Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, June 19, 1885, Image 2

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    Weston Weokly Leader.
KKIDAY, JUNE 19, 1885.
NoTiiixo seems more natural
than that we should seek to sliirk
resKnsib'ility, therefore it is not
peculiar thai the belief that man
9 a mere machine incapable of in
dependent thought and action,"
fthouid prove popular. Tlio who
ndvocate nuch an idea, and it must
la Hownd that they d so honestly,
instead of regarding the brain as
Dimply the instrument through
which the sotj acts, refer to brail.
Oiatter aa the" basis of phybicul
action. Those lawyers and doctors
who are just nnw bo laboriously at
teroping to prove tho irresponsibil
ity of criminals on this theory are
promulgating no new doctrine. In
' all ages there hare been able men
who have been equally desirous of
demonstrating- man's 'automatic con
dition. It is hard to be held as ac
countable brings. But the argu
ment to the contrary runs in a cir
cle and always comes back to the
original starting point without hav
ing proved anything. If a man is
ble to arrive at an independent
and rational conclusion concerning
his irresponsibility it proves that he
is a reasoning and therefore a re
sponsible creature. because the
brain through inherited weakness,
injury, over exertion or any other
cause may not be able properly to
perform its function as the medium
through which the soul acts, is no
proof that the brain matter is the
seul itstif or even the habitation
thereof. It amounts to nothing
mere that materialistic perverse
ness to maintain the contrary. It
might as well be claimed that the
vecal organs are the faculties of
speech. A man may however pos'
css in the highest degree I lie fac
ulties of speech and yet if the vocal
organs, the instruments througl
which these faculties act, be des
troyed, his oral expression will also
be destroyed. In like manner if
the brain through which the soul
acts be defective or diseased the
action of the soul will be ptrvcrted
and the persou be rendered irrespon
ible to the extext of the defect er
injury. There is altogether too
much mandlin sentimentality abou
physical responsibility, impulsi
insanity, transitory mania, irresist
ible imiulues and other fine-spu
. -theories by which criminals too fre
quently escape punishment.
Tho revocation of the commission
of Mr. Meade as a postmaster, in
Mississippi, because of his conspic
uous sympathy with a political u.ui
der, like the similar ection in the
case of Mr. Blackburn, of Ken
tucky, shows that the Adniinistra-
tiofyis not bent, as had been alleged,
upon,, propitiating the "Bourbon
rebel pentiinent." But to insist
that every man who took the South
ern pari in the civil war is equnlly
guilty with Meade, and ought to
be politically proscribed, is mere
folly. Jf all the citizens of South
ern States who were concerned in
the war are bow to be accounted
criminals, how dues it happen that
from the day at Appomattox until
this hour, during all which time
the ltepublican party has been in
power, not ene such citizen, because
of such participation, has been pun
ished as a criminal, and that all,
with the consent ef the country,
have resumed the privileges of citizens?
It is because tho Ttepublican pol
icy was much too wise and humane
to punish and pros-cube, and it pro
perly recognized that a great war,
conducted with all the usages of
war, cou'.d not be treated like
street not. Does any intelligent
and patriotic man really wish that
he land hm, been covered witl
scaffolds and the prisoners crowded
with Confederate soldiers? It not,
f the policy which Lincoln would
surely have approved was the true
policy if Sumner s plea that bat-
les with fellow citizens should not
be commemorated by name upon
national flags was a wise and hu
mane and patriotic pit-a is it either
wise or patriotic to try to renew
the passions of that conflict in the
politics of to day?
One or the Imppv results of Mr.
Cleveland's election is the revelu-
ion of the fact that our politics
arc not revolutionary, and that a
change of party in the executive
does not threaten the stability of
the government. There is r.o wish
or purpose of revengfi upon the psrt
of those who fought for the Confed
eracy, and individual instances of a
illerent' spirit, as in the cases, of
Meade and Blackburn, are rebuked
by the administration which the
former Confederates support. A
rancorous and stupid- party spirit
learns nothing. But these are signs
of premise to patriotic Americans.
Harpers Weekly (Hep )
The tax levy (f Eugene has been
reduced frem 5 te Z mills.
Cherries are bursting on the trees
by reason of too much rain.
Dr. RafTety, Democrat, was elect
ed Mayor of East Portland by 111
Grasshoppers have made their
appearnnce in Ji-ckson county and
are doing damage.
Ileppner and Blackman of Al-
k&li have shipped 1,500,000 pounds
of wool so far ibis seaon.
Horse thieves have become so
bold and desperate in Eastern Ore
gon that no mercy will be shown to
them when caught.
Thomas Graham, who has a placer
mine on Granite creek, Umatilla
county, recently picked up a gold
boulder winch netted -gooO.
Col. Jas. W. Nesmitii, one of
the best known public men of Ore
gen, died at his residence in Polk
county on June Nth. 1SS5. 11
was one of Oregon's early f loneers
and his name is closely connected
' with the histery and progress oi the.
State. He was bsm in Washing
ton county, Maine, on "July 23d,
1620. He came to Oregon iu 1813.
In 1845 he was elected Judge; was
a captain in the Cayuse war of
1848; United States Marshall ia
1853; a Colonel in the Indian war
of 1855; was elected United Skates
Senator in 185G, and was appointed
Superintendent of Indian Affairs
for Oregon and Washington in
1857. At Washington he did good
service for his country and State.
He was an ardent Union man and
an intimate friend and adviser of
the martyred Lincoln. At home
and abroad he was admired for his
ability, his elequeuce, his wit and
his sterling social qualities. In his
death tho Democracy of Oiegon
lose one of their brightest states
men and ablest leaders, lie will
be held in kindly rcmcmbrarce
by all.
Some idea of the grasshopper
plague in California may be derived
from tho fact that in protecting a
single vinyard from their ravages
by driving them into the irrigating
ditches myriads of the pests were
drowned an J washed against the
acretns, from which they were col
lected. One hundred and eighty
five grain sacks wero filled with
dead hoppers. The lot weighed
fifteen tons! Fifteon tons of grass
hoppers killed iu ene day! In num
ber they were estimated at 60,000-,
000. Fancy hundreds of su?h arm
ies charging the wheat Colds of
Umatilla county.
Every Democratic Senator but
one ia aaid to be ia Washington.
Why! Well, the Constitution of
the United Stat3 says that the
President shall appoint officers "by
and with the adrico and consent of
the Senste," and Deniocra'.ic Sena
tori are vilemly willing to do the
duty f advibiLg.
K-sln.ilionft!tC CrKisIi Mlahitry,
The Gladstone Ministry, having
been defeated on the lie venue bill
fay a small maiority Bent their
resignations to the Queen. Only
twelve votes were the measure cf
defeat, or rather that was the major
ity against the bill on the second
leading. Construct! rely this was
taken as a vote of a want of conii
ionce. It was not so much a ques
tion as to the amount to be raised as
to tho manner in which it should bo
raised. Wine was not included in
the extra duties; but beer come3 in
for a large increase of taxation. It
was long ago said that if a penny a
gallon of extra tax were laid on beer
in Germany it would create a revolu
tion. It has. created oue in Great
Britain that i3, the Liberal Minis
try has retired from power or that
It has been known tliat Gladstone
was seeking favorable opportunity
to retire. Perhaps this is the oppor
tune time. The war in the Soudan
has ceased. It was disastrous from
the outset. But then peace is always
acceptable when there is no c'orv to
be. won. Moreover, the Gladstone j
Miuistry has managed to retain the
allegiance of Turkey under a tremen
dous pressure from Uussia to become
her ally in esse of war. With Turkey
firmly attached to Great Britain,
there will be no opening of the
Dardanelles to the entmies of the
The 'Afghanistan . trouble has
really subsided into nearly or quite
a peaceful disposition of the whole
matter, if, therefore, Gladstone re
tires now it will be in a time of
peace, although he warned his
opponents that the danger was not
wholly prist. When Disraeli was
once ileteateil he resigned with his
entire Cabinet. Hut lie advise! the
Queen not to accept his own resigna
tion, and he held power for some
time afterwards. It is not at ail.
likely that Gladstone will tender
any such advice.
One of the notable incidents con
nected with the defeat of the Min
istry is, that the Parnfrllites vted
against Gladstone, who had been
one of the best friends that Ireland
ever had. If a Tory Ministry comes
into power, there will be no hope at
present for Ireland. There is not a
Tory in Parliament who does not
believe in giving the screws another
turn on . Ireland. Vet the Irish
Liberalswerewilling to help in strik
ing down their friend, because he
would not consent to any rash and
destructive measures. Tho man
who has brought about the disestab
lishment of the English Church
and enfranchised nearly two millions
of voters, was stricken down by
those who ought to have been his
staunch supporters." As he was de
feated by only twelve votes it may
be said that the Parnellites defeat
ed the Liberal Premier who had
clone more lor Ireland than any
other living man. It does not lock
as if the Tories were coming into
power, although it is known that
Lord Salisbury has been watchins
Eugene Register: We understand
that Hon. John Whiteaker will
move t Portland soon to attend to
the duties of the otlice to w Licit he
was recently appointed.
A Boston drummer whe had
traveled a great deal and knew
everything in his mind was re
Sieved of a $400 diamond pin a day
or two ago while cn a spree.
Wheat is no longer an experi
mental crop in Wasco county. It
is reported that the total product
this year will reach 800,000 bush
els, of which 500,000 w-ill be ex
John P,. Ladd has received the
contract from the government for
carrying the mail between Fossil
and Alkali, three times a week.
He will begin cs-.rrying mail and
passengers on J u'y 1.
The stable near he Fort Klamath
Ilospilal was burned on the.night
of May 25th, together with a quan
tity ot hay and a horse and cow be
longing to Dr. Robinson. The fire
was of incendiary origin.
An old man named Howard .was
robbed of $1000 at his daughter's
boarding house in Portland last
week. No clue of the thief has as
yet been discovered. The old man
was lately from Missouri.
Julius and Eugene Trumblowere
last week convicted in the J ustice
Court at Jacksonville for violating
the fish law, by maintaining a trap
in Ilogne river, near their flouring
mill. They were fined 75 and
;exi;ux sews,
The Chinese are still troubling
the good citizens of Victoria, j
The Marquis of Salisbury ; is in
doubt about forming a new Cabinet.
Naval officers report a slrongsenti
ment existing in Panama in favor of
a premanent occupation of the
isthmus by the United States, j
In the Massachusetts supreme
court two men with fiddles played
for the judges to help them decide
regarding the ownership of the song,
'Tt's English, you know." j
Jlv. Jacob Hood and wife, of
Lyi field, Mass., have just celebrated
the sixty fifth anniversary of their
marriage, at which the fourth gener
ation of descendants were present.
Six hundred and fifty conveyances
and 2,500 persona atttnded the
funeral of farmer Jacob Bomberger,
a mile north of Lititz, Pa., on
, I Sunday. lie was buried on his own
ifi fO
-j ii ft'l iifi
3 M .& sf
r r."
'.1 ,A
u 12 Ess a
- a u bxa
rrrejrom irpiates, j.meiics ana iVotw.
r or Cunslus Soro Tliront, Kmr:-n;s, Co! da.
Influenza, BroncjtCta, AMhca,Crocp. Wbrop.
Inc Cough, Guin-J-, Peiiss ij Chest, and cUur
Hicii5L!Sof ibo Throat c'l Lotib.
Price 50 at9 a rjottie. Sold by Drnaclsts ana
Dealers. rartte8 rtj.uMe to iwlure (,'u.V dvtlrr to
prcnniMtj ott jt jar litem uitl reccice Uc.y bottles,
txtrcss i-harpes paid, lu tending one dollar to
bole Owcuis r.i-ii Maiitiiuclim-.-s.
Ulimu.c, arjUd, U. S. Ju
Is the most virulent form of blood-noison-inr.
Lens speedily fatal, but not less cer
taiiilv so, is the Vitiation of tho blood of
which the first svmntoms are Pimples,
overpowered the manager and j s.ties I,,,?"s41nua .r.uVlo eoll? -ErHP-
warmngof Us presence by such indication!),
no time should be lost in usiug Atter's
SARSAPAitir.LA, the only perfect and reli
able medicine for the purification of tho
John Gates, P.epublican, was
elected Mayor of Portland over
Sylvester Pennoyer, Democrat, by
150 majority. The Republicans
elected Councilmen in the Second
acid Third Wards, and the Demo
crats elected J, J. Gallagher in the
First Ward.
The O. 11. & 1ST. Co. election re
sulted in a drawn battle. Elijah
Smith was re elected President, and
Brayton Ives got into the Board'of
Directors by a majority of 700
shares out of 235,000 cast. Port
land stockholders voted for Ives.
For a while it looked as if the meet
ing would break up in a row.
W. W. McElroy, of Umatilla
countv, was adjudged insane by
Juck'e Shaw and sent to the Iusane
J udge.
In Portland Isst Saturday at one
o'clock Won, Fuon shot and killed
Ah Ilee. Tho cause of the shoot
ing was gambling in the "Joss
House." The murderer was cap
tured by a painter named Smith,
who roused up a policeman and
had the murderer committed to jail.
Three masked robbers attacked
an accountant of a branch of the
National Btnk of Australia at
Melbourne. After stealing 1,000
they escaped.
Mrs. Grace Fvobinson,of New Ha
'ven, confessed just before her dath
that her approaching dissolution
was caused by malpractice by a city
physician, whom she employed unbe
known to her husband.
Sir John Lester Ivayl has purchas
ed 8,500 acres of land on the Cana
dian PuciSc near Balgonia, Assina-
boia, wltere lie will establish a
colony. He will purchase 60,000
acres in the Sacramento valley, Cab
One Quillette of Montreal has
brought suit for $10,000 damages
against Dr. Berry, city vaccinator,
for causing the death of his two
children with impure virus. The
doctor says the children died from
Heavy growprs of peaches in Dela
ware are becoming uneasy over the
great fall of young fruit from the
trees during the past few days.
This falling off is supposed to he
caused by too much foggy and driz
zling weather.
Ii. A. Kester, editor of the Las
Vegas, New Mexico, Optic, on Fri
day received &100Q, paid by Mil
lionaire Lynch, if he would abstain
from liquor for six months. He
wrote up his experience under the
head, "Six Months Out of Hell."
A California physician claims that
the bruised pulp of eucalyptus
leaves, which he. had been in the
habit of applying to his very bald
head for the cure of headache, had
brought out a new and abundant
crop of hair.
The Queen is reported to have
gently intimated to Mr. Gladstone
that she would be pleased to have
him smooth the wav for the Mar
quis of Salisbury, his successor.
The latter has promised a certain
amount of support to the new Gov
em men t.
Judge McCue, Solicitor of the
Treasury, has given an opinion to
Secretary Manning' thut ; sardines
or herring?, caught in Canadian
waters bv American fishermen, in
Is a foul corruption in the Mood that rots
out all the machinery of life. Nothing
will eradicate it from ihc system and pre
vent its transmission to "offspring but
Ayeu'S ' Saksapakilla.' This prepara
tion is also the only one that will cleano
the blood of Mercurial poison and the
taint of Contagious Diseases. Impover
ished blood is productive of
A wretched condition indicated by Pallul
Skin, Flaccid Muscles, Shattered
Nerves, and Melancholy. Its first
svmptoms are Weakness, Languor,
lLoss of Nerve Force, and Mental De
jection. Its course, unchecked, leads
inevitably to insanity or dentn.
Our meats are always fresh and good
All orders tilled with promptness.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Weston Livery Stable
and Fresh Horses!
i-r-niipiit 1 v softer f roiii it. The onl v medi
cine that,' while purifying tho blood, en
riches it with new vitality, nud uivisorai.es
tiic whole system, is
Ayer's SsrsapariiSa,
tr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Irfm-ell, Mass.
ISoU by all Druggists: Trice $1;
Six bottles for $3.
Cigars, Notions, Cutlery,
French and American Candies,
Otieapei t!ian Ever
...... AT
Saddle Horses, per day - $1.25
Buqgy and Team ; - - 4.00
ILures tran1cfl by the day or month. Plenty ot
feed and the best of attention.
Transient Stock cared for promptly and at rea
sonable rates.
Give Us a Trial
and ho convinced that we mean to do business on
bUMiieHK prineijjles.
Cheap, Cheaper, h
AGENT FOfl jrilE
IronTurMiielM Engine
Anti-Freezing Force Pump
Eosc, Hose Pipes,
and fittings.
With Shoemaker & Walloon,
Agricultural Dealers,
St einalker
Thuu yesterday. Drs. Jessup boats of less than t re tons burden
d W. a Warriner, and attorney Lan I admitted to the United
ark A. Fullorton, made an ex- Mates free of duty.
of his cass before the
Fancy Dress Goods,
Ladies' Wear in Endless Variety.
Canned Goods and Groceries.
EucMnghm & Hecht's Boots and Shoes
-k. SS3EECgT A
EJO'S?2E3 Wc will not be undersold
for cash. J
Perfection eat Last
The two Morrow county safes
arrived Monday. The largo one
ws brought up by Tom Ilintan,
the boss teamster on the road. It
weighs S,000 pounds and was loaded
on a wagon hired especially for the
occasion, of M. V. Harrison, of
Alkali Enterprise: A 14 year-old
son of L. Q. Zachray, living on Shut
tle flat, sustained a severs facture
the lower Von-s of his right leg last,
week by fulling between the wheels
ef a water wagon, which run over
hiai. Dr. Bcon set the broken
bones and now has thoni encased in
piaster paria with every hope of his
patient fully recovering "the use of
his limb.
Younjr Besbee, who defrauded
Shindler &, Co. of Portland, Oregon,
some months a"o, and who ran
away to Canada, was captured a
day or so ajjo at Toronto, but after
wards escaped from tho detective
who had hiunn charge. IILs moth
er who lives in Bjston, says she
will make good the money he de
frauded Shindler it Ce. of.
The Comptroller of the Currency
has appointed Benjamin S. W
Clark ani Samuel H. Taylor to be
National Bank Examiners, and has
assigned the former to duty in New
York, and the latter to duty in In
The more they look into the af
fairs of the S'aackamaxon bank, the
worse they find things. Large sums
wrre rcoived on deposit and not.
entered on the 'nooks, while the
amount drawn hy liignway (Jon
tractor Joseph Conkliug was much
larger than at first reported, now
amounting up to $140,000.
Miss. Maiy Jane Hoyt, of New
York, through her coui sel, General
Butler, General Prycr and F. J.
Dupignac, has brought suit in the
Supreme Court to recover damages
placed at 1,000,000 irom Samuel
Hoyt, Alfred Hoyt and James W.
Jackson, executors of the estate of
tho late Jesse Hoyt.
On Saturday night John
McCullough was announced to
appear as Brutus in the forum scene
from "Julius Cwsar," at the Star
Theater, New York, in a benefit to
Ebon Piympton and Gustavus
Levick. An apology had to be
made for McCullough, whose condi
tion made him go to his bed at his
loom at the Sturfeevant House at 7
o,clock. His mental condition will
not allow him to play any character
at present.
Tho suit of Henry James, the
BaltimorH millionaire, vs. Robert
Tho Man
Oregon timber has advanced in
price 10 to 13 per cont. in Australia.
' ' Gladstsf. was able to stand up
gainst the reverses in Soudttn, the
complications in Afghan, the diplo
matic trickery of Russia and the
clamor uf tho war party in England,
but the influence uf beer and wins
. , , i .
Ki-y w3 loo mucu ioi iue granu inu li-jvi-ig run twtniy iig:it ntii?s
ood uld maa. ! one ht,ur aud sevtuuen luiuulto.
Oregonian Railway Com
pany, limited, has brought suit
against the Oregon Railway and
Navigation Company, in the United
States Court, to recover $68,131.
It is alleged that the amount is due
for rent from the Oregon Railway
and Navigation Company fer the
quarter ending May 15th.
That will ride as easy as a four. Good and strong, with phaeton body
groj, full, large back and the rider can use and feel no more horse
motion than in a four-wheeled vehicle. Has all the conveniences for a
doctor's box, for a crest, storm apron, and is as easy to get .in and out of
as a buggy; nothing to climb over in getting in. See what is said of iu
YORKVH.I.E, ILL., Titc. 1-2, 133. "It Htlie best cart in our city." II. II. MAT-
"I have htsfn i;u ore of CimfvVs lJiiysi- LOCK, Ottawa, III.
cians' KoaflJ'irt. f.aoiBi" t.m:, and am well
pleased with it. 1 have prru-ti v l mlivine near- JACKSOXViLLR, ILL., March 28, 1883.
ly tH'enty-tive .vtars, Artd have ucl shnost eve- W. il. JU!'KfJH Dear Sir-I am greatly
ry Kind ot vtM'jie on two wheels t.ir.t 1 hvc ple-isc-d with your two-whetleu' vehicle. Jt uis.
seen, fmt this is the ontv- conveyance of that dc- counts am th:n of the kinl. 1 have no more
1 icri!ti.ioii utii'. l iiau evfr u-cu lh:vt i e.tn nearu- use lor tyui-w ueeieu uuk.c i inv iniiine-ia.
! 1.. i rt ,r m c--.i:.iiii...r. .t i. . ir flM ..T-.V V, f
PLANO. ILL . Iee. 8, WV2.
W. II. CHURCH Dear Sir: The Koa.l Cart I
purchased of you is all ar.A mure than you told
me. It rides as easy as any four-whecied bll
gv, and I most heartily rceomm -.ri'l it.
CLAYTON". MICH, April , 15S3.
W. Pv. CHLKCH, Yor!iLl!e. lil. Dear Sir. I
am well pleased with my Cart; think it well
worth thii cost. Would not be without it for
Garrett, President of the Baltimore i any price. o. lice.
Because he buys his Goods at ADAMS from
&r T51T!TTir A TVT
W. It. CIirUCH, YorfcviV.e. III. Dear Sir. I
our lioad tjarta oinL-e last teh
and Ohio railroad, i restrain the
orpMinn rf n rirtirn Vn H a rrol t c 1 have Used one uf your lio;
. . . , . . I ruarv. 1 think ic superior to anv Uoad Cart I
It is 111 r: thiuz lortne "husy
Yorkvilie, lil.
and prayii-z for t, chansc which !
would place him at the head of
Tury . Ministry. '. Bulletin.
: wei
and called him to the door.
palatial residence now in course ot have examined.
construction adjoining Mr. Janus' l,ractitio";1'
dwelling, on Mount Vernen place
bids fair to rival any case ever tried
before any court in this country.
Over 1,000 printed pages of testi
mony have been read in open ,court
since the case has been on final
One of the most desperate of the
disappointed office-seekers who have
:een in ashmgton sidcb the 4:h '
Last Thursday, evening savs the
Oregouiaii, John In man and D. and
Alex Martin neighboring farmers.
iivirtff on frafe Trpa preti-. linn ."' 11 . .. " . .. .. I DYER1tlT.en. TEN'S.. April 7. 191.
. . .. . been in ashmzton sidcb the 4:li w. it. ciinai-sir TheCart u at hand and
county, had a dispute. JUartin ; . ,T , - ha re.r,i ,.r I like it 5uLTi-ji.11. it u nmniv perfect. I
Brother's went to Inmans house ... ' fi ; !,
. . illicit laiiuiut 'aivi qli , 1.1 vilc
PAW PAW, Mav lh-3.
W. P.. CHCr.CH Icar .Sir: You wish to know
how J ii'r;c my Cart. I cannot say too much in
its praUe. It is simply perfect.
M ATt'-HALL. TEXAS, April .VP, 1333.
W. R. ClU'RCH Dear Sir I have now used
my Cart ahout U:n days, an-i must say it stands
the tvst ailmirahly. it- is alrnircd hy ever;, liody.
Send me a top for it. Your-, truly.
15. F. EAlli, JI. D.
appeared they each drew a revolver
and commenced firing, shooting ten
times. But one shot hit him, shoot
ing off one thumb. He shut the
door, but a bullet tired through it
struck Mrs. Inman in the breast.
How badly she is injured cannot
l e learned. Inram -;ot bis shotgun
J and fired at the assassins as they
The steam yafch invented by a
blind man in Providence, Rhode J ran, . but does not knw whether
isianti, :a now jueti t una iiuasor, j ne nit euner or nos. Alter Jtae
iu j bhooting thu nic-n ran for the woods
and have not been caught.
couid not ssuc any alterations.
JJ. A. FOrt'LKEP., M.
I last carunaierR, has become thorough
ly heart weary and despondent over
his failure to secure what he calls
recognition. He has recently played
his last card to secure a change in
his luck. Somebody told him the
other day that a piece cf the rope I
i i" - . i . i
usea in nanging a man .was a iuckj
thing to carry. He itivested $5 in
apiece of the roie used to hwg
Guiteaa and now carries it in his
riht hand . picket -S - a charm to
allure the Adminislration into giv-
-jing him a positior.
I.AS.-'DAT.F., PKNS., April 20, l-3.
Tlie Cart arrive! to-day, and 1 am jrreatlv
pleard. li-i-aTji anjthimr in tiiii sction of the
eountry. I wish, you tueee-i in vour enterprise.
Editor anil Publisher of the Medical Summary.
MAP.TIXS. S. C. Mav 20. 1SS3.
Vt. R. CHUP.CH IiearSir The Cart ordered
from you came yesterday. It is all and more
than you claim for it. It ia certainly the finest
and most convenient thinjr on wheils, 1 don't
think 1 will use any other vehicle in my practice
now. Yours respectlullv,
W. Ii. CHI'ltCH Dear .Sir Cart in at hand
lias been tried bv me and is satisfactory in every
particular. twill not hesitate to recommend
them, not only to physicians, but also to any and
ail persons havmir much driving to do.
lours, etc., v. a. luakiv.
GEip.fJETfiWX. GEORGIA, July 20, 1S83.
W. It. CHf R';II I received mv hoad Cart all
rihtand like it very much; would not exchange
it for any four-wheeled vehicle I have ever had
for my use. It is the admiration of ail who Bee
it. Yours very respectfully,
ST. JOSEPH, MO., A'lsrast 16, 1SJ.
W. R. CHL KCH Dear Sir The Cart was re
ceived in Keou shape. I am hirrhly pleased with
ft after irivinsf k a trial. It is much neater and
more eompart tlian I expected. I think it will
take here. Wishing you success, I am yours,
CHFSTEIi, IOWA, Au.Tit 18, 1RV?.
W. R. CHI P.'.'H Dear SirThe Cart is the
liidite-st to draw :a the United States. The mow
I use it the better I like it. Yours truiv.
w. R. CHURCH Tnoujrti yon have not asked
for a reeomniei.dation of yur Cart, 1 think it my
dutv to frive one. For eai-e and speed it can't be
weii beaten. With -Vj Texan pony I thirk I
can fc'o wiUi any iiib-prieed horse. S. P. ltlCE.
Dross Goods, Laces & Ribbons for his
Boots, Hats and Kcadj-SIadc Clothing for Lis
Tca, Sugar and Coflce and all kinds of Groceries 'for hi
Tobacco, Shirts, Blankets, and Everything he wants ior
He buys for Cash, and declares he can-do
hpttpr at E?i5TSJ5Si?T . E E? r ftH A IKI ! O
" ifc.faavju. tJ6 nbUlHHIV w
than he can at any other place
c in the county, for they
kfr trio hoet nf
everything in
Xo. 10 Oregon St.
and their prices are very reasonable.