VVosto.i WoaHSy rsux b. mitcheli LOCAL EMT31L FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1885, I B AUEJTft. The fallowing; are the authorized ajents of th lunt In toetr reupcctlve localities: Pendleton-. 0 W Walker. Heppner O H HaJloek, MUtoo A B Evan.. Centerrille 8 II Stuart. Walla Wall (IT Thomion Ella P. O Frank OvUtt "lano J- L. Carter. Walla Walla ...A. Ueauhen LOCAL LEADERS. Note V. C. Starkey's Fira cracVera and flas at F. M. pui. ' ; Mr. Chas. Willerf and wife, of Cen terville, were visiting fiicnda iu Wes ton on Wednesday last. Kcmomber the cheapeet place to buy your tobacco and cigar in J. J. Hants & Co.'o, Couterviilo. TLe Ceuterville Hotel, nmlcr tha management of Mr. L. MeMoiie, is meeting with deserved nuccrss. A regular meeting of the City Conacil was held Wednesday evening. No business of importance was trans acted. Have yonr watch rfpaired, by Frank Manning, Centerville. Stacey ltobcrts and-family, who have been spending the spring and sum mer on Willow creek, returned to Wes tn last Wednesday. Frank Manning watchmaker and jeweler is at McHone's Hotel, Center- rille. A young man at ForeBt Grove died last week from the etlects of being utruck by a base ball. But the dangers of the game have not much effect iu pressing it. Nice clenn mixed bird seed, only 15c per pound at J. J. liauta & Co.'s, Centerville. It pays to udvertiae: since ti e last jHsue of the LEADER J. S. White & Co. , have suld a large quantity of agricultu ral implements. See what they have to ay this wexk. j When yon prove up on your laud inform the Register that you want the notice published in the Leader. There will be divine services at All Saints' Church next Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock, Itev. E. C. Johnson officia ting.'' The morning rervice will be held at Feodleton. The other day Mr. Clias. McMorrii tamed his cow, a valuable one ut that, into his clover fit-Id. She made a very benrly meul and then took some pota toes fur desert. The mixture was not a happy one, for she died from the ef fects iu a very short time. The brick work of N. Dureubery & Co.'s new store on the corner of Main aud Franklin streets is completed. The structure presents a very substantial appearance with iron pillars and iron shutters. -The firm have-- every reason o be proud ot it. It w another endur ing monument of Weston enterprise. Mr. Jas. Shninway of Cons Cresk made this office a visit on Wednesday. He reports grain in his neighborhood as looking Very well aud thiuks that it will average at least thirty buvhela to tha acre, though some fields will go ns nigh as forty. The grain on Cons creek is net badly lodged, the loss from this course will not probably be mire than a bushel or two te tha acre. Last Wednesday the people of Weston were startled by the solemn tolling of the bell of All Saints' Church. It was noon 'earned that it was duo tu the death ot Mn. Kribhi, who lived near Adams and who hud died of con sumption en Tuesday. Mrs. KriWs was held in the highest esteem as a kind, christian woman. Her death though net unexpected will be leejily deplored. A very distressing accident occurr ed lust Monday out on Gerking Flat. A little granddaughter of Mr. John Orking was playing with come other childred around the barn, the door of which was simply propped up, tha binges and fastenings having beeu brok en. In playing near it, the prnp was removed aud the heavy duor fell on the little girl and killed her. LCbdCr. I ' 1,e la,e,wu blackberry has aw-ie ' - s appearance and retail for ten ctata Our old friend I. T. Keese. of Adams, was with his acquaintances m Weston the fare part of the week. Fishing ou ' the Umatilla is good, and strings of one hundred and over are frequently, caught in a short time. - The U. B. church, jnst approach ing completion, will be the handsomest church edifice in the county. Harvest hands are in demand, and good wages are being offered. No man need complain of U'iujt unable to find work. ".'lie w arm w.a'her w approaching unJ act mil (a.in'iex in Y ( are innk ieg u'Liii.-i-iiueiiU to spend a tuauu at the Warm Springs. Twelve or f..iite,-.u carpenters are busily engij.'..d .i FrneUtel Eros. grain wareiru na, hj.I th-j building is being rapidly pmhed to completion. Brickciaainsi h:ir:- run r-sit of brick and are taking a fay-i.jr in consequence. Mr. Nelson ;j buruirg a large kiln which will l.-e ready fir a-o in a few day. - rji-yor.il ut orr cit.zjiis went Jo rlM at.: ye.-;ttri iv m ir::H i io '-.it Mx- liij in-ticli ft iinii of b.i.-i 10 t.j:i tweeu t!ie W..iU WI!a und lilue Monntain club?. (i iod -::'staii:ial fcislft-vclks have hneu pluc-.-d-iu froiii f liie utw brick bui'diug.4 on Main street, aud simIis-tri.-;iH tu and from the po.itoiae are ouce mora hnpjiv. Chicken lhievs arc abroad in the l.tn.!. .Si-vcr.il (if our i-itiz -H-r have been usi.-Mng their tender yitiing mm ! of late, ami ciiu:tiu.i'.iiuce.4 imiat to the fact iii.it lhe roosts are not being despoiled by Chinamen, but by "penuine white trash." A tshot-gim filled with bird shot is a good preventative. Several buckets, hooks and other apparatus belonging to the hook and ladder truck have not yet arrived, and at a meeting of the lire company on Wednesday night it was determined not to accept the truck uutil the re mainder ot the apparatus put in its appearance. News was received this week that Mr. J. T. Balltnger, who lived in Cen terville for several years pa.st, has just just died of consumption iu California, to which place be went tor his health. His wife left Centerville a few days ago t,i join him, but he died a few hours-before her arrival. Mr.-W. P. Crow, of Milton, one of the oldest settlers of Umatilla county, informs the Lkadi:u that the wheat raised this year will Le the best for mill ing purposes ever raised in the csunty. The grain will be np'.isnally large and plump, aud not in the least shriveled as in yoara past.. Ho thinks the head, on account of the long dry spell, are not as thoroughly filled as they were last year, but the plunipucss of the grain will more thau make up fur tho deficiency. too late to see her Lu&baisd uSivp, ; I!e i Laviogiiied in the mormag of tnc same ; day. - . .. v ' A very sad aecidant happened on the old (Jerking farm last week. TheTe was a heavy barn door that was off "the htnvs and had bceu primped up with a stick, of which one end was on the ground and the other against the door. A little five-year old daughter of Mr. Leaman, who lives on the farm, wss ptayicg about the door when the acci do.itally knocked the prop loose, letting the heavy door fall o her, causing in stant death. Robley & M ilier have received and will soon put in place at the depot, a large reals on which to weigh eram in bulk. This will be quite a SAving of time both to the firm and the farmer. which ;-lionld be appreciated by all who have grain to haul. Mr. Robley in forms me that he is funnelling the stan dard Calcutta grain tack at 7 cents, which is lower than they were ever sold in this country before. With wheat at a fair pn:e this fall our farmers ought to get rich, as everything seems to be in their favor. And so it should be. A warrant was issued last Friday and placed tu the hands of our deputy sheriff for the arrest of one Kearney for the stealing of money from Mr. Shaver, one of our townsmen. The matter was kept as quiet as possible while the sheriff was bunting for evidence that wnild con vict before making the arrest. lie watched his man till he retired tor the night, and then went home thinking he would cateh him as he left towii the next morning. But fearing lest Keur ncy might escape in the night and lie lose his fee, the worthy justice issued a second warrant and placed it in the hands of a special, gathered a crov.-d and went to the resting place of Kear ney and placed him under arrest. A pistol shot or two was fired and a great hurrah ' made, much to the annoyance of Main stretters who were aroused from their midnight slumbers. The next day eminent counsel was employed to piosecntn Kearney, while Mr. Butch er was retained on the defense. The caBc was brought before the judge who had headed tht arresting crowd of the night before, and thn farce of a trial played. Kearney was convicted and sentence passed (before the trial) and tho prisoner turned loose. It is to b hoped that our county court will inves tigate this and other matters before fees are allowed. SELDOM vn i . THE DAY V CELEBRATE. Come and Participate. ' CENTER VILLE 'LTTS. - i . CKSTenvit'LE, July 2 To lhe Editor of tile LAbua: I. W. Ijuiuii i very busy making brick. J. S. Mcl.tod was ut home iu Center v ill Ii-t Saturday. J. M. Mnrri has beau conSncd to bis room for a day or two with the quinsy. Dr. J. 11. liviue and family have ijoiic to their farm to remain till utter harvest. lJ:n Mciiaeheru and Joe Woodward have gone over into the Territory to Hjieiul tho Fourth. Mr. Wntf, the railroad man, was in town hist Friday looking iiftrr he in tcreiits of the company at this place. Charley Ilium, the chinaniiiu who l-jft Centerville two years ag to go to China, returned last week. Charley says he got him a wife while iu China, but it cost too much money to bring herto'Melica. W. J. Wilkinson, onr esteemed towns man, returned hist evening from Alkali, bringing with him his newly-married wife, nee Miss Chamberlain. We arc glad to welcome them borne aud w'ali them a lsng and peaceful life. The heavy thunder and wind storms of the pa.st week have knocked down some grain. It was thought for awhile Tlie Faniuns Sotrc Data:'. On the 30th of last January, the Sis ters ot the most noted (Jaliiolic ladies seminary in tho United States, the fa nous Notre Dame, at Govanstown, near Baltimore, Md., made public a card certirying to the beneficial results at tending the n?e of Red Star Cough Cure in that institution. They state that they found it efficacious alike for re lieving coughs, oppressions ou the chest and irritation of the throat. Officials of the Boards of Health of Brooklyn, Baltimore and other cities have like wise publicly proclaimed the virtues of this new discovery, which is eutirely tree from" opiates, poisons aud other ob jectious. - " . The procesaiou will form at the City Kail. :- 1. Matshal and Aids. - , . 2. Fl-g bearer atid Chaplaiu. . 3. estou Cornet Band. - "-' 4. Liberty ( ar. - - .... ; '. 5. Fire Company and footmen, j; " 6. Ladies- aud gentlemeu on horse back.. -:. . . - rv 7. Wagons and Carriages. Procession will form at 9 a. m., march down Fraukliu to Main, down Main, to W aUr, up Water to Mill, down Mill to Brad. down Broad to Main, thence to Wter, and down Water to the grove. EXERCISKS AT THE GROVE. 1. Music by Baud. '2. Prayer by Chaplain. 3. Vocal music. 4. Readiug the Delaration of lade pendence. . Music by Band. C. Toast ' The Day We Celebrate.' 7- Recitation by Mrs. KukpatricK. 8. Music by Glee Ciub. 9. Toast "Our Country." 10. Music by Band. 11. Toast "The Ladies." 12. Music by Band. -13. Oration. 14. "Star Spangled Banner." by' the Baud. GRAND BASKET DINNER, alter v nieti the llorrioles will appear, to be followed by GAMES, of which tne foliowinc iB a list, with the prizes that will be given: ; 1. Foot race, men over C5 years, copy of Burns' Poems, by H. McArthur. 2. Foot race, men over 200 pounds, 50 yards, fine summer bat, W. Steiuaker, 3. Sack race, Two Dollars in cash,! Uco. Hayes. 4. Blind Man's Race, box stationery, L. S. Wood. 5. Putting the Stone, sack of flour, Procbstel Bros. C. Men's 100-yard foot race, box of cigars, I'. M. rauty. 7. Boys under 16, foot race,100 yards, pocket knife, Saliug & Co. 8. Slow horse ract, corn planter, Geo Hartnian. 9. Climbing greased pole, revolver, J. W. Young. 10. Stauding jump, riding whip, Mr. Strickfadden. 11. ' Hop, -step and jump, WESTON Leader one year, G. P. McColl. 12. Oue-lcgged race, camp chair, Mr. Clarnett. 13. Game of Foot Ball. 14. Game of Base Ball between the Weston aud Milten Clubs. GRAND PYROTECHNIC DISPLAY in the evening, being the grandest dis play of Fire Works ever seen here, end ing with tho "Grand Battery," "Fourth of July." List of letters .remaining bl the Post- ofhee at Weston, Or., July 1, 1SS5; Boten-S Lmene J W Gnner Rsv J H - Ho ait Geo HartmaB Jacob HisIodJh " Houston-A.J ' Irwin W R Ueacben A - - McKanlass W H Miller Jacob Noma Miss Ome OwenJP S Parker Emery Patterson H I . Root W J Sutton Miss Maud Slater Chas StilweU Mrs Autie Shell U W ' Steigler John - Vanorder Sarnie Wright L (2) Wi-ilcr E J Wilkinson UU Persons calling for the above please say advertised. L. S. Wood, P. M. 5 u lss ft k vM - S3 5 Jl i'-a i WHEAT SACHS.. We are prepared to furnish wheat sacks in quantities to suit, and at low est market rates, to oar numerous cus tomers. Will also buy wheat and pay tho highest market rates at Weston, Oregon, N. Dusenbeey 4 Co. . BY THE fuILUOH! j -AT- SALINC & GO'S. A StartllBS Dlseovei-J. Physicians are often startled by re niarkaiito discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption and all Threat and Lung dis eases is daily curing patients that they have given up to die, is startling them to realize their sense of duty, aud ex amine into the merits of tins wonderful discovery; resulting in- hundreds of oar best Physicians nsing it in the-r prac tice. Trial Bottles tree at V. . H. Mc Coy's Drug Store. Regular size $1.00. Only Fractions of Lives. How many parsons live only a fraction ol aver age human life because they neglect to take the commonest precautions against sickness. It is disease ia its maturity that kills, and maturity implies growth. A slight indisposition is usually slighted. The; who avail themselves of Hostet ter's Stomach Bitters know it to be efficacious in chronic cases of disease, but the process "f cure is a far easier one if it it used in early stages ot dyspepsia, malarial disease, rheumatism, con- stipution and liveiderangrement. Let those who would avoid the peril which even the most po tent remedies cannot avert, steer clear of tht rock upon which so many constitutions split an naer appreciation of tne danger of neglect, it rill not do to omit care and a recourse to medi cine when health is alfected. If dtbi.it.Ued, or nervous, ordj-speptic take it for granted you are First nnalitv. 22xS6 Cal cutta Sadks of guaranteed ilortatayn of 1885, for sale in lots to suit, at lowest rates ever reached. Deliv ered at any station on the railroad. I H. POWELL. ' U. D. FEWIN. Powell 6l Erwin, 1D.IHS, BLCiOX. Carpenters, Contractors, and Builders, Parties who contemplate buildiner no matter how small or large the edilice will consult their interest uy consulting us as to plans, spcciDca- uons ana prices. ALLHUKliuuiKA.VTttu, Powell & Erwin. Extracting free, and teeth inserted on trial. A o jit, no pay. Dou t trust traveling dentist, but go to the office over itees & W man s store, VV alia Walla, and get reliable work fully War- anted. All operations in dentistrv will be performed at eastern prices and as low as nrst-class work can be done, Dr. L. M.Davis. To Farmers! Juniper Iteiiia. that it was badly damaged, but the It will take io small share of the j damage is not so serious as first thought profits of this year's crops no matter ! to be. However, in some fields there how abundant to pay for agricultural will be considerable grain that cannot implements. Six threshing midlines have already been delivered at Blue f Mountain this season and more are on the way. Then figure up the headers, reapers, rakes, waggon, ic. Trnly the harvest will require to be abundant and prices good. Thunders'torms have been unusual ly t reqent of late and tne heavy show ers accompanying them have done some damage to the graiu that is almost ripe. Just whsi the extent of the damage is it is difficult to estimate, a reports are unsatisfactory and conflicting. Heavy grain in some few instances is so badly "lodged" that it wll be impossible to out it with a header. As far as heard from np to this writing the general av erage will not be very materially dimin ished. Mr. Richard Reynolds iiifrms us tb.nt he ha lost three more cnlves, fivi in all, from the "black leg." He i now fully persuaded that the disease result . ed frora their eatina mouldv manure from his stable which bad not been cleaned ont thoroughly for two or three years. The straw was not decomposed bnt covered with a dry mould. The calves were confined for a few davs in tha barnyard and partook of it freely. One calf as soon as it was seen to be dull and stapid was treated to s yiul f malted lard three time a day for three d lys and the dose gradually di minis bed for three days mare and it seems in a fair way to recover. There W no ap prehension that the disea will spread as those affected were kept in a pastnre by themselves. Any snggestions of value from those who have had ezper ieuca with stock, regarding this disease, ' Will be thankfully accepted. be cut with the header. L, O. Jacks is building a grain plat form at the depot for the purpose of re ceiving aud forwaiding grain the com ing season. Ike has a very large crop himself and thought he might want te hold up high prices and the expense of storage would almost pay for the plat form . W. J. Snodgrass- was in the city a few days ago looking for a place on the P. & Y. V. branch to locate as grain buyer. He expressed a preference for this place, but finding that Messrs. Sib son & Church had an agent located here, aud being agent for the same firm, he decided to locate elsewhere. Titswoith & Fallon are creeping a large frame building on the site of the Jumper, June 2D, 1885. To the Editor of the Lkadek: Another - wedding on the tapis--BO they say. The familiar clatter of the mower can now be heard. Quite a number of new headers have been bought by farmers of this vicinity, Old machinery is being hauled out aud repaired. The frequent showcis are somewhat retarding the ripening of the grain. Notwithstanding, the emerald-green color of the w heat fields is being rapid ly superseded by the amber hues of gold. Chris Ellis aud Fred Petre of Willow CreeK and Ucv. J . li. Liiamunrlain ot Dayton are in our vicinity. They re port good crops iu those sections eveu better than iu this country. J. T. Redman and Chas. Bowling, of Adams, were down on Juniper last week "looking for a stock ranch," They spoke in flattering terms of our farms, and most especially of the oue belong ing to the man to wtiom they were talk ing. J. T. is a champion flatterer. The tri-weekly mail will be put on the ronte between Juniper and Vansy- cle July 1st; then, perhaps, we can get our Westou and Pendleton papers iu something less than a week after they are published. A horse-racing mania seems to have recently struck this country very forci bly, as that amusement has been in dulged in quite freely of late. Tho first one we notice was ou North Cold Spring between horj-cs belonging to Hank Caplinger and Geo. Cottrell, in which S'2j0 changed hands, and en the two succeeding Saturdays there were "big" races on Middle Cold Spring, with what results I have not been pains taking enough to ascertain. Considerable improvement is going on this season in our vicinity. Jas. Corne lius, one of our dashing bachelors, has had built for himself a good house. J. N. Stamper and Metvin Petre have each a handsome dwelling in coarse of con struction. Mr. Petre, who but a hort ! time ago was one of our smiling bacbe- Draperst Draper! Drapers! j; S. White & C., of Weston, have special facilities for furnishing all kinds of Drapers on short notice at extremely low prices, all made of ,61b ' Woodbury Ducking, selected Eastern hard . wood, oak-Ui lined feather belting, patent clamps and made to order. 2-belt drapers, 36 ih., 65e.; with pat ent clamps, 75c. per foot. 3-belt drapers, 36 in., 75c; with pat- eut clamps, SOc. per foot. 4 belt drapers, 36 in., 90c; with pat ent clamp, 95c. per foot. Separator Grain Carriers: 19-foot lengths, 31J in., 30.00. 19-foot lengths, 35J in., $35.00. 19-foot lengths, 39 in., $40.00. . 19 foot lengths, 43 in., $45.00. 19-foot lengths, 471 in-. $30.00. Terms, cash or approved security, Live Agent Wanted. To sell Dr. Chase's ltccipes; or in formation for everybody, in every coun try in the United States and Canada Enlarged by the publisher ti 6 S3 pages, It contains over 2.000 household recipes and is suited to ail classes and condi tions of society. A wonderful book and a household necessity. It sells at sight. Greatest inducements ever -of fered to book agents. Sample espies sent by mail, postpaid, for 2.00. Ex elusive territory given. Agents more than double their money. Address Dr. Chase's Steam Printing House, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 20 3m DD.vrjSTai. FOii SALE. A fine farm, two miles fro.n Center ville, 1C0 acres deeded land and SO acres of railroad land, on easy terms. Will take one-half in cattle or horses. A big bargain to be had. Apply ac once to 15. J). bWACGART, Centeryille, Oregon FOB SALE.- ! iiiiorfiittii 3 n nfif ... Has, been appointed "agent at WEtfrTfdr tor the 3a!e ct thetonowing . r-.r.?;- agricultural Impietnonto Batchelbrs & Wflye's CELEBRATED SPRlllC-TOOTIi GOODS.: Harrows, Cultivators and Seeders.- MITCHELL'S well-known Wagons, Hacks and Cngztcftf The Western Fanning Mill, V the best on the Coast, warranted t separate oat : anq barley from wheat, taking out every thing . and leaving nothing but the clean wheat. ::. ' Horaces Celebrated Draper Goods, Iron fastenings on the end of sticks, preventing their breaking.- ; -..--v THE WATERTOWX CARRIAGES AX2 BUGGIES. The Holliugsworth Hake, Self-Dumping.'- -- All orders filled with promptness and at "Walla Walla : prices. L8I5KHAL IICOOT FOR CASH. -Call and examine Goods and price. -Office on Slain St., one door east of Marshall no use. J. S. WHITE. ' Standard Calcutta Importation of 1885. CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, and in any quantity. Farmers will do well to call and get prices before par chas ing elsewhere. Delivered at any station on railroad. Mar ket priee paid for wheat. A J. ROUANZOIN, Milton, Oregon. tST Aucnt for Sibson, Church & Co., of Portland. 26-tf The Extra Inducements - offered in Low Prices and genu ine quality of goods sold, is ; bringing trade, as such a. course naturally should, to tha store of SAL16& GO,, A house and lot in Centerville, on Main htreet, in the business portion of the city. An excellent location for either dwellia" or business purposes. Price 1000 one-half cash; balance on easy terms. R, A. CaIIDEN, - Weston, Oregon. jyj- P. BONEBRAKE, The Painter, Weston . Oregon. Kotiec. My wife, Clara Stone, having left my bed and board without cause or provo cation, I hereby give notice that I will not be responsioleforanv dems she may contract." Jaktis STONE. Dated at Weston, Juno 15th, 1SS5. 27-4t 3t Don't forget that Keese & Redman are located at Adams, and do a "boss" business. . Steinaker & Co. keep tne Buckingham ee lieelit s boots and shoes, j Steinaker & Co. have the largest and best assortment of wall paper in Weston. l'or barging in glassware and crockery go toHeese&Redinau's, Adams, Reese & Redman, Adams, ara pay ing the highest market r.itas for wheat. Steinaker & Co. make a specialty of cents ciotmng anil turnisinng goods. For a nobby suit call on them. JUY YOUR ' j BOOKS, STATIONERY School Supplies, Novclilr, t ignrs, To- baeco, Confectionery, Etc., or W. C. STARKEY. At the P. O. Store - .- MILTON, OK. who have a bright new stock of ILadies I Gents' Jnrnisliiiig Goods I Fur and Straw Hatsr : Boots and Shoes, and a choice stock of GROCERIES & GLASSWARE all of which they guarantee equal to any and second to none In the market. .-- 5 Q Glorious Celebration AT- Successor to Nye & Franks ; . -i 9 -DEAlVEB IN- 9 Grand Procession, Liberty Car, riug Uglies, &c, &c AEBECUE FINE CALIFORNIA SADDLES A SPECIALTY FRANK BROx IMPLEMENT G0MPAI1Y, Main St., Walla Walla W. T. in good old time style. JOYFUL Kewa for Boya and Girla T . ing aiid eniovable, Young and Old ! ! A KEW IN- ' J SPEECHES, patriotic, pithy and appropriate. j GAMES of all kinds. FIRE WORKS, dazzling, amns- -DEALEBS IN- EVERYBODY INVITED, Haywaru Hand Grenades. -The best known Fire Extinguisher in the world. Don't delay In supplying yonr sclve3 with them at once. Property and lives saved every day with them. You cannot afford to be without then). M. S. McQuarrie, Agt, Walla Walla, G. J. Becht, 124 Market St., S. F., General Agent. IA hlwt-Ufnith olw.. .l,;l. t ,11 A,. In at win,., T1.I .. " i,..;i.i: i. bllS "'ana-ed affairs quite different occupied by Xeil McEchern, who has returned to this place from Adams, where be has been working at the blacksmith trade. We are glad to see Neil back again. T. M. Smith, a young man who came up from Butter creek to work in harvest, met with a serious accident a tew days since, in which he lost the lit tle linger of bis right hautl. While helping to Hue up a hnre power fie master wheel slipped, cutchicg his lin ger between the cogs with Uie result above stated. . The many friends of Johnny DiUen- ger will be sorry to learn ot his death in California, whither he had gone in hopes of regsiniug his health. Mrs. liallenger received a dispatch calling h to him, and left Centerville ob the lath nit. She reached Lakcport, Cali lorma on the eveniag of the 20th, bat ly to Mr. Cornelius, and I believe it is the best plan: he concluded to catch his bird and then build his cag?; but Jim thought he would build bis ca(;e and then capture his bird, bnt, alas! good fortune Ins never attended his efforts. D. X. Vanskiver, it seems, adopted the latter plan some three years ago, and is still in the deplorable state of bachelor hood; but judging by the rate aud num ber of times he wanders Cold Spring ward since a couple of young ladies from Weston have" taken np their abode there, he will soon bid farewell to the dingy walls of the bachelor ball. Captain" Jixks. When baby wss sick, we gave her C ASTORIA, When she was a child, we gare ber C ASTORIA, VThtn she became Miss, she duiwr to CAST! BIA, When she had chiIdrenThcgnve them OASTOBJA American Bvspcpllcs. Americans, more than any ether na tion in the world, are victims of stem vh derangements. This is ewing te the hurried manner in which they eat their meals and to the amount aud quality of fuod eaten, rich food being cheaper here than iu any other country of the world. There are very few Americans whose stomachs are in a perfectly health! con dition. Most remedies lor derange ment of the stomach are offered in the form of bitters, tenioa, etc., which merely stimulate the stomach aud afford a temporary relief. De Haven's Dys pepsia Cure is a remedy that supplies what- is wanting in the digestive juices of a deranged stomach and is the only remedy offered to the public that cures all forms of Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Flatulency, free sample bottles at 'V. H. McCoy's drng store. ' Rellclon Xstier. Kev. H. W. Gross, D. D., lata Bih ep of Savannah, Ga., aad Archbishop elect at Oregon, will preach at Pendle ton July 5th, at II o'clock a. m. Dar ing the service be will administer the Sacrament of Contirnation. ' He will also lecture in the evening. Archbishop Gross ia well known throughout the South as an eloquent and elegant speak er. A cordial invitation is exleuded to all, irrespective of creed. - Fatoek L. L. CoBA5Dr, for Home use I j Fret and Scroll ffawinv. Tirrninir Boriiur. DrilliDff.Griiidintr. Poliahiue ; and a ffav eaad time fmaractppd. Screw Cutting. Price 5 to $50. I I Send 6 ceota for 100 paces. t KPHKAIM BKOW2Y, Lowell. Hut Farm and 1 ill tlachinery ATTENTION.MIIl MEN! i Saw Timkr forjSale! PiME, TAMARACK, SPRUCE & FIB. Good location. Plenty of water to run the year round. Guod waon roads to Walla, Milton and Weston. r Price, $2 per M. C&!1 on or address A. W. WALLER, M nliw, vregoa. Centerville House. L McHCNE MANAGER. This new and commodious hotel has just been completed and i now rtady for the reception of gucato. t The Rooms are all Neatly Furnished The table wil at all times be fnnriabod with the delicacies of the season, t No effort will fortable. be spared to make guests com- Large Sample Room FOE COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. Main Si. Centerrillc WALTER A. WOOD'S BIKDEKS. WALTER A. WOODS CHAIN RAKK REAPERH. " WALTER A. WOOD'S 8WEF.P RaKC REAPERS, WALTER, A. WOOD'S ENCLOSED GEAR X07XR4' GAAR, SCOTT & CO.'S SEPARATORS, G.AK, SCOTT A CO.'S PLAIN AND TRACTION ESQ IKE V- COATES' LOCK LEVER HAT UAkE. ' . w . ... . .. - . . . ALSO A FULL LINE OF FARM MACHINERY. ' Writs for catalogue. Address FB.1KK. BKOH.' IMPLEMKNT CO., roMlaMI THE MILTON NURSERY This ij-ar a paid for by tbe Adams Livkki Siasls. "S9S iesst F HBLDMAS. IIOLD3IAX The undersigned has on hand a Uiye assortment of one, two a&d tnree-y ear-old , Fruit Trees, Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plams.ctc., I Some Dew and ran fruit. Also erctal of th best Russian Varieties Also six or eight varieties of GRAPE BOOTS, wnien we wui sell EE PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, I sod wiil also take to exchanre Wheat, Barley i auu vm m iuc ntuiiui hak&i.i rtfAjs O. HOLDXAS BROS., ni nr- Stoves and JHardware Adams, Ortoa. Keep ahnya in stoesv a aetiet aasortnent of CCT LERY ot the best lnuv, and a foil line of Wood and Willow Ware. NOW IS THE TI5IE I to insure the neatevtamoant and choicest varfe- ! ties. We warrant oar stock true te sane; so j eome on ana patronize Dome proamnion. AARON MILLER & SON, " One KO KorUi of MQtsn. QUK1S WHEELEli, T0KS0RIAL ARTl?Tt - KaBs, Bnlfe. 8erw, Kits and Trrthing;hi meur mamas mnnersmits. ratrosage tespertfully sofated and. . Adas 17..t'ronmA!X7,.n.nn.1 Bchthand. HaireutUn: , uii m a loiiuvn was sssssis stj le. ol toe art. Keen razors, dean tmeta. easy chain and Ul Use UtcaVasM oeat A 1Ti A TtTH Those deeir'ne gna. eentrallT Wall H.iflMi Lota or beautiful? situated Bestdeoca Sites 1st Hie tanTing new . CITY OF ADA!2Gr ean be aeoaaunodated by canine si the ofBee of (km nu4un reai csiaie jwiociauona 2 ' - ADAKS, OEEOOJT uicvALL iiaiiso:?, it at the PostoOce Store, it Has Well know Cheap Charley'? OrADAU8.0BEGOw. acd keaps eorutarrUToii hand s lull aatort- as GENT8' JXRSL3HISO GOODS, J - , t " TOBACCO AND aOARS,. ' v ' XfftlQSS TOILEZ AKtltUM' f CCTLEBT AND CAHlrXD 0OODtVT ' , Bebcs azb,' sxAnoxKsr at wUekr Lomber nmf bebonftM si fik. in defy cosBietiujn. ; . ) tracpieoeofU