Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, July 17, 1885, Image 4

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' A men ba no mora right to y
a uucivil thing ibtn t set one; no
rigb to I V mdo thing to
toother thtn to knock him down.
"WTMther young or oW, , think it
cUhtf too aoon nor too Into to tarn
t ls lonreo of yoar put life and
onaidar 'what jot would do if what
- jo hart don wara to bo dooa or
. , Tbo aUrar hairs, tha furrowed
Wtfwand tha tottering atepa noat
, mil aooio ara wa foil raaliaa tha tm-
walcoma truth that in all our
oboaaaa and proepeota of enjoy
sweat, ; distance alone baa lent en-
, ' chaniaMBt to tha view, and that
ander tha fairest pleaaarea there
; ksve always larked insidnoua
The Wkeat Ostlook. "
The New York correspondent of
the Minora polis Miller, under date
ef Jane 27th, wrote: The price of
No. 2 red winter at New Terk haa
declined Ii eta, since Monday.
when it torched f 1.02. No. 2
mixed corn haa gone off at i ct.
closing laat night at 531 eta. And
thia in the face of renewed reports
oi ft neary anertkgo in the next
harvest of wheat and the email vis-
lbleanppliea of corn.
It u announced that Waahineten
Territory and Oregon will produce
1Z.UUU.WU bushels more wheat than
t it . ..
naa oeen creaitea to tfiem in Dre-
Tioualy puUiahed reports and esti
mates. A. prominent official c f the
exchange, looking at the Milwau
kee expert' total ef 331,000,000
bushels, noddod his head briskly
and aaid, "those figures are undoubt
edly large enough." I asked him
what he thought of toe report from
tbe north Jfacibe coast about an in
crease of 12.000.000 bushels, and
ith some spirit be exclaimed
Exaggerated; exaggerated!" An
other member of the board aaid to
me: "Notwithstanding the strong
statistical position of wheat, there
ia evidently an organized bear
: Duty ia tha end aod aim of the
, highest life; the truest pleasure of
all that ia derived from the oon
acionsnets of ita fulfillment. Of all
J others it is the one that ia most clique which isengagd in hammer-
v ..f:.r-;n .J .1- !-.. Pn? P" with some effect. The
j o --:
' accompanied by regret and disap-
, ointment. In the words of a wise
man, tha consciousness of duty per
farmed "gives us music at mid
visible supply is large, it is true
but it is declining. Stocks abroad
are small. Enuland has vet
pass through the critical period of
harvesting. J. he weather, there has
beon of low average temperature.
Old Sol generally keeps the aver
age of one whole Ri-ftRnn nrpt.tv near.
The self-indulgent man thinks to ly ..anal to that of another, which
secure the gratification of appetite! points to the probability of a hot,
rithoot paying its price. For a
time ha may eojoy sensual pleas
ures, but by degrees his course of
life brings forth its natural fruits.
His vitality is sapped, bis self-re
apect la gone, bis very power of en
jovmeru is eimimsned, and be is,
perchance, the victim of disease, or
poverty, or self-reproach
scorching sun between the present
time ana tne cicse ot harvesting in
England. With showers inter
persed this will greatly curtail the
yield, lhere is, I tell you, almost
every reason for believing in quite
a short English wheat crop. Our
turn will come soon, and the de
mand for American wheat from
abroad with it. Then look out."
It is the part of an indiscreet and
troublesome ambition to care too
much about fame, about what the
world says of lis; to be always look
. m M a - . m
ing into tuo laces ot others lor ap
proval; to bo always anxious for
tha affect of what we do and say; to
be alwaya shouting to hear the ef
fect of our own voices. If you
look about you you will sea men
who are wearing life away in a fe
verish anxiety fur fame, an 1" the
laat we shall ever hear of them will
-be the funeral bell that tolls them
into their early graves.
One of the secrets of doing well
in the world is pride. We do not
mean that offensive quality which
so often' displays itself to the dis
comfort of people in general. Pride
is a good thing when well handled,
and the pride we refer to ia that of
doing even the smallest duties in
the lest possible manner. "He
that is faithful in little will be
faithful also in much," is a very old
idea, but it seems to be as often
forgotten, as if it were one of the
fresh jokes of the day, which are
laughed at and dismissed from mem
ory. Pride in good work is the se
cret of mechanical success. It is
the foundation of literary fame as
wen. Xaleot will do much for
Bardctte's rbbuf -
I landed hit first pickerel the
first evening we were on Lake
Minnetonka. I ara not a skillful
fisherman. I told the boys that I
could do a little plain fishing, but I
didn't want to be sat down for any
thing with any kind of fluting, em
broidery, knife-plaiting, or anything
of that kind about it I fished from
the shore, by the aide of a veteran
fisher, Mr. A. K Dunlap of Titua-
villa. He knows every fish in the
lake by Bam, fie can tell by the
movement of the line what kind of
fish ia at your book. Bomethins
ran away with my Una.
It's a pickerel, shouted U-.
Dunlap with intense excitement.
A big fellow, take out vour lines.
hd yelled to the rest of them. "Give
him plenty of room! Play him! he
shrieked at me. "Let him run
Keep yeur line taut! Don't give
him an inch of alack! Look out!
Don't let him do that again! Let
bin run! plow brine him thu
Look out! Don't let him do that
By this time I was so excited
was on the point cf throwing down
the pole and rushing out into the
lake, intending to run the fish down
and kick him to death. I screamed
to Mr. Dunlap, "You can take the
pole and land him I never can."
He refused. Ho turned and
hurled his own pole, lance fashion
into the woods.
"Here!"he8houted, rushing down
the bank about twenty feet belew
me, stooping down and spread m
out his arms. "Here1 Now! Brin
him in here thrmioh the rIicib! water!
I'll gel- biui! Careful, now! Careful
Steady! Ah !"
And nip, flip, I had him on th
Hhore. He was a beauty. A littl
euntish, about 31 inches long.
It wa3 a long time beiore we said
anything. Mr. Dunlap climbed a
big birch-tree in the top of which
his pole had lodged, and we resumed
our fishing. Presently Charley
Armknecht coughed, and I said,
"How funny the frogs sound over
in the marsh."
And then we laughed a long time
at the frogs. A long, long time
and very hearty. They were very
funny frogs.
But Mr. Dunlap fished on very
silently, and by ar.d by he said the
fish wont bite when there was so
much noise. So we held our hush
and the fish bit. But they didn't
bite any of us very badly.
Magnolia LBalm
a secret aid to beauty.
Many a lady owes her fresh
ness to it, who would rather
not tell, and you can't tell r
New Styles. New Prices.
vounar Deonle. but nnde will rln
' " " . ' r . .
A iwnman cW. h hn.h.nrf more- - ABere people that
i ii i e i f seeui to think their work is only to
In all things la at leaat graceful and be eotten ovef with b Loot or
pleasing; but a man "under his crook. Theie are the ones who re-
rifa'i thumb" ia one' of the most cruit the ranks of the unsuccessful.
ontemntibla anectatfett in MiVn. loey g to swell tbe crowds of id-
r I J I IPL.! ,i 5
It would ba better fof any Woman "."u , Br" r P"" "
'. . ... I exercised in evading work. A pro-
Avaea aMlmM I . . . "...
.w, .v.wu per prKje W1i not 8iTht the hum.
4o bar her
by a sensible man than to be tha
wife of a msan aouled, little crea
ture, subservient to her will.
Should aha contrive to rule her hus
band, to ba the better of tbe two
openly and in tha estimation of all
observers, aha would only bring
contempt upon htm without win
ning any sensible person's rspect
for herself.
blest task.
TeHodct by Half.
'Your beau seems very bash
ful, said a St. Paul mamma to her
Bashful!" e.hoed the daughter:
ba8htuls nu name im it."
"Why don't ym emoui-agc him
a little morel borne men have to
be taught bow to do their courting.
ties a good catch."
V i J ft .. . I -w.i.6o anui. ruu lucunusu
rvo are ioou oi presenting to ter. .Ue c,n.t uke the m(J8t ,
hie hint. Why, only last night,
when 1 sat all alone on the sofa,
and he perched up in a chair as far
away as he could . get, I asked him
if he didn't think it strange that a
man's arm and a woman's waist
their children largo ideas, of en
couraging them to high endeavors,
of putting before them fine models;
and this ia right. But they are
less solicitous to inculcate habita of
faithful and accurate performance I seem always to be the same length,
ia every particular of life. This n what you think he did?"
can ba done without overburdening
their young minds or overtaxing
their tender powers. It is far bet
ter to limit demands npon them to
a very few, carefully showing them
bow to fulfil them in the best and
most orderly way, and insisting on
promptitude and accuracy in each
Why just what any sensible
man would have done tried it."
"He asked me if I could find a
piece of string, so we could measure
and see if it was so. Ain't he hwr-ridr
"Sen here," said a citizen of St.
Louis to the proprietor of a book-
Store, "you'll have to take the book
particular, than to crowd upon them back. I asked you to give me a
numerous vsgue commands and
general directions which we cannot
and ought not expect them fo ob
serve with any degree of thorough-
Bess or exactness. Let them be
well grounded in one study rather
than have a smattering of ten. Let
volume of poetry tj put on the far
lor table, but every word in this
book is straight prose."
'Why, man, that was written by
'I don t care who writ it, it s
prose; I ve looked it all through.
For instance, here's a specimen
'A Day In the Wood."
It is a glad picnic party. The
Sunday-school has gone out into the
fox est. The dark object in tbe
heavens, 800 miles wide and 2,000
miles long, is a cloud. It got to the
woods about as soon ?s the picnic,
and it is there yet.
Under the great oak you can see
the dinner. The large waterp-oof
mound in the middle of the table,
sulienly Jaughing at the storm, is a
fruit-cake, lhe teacher ot the in
fant class made it herself for the
little ones. But the storm saved
them. See, the lightning struck
the cake.. It will never strike any
thing else. There stands the cake,
without a dent; and under the ta
ble, shattered and blighted, lies the
Under the cedar tree is a dying
dog. He got in the way, and the
Superintendent felled him to the
earth with one blow of a biscuit.
The tall figure in the ghostly dra
pery of a waler-soaked linen duster,
letdinz the way to tbe cars, is the
teacher ef the Young Ladies' Bible i
Class. His influence with that
class is gone forever. The young
ladies will never be able to look at
him agm without thinking how he
looked on this occasion.
Uf in the hickory-tree you see a
grief stricken fs.ee peering down.
It is the Superintendent. He
climbed up there to fix the swing,
and before they could throw him a
rope the storm came up, and tue
picnic adjourned sine die and sino
mors. And he is waiting for tbe
last straggler to disappear before he
comes down. He has officiated at
Sunday-school picnics otten enough
to know better than to slide down
a sheli.bark hickory before an aud
Xbe roan with the umbrella un
der his arm is the Treasurer. He
is getting drenched, but he does
not raise his umbrella. He knows
there is a name painted on the ia
side of it, but for the life of him he
cannot remember whose name it in.
He is watching his chance to give
the umbrella to a stranger.
Clean out rata, mice, roaches, flies, ante, bed-
Heart Pafas. -
Palpitation, Dropsical Swelling, Dkzineee,
Indigention, Headache, Sleeplessness cared by
Wells Health Bcnewer."
Boaah on Corns.
Ask for Wells' "Bough on Corns." 15c Quick
complete cure. Bard or soft corns, warts, bunions.
Quick, complete cure, all Kidney, E'adJer and
Urinary Diseases, Scalding, Irritation, Stone,
Gravel, Catarrh of the Bladder. 1, Druggists.
Bed-Bass, Flies.
Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, goph
ers, chipmunks, cleared out by "Bough on
Bats." 15c.
' : Thin People.
Wells' Health Renew er" restores health and
vitror, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual De
bility. $
BoHgb on Pain.
Cures cholera, colic, cramps, diarrhoea, aches,
pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism.
20c Rough on Fain Plasters, 15c. ,
If you are failing, broken, worn out and neiv
ous, use "Wells' Health . Rencwcr." $1. Drue
gists. life Preserver.
If you arc losing your grip on life, try "Wells'
Health Renewer." Goes direct to weak spots.
Hough on Piles.
Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itchinsr, Protrud
ing, Bleeding, Interns! or other, Internal and
External Remedy in each. Package. Sure cure,
50c. Druggists.
PreSt Women.
Ladies who would retain freshness and vivac
ity, don't fail to try " (Cells' Health Renewer.
Huasn on Itch.
"Rough on Itch" cures humors, eruptions.
ringworm, tetter, salt" rheum, frosted feet, chil
blains. .
Rough on Catarrh.
Corrects offensive odors at once. Complete
cure of worst chronic cases, also unequaled as
gargle for Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Foul Breath.
60c. v
The Hope of the Nation.
Children, Blow in development, puny, scrawny
and delicate, use "Wells' Health Renewer."
CntarrU of the Bladder. '
Stinging, irritation, inflammation, all Kidney
and Urinary complaints, cured by "Buchu-Paiba "
Water Bags. Boaehes.
. "Bough on Rats" clears them out, also Beetles,
Ants. -
1 ' '
Clotliing, Hats, Caps, Dress aM Fancy Booa
Of Portland, Oregon. p
Incorporated March 15, 18S3.) ,
E. 1IJR1SS ... . ProsMcnt
A. I. - - - Secretary
Asst. Secretary
- - . . Treasurer
Manager Slanaf 'g Dept., Chicago
E. I3a7RAN$, A. P. VKNEX,
EFFlftGER & BOURNE, Attorneys.
Notice for Publication.
X.AND Office at La Grand, Oregon
June 20, 1885.
. Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim,and that
said proof will be made before the County Jnde
of Umatilla County, Oregon, at Pendleton, Ore
gon, OU August 8, 1B33, viz:
Leonard II. Wright,
Hd. 3119, for tho east ha'f of the southwest
quarter and the northwest quarter of the south
east quarter and fractional west half ot the north
east quarter of section 17, township 6 north,
ranze 3d E, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
gam Houn, Thomas J. Evans. Thomas Burgess
anOE-rvin soutn, an oi mi ton, Oregon.
thtm Itarn DOW to. dO One thing use softest musio to atUndin' ea.s!'
wsll--methodically and completely Do you call that poetry, rhyuiin'
ears with niguti You can take it
back. I don't want it."
rather than twenty in a dsultory
and (eeble faahion.
Accurate fitting of the parti of a
mac bine ie not all that is needed.
Oil is required. Our life functions
bring us together, our movements
and doings working together.
Something is needed to make all
work smoothlr . together. Good
manners, courtesy, pleasant beha
vior, is this oil which is needed.
Same say, what hare we to do with
gond manners between master and
werkmanl Every rjreaking bearing
in the social machine means loss of
power.'-All heating ad friction
must be voided. "Fair words but
ter no parsnips' is an - old adage.
Cut they do much hi a house of
- basinets where the clerks are atten
live and obliging. Customers will
be- more Ukalj to ceue. So in all
things. The tacaltr of mastership ;t,oa
1 i w-v..: rvi r , "I bear j
ja iiuoij V.UN1IU1, XUO IBan OH
committee whe is courteous is worth
)tW who are net. Courteous man
jmcsV tnd fairJsTC-rds, if they do not
put ravney into tbe pocket, sweet-
The balance sheet of the United
Estates tor tne past fiscal year is
unique among Nations. In a time
of universal depression in busiuess,
the United Stales. was able, not
simply to make both ends mee
bat tu pity its creditors sixty-eight
million dollars out of its surplus
revenues. This exhibit- is in start
ling contrast to that of every gov
eminent in the family of Nations.
Even such a rich and wisely man
aged country as Ureat .Britain is
considering tbe expediency of in
c retains its debt to defray current
. . There was an empty box in front of a
house ou Catheriue street the other
day, and a parcel-boy stopped and picked
up a club and begau to beat on the box.
The noise soon roused a resident, who
leaned over his itate and inquired:
"Boy, vhas dot you?"
"Of course it's me."
"Vhat oljectyou hat in soech pound
logs!" "To make a noise."
"Oh ah! Vhell, go aheadt. I tink
maype your object vhas to disturb me."
E. E. WiSE
Take Notice.
Pianos and rarans wM on easy payments If yon por-
cuase a M'lano or Pria ot tais ejomaany on tne lastail
mem man &na suonia uc comoeuea, from any cause
whatever, to return the iastru:titu$, after haying paid a
part on it, yon can io so mia not lose one dollar you nave
paiu. f ine inapci vrgans om to enurcnes on $10
mommy payments, wmcn woam oe only ten cents per
month lor eacn memer oi tne tjitarcn or abatn3ehool
to pay.
, The celebrated HUB A SO PIANOS have been in use throughout
the States tar over twenty years, and are first-class in every particular.
; We give a warrantee with every instrument, that runs five years from
i date ot sals, and we are right here to nvxke it good. We have taci ities
j for repairing Pianos and Organs at our sheps in the city of Portland
and all wori warranted.
i Our Music Hall and Warerooms are on First street, No. 329. Take theFirst street cars and ride
to the corner of Clay street. Thoje who cannjt call us can write for particulars and catalogue of
our instruments. Address - -
Durand Organ Co., Portland, Oregon
s &
Tcrsons who- suffer from Indis-esllen
ran nrres-t the progress of that painful
ualndy by tho use of nn nf ter-dinner
pill, to composed tksit it will pive tone
.otuc stomacn, prevent nonriuum, reus:
.he liver to healthful action, invigorate
be kidnerg.snd thus, throusullie sctivitv
f theso organs, promote the natural
movement of tho stomach and bowels,
rV.".EK's Pills rvo so compounded that
:heir ration, though mild, clicctunlly pro-
luces the above results, a ties ri;o, in
:nrine Constmation. remove tbe cau. e cf
biliousness. Liver Complaint. Kidney D;s
ease. Rheumatism, uud many other serious
contain no mineral nor poisonous sub
stance, and do not fripc unless the
bowels are irritated, and even then their
influence is healing. To continue their
eil'cct in coustipatedor chronic cases. they
need only be taken m nmimsiunx instead
of increasing doses. For seamen, and in
habitants or travelers in sjKirsely settled
countries where physicians are not at
hand, they are of inestimable value.
There is Hardly a sickness they will not
alleviate, and in most cases euro, if taken
promptly. To young pirls just entering
upon womanhood, and to women whose
period of maternity is drawing to a close,
Aver's Tills, in moderate doses. Kierelv
sufficient to ensure regular action of the
bowels, will bo found of
EncafcuIabSc Value.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass,
Sold by all Druggists.
Perfection at Last,
Soon after tha. late Gn Kil pat-
rick- was appointed minister to
Chili, he was met by an old dj
who had known him from child
hood, and to whom the gslUnt gen
eral's Urire way of stating things
had sometimes seemed like eiac-
Wall, Jod," she said.
yon hrre been called to the
ministry. Glad to hear it. You II
make a real good preacher; bat,
solemnly Jud, yon must stop your
Tha best system of hoakkefriBa'
Applicant to the landlady "I am
willing to pay a good price, madam,
but I am very particular about my food.
I ara under the doctor's care constantly,
aodsufferdreadfully withthedyspepsia."
Landlady '"Oh, I am sure you will be
pleased with my table if that i the case,
ir. My boarder all hare dyspepsia."
' Little girl on a visit 'o St. Louis "O
mamma, I think this must be heaven."
"Doyou, Pet? Why!" "Don't you see,
mamma, all the ladies and gentleman in
the room have- wioga; but they are ou
the sides of their beads instead of en
their backs." "Hash, darliag, those are
not wings."
Little Arthur Seggers fell from the
roof of a five-story building in New
York, on Batanlay, Jane 27lh. He
broke no bones and it is thought will
Caveats, Re-issues and Trade-Marks se
cured, aud ail other patent causes in the
Patent' Office and be-far the Courts
promptly and carefully attended to.
Upon receipt of model or sketch of
invention, I make careful examination
and advise as to patentability FREE OF
tees moderate, .and I make NO
Information,' advice a.id Epeciul referen
ces sent on application, -
.1. B. LIT 1 ELL, Washington, D. C.
Near U. S. Pateut Office.
Washing and Ironing.
Opposite Salin? & Co.'s. - Main Ft,, Weston.
Washing, 75 cents per dozen. White shirts
washed an! ironed in the ties': style far "one
bittee iiece.M No charge for cuffs, collars and
handkerchiefs if less than six of ea.-h. 203m
To sen Dixon's new and superior maps and
chart. As paying an a?-ncy as any in the
world. For So page eata ocue, free, address
' John Dixon,
tSt Harket SC. San Francisco, Cat.
That will ride as easy as a four. Good and strong, with phaeton body
"rod, full, large back and the rider can use and feel no more horse
motion than in a four wheeled vehicle, j Has allthe conveniences for
doctor's box, for a chest, storm apron, and is as easy to get in and out of
as a Lu""y: nothing to climb over in "ettin; in. Seo what is said of it
Love -is blind, very biiad wbest the
girl is very rich. .
f Man 'and Beast?!
p - - ..
Mustang liniment is older than
most men, and used more and
more every yearj
TODKVII.LE, ILL., Dec. 12, 1353.
"I have been usinsr one. of C.iure':r Pnysi-
cians Road Cirta for some tim, and a-u well
pleased with it. I have practice.1 taeuic-in near
ly tsve-.ity-ave years, ana have used almost eve
ry Hind of vehicle on iwo wheels that 1 have
seen, but this is the only conveyance of that de
fejription tha. I have ever u-ed tn.tt 1 van hearti
ly reoonime-aO." v. i. oiit-Ktvouu, M. u.
1 PLANO, ILL , Dec. 8, 1SS-2.
W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir: T.ie iload Ca t I
purchased of you is all and more than you told
me. It i ides as easy as any four-wheeled bug
gy, and I most heartily recoram nd it.
u. r. uunutiLbi, 31. v.
; I CLAYTON. MICH., April 20, 18S3.
W. R. CKCItCH, Yorkville, 111. Dear fcir. I
am well pleased with my Cart;' thiok it well
worth the cost. Would not be without it for
any price. O. N.' RICE.
W. R. CHURCH, Yorkville. 111. Dear Sir. 1
have used one of your K-jad Carts iuce last Feb
ruary. I think it superior to any lt-ad (&rt 1
have examined. It is Til E thin !or the busy
piactitionur." W. E. KINA'tTf, SL D.,
Yorkvilie, 111.
PAW PAW, Mav 1st, 1SJ3.
W. R. CHCRH Dir sir: You wish to know
how I like my Cart, i cannot say too niiich in,
itpraie. It is simply perfect. -
! MARSHALL, TEXAS, April Z- 1333.
W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir I have now used
my Cart about ten days, and must say it stands
the test admirably, it is admired by ever' body.
be no. me a top lor it ours truly,
B. F. EAD3, H. D.
! DYERBUKGH, TENN., April 7, 1383.
W. R. CHURCH Sir Tne Cart is at-band and
I like it splendidly . It is simply perfect. I
could not maae any alterations.
'tASSDALE, PENN, April 20, vm.
The Cart arrived to-day, and I am gnatly
pleased. Beats anything in this Sfction of the
country. I wish you sucuess in your eoterprise.
Editor and PuhU&her of the Ue&cai aummary.
"It is the best cart la our city." H. H.
LOCK, Ottawa, 1:1.
Fop Every Home Librarr.
Or TBS Emusb LutooiSR. New Edition. With
supplement. Unabridged and profusely iuns
trated. The standard, and ia all respects best,
Dictionary published." Library sheep, marbled
ages, SiaOOv
urrixcoTrs noxtMrHCixs bm.
Contatfalns; compleU and eonete Biographical
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and Countries. By J. T Bonis, A. M., 1L D.
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iirPMCeyrrs PBi;!icnrc cazet-
EEB OF TBE wnu, . .
A complete Oeonapmcat Dictionary. New ErH. '
j"- ..iviwunmj ac.jOTMi sua (Treuy ernanrsd. 1
Containing Supplementary Tables, with the
mo6t recent Census Bettirns. Royal Sib. Sheen.
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wat. A Dictionary of Useful Knowledge. Pro
fusely Illustrated with Maps. Plates and Wood.
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OF EKGLISH WORDS." t vols.. Bdund in,
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Embraces "Poetical Quotations," "Press
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Alt Agra.' Complete in three octavo vol.
umes. Price per set in doth, S4.00. Half Rus
sia, iVLOO.
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people to subscribe for toe Leaosk before
I am a coppersmith by trade; and during a
scries of years my arms (being hare when at work)
have absorbed a wonderful amount uf metal pot.
son. llsviniC a scrofulous tendency from mv
youth, the small particles of cop- er and brass
would get into the sores, and bv this process
the )Aison was conveyed int-j my blood ti.l my
wh'Xe systAm became infected. I was treated -
witn tne ow. rem dies o' mercury ami iodide po
tassium. Salivation followed, my teeth are all
loose in my head, my riuretttive organs deranifed,
and 1 have been helpless in bed fjr over a ytar
with mercurial rheumatism. My Joints were all
swolle.i, and I lost the use of my arms and legs,
and became helpless as an infant.
My sufferings became so Intense that was
impossible for roe to rest. The doctors advised
me to go to the city hospital for treatment.
lhiS I couid not bear. A friend, who has proved
a friend indeed, urged me to try Swift's S.ecidc,
DeuevinK-it would cure me- others discouraged
me, but I secured a few bottles, and have n-nr
taken two dozen bottles. Tiie first effect of the
medicine was to brim: thepoison to the surface.
and I broke out all over in tunning sores. They
soon disappeared, and my skin cleared oil. My
Knees, wuic-n bad become twice tnelr natural
fuze, have resumed thuir usual size, and are-sup-.
pic as of yore. My arms and hands are all right
again, and can use them without pain. Tbe en
tire disease has left all parts of tbe body save
s-o uicerrion my wrisis, which are healing ap
idly. I am weak from long con jne'nent, but I
tiave the use of all my limbs. This medicine is
brincring me out of the icreatest trial of my life.
and I cannot find words sufficient to express my
a, pret-iation of its Tirtues, and the giatitude I
feel tat I ever beard of It.
Petlr E. Lots. Auras ta. Ga. '
Jan 9, 13S5.
Is over. It ought to be in the
The drouth In Southwest Goortria lastsnrinsr
dried up the welis, and we were compiled to use
water from the cieck on the Plantation. The
result was that all were troubled with chills anil
fever. I carried with me several bottles of
Swift's r ccic, and as long as I took it, I had
perfect neaitn, as soon as 1 ceased taking it, I,
like the rest, was aflUcte.1 with ehills. When I
resumed its use, I was all right again. We have
used it in our family as an antidote for malaria
poison for two or three years, and have never
known it ttrfail in a single instance.
' ' W. C. Fcuow. -
Sumter Co., Ga., Sept. U, 1884.
Treaticaon Blood and bkin Diseases mai.rd
free. W
Sue Sim Sncinc Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.
of every man in Umatilla County, as the
is only
TOTFCL Kews for Boys and Girls B
Ynung aud Old ! 1 A NEW IN.
VESriON Just patented tor them
for Home ate I
Fret and Scroll Sawins. Turn In
Boring, Drilling.Grisdins:. Poluhiss!
Screw Ctittina-. Price io to tuO.
fiend C cents for ICO nases.
per yer when jnid in advance. Gives all
iccai tnte Ji.-euce and tue news of tbe
from a comrnon Blatcli- or Eraptloiu
to tha worst Scrofnlo. Snlft.r2k uml
FCTflpVll?ftfi.SS fal'.tt! V sTlV I Clr
i Ill short, nil disorasea causpd lSv lvn-l Hlri-.H awX
ponoucred ty tUis poworful, purifying, and
uii-viiuiii.; AV-tlilC. WrVUt JLj alt ills MJim
ntid SwcIlirttTS. ilr. JToillt EiirrnKo.
if oiirc, or s rilcas.
ran; aiiu sTiumwrtjiua taAstntis. bena tea
Send for sample espy.
W.' 1U CaUKOfI tear Sir I am ereat
pleased with .vour two-wheeled vehicle. It dis
counts anything of the kind. I have no more
use for four-wheeled bugius in mv business.
A. W. TIPTON, ii. D.
MARTIN', S. C Mav 20, 1833.
W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir The Cart ordered
from you came yesterday. It is all and more
than you claim for it . It is certainly the finest
and most convenient thing on wheels. I don't
tiling 1 will use any other vehicle in my practice
now.: Yours respectfully,
i O. B. EVASS.
W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir Cart is at hand
has been tried by me and is satisfactory in every
particular. I will not hesitate to recommend
them, cot only to physicians, hut als- to any and
all persons having much driving to do.
Youis, etc., P. S. CLARK.
W. R. CHUR' H 1 received mv hoad Cart all
ri?iitand Ue itvnry much; would not .xehane
it ior any four-wheeled vehicle I have ever had
for my use. It is the admiration of all who see
it. Yours ery respectfully,
FT. JOSEPH, MO.,' August 16, 1883.
W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir The Cart was re
ceived in ttooo shape. I am highly pleased with
it alter nving u a trial. It is mucn neater and
more compact than I expected. I think it win
take here. Wishing you success, lam yours,
CHFSTPR, IOWA. Aneust 18. 1833.
W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir The Cart is the
lightest to draw in the United States. The mors
I use it the better I like it. Yours tmlv.
W. R. CHURCH Though you hare not asked
for a recommendation of oar Cart. I think it my
duty to give one. For ease and speed it can't be
sell beaten. With a $50 Texas pony I think I
can go with any high-priced horse. 8. P. RICE.
scnto in stamps lor a large treatise, with ook
wi vuujcb. uu frail .lukjhjscs. nr rm kum
amprmt foratrrnt ise on ScrofiilmisAffertiotw.
rhorouirhlv ciennae it bv URinor iji-. lw.;
Golden JHefiieal Kiscovery, and good
1 vufttU, ual'l. VIIU IttlAivM UJX
llltlcaw,. Wjl fin aftfoWiol!
which Is Scrcfntoas Dieear.e of 5i
L'JJiK) is prornirtly and certainly arrested
and cured rwrrria flrLjit-mt mtudw it l.lra-t
iToia its wonderful power over this terribly
lata! niseaxx-, when first offerci? fiinow cel
ebrated remedy to tho public, j"rr. PiEBCB
thmiBht seriously of calllngr it Lu "Coo
sum ntlon Cure," but abandoned tir-tnama
as tco lirniujd for a medicine whien, from its
wonderful coral: lnation ot ton ic, or Ktrenrfthn-ing-,
alterative, or blood-cleansinir, anti-buioa
ptttoraL and corjlti ve propertieK, la uaequaiod,
not only cs a remedy ior coosuinptian ot tha
lungs, but for ail
Liver, Blood, and Lungs.
If yon feel duJl, drowsy, dcMUfated, have -sallow
color -ot akin, or yellowish-brown spots
on l&Te or body, frequent beadaoho or dizzi
ness, bad tasto in mouto. Internal beat or chills.
3-termtunK witn not natnes, iuvr Eprma ana .
gloomy borcboding?, irregular appetite, on! -coatea
tongue, you ere Euaerintr from India1
2fetion,5yfpepsIa, and lerpid Llvert
or "slHOase" m luuny ca
oart of these Eymiitoms ere cxperlen
a reracay wjt uu ""j" Sj'" neree's
enced. As
I lioiaen Medical AMecwery has no '
POITfU. . -
Tor Weals fctinf
ahnvlnocs Of 1
rtwero COBsSas.
Beoa ten ccnis in stamps Tor Dr. fierce a
bcoii on Consumption, (iold by Sratrgiata,
ioa ps.oo,
PRICE $(.00,
sir ji"Kr . as. . ' .
Proprietors, C83 Main Efc; Ecttsam, R.T,
A!VX(.HIf.YllTTSl sji' TnPTTT,V7
Sold. by JtraeglstB. S3 ccnia a riai. -
trtfemA trr tbe MOTJIietora
Ot Dft. BagCa Ciita Berneny
foracaae of catarrh whicatbey
tbe nose, offexuave or otber
wssb, partial loss ot maiB, tawts.
lalsailna sjwak mm ibill 1 si.t .
or pigamie to .bead., yon tatvaCsujaTh. lavvj
' iwiiisi ta qsseeeniiiimyt m weiwwi'.i,
Dr. flare's Catabx:
of Cl
LBXH RwiOT cures t nni
'lsrtDoil la i-aimji
sad ptarrlsi
1 otm"
Tria"lT will tiw aHfT chean. T
rv, ittm to
Di4fW.fftano Rano(rHttl!v