Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, July 03, 1885, Image 1

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    lagls Copies..
.,15, Cts t
jv; 8c wood, -
YtESTOX, Oregon.
' Legal blanks of all kinds tor wile.
Office at Postnffiee. 10 29
Heal Ifctat. wl r.blle rnd Mttcf Wlolty.
Collections rmnMr attended t. Office over
ths Wrst National Bank, Court St. bi
Attorney at Law,
win afulln In the Court of this State and
Waalilnitoa Territory. Special attention paid to
Land OfBee iMlsuieas ana uollocuon.
am. li fit., Wests. Or.
tO-ivAt U L. - IleArtSnr will bMocUtod
itfi m. la all mv cases lu the Cbvult or Supreme
j j. Mcdonald,
, Physican and Surgaon.
OFFICE Over tho Drug Store, Is
land City, Oregon, f JTA11 calls prompt
jy (tended to.
jgl tt. RARKEU, M: D.
Office at Cook & It rine's Drag Store.
Physician and Surgeon.
Obstetrics anil dlseaws ol women a specialty.
Omen Ovsa SreiXAHu'a.
Wes-ros, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office In Roese Sc Co.'s Drug
C. All calls promptly attended to.
QEO. W. KING. M. D.,
Physician and' Surgeon.
Office over Steinaker's store,
Calls promptly answered day or night.
Witc!)nn!cr and Jeweler,
cBdl:-toa ' ' J' jtT"V. Orfjw
Court at. , in Dcnieri's Drug Store .
TV atch ratniriu; a specialty. Jewelrv mule to
ricraml reiwun-tt. All work wariuvet). Auci.t
or th. sal. of American Watches, Pacific Jewel-!
rr Company and Klnjj's celebrated combination :
paouwies mm D-t in me wonu; aiso airent iot
the Weber and Chickerinff pianos, the Estev and
terlintr onrans, C. Q.
Cunn't MdC. MahilIon .
oraas instruments '
Waukesha Glenn,
Qnarantced Medicinally 8uperIor containing
more natural mineral salts. It is pure. Is tba
nly diutvetic water known in the world which
lets directly npou th.i secretions of the Liver,
Kidney, Urinary and Generative Organs, and la
Suture's Sovereign Krmedy for that numerous
llassof diseases that afUlei the human lamlly.
tW Tbonssnds of testimonies mailed free.
As a test we will send you a sample case of ,
en quart bottles.ss bottled for family and club
ue.ou receipt of t l.&O and this advertisement,
v a half barrel for 13. Address
Private Lino Tclepbncs
For on bet vera office and rvsldenca
or factory Sold outrlRbt. No renting
Takes place of Ba 1 Telephone on all
lines under two miles In length. No
infrigemnt. Pat. Nor. 80, '80. 6000
In use. CimHarafrt. Agent! uxxnUd
llarbert Telephone C'w,
DtoUra in T tlephoiu and Kitctricol
SuppU qf erery description,
. 150 LaSalle Be . Chicago.
5ffcr superior Inducements with It s fine cllm
tte, soil, magnificent timbers, fertile prairies.
ind pur waters; with several Railroads r
irntly completed. Farrners, fruit growers, '
itock ('eslcrs and lumbermen should Invests
ate this splendid country. 1 1
Send three postage stamps for late railroad ;
ind township map of state with reliable Infoto :
natioo ol the best locations, and special rate
af f ve I can obtain.
H2 Dearborn 8t , Chicago, 10.
.as joss wnai its name implies ; s
u.relj Vegetable "Compouad, lha
pets directly npoa the i7eT ; 'caring
,i UieuanydiseasesiiidMrMothatiiiL!
parunt organ, and plotting the aa'
Borons aHmtnts tlJWarise from its
deranged. OTfcrraarVSction.
CosHraHaaria, Sick-Tveadaclii
etc Jt is therefore J
'ToTunre Good Health
kept in order.'' '
ss. BAjrroso'B lives isnoonAToa.'
Invigorates the Liver, Regulates the Bow
alt, Strengthens the System, Purifies the,
Blood , Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers.1
Is s Household Need. An Invaluable.
Family Medicine for common complaints.'
v turross'8 xms xsvxgo&atos'
Jimpriene$ tf Forty years, and Thovi
' Kinds tf Ttimtmiait prvrs Ut Merit. -
for rel Infornmtloa send your address for Vjf
ago Book the - Liver and Its diseases," la
1 i
: 9
Absolutely Pure.'
ntkinftWflftrnAVAval X nnn..f ...
strength and wholeeomeness. llore economical
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com
petition with the multitude of low test, short
weight, alum or phosphate powdera. Sowonroj
case. Boras fiakua fowsia Co., 1QS Wall-st,
Contractor and Builder,
Adams . . . . Oregon.
Plant and specifications furnished. Thorough
workmanship guaranteed and prices moderate.
j-n. S. C. CBAFT,
Adniu, . . - Oregon.
OfHce at his resilience on Main and Calvin
Calls promptly resp uidcd to day or night.
Wason & Carriage Makers,
Adams, Oreson.
All kinds of Carpentering and Wood Work done
o order ut reasonable rates.
Washing and Ironing,
Adams - - Oregon.
The flneHt Lanndry Work done on the shortest
notice and in a style to please the most fastidious.
' mnt i fnnnntnr 1Srtrlv nw.
aiueennfr. discoveries, inventions snd nateirls
ever published. Every nurcher illustrated with
?pP5'i?nKr,,ln:". This Duplication, furnishes
Sri anMSSSifs V'SZl''
the taumno Ahkbicah is such that its eir-
''"oombfned. Price. 3.20 ay er. discount
SpV oojd by all uewBdaaiers. MUIJN 4 CO.
practice before
the Patent Office, and have prepared
mora than One Hundred Thous
and applications for patents in the
IJnited States and foreign countries.
f.AviAt.a. Trade-Marks. Corjsriehts.
Assignments, and all other papers for
aeonring to inventors their rights in the
United States. Canada, England, France.
Germany and other foreign countries, pre
pared at short notice and on reasonable terms.
Information as to obtaining patents cheer
fully given without charee. Hand-books ot
infnwmatiMi Mnt. ipm. Patents obtained
thronfrh Uunn & Co. are noticed in the Scientific
American free. The advantage of snch notice is
well understood by all persons who wiiih to dispose
of their patents.
Address MTJNN CO., Cilice SuiXNTUlsJ
Ttfg.-tinAM, SCI Broadway. Kew Yoilt.
And Other Poblicatlons.
For further particulars write to
R. A. Tenncy,
"Let ut go into the house of the Lord,'
PSALMS 122: 1.
Divine service at the First Baptist
Church of Weston, Oregon, on tne First
and Hard isundavs in each month,
morning and evening. Sunday school at
3 p. m. every Sunday. Prayer Meeting
every lliurstluy at 7 p. m. All are cor
dially invited to attend these services.
W. 11. l'KLETT, Pastor.
Obtained, and all Patent Business at
home or uhroad attended to for moder
ate fees. Our cilice is opposite the U.
S. Patent Office, and we cn obtain pat
ents in less time thau fiose remote from
Washington. Send Model or Dratring.
We advise as to patentability tree of
charge; and we charge no fee unless
patent is allowed.
We refer, here, to the Postmaster,
the S;ipt. t,f Money Order hi v., and to
officials of the IT. S. Patent Otnce. For
circular, advice, terms, and references
to actual client in your own State or
county, write to
c. a. sxow & eo
Opp. Pat. Omce, Washington, D.C.
The BxrrEBsf Grrra is issued March
and Sept., each year; 224 pages, 81x111
inches, with over 3,300 illustrations
a wbole picture gallery. Gives wholesale)
prices (fired to consumers on all goods for
personal or "Sv family ose
Tells how to order, and
gives exact AaT Arfl cost of ev
erything yoa i JJ use, drink,
e'.wSor V-S-ey iavo fua
Jh. These ZSeeT. invaluable,
books contain information gleaned from
the markets of the world. We will mail
a copy Free to ry address upon receipt
of the postage 3 cent. Let us hear
from you. r Respectfully,
Harvest in at hand. .
Plenty ol new hay in the market. .
Mrs. One was adjudged insane and
taken to Salem.
Mae McClary 1m clerking for Mr.
Hager of II?ppner.
Fresh candies and Fourth ef July
goods at F. M. Pauly's.
Hazlelt, the tramp printer, paid us
his annual visit last Saturday.
A nice line of candies and auts at
J. J. Banta & Co., Centerville.
Pendleton will not celebrate. The
people are respectfully invited to Wes
ton. The nasty,, pestiferous fly has come
again. But perhaps you have noticed
, At this writing Dr. G. W. King is
suffering from a severe attack of rheu
matism. Prof. J. M. Taylor has received a
life diploma from the State Board of
Everybody and his wife are expect
ed in town to-morrow, together with
their children.
Do you want first-class goods at
reasonable prices? Go to Holl's &
Cleves, Centerville.
The open air concerts given by the
Weston Comet Band are highly appre
ciated by the people.
Dou't fail to call on J. J. Banta &
Co., and get their prices an Machine
Oils before you buy. i
Doble's saw mill is in full blast and
there is in the yard for sale all kinds of
lumber and plenty of it. -
Rev. J. B. Chamberlain of Dayton
was in the city last Monday and called
round te see the Leader.
The game of base ball between the
Milton and Weston clubs to be played
here to-morrow, promises to be very
Voters of school district No. ID are
to have a special meeting on Monday
6th of July to elect one director for a
term of three years.
The Weston Hook & Ladder Com
pany has received a fine truck with the
usual accompaniment of ladders, hooks,
axes, buckets, &c, &c.
Watches cleaned $1.50.' Main
springs $1. Case springs $1. Clocks
cleaned $1. All work warranted by
Frank Manning, Centerville.
During dry weather there is much
danger to property in the burning ef
firecrackers. The proper authorities
f wilt" pixiUiibly
cautions on the Fourth of Jaly.
John Donovan who live3 on the
Young mountain, was burned out , of
house and home last Jaly. But he
has si nee built a nice house, is igw
ready to receive his friends and has
plenty of cord wood for sale.
When the blood moves sluggishly
in the veins because it is loaded with
impurities, an alterative is needed, as
this condition ef the vital fluid cannot
last long without serious results. There
is nothing better than Ayer's Sarsapar
ilia to purify the blood and impart en
ergy to the system.
Last Sunday Mr. I. V. Lynch's
little boy fell out of a wfndow and
struck his knee against the sharp ede
of a broken saucer, cutting a great gash.
The wonud which bled with alarming
profuseness was attended to by one of
our doctors who toucd it necessary,
swing to the location of the injury, to
put a splint and bandage en the leg to
keep it iu a position favorable to union.
Last Saturday, a young man named
Smith, who came from Cold Spring to
work .during harvest for Mr. J. S. Mor
gan, was standing with his hand on
one of the wheels of a threshing ma
chine, when some one turned the belt,
dcan ibg Smith's hand in between two
cogged wheels. The result was a bad
ly mashed hand and lacerated fingers.
Th j little finger was found so severely
crushed that the surgeon considered it
advisable to amputate it at the secoud
joint. This finishes Smith's harvesting
for a day or two.
Two men, named Kearney and
Sharer had been working for Mr. Rich
ards near Centerville. They roomed
together. Last Friday Kearney an
nounced that his money had been
stolen. This induced Shaver to look
after his coin. It also had disappeared
to the tune of $31.25. Suspicion point
ed to Kearney as the tl.ief. lie was
arrested, tried and bound over to ap
pear before the next grand jury. A
misunderstanding arose as te the proper
person to take him to Pendleton, Be
fore it was satisfactorily arranged
Kearney skipped, vamoosed, vanished,
fled. His abiding place has not yet
been definitely ascertained. Mr.
Shaver, our informant, feels indig
nant at the escape of Kearney, and
insists that it looks too tnucb like a
"put up job," as Kearney after having
been convicted aud placed uader $250
bouds. was turned ever te the constable
who in turn turned him over to some
one else, who turned him loose, or al
lowed him to escape. As wi only have
one side of the story we are- unable to
say where the blame lies, but it seems
ceitain that the prisoner is at liberty
and that Mr. Shaver u out $31.25.
Bncklra's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salvs in the world tor Cots,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped lianda,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erupt
ions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. for sale by
W, H, McCoy,
She stood at lh window,' gazing out
upon the fast falling ain and the
dreary, half-deserted street Sweet Et
ta Leigh, pekiU, hrown-eyed and brown
haired, not beaoty, bat a very lova
ble little creature. Just now there was
a perplexed frown npoa her white brow
and in her sott dark eyes a look of anx
iety and indecision. v; v' !U : f
."Oh, dear!" she exclaimed aloud.half
petulantly, "I do wish I knew bow to
decide. It is a momentous question for
a young girl to answer for herself; yet
mamma refuses to influence me by her
opinion, and papa! oh, I know lis
wishes upon the subject. It's just like
a scene in a pity er a novel. The hero
ine of the story that's myself? receives
an offer of marriage frou a wealthy old
man; she does not care a copper far hir
ancient lover, rather dislikes him, in
fact; but her father -there is always a
cruel parent' in the play or the novel
is determined upon her acceptance, and
-and- I just will not doit--tbat's all!"
And she brought her little foot down
upon the carpet with perhaps a little
more emphasis than was necessary, and
went on with her soliloquy:
"If I had never seen Will Raymond
I still do not believe I could decide to
marry old Meridith with all his money 1
But Will and I are betrothed, and 1 do
love him with all my heart. We are
young and we can wait. I know that
Will is bound to succeed his business
is prospering, and I am certain he can
provide tor a wife. Yet I'd like to be
She relapsed into silence and stood
staring out of the window, with the
rain drops dashing themselves to pieces
against the crystal panes, and tne large,
datk eyes grew thoughtful.
"Yes, I would like to be rich," she
resumed slowly; "only think how nice
it would be to have every wish grati
fied! Mr. Meridith is able to grant ev
ery desire of my heart, to give me a
magnificent home, diamonds I've, want
ed a diamond ring ever since I can re
member fine dresses, foreign travel!
Oh, dear! why can't Will have all these
tilings to offer me? But no, if I marry
him I will have a neat little white cot
tage for a home, my wedding ring will
be a. plain gold band, I shall never trav
el outside. New York State, I suppose,
and life will go on 'like a tale that is
told.' I shall live as thousands of oth
ers do, that same humdrum, treadmill
life that halt the married women live,
and die at last and then that's all!"
She turned away with a half sob. She
wa getting morbid and fanciful; brood
'and was j
making herself
rsclf exceedingly unhappy.
Not a merceuary girl, deal- reader blpss
your heart, no! but I think there are
few women who would not have devot
ed time and thought alike te to the so
lution of so important a problem.
Even as she stood there, turning over
and over the vexed question in her
mind, the rain ceased, the clouds rolled
away, old Sol peeped out from behind a
misty white veil, pedestrians began to
peur upon the ram-washed streets, and
then the door-bell rang.
A few moments later Mrs. Leigh open
ed the door of her daughter's chamber,
where the girl had beeu passing the
"Etta, my dear," she legan pleasant
ly, "Mr. Meridith is in the parlor and
would like to see you."
Etta arose from the low rocker in
which she had been sitting, and, woman-like,
glanced into the mirror. No
fault was to be found with the dainty
white lawn dress, and the smooth braids
of nut-brown hair were irreproachable.
She sighed plaintively. I.
Mamma," t he said desperately, "he
is going to ask me to marry him, I feel
conviiied ef it. Tell me what to do."
Mrs. Leigh tried to force a smile to
her own troubled face.
"My dear," she said, "1 cancot. Both
these men are good men. Mr. Meridith
is rich, however, and can grant you all
your wishes that is, all that money
can buy. But if you love Will, Etta,
your own heart ought te be the most re
liable judge in this matter. I could not
sanction a marriage devoid et affection;
I only advise you net to be hasty, but
weigh the question on both sides care
fully and decide for yourself. God help
you and oless you, my child!'
And Mrs. Leigh kissed the girl's
smooth cheek ere she went down stairs
to receive her eldarly traitor. For Etta
was correct Arnold Meridith, who bad
already asked her father's permission to
address her, had ceme to woo in propria
She entered the parlor; an elderly
man, rather portly, with iron-gray hair
and beard, arose to greet her. Etta's
heart grew cold as she conjured up a
vision of a fair, earnest, manly face.
with waving golden hair aad eyes as
blue as the sky which smiled down up
ou her throngh the open windows as she
quietly greeted her caller,
He proceeded at once in a business
like way to lay before her the advan
tages ef a anion nhh himself, and urged
her ejficrly to become his wife. It was
evident that Arnold Meridith was deep
ly in leve with Etta Leigh. Her dark
eyes met his gaze unflinchingly.
"Mr. Meridith," she said slowly,
do not love yon I "
He checked her impetuously. .
"I do not expect yon to love me new
at first. I am willing to ! take yon
just as yoa are, Etta, and love will ceme
in time. I will ; grant year slightest
wish. Yoa shall have an income ot your
own, besides jewels, fine dresses, your
own carriage every whim shall be grat
ified, Etta; yoa will have everthing!"
" "Except love!" whispered a yoise in
ber heart, . r . .
"I thank yon for the honer that yoa
do me, Mr. Meridith," she faltered;
"bat I cannot accept; for I have no
heart to give, and I Will aeVer marry
without love I " -
The old man started to his feet, pale
and panting with anger.
"I know!" he sneered derisively; "you
are too much in love with young Ray
mond! Yeu haven't heard, I suppose,
that he is to be married soon te his rich
cousin. Miss Steele, from the South."
Etta fell back a Step and her face
grew deadly pale. J "
She knew that Miss Steele had ar
rived a week before on a visit to her rel
atives, the Raymonds and yes it
was true; Will had not called upon her
since his cousin's arrival. j
, She made no answer to the crnel
words, but there was an awful pain in
her heart as she stood there, j . . '
It is said that the evil one always
helps his own, (not that I am certain of
his claim upon Mr. Meridith, but it
seemed so at that moment) for just then
down the street there dashed an open
carriage, and seated within were Will
Raymond and a beautiful, dark-eyed
woman, elegantly attired. ;, '
Mr. Meridith laughed a mocking,
sneering laugh. ,'
"There they go bow," he said; "looks
as it there were some truth in the ru
mor, does it not!" -
But Etta's mind was made up past al
teration . ;
"I cannot be your wife, Mr. Meri
dith," she cried, "whether he be true -or
false; I cannot premise to 'lore, hsnor
and obey' a man for whom I cherish
neither honor nor respect."
Mr. Meridith's face was ashen white.
He bowed freeziqgly.
"As you will, Miss Leigh," be said
coldly. Then he bade her adieu and
was gone.
Etta Leigh was a very sensible girL
Will Raymond was her betrothed hus
band. She had a right to knew the
meaning of his conduct. This' was no
time for false pride. The happiness of
her own life, perhaps his also,! was at
So my unorthodox heroine did not
follow tne nsual precedent in such cases
and write her lover a cold letter, return
ing the engagement ring, and severing
all ties between them. On the contrary
she wrote Will Raymond , a friendly
note, asking him to call, if convenient,
that evening. The term "if convenient"
being the only outlet to her wounded
pride which she allowed herself for she
was smarting under a sense of injury
and neglect. - I
Will came blue-eyed, . fair-haired
Will, as handsome as a Greek Gad, .but
ja trrffe cofwli. hun ueetiiirf. . -?? '-rv
Etta, pale bat determined, told him
qnietly the story which Mr. Meridith
had repeated to her, and demanded to
know if it were true. I
He faced her, pale to the very lips.
"Before I answer yeur question," . he-
said, a little sternly, "I beg the privi
lege of asking another. Etta, lis Mr.'
Meridith anything to you?" j
"Nothing but" with a half smile
'a rejected suitor." j
W.U caught her in his arms.
abo i, iu mv tnolish pride, was
avoiding you," he cried, "because Meri
dith told me himself that you were look
ing upon his suit with favor. Just
think of it, .Etta you are my betrothed
wife!" i
"And v. hat about Miss Steele?" que
ried Etta, slyly. j
"Cousin Nettie? Why, Etta, didn't
you know that she is engaged to my
"If I had known I should set have
been jealous of her," whispered Etta.
ui), win, now much better it. is in
such a case as this, between two loving
hearts, to slay one's pride aiid ask the
truth. How much sorrow and separa
tion might be avoided in life if erery
body was brave enongh to take this
And Will's answer, though not in
words, was quite satisfactory.
When the wedding came off, Miss
Steele's gift to the bride was simply
magnificent. A pretty home of her
own and a set ef lovely rese diamonds,
But Etta says (and so do I) that all
the wealth in the woild is not to be
compared with the love of one true
heart. And I, too, agree with Etta that
much trouble, much sorrow and separa
Hon might be avoided if one had only
courage to slay one's pride and self-ceu-
ceit and go bravely to the loved one
and "ask the truth "
Ills Isnal Adlvee.
There was another Cincinnati
riot the other day. A young man
who had lost about 10,000 on a
wheat speculation went for a broker
"Seo here, didn't yoa say that
wheat was as low as it could go?
"O, ves."
"And that it was a good time to
"And that you'd advise any one
desirous of speculating to invest in
"I believe that was my advice."
"Well, sir, I bought wheat oh
your advice and am $10,000 cat of
pocket, as you know.
"But what are you going to do
about ur bowled the victim.
"The same as I always do," was
the placid answer. "I always
advise dropping wheat and going
into oatsi
"Ron far the doctor, quick! Help
help! Dot baby has swallowed
ickel!" exclaimed Mrs. Schaumbarg
"Mine Gott, yon make so much fuss as
if it was a $20 gold piece. Be calm,
Kepeocsy. replied Most. .
- ;. - i - - -. -
From the Pendleton Tribune. -
Doctors report several eases of diph
theria in oar town. I
A. Mason was takes below last Sat
urday by U. S. Marshal Morse charged
ith disposing of whiskey to an Indian;
Yesterday morning at the fair grounds
on of the horses kept there made a
grab at John Halts, who was close by
him at the time, and eanght him by
the cheek, tearing it in a fearful man
ner, v
The following marriage licenses were
issued in the county clerk's office for
the month of June:; Robert Tremble
and Nettie Spots; T. L. Willoughby
and Nettie M.; Peters) Raines B. Perry
and Jessie Stanfield; W. M. Folsom
and MoIlie H. Johnsbn Wm. W-Kioe
and Alice "Kirklamd; Henry H. Horu
and Mary L. Kulp; Emanuel May and
Amelia K Selling; Ji W. Sullivan and
Mary F. Isaacs.
J. H. Kunzie of Umatilla, J. A. Ful
ler of Heppner and S. Rothchild ot
this plaee, commissioners to appraise
the county property Pnd determine the
proportion due Morrow county have
been at work all the! week overhauling
the county records. :It is expected it
will take at least a week of hard labor
before they can tell what the debits and
credits of. the county' are, so they can
make the proportion.
R. W. Pritcbard as last Saturday
djudged insane and taken to the asy
lum by Sheriff Martin. Mr. Pritchard
was once before about twe months
ago sent to that institution, and aftf r
remaining there a few days was pro
nounced cured and came back. A few
days after returning1 he again began
acting crazy and was placed iu jail far
safety until County Judge Lucy return
ed from a trip east, when he could be
examined and once more sent to the
asylum. Pritchard is not dangerons te
any one but himself,! but- there is no
knowing how soon 'his malady may
take a turn and somebody get hurt, if
not killed, were he allowed to remain
at large. It was deemed advisable to
remove him te the asylum.
" The Averas Cost of Living.
How many persons have even
rough idea of the average sum
upoa winch by far the larger part
ot tne citizens of the United States
are fed, clothed and. housed! A re
cent statistician I estimates that
eighty per cent of; the' population
of this country is supported bv
from forty-five to fifty - cents per
capita a day. At the latter fijnire
this makes $164.25j as the average
annual, cost of ; living; but, as by
.w I. ... .... n ill... I- 1 . -. "
the balance'
tween extremes,
many persons who
there must be
have not even
this sura to live upen. That filty
cents a day is a generous estimate
will bo admitted when it is remem
bered that many mill operatives
earn only from fivejto seven dollars
a week, and that the wages of farm
hands run from twenty to thirty
dollars a month, arid that on these
sums several persons are often sup
ported. Wnen it is remembered,
too, that some other human beings
have a yearly income equal to what
is necessary for the subsistence of
500 or 1,000 of these "averase"
mortals, the startling contrast be
tween the extremes cf our modern
society must be roost evident.
Philadelphia Bulletin.
The Bible la English.
Adelmus translated the Psalms
into Saxon in 509. 1 Other parts of
the Bible were done by Edfrid, or
EgbRrt, in 750; the whole by Bede.
in ioS7 lrensa published the whole
in English. Tindall's translation
appeared in 1334, was revised and
altered in 1538. published with a
preface of Cranmer's in 1549, and
allowed to be read in Churches.
In 1551 another translation was
published, which, being revised by
stveral Bishops, was printed with
their alterations in 1560. In 1613
a new translation was published by
. i - i - .
autnonty, wmcn is tne one in
present use. There was no transla
tion of it into the Irish language
untill685. The Pope did not give
his permission for the translation
of it into any language until 1795,
Three Halves.
"What are you coin? to do with
that dog Mikef
"Sure, an I want to sell him,
"How much do you ask for himf '
"Well bein as it s you, sor, I'll
sell him to you cheap, and a better
dog niver walked in shoe leather,
You can have him for two dollars.
"What breed is her
"Well, sor, he's he's he's half
bull, and half Newfoundland, an'
an' half mistiff, sorf
"Ah? Well, this is the first time
1 ever knew of a dorr having three
. . ... " "
" Arrah an' begorra that's a big
dog, so he is. Ho d make a dozen
halves of the little ferry goin along
sejant. j
A scientific publication says that
the number cf stars to be seen by
the naked eye is not so great as is
commonly imagined. A count of
the stars dispels the false impres
sion. The whole number of these
luminaries down to those of the
fifth magnitude is said to be hardly
more than 1,500. r Stars of the
sixth magnitude . are - the tiniest
speaks of light, visible only in a
favorable state of the atmosphere,
and thesa included will not raise
the count much above 4,000.
i i - -
a f -a " - -
I 3 t3 i . - 1 -
!'? It'l
3 I S3 2 Eg . !- v. -
IS cb'S-CQSl:cI3-
a- GD 3 i a eK il r V
g-o cT id;-
r Q. 3 -2,8 g 0-3155
2o-o -sfs ' Oj 5 , v
g?: So r-
o - is j . -
8 I L I ,
Here is where yon can get yeur money's
Beef, Pork, Mutton,
and everything in the line of meats that
the country produces.
Highest market price paid for fat
would respectfully inform the pnbMe that she
ras juss opened out a complete Stock ot
Spring and Summer Millinery
In Mrs. Ashbj's old stand on Water St.
Feathers, .
aad all the latest Novelties.
My Stock is all new and fresh, and the ladies of
Weston and vicinity are respectfully invited to
call and examine it.
Boot and Shoe Maker,
The finest Boots kept eenstantly
hand or made to order on the
shertest notice.
a Specialty,
- Prices reasonable. '
42 3o P. MAXWEWs,
louring CI
Proebstel Bros. Proprietors
And keep constantly on hand nil tfiaifr
of mill feed such a -
Notice to the PoDllrv '
All persons kaowhrg themselves f in
debted either by note" or book account-,
are hereby req nested to eome forward
and make immediate payment, a all viS
running aoenaota must be settled ay
April 1st, 1884, or the same will be duly
collected by law. .
snJWo also wish to givo notier tost
me tveston Bteam Mour MilTis for rear
or sale. For further oartienkira armlw-
to the undersigned. . -.
Proebstel Dros.
Is prepared to do any aod ait kinds of
work in his line, PricewreaarrnabUu.
Satisfaction Guaranteed -
Notary VnbVLc,
Uad business of all sinos ftlaf, provfjss sr.
. attended UMrHh psossptasa and sate.
Coffecffrrg jCceoimts s $mr-7r
(B tlusawji to ffimpeow), i
n An d g n
Week (
sNtWsxt Sum hr OosewUry t Co-'