Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, June 26, 1885, Image 2

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    Weston. Weakly Leader.
FUIDAY,-JUNE;.6. 188.
That the mincl t xerciset great in
fluence or'er tbe bod; h long bteo
fcogruzd m a indisputable fact.
WVtl athenticatcd c&se are on
frcord iu which death baa been
cauatd by the 'direct influent of
the Diind opon the Wly, and others
equally well authontiuateu in rnicn
tifo haa evidently been prolonged
in apite cf the trost fatal maladies
tT tba ahenr strength of will power
Tbo recognition of this mnntal.force
Lai led to the idea that the disnaae
of oue person might be cured by
the force of mind of another. A
tendencr cf our nao is to unnze
forces. Nothing 89 pains th
American mind as the thought of
having anything go to waste. We
are now id a worry lest there may
be an electric" potency that 'might
turn 1I our wheels; we.ara attempt
ing to run engiuts by sunbeams;
the waste of water power at Niag
ara Is the grief of many; while those
who have escaped -'these forms of
distress aro mkds unliajir-y because
the air is nut as full of balloons as
the streets are of cars and wagon.
Whether the muid cure, of which
we now rend so much, can be more
widely u til szd iu medical practice
Vraiftins to ha neen. In the hands
1 of charlatans it is now being sub
jected to. no small share of nierci
Ikks ridicule. But Ignorant impos-
. tors' are sometimes the Crst to take
up that which is iutrin.sicj.lly good,
and though they may bring it into
disrepnte they cannot destroy what-
vr actual efficacy it may possess.
The active influence of the mind
upon the body is undoubted and
the intelligent practitioner even
now resorts to it in connection
with fresh air, nutritious diet, pure
'water and tuetlicina in the treat
ment of many cases. The mental
condition of the patient is of no
flinull importanco in the t-eatment
of many disease; but j nut how far
one mind can influence another as
a remedial measure remains to be
ljvra A Card.
The undersigned members cf the.
iowa jrress excursion w tne ireciuo
coast, bave found, one report here
which is unjust to the State which
we love and. honor.
It is that the statute incorporated
in its laws prohibiting the common
salt of intoxicating liquors as ber-
ersgi-s, is not and cannot be execut
ed. ' Represent iutt different Darts
of the 'state,' we testify tbat the pro-
numory statute, considering trie
short time since it was enacted, is
as well enforced throughout the
stale generally as other laws, and it
is daily growing stronger iu public
sentiment and will become the per
manent policy of the state. V e
ask ths attention ot the press of the
Pacific coast to this eorrectioa of
erroneous and unfair statements.
. C F Ularlsson, Des Moines; G F
Msgoun, Grinnell; H Wallace,
V1nter3et; L S Coflin, member Iowa
R R Com, Ft Dodge; G E Frost,
Clear Lake, la; J W Bull, CVdar
itapids; J Mat.rin,- Muscatine; C W
Ki-lper, Mt Vernon; G B Rockwell,
Rockwrll; Wilson Spencer," Cres'.on;
Henry C Lamb, Der.ison; G ,W
Thompson, Ianlip; Hd Jackson,
What Cbnr; T J Palmer, What
Cheer; J W Dorses, Monticello; R
Davis, Aniia; F McClelland, Cedar
Upids; Ralph Rbbinson, Newton;
Chas B Marine, Vinton; II J B
Cumnnngf, W intprset; John Grsy, !
Avoco; T, McK Stuart, Clarinda;'
D Shefler, Cedar Falls: F W Faulks,
Cedar Rapids. M. L Ward, Cedar
Rapids; S Koder, Monroe; Wnt
Toman, Independence; E A Snyder,
Cedar balls; J W Jarnagm, Monte
zuma; C Ash ton, Guthrie Center;
F A Sim-nons, Cedar Rapids; F M
Mills, Des Moines; G P l iar await,
Des Moines; J F Girton; H Neyen
esck,' Pelia; A D Wick, Jewell
Junction; J W Foster, Guthrie Cen
ter; J D Whitman, Dallas Center;
F L Whitman, Dallas Center; F
Chamberlain, Springville; S II Biu
man, Mt Vernon; A W Swalm,
O.skaloosa; J E Motz, Guthrie Cen
ter; J Maxson, West Liberty; S A
Craworth, GrirnelljD Hutchinson,
Creston; F R Conaway, Brooklyn.
Tili'UE is something in a name.
Not only do the vendors of patent
medicines and tiilet soaps consider
it sdvantsgeous to liav the favora
ble - recommendation of Henry
WnH Richer, but thre are found
poiiucisnx and thtologiars in this
'.nitry who considftj his opinions
as wG' ,hy f quoting.' That Beech
ir it an able man his career has
fully donmistrated, but that he is
a good Hion, or evon an honest man
is ope'i t j qji.'stion. The opinion
f an able honest man is always en
titled to consideration, but tho opin
ion of tush a man as Beecber on
any subject it worse than useless,
as his sincerity may always be rea
sonably doubted.
TliK usual annual uprising of the
Clieysr.no Indiana is anticipated
and givs . promise cf being quite
set ions The, preliminary murders
hare been committed. The Chey
ennes are said to bo well supplied
with arrcs and ammunition. Tn
all probability a running fight will
be kept up all summer. At the ap
proach of cold weathsr, when the
grass becomes poor and provisions
scarce, a treaty v ill be made; then
the most dange; :us' of the leaders
will bo fed a;id clothed all winter
and turned loose in the spring ready
for aaothcr picnic of pillage and
slaughter. This plan is getting
milo monotonous.
Trnnk Lines in (he I'nitcd St.-.tos.
The tendency of the railways in
ihe United States has been to com
bine into systems forming sorio of
the longest lines of continuous rail
way administration in the world.
The wholo railway mileage in the
United States and Canada is about
120.000 miles, and nearly hf.lf, or
57,93-1 miles, is in the hands of 15
companies, which in turn represent
the amalgamation of a greater num
ber ot corporations. The magnifi
cent distances traversed by these
railroads are as follows:
Missouri Parific. . . . f,045
Cliicfl.'0, Milwaukee & St Vau' .. .5,804
Chicago and Northwestern 5,(i-;."
I'emisylvnnia 4,S'iT
Union Pacific..: 4,743
Central Pacific
Canadian Pncific.... ..
Wabash, St. l.ouis and Pacilic, .
Vundtrbilt" roads ;
Grand Trunk
AtcM.-oin, Ton. ka and Sarin i'e
Southern P;u-il'o . . ....
liultiumre and Ohio
Northern Pacific
Louisville and a,hvilic
CEaEEAL sews.
The City of Mexico press excur-
8iob has started for El Paso and
other cities of the United States.
Upwards of a hundred and sixty
miners were killed by the Pendle
bury colliery explosien at Manches
ter, England. ...
Frederick Douglass has been in
vited to take editorial charge of the
Globe, the colored men's organ in
New York city. .
A Boston man, claiming to be a
scientist, says if the earth is not
bored full of holes it will burst.
As tbat scientist is at the Hub of
the Universe he ought to know.
C. P. Hundngton says that the
railroad wars waged among lines
east ef Chicago can all be stopped
by merging all the companies t.orth
of the Potomac and south of St.
Lawrence in one.
George A. Pyers, convicted of
wife beating at Baltimore, Md., re
ceiled fifteen lashes at the hands
0? the Sheriff this week. He is the
first white man whipped in Maiy
land for that offense.
By the last assessment roll of
San Francisco it appears that
the estate of Charles McLaughlin
pays taxes on 750,000 of personal
property, Lemuel Stanford on 287,'
GiO, and Charles Crecker on 148,-
Although the State of New York
will take charge of the grounds
about Niagara Falls next month
the 100 Bashi-bazouk hackmen of
the village will not be under State
control, and will run thinjrs as
The steamer Isere, which bears
the Bartholdi statue, is named after
the French river Isere. She was
once a ramous irigate, ana was
transformed into a transport during
the Crimean war, and has since
been used as a supply ship.
Winnepeg Pioner Lodge,
Knights of Labor, has issued an
earnebt appeal to workingmen in
the United States not to be beguiled
by the advertisements for workmen
put out by the . Canadian Pacific
and other contractors, because la
bor is abundant in Winnepeg and
the Northwest.
R. F. Gibbons is the new Mayer
of The Dalles.
Snewftdl in the mountains around
Lakeview the other night.
Several "esses of smallpox are re
ported from Wells station, Benton
county. ":. ""
Large numbers of squirrels arit
destroying crops in portions of
Union county this season.
The Iowa editors found the latch-
string out to them all over the State,
and warm greetings at every thresh-
There ipno doubt of the richness of
the new quartz discovery near Pine
valley. Prospecting outfits are the
order of the clay. .
A12yearoldboy named Hamilton
was drowned in the middle fork of
the Willamette above Pleasent Hill,
near Hyland s ferry, last Sunday.
A large area of corn was planted
this season and sir.ee the late raiDS
looks well. Jackson county cannot
fcS ....
Freefrmn Opiates, JSmettcs and Poisons.
Far Coughs. 8i-o Taroef, "Ijcrvcncw, Co! da,
Influenza, BroitcbJtlSr A etliiaa, trooii, Wbaaa
tng ougb, Qx!iiy, Pftiu iu Cbeer, aadotitor
eftccf ious o: ths Tbroe t and Lun v
Ptice 5 Cp v?Ets a bottle. Sold by Drosista anu
Dea-ers. Partlc-s unable to iudiu e their tifX'Jer to
frrortioHif mf. i ff-r them tail rt.reive two bottles,
Jurci :Ty- sxiid tj souO-ftj otjc dollar to
lkL t"A&-LiX A. Yft;:.LHK COMI'Aix,
dble Owners a;i.l Siniuf-ic 'Lirs.-
w-'iwnrci aarjii&d, CIA,
The San Francisco Bulletin com
plains that the Chinese are pouring
into California in almost as great
numbers as ever, notwithstanding
the restrictive legislation. The
great, majority come on Custom
House certificates believed to have
br-en purchased in Hong Kong from
returning coolies.
Tho Saoramerfto ihcord-Union
painfull? exclaims: '-Will not the
Assoeat-d Press agents at the East
give a ior.g-sufi'eiing public rest
irt'ira!ie wearisome and disgusting
press of
Wtile the Republican
the Oresjonian stripe ia
with rage over the occasional change
of a postmaster, they are anxises
to overlook the fact that the Post
master General is not allowing the
matter tf postoffice changes to in
terfere with bis giving close atten
tion to the details of his office and
char.giag extra vp.gance to economy,
and lopping off' unnecessary ex
penses. From a statement prepar
ed by Second Assistant Postmaster
General Knott it appears that re
ductions aggregating 54!,o9G were
made' in the expenditures on ac
count of transportation service dur
ing the months of April and May.
During April the reductions in ex
penditures for star route service
were D315. In May tho expendi
ture for star route service was re
duced SG244; for steamboat service
31,8-17, and for mail messenger
service, $1841.
atc(.'ouiits5i the. drunken revels of
that brutal'ellowl John L. SullivanlJ
'' v, I Suppose ha.an crush a man s skull
on-jv-ith a S.W of his fisl-1 What of
7;)3 it! . .Shall he therefore be thrust
:1..7.S9 j constantly before tbe public eyef
.h.''rll! Tin nev Commissioner of Agri
.i.f.oO cultufj is making a reputation on
! his ability to stand off the office
! seekers. No head of a department
is so accessible as Mr. Coleman,
He is suavity and good nature per
sonified, and accepts advice upon
the reorganization of his force with
an air of real thankfulness to the
giver, but if any Congressman las
succeeded in getting patronage or
promises out of the Commissioner.
An Efficient Bemstly
In all cases of Bronchial and Pulmo
nary Affections U Ayf.u's Cherry
Pectoral.' As such it is recognized unri
prescribed by the medical profession, cud
in many thousands of famine, for tba
h- m,Hlp,l in r .n !n nPin Pa5t. 10 W J ears, ii nas Doeiiremirueuas-an
a ... r. jnva,uaoi3 nousenokl rented v. It U a
preparation that only requires to bo taken
Ihe man vv llkms, wha recently
tried to blow up his wife, in East
Portland, . with dynamite, was
convicted of an attempt to commit
James Loyanciar, a well known
contractor of Portland, after re
ceiving ad vancesonseveral contracts,
to the amount of 2,u00 has turned
up missing.
Albany Democrat: The Hessian
fly has mads its appearance in the
wheat fields of Michigan and the
locusts have appeared inNewJersey,
and Iowa editors in Oreg.in.
A hail storm passed over a portion
of Grande Ilonde valley on Monday
ot last week. Grchards, crops and
garden truck were destroyed. Hail
fell to the depth of several inches
Contract has been let by Jackson
county to the San Francisco Bridge
company for the construction of a
bridge acres3 Rogue river near
By bee's ferry. The price is 513,487.
A cheese factory at Cov., Union
county, Oregon, turns cut about
1000 pounds of cheese a dav. The
company milk 500 cows, and besides
buy milk from neighboring farmers.
Eugene Roportor: Notwithstand
ing the dull times the indications
now aro such as to show an aggregate
(i improvements in the city this sea
sen equal to, if not g; eater, than
last year.
A 9 year old son of Mr. Fit:ke,
living cn Sucker creek, Josephine
county, had the finger and thumb
or one of his hands blown off by the
accidental discharge of a gun a few
days since.
S. B. Beeves of Heppner was se
riously hurt by a pack animal one
day last weeks---4irfeevfev-4t toati-j
nch ghastly cut a little above the
right ear. It is thought he will
soon recover.
Our meats aro always fresh and good
All orders tilled with promptness.
Sa tisf&ct inn Guaranteed.
vprv smutl nnjintitifs. sintl a fpv ilrisi--;
f It administered in the early stages of a
Cold or cougii will effect a updy euro,
Etut may, very po.-sibly, save' life. "There
is no doubt whatever that
Ap's Gherry Pecloral
Has preserved the. lives of great numbers
of persons, by wresting the development of
JjaryRjSitis, Mroncniti3, f neiunoma,
and Pulmonary Consumption, ntid by
the cure of those dangerous maladies. It
should be kept ready for use in every
fantilv where there are children, ns it is a
medicine far superior to all others in the
treatment of Croup, the alleviation oi
Whooping Cough, and theeureof Colds
and Iniiuenza, ailments peculiarly inci
dental to childhood and youth. Prompti
tude in dealing with all diseases of this
class is of tho utmost importar.ee. Tho
los3 of a single day may, in many cases,
entail fatal consequences. Do not waste
precious inao in experimenting wun
medicines of doubtful efficacy, while tho
malady is constantly faming a deeper
hold, but tuUe at once the speediest and
most certain to cure,
Aysr's Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists.
WeBton Livery Stable
and Fresh Horses!
Cigars, Notions, Cutlery,
French and American Candies,
G !iea,pep " . than Ever -
I ta.!;e tliia method of informing tbo public, and
the farmers in arsicuiar, that 1 nave
opened a com pitta assortment oi
Agricultural Implements,
Plows and Harrows.
headers, Wagons, Etc.,
he isn't Wagcing of it.
The enormous increase; in the ma
terial wealth of the United State?
axcpeding that of any other nation
Saddle Kcrses. per o'av -!1.25
Euccv and Team - 4.00
Horses boarded by the day or mntb. ! Plenty of
ioed una the best of atteiiuua.
Transler.i Siock carel for promptly and at rea
sonable rates. ;
Give Us a Trial
and be convinced that we mean, to do business on
business i rintvlcs. i
Cii8ippCSi8ipirp G!i
I intend to make a specialty ot tbe celebrated
t!;s most complete fnraiins inif.leaiont ever in
vtnteil. Anytluuit I do nut hajjt-n to liac in
stock will lie or Jei ed on short notice.
B! ackssni t h i si
Dcao to order in first-class
Style. j
In addition to the above wo wotfd respectfully
infonn tho farmers of tiie surniundiin;
country that we now carry & full
line of j
J. I. Case asnl Randolph
Headers. !
The Celebrated Esnpirc EIow
crs and the utudebakcr Wag
ons. BK03.,
Adams - Oregon.
m .
f.-S W4 tl IS PS
"Bemm Goods. .
3 fili RH i1-,
The Pine creek mines in Union
county are attracting attention
People are leaving thpir farms for
the new discovery. From twenty
pounds of rock four pounds of pure
gold was obtained.
The body of a roan was found in
Klamath river last week at the
mouth of Centennial ditch, supposed
to be the tramp printer who was
drowned m trying to swim the river
a couple of weeks ago at the stage
Mrs. Ilankins, tho woman whose
throat was cut by her husband, is
reported by her physician to ba uu
does not seem to result in bettering j proving wonderfully. The wound is
Tub Iowu card pul.lUhoJ in this
.ue is worthy tf notice. It is the
habit of thoso who either from hon
est belief or iu-rccntry motives
dare not openly opposo the lirjuor
traffic to traduco every cDbrt made
to restrain or prohibit tha same.
Thy geize with avidity upon every 1
tetuUance of failure in temperance
legislation to show the weaklier of
the good cause and substantiate
their positions with interested tes
imony and garbled statislics. The
Iowa press excursionists are rrpre
tentative men from all parts of that
State and their voluntary testimony
is entitled to weighty consideratien.
Tim scene of the murder is this
time at Spikane Falls and another
inoifensive white man ia the victim
of Iudian butchery. A man named
Cliaa. Guyer. while coina auietlv
- 3 C 1 J
home froiu his work was fatally
hot in the back by a cowardly
drunken Indian. If we must have
. Iudian Agencies let those treacher
ous wards of the nation bo compell-
. ed to remain within their bouudar-
1 i l J!
TDK joint ieaso of the O. It. &
N. Co.'s line to the Northern Pacific
and Vuion racino is said to be
actually Accomplished. The benefit
. to Eastern Oregon is not yet sppar.
The State Board of lmm'gration
J has decided to fix up a car of tho
State's products af'er the enmini;
harvest, place a man in charge cf
the ame, and send tho whole outfit
around to the dilferent county and
btate nirs in the Western States
tor Bxhiiiition. The different rail
roads have agreed to transport the
car frre cf charge, and the cost, to
the f."tate will be comparatively
light. The work of collecting the
necessary material will begin at
once. The duty of the man in
charge of the car will be to dis
course on Oregon to the attendants
at the fair and set before them the
wonderful resources of Oregon.
The Wheeling, West Virginia,
i Chamber of Commerce recently sent
a representative on a tcur through
several counties in the southern and
western portions o'f the State te in
vestigate and roport n the alleged
destitute condition of the people in
those sections. He his returned and
states that there is no truth in the
reports that the people are in first-
rate circumstances.
Reil, the Canadian rebel, has
rost the government so far about
The large number of new admis
siuiis this month to the Military
Academy at West Point bruiijs the
carps of cadets up to about the full
standard. There are mow not over
twentv-Gvo vacancies existing in
the four classes, which means that
every Congressional district in the
Union is represanted, beinj; nlmost
without precedent. The September
admissions will fill every vacancy.
A serious strike of htone misons
is in progress in Berlin. The ef
forts of the strikers to prevent
tlier mesons from working en the
buildinj-s m process of erection
have led to riots, and many arrests
have been mude.
the condition ef the masses. In
1884 the valuation of property in
the United States was 51,070,000,
000 in round numbers. According
to the statistician Mulhall, tne
United States has increased sixfold
in wealth since .1830, and we pre
daily aiding 1,000,000 of value te
the accumulated stock. And yet,
in spite of this statistical prosper
ity, a half million of yeople in New
York City live in 20,000 houses,
and hundreds of thousands of per
sons who would willingly work can
not obtain employment. .
The following from the New
York Tribune shows how business
is transacted in oils: "The Presi
dent of the Oil Exchange in his an
nual report, submitted on Tuesday,
states, as if it were a matter for
congratulation, that the transac
tions in crude certificates during
the past year at New York have
amounted to 2,839,621,000 barrels.
Reckoning the yearly production at
about 30.000,000 barrels, we find
that the transactiens at New Yoik
alone were about ninety five times
the entire annual production. Or,
supposing that there are 300 busi
ness days during the year, this ex
change succeeded is selling the en
lire annual product of oil about
once in every three davs. It does
not seem to occur to the President
that such transactions as these are
injurious to the public interest." J
The War Department has receiv
ed reports irom Fort Reno, Indian
Territory, dated the 18:h instnnt,
to the ellect that great excitement
prevails at that place over a threat
ened outbreak by the Cheyenne In
dians, known as the Southern Chey
ennes, who are making preparations
to go on the war path. Treops
have been dispatched to quell the
disturbance. War Department offi
cials are not informed as to the
cause of the threatened outbreak.
If these Indians go on the war path
there will be difficulty in quieting
them. The Chtyenues are report
ed to be as troublesome to deal
with as are the Apaches. The
country, however, in which the
former live would be more advan
tageous to soldiera pursuing them
; than ia the rough, rocky country
m which the latter are being followed.
ejection at Last,
2H OUilO
Ladies' Wear in Endless Variety.
Canned Goods and Groceries.
BnoMngliam & Heohtfs Boots and Shoes
WCSiraS SH3S:. Wc will not he undersold
for casii.
s .
I btftttl e i Is a Unn IMikrt I miinrltA.1
I im nidi! liny uiugiidi
healing rapidly and in a short time
she will be able to be on her feet
ll'.o Jja Granue Gazette savs
that the railroad company has given
the city a block of "round near the
University, and it is only
matter of time when they will have
the county seat at that place.
-AshlanJ Tidings: Some little ex
citement is reported over new placf
diggings now being worked on Cotton
wood creek, above Shattuck's place
on the other side of the Siskiyous.
It is said gome fifty men have been
at work there, some making good
The herder of a band of she ep
belonging to Newconib and New
man. cf Echo, has been stolen
i , i , , r mi i j i dans' Roa'l Carts 'or some finvi,
murdered or led astray. 1 ho band p!.awl w,t!, it. , he pfacH..j
was iounu a lew days ago near
Pilot Rock without a captain.
No tidings of the herder as yet.
The most interesting game of
beseball of the season was played
at North Yamhill on Saturday.
Nine younj ladies played against
nine men over 50 years of age, and
the ladies beat them in a score rf
V? tn 95. MpArinnville talks nf
Hending the ladies a challsnge. ,
Mountain Sentinel: Joel Hub
barb, a boy 13 yenrs ot agp, was
sent to jiil last Friday, in default
ot turnisinng bail to appear
before the next grand jury. He
was committed by Justice Hunter
of Lcstine on a charge f having
stolen two horses, to which crime he
Dalles Sun: On Sunday an old
man was found dead in the moun
tains west of Kin-islev about sixteen
miles. He had been working in the
timber there. Mr. Geurlay, who
gave us the information, said that
a party of neighbors had gone in to
hold an inquest. From all that
could be learned he died from na
tural causes.
The latsly appoirted Collector of
Internal Kevenne for Oregon and
Washington, ex Governor Whita
ker, took charge of tbe of the office
Wednesday. Among hi3 new
appoi Jt menU is Chauncy Barbour,
of Walla Walla, to be deputy collec
tor of the Walla Wall a district, vice
E..L. HerrifF, resigned. It is under-
stood that Barbour was backed by U-Q 10 0regm gj.
9 r T 1 rt
That will ride as easy as a four. Good and strong, with phaeton body
gcod, full, largo back and the rider can use and feel no more horse
motion than in a four-wheeled vehicle. Has all the conveniences for a
doctor's box, for a chest, storm apron, and is as easy to get in and out o
as a buggy; nothing to climb over in getting in. See what is said of it:
TOP.KVIT.LE, ILL., Dec. 12, 13S3. "It istlie best Kirt in our city." H. II. MAT-
"I have boon usinir one of Clmr.-Ii's Piivsi- LOCK, Ottawa, 1.1.
anf! am well
r)ncti'-.l meilicine near- JAUN). V I ULK, it.!, Jiarcn va, in.,.
ly twenty-tiro vears, and havo used iilnnwt tve- W. K. tJIIUlKlI Wear Sir--I am greatly
ry kind of ieh;clo on two wheals that 1 have pleased with your two-wheeled vehicle. It Uis-
sccn, hut this is the only convey anee of that de- counts any thin of the kind. I have no more
svription Ilia'. I have evx-r Ui.-rl tii.it I can hearti- uso for four-w heeled busies in my business,
iy recommend." W. T. SUEilWoOD, M. D. A. W. TIPTON, M. D.
FLANO. ILL , Dec. 8, 132.
VT. B. CUtRCH Dear Sir: The Komi Gut I
purchased of you ia all and moro than you told
me. It tides as e-.sy as any four-wheeled bug
gv, and I most heartily rccomm.-nd it.
CLAYTON, MICH., April 20, 1883.
W. K. CtlUKCH. Yorkville. 111. Lar Sir. I
am well pleased with my Cart; thin'.; it well
worth tlie cojt. Would not ba witiiont it for
any pries. O. ti. P.ICE.
MARTIXS,S. C. MaT 20,13.
W. R. CHUItCH Dear Sir The Cart oHcrtd
from you i-ame ycsttrJay. It is all and more
than you claim for it. It is certainly the finest
and most cnvenunt tbin on wh-lii. I don't
think 1 will use any other vehicle in my practice
now. Yours rcBpectfuily,
O. B. EVANS. .
W. U. CHUItCH Dear Sir Curl is at hand-
has been tiied bv ma and w satisfactory in every
particular. I will not hc-sitr.te to recommend
themT r.ot only to physicians, hut also to any and
Because he buys his Goods at ADAMS from
Drees Goods, Laces &, Ribbons for his
Boots, Hats and Ready-Made Clothing for Ma
Tea, Sugar and Coffee and all kinds of Groceries for hi
V,-. R. CHURCH. Torkvillc. 111. Dear Sir. I
have used one of vour Riad Carta sii.ee last Fe'i- all peroom havinj much driving to do.
ruary. I think it superior to any Koad Cart I Yours, ete., P.S.CLARK,
have examined. It w TrlK tr:in for the "busy
Dractitioner." W. E. KIX.St.TT. M. D., nEIRKCTOTN. GEORGIA. July 20, lf3.
Yi-riiville, lil. W. R. CilUR'.H I received my koad Cart all
riiriit and like ir. verv iniir-!i: rj:i:.l not cxehaT.L'e
PAW PAW, May 1st, 1553. it lor any four-wheeled vchii-lJ have ever had I '
W. R. CHURCH lear Sir: You vriih to know for my use. It is the admiration of ail who see i OtiaCCO. Shirf S. iiJ.inUCIS. aQU fcVerVtalllff hft WATlta fny
? - 0 .. a v A
how I like mv Cart. I cannot say too much in it. Yours very resrecUu!!v.
it. praise. Is Usimplv perie-ct. H. M. KAIGLER.
JOSEPH, MO., Acsriftt 16, 15-S3.
MAR-HALL, TEX S, April 30, 1333. W. R. CHURCH Iear Sir The Cart was re-
W. H. CliiTRi-H Dear Sir 1 have now used ceived in ooo s!:a;e. lam highly pleased with
lny Cart airfjut ten davs, and must say it stands ft after sivir.j it a trial. It is much neater and
the test admirably. It is admired by everybody, more compact than 1 expected. I think itill
tiend me a top for it.
Y'ours trtilv.
1J. I". KAD3, M. D.
Wishing you success, I am vour.
DYERDURGH. TEN.V, April 7, 1S3.
W. R. CHUIXH sir Tne Cart isat hand and
I h.ke. it spiuudidr. . It i simply perfect. I
cou.d not make any alterations.
CTTFSTrR, IOWA, Auinst 18, 1K-.3.
W. R. CHL-RCH Dear Sir Lie Cart is the
!:'htest to draw in the United States. The more
I use it the better I like it. Yours trulv,
The Cart arrived to-day, and' I am zri&Aj W. R. CHURCH Thcuirh you have not asked
pleased. Beats anythinif in thii sectioi of the for a recommendation of your Cart. I think it my
country. I wish you success m vour enterprise, dutv to jfive one. For ease and speed it ran t be
R. H. AXDKEW3, Well beaten. With a M Texas pony I thirk I
Editor and Publisher of the Medical Summary. can go with any high-priced Uorw. S. P. RICE.
He buys for Cash, and declares he can-do
better at REESE & REDMAN'S
than he can at any other place
in the county, for they -keep
the best of
everything in
and their prices are very reasonable.