Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, August 14, 1885, Image 1

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AavertLUaK atataa.
C r. X't'OLL, PablUher.
aateeripUaa Bates I
He Tear, (III advance) W 00
K', Months 1 26
One Srjoare (1 ineh)Snt irtsertsOBM w. V i
Each additional Insertion BV
Two So,ujea,nrst insertion..
Each additional lDserura.. -m
rhree Square, flrat laserooo..... -...... 1 Of
Each additional Insertion .... 1 A
One Quarter Column, ant iMiilka. .. f 9
Each additional lnsertioa .j.y
Time advertise by metal aaraMl Umi
knotice S5 oenoi per Um-
AdTerttaimg bill aayatat aaaaa,
AUlrval noaceewtn W iIiiisii Taeaaaia W
quara first lasaraoa, ana WU
eacfe omini imniim
NO. 35
nsarriag and death will
cnarra. UOiruary
f hre Heaths. 7S
inxU Cepie 13 CU
tVLSTifl. rrra-
Legal WanU of all kinds tor sale.
Office at Postoffice. w J
pEMir.T. aros.
Real Estate and Public Land Mnttcr a specialty.
Col" tioiw promptly attended to. Oilice over
the Kirst National Bank, Court St. 5JU
Attorney at Law,
win nftotu iJ".:,. Ivvitm of tutu Statu and
Wanhinton Territory. tv--ial attention paid to
Land OUics buaineM and Collections.
Ofllee-Malti 8b. Wt, Or.
(rTJ'jdt L. L. Mc-Arthiir will be amoclatcd
with ma in all my outs in the Circuit or Supreme
' j'
j. Mcdonald.
Physican and Surgeon.
OFFICE-Ovcr the Drug Store, Is
land City, Oregon. 0AU calls prompt
ly atemleil to.
.1 H. IlAlihlLUl, M.U.
T. TtttHLLi:. OKEOX.
Office at Cook & Ir fine's Drug Store.
Absolutely Pure.'
This rjowder never vartaL A mnrf nf niiAv.
strength and wholesomeness. More economieai
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com
petition with the multitude of low test, short
weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold oxlt ur
cans, fiovab Basuhq Pownaa Co., 100 Wall-st,
Physician and Surgeon.
Obstetric and discuses ol women a specialty.
Orrici Ovr.a SrwNAKKa'H.
Wrhtos, Oar.ooN.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office la Reese Jb Co.'s Drug
5. All calls promptly attended to.
I EO. W. KING, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
Olfics over Stciuakcr's store,
Calls promptly answered day or night.
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
end lr to a - - Oregon.
Court St., In Dcmert's Drug Store.
Watch rcpirinsr a specialty. Jewelry made to
rdrr find repaired. Alt work wamntcJ. Aent
O r the tale of Amcriciui Watches, Pacific Juwcl-
rv Company and Kini'a cole It m ted combination
po'ta-lcii the best in the world; also auitt for
the Weber ami Chu'korini; juano, the Kstoy and
terlinx onpni U. Con:i' and C. Mahillou'a
onuui inHtrui'ientH.
Contractor am! Kuihler,
Adams - Orrgon
Plans and specifications furnished. Thorough
workmanship guaranteed and prices moderate.
Adams, . . Oregon.
Office at his resilience in Main and Calvin
Culls promptly responded to day or niht.
ii. coos.
COOK Sl peoples,
Wagya & Carriage Makers,
Adams, Grcsnn.
AH kinds of Carpentering an 1 Wood Work done
o order at reasonable rates.
Washing anil Ironing,
Adams - - Oregon.
The finest Laundry Work done on the shortest
notice ana in a style to please the most fastidious.
i vis e HkW a mizisu
1S48. v;
The stars know a secret
They do not tell;
And morn brings a message,
Hidden welL
There's a blush on the apple,
A tint on the wing,.
And the bright wind whistles,
And the pulses sting.
Perish dark memories!
There's light ahead;
This world's for the living,
Rot for the dead.
In the shining city,
On the loud pave,
The life-tide is running
Like a leaping wave.
How the stream quickens,
As noon draws near!
No room for loiterer?,
( No time for fear,
on the farai-l&nds
Earth smiles as well;
Gold-crusted grain-fields,
With sweet, warm smell;
Whirr of the reaper,
Like a giant bee.
Like a Titan cricket,
Thrilling with glee.
On mart, and meadow,
Pavement, or plain;
On azure mountain,
Or azure main
Heaven bends in blessing;
Lost is but won;
Goes the jrood rain-cloud?
Comes the good sun!
Only babes whimper,
And sick men wail,
And faint-hearts and feeble-hearts,
And weaklings fail.
Down the great currents
Let the boat swing;
There was never winter
But brought the spring.
Overland Monthly.
small to regard it as a paying invest-1 told you that it was a waste of time for
ment. It is iust barely passible that yon to go near that proud, haughty;
those officials who divided the spoils heartless woman! But you ara so good,
may have th.ught at the time that the so generous, you would not giro up the
county was not being defrauded but it plea. 'Let me try, auntie!' that has
is difficult from their conduct to i mag- been your plea 'let me go to see Cora
ine that they fancied themselves inno- Worthiagton? She is my cousin, and
cent. Whether wilfully guilty or stu- has as good right to your love and kind
pidly innocent they are men whom it ncss as I have.' So I consented ; you
wonld be unsafe to trust with office of had your way, Birdie, and well, tell
"Is Mrs. Worthington at home"
The pompous footman who stood on
duty, Cerebrus-like, in the marble-
paved hall of the Worthiagton man
sion, glanced superciliously at the
speaker a iili:rt little figure, half hid
den in the folds of a long gossamer wa
terproof, the hood drawn over her
plain round hat, just revealing the rip
pies of broBze-browu hair which lay up'
on a low white brow; a pair of dark
eyes; white, satiny complexion with a HprRtan.1 ill "
i - -
me how she received you."
4 'She she refused, to see me!" fal
tered Alice. "I suppose the servants
took me for a seamstress or a nobo iy,
for they were very pert and supercil
ious. I believed, auntie, that she was
at heme all the time, but I blamed the
servants for her refusal t. see me, until
until I left the hoU3; then I saw
her at tl". wind.w ef her room. She
saw me, recognized me, ana drew down
the window shade. Bat never mind,
Aunt Lydia, I have done my duty.
To-morrow 1 shall write her a note, and
beg her to come to us for a few hours'
visit, at least. Once here, she will uu-
suspicion of rose leaves in the checks-
a face worth looking at.
The footman, however, being a very
fashionable and pompous individual,
saw only the lamentable fact that the
little woman before him was on toot in
the rain, plainly attired. Some shabby-
uentaei peraon, no doubt, come to Beg
for assistance; or, possibly, a girl seek
ing a position as maid, or, worse than
all, a poor relation ! He drew himself
up to hia full height and indulged in a
long stare.
"My dear, you are a very Donna
Quixote," said the old lady; "Cora
Worthington is a heartless, designing
woman cold as ice and although she
is my dear sister's only child, she is un
worthy a kind thought. She is just
like her selitah, tyrannical father. I
want nothing of her.
A few moments later Alice returned
to her guest, who had suddenly learned
a lesson an unexpected lesson, too.
For the loom which Aunt Lydia occu
pied wag situated in a projecting wing
Waukesha Glenn.
Guaranteed Medicinally Superior containing
more natural mineral salts. It is pure. Is the
nly diurcctic water known in the world hicb
lets directly upon th secretion of the Liver,
Kulucy, Urinary and Generative Organs, and i
Nature' Sovereign Remedy for that numerous
das of diseases that alliict the human family.
(9 Thousands of testimonials mailed free.
As a test we will end you a sample case ol
xn quart bottles, bottleU for family and club
ise.on rccclptof $1.S0 anil this advertisement,
tr a half barrel for $3. Address
T. n. BRYANT, Box B.WACKHsnA.VTis. '
moi. aaf nnnninr VfcaoL lu upvv-i-.
paper devoted tr science, mechanics, en-
Pineerinjr, discoveries, inventions and ratentn
Tor published. Every cumber illustrated with
rptendid encravinffe. This publication, furniahea
a most valuable encyclopedia of information which
no person should be without. The popularity of
the Scientifio Amftucan is euch that its cir
culation nparly equals that of all other papers of
its class combined. Price, S3.23 a year. Discount
tf Clubs. Sold by nil newfdeaicrs. CO.,
Publishers, No. 361 Broadway. N. Y.
aRBnPkVBGP f Jrlunn ft m. nave
- - &Qvon a tor j
aaBalaWMBSBaWaaW fcraCUCO beforO
Fri tho Patent Olnce, and have prepamd
more than one Hundred t nous
end applications tur patents jn the
United btatcs and foreign countries.
"nvnflt TrmiivMarks. Cowri tints.
Assignments, and ail othor papers for
rear ins to inventors uieir nsnu n ma
United States, Canada, England, i-rance,
Germany and other foreign countr.es, pre
pared at rIi ort n ot ico and on reason able t erms.
Information rs to obtaining patents cheer?
fully eiven without charge. Hand-books
Bout. iron. Patents obtained
through Munn& Co. are noticed m tho Rcientifco
American free. The advantage of surh notice is
well understood by all perEous who wish to dispose
01 WTTCN & CO.. OKe. SaE.HTW
AHJiiuUAN, 3C1 Broadway, Kow Vork.
Private Line Telephones
For use between office and residence I
or factory, Sold oairlKht. No renting ,
Takes place of Dell Telephone on ail
lines under two miles to lento, JV'o
Infrintement. Pat. Nov. 30, VI). SuuO j
laune. Clrcniarn frte. Agent a icantc4 i
llarbcrt Trlrpboue 'o.
Dialer tn Ttltphwe and Kievlrical
uppUr of ex try description,
Laballe Bt.. CuiCAOe.
3ffrr iuncrlor Inducement with Its fine cllm.
tc, toil, magnificent timbers, fertile prairies, j
ind pure water; with several Railroads rej
srntly completed. Farmer, fruit growers,!
itnrk i'ickUts and lumbermen should investt- i
gate this splendid country.
feud three postage stamp for late rallroaj
nil township map of state with reliable liifor
aiatlon of the best locations, and special ratei .
f fue I can obtain.
"Ui -t2721aaVS
Anil Oilier riililicatloijs.
For further j.arliculars write to
R. A. Tenney,
143 Dearborn St .ClitcagoHL
ui n :i soTirr..
"Lei us go into the io.o nf the Lord,"1
r.SALMS 122: 1.
Divine eervicp at the First Baptist
Clmrcii of Weston, Oregon, no the r irt-t
nmt Third Sundays in each month,
! morning and evening. Sunday school at
. p. in. every Suml;iy. 1'rayer Meeting
every Tliursihiv at 7 p. m. All are cor
dially invited to attend these services.
. W. II. I'ltUETT, 1'astor.
A Little 9f Everything.
Girls, don't you wish your big brother
was President. Miss Cleveland's share
of the profits from the sale of iter book
will be between 40,000 and $50,000.
When the Weston Hook and Ladder
Co. received its truck, a dyspeptic igmy
ramus examined it closely and said:
"Goll), I'd like to see her throw wa
If a man fought against the Union
and accepted the logic of the war he is
yet a Confederate, if he is a Democrat,
and merely an ex-Confederate if he is a
Republican; his loyalty since the war
has nothing to do with it: politics is the
bloody shirt test of patriotism.
There is a something about restau
rants, hotels and boarding houses that
must be aa inscrutable mystery and a
prolific Roiirce. of annoyao.ca-.tarn.any.
It is not Hash. It is how they iiimh-o
to make such poor coffee. Coffee made
in an old oyster can over a fire of "buf
falo chips" and drank without cream or
sugar is as far ahead of the average res
taurant coffee as nectar is Buperior to
Louisiana "black strap" molasses. The
coffee of the sheep herder, the miner,
the camper, is at least palatable and
tastes like coffee, but the turbid liquid
of the restaurant that goes by that name
is simply execrable. l!y what fiendish
contrivance they manage to destroy ev
ery particle of the coffee flavor is an un
fathomable mystery, one of the black
est arts of modern eating houses.
A man may be very poor and yet free
from debt, and he had better be out of
debt than have the mere appearance of
affluence. The man whose debts are
due li;i3 no money that he can call his
own. Every time he indulges in a lux
ury or goes to a circus he must feel that
he is squandering some other man's mo
ney. Indebtedness destroys independ
ence. The man who is harassed by
debts is almost forced into making such
shifts as decrease his self-iespect, blunt
his conceptions of "mice and thine,"
and unless he has more than the usual
share of moral backbone he is apt to be
come actually dishonest. The down
grade is easy. If you would be inde
pendent, be free from debt, no matter
how poor you may be.
Few things are more prevalent thau
the fear of death. There is clinging
round our better sense and judgment
an U.!y superstition that ii is hard tj
die. It is probably the rare exception
when death is painful, save to the spec
tators. As far as may be judged it is
physically an easy 'thing to die. Vet
tho Christian, to whom death is merely
the portal to immortality, and the
Atheist, to whom death is the begin
ning of an eternal sleep of eblivion,
-isivuss wormingionin.' repeatea tne of the hmlse. the winiW WM OIwn to
girl, a trifle impatiently; "if she is, tell admit ,ir and ,he stranff fillnshie
her that her cousin, Miss i.ay, wishes after rai the window near which Her.
1 T 1 Aa .1
tu aes uui, j. uiive lumubiea uiy vuru i,A.f CtiA,, R,..H -n: ; i
at the top, and. the voting mau had
Obtained, and all Fottnt Business at
home r abroad attended to for moder
ate fees. Our cilice is opposite the L.
S. I'atent Oiliee, and we on obtain pat
ents in less time than those remote from
Washington. Send Model or Itratring.
We advise as to patentability tree, of
charge; and wc charge no fee unless
.Js just wlut its Came implies; a to tho Postm!!Stcr,
FUrcly Vcgetabls"
pets directly flpoa tie
IheTnanydiacases hel
portant organ, and jc
Beroas ailm
arise from its
sncV'as ,
DyspepsiV" SdSmalce, BHionsnesi'
'eta It Is . therefore a!
'ToliaTO doodHealdi.
tljveJimiL be kept ia order."
Invieorates the Liver, Ref-u!atcs the Bow
el. Strengthen tho System, Purifies tho.
Blood . Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers.
I ft Household Need. An Invaluab'O
Family Medicina for common complaints.
ix BAirross'3 ima iktcgosatob.
Jin erptrient tf Forty years, and Thou,
tand tf Tettimoniali prate U Mtrit. ,
For fna inforrostion spod yonr addrrss for 100
aae Book on The I.irrr aad Its dinw.,, i&
fjjmo Hi scxa t., niJf to& tiri,
the iiupt. of Money Order Div., and to
m rnTins uuicuu.- oi niu . uttnL vwlc i.
S .i;..,!.,. n.lvi.'ji (iinii'i ;iiil r,fprpice!
.0 that ua. ' t0 actual client in your own State or
ting tt S tia county, write to
t. a. sswn . w..
Pat. Oliice, Washington, D.C.
The ErYHts GrnE is Issued March
and Sept., each vear; 224 panes, Ssxlll
inches, with over S,309 illustrations
a whole picture callerr. Gives wholesale
pices direct to cemtrier on all goods for
persondl or RTs. farSily use.
TelUhowto iA order, and
pivee exact f Y- coit of ev
erything you L;l fij ce, drink,
eat, wear, or V'M have fun
with. Ther.o siHgif invaluabla
"rooks contain information pleaned from
the markeU of the world. Se will mail
a copy Free to any address upon receipt
oi me postage o cents.
i ne lootman drew baclc a pace or
two. So it was a poor relation!
"I really don't b'l'eve she's horns,
miss," he returned
The girl flashed him an indignant
"Go and see!" she commanded, and
Jeames perforce obeyed, so far as to
summon miss vvorthiugton s maid a
pert-looking, black-eyed girl, dressed in
the height of fashion, in towdy imita
tion of her mistress' rich attire.
She tossed her befrizzled head at
sight of the figure in the waterproof,
and muttering something about "going
to see," disappeared up the broad, vel
vet-covered staircase. She returned di
"io; Miss Worthington is not at
home!" she answered.
And feeling quite relieved to have
suesoderi' in giAuisg an answer tos- her
question at last, Alice Kay went down
the marble steps ut into the rain, once
Hailing a passing car, she stepped in
side. As she seated herself she glanced
accidentally up toward one of the large
lace-draped windows of the Worthing'
ton mansion. Seated at the window in
plain sight was Miss Worthington ia a
blue cashmere wrapper a French novel
in her hand.
She saw Alice, and with a haughty
gesture of impatience, drew down the
silken shade.
A flush shot over Alice Ray's face.
"She was at home, and denied her
self to me," she said to herself. "Just
as Aunt Lydia said Bhe would! Ah,
well, she has lost more by the falsehood
than I have. If she only knew!" here
Alice arose to deposit her fare in the
box "ah, if she only knew!"
The car gave a sudden lurch and the
coin fell from the girl's hand. A gen
tleman sitting near hastily stooped.and,
picking it up, deposited the fare in the
box, lifted his hat, and involuntarily
both half smiled.
"Miss Hay!" he ejaculated eagerly;
"how glad I am to meet you! I have
been searching for months "
He checked himself abruptly. Her
face was flushing and paling by turns
as he exchanged his seat for one at her
side. It was Herbert Stanley, a young
and popular journalist, rapidly rising in
his profession; quite a "catch," in mod
era parlance, and the man who was to
Cora AVorthiugton a very king among
men. Xo win his love she was willing
to make any sacrifice.
Seated at Alice's side, while the near
ly empty car jogged along in the falling
rain through the streets, of the Crescent
City, Herbert Stanley toldher how he'
had been searching for her evef since
the last great yellow-fever-epidemic,
auKC Iear ueatn: v ny snouiu. ueaui i wnen ner parents nau ooia ueeu sincKcu
be regarded as the "King ot Terrors?" down, and she was left all alone.
If it leads to eternal happiness it should And Alice told him of her own se
be welcome; if it opens the gate to cter- vere illness, and how, when at length
nal wos one might well dread to pass j she had recovered, ner aunt, Hiss Lydia
the portal; and if it is merely passing ' Itay, an elderly woman, all alone in
into that, deep sleep that knows no wak-1 the world, had kindly taken her, and
ing, physical or spiritual, it should pos- j had sent her away to school, from which
sess no dread. But it is not the conse- j she had now returned "f"r good," as
quences of death that most men fear, j the children say.
They have a vague, undetinable and ter- j The time flew in pleasant converse,
rible awe of death itself. The sight of j and when at last she arrived at her des
the dead, however beautiful, makes j filiation away down tows, Herbert
most men shudder.. In spite of their j Stanley accompanied her. The rain
boasted reason and intelligence, the ma- j had ceased .and the sua had made it
jority of people are afraid of a dead j appearance; they walked the remaining
man. Children are frightened by the-j block or two to the residence of Aunt
phantom of death, and no amount of i Lydia, a large, rambling old house iu
overheard every word ef the conversa
tion. He resolved to profit by it. Be'
fore he left the house he was Alice Ray's
betrothed husband.
The next day Alice wrote a friendly
little note to her cousin, Miss Worth
ington, begging her to come to Aunt
Lydia's house; that the old lady was
very feeble and longed to see her before
she died. A curtly worded line was
returned, to the effect that Miss Worth
ington found no snch names upon her
visiting list as that of Misses Alice or
Lydia Ray. Of course that ended the
subject. Alice had done all in her
power to serve her cousin in a way of
which Cora Worthington little dreamed;
but she had striven in vain. .
From the Psadleton Tribuna.
Oa last Wednesday night th mem
ber of Damon Ldge No. 4, K. of P.,
installed the fallowing officers for the
ensuing term: J. M. Bentley, C. 6.J H.
Carl, V. C; J. M. Yates, P., and H. J.
Collins, M-at-A.
A stranger yesterday who had come
into town to take in the circus, kecarae
intoxicated early in the morning,- and
while in that condition fell against one
of the circus cars and cut quite a gash
in his scalp.
A disgrace! ul sight was presented
yesterday of a drunken woman reeling
along between the rails of the railroad
track, trying to make the distance be'
tween the circus proper and some of the
side shows.
The County Clerk, during the month
of July, issued marriage licenses to the
following persons: N. J. Gerking and
Lea M. Allen, E. R. Hnggins and Jen
nette A. Gurdane, Thos. F. Rourke and
L. C. Rossevelt, Peter A. Hammer and
Maggie Casey, Frank R. Spaulding and
Catherine J. McDonald, W. A. Shull
and Leah Wells.
From the census just taken by the
Agent, the Indians and mixed bloods,
living on the Umatilla reservation, num
ber 896 in all, of which 730 are Indians
and 1G6 mixed bloods. The Indians
have 7000 acres under cultivation, on
which they have raised 15,000 buf hels
of wheat, 500 bushels of oats, 900 bush
els of barley and rye, 2000 bushels of
corn and 3000 bushels ef potatoes. They
have 6000 head of horses, 500 head of
cattle, 400 head of sheep and 250 head
of hogs. This is exclusive of mixed
bloods, who are mostly wives and child'
ren of white men that have obtained a
footing on the reservation and are culti
vating considerable land by reason of
such relationship.
"What do you want, Ninette? Didn't
I tell you not to disturb me (again this
morningr.--1 " " T
Miss Worthington glanced! up from
the novel iu her hand as her maid came
to her side.
Ninette tossed her beribboned head,
and her black eyes snapped viciously.
"I want my money, Miss Worthing
ton!" she said insolently. "You've
put me off times enough! I haven't had
a dollar from yon in three months, and
I'm going to have it now, or there will
be trouble!"
Miss Worthington's face had grown
white as snow. She half arose, then
sank back into her seat again.
"Ninette," she wailed piteeusly,
may as well tell the truth. I have no
money! 1 have been frightfully extrav
agant, and ruin stares me in the face
Mrs. Ward, my Companion, brought
me a pile of bills to-day, and the mail
contained nothing else. This house
must be sold, anr? I shall seek refuge
with poor Aunt Lydia, whom I have
"She is dead!" announced the maid
coolly. "I saw the notice in the morn
mjj paper. And, miss, that gentleman
who used to call here Mr. Herbert
Stanley he was married to your cousin,
Miss Ray, at the old lady's death-bed.
It was your aunt's request. And that
is not all. Your aunt left a big fortune
all to Mrs. Herbert Stanley and "
Ninette did not finish, for Cora
Worthington lay at her feet in a dead
The Worthington mansion was closed,
the creditors satisfied, and a pale,
weary woman, plainly attired, drove
away from the magnificent "home which
would know her no more.
Shortly afterward, in the capacity of
"companion," she sailed for Europe
with a wealthy lady, and lived and
died in her employ.
as you maice your own bed, says
the homely old adage, "so you must
he." And Miss Worthington had paid
dearly for that one false assertion.
"Only a while lie!" the devotee of
fashion will exclaim in remonstrance,
"a mere evasion permitted by society,
and quite pardonable in the eyes of the
White or black, it was falsel And
ia the eyes of the great Judge of the
world, all falsehoods are alike.
i. Dusenbenr& iOs
Have removed their large stock ofgoodl
to their
opposite the MarsM House.
The Appropriation Asked -A Scheme
for the Improvement of the Co
lombia stiver.
Major W. A. Jones has made his an
nual report on improvement of Oregon
and Washington Territory rivers during I
the past fiscal year: 33,874 has been
expended on the Columbia at the Cas
cades, and $21,823 remains 'available.
Much benefit has already resulted from
this improvement. It is estimated that
$1,750,000 is required to complete the
project, and $750,000 is asked far next
Tear. Mai or Jones savs that if the to
tal amount needed is appropriated he Wrier A thfiV Wm K f It I OnCArl tA malkt call
irieir old customers and
cau cpsn this worit torr&vigittf9i SnsidB
of two years. Its opening, he says, will
have a great and beneficial influence on
the development of this exceedingly
rich and fertile country. The principal
improvements are the flanking of the
upper Cascades with a canal 300 feet
long, and the removal of obstructions to
navigation of the lower Cascades.
In spealcing of the proposed improve
ment of thej Columbia river near The
Dalles, Oregon, Major Jones says that
for a distance of about thirteen miles,
commencing a little above that city, the
river runs and is choked apparently by
an intrusion! nf lnva. thrmiuh -wliipVt il:
has with difficulty cut a passage. The Proprietor.
obvious mode ot improving navigation I Here is where you can get yeur money's
here is to dodg'e these mighty obstacles
many new
Adams meat market
Flouring I
worth in
knowledge can dispel the
is the source of the silly
tear. Here
error. Children should be taught to re
gard death as it really is, and not as
cowardly superstitioa has pictured it.
The County Poor Farm is to be sold.
How much will it bring: As much as
it cost the county? Time will soon tell.
the midst of spacious and well-kept
A few moments later Herbert was
seated in a pleasant room, comfortably,
though not luxuriously, furnished,
while Alice hastened to the side ot her
aunt, who was a confirmed invalid, to
report the success of her mission.
But even if it should sell for more than j ljom, a paie, weary-.ooting
man, littea ter gray neaa irem me
Let CS hear
aa? MO tVna A-rcn&c. ctieun.-. m, , i the betiet 3 -riTc-i :
the original price aad the cost of im- j
nrovemect with interest on the sum ex- j
j pendc l added that would not blot oat i
j the remembrance of the mapner in j
i whioli the county was muL'ted in this j
i matter. By all means let it be sold, j
urns too :r?at ana :
It was something she Bated.
"What is it, sissy?" aid a West Side
groceryman to a little girl, who was
swinging against the side of the coun
ter, lolling out her tongue snd looking
"My ma seat me for umpia."
"Well, what is it?"
"I dunno."
"Was it bread?"
"No, sir; she borrowd that Mrs.
"Was it meat?"
"No, I s'pect it wasn't that, coz we've
enough to look at it if anybody come3 1
in, and that's all we has it for."
by means of canals and locks. Such a
project, it is estimated, would coat $11,-
000,000, because of extensive excava
tions ana waus ana gates ot unprece
dented height that would be required.
If we apply this enormous sum at the
rate at which funds have been provided
for the Cascades canal, it will appear
that over one hundred years will be re
quired before navigation can he opened
through this obstruction. '
Majoi Jones thinks that canals and
locks will ultimately be used for mak
ing the improvement. He, however,
proposes another project for the present,
and says: "I propose to flank The
Dalles and Celilo Falls with railway in
clines, over which laden boats and river
crafts may be hauled by means of ordi
nary engines at the summits, and blast
out the contracted water ways tc
width of 300 feet, which will be sufH
cient to reduce the velocity to a naviga
ble status."
Major Jones says such a proposition
has been advocated at this place tor
years. He estimates the , maximum
grade of the track for the r ail way at
213.84 feet per mile. The cars will
have extra wheels on each f.ide, with
j independent axles, on a two-r i'l track,
j 25 feet and six inches wide. ' The maxi
mum load on a single whe el will la
about seventeen tons. For tl le present
only a single line of track is proposed.
He estimates the cost for such improve
ment at abont $1,250,000.
Major Jones concludes: "I htave pat
this project forward for agitation and
discussion, refraining from recommenda
tion until it has been discaseed and
treated in the usual way."
Beef, Pork, Mutton,
and everything in the line of meats that
the country produces.
market price
paid for fat
would reiipectfully inform the puhlic that she
naa just opened out a complete block ot
Spring and Summer Millinery
in Mrs. Ashby's old stand on Water Si.
- and all the latest Noreltiea,
My Stock is all new and frash, and the ladies ot
Weston and vicinity are respectfully invited to
call and examine it.
The Chinese of New York city are
doing something commenda'sle at last.
They are stealing png dogs :or roasting
purposes. If this country needs any
mre Chinese it should import only
those who are fond of roast dog.
A boy presented with a pie to share
with his sister was told that in cutting
it he must give her the largest piece,
Reflecting a moment, he passed th pie
to his sister with the remark, "You cut
Froebatel Bros. Proprltna
v axut actcbiks of
And keep constantly on bant al Witt
oi mm leed inh a
Jfotiee to the Public,
All persons knowing theipaelvea In
debted either by note or book acMBnt,
are hereby requested to coma forward
and make immediate payment, a all aU
ranning accouats must b aettlad br
edb th
fYe also wiah t t. -.41 ...
the W,to Steam FlouTMilUii for
or ale. For farther v.;-i
to the undersigned. " 1 "r
ProelXrtel Br,
Boot and Shoe laker,
I he hnest JJoets kept constantly on
hand or made to order on the
shortest notice.
daiutv pillow as the girl appeared. i " wasn't sugar.
"Ait, Sunbeam, you have come home ".v. n! times is to for th.
t . t 11 r. .
again, thank Heaven !" the invalid ex- P "J. ana x never couian 1 rorgei j r ;s,aken ceaniticn of a boy in a !
f- 3 c .c t. ..-vi n- i Igarnahow, coz I like it. I puess it 1 . ..... ...
claimed frettnl.y. "Truly, AIhe, dear, i M mmAu , dout ,lte or n,ay fee I pnhl;c tch'jol, w:cb it d?sc. :Led a set i
the sun has not bown his face all the j won't forztit. a roi.t-.ke: "A tlcrca'it-2s i - a vessel ;
von ve 1 eep corf. And are t "luc-a tt fi'xzi cive !wt:
time that
a Specialty.
C5cTP:;:ds rcasr.nabJ?.
Is prepared to do any aad all kinds oi
work in his line. Prices reaaenabla.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Jfotary Publle,
LBd baslnew of ail llrxU-Blla, previa m
"ttwuwi u aviso pRMaVptMnW M
Collecting Accounts a Specialty,
i 3:".
,v I
isna t-fr', v.-.rip. ;m. wusKey
3" - J. SBOLM-'X" B-ar
C9ecaor te Simpaoa).!
B. R B E R
War. don-? ! Hw lfct-rt fjfcf 3fy
"lt to S.5:irrA On