Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, July 17, 1885, Image 3

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    Weston Weekly Leadar.
FELIX R. nrrcnELi.
FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1885.
The foUowlnf are th authorized agents of th
lbaseb in their respectir localities:
Walls Wall...
Ella P. O
Wtand City...
Walla Walla..
O W Walker.
..O B Hallock,
... B Trans.
. H Stuart,
O T Tbomnaon.
...Frank Oviatt
....J. L. Carter.
.A. Xcaeben
Hare your watch repaired,
Frank Manning. Cmterrille.
Sim Barnes will receive wheat for
Baling & Co. at Bine Mountain Statioa.
Frank Manning watchmaker and
jeweler is at McHone's Hotel, Center
villa. ' ...
The thermometer last Monday
reached 05 in t 'Vahado the kottest
' j .i.. ...... .
, .
Remember the cheapest place to
boy your tobacco and cigars is J. J.
Banta & Co.'a, Conternlle.
Mr. Shoemaker, the pamp v.man,
tbecity this week and disposed
' ' of rfew were of his excellent pumps.
Erening serrlee at the Episcopal
Church next Sanday oreninir. lit v.
WTE.'Potwiae will probably officiate'.
Nice clean mixed bird seed,, onljr
wpvpniaaH O. i. JJuuta & Co. e,
Dr. Williamson left town yesterday
for a few days' fishing and hunting
mioog ins "eiasno" banks of the Uma
tills, ,- J
About hall of eur citizens have
gene te the woods and fivers during the
aeatea term." go gjrr streets are now
as qmet as Portland.
Miss Lntie Marshall leaves Weston
next Monday on a visit to relatives in
Illinois. She wilt remain in the S acker
fcitate about two months.
sir. v ooa Has had painted a neat
eign tor the postoffice. The job was
done by Mr. Lowndes, whose work as
Vainter and rrnin.r i. nUu
There ta too mack diversity in the
aeignt and width of Weaten sidewalks
Before too many are built a grade onght
o oe established and more uniformity
The cases of the City of Weston vs
xxenaerson Ulark and W. if. Getchell
vs. J. B. Montgomery will be called in
Justice Jones' court this afternoon at
one o clock.
Bate ball has again quieted down.
as most of the boys have gnno into the
Harvest field. By September, however.
th.. ......... . : . , . .
J hi rcTivo ana lake part in
the games at Walla Walla in counec
tioa with the Fair.
Whea you go to Walla Walla aoi
want a nice meal, a comfortable room
nau me best el attention, go to the
Eelinonica Hotel. Mr. Carlyle ' de
lighta in waking his guests cetfortabl
and always succeeds.
Jake Keys emphatically denies
that he is dead. Juke always was a
arst-ciass fellow to perpetrate jokes,
but we believe lie is in earnest about
this, and certainly he w entitled to the
first say ia the matter.
Intending huuters of this neighbor
hood will please he careful not to mis
take "our chief for a bear, as he has
gone to the mountains for a few weeks
to rusticate. This will lso allay any
excitement upon discovering mammoth
foot-prints out there.
The city election in Walla Walla
came off last Monday. For Mayor Dr.
Boyd received a majority ef 178, and
Mr. .Robinson had a majority of 371 for
Marshal. The total number of votes
cast were 524. One hundred and twen
ty wenien availed themselves of the
privilege of the franchise.
A lively runaway ocenrred on
Franklin street last Mouday. Mr. Ma
grew had backed his team up to Dusen
bery'a store to load his wagon with
sacks, whea the horses concluded it
would be easier going home without the
load, and off they started at break-neck
peed, smashing the wagon to nieces
and leaving the debris scattered in their
wake for a 'long distance. The horse
were unhnxt.
l.ir. r.i . -w
tur. vyiiua. iucu orris was re.
turning front the mouatains lost Satur
flay Uie double-tree, attached to th
ack in which he was riding, broke.
aaa, anting against the heels of the
horses, scared them badly and caused
them to endeavor to run away, Mr.
MoMorria held firmly to the lines and
was dragged from his seat, around
through the brush and over the hard
road, but finally conquered the excited
animals, escaping with only a few slight
The following officers were installed
by D. D. G. M. W, W. T. Williamson.
a Tuesday, the 7th inst., being officers
eiect tor Weston Lodge JTo. 71. A. O
V. W.: P. M. W C, B. Proebstel; M.
t., u.u. .Nelson; F W. Steinaker;
O., B. W. Myers; Ree, F. M. Pauly;
.u., u. . rroebstel; Receiver, Fred
Itosenxweig; G., W. T. Williamson; I.
W., N. Diamond; O. W., J. H." Wea
ver; Med, Exam... W. T. Williamson.
Alter the close of the lodge the brethren
pread an elegant Inuch, to which many
of their lady and gentlemen trienda
were invited, and a pleasant, sociable
evening was passed.
- Last Sunday morning Mr. S. H,
Bernard had an accident happen to him
which came very nearly resulting fatal
If. He ia the owner of a vicious hone
that ae one ia able to handle but him
elf. On .the- morn-ug mentioned he
had placed the horse ia a stall with aa
ther horse and went ia between them
for some purpose. Tbey began to act
meanly and before Mr. Bernard oould
leave the stall they had thrown him
down and kicked and tramped him in a
Uarfal manner. Three of his ribs were
b"kra and he received nnmn. .-li-i
and bruiae. .bent the head, shoulders
and stomach. He i. alia suffering
great pain, but it is thought ho is out of
Ijangcr. ...... .
Sack needles ot the best quality at
LOCAL EDITOR ' ucrernor Moody has appointed
Frank Oviatt, of Elia, a Notary Public
tor Oregon
A nice line of candies and nuts at
J. J. Banta & Co., Centervilie,
a . Uutienbery & Co. will remove
into their new store opposite the Mar
shall House, next week.
Den't fail to call on J. J. Banta &
Co, and get their prices au Machine
Oils before you buy.
Mr. W. H. McCoy started yester
day for the Willamette valley to attend
the birthday dinner of his father.
-..c..s. mis ween ta announce
the death of the infant girl of Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Crofutt, which occurred last
Monday afternoon.
uaicnes cleaned 1.50. Main
springs $i. uase springs $1. Clocks
cleaned SI. AU work warranfari
Frank Mannii.g, Centervilie.
A. Wins of Pendleton BhiDDed the
first car load of this year's wheat Iat.t
Sunday from Echo. It was consigned
to Simon, Church & Co., Portland.
A four-horse stage loaded with wo
men and children lrom Walla Walla
passed through towa Wednesday morn
log en route for the mountains south of
Weston. r ... !U
I he Oregon Scout has introduced a
now feature in Eastern Oregon journal
um.ylt publishes an eight-page paper.
two pages of which are priuted at home
and the other six somewhere back East.
The Western Union Telegraph Co,
has established telegraph offices at Ad.
ams and Centervilie. An agent bos al
o neen appointed at each place by the
O. R. & N.Co. for the purpose of hand
ling and forwarding wheat during the
shipping season.
On Sunday last at Centervilie Rey.
t rank bpanlding was married to Miss
Carrie McDonald. The young couple
left immediately for Spokane Falls to
attend the conference. Both have the
highest respect ef the church and the
cdmmnnity in general wish them a long,
prosperous and happy life.
Keep your doers locked tramps
are numerous. One or more of these
1 ! 1- . .
uungry individuals made an attempt to
burglarize Mr. Banebrake's residence a
few nights ago. They succeeded in
raising a bed-roem window, but were
frightened away by the occupants.
ine brick work on Mr. Gould's
building is about completed and the
masons are at work on the second story
ti e. jvi. rauly's bnck. Mr. Marshall
informs us that his next job is a two
story brick dwelling for Air. McDon
ald, the cost of which will be in the
neighborhood of $4000.
A printing press, type and olheT
material has been removed frera Sprague
to Adams, and the Adamites at an early
day will enjoy the luxury of a full
fledged weekly newspaper. The new
periodical will be called the Adam.
Vindicator. The Leader wishes its
publishers success.
The E. O. says: "On application ef
the Westonites the WeRtt. TTn;n
Telegraph Company would probably ex
tend their wire to Weston. This would
be a great convenience and should be
applied for while the telegraph compauy
is in the hurajr." Our citizens should
certainly take same steps in the matter,
as telegraphic communicatiou is badly
Ayer's Ague Cure is a powerful
tonic bitter, composed wholly of vegeta
ble substauces. Its action is peculiar,
prompt and powerful, breaking up the
chill, curing the fever, and expelling the
pwio.-n iruiu iiie system, yet leavin" no
harmful or unpleasant effect upon the
patient. Sufferers from chills and fever
who have used quinine as a remedy
win appreciate this.
rroebstel Jlros. new warehouse is
completed, and is a very substantial
building. The walls are of eight-inch
lumber and are held firmly to their
place by iron rods. The latest improved
elevator is being placed ia the ware
house by which gruia will be sent to
the mill as last as it is needed. The
capacity of the warehouse is between
thirty-five and forty thousand bushels.
Mr. Win. llcliner has purchased
the lots on the corner of Water and
Bruce streets and is now hauling brick
for the construction of a two-story brick
residence, the dimensions of which will
be 17x28 feet, with an ell 1(5x26 feet.
ac contractor the building of the
dwelling has, been let to Homer Mar
shall. Several dwellius have been
erected in that portion of the city with
in the past year and this one will add
materially to its appearance.
The Heme of Ilr. Blaiae.
Washington, D. C The son of
Senator Frye of Maine, who has been
suffering from a severe cold, which set
tled on his chest, wiis cured by a few
doses of Red Star Cough Cure. He
publicly endorses it as prompt, pleasant
and safe. Dr. Cox calls it the best rem
edy. It centaius no opiates or poisons.
General Warranty. J. s. White
A Co. have received another invoice of
Mitchell wagons. Thoy are an excel
lent wagon and are warranted for one
year. Should any part of them m.
way or break within one year, throuch
defect iu material or workmanship, they
will be repaired at no expense to the
purchaser. What more could any one
ask? Good enough.
XOVELTV. Whea you come to Wes
ton go and see the Canton Clipper, pow
er utt sulky plow at J. S. White &
Co.'s. Also their Diamond Points to
attach te the Gale Cultivator and Seed
er. It is surely an imnrovemect.
Tlte Two Coaalf s.
ie setting aside a part of Umatjlla
county to lorm Slorrow created the ae
cessity for a financial adjustment of
tneir respective claims, and Messrs
Rothchild of Pendleton, Fuller of ilepp-
ucrami .unzie, aU responsible men,
were appointed te complete the oner:
uus tasK. -iney have completed the
duty, basing their labors on the status
existing on February 9th of this year.
The net balance due to Umatilla from
sorrow is 53.ooa.zi. Tne apparent
greatness of this sum may be perhaps
accounted tor in the fact that prior to
February 5th many of the citizens of
Umatilla had paid their taxes, while
those of Morrow were holding over to
ascertain just where it would be to their
interest to pay this money. Of course
outside of such considerations, the
greater valuation ef the publio property
remained in Umatilla, as cells in the
jail $4,390; that very desirable piece of
property appropriately called the Poor
Farm, $3,000; Court House $15,000;
extras about $1,000. Even of bridges
the main expense is en the Umatilla
River. It is a noticeable feature that
Umatilla has nearly three million dol
i 1 1 e
ira worm oi property assessed more
than Morrow. .Now if old Umatilla
not wealth enough to exist successfully
as some have argued, what will Morrow
hope to do! If what is left now of
Umatilla were agaiu divided info' equal
parts, each part would lack less than
$31,000 of possessing double the wealth
ot Morrow couuty. Thus we find that
the poorest part of the county has been
cot off. We give the Commissioners'
lo tne Honorable Coantv Court f
umutiiia and Morrow Counties:
The undersigned, a Board ef Com-
missionera, created bv House hill lf
4, entitled an Act to create the County
of Morrow and fix salaries, &c., &c
approved February 16, 1885. And un
der said Act we were called upon to
adjust and determine the indebtedness
and the value of property of Umatill.i
county and to be assumed bv said Mor-
row county have performed that duty,
and submit our finding herewithr Total
value of all property and assets, out
standing taxes, etc., $181,636.78; total
liabilities of county, $187,268.14; leav
ing a net indebtedness of $5631.36. The
proportion of this to bm assumed by
Morrow county, this Board ri
$1,149.30; unpaid taxes 18S4 turned
over to Morrow county, $11,567.03; less
ouuuui uixcs oue morrow couuty out ot
tax levy of 18S4. S4.077.17: leaving a
net balance due to Umatilla county of
$3,539.21. A detailed table will be
ieuud annexed. J
lhe Board also find that, thero ia
balance of county school monev in the
Treasury derived from fines, f.irfpiriirnn
etc, to a portion of which Morrow
county would be justly entitled, but
the County School Superintendent and
Treasurer find no authority in the laws
governing disbursements of school funds
authorizing them to pay such money to
morrow county, this Hoard rinds that
just proportion due Morrow cnnnr.v
from said school fund would l Sfinn on
and would recommend that the Honor
able County Court of Umatilla county
instruct the Treasurer of said county
to pay the amount to Morrow couutv.
The minutes of the proceedings of this
uwuoni aav to uav are ninj nhm .
ed herewith.'
Iu compliance with an rW f tls
Honorable County Court of Umatilla
and Morrow counties ironed t. fliIr
April term of 1885. this Board hel ipvinrr
k. 4.u: 3 , . ?
j.uu.1, men- worn would be expedited
by the assistance of an expert book
keeper, engaged one from Portland who
was higlily recommended. Said exnert
on examination of the County books
and records, stated that to make an ex
hibit to the correctness of which he
could certify, would cost S6.000 to $8,
000; this Board believing that the pro
bable result of such" an investigation
and exhibit would not justify the ex
pense, therefore discharged him to rift
the work ourselyes.
W e also sulmit herewith various bills
amounting to $456.15, all of which we
find just and reasonable, for your ap
proval and order of payment of half
each by each of your Honorable Courts
to whom all of this we
Respectfully submit,
S. Rothchild,
J. 11. Kunzie,
J. L. Fuller,
Board of Comraissieuers.
Pendleton, Julv 10, 1885.
Financial Exhibit of Umatilla coun
ty, February 9, 1885, by Board of Com
misaioners, ordered by H. B. No. 4:
county Property as per Inventory, . . .8 40,805.00
In Troas. hands Iicport, . 6,363 50
Unpaid Taxes of 1SS4, as per roll, .... 130,732 89
Del. Taxea of 1883, pres. cash value,. 6?0.39
uai. uue irom Morrow co., share loss,. 1,149.30
: I . . - - .. . T : "' -n..-j'...ji;i""-M.w -rr ar-rr-my-
Adams Orrmrpoademee.
Adams, July 15.
To tne editor of the Leader: -'.
-1 am delighted to inform you that we
are to have a newspaper established at
this place. - Within the next twenty
days yon will have on your exchange
list the Adams "Herald," "Gazette" or
'.'News"! have . net yet learned ita
name. Mr. J.T, Armstiong, formerly
of the Sprague Herald, will be its edi.
tor and proprietor. We wert both but.
prised and pleased with him. for he
came not as the proverbial printer Com
eth, with his hatful of type and solicit
ing aid, but. on the contrary, all he ask
ed was room according to his strength,
and being well supplied with this com
modity, we have, granted his request.
He expresses himself as highly pleased
with the town and its prospects.
Good fortune seems to come like mis
fortunesnot singly. Through the en
terprise ot our citizens we are soon to
have telegraphic communication be
tween this place and" Pendleton. Just
think of it a milliner shop, saddler
shop, two warehouses, telegraph office
and a newspaper, all in jwo weeks.
The town has beeu full of men and
teams the past week waiting for harvest
to begin. ! j
Several of our "prominent citizens"
will rusticate ia the mountains this
c.. . ., ..."
ate naturally polite, some C'
qnire politeness through ; intercourse
with pelite people, but some are obliged
to have it thrust upon them with the
toe ef a brogaa. Such a case came an
der my observation recently.
it bas been currently reported and
generally believed that our old fnend
Jake Kees was dead. Jake was along
tne otber day and informed me that he
was intent on finding his place of inter
ment, there to erect a monument to his
manifold virtues.
Hoping that you, with vibe rest of
"Weston and her friends." will be
pleased with our prosperity and excuse
any seeming extravagance in my method
ot telling it, I remain M. S. Lee,
To Farmers!
Bal. loss of Umatilla county,..
County Varrants outstanding,...
Interests on M
Tax due State, bal. of 18S3 .-.
' " " for 1884
Taxes due School Fund,
. . 10,577.27
... 3,278.43
... 30,500.02
... 21,828.86
In aco't with Umatilla Cou.vrr.
Te bal. due Umatilla co, debt loss $ 1,140.30
' linrti.i Tin. d..tnnnnt 1 OiJ. 1.1 rM m
1 . .w. uwwjuvhiii,, iUWi.UO
By School Tax due for tax levy 1884.. .. 4,077.17
To bal. due Umatilla county, 8,639.21
Hayward Hand Grenades. -The
best known Fire Extinguisher in the
world. Don't delay in supplying your
selves with them at once. Property
and lives saved every day with them.
l ou cannot afford to be without them.
M. S. McQuarrie, Agt, Walla Walla.
G. J. Becht, 124 Market St., S. F.,
General Agent.
We are prepared to famish wheat
sacks in quantities to suit, and at low
est market rates, to our numerous cus
tomers. Will also buy wheat and nav
highest market rates at Weston,
$'JO Reward.
Lost, on Jnne 14th lfis; nn
vi awrrci u urges, Branded oh
left shoulder, and Q an nVnt, shoulder.
One has a whit nut nn j. .v.
other has no whit. l,;n, tv,. i
are 15 hands high, weigh about 1000 lbs
-ix years old and are work
norses. Iweutv Dn'i.r. i u-
vhe,,r deU.ver a the Kt "ta
ble in Weston. Aiv ii.fnn,.l;..'i..j
log to their recovery will be liberally
paidfor. Keward at Leadeb office.
J.- B. Chaxberlain, -P'yton,
W. T,
Teachers' District Inatftwte.
The Teachers' Institute for the Sivtli
Judicial District will be held at Baker
City, linker county, on the 4th, 5th,
6th and 7th of August.
The District comprises the counties
of Baker, Grant, Morrow, Umatilla and
I moo. All teachers and friends ot
education iu the above and adjacent
counties, are cordially invited to attend
and assist in the work of the Institute,
E. B. McElroy,
Supt. Pub. Institute.
Drapers! Drapers! Drapers!
J. S. White & Co., of Weston, have
special facilities for furnishing all kinds
of Drapers on short notice at extremely
low prices, all made of 61b Woodbury
u uoKing, selected Eastern hard wood.
oau-tanned leather belting, patent
clamps and made to order.
2-belt drapers, 30 in., 65c; with pat
ent clamps, 75c. per foot.
3-belt drapers, 36 in., 75e.t with nat-
. -
ent clamps, 80c. per foot.
4-belt drapers, 36 in., 90o.: with nat
ent ciamp, yoc. per loot.
Separator Grain Carriers:
19-foot lengths, 31J in., $30.00.
ld-foot lengths, 35J in., $35.00.
19-foot lengths, 39J in, $40.00.
19-foot lengths, 431 in.,- $45.00. ,
19-foot lengths, 47i in, $50.00.
m .
xerms, casn or approved security. 3t
Cold Spring Tidings.
Lower Cold Spring, July 13,
To the Editor of the Liuder:
A large number of new headers have
been bought by farmers in this vicinity
mis season. Heading is in full blast.
Burdin and Jones started out on Wed
nesday of last week, aud by Saturday
evening iiaa 120 aeres in the stack.
air. Williams is now at Celd Spring
station ready to receive and ship wheat.
Owing to the low tonnage there will he
an immense quantity of wheat haul
ed there from above. Wheat on sod
ground in this vicinity will average 18
bushelf to the acre. J. H. Hilton has
a piece of spring grain that is estimated
ai oj Dusiien per acre. Other sections
of the county may beat us raising wheat.
but when it comes to corn or watermel
ons we will not take a back seat. We
have corn here nearly eight feet high,
11 mafces one think ef Illinois er Iowa
to go through it. The bachelors are all
out harvesting, and the coyotes are hav
ing tbeir own fun with the chickens.
Ed Hyberly lost about forty at one kill.
Horse racing and trading is quiet at
present. Sportsmen have harnessed up
tneir nyers and gone out harvesting in
order to secure money to race en.
More Anon. Friday.
Bnektea's Arnica alve.
The Best Salve in the world lor Cmta.
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever 'Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erupt
ions, and positively cures Piles, or bo
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refuuoW.
,e, "j?nU Per"bx. for saleTby
W. H. McCoy. i
Island CM?.
Island City, July 13, 1885.
The farmers have commenced haying
operations and the crop will be above
average. Much old hay remained on
and censiderable hay land was turned
into pasture.
C. W, Preston bas moved into his
new house, and his little folks are rap
idly recovering from their recent attack
cf sickness.
Mr. John McDonald's family and
number 01 otner ltiends have been to
the Wallowa Lake rusticating for about
a week. They enjoyed the excursion
and tne grandeur of the celebrated
Dr. J. J. McDonald has moved
the commodious Alexander place.
Mr. .Berry, salesman with Bear &
Church, has just completed one -ot the
handsomest dwellings in the county.
The citizens are having a road laid
out ia a direct line to the depot. Thus
we grow. 1 X.
- Hoaosty.
. uyuwj 19 we nest policy," is. an
old adage, one that will do to adhere to,
by all classes, under all circamstances,
and in all conditions of life. In ray
way of thinking honesty stands para
mount to all other virtues. It is the
very essence of morality.. There is an
old bit of adyice that every one who has
a tendency to trickery ought to cherish,
is, To thine own self be true, and
it must follow as the day, the night,
vuo ugi tnen Le raise to any
man. lie boaest, do as yon agree,
let neither friend nor foe persuade yoa
irom the path of rectitude aud duty.
A nan that is net thoroughly honest ia
every respect, though he possess the
wealth of an Astor, will soon be pointed
elt by his fellowman. Wealth will not
cover such a vice. Man's reputation, his
very honor is based on his integrity.
A man whose word is not as good as
his note possesses not the true integrity
of purpose be should, and will never be
held in high esteem by those he comes
ia contact with. Every act of dishon
esty, no difference how trifling, lowers
aim in tuiir estimation and is also a
barrier to his financial success, as well
as bis standing in society. Then if you
wenld possess true and firm friends, be
honest, I repeat, do as you agree, stick
W your bargains, no matter what or
who interferes, let all your actions be
based on a principle of integrity. Ever
keep in mind tne old Proverb, "Buy
tat until and sell it not."
Alice Kirkpateick,
When baby was ski, ye gave her C ASTORIA.
When she was a chiH. we kare her C ASTORIA
When she became Miss, she dun; to CASTOB1A.
When she had chUdren.he jare them OASTORIAJ
first analitv. 22t2c
ciina BiacKs: of guaranteed
IniDortatian f ls. fai.
- 7 wwjj aval OU1V
m its to suit, at lowest
rates ever reached. Deliv
ered at any ! station on the
raiii-oaa. i
Powell & Erwin,
Extracting f We, and teeth inserted OarnentprV
1 trial. NaM napay. Don't trust. T
a traveling dentist, but go to the office
over Kees k. Winan'a store. -Wall.
nana, and get reliable work fiillv war.
ranted. All operations ia dentiatrv
i . c i . i
tim w uer.armea at eastern m-ii-nn .H
as low as first-class work can be done.
Tfc W n ar -m.
and Builders,
Parties Who Mtnfrnnlar knIMlH.... n
how small or large the edifloe will consult thelr
jnterert by eonsultinj; us as to plans, specinca
Uqps and prices, ALL WORK GUARANTEED
- Powell & Erwin.
Don't fonret that Keesa .V Emm
are located at Adams, aud do a "boss
uuuness. - i
Steinaker & Ca.ken tna Rnplrinokon
W- 11 L., 1 . . r. O
w ucuii a uoots ana snoes.
Steinaker & Co. have the larim.t rwl
oeii assortment ot wau paper in Weston,
ior bargins in e'lasswarn nnd
crocaery go toKeese&Redman's, Adams.
Reese & Redman, Adams, are pay
ing tne Highest market rates for wheat
Steinaker A Co. make a BDecialt- nf
Mf. Al,i.: , c - i - J .
" lurnmuing goods.
t mvvvj suit cau oa meat.
CHI-beads, letter-heads. nafi.noo.
eta., printed and nslsn i.i.Kl.t, .i
ivKADHK omce at fortlaad prices.
lOe JLEADEK afHee damn .11 Vi.J. f
jeo wora in lirst-olass style at PortlariU
live Asent Wanted.
Ta sell Dr. Chase's Recipes; or in
formation for everybody, ia every coun
try in the United States and Canada.
1 Enlarged by the publisher to 618 pases.
it contains over 2,000 household noises
aaa is suited to all classes and condi
tions ot society. A wonderful book
ana a Household necessity. It sells at
sight. Greatest inducements ever of
fered to book agents. Sample espies
sent by mail, postpaid, for $2.00. Ex-
wTc territory given. Agents more
than double their money. Address Dr.
Chases Steam Printing House, Ann
Arbor, Michigan. 20 3m
American Dyspeptics.
Americans, more than anv other na. I
tion in the world, are victims of stomach
aernngements. Tnis is owing to the
hurried manner in which thnv .t ti,.;.
meals and to the amonnt and quality of I
u . loou ueing cneaper Here
m KiiT VLuer csnnirv at t.h wnrtH
There are very few Americans whose
siomacns are in a perfectly health con
dition. Most remedies tor derange
ment Of the stomach are ofTorad in a. I
ioran oi miters, tonus. ct . vhixi.
merely stimulate the stomach and afford
a temporary relief. Da Haven's T.
pepsia Cure is a remedy that supplies
what ifl vantini In 1. .J : : i - I
viuK . M Vila umCHLlVE liill-PS I
deranzed stomach
remedy offered to the rjuhl in that Ml rata I
all fortns of Dyspepsia, Indigestion and
i littumucy. xree sample bottles at n.
jKctoy a arng store.
J, S. "WHIUE &CO. (
been appointed- agent at WEQTQflfoi
for the sale of the following p" J ,!
Agriculfurel Implenieifts
Batchelors & Wylye's
Ilarrows, Cultivators and Seeders. '
MITCDELL'S Tycll knorn Wagons, Hacks and CagIeis
The Western Fanning Mills
the best on the Coast, warranted to separate oats and
barley from wheat, takin? nt vrvthlnw nnd inin.
nothins bat the clean wheSt. " '
Horack's Oeletoaterl Draper Goods,
Iron fastenings on the end of Btkks, prerentins theln
The IloUingswortU Rake, SelfrDuniping,
Walker's Wrought Tqlar and Castf-Iroh Fences,
1 1 1 i .w
All orders filled with promptness I and at Wall irait
Call and examine Goods and prices.
Otnce on Main St.. one door cast of Marshall House.
Standard Oalcuttas.
Importation of 1885.
aad in any quantity.
Farmers will do well to call
antj get prlcs before purchas
ing eisewnere. Ueltvered at
any station on railroad. Mar?
ites, price paia for wbeat.
Milton, Oregon.
3"Acent for Sibson. Chni-pli r
ot reruana. og.tr
" i
The Painter,
weston . Orcsron.
"To the FFoiat,
!- j -.
The Extra Muceients .
offered in Low Prices and genu
ine quality of goods soldi is
bringing trade, as such a
cours naturally should,
tp the store of
who hare a bright new stock of v
Ladies I Gents' FumsMng Goods
Fur and Straw Hatsj v .
Boots and Shoes,
, ., and a choice stock .r,; j.
all of which they gnarantee equal to any and
secona to none in the market.
lie tviars
Froome& Son V
hall Mouse!
Ibis span s paid for by tne
Adams Livest Sixsls,
- - Proprietors.
Would respeptfuljy snavnee to the trareling public and th people of Weston nnd ridnlty that thla
new lincit Hotel is now open for the reception of Uuests.
The table will be furnished at all times with the best that i a . . .. .
j ihin in un nen
accejiUblo manner. i '" -
We take pride In keeping a hotel that willbe ..
First-Class in Every Particular,
the comfort of our guests beinjour first consideration, kn owing that apoq this noasa aenoda
Come onoc, and if you do not come again we will consider the fault oars.
Paper Hanger.
Corner Slain and Franklin
M 1 a '
Weston. Orcsoif
Graining fn All Kinds of Wood.
Wm, Lowndes.
A noose aad lot in Centerrille, oa
Main street, in the business' portion of
the city . . Aa , excellent location for
cither dwelling or business purposes.
Price $1000 oac-batf cash; balance oa
eaay terms. : R. A. CARD EN,
A Creat DineaTerw
- ihat is dailw bringing joy to the
homes of tlionxands by saving ntany of
their dear ones from an early grarc.
Truly is Dr. King's. New .Discovery for
Loasampuen, iouna. Isolds, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Hay Fever. Loss of Voice,
Tickling ia the Throat, Pain in Side
and Chest, or any disease of the Throat
and Lans, a positire cure. Guaran
teed. Trial bottles free at W. fti Mc
Coy's dm- store. Large aire 1.0O. i . 6
The best qaalitv of enrelonea fnrni.h.
ed and printed at LEADER office for
pnllcs. XoTeltles, Clears, T-
aoeo, coareetloaeir, Etc, or
at the F. o. Store . L vit.tov no
Odor of Forest. Sparkle of Stream.
Do you own s gun, or a "fish-pole ," or 'blrd
Oag or rifle? Ever go angling, or shooting, or
ramping, or camping, or canoeing, or yachting?
birds or animals Do you know that tor ten
years we have been publishing a bright weellv
paper derated to these subjects) ft will repay
IWsa m vup; w wi cures, moa Btiraoi.
Tbere u do other paper in the world tost like it
Address Forent and Stream fbiishing Co., 39
S(rlnscB Tpy IS Ceata. !
The undersigned has on hand a large assortment
I j wiiti iwb auu uree-year-olu
Fruit Trees,
MANAGER. APPle. Pears, Cherries, PJums,etc,
some new and rare fruit. Also ereral of the
Russian Varieties
Also six or eight varieties of GRAPE BOOTS.
which we will sell at '
Thp Rooms are all Neatly Furnished oSM, Zmgffic
Th new and commodfoas bote! has fait h
wuiiiidu wiu is dow reaay ior toe
reception of guests.
UM TS.!iS.!5?vbe ,nn,4 Fit the
. v. Meson.
rtort wm be spared to raake fuests oom-
to Insure the greatest amonnt and ehotaatvufe.
' ties. We warrant ear stock true to name- aa
come on and patronizs home prod action. '
Leading j
- - s -
Large Sample Room AnENTIOHILL fJIEN!
Saw Wer for Sale!
i . :
nam SU . - - Centervilie.
Kotice for Pn1Iicatiii.
"Cheap Charley"
nd keeps eenatentlyoa haw afoO sasorV
Also proprietor of to '
at which Lamher may b. bnnctrt at prioos thai
lUfy canfetftioa. ,
P HOLDMAK. j , : O. IOLltAar
j Psayrta r
aitoyes and Harcjwarq
Adatau, Oregon. .
Keep always bi stock a seliict ssssil 1 ef CLT.
tEilt of the best bruas, d a ISfiZ Zt
Wood and Willow Wrr.
Mj .Bi"- .Screws. Fitas td evarytwiwj b
their lino that farmers need. Patrons
respectfully solicUd sad . TT
FairTreaimeiitGaarantG '
special AUmUon Given to Cutting
qndFUHng. - j
La Orm at La Gsjinm, Onssoa,
Katie is henebT rhss that aha tibiwf.
named settler ha filed notic ef his intentiea to
make final proof fas support hiseiaiia. and
that said proof will be msl. h;.TTi2!.
Oonrity Jorbr. of DnwtOkv Coantr. Oresrosu ml
Fendl ton, Oregon, on Annjt ir, Jjj&a, ric -rlui.o
K.Baka, . ,
Hd. Wo. atas. For the noiUiwsal onartor M
northwest quarter of seeUoa tZ, tawnahm e
north, range H east. W. H. (7
He names the fbQearinsT wrtntsaM to em.. M
coBrmaoinnasnencn upon, aad eultmuion of
said Had, rtz: j .
Kamosa vrens, J.CIHodges; -STiniam Good
nan and T. F. Jl.tl-xActt. stilrKiivjn.OTc-idn
Good location. Plenty of water to ran -Hw www
round. Good wagon road to Walla, alilton and
Price, $2 per M.
Can on or address
Westoa', ssregoski
WlfEEXEB, -,L .
ASaras.Peat 3la!c Assoctratu
- t w, yrsiaa
" , .1-, 'Cl
l'-fttst hart:. Il'it-Tif--tT-, k. ta - - -