Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, June 12, 1885, Image 1

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    Aa-,S-J- WW-..
. F. B'CU, rebllsher.
. Eaatrta Eteet Satckdat Mobniso,
. at
wwo. umatilla cotj5tt or.
Subscription Sates
One SqUKreQ tnehjfrret !erf on
Hitch additional UMeruon. .......... m.
Two squares, first iosertisn. ....... 4K
fcwiMkiditionai issernoa.. w
rhrea square, first lnsrta... I qs
Kaeh additional Insertion 1 fl
One Quartav Oolnmn, am nisiriia.. ...... aW
&ch additional laaorkion...... S
Time advertuen by apecSM allillOal. UMBf
notice ia onto per Una.
Aiiverosoz mug pajaom issnBnn
ABrnaainwM bntfeaajea
treo naa
squaw -mat irtlun, and oMSVfos S?
mmk onbssinsnt iswrtlim
vol vei.
Tear, On advance) 00
Hi Menthe 1 ;
bre. Mentha, 7
Inzlo Copies Ml Cts
NO. 26
Tilling rHniia
mexMf m u4deths will bo insartMl vNmsV
charge. Ofeitoar; antic u ilnsmHor an-ossHntf
8. WOOD,
WESTM. Oregon-
I Tl blank, of all kinds tor Bale.
Office at Postotlice,
o..i r..,t. .n Public T.Mid Matter a nec la'.ty.
r,'i.,.i.o.i nroniotlv .ttended to. Office over
the Kirst national Panic, Court tit.
i 1:
(i V. KXOX, 1 ,
b. . ' - '
'.ttornoy at vr
Will practice In t'.ie Courts of this State and
Winiiiiiton Territory. Special attcniion paid to
Laud Ouce business and Collections.
Oruee Main St.. Weston. Or.
srJuJ. L. L. MeArtliur will be awocHted
iih roe in all my cases in the Circuit or Supremo
j j. Mcdonald,
Physican and Surgeon.
the Drug Store, la
ear All calls prompt-
Absolutely Pure.'
This Dowder sever varies.
strength and wholesomencsa.
land City, Oregon.
y atended to.
tXXTEltVILLi:. - OfiilGWS.
O.Tico at Cook & Ir 'ine's Drug Store.
Physician and Surgeon.
Obstetrics and diseases of women a specialty.
Owes Ovua .SrtaXAKgx's.
Wkhtos, Or.saoM.
A marvel of purity,
More economical
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com
petition with the multitude of low test, short
weight, alum or phosphate powders. Soldosltih
caks. Hot Ai fiAKisa Fowdsb Co. , 108 Wall-st,
2. Y.
Contractor ami Builtler,
dnms . Oregon.
P ans and specifications furnished. Thorough
w.kkinanship guaranteed and irices moderate.
Adaiiis, - . - Orezon.
Office at his residence on Main and CaMn
C-iIis promptly rcapjndcd t.i day or nitit.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office In Reese Si Co.'s Drug
EAU calls promptly attended to.
EO. V. KIXU, M. V.,
Physician and Gurgeon,
Office over Stoiuakcr'a store,
Call promptly answered day or night.
Vatchmaksr and Jeweler,
cadletoa . . . Oregon.
Court St., In Djniert's Druj Store.
H'atsh repilrin? a r ocialty. Jewelry mvlc to
rK-r nl reti-.lrod. Ail worl: warnntod. Ay.it
or tlie Mle of AwHcvn Watclui, Pa-itie Jua'cI
rv CoiniUiiy and Hin,'' eeleitr.it-jd romhintiiuii
pa't-u'K. tiie bt .t m the world; also airciit for
the Webcraiid C!iickurin pianos, the Ks:.:v and
t-jrliiiif orcns, U. U. Couu'n and C. lla.iiilcn's
onwd InstruiueiiU.
Vias-i-i & urriage Slakcrs,
Adnnis, rocoa.
All kinds of Carponterii and Wood Work done
o order at reasonable rates.
Washing rvA IroiiiRg,
Adacis Oregon.
The finest Laundry TTurk dnne on the shortest
notice and in a sty'.c to picajc the most fa-si idi jus.
VVrXTH W A 1VTE O.-TVo want a lady or ei
prtct)tatlre In cvt-ry county to lntnxluce on
pRlne, lKKki and ot hr articln, to whom 11 ben
rrm arr off'Trtl. Andri-ga Th American AtrntL
' IueTrinrr.tir.nnlc.F W tank IV newtl-
7". papor devotnd acisnca, nt;i;hanics, en
ginocrine, dijcovcriE3 inventions acd pateuls
evur published. Every runibcr iilnstrttcd itli
tplentlid encTavins. This pnnIic-!.on, furr.isbsa
m most valuablo pncyclorrriia, oX in i"rmation v-'hicli
no p?rfn should be without, 'i'be poi-aIn.rity of
tbo Kfesto'io Jmftca:j in sweh that its cir
culation nearly tnaa1i that of all otner rPft"1 4,1
lis rtauBcomnitird. I'rico, J.ayei'f. iy;sciuv
tofilnbs. Bold bv all newdpai. AILTSN & CO.,
Publishers, Ka. 3S1 Broadway, K. V.
jt (w S esra k JWutin ro. haT
4 B also baa TWrty.
1 SJ
4 Five Vol tar g
S years for
Come to tewa en tk Fourth.
J.J. Banta & C., Centsrvllle, cell
Raspberries are ripe in gardens of
Fir a crackers and flags at F. M.
Camping parties are becoming mere
Frith candies and Fourth ef July
goeds at F. M. Pauly's.
Tfefcre are five prisoners in the Mar
row cqsty jail at Heppner.
'Squire Powers has gone to his Wil
low cr.i.k ranch reluctantly.
Boys, keep out ef other people's
gardens unless you want to ct into
Oils of all kinds for sale as law as
the lowest at J. j. Banta & Co.'s, Cen
terville. Mr. G. II. Gnswold is putting up a
wind-mill at llelix as motor power for a
chop mill.
Mr. A. J. Rouanzein, Milton agent
forSibson, Churck & Co., was iu the
city on Monday.
Joe Hilton has finished plowing
ninety acres on Old 'Squire Depuy's
Cold Spring ranch.
When yon prove up on your land
inform the Register that you want the
notice published iu the LEADER.
Last Monday, Prof. J. M. Taylor
started for Portland as delegate to the
Grand Lodge from Weston Lodge No.
65 A. F. & A. M.
Last Sunday three young ladies,
Misses Ida Miller, Amanda Reelcr and
Rosie Petre were immersed in Pine
creek by Rev. W. II. Pruett.
Talk about big strawberries, and
tine flavored ones, but those sent in to
the LEADER olfice by Mr. Richard Rey
nolds were large and delicious.
Mr. Kern of Cold Spring informs
us that the wheat iu his neighborhood
will average at least twenty-five and
probably thirty bushels to the acre.
R. H. Simpson of Helix is going to
open a dry goods store at that place
about the first of July, having disposed
of his interest in the drug store to his
Mac McClary was hit on tiie head
by the falling limb of a treo and severely
injured. The accident happened in
Morrow conuty. Mac is now at Hepp
ner and improving.
Rev, E. C. Johnson, of this parish
is is Portland. Last Monday he deliv
ered the address to the graduating clasa
at the Eishop Scott Grammar school
and is now in attendance at the annual
Mr. Kasson Smith of Walla Walla
was ia the city ou Saturday. He re
ports a fine crop of .vheat ou his 1G0-
acre field on his Geor Spring farm. Kas-
is a rustler, and we would like to
Coven Years I
T.tnfc OfSca. and have prepared I
more than fine Hundred 1 tiouo. i see Uim start in business in Weatou this
nnd euplic.-'tions i-.-r putcnu in the ;
Ijnitfd fiUa end foreign countries. t fai.
Cavoat. j.T.'ioe-.uarxa, uiiirJ"-''.
Last Tuesday the Blue Mountain
riifiii' A.sicnniraK and ail other papers for
tTa 'Cirrins to inventirs their rifhtu in tho
VJ United States, I'unada, Enftlasd, France,
Germany and other foreign countries, pre- j case uall ClUO 01 tills place sent, a nine
h-A pared atunort noiico nr.uoii reawmi. 'y.
V.A Infnriiialion K3 to ohtaiuine patents cheer-
9a rock ! lr.trounc n 'I BM Amrbicak AgintIwd
Sauit of LiTKriATt: mioczieii lively i rmpow
rrU weuiwll Im.wj ML'tiibors at a Feeoi Si ecb,
v.i net' ffor Aso laLlon R8(irlua I? and c t uOAaX.
rt.l-iitii Hllowawnhact itjfKHulerett.a withdrawal
t f 3,(kh) per annum for & ira. vbicb covers cost
91 i ubiic -.1!'U of our nttttaEtne, be !(! JcaTjf,
aaurluto iv tmfJ tnihopobl catlcnof a library
( UiM'k- (HI hOIKSCK, AKT, t DUOATIO,Pl'iLll.y Ld
n p LiTtBAi ut it,wltlch will be turn lubed to mcm
bvrsni K it tll prue tl.s receipts betrg relnTeiied
tn citlr wt ikii.E ve an unit tiiHcft flfld (crcperAiton.
KnmmMi .: n i!d n n ei-vmcaiPTioii Bcoks
at a l irtidrnfefti nirnibeliip (tntnilnpanid
aietn t cr i paid u p eiibM-ripiion 10 Tui Aw aa
ro a AuikTAbAiAiYir LusuatuRatord years
atid t-iUt-r pilvlh Ktarr the Aoc1att( n.) wn' he
lrrwH'rti n wti 01 H eKo rr(non F'f ot 1.
Jadvam a;i:s of a ftiLMr.i;itsim:l
I A r-M.M h i crit;tU,n to Am. Aatittjur ft years.
itvtirit ga hlrmyvj iiickaat y. published pricA
. jcm on ( publication $ not Ukuea by ut
IA dihwhtit cn at(itU$ advertised in Am. Agent
l.i t rtf. t rftrr bnt sen SruMptprr$ d Alagmmts,
A rrr'rf r-nt'fnr rtirrov at.d ether fri ileyts.
;t-n ifiilmut, rharire. HanQ-bOOIt3 ov.
K3 inlurmatioa sent free, latent 2
t American frc3. The alvatace of sDoticeia
wen nnucrToou oy - nuv
Cl tnur patent .
V II V ll.U can be doi a pi fitably I Tery plain. Af
tr ii.M.O tiinraBreriiroiii'd,lorrtttd lDe-ry tuta
ai.J let ntorjtlii.n glvlrj our mgazlDB a thorough
li trodcrt'op, a rciiai.t li.rrtassof fubacrtptlors
will txreeoiTrdat 1 a yrart ar.d to rn the sale
ef bo kP t" ti"tvmrniW-rr it j; U erwUbibecorrea.
pni-iKii crea- in inemuc oi (nc aaritisutfr; col-,
fim-a. I- pirt i In d it m t lfac!ry lncoDte.
f :onTrcdif DullnraKaTed tn d'scoun'shyfha
iL,p 1l,y-.dh in vi i U i-ir.d cT'h for that yr.u,
e',.T', a ivawrM eirotfA th dollar ten time over.
IHofcarribir Now a ubcrii Uon rtcowlH afaia
In iutei at H a rr when lCO.fX-O names are In .
srtaTCAffiiQn?T rrt.As:'ciA?::iT,teao,Iu,.j
Ana Oiber raliliratinns.
For further t articulars write to
R. A. Tenncy,
to Waitshurg to take part in the base
ball tournament at that place. While
we wish the beys unhounded success
it is too much to expect that they will
coaie off first best owing to their lack
of practice. The nine have not prac
ticed for many weeks, and only decided
to go at the last minute. The following
is the team: L. Beam, J. M. Shields,
II. A. XeUon, Win. Powers, Jno.
Frooma, A. Beam, W. T. Williamson,
C. B. Prsebstel and A. L. Powell.
. Jj josfwliat its nana imnlies : b
pea erectly upoa tie
Ihe maay dlseuss i
oxtant organ, and
serous ar.mi
tan lian
i - r
-i V-.J .Yi rW
th&JjySr mast be
o tiat ira.
exist from iia
e, .EilionsaessL
ctaIt is therefore d
rTo "hare ''Good HeaLa
kept in orfieT."
IoTisormtet the Liver, Rcrulatcs tire Bow
Is, Strengthens the System, Purifies tho
Blood . Assist Digestion, Prevents Fevers.'
Is a Household XTccd, An Invaluable
Family Medicine for common complaiats.
si? EAxroas's xxrra rsnoos-iTOi!
Srptritru cf Forty year, and Thou
$andnf TutimoniaU prove it Merit. -
'or fcB tsforautlon aond your addraaa for 109
Boa aim- LiTer iu ia aimat," ta
t WM (its f iW.ffiiV
"Lei us go into the house of the Lord,''
PSALJIS 122: 1.
Divine service at the First Baptist
Church nf West.'in, Ure;;ou, un the First
ami Third Sundays in each month,
morning and evening. Snudoy sclmul at
3 p. in. every S;ini!y. Prayer Jieetini;
every Thursday at 7 p. m. A'.l are cor
dially iiiTitcd to attend these services.
W. 11. PnrETT, Pastor.
, JaZiJLM J. h
Obtained, and all Fateut Business at
h'luie or abroad attcnili J to for moder
ate feci. Uur crlice is opposite the L.
i. Patent UlUce, and we Ciu i.btain at
eiits in lcs lime than tiioe remote from
Wabliinton. fc-end Model or Drawing.
We advise as to patentability tree of
charge; and we chanje no fee unlcsx
patent is nt'oiraL
Y i- rciVr. lnn- to tba Postmaster.
the sjupt. i i Monev Order l:v., and to i tri-weekly mails, and for
.diicntU of the 1'. S. Patent Utiles. l or
circular, advice, terms, and reierences
to actual ciscnts in your owa State or
county, write to
Opp. Pat. Uliice, Wasuingion, 1).C.
Farmers alon Vansyle, Jnniptr
and North Cold Spring are contemplat
ing shipping their wheat from Wallula
over tiie Northern Pacific. At the rate
of twenty cents per bushel fioia Wa'lu
la to Chicago they estimate that it will
be more profitable to ship to Chicago
than to Portland. If the rate is only live
and one-t'aird cents from Milwaukee to
New York thera seeas to be no good
reason why v.-brat might not be carried
fio'n Wallula to Chiciit'O tor even con
siderably les than twenty cents per
bushel. The Leader would like to see
the farmers realize handsomely upon
their year's toil.
The people ia the Celd Spring coun
try are not very well supplied with pos
tal facilities. There is a postoffice at
Helix which is supplied three times a
week from Pendleton. There is anoth
er postutiice at Hilton, commonly
ktiswu as Badger Spring, F. M. Hamp
ton, postmaster, eighteen miles from
llelix, but tbre is no regular service.
A movement is on foot for the better
ment of this condition. Petitions have
been forwardsd to the proper dtpart
ment fur the establishment of a postcf
rice at King's, six miles from Helix, to
be known as Cold Spring, with J. W.
King as postmaster, for the establish
ing of a route from Echo to Helix, with
the abandon
ment cf the route from Pendleton to
Helix. The proposed route would sup
ply Hilton, Cold Spring and Helix, aud
the expense need not be greater than it
is now. The rapidity with which the
"Must overythiEg go, mamma! The
old bouss, the piano, the stock, and my
own little pony? Oh, mamma, must all
be sold? Is there no hope?"
And Dollie Danvers gazed into her
mother's face with a pair ot eager brown
Mrs. Danvers shook her head sadly.
A pale-faced, anxious-looking woman,
die seemed bowed with the weight of
this trouble with which she was forced
to contoad.
"No hopo, Dollie," she answered
mournfully; ''not the slightest ray; so
do not think of such a thing. Your fa
ther is dead, and yon and I are all
alone; we must meet this terrible trou
ble as bravely as possible. ' He did not
intend leaving us such a sorrow to bear.
In an evil moment he became involved
ia debt; he mortgaged the farm then, and
with the money thus obtained paid the
amount of his indebtedness. But alas!
he has been taken from us suddenly
stricken down without a moment's
warning and he has not been dead
three mouths, when the holder of the
unfortunate mortgage writes me that he
will be here upon a certain day to take
possession. That day has arriyed. Dol
lie, darling, I know Roger Whitcoinbe
by reputation; he is a hard old man, de
voted to money, and perhaps net alto
gether scrupulous as to the manner of
obtaining it. He has no sympathy or
charity, aud his heart is as hard as a
stone; no hope of leniency there; and
besides, even if he should grant us a re
spite, it would only be for a little while,
and then we would be as badly off as
before. No, daughter, we must resign
ourselves to the inevitable; there is no
possibility ef obtaining the money with
which to. satisfy the mortgage, aud I
have dc:ided to sell allour possessions,
except sufficient household furniture
with which to fit cs up a couple ef
rooms somewhere, and we must go to
work to try and earn a bare subsistence.
I have my sewing machine, aud you,
dear, may possibly get a school, and
well, Dollie, God will not forsake the
widow and the fatherless, I am sure."
But Dollie was young and impetuous,
and it was a difficult task to learn res
ignation. "It's a shame, mamma!" she stormed
angrily, "a burning shame, and 1 cau't
help saying so. The idea of a rich old
man like Mr. Whitcombs robbing a
friendless widow iu th's fashion! Mam
ma, I don't believe that God will ever
forgive him, and -"
"Hush, Dollie!"
Mrs. Danvers spoke in a frightened
whisper, and-her face was quite pale,
while her sad eyes were turned toward
the window with actual alarm.
A man was coming slowly up the via
Ict-berdered walk to the door an old
man with gray hair and hard features,
aud upon every lineament of his harsh
face was stamped the word avarice.
Dollie started a little guiltily, for it
was plaia to see that Mr. Wkitcornbe
had overheard her impetuous speech.
"I don't care," she muttered, sotto
voce; "lie deserves worse than that."
Iu the meantime the widow had open
ed the doer and timidly welcomed the
old man, who was already gazing about
him with au air of proprietorship.
"Bad business! bad business!" he
growled, after the state of alfairs bad
been thoroughly explained to him.
"Mighty bad for a man to run his farm
into debt too deep and hopeless to be
ever extricated, and then die and leave
his family unprovided for! A poor man
ager, I say! A maa who will be guilty
of such improvidence is better dead and
out of the way! A man who will rob
his own family "
"Mr. Whitcoinbe!"
Dollie started forward, white to the
lips, save for the indignant flush which
burned in a tiny red spot upou either
cheek. "Stop?" she panted angrily,
"How dare vou speak iu such a heart-
le?s way of mi father my good, kind
loving father. How dare you say such
things of him when he is dead aud can
not defend himself? You are a coward
and a wicked old man! It is you who
arc robbiBt; tho widow and her father
A look of pity stole into thestranger's
"What is the matter, little girl?" que
ried the young man kindly.
Dollio raised a tear-stained little face
and sprung hastily to her feet. The
stranger doffed his bat with a courteous
"I beg your pardon!" he cried. "I
never ureaned that that I thought
you a little girl who had been punish
ed and came out here to have a good
' In spits of her troubles Dollie could
not repress a smile. Tho young man
ventured another remark, and before
many minutes had passed tho two were
chatting together in a friendly way. At
last the fntlemaa glanced at his watch.
' Wny, 4few timo fliesl" he exclaimed?.
"I eame through this orchard a short
cut I was told ou my way to the Dan
vers place. Will you kindly direct
Dollie glanced into his face with sus
picious eyes.
"It is not the Danvers place any long
er," she said bitterly. "It has passed
Into the bauds of a mean-spirited old
old man who, as soon as he arrived at
the farm this morning, proceeded to
turn my mother and myself into tho
street. I am Dollie Danvers," she add
ed, ingenuously. The young man was
staring into her face with genuine as
tonishment and disapproval.
"Miss Danvers!" he cried eagerly, "I
do net understand you. What is the
name of this cruel old man?"
"Roger Whitcoinbe," she answered.
"There is some mistake, or something
wrong I am sure of it!" said the young
man, sternly. "I am the holder of the
mortgage upon the Danvers farm. My
name is Robert Carroll. Mr. Roger
Whitcoftibe is only my agent. He has
never been instructed to use harsh
measures in any case, and more especi
ally with you. Miss Danvers, your fa
ther is the best friend I ever had, and I
came here to-day to see your mother and
eleasa her from all indebtedness to mc.
Come with me to the house, and I will
soon settle with Whitcombs. He has
abused his authority."
And he did as he proposed. Confront
ing the agent with ins own abuse ot
power, Mr. Carroll spcedilv dismissed
him from his service, and the crestfallen
old maa departed.
Robert Carroll remained several days
at the farm-house, and it was the most
delightful visit he had ever experienced.
And when he went away he wrote fre
quently to Mrs. Danvers, and thers
were - always a few lines inclosed for
Dolly.. There must, have been a power
ful magnet a.t the Danvers plice, for iu
a few weeks he was back again. And
before six months had elapsed there was
grand wedding, and Dollie became
Mrs, Robsrt Carroll. The three live
happily together now in a luxurious
mansion, but Dollie never can forget
the awful agony and desolation which
overflowed her heart when she was
driven forth by a stranger from the eld
home of her childhood.
The Buyers Grrr2 5s issnsd March
aad Sei't.. each rear: 224 russ. SJxlI J
finches, with over 3,300 illustrations
j a whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale
(rices direct to coiuamers on all gooes for
personal or rf'v family nsa.
a'eLbkowto order, and
gives exact fW cost of ev
erything yoa K M3 cse drink,
t.w5rt0r fun
jvuh. Tnese invalnable
Docks contain information plcaned from
the markets cf tho world. "We will mail
a copy Free to any address upon receipt
of the postage 8 cent. La us Lear
from you. . Respectfully, 'j
cmatiula conn.
From tht Piadletoa Tribune..
Three Indians found wandering around
the streets by the nightwatch, en Tues
day night about twelve o'clock, found
quarters ia the calaboose.
The current expenses of the county
for the past year; for which scrip has
been issued, is i08,011.26, against $G0,
924.96 for the year previous. j
At a meeting held on Wednesday the
tax-payers decided to build aa $13,000
school house, work on which will be
commenced this fall. That's business, j
It shows a spirit of enterprise and pro-':
gress, shows that civilization has taken
the frontier edge off!
The . Pendleton Fire Departments'
election came off on Tuesday last and
resulted iu the election of Gus Bargy
for Chief; Fred. Vincent, First Assist
ant and Wm. Furnish, Second Assist
ant. Two insane persons, one in the jail
and the other outside guarded by his
(riends, are awaiting and have been for
seme time the return of his Hon. Jndge
Lucy who is en a pleasure trip east.
There is not a spring passes by, but
what there is a crop failure predicted
by many iu Eastern Oregon. There is
always something unusual in the weath
er; something nevar experienced by the
oldest inhabitant.f This spring the pre
diction of a failure was entertained
more generally than ever before, and
this year there will be a larger crop
than ever before, j Wheat is doing splen
didly now; can get along withoat any
more rain, and cannot but be nearly
double the amount raised in any prev
ious yeai. The farmers will have moiey
t pay what they owe the merchai ts
and machine men, who will then k
enabled to settle tip their indebtedness
Besides being able to pay their debts,
tho farmers will have a nice little "sur
plus in the treasury," and caa commence
their next year's work with a lighter
heart, as they will not be weighed down
with a chain composed ef links ef debts
lhis is a comparatively new country,
and the majsntyj ot the farmers com
menced with next to nothing, that be
ing the caase of there being so many in
debt. In no other coantrv in the world
can a man make 1 raise easier than he
can in this, and when we say that Uma
tilla county can t be beaten, we state
"the truth, the whole truth, and noth
ing but the truth."
less child! If I were only a man I would
chastise you a-i you deserve!"
Mrs. Danvers had sunk hopelessly is
to a chair, uale and terniieJ, too over
come with alarm to venture a rernon
strance, and Dollie stormed on:
"You are acting a wicked as well as
a cowardly part, Mr. : Roger YThit
combe," she panted, "and 1 refuse to
leave this place my old home, until "
"You will leave this very day," yell
ed the old man in a burst of angry pas
sion. '"1 had intended granting you a
respite, but your own impertinence has
scaled your doom! Out you both go,
before faur-aad-twenty hours roll
around." j
Dollie grew very pale. Where would
they go? Two helpless women with on
ly the pitiful snm of money which was
iu their possesoion? But the fiat had
gone forth and against it there was no
appeal. So the two forsaken women
went steadily to work to pack their few
belongings, and that accomplished, Dol-
How Insects Crcatbe.
If we take any moderately largo
nsect, say a wasp or a hornet, we
can see, even with the naked eye.
that a series of small spot-like
marks runs along each side of the
body. These apparent spots, which
are generally eighteen or twenty in
number, are, in fact, the apertures
through which air is admitted into
the system, and are generally form
ed in such a manner that no ex
traneous matter can by. aey possi
bility find entrance. Sometimes
they are furnished with a pair ef
horny hps, which can b opened and
closed at tiie win ot tne insect: in
other' cases they are densely fringed
with stilt interlacing bristles, form
ing a filter, which allows air, and
air alone, to pass. But tho appara
tus, of whatever character it may
be, ia always so wonderfully perfect
in its action, that it has been found
impossible to inject the body of a
dead insect with even so subtle a
medium as spirits of wine, although
the sut.ject was first immersed iu
fluid, and then placed beneath the
receiver of an air-j ump. The aper
tures in question, which are techni
cally known as "spiracles," commu
nicate with twe large breathins-
tubes, or tracheae, wliich extend
through the entire length of the
body. From these main tubes are
given off innumerable branches,
which run in all directions, and
continually divide and subdivide,
until a wonderfully intricate net
work ia formed, pervading every
part of the structure, and penetra
ting even to the antennae acd claws.
Why Be Believed Him
St re '.chit vras telling Crawley
about ftD alligator ha saw iu Florida
"That alligator ihaessured sixty-three
feet aad five .inches from the end of
his nose ta the tip of his tail.
What do yeu think of that Gavr ley?
An alligator sixty-three feet and
five inches long. Doesn t that aston
ish you?" "No,"j said Gawley, quiet
ly; "I in a liar lnyseir.
Where tlscy Make a Klstuke.
Sophronia writes: "I have noticed
that nearly ail boys whistle but
that few men whistle. I have been
wondering why -if they whistle when
boys tuey do not whistle vhen men.
Can you throw any light on this
subjeeti" All the light we can
threw on the aubjecb is this: Boys
whistle because they are happy.
When they grow up to be men they
usually get married. Boston Courier.
0 O 2 ta.
3 1
fa 559 IS E .
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g I HI"!2'? i cun
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tr- S3, E SL s
3""-3 lob 52 er
!z;-o0- CD 2 s
S"g IS' If H i
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O 5 9.
The Precepts ofEconoiny.
A literary lady who writes for the
magazine met a lady on the streets
of Galveston, j
"You seem to be in high spirits.
Heard some good news') Going to
ret married! i asked the friend.
"O, no; it's better than that I've
just got a letter f-orn the editor cf
tue Ladies Iaqazim inclosing a
check for $50 in payment of my ar
ticle on economy in dress, and 1 am
going right now to buy me a new
brocaded silk-velvet dress, made in
the latest style, . if it takes every
cent of the .J0.
Here is where yon can get your money's
worm in
Beef, Pork. Mutton,
and everythlne ia the line of meats that
tne country produces.
Flouring Hi
market price paid for fat
the number of people already there en
title it to better postal facilities than it
now possesses.
Cold Spring couutry is settling ep and j lie tied on her white sun-bonnet and ran
down into the shady old orchard to say
good-bye. .
She threw herself down at the foot of
a huge, gnarled apple tree, and bury
ing her face in her hands, crouched
there, a forlorn little heap.
So absorbed was she in her grief that
she did not hear the firm footstep which
brushed the grass as the tall figure ef a
youn man iu a gray tweed suit drew
slowly near. j
t A few steps aaarer and he eame to a
A Life Sannjr Present.
Mr. M. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.:
Saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle
of Dr. Kind's New Discovery, for Con
sumption, which caused him to proenre
a large bottle, that completely cured
him, when Doctors, change of climate
and everything else had failed. Asth
ma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe
brienrrtn the Pslr-lt.
The Christian Register remarks:
"Ministers Ehonld keep their illus
trations up to the times. One of
the profession, writing in the
Standard, says, 'The photographic
plate must come to the camera
ireta and dripping, from its siivery
bath, or no vivid impression will be
made upon it; and so should our
hearers come to their pews fresh
from the baptism of heavenly in
fluences through closet and family
devotion, if they would tela us in
producing a strong and helpful im
pression on them by the truth.' A
go id application. Nevertheless, the
most sensitive plates, which will
take a picture as quick as an eye
wink, are dry."
A London dispatch says: The
most encouraging feature ef the
agricultural outlwok is the favora
ble change in the weather which
has come at the mcst opportune
time, when warmth and sunshine
will produce the best results, espec
ially as it has been preceded by
copious rains. The backward con
dition ef crops and discoloration
of wheat Lave been sources to com
plaint, but it is new admitted that
po lasting injury was done, and if
the present line weather continues
a rapid improvement in harvest
prospects is expected.
The Transcontinental pool has de
cided upon the percentage to be
awarded to each line in the associa
tion. The decision has not yet been
publicly announced, ar.d only the
managers of the different roads have
been made acquainted with tba re
sult of the arbitrators' work. It is
said that several of the reads feel
that great injustice has beta dene
them, for their percentage are mack
less than the earnings of the roads.
fsieS. h. GARDEN
woald ratpflctfuHy inform the pubMc that she
una just opciiti out. a v;0LDDict stock oi
Spring and Summer Millinery
in Mrs. Ashbj's old stand on Water Bt
and all the latest Sorertiea.
My Stock Is all new and fresh, and the ladles of
Weston and ticir.ity are rcspectf ullr invitod to
call and examine it.
Froebstel Bros. Prprttrtr
And keep constantly on hand al khatW
ef mill feed each as
. Notice to the Public
a w11-,101 owin themselves la.
debted either by nolo or book aceeant.
are hereby requested U come forwari
and make immediate payment, as all old
running accounts must be settled kr
.i l)Ve viA Sve notice that
SM1"U? SfUn uFlour MiU "nt
Proelwtel Bros.
A camel sometimes lives to the ago
of one hundred years. No wonder he
has a hump n pon his back.
t unirne on., all i hm.t nnrt I i-w il ,.. .
eas, it is guaranteed to cure. Trial j - his Slanc foU Pa th weeping
bottles tree at W. H. McCoy's Drug . ... ... . .... m .
ed there weeping her grief away. 1 the arm at right angles with the body,
Store. Large sixe $1.00.
The eirse ef cane Carrying it ander i .ylad
That Georgia strawberry which is
foar and half; inches round tee waist
ought to bo sliced to make a short-cake
The men most willing te take risks
are those who have nothing te lose.
Ice cream A thing to make a lever's
heart celd.
A tare day Sunday in a boarding-
hease. . j
aa a hatter The same man's
Boot and Shoe Maker,
The finest Beets kept constantly ea
hand or made to order en the
shortest notice.
Is prepared te do any and all kinds ol
work in his line. Price reasonable.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Jfotary Public
lAUdbuHnessof an kfmfe-ffitef, pronnfo-,
. attended to with promptiuw and can.
Collecting Accounts a ; Specialty..
a Specialty. -
Mjaj .trices reasonable. "
42 3 ni p. MAXWELL.
ffnctsjssor to Simpson), l
Worn dean la tho Tntsnt sad Bss Stylo.-
Saye-ytsMcet le
On.' i-