LEADERETTES. Begone, doll times. Disease dines oh dirt. Th wheat ia here: the prictrt what will be Union county has an Immigra tion Board. Railroad competition tH often leads to combinations. What mora beautiful than tha wheat fields of Umatilla countj? If the Columbia river was navi gable we could laugh at railroad combinations. Judge Olmsted is bting highly complimented for Lis judicious ex pediting of court kasiaeis. i Judging from the attention he ia at present receiving the Mugwump must be an important pmonage in JLmerican politics. The dismissal of Niainio, chief -clerk and statistician of the Tieasu ry department, must mean that fig ures have been mads to lie. It is said that the United States Treasury is in an unsatisfactory condition. Well, we hear of seve ral other treasuries that are similar ly likewise, so to speak. TLe "basses" of one faction ef the Republican party in Oregon are anxious to have an extra session of the Legislature. Even if Gov, Moody could be whipped into line it is doubtful if much goed to the party would ascrue as Ions as the "famous eighteen" remained "ob stiaate." Effect of War Rninora. If the rumors of wars in Europe hkvs no other effect they will greatly stimulate emigration. Already peo ple are leaving Great Britain, Ire land and Russia by thousands, while Norway and Sweden, not directly menaced, are contributing hundreds of families towards in creasing the population of America. The people of these countries intui tively recognize the difficulty their governments will experience to maintain neutrality, and that they will be under the necessity ef pre paring for war almost to the extent they would if actually engaged in hostilities. TUo people of Europe da not desire war. It means for them suffering in every concei vable form. Families will Le de prived of their protectors aud brok en up by conscription. The farms will be robbed of their young men and the manufacturing establish uieuts of their skilled labor. All this in order that Autocrats. Em perors and Kings may gratify their mbition for military notoriety or territorial aggrandizement. Fortunately this country has am ple room for all who seek to escape the despotisms of the old world Here they may obtain homes and live in peace, enjoying the fruit af their labor. J be great Northwest. in particular, will welcome them with gladness, and aid them in their efforts to establish permanent abiding pistes which will never be disturbed by the presence of the 'Uiting officer. There are mill ions of acres of rich virgin land awaiting their occupancy. There are hundreds of villages, towns and cities ready to greet their skilled uoustry with patronage and encour agement. America has room tor all, and welcomes all. Bill Jfje Ioflolgm In Kemlnbrenccs of Childlsood's Happy Hour. Dear reader, do von remember the bov in tout school who did the heavy falling through the ice, and ; IS TXO natterer. VV OUia you was always about to break his neck, ! make it tell a sweeter tale ? but managed to live through it all? j Magnolia Balm is the chanil- lifi vnu nail to mind tho vouth who 5 ... The latest "Democratic outrage" Isfeuadia the announcement that the clerks in the Pension oflice did more work during April than in aay previous month in its history the increase amounting to an,addi tiou of nearly one half, with the same force as before. Thert has hov been any doubt among well iniormsd people that the average amount of work turned off every day by a government clerk fall far bslow not only what he should ac complish, but also what the em plojse of any private establishmcn would have to render under penalty of dismissal for inefficiency. An this change in the Pension oflice demonstrates the fact. The reckless and unreliable sheet that arrogates to itislf the honor of using the organ of the Oregon De mocracy, says that more has been done during the two months o Cleveland's administration to sup press Mermonisui than during th whole time of Republican rule, Perhaps that is correct in one sense, bat it is only fair to state that th convictions recently secured were made under the Edmunds law, and through the instrumentality of Re publican ollioials. The present ad ministration is doing and will doubt less continue to do all in its power tc suppress the Mormon iniquity, but that is ne reason why it should be credited with more than its due. The' Mirror A meeting of "Democratic Sena tors, Representatives and prouii Meat citizens from Michigan, Wis consin, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky, Virginia, and members E the Kational Democratic Com mittee," wssheld at Washington re ceatly, and after an interchange of iewa, it was agreed that if the Ad ministration continued to keen Re publicans in office, the President would be gently informed that he most look to Republicans in Con gress for support. The decision ar rived at by this Bourbon confer ence is probably correctly reported, .and what a disgraceful disclosure it makes. It unblushingly and un mistakably declares that those men regard the Democratic party as an organization whose main motive is the aequisitien of office. Good gov ernment is nothing, the honest and economical administration ef pub lic affairs less than nothing; spoils of office everything to those men who have to little sense of pro priety as to parade in public their shameless greed. It is extremely unfortunate that any number of men could be found se stupidly par tisan and so grossly unpatriotic as . to aay in substance to the President of their party, give us the offices or we will oppose your policy, no mat ter how good it may be. No more lgratling spectacle could be pre tented to an intelligent and patri otic people. Such men are not on ly a disgrace to the Democratic par ty, but an offense to all good citi cent. It is encouraging, however. to remember that there is nothing in Cleveland's career that would for a moment warrant the suspicion that he will be swerved fiom hi line of strict duty by such coward! and shameless throats, is or ia it to be aupposea that these pitiabl partisans voice the sentiments of the rank and file of the Democratic party. There was no Kliclicn Line Sh was crazy about palmistry. She had bought halt a dozen books aud studied the Hues and the mounts aud tho islands and the crosses aud the stars, and she had read her UsHry'i fortune time and again. So he under took to read her hand one night, with her help. "This is my heart line, dear," shi said, as she traced with her linger acros the palm. "Yes; your heart lino." "You see how well defined and stron it it?" Yes, beloved, bnt it is not quite straight, and this book says that these little Jinan running out of it are evi dunce of previous affections." 'Uh, but this great big break u." "Then there's my headline." "Yes, darling. If your heart war as level as your head I mean iu pal-1 mintry I would not be so jealous." "lint you mustn't read like that. What are yoa looking for?" He was anxiously seaunin the book and the hund. "Dearest, I love yoa. You have a magnificent life line and a splendid heart line and a level head line, but " "Well?" "Iam peor, and if you could only show me the kitchen line the future would be one unbroken dream of hap piness." The wells of Plymouth, Pa., are said to be the real cause of tho epi- j demic there. Ibis fact recalls a cir cumstance connected with the cho lera epidemic in London in I8G6 that is worth remembering. In the city of London, not far from Guild Hall, was a well that was famous for the purity, brilliancy and pleas ant flavor of its water. Rich bank ers and merchants sont their mes sengers considerable distances to pump drinking water from this par ticular well. When the cholera was rsging at its worst it was not iced that people in the habit of us ing this water suffered more than their neighbors, and an analysis was promptly ordered and made. It was then shown that the water ac tually owed its peculiar brilliancy to the presence of deleterious organic matter, and tho well was closed. Frcfin that time cholera was no long' er observed among the people who ad formerly appeared most liable to it. The world is full of kindness that was never spoken, and that is not much better than no kindness at all. The fuel in the stove makes the room warm, but there are treat piles of fallen trees lying on rocks and tops of hills where nobody can get them; these do not make any body warm, lou might freeze to death for want of wood, in plain lght of these fallen trees, if you had no means of getting the wood home and making a fire of it. Just so in a family, love is what makes the parents and children the brother and sister happy. But if they think never to say a word about it; if they keep a profound se cret as if it were a crime, they will not be much happier than if there was not any love among them; the bouse will seem cool even in summer, and if you live there, you will envy dug if anybody calls him a poor fellow. never allowed anybody else to fall out of a tree and break his collar bone when he could attend to it himself! Every school has to secure the services of such a boy before it can succeed, and so our school had one. When I entered the school I saw at a glance that the board had neglect ed to provide itself with a boy whose duty it was to nearly kill himself every few days in order to keep up the interest, so I applied for the position. I secured it with out any trouble whatever. The board understood at once from my bearing that I would succeed. And I did not betray the trust they had reposed in me, Before the first term was over I had tried to climb two trees at once and been carried home on a stretch er: been nulled out of the river with my lungs full of water and ar titicial respiration resorted to; been jerked around over the north half of the county by a fractious horse whose halter I had tied to my leg, and which leg is bow three inches longer than the other, together with various other little eccentricities which I cannot at this moment call to mind. My parents at last got se that along about two e clock p. m they would look anxiously out of the window and say: "Isn't it about timo for the boys to get here with William's remains They generally get here before two o'clock." One day five or six of us were playing "I spy" around the barn. Everybody knows how to play "I spy. Una shuts his eyes and counts one hundred, for instance, while the others hide. Then he must say "1 spy" so-and-so and touch the "goal" before they do. If anybody beats hi in to the goal the victim has to "blind" over again. Well, I knew the ground pretty well, and could drop twenty feet out of the barn window and strike on a pile of straw so as to land near the goal, touch it, and let the crowd in free without getting found out. 1 did this several times and got the blinder, James Bang, pretty mad. After a boy has counted five or six hundred, and worked hard to gath er in the crowd, only to get jeered and laughed at by the boys, he loses his temper, it was so with James Cicero Bang. I knew he almost hated me, and yet I went on. Fi nally, in the fifth ballot, I saw a good chance to slide down and let the crowd in again as 1 had done on former occasions. I slipped out of the window and down the side cf the barn about two feet, when I was detained unavoidably. There was a "batten" on the barn that was loose at the upper end. I think I was wearing my father's vest on that day, as he was away from home and I frequently wore his clothes when he was absent. Anyhow the vest was too largo, and when I sad down that loose board ran up be tween the test and my person in such a way as to suspend me about eighteen feet from the ground m prominent but very uncomfortable position, I remember it yet quite distinct James C. Bang came around where he could see me. lie said: "i spy Bill Nye and touch the goal before him. ho one came to remove the barn. No one seemed to sympa thize with me in my great sorrow and isolation. Every little while James C. Bang would come around the corner and say: "Oh, I see ye. You needn't think you're out of sight up there. You better come down and blind. I can see ye up there'"' I tried to unbutton my vest and get down there and lick Jame, but it was of no use. It was a very trying time. I can remember how I tried to kick my self looae, but failed. Sometimes I would kick the barn and sometimes I would kick a Urge hole in the ho rizon. Finally I was rescued by a neighbor who said ho didn't want to see a good barn kicked into chaos just to save a long-legged boy that wasn t worth over six bits. It affords me great pleasure to add that while I am looked up to and madly loved by every one that does not know mo, James G. Ban, is the brevet president ef a fractured bank, taking a lonaly bridal tur by himself in Europe and waitins for the depositors to die of old age. The mills of the pods grind slew ly, but they most generally get there with both lent. er that almost cheats the Hew Styles. New Prices, looking-glass. Coach on Coagns. Ask for "KoukIi on Coughs" for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness. Troches, 15c. Liquid, 25c. KongSi on Kats. Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-bug?, skunks, chipmunks, go phers, toe, jJruggists. Heart Fains. Palpitation, Dropsical Swellings, Diz ziness, Indigestion, Headache, Sleep lessncss cured by "Wells Health He- newer . Konsn on lurai. Ask for XYMs' "Hough on Corns." 15c. Quick, complete cure, Hard or soft corns!, warts, bunions. Roaga on Fnin Foronsed riaster; Strengthening, improved, the best for backache, pains in chest or side, rheu mutism, neuralgia. Thin People. "W ells Health Kenewer restores health and visor, cures Dyspepsia, Headache, jerveu.sness, Debility. 1. TVIiooiilug I'onxu, and the many Throat Ali'ections of chil dren promptly, pleasantly and safuly re lieved by "Hough on Coughs" Troches, loc; Ualsain, Mothers. If yon are failing, broken, worn out and nervous, use "Wells' Health lie newer." 1. Druggists. life I'reserrer. If you are losing your grip on ife, try 'Wells Health Koaewer." Goes direct to weak spots. Rough on Toothache. Instant relief for Neuralgia, Tooth ache, Faceache. Aak for "KoiAgh on lQOtuache, lo and 'Zo cents. Ptcttj Women. Ladies who would retaiu freshness and vivacity. Don't fail to try "Well Health Itenewer. Catarrhal Throat Affections, Hacking, irritating Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, cured by "Hough on Coughs." Irocucs, 15c. .Liquid, zjc. KouKh on Itch. "Rough on Itch" cures humors, erup' lions, ringworm, tetter, salt rheuui frosted feet, chilblains. The Uope of I he Kntlon. Children, slow in development, puny scrawny, aud delicate, use '"Wells Health lienewer. Wide Avntte three or four hours every night cou ing. tJet immediate relief and sound rest by using Wells' 'Rough on Coughs.' troches, 15c; JJalsam, 2oc HOLMS CIjEY'E DEALERS IN i looper, Soimick & Garaett. MAXUFATCREKS AND DEALERS IU AR LOR AND BEDROOM SETS and all kind of THE BEST FURNITURE "THE liLCOO IS onsAffertkm- THE I. lit." Thoroughly cleanse it bjr usingr Br. Pierce' r.olrlou IVfeillcnl BiiroTrrT.uid srooil Clothing, Hats, Caps, Dress and Fancy Gooa We carry a full stock of Household Furniture, iu walnut, ash aud vine; also. a lararft assortment ol 4 !i:iirs " va "treuetn, and onnduMoi r- nnf u I actth McIl-wI Ulattresscs. Snrinsr lietls. I Lounges, etc. A supply on SOSOPTIOfl- land of House Mouldm". .v , . . f DOOrS and Sasil. FiOOriUjr, lanjts, is promptly and certainly arrested Kustic aud -IMMENSE STOCK OF- CHEAP FOR CASH. j . Froome &. Son ProDrietors. Would respectfully announce to the traveling public and the people of TVeeton and vicinity that this new Entk Hotel is now open for the reception of Gueto. THE ROOMS ARE WELL-FURHISKED, HEAT AND CLEAN. The table will be furnished at all timei with the best that money eon buy and rerved in tl most , acceptable manner. We take pride in keeping a hotel that will be First-Class in Every Particular, the comfort of our guests being our first consideration, knowing that upon this auccoae depends, Come once, and if you do not come auin we will consider the fau't oars. Corner Slain anl Franklin FROOBV.E & BOM, Weston. Oregon f Port. and, Oregon. Incorporated March 15, 1SS3.) CAPITAL STOCI A. E YfiSKEN E. SRXTBI M. J. DVKAXD Rough on Pain Poronscd Plaster. Strengthening, improved, the best for backache, pains in the chest or side, rheumatism, neuralgia. A l 5C? Hair Vigor cures baldness, JL K7 Hair Vigor restores youth- ol fi-csJmcss and color to faded aud gray fllr. It attains these result? by the stiin iation of the hair roots and color glands, t rejuvenates the Trr TT and cleanses it. t restores to the -"--liJLxXv tnat either by eason of age or diseases of the scalp, lias -ccome dry, barah and brittle, a pliancy and lossy silken softness of extreme beauty. "hero is no dye in Ayer'9 Dair-WTTi i "C nd the good it does is by the XV vXV imparts to the follicles, and the clean- iness and healihfulncss ol tiie conaiuoD a which it maintains tho scalp. a "7nr?T G Hair Vigor renews the hair, ti. JL jUJLV 5 Hair Vigor la the best euro mown for Brashy Hair, Scald Head, Itching iumors. Tetter Sores, Torpid Follicles, and 11 other diseases of the scalp that causo be falling of tho tt TT nd " fading Nothing cleanses XXXlJLXV of the nuisance .f dandruff so perfectly, and so effectually irevonts its return, as Aybb's Hair Vigob. addition to the curative and restorative irtnes peculiar to Ayer's Hair "TTT Al t is a toilet luxury. Tho Hair lUUli by far the cleanliest bair-dresslng made, causes the hair to grow thick and luugi ind keeps it always soft and glossy. Avers Hair Vigor Contains no deleterious Ingredients. Its use rcvehts all scalp disease, secures against the lair growing thin or gray, and surely cures ail laldacas that is not organic. PEirAKSD BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. ' (Sold by all Druggists. Smutty TTheat. Instead of using vitriol for treating smutty wheat, German authorities re- commeej salicylic acid, in the propor tion of one part acid to SCO ef warm water. The acid U first dissolved in 50 parts of water, and the ether 450 parts are Iheu added. The wheat is soaked iu this solution from two to five hours, or ntitil air bubbles cease to rise. The log treatment ia required in artier that the solution may thoroughly pen etrate -the crease of the berry, which is the seat of the smut enrols. The cost of this treatment is slight, aa the solu tion can be used more than once, and it does not injare the germinatiag power f tha wheat, as vitriel is said to do. McPhersea Fiack, of Galveston, is the father of a remarkably bright little boy named Freddy, who is the only cbild in the family. Last Monday morning, just as Mr. Flack was about to start down town to Lis business, Freddy called gut. "Pa, I wan't you to come here and play with me. "I've not rot lime, my son," re spondcdMr. iiack. "Yes, pa that's what you tell trie all the tiuie. I feel the necessity of having a little brother playmate more and more every day, but yeu don't seem to take rr.y feelings into consideration any more. 1 think I'll speak to ma about it" - - President Secretary Asst. Secretary Treasurer Manager Sfasuf 'g Dept., Chicago E. BOIAND, A. P. VENEX, JOHN WHITS, W. WiXSELIi, M. J. DURAXl). EEFFiMGER & BOURSE, Attorneys CUBES ALL HUMOBS, from a common Blotels. or Eruption, to the -worst Scrofnlo. Salt-rtaeiiiiu jreTcr-noren," msij or Konth Skiu. In short, ell diseases caused by baa blood aro conquered by this powerful, purifying, anil inritroratirjir medicine. Ore at Eatius; Vl cera rapidly heal under its benign influence. Especially has it manifested itn potency in curing fetter, Bono Ruh, Boil. Car btmcle-s, Sore Eye", Scrofulous Korea White Swellings, Goitre, or TbickE Ni-i k. and Eniarced Clauds. mnta in Mm for a laree treatise, with wi orod pJatos, on. Skin Diseases, or tho earns nmnnnt ioratreuriseon ccrciui! and cured by this Godven remedy, if taken, before tho lust stages of tho disease are reached. MISHM LUIBES. GiVE US A CALL. COOPER SCHMUGK & CARKETT, Corner Maiu and Water Sts., WESTON - OREGON. I from its wonceriui power over this terribly iaiai Qisease, wiien nrst oiierin this bow cel ebrated remedy to the public Ir. Pi rues . thought seriously of calling: it hia "Con. an mptlou Cure," but abandoned that naino as too iimiid for a medicine which, from its v-oaderf ul combination of tonic, or strerugrhen-i'lg-, alterutive, or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, Iiectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequa(el, not only as a remedy for consumption at tho lungs, but for all . WALLA WALLA BAKERY Established 1S61. 0. BRECHTEL CHRONIC DISEASES or TBS Liverj Blood, and Lungs, Tf vou feel dulL drowsr. dthnittirJ. ham eaUoT7 color of skin, or ycUowish-brown spots cu face or body, frequent headache or dizzi ness, tan wBio m mounu internal neat or chill?, altercating' with hot flushes, low spirits and gloomy boreboJings, irrttrulnr appetite, ttivl presti03,Jspepisv,and1orpid Liver, or "ltiliou9UCf-B." In manv cusps oulv part of these eyaptoms are experienced. As a remedy for all such ensos, lr. l'ierce's equal. MASCFACTUKER Or BREAD. CAKES & PZES, And all kinds of iTXodicd iiscovery has no quai. l orTrcpltE-tiiurm. Srtittliaar of BIoo Sltortnc!) of Ureal h, lirouchitis. , Severe Coeehs, Consuutptlcn, and kin-h-cd affections, "It is a sovereis-u remedy. ' senu ton cents m stamps ror nr. .fierce s !xokou Consumption. Sold by Zraggits. PRICE $1.00, roa6sToot World's Disbar Medical tssccialion, Proprietors, ecu Main St., EcrrAiO, N.Y. CEACKEES S 1 . V P EI I CTTvJ-' Su Fire-Proof Building, Main Street, "an WALLA WALLA W. T. TTOS LITTLE r a a Wfc 1TTT7-CT 00&sje PILLS. ATI.BILiarS and CATILIKTIC Sold, by ISruggiets. 25 cents a -mL fi The only illustrated Magazine deyoted to the development of the Great West. Contains a vast amount of general information and spe cial arucieson sudjccisoi mterestio all. Ably conducted ! Snnerblv illustrated i ' Only $2 a year. L. Samuel, Pnbliakar. H0..122 EDJoiitoiit. PortUTMVOr-t $500 REWARD is offered by the proprietors cf Dr. faiurc's Catarrh ltemedy for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. If you have a discharge fmra the ncse, oCVpeivo or otber wtee, partial loss of ertw ll. taste, r.r hearintr, we&k eves, dull oain or prewnre ia bead, you have Catarrh. Thou-. sand3 of c303 terminate in consumption. Dr. Sagfs Catavikh RT.KEDY cures the worfc. caevsof Catarrb. "Cold in Use IIeal, ad Catiiri Ual SaeacLaclLO. Ui &nts Take Notice. Pianos aiul rgsns soSd on easy isayiiiesits It yoa wisr- chase a Piano or Orgau of this. Company on the install ment pian aati snoaiu he eomireSEea, troin any cause whatever, to return the instrument, after baying paid a part on it, you can do so and not lose one dollar you have ... J .1 AM . rfx H . .1. . n ;ii:u. ffjn vuupei organs sosu 10 enurencs on monthly payments, which would be only ten cents per mourn ior eacii memoer ot the Church or Sa&batnSchool to pay. The celebrated PIASOS have been in use throughout the States for over twenty yearn, and are first-class in every particular. We give a warrantee with every instrument, that runs five years from date of sale, and we are right here to make it good. We have facilities for repairing Pianos and Organs at our shops in the city of Portland and all work warranted. Our Music Hall and Warerooms are on First street, No. S20. Take the First street cars and rido to the corner of Clay street. Those who cannot call on us can write for particulars and catalogue of our instruments. Address Durarcd Organ Co., Portland, Oregon Eastern Oregon LOCATED AT Caveats, Ue-issnes and Trade-Marks se cured, and all other patent causes in the 1 atent Uiiice and betore the Courts promptly and carefully afteuded to. L pon receipt ot mod or sketch of invention, I make careful examination and advise as to patentability KKKE OF CHAP.GE. Fees moderate, and I make XO CHARGE USLKSS PATENT IS SECURED. Information, advice and special referen ces sent on application. .1. li. Lll lELL, Washington, D. C. Near U. S. Patent Office. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE, NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. THE ONLY LINE RUHHIHQ Palluian Fnlace Sleeping Cars, Magnificent Bay t'oscfees and ELEGAKT KWItillAVT SLEEflXt CAES with berths free of cost. From Washington and Oregon TO THE EAST! Via St, Paul and Minneapolis. The only Trans-continental Line Running PALACE DIMlftQ CARS. (Meals 75 cents.) from JHO. J. BEELER Watchmaker IJeweler Post Oflice Building, Weston Oregon JAKE WING. Washing and Ironing. Opposite Saling 4 Co. 's. - Main St., Weston. Washinir, 75 cents per dozen. White shirts washed ani irrned in the best style tor "one bitte piece." No chanre for cuffs, collars and handkerchiefs if les than six of each. 203m Fastest Time Ever Made the Coast TAX TED . AGEXTS'J To sell Dixon's new and superior maps and charts. As paying an agency as any in he world. For 30 pae catalogue, free, address John Dixon, 5J WarSet St. Saa Frnnciire, t'al. There ia aaid to be a lady in Jacksonville, Fla., wbo has hea a wife, a mother, a idow and a wife gain all in one year. The season in Florid i ia usually a aLort ou, And now cones the doctors aad say that eating oat meal is a prolific caofe of dyspepsia, and thty cite one Dr. Ear- thelow as eayiug that this was what caused or aggravated this disease in Carlisle. Vf'e had supposed that if any thing was considered settled, it was that oat meal was healthy. If we are compelled to abaudon so strong a test of our faith, pray what can a man be lieve, or what can he eat or drink with out aay inissit ing? OVER THE Northern Pacific Railroad. TO Mnnx Mty, 'anril KlnnN, St. Jo st'liii, Alrhiso ALenx-nnortil, Kansas lily, KnrliustoB, lslncy, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, Ami all point t!rnnhoBt the East anI Soatiioast via tit. 1'anl and Sllnncauoli. TEE OX1Y LINE EIXMXC Thronjh Emigrant SIccDins ars from Portland. And kaolrd n rrsainr express trains 'rr nr i nure lensiu nrilie .oriil eru rarlSe Kiillroau. Ijeare Wallula Junction at 4:40 a. m. Leave Portianil at 1:) p.m. daily; arrive at Mln ntapolis or St. Paul 12:25 p. m. .'fourth dav. Connection made at St. raui and Minneapolis w jmujis r.oai,, ayutn ana ooutnea&L. PACIHC BZVI-IO. Tram leaves Portland daily 9:23 a. m. Arrive at New Tacoma 6)5 it. aj.. eonnrr-titu wirii i. R. li S. Co s ioata for all points on Paget bound A. V. CIIAI;LTjX, Gen l Wesfn Pass. Atnt, - naoiungwwi os., roruana, or. Clocks and watches cleaned and re paired in a skif ul manner at reasonable rates. 11 1YJ-KS. C. B. HESSEY, Leading limaer&Bressmaker fAU Sorts of harts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang liniment. ..f. Odor of Forest. Sparkle of Stream FOREST AND STREAK. Do yoa own a (nm, or a "fUh-po!e," or "bird- do or rule? Ever go angling, or shootinsr. or tramping, or cami iBg. or canoe;n, or yachtirii.'! Have you a taste f.jr studying the habits of wild birds or animals? lx you know tiiat for ten years we have been pub-iahiDir a bright weekly paper dernted to these subjects? it will repay you to took at a copy of the Forest and Strrara. There is no other paper in the world fast like it. Address Forent and Stream Fobtbhin Co., 33 rvK jwv, acv lora. Specimen Copy W Coat. ffM STREET, - 12, WALLA WALLA W&stQn9 Umatilla -Co, QrogGM .0 A The 0n!y Norma! Schco! in Eastern Oregon or Washington. STUDENTS ADMITTED AT AHY TIKE !H THE YEAR. BclicTiKg that the best primary training is essential to iuk uigiiest tevcioi)ie:!i, iniuis ol all acs arc iidnutled asid given the most Citreful traitiiiij;. gives a thorough, practical education to those who do not care to learn what they will not use. It is especial ly adapted to the wants of those who desire to enter bus iness or the profession of Teaching. it embraces A Classical Course of Three Years, A Scientific Course of Three Years A Teachers' Course of Two Years, A Business Course, and An Elementary Course, la which the COMMON BRANCHES are taught by the best approved and most iaterestiag methods. Ariihmeiic by the Grafcc Method. Reading by the "Sentence 52 ethod." Geography by relief maps and globes and map modelling. Grammar by the celebrated Reed aud Kellogg Diar grams. Eistory by the Sraee System. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Special Attention Given ia Cutting and Fining. ilffflfilS HotG n.M3 riurtii; 5SS, IKtUUil. S. P. HOWELL, - Prop. Trarclers will find that this hotel sets as cood a table as is to be tonnd in the whole "Upper Country," Bedrooms are large, clean and airy. Every atten tion paid to the comfort and convenience of guests. Patronage Respectiuljy Solicited. None But Professional, Skilled and THOROUGHLY INFORMED TEACHERS will be employed in any department. Spring Term Begird February 16th, 1 885. Norma Institute, 4 weeks, begins June 1,1885. Tuition, per term Xormal Institute fee $10.00 5.00 Stndcnts found competent will be aided by the In structors in securing positions. For farther information and special terms, address Eastern Oregon Jformal Sclool, Weston, Oregon.