am took a business trip to
Walla Walla yesterday.
Go to Saliug & Co. for your cold
pressed castor and mineral oils.
The Weston public schools will
open on, September 7th.
Bird seed of the freshest and clean
est kind, at 15c, at Pauly's.
Messrs. i'roome & Son have reop
ened the St. Nicholas Hotel, Ccnterville.
Largest and best assortment of
buots and shoes at Saling & Co's.
Local bci.'ig scarce we have dished
up some Hash for you on the first page.
Young men when you want a nob
by suit of clothes go to galing & Co.
The rato on lumber from 1'ortlan 1
to Blue Mountain and Ccnterville in
car load lots is 15 cents per hundred.
A nice line of candies and nuts at
J. J. l'.auta & Co., Centerville.
A vegetable store under the super.
vision of chinamen is one of ths latest
additions to Weston's business enter
Don't fail to call on J. J. P. ant a &
Co., and get their prices au Machine
Oils before you buy.
N. Duscnbery took his departure
last Monday for his home in San Fran
cisco. JTjie boys in the store miss his
smiling countenance.
M. J. McDauiel has leased his two
story building, on the corner of Main
aud Water streets, U Walla Walla par
ties, for hotel purposes.
Watches cleaned SI. 50. Main
springs $1. Case sprint; $1. Clocks
denned $1. All work warranted by
l'rauk Manning, Centerville.
An article that has stood the test
of years, and is still popular and relia
ble must have merit. This is the case
with the Buckingham and Hecht boots
and shoes. Their good qualities have
heen proven. Keincmber that the gen
nine article is for sale by Steinaker &,
rticlcs of incorporation have been
filled in the ofUcc of the secretary of
statu, at Salem by the Church of the
United Brethren in Christ at Weston;
incorporators, Wm. Helmer, A. Kin
near, J. M. Hicks, I,. C. Vanwinkle
and T. J. Gallaher; capital stock not
Ayer's Ague Cure should be the
companion nf all who reside or travel
iu malarial districts. No family or
traveler in such places should be with
out it for use as a preventive, and ready
lor any emergency. It is certain, harm
less, und the best antimalarial medi
cine. For the Drst time in a number of
years several nf the best paid and most
prosperous otlicials of Umatilla county
have becu assessed, and will contribute
a mite next year to the taxes of the
County. This is another "insinuation"
fut the cranky fool at Weston to slub
ber about.- -East Oreijonian.
K alloy W. Stoutnnhorough, a lad
of 11 years, living at Blue Mountain
station, in Oregou, has developed re
markable prniiciency as n telegtaph
vpcrator. As a sender and receiver at
the keys, he can do s satisfactory work
as many experienced operators. He has
Icarsed the business in. a short time,
from being in the otfice with his father.
- W. IT. J,rnl.
The Marshall House has been leas
ed to Mr. I". J. Carlyle, so well known
to the travelling public as a genial,
ohliginj and successful landlord.
Messrs. Carlyle and Froebstel are now
in Portland purchasing furniture. The
hotel will bo open ahout Sept. 1st. The
Walla Walla Union says: "Wc con
gratulate the people of Weston on sc.
curing a first-class landlord for their
neat hotel." The I.k.vdki: is more thau
pleaW to have it pass into suih good
Recorder Jones is busy assessing.
Cove cheese, the best, at Pasty's.
Business is improving all over the
Mr. J. V. Miller and wife are up
on the Umatilla.
Fred is tickled; Mrs. Panly is ex
pected home soon.
Have your watch repaired, by
Frank Manning, Centerville. j
Pauly's mew building will be ready
for occupancy by the 1st of September.
Frank Manning watchmaker and
jeweler is at McHone's Hotel, Center
ville. After a visit of several weeks in
Weston, Mrs. D. C. Lounsbury left last
Monday for her home in Portland.
Mice clean mixea iird seed, only
15c per pound at J. J. Bauta & Co.'s,
Centerville. i
Mr. L. Mcllone retires from the
management of the Centerville Hotel
and Mr. Titsworth reigns in his stead.
The merit of the house will be sus
tained. Kemeruber the cheapest place to
buy your tobacco and cigars is J. J.
Bauta & Co.'s, Catiterville.
A tt ant ion of farmers is called to
the advertisement of W. Jones of Walla
Walla who is paying the highest price
for good barley. Note what he has to
say about advances on wheat.
Prairie chickens are now on The
bill of fare of some people. Al. Powell
carries the palm as the crack shot this
season again. It was r'imered the
other day that our "boss" shot one on
the wing. This is probably a cruel ca
Many of the old time subscribers
of the Pendleton Tribune are anxiously
awaiting its annual announcement
about the "melon-cholic data, &c.
Hurry up, Ben, or some one may get
ahead ot you; or, have you a patent on
that "joke?"
In the ereat foot race at Walla
Walla last Monday between Ormsbce,
of Waitsbuig aud Fnck of Pomeroy,
Mr. 11, 11. Ormskee won with ease.
The Blue Mountain base ball boys of
Weston who were very much interested
are as iubilant over the result as if oue
of themselves had beou the victor.
Cold Spring near the summit of
the mountains east of Weston seems
now to he the favorite summer resort.
Mayor White and family, Mr. I. E
baling and family, Mrs. Worthington
and child, Mrs. Bulfiiicii and children
and others are rusticating there. The
weather is cool at that altitude and the
water is excellent.
The New Zealand Loan and Mer
cantile Agency, at San Francisco, has
received from New Zealand some fa
mous Seed Oats, samples of which may
lie seen at the LEADER office. Parties
wishing to purchase outs for seed from
this Agency should do so before the
middle of October. For prices apply at
Leader oQice. Orders respectfully so
licited. Mr. L. W. Barnctt was up from
Lexington this week. He informs us
that Lexington is growing rapidly and
has taken the lead iu the race for coun
ty scat. Several merchants ot Hepp
ner are moving their stores to the new
town. Money has been subscribed and
preparations are being made for the
buildinq of an academy to cost 4,000.
Crops are turning out finely, sod ground
yielding as high as twenty-five bushels
per acre, aud summer-fallow thirty-live
and forty. Morrow's fence-law has
killed Ileppner, aitd her people are rap
idly emigrating to the rising town of
Lat Wednesday iu Gerking Flat,
just as G. W. Kinney's steam thresher
started up after half an hour's rest, a
fire was discovered under one of the
derrick wagons. It spread with amaz
ing rapidity. Mr. Kinuey lost all the
threshing outfit except the steam en
gine and one derrick wagon loss not
less than $1500. Mr. James McEwan
at whose place the machine was at work
lost 500 sacks Df wheat. It was only
by the utmost exertion in plowing deep
furrows in the heavy stubble that the
fire was prevented from reaching the
other piles of wheat. As it is Mr. Mc
Ewan's loss is ' great enough. The loss
falls hard on these honest, industrious,
hardworking men.
Uncle Johnny Hubbard had a nar-
j row escape from death last Wednesday
morning. He had gone down iuto Mr.
Whitman's well for the purpose'of
cleaning it out,- but observing that the
well contained foul air, he signalled to
be pulled up. Before reaching the top
he was overcome and fell back iu the
well, striking on his head and cutting
a deep gash. Mr. Whitman, at the
risk of his own life, was let down into '
the well and tied a rope around Mr. !
lixcTest Xotes.
Send in your harvest yields to the
Leader. .
The los3 from fallen wheat is much
greater thau farmers anticipated. i
Monroe Kirklaud's entire crop is
turning out forty bushels to the acre.
- Reeder & Bostwiok, 320 acres of
wheat that averaged 31 bushels to the
J. S. White, 80 acres of wheat, aver
age 30 bushels to the acre; 60 acres of
barley yielded over 2000 bushels.
James McEwan threshed 4200 bush
els of wheat from 125 acrea. The fire
fiend ate up about 1100 bushels after it
was threshed.
Mr, J. D. Peck, of North Cold Spring
has already threshed more than 800
bushels of wheat, , the average being
more than forty bnslLels to the aero.
Frank and Isaac MaKsfild, 100 acres
of wheat, average 30 bushels . to the
acre; 18 acres barley, average 56 hushels
to the acre. The wheat in the iieviest
placet was fallen so low that the- header
could not cut it.
Col. G. H. Reed's Geer Spring ranch
of 150 acres of wheat averaged 3V$ bash
els to the acre; on his home farai 116
acres ot wheat yielded 3400 bushels.
Some of the latter was pretty ba dly
'lodged," causing considerable loss.
Mr. H. Key who a lives few miles
north of Weston has several hundred
acres of wheat. Some of it. though bad
ly lodged ha3 yielded more than 45
bushels to tha acre. The whole farm
will average more than 40 bushels to
the acre.
Sam Purdy had 60 acres of wheat
from which he got only 25 bushels to
the acre. At one time it gave great
promise ot an immense yield, but the
rain and wind storms laid it so low that
the header did not get much more than
half of it. He had 25 acres of barley
that averaged 39 bushels to the acre.
wixa sen: jisixtaix.
The Erie iu Oregon.
Mark A. Miller,, traveling agent for
the Erie Railroad, writes from Portland,
Oregon, that an attack of pleuro-pneu
nionia left behind it a severe and pain
ful cough. After trying several reme
dies without sneeess, he began using
Red Star Cough Cure, and upon taking
oue bottle found himself on the road to
rapid recovery.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to Cooper, Schmuck & Garnett,
are requested to f.iill and settle their
accounts by the 12th of September, as
we intend to close up mir business on
that day. Costs wil' be .tdded to ac
counts not settled by the Jute above
Cooi'Eit, Schmuck & Gauxett".
Regulations of Kcsjicct.
At a regular meeting of Milton Lodo
No. 61, I. O. O. F., held August 1st,
1SS5, the following preamble and reso
lutions were unanimously adopted.
WHEREAS, it has pleased an all wise
Providence to remove from our midst
our well beloved Brother, J. H.
Wright, who departed this life, July
. lfith, 18S5.
Resolved, That while we bow submis
sively to this affliction of him, who in
His divine wisdom governs all things,
we cannot refrain from giving utter
ance to the grief we feel for the loss of
our Brother.
llcsoh-ed, In the death of Brother J.
II. Wright this Lodge has lost a true
and worthy Brother aud the community
a good citizen.
Jicsolved, That we extend to the rela
tives of our deceased Brother our heart
felt sympathies for their sad bereave-
incnt, and tender them all the consola
tion in our power to bestow.
Jicsolved, That the charter of the
Lodge be draped iu mourning for 30
days and that the secretary be instruct
ed to spread these resolutions on the
journal oi tne L,ouge ana forward. ja
copy of the sime to the relatives of our
deceased Brother.
J. S. Richey,
J. B. Williamson,
Jonathan Talbert,
These gleriooi mountains still exist,
and still form i very conspicuous part
of the far fair.;d tlmatilla county whose
soil yields .. the farmer 55 bushels of
wheat to the acre? ' in return for hisla-
bor, and the very best quality of wheat
at that. How astosishing it must be to
a man no and then, to run across a
regular professional crumbier, (who has
all his life been bunting for Paradise
lost) aud to hear him whine, and wish
ing that he had neyer left Nebraska or
Iowa, and wishing himself back in Kan
sas or some other one of those nice
places in which the cyclones do the
reaping and the hail stcrms do the
threshing, that ia if the drought or the
frost has not killed the wheat, or if the
grasshopper or the chintzbng or the
Hessian fly does not claim a first mort
gage on tne crops. 1 lie crops back
there will range from 5 to 15, or per
haps in some exceptional cases as high
as 20 bushels per acre. llr. Grumbler
will inform ytu that here we only get
50 cents a bushel tor our wheat, while
back there the farmer gets a dollar a
bushel for all he sells. The crops here
are a sure success every year and the
yield will reach from 30 to 55 bushels
per acre; back there there art 9 chances
of a failure to every one chance of a
hit, and it only yields the farmer from
5 to 20 bushels per acre; what benefit is
it to the farmer there if wheat is a dol
lar a- bushel? I have only stated a few
fticts and said nothing about, our de
lightful climate, and lots of other good
points that we enjoy out here and which
does iiot exst on the other side of the
Rocky M suntains.
Many of those who used to be wood
ranches are now being turned into
farms." Tiie average yield of wheat
here this yt ar is about 40 bushels per
acre. Corn, tobacco, vegetables of all
kinds, even hops, and in tact everything
in the line of crops has been tried here
and has prove i a success. In some
points of produce we can beat t he best
valley farmer, corn excepted. Corn
will only yield ahovt 50 to 65 bushels
per acre here. Everything else does
better thau that here iu proportion.
Speaking ahout wood choppers quit
ting their trade for that of farming; i'
is said that in a iurv triai held in the
city of Weston recently, iti which
few wood choppers were summoned as
witnesses on one side of the case, and
some citizens of Weston on the other
side, the jury failed to agree, one iif
the jurymen, a gentlcman(?) of Weston
is reported to have said that he would
rather believe the testimony given by
one of those citizens of Weston than
the testimony given by 8 or 10 of those
wood choppers just as though a wood
chopper was uot just as good, just as
honest, just as honorable as anybody
else! Some of these wood choppers are
Jalking very strongly of removing to
Weston to start barber shuns, put on a
Ship your Vheat with
who have made arrangements for receiving .and forward
ing the same to their San Francisco House on
Storage, to await a better market.
Liberal Cash Advances
Ulade at a fair rate of interest, and satisfactory returns
. guarantee!.
Don't dispose of your wheat before calling
on us.
We have made satisfactory arrangements for a low rate
ot storage in ban t rancisco.
un lo Chances,
But da your shipping with the Old Reliable
nouse of
Schwabacker Brothers.
riant to Farmers
been appointed agent at WESTQN for
for the sale of the following t
iled shirt and be somebody.
W'e have been having a 5 months-
term oi school ou the mountain this
summer. After paying $53 per month
for a teacher we will still have plenty
of money left in the treasury to run 2
or 3 months longer this fall. We have
had a splendid, orderly and instructive
school. We were fortunate enough last
spring to secure the serviceof Prof. E.
Smith (a cousin to our esteemed
county school superintendent). Prof.
Smith is a teacher of more than ordin
ary ability. Every parent is highly
pleased aud well satisfied aud feels that
the money paid out to such a teacher
will be a source of great revenue to
their children in the future one of
which they can never be robbed.
R. F. Johnson.
An Old-Kasliioiicd Idea.
The old-fashioned idea that one should
never enter a sick room with an empty
stomach is a true one, 1 he gastric
luice is not secreted In an empty stom
ach; it is only when food is taken into
the stomach aud digestion commences
that the gastric juice is present. Ail
germs are killed by coming in contact
with healthy gastric juice therefore
full stomach fortifies one against con
tractina contagious diseases, De Ha
ven's Dyspepsia Cure is especially
adapted to act upon the digestive juices
ot the system and keeps them in a pure
and natural condition. Iu this manner
it ensures proper digestion and assimi
lation of the food. It never fails to ef
fect a cure in the most obstinate cases
of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency
and Sickheadache. Sample bottles free
at W. rl. McCoy a drug store.
Itoard of Equalization.
Notice is hereby given that on Mon
day the 31st day of August, 1SS5, the
Board of Equalization will attend
the oliice of the Courjty Clerk of Urn
tille I mi n t-it 1 1 vn trr r onrl lin liliplt' oV-
Hubbard, who was immediately pulled ! '- it t r
J I atnmr. fhn n eueritrn t roll for Ihp nnr.
w ' - " ' ' ' ---- ' I "
pose of correcting errors, omissions, &c.
C. P. Davis,
It is said that New Mexico spent
last year for liquor 6,485,000, and
for churches and schools. 845.000.
We didn't suppose that American
civilization had reached such a high
point mJNew Mexico.
, For bargins in glassware and
crockery go to Reese&Redman's, Adams.
"You say that man is a vapor?" "Yes;
so the bible says." "Well, I'm down
right glad to hear it; I am so." "Why
do you say that?" "Because it backs
up a remark I made to Bill Tibbs just
the other day." "What was that?"
"I told him he was a gas-bag."
Reese & Redman, Adams, are pay
ing the highest market rates for wheat.
Little Johnny Fizzletop has the habit
of waking up every night in theJniiddle
of the night and demanding something
to cat. At last his mother said to
him: "Look here, Johnny, I never want
to eat anything in the night." "Well
I don't think I'd care to eat anything
either in the night if I kept all my
testh in a mug of water."
Steinaker & Co. make a specialty of
rents' clothing and furnishing goods,
F'or a nobby suit call ou tuew
J'lll-heads, letter-heads, netc-heads,
etc., printed and put up in tablets at
the .LEADER othce at l'ortiaud prices.
'I think this Sunday ball plav
ing is very sinful. It ought ta be
stopped, so it ought. Why, last
Sunday two or three of us were fish
ing and the players in tha next field
made such a racket that we didn,t
cutch a single fish."
Th" Leader office does all kinds of
job woi'k in first-class style at Portland
"Little sI'r') you know whose
house this isi1" asked , sclemn-look-in
man of a b-'igbt child seated on
tha nhnrnh st.P.IS. "Yes, Sir: Its
God's, but he ain ' in " ehe added
as th old gentiema.
walk up the steps, "ad his agents
gone to Europe."
Tl, Voct- r. ntit.v f eiiTf'lnm'S fumish-
eu auu prin is a. o uea.uiui uix --
per box ot 2oO.
Beset on all SIUch
By malaria, how shall we escape the dread, in
fection? is the question which the denizens of
fever and ague districts ask themselves. The
answer comes from former sufferers who for years
have escaped the visitations of the periodic
scourge, through the protecting- influence of
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. When the neces
sity xor using preventive measures arises, use
this means of prevention at once. It regulates
tne liver, iacmtar.es Question, ana liberates im
purities from tWe system, when such exist, by
promoting healthful action of the bowels and
kidneys. Act early. In all regions where mias
matic vapors breed disease, it is absolutely ne
cessary to bs provided with a safeguard, and
this is true, thouirh a sojourn in such localities
is destined to be brief one can afford to
breathe malaria for a short time. The Bitters is
a sovereign specific for rheumatism, debility and
nervousness, ncep it on nana.
500,000 BUSHELS
Agricultural lm
Batchelors & WylyeV
Harrows, CultlTators and Seeders,
MITCHELL'S well-known Wagons, Hacks at!. Baffles,
The Western Fanning Mill,
the best on the Coast, warranted to separate oats mkt
barley from wheat, taking oat evepj tliiag ana leaYing
nothing but the clean wheat
Brack's Celebrated Draper Goods,
Iron fastenings on the end of sticks, ppeventtng pp
The Uollingsworth Rake, Self-Dumping,
Walker's Wrought Tubular and CasMppn Fences,
All orders filled with promptness and at Walla Walla,
prices. LllSKKALi msiwui 1 iub i-uij,
Call and examine Goods and prices.
Oflice on Main St., one door east of Marshall House.
i i 1 1 m-jf
The undersigned has on hand a large assortment
oi one, two and three-year-old
Fruit Trees,
Apples, Pears, Cherries, Phims.etc,
Some new and rare fruit. Also everal of the
Russian Varieties
Also six or eight varieties of GRAPE BOOTS,
wmcn we will sell at
and will also take in exchange Wheat, Barley
ana uaisat uie tuun&si JUAKur-l rmufc.
to insure the greatest amount and choicest varie
ties. We warrant our atock true to name; so
come on and patronize home production.
One Mile North of Hilton,
Best and
This apace apaid for by tea
Asms Livist 8Tiata,
Saw Timto for Sale!
Good location. Plenty of water to ran the year
round. Good wagon roads to Walla, Milton aad
Price, $2 per M.
Call od or address
Buoklcu's Arnica Sulve.
The Best Salvs in the world tor Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erupt
ions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
W. II. McCoy.
for which the highest market pr.'iv will
be paid. Also, same amount of
Parties: having barley can have sacks j
furnished by me. I receive at any ship
ping point, either on river or railroad.
and very reasonable rates of storage
givep .
Walla Walla - - W. T.
to the surface. The air was f o had I
that it was with great difficulty that
Mr. Whitman reached the top. "Uncle
Jo.hnuy" is now laid up for repairs.
"c take pleasure in calling the at
teation of our readers to the ad. of
Schwahacher lirothers, Walla Walla,
in regard to forwardinj wheat to their
San Francisco Hons on storage. We
are very glad to kuow that our farmers
are now offered an opportunity to put
their grain in the market rcau.v to sell
whener au advance ij prices takes
place, and obtain such advances s will
There in no hone of rlnr-I f,-.;..i,. I enable them to liquidate all their sn-
4or the farmers ot tin. Inl ,,,.i r I dehtcdness promptly. It is not neces-
..irom tbe O. K. & ( Perhaps the ! ary for ,IS to s:ly a"J'th;ng in praise o.'
-company can n.,t afford to make nnv ! tlle wc" known house of Schwabacher
reduction. Perhaps it badly need tii'c ! llr,,tll!rs, for everybody knows that it
$2,160,000 which it win realize thi-iist'ie largest mercantile house iu the
aea'ton lrom the transportation of whpIit!lerritor-v' anJ th:,t ''' fair dealings,
Haywakti Hand Grenades. -The
i best known Fire Extinguisher in the
j world. Ton't delay In supplying yonr-
selves with them at once. Property
: and lives saved every day with them.
; You cannot afford to be without them,
j M. S. MeQL-ARKIE, Agt., Walla Waila.
G. J. 15ECUT, lit Market St., fi. F.,
! General Agent.
When baby was sick, we gave her CASTOKIA,
When she was a child, we ave her CAST' til A,
When she became Miss, she clung to CASTuKIA,
When she had childreu.suea. e them CASTOEJ A.
Lxrited Thousands.
All ever the land are going into ec
stasy over Dr. King's Xew Discovery
for Consumption. Their unlooked for
recovery by the timely use of this great
life Saving remedy, causes them to go
nearly wild in it3 praise. .It i3 guaran
teed to positively cure Severe Coughs,
Colds. Asthma. Hav Fever. Ilronchiiis.
j Hoarseness, J.oss ot Voice, or any affec
tion of the Throat and Lungs. Trial
Bottles free at W. II. McCoy's Drug
Store. Large size 1,00. 2
promptness in all settlements for any
graiu contracted and backed by unlim
ited resources, they have gained the
undisputed conGdeuce of the entire
1 'T' ,
.oue. iue company haM decided ,0
retain the rate of J6 per ton (, thig
year and ao Ing subsequently an they
deem best" which may mean until
forced by competition to make a reHnc
tion. The rate charged by the North
ern Pacific from Wallula to Duluth is
$3 ton. This is about eight times the
distance for which the O. R. 4 X. Co.
charge 56. Why the Northern Pacific
is able to io this is of secondary impor
tance to the former. One thing now
wij.,ui.- is will tne U. K & d .. ;Mk ui-uiiai.r
.iresouable rates .ohortV
reach tbe Northern Pacific. i L.M LUvis
Sale by Mortgage.
Whereas. Jerry St. Dennis and Rose St. Den
nis, his wife, on the 31st day of July, lb84, made
and executed a chattel mort!-ai:e toS. F. Wallace,
on two certain horses therein ce icribed, to secure
tiie specific performance of t he covenant and
agreement of tne parties of the :arnt part in a cer
tain instrumentof writing purporting to bean
agreement between said St 1) ei inis and wife, par
ties of the fiist part, and said ii. F. Wallace, party
of the second part, and whert as the conditions of
said mortgage have been broken, now therefore
public notiee is hereby piv en according to the
manner provided in said n io rtgrage, that 1 will
proceed to sell at public aucti oi i, on
Saturday, August Tt, 1883.
at 10 o'clock, a. m., in Centei vMle.Umatilla coun
tv, Oregon, for cash, to the t.i;rhest and best bid
der, one sorrel five year old ir are, branded with
vented mark on left shoalder, a nd weighing about
eleven hundred pounds.
By A. B. ROBLEY, Agent.
Notice for Publication.
Lahs Omn at La Ssavdb, Ousts,
Julylth, Mat,
Notice is hereby siren that tha ioUewiaa..
named settler has filed notice of his inUntloa is ,
make final proof in support of his claim, and that -aid
proof wiU bs load bafqs J. L. KUliaa, a. '
notary ruoiie, at van ayua, ureroa. a.
August xsth.lHAo, vis:
SiUbert G. Cstkart,
D. S. No. 6782, for the southeast quarter at stst
tion SO, tosriMhip s north, tsags ULW.V.
tie names the following witnesses to prove his):
continuous residence upo, aad.caltlvaaisa ei
said land, viz:
Uaw V 17 .k. , " - Willi. Y1
and Eugene KsiOer, all of Milton, Oregon.
24 BeaUMSL
Centerville House.
new and commodious hotel has Just been
compietea ana is now rtaay iur us
reception of guests.
The Rooms are all Neatly Furnished
table will at all times be fnmished with the
delicacies of the season.
No effort will be spared to make guests com
Large Sample Room
Notice to Delinquent.
Sheriff's Office,
Pexdi.ETOX, Umatilla Co., Or.
To the delinquent taxpayers of said
You are hereby notified that if the
tax for 1SS4, and all unpaid taxes prior
to that time, due to said couuty, are
not taid bv Senteuiber 1st. mile-
Extracting free, and teeth inserted 1 ilSe ctc- v,i11 eollected witb said
on trial. So Jit, no pay. Don't trust I las- I have waited because money was
traveling dentist. but"go to the office i 60 scarce. Harvest has come. Farmers
over liees a- Vii,..-. -..n. Ifm pet advanwi. Laborers can draw
"What sort of an establishment
is that across the way?" "They teach
drawing, music and danciDg." "A
young ladies' seminary" ".No, a
dentist's, shop." 1
Don't forget that Reese &
are located at Adams, and do a "twsa"'
He was a bore and he remarked to
the editor: "I wish I could leave
town;" and the editor answered,
'I wish you could," and there the
conversation ceased.
Sale of County Poor Fapm.
Steinaker ot Co. keep tne Buckingham
& Hecht's boots and shoes.
i their wages. Why delay longer, as in
... , ..Liu n store.
arm :;ct relume work f:i"v
rantM. All nnsmiinnB ; I mam instancM to wait XlU be to TaV
4nn fin. -ioi tha .unnitnT i-.-ill
V MiPTiv j tfOUS
J frooi two to
I now ewe.
It is Eaid that in no part of the
world is drinking carried on to
such an extent as in Wall street
that isn't watered.
Steinaker & Co. have the largest and
best assortment of wall paper in Weston.
The Tewksbury almshouse, once
well known to fame, was struck by
a lightning hoit on Saturday, but
the stroke was not near so disas-
in its effects as a similar oc-
Nntice is hrebv given that on Wednesdar. the
ninth riav of S ptember. 3 at two o'clock p. I
i in. of said day, tu e uwlfciif1TK-1 will ;
offer at public sa'e, t. the hi rhtat and best bid- ;
Tied man ' er at the court house do or, in Pendleton, Ore
gon, tne larm Known as uie ouniy roor rami,
eituated on Birch creetc, U natilla county, Ore
jron, (Smiles fr-H-Pi i't K.'k.) and particularly
'iescrib! at follows: Thr wathalf of the south
ea.st nuarter a:id the easthaif of the south west
qniiterof section S3, tov.n-hip 1 south of range
3 E. W. M, containing 160 acres.
Te rnift.
Or.e-third of purchaj j price, cash; one-third at
the end ef one vcar, and one-third at the end of
two years, the pwr d and third payments to
draw 'interest at the rate of ten per cent, per an
num from date of sale t.ntil paid, and to be secur
er! by a mortgage on t i s property. Ten per cent,
discount will heailowed on two-thirds of purchase
price if the whole amo'int is paid at the time of
sa'.e in lawful money of the Tnited States. The
purchaser will be gi ren possession on October
1st, JS3.
hone this 7th day of Auztut, lS5.
T. J. LCCT. Countv Judp-e.
J. J. BAl'MGAuDNEit, Com.
Desiring to dispose f nr large stock of
we will offer at Public Sale, at onr store
in Weston, on
Saturday, September 12th,
our entire stock, consisting of
and all kind of
Main St. -
Wain SU - Ccsitervlilt, errs a.
Sheriff, i curreace in 1SS3.
Will pnetie in ail th courts of Oregsn
WattiiPjrton T.rritorj. - -
We carry a full stock of
Household Furniture, in
walnut, ash and nine: also.
a large assortment of Chairs
Mattresses, Spring Beds,
Lounges, etc A supply on
ltinl sTkf W Ant A tsf srhVI Isfft ntT
uoors and &asn.
Terms Cash.
Don't fail to come aad se?
cure bargains.
4 B
Cooper, ScMck
&i Garnett.
Corner Main and Water Sts.,
; -3-ium.iBs w-r-
Stoves and Hardware
Adams, Oregon.
Keep always In stock a select assortment of CUT
LEttY of ttae best branua, and a fuU line o
Wood and Willow Ware,
Nails, Bolts, Screws, Files and ererythlnf ba
tneir line that farmers need. Patronage
respectfully sulicted and I '
Fair Treatment Guaranteed,
Those desiring fine, centrally located Basis east
Lots or beautifully situated Besidenes Sites la
the thrtring-new
can t accommodated by calling at tbe offios of tbs
Adams Real Estate Associations
Look Here!
We are now prepare to reoelre on oonrighmrnt,
ouy or Murv
Thnsglvh? yoti choice hi disposing of yemr ens).
Grain Sacks for Sate,
Also LUMBER, Tooth or dressed, for sats mX
reasonable rates and in quantities to suit.
meat rereired on eonsisriment or for storage at
Centerville and Eastland, and bought
at any railroad station.
Centerville - - - Oregon.
Paper Hanger,
Graining in AU Kinds ef Wood.
Wm, Lowndes.
' The Portland Business College, Portland, Ore
gon, offers superior private and class instruction
to the young aad middle-aged of hath sesfs who
desire to obtain a practical education in tle short
est time consistent with thorough work, aad at
the least expense. Day and evening sessions
throcghct' the year. Students admitted any
tiace. Catalcgne on application.
" A. P. ASMETS0S9, Principal
guy your
lesssl tallies. HwrelslM, Cigars, Ts
bases, CsuTeeUosier7, Estv. sT
At the P. O. Btore - - MILTON, OB.
The Painter
Weston Oregon
Odor ef Forest SparUi of Stream.,
Do you own a srun. or a "tmk acAm." or nrd.
dog or rifle? Ever go angling, oev sbooting; sr.
tramping, or camping, at eannetna, or yacnmcrv
Hare you a taste tor studying the habits of wi
birds or saiaamlsf Ix yes know tha fc tV
ytats we ham been publbb a Irkfe
paper oerotea to IMss SjsutVC M wy snpay
you to look at a copy of the FoiaSl sa
Tnnc is oo other paper
Address Forest and 8
Is no other
as Forest i
Park Sow, New York..
rdm Car if CefUSf
in the world fuss Daw