Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, May 22, 1885, Image 1

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c r. STCwix. rwiiir.
hsota Evert Satuedat Mousing,
n Tear, (io advance) t2 00
oi- .- u ' I 0
ma we
isree Month ""wltta
Injle Collet "4
ri. WOOD,
HO. 23
WERTe. rc.on.
blank, of all kiuds lor sale.
i a on
Office at Postoffice. '
.! Klate and Public Land Matter a spedtV-y
Ml MUX -,....l,l I llfi. OVe!
Colleetlons promi" . "V.
tli Kirit .National Bank, Court h.-
Office over
5 12
g V. KNOX,
Attorney at Law,
Will practice In the Courts of this State and
Waihlnrton Territory. Special attention aid to
Laud OHvj bUAUiesa ud Umecuous.
alee-Main St.. Weston. Or.
r L. I.. Mcrtliur will be associated
av jt.i me iu a!l my cases in tlie Circuit or Supreme
Physican and Surgeon.
OFFICE Over the Drug Store, Is
land City, 'regon. eVTAll calls prompt
jy atended to.
O.'Cca at Cook & Irmie's Drag Store.
Physician and Surgeon.
Obstetrics and dijeasrs of women a specialty.
Wkktox, Or.Kfios.
IMiysiciau and Surgeon,
Officg la Uncus fc Co.'s Druj
All call promptly attended to.
QKO.'"w7 KING, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
Office over Sleiuakcr's store,
Call promptly answered day or night,
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varied. A marvel of purity,
Strength and wholesomenese, - More economical
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com
petition with the multitude of low test, short
weight, alum or phosphate powders. Soi.DONi.Tia
cans. KoTAi fiiuxo towns Co., 108 Wall-at,
. a. .
mil i!tf.u.ii:scc.
Contractor and Builder,
A ! until
Plain and siecifk'atins furnished. Tlioromrh
workmanship guaranteed and nrioes moderate.
yyi- s. C. CRAFT,
AtlHIUS, ...
O recoil.
Office at l:is residence on MMn and Calvin
C.l'.ls promptly resp'jir.ted to day or night-
Wagon & Citrriage Makers,
Adams, Oregon.
All kinds of Carpentering and Wood Work done
o order at reasonable rated.
Md Ironing,
The fineit Larni.lry Work done on the shortest
notice and iu a style to please the most fastidious.
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
eadlctttu . Oregon.
Court St., In D cm erf a Drug Store.
Watch repiriD'? a spocialty. Jewelry nude to
Ttlvraml repiirud. All w.irk warranted. A?ent
o r t-. Kile uf American Watch-.-H, Pacific Jt;w;I
rv Company and Kitnci cotobnvtcd i-otuhi nation
pei-t.i-li;stlie b -nt in the world; also uuiit for
tttu Wberand (JJiiukering piaiio-t, tiiii K-atoy and
Bterlinir ortfvui, (,'. U. Conn's and C. Monition'
brass iuttrutucntM.
tfKTITfl WAXTEI).-W wairt a lad or ta
amnMcntatlTa In every coontv to Introduce os
liajcaslu., books and other articles, to whom llben
rrnil iw oltmd. Address Thi Amertam Agent
A Mve Uollar .L" 6 years for
Willi MAT BAFrS.
Akiti lMUilk 11iar4ftf bj Um Law. fllUavb. i
Mtrtm of Inirociacingl'BB AnaivR AubntAjtd
li a la itt or Litkvatlkk mora cxtecwivcif is empow
ir4 u enroll 10LOOO Meuben at a Fe ol 91 each,
ffwltatnc for AenoctaUoQ a Horplaa Fuod of f lOO.UXL
rtaUmun alrnva,wuh accrued laUiTt.a withdrawal
af jB,UUtt per aunaia for d jraara. wblcb coven coat
a l9 iuM)CM.io of oar macaxlne, beatdt IcaTtng;
a artdua U h uadln the publication of a Library
If Booka on fecisNO, Aft. Eduoatioh, Poktbt aufl
Lood LrTKUii7iaa,wl)k-b will be fnmUtied to mem
(ere ai K rcuill price tli rcreipta being relnTted.
La oiher worka,cTe an nnllodted field (or operation,
flninea win te enroled on t be brwoaipTToa Boor
u irtiflriire4' Irtrmbemlilp (entltliDK said,
neutl'tjr t a pul4 n tHubarripllontoTn Ahkb
ioai AaaaTUALAZYOPi.iTKnAixufor5 year
and aU other prtviirnea o( ttie AMOclatlon.) will bo
The mnsit. Vr nnnnlar WeaklV news-
iTifirrinO Hiiuvtvai'taa invnnt.inrt And rt&tenlS
ever rmblished. Everv number illuBtrated wita
bplendid enpTaviDpa. 'Tliia pubticatiou. furnishes
no pflrson ehould be without. i;he popularity of
Ihfl tirrKIOTTVtrt A irimirnif ia iiinh thflfc itn Cir
culatton nearly equals that of ell othor papers of
its class combined. Price, 3.20 a yC'E'tft?0"0
toutnos. aold by all newsdealers, juuim vv.t
Publishers, lo. 361 Broadway, Y.
i aWMM practice before
H the Patent Office, and baYo prepared
end applications for patents n tho
lilted fctntes and foreign countries.
f!v.,nts. Trade-Marks. CorsrriBhU,
Assignments, and all other papers lot
securing to inventors iot;r T',.
ri;r..j'K..fn t:nada. Emrland. France.
,i n.hnP f,iroi,'n countries, pre
pared at short notice and .on reasonable terms.
Information as to obtaininB patents cheer
tWili oiven without charge. Hand-books of
t - " . a. vf .inti nnuimBU
rrr.JB!0!?1.""0? r.7-M:itMi h Scientifio
A?ca it St T he suvantage of such .notieel.
Soli T understood by all persoub trU wish to dispose
'IdiiW co.. office BonaiaM
f y .f m, Sf.1 Broadway. aw York.
For. MY
A vaid xin SubtcrlrAttm to Am. Aaentfor S yar4
Stcurtnga Unity qf Bool at published pricA
rtfscnvnt msu iblioultons not wiwa oy s v
.1 teooun on articles aorsrllsM tn m, Agent
Libtrat lUsrrutus on Sevifaptrt & Afaaasinu.
CnrYffWlnr inirfmi and tiinfrpririlefffi.
And Oilier I'ubUcutlous.
v 1 1 V this cn be do i profitably Is very plain. Af
ter 100,000 ntiws are enrolled, located tn every state
ad territory ,Uius (Ivlcg our magatlne a thorough
Introduction, a const aut Increase of subscriptions
will be received at SI a rran and from the sale
of books to non members, together with the eorros.
rending Increase In the value of the advertising col-,
omns. iDsures to u. a most satisfactory Income. I
Hundreds af Dollars Kuvrd In discounts by (be
Unple luvealmeut of only l-nd even for that you
receives nisentlneirortA (As dollar ten timet octr.
H eaa occrrtTinss looi iut.i aif prti atb.is
tuW-rihuCfsow as sahscrlpllon price will agalXk
i placed at $1 a year wbeo lOOXU names are in - '
AjESII Acrit rrB.AsgicuTie,CBigAi0,Iuj
For further particulars write to
R. A. Tenney,
. Ji last what its came implies t e
ratdy Vc-ble'Cocipouiid,' lhi
9U CffecUynpoa
Ihe masToLseases
"Let us go into the home of the Lord,
PSALMS 122: 1.
Pivine Bcrvice. at the Virat Eitist
C'inircli of Weston, Oregon, oo the First
ami Third Suniliivs iu each month.
morning and evening. Sunday school at
3 p. m. every Sunday, l'rayer Meeting
every Ihursilay at i p. iu. All are Cor
dially iuvitcd to atteiul these services.
W. II. i'lif ETT, Pastor.
s ennng
a thnt mi.
XoTaxni Good Htalia
piifr Svyrrrmit 1k cpt in order.' H
is. bastoss'B Lirra isyioosatos.;
InvitroraTei tho Liver, Iiegilat8 the Bow-!
It, Btrengthens tho System, Purifies tho
Blood . Assist Digestion, PreTents Fevers.'
Is Household Need. An Invaluabla
Family Medicine for common complaints.
sm lAaroED-s trrat dtvigobatcs.'
Xti trpervmet f Forty yean, and Thotm
anetl Tmlimomak prove tit Merit.
Pot fnQ raformetloa send voar address for 109
(mm Bnok osi The Liver and its diseases," M
" t'J'"''" tsVAU SZi Kif asi c7
'btaincl, and all Potent Business at
hums or ahroad attended to for moiier
ale fas. Our oliice is opposite the U.
S. Patent OlTicc, and we can obtain pat'
ents in le-s time than those remote from
Washinirtou. Send Muili! or Drtiwimj.
We advise as to patentability tree of
charge; and we cnnrje no fee vnkss
patent li allowed.
We refer, here, to the Fostmaster,
the .Supt. of Money Order Div., and to
officials of the U. !. Patent Office. For
circular, advice, terms, and references
to actual clients in your own State or
county, write to
V. A. SXOIT aS: CO.,
Opp. Pat. Olhee, Washington, D.C.
The BrjTsat Gnse is issued March
nd Sept., each year; 224 pages,-8xllj
inches, with over 330O illustrations
a wholepictairepaliery. Gives wholesale
prices direct to eonfuaurt on ail goods lor
personal or .eftfv family use.
Tells how to order, sad
fives exact fir Th-I cost of er-
erythingyon iji 1J rose, drink,
eat, wear, or Vissr haTO fun
J"h. These invaluable
books contain information cleaned from
taeraarkets of the world. Ve will mail
copy Free to any addreaB upon receipt
of the pobtage 8 cents. Let us hear
.Vom you. r RaspectfullT,
Shall we ceUbrate the Fourth of
Re Member L. S. Wood is a Natary
Dr. Ojjlesby's wife, is slek with
fever at Crown Rock. ,
A lawyer named Batcher has hang
out his shingle at Ceotervillo. .
Prof. J. M. Taylor took a business
trip to Walla Walla last Saturday.
- Frank McAllister caught the small
est trout in the Walla Walla river.
Strawberries, without cream, are
worth seven cents per pound in Milton.
The Good Templar Iaadge at this
place is increasing rapidly - In member
ship. After extended absence, Mr. J.
S. McLeed has get heme to Weston
Pine creek was higher last Friday
than it has been any time daring the
J. L. Morrow & Son, of Heppner
were attached by Sau Francisco firms
f ,r $0000.
Miss D. Switzler, frem Switzler
Island, has been visiting Mrs. J, Preeb-
stel ot this place.
J. 0. Moorehousc has sold his trot
ting horse "Cleveland" to a gentleman
who took him to Saa Fr&ncisco.
The hotel register just received at
The Marshall House, Weston, is the
finest we hays seen in ''this uppor coun
-J. K. Saling informs as thaLthere
was a rainfall of four aud a half inches
last week at his place ou the Reed &
Hawley mouutain.
Ut. Rev. W'istar B. Mortis, Bishop
of Oregon, will hold services at All
Saints' Church, Weston, on Thursday,
May 2Sth at 11 a. m., at which time the
rite of confirmation will be adminis
Tho sunken eye, the pallid complex'
ion, the rhsluniig eruptions on the
face indicate that there is somethinc
wrong going on within. Expel the lurk
ing foe to health. Ayer's Sarsaparilla
was devined for that purpose; and does
Iu many towns the Brass Bands fur
nish music to the people durinsr the
pleasant evenings of summer. From
the balcony of The Marshall House or
Saling's brick on Water street, the
Westen Cornet Band might regale as
two or throe times a week.
A model school is e of the neces
sary requirements of State Normal
schools. A good model school will be
connected with the State Normal School
at Weston when it opens again on the
10th of August. The most improved
methods of primary instruction will be
employed by competent teachers.
J. t-l. Wilson lost 1300 sneep m
Morrow county. They were dipped in
a warm solutiou just after beiug sheared
and turned out in the cold rain. Last
eduesday night when it was quite
cold and very stormy, the sheep chilled
to death. This is a big loss and the
end is not yet, as others are dropping
off nightly.
I Sometime ago Mr. H. M. Chase, of
I Walla Wralla wrote to Mr. H. B. Net
son ot tins place relative to making
brick by machinery. Samples of Wes
tou clay Lave been experimented upon
at Chicago aud pressed into brick of the
best quality. The clay in f,his vicinity
is well adapted for making the finest
brick and the supply is almost inex
haustible. If pressed brick ean be pro
titably shipped from Philadelphia to
Portland surely it wonld pay to invest
iu the machinery for pressing brick at
this placs.
The Leader is opposed to scares
and panics, lieasonable apprenension
of impending danger leads to preventive
measures. Sanitary precautions are
apt to be overlooked in small towns
The greatest friend ot disease is filth
Large cities are generally well regulate
with reference to drainage and disease
breeding garbage. Small towns as
general thing practically overlook such
matters. Pendleton and Westo
doubtless have ordinances defining cui
sfvnccs and providing for their suppres
sion, but perhaps they are practically
no better off ia this one respect than
Milton and Centervillc. While it is
true that we are favored by our salu
brious climate yet we cannot afford to
court disease by neglect of sanitary
precautions. Typhoid feyer feeds on
tilth and is sometimes as deadly as
cholera. This is now being demon
strated in mauy towns ef the East, As
many as 100 deaths daily have resulted
frem typhoid fever in Lucerne, a Penn
sylvania town of 3000 people and the
disease is attributable to tfce sanitary
condition of the place. Diphtheria
and scarlet fever as well as ty
phoid fever find favorable condi
tions for their deadly work in those
places iu which the ground is saturated
with house and stable draiaage and ia
which the well-water is impure from
the same cause. Cow sheds and pig
pens ia towns are prolific sources of
tilth. Hartful as they are in the win
ter they are much mere sa during the
heat of summer. It may seem a hard
ship to some to prohibit them, but pri
vate interest should be subordinated to
public weal, especially in the important
Referring to a recent trip by rail tak.
en by President Cleveland and Vice-
President Hendricks, the Pioneer Press
rises with these suggestions: "Suppose,
when the President and Vice President
went to Gettysburg the other day, the
train had gone through a bridge or had
collided with another, aod both these of
ficials had been killed, who would have
taken the first and second places? The
Senate, upon adjournment a few weeks
ago, elected no president pro tern. The
term of the Forty-eighth Congress ex
pired March 4th, and with it elosed the
term of the speaker, who was elected
for that Congress and cannot by any
precedent or any twisting of words bo
permitted to hold over as speaker until
the next honse assembles. Had Presi
dent Cleveland and Vice-President
Hendricks been rolled down an embank
ment on Mouday and killed, there is
absolutely no provision made by Con
gress to nil their plac,es,4Were being at
present vacancies iu the offices of both
president pro tern of the Senate and
Speaker of the House, who are designa
ted sueeessors in the event of Presiden
tial iuability or death. It is indeed
questionable if the succession can be le
gitimately lodged in members of the
Federal Legislature such as are the pre
siding officer of the Senate and the
Speaker of the House when the suc
cession to be provided for is an execu
tive office. That provision, however,
which dates from 1792, is not likely to
be disturbed; hut there should be an
amendment to meet the passible gaps in
the Presidential succession. Tt is true
the President of the Senate or Speaker
of the Houso could euly assume the
Presidential power during the period
between the occurrence of a vacancy
ard an election by the people, which
would take place within a few months,
as provided in Sections 147-149, Re
vised Statutes; but whan these offices
are both vacant it is evident that Con
gress should provide for the devolution
of power upon some one, perhaps either
the Secretary of State or the Chief Jus
tice of the Supreme Court."
' '
' !
From the Pendleton Tribune.
The Pendleton Academy elosed last
Friday. ' f .;
Strawberries are retailing in onr mar
ket at ten cents per box.
Every new and then seme would-be
wide-a-wake sUck man attempts to
move his stock oat of the coanty to
avoid being assessed, bat Bentley man.
ages to get on to their little racket and
comes oa to them just in the nick of
'A sod ground pulverizer has been
patented by Mr. Abijah L. Gordon, of
Helix, Oregon. It is made with a frame
having a shaft carrying two cylinders
with tampered 'and s-'allopped digging
flanges, so the sod wid be cut and torn
ia pieces without being turned or raised
from their places, the construction be
ing snoh that the cylinder bearings can
he readily oild and dust and soil will
be excluded.
Ike Thompson, who worked for some
time at Uartman k Co.'s saw mill, had
been in town for some days, and getting
in with the boys, made friends and had
a good time generally, he took his de
parture on Saturday night's train and
the boys mourn his loss, not so much
oa account of the value of his company
and friendship as fer the value of the
haul he made. On Saturday evening
he borrowed a watch and chain, worth
$75, from Charley Striekler to wear to
a dance saying he would return it after
the affair was over $22.50 from Frank
O'Harra, $10 from M. G. Willis, $5
from L. Shaw, about 9150 from Hank
O'Harra, $10 from another party and a
pair of gum boots from T. Howard,
tie did very well considering the hard
times; but it captured his speculation
will prove a poor one.
Wit tliat is Worked For.
It is owing to hard, sluggish work,
rather than any spontaniety of genius,
that Mark Twain makes : the world
laugh. His beet after-dinner Bpeech,
tht- one about New England weather.
as iu delivery the perfection of draw
ing, careless impromptu speaking; and
it began with an intimation that he
hai but a 'c-,r minutes befarc been Ap
prised that he would be called upon to
respond to the weather toast. Dupli
cate copies of his ensuing witticism
were already in the hands of the news.
paper reporters, and ho had been over
a week at the composition. He is sim-
larly industrious and painstaking in
the matter of interviews. He usually
will not talk off-hand for publicatiou,
but will provide the neatly written
copy, if the applicant chooses to wait
until it cau be prepared.
Extcnnating Circumstances.
"You are accused of having snatched
a handful of small change frem the till
ef a grocery stere on Austin avenue,"
said Justice Tegener to Jim Webster
a colored prisoner.
'Yes, yer honor, I knows I did; but
when a man am hungry, and hain't had
nafSn tor eat for more den two days,
he am deaperit an' crazy, and he doao
kcer what he dees."
"Bat it appears that at the time you
stole a handful of small change, yon
had a five dollar bill in your packet.'
"Dat am so, bnt I did not want ter
bust a five dollar bill. As soon as yon
buxtsa five dollar bill, hit melts right
At wood vs Donaca, set for Saturday.
Upton vs Tillard, default and judg
ment. First National Bank of Portland vs
D. K. Smith, demurrer overruled; an
swer 16th.
Crigler vs Vaaghan, default and
, Ksyston vs Bayler, default and judg
ment. lerham vs Caplinger, motion allowed.
Fields ya McKay, default and judg
barttord vb liooney, demurrer over.
Strong vs Jack, till 16th to plead.
White k Co vs Nelson, motion al
Roth & Co vs Rideoonr & Fagg, con
tinned for term.
Upton vs Prine, default and judg.
Upton vs Kelly, continued for term
Landun vs King, default aud judg
Kuapp, Burrell & Co vs Brassficld,
demurrer overruled.
Kuapp, Burrell & Co vs Truesdale,
demurrer overruled.
The Hotaliug Company vs Nelson,
Walker vs Dolson, default and judg.
Armstrong vs Smith, demurrer over
Daraert & Co vs Strickland, demur
rer overruled,
Frazcr vs Frazer & Keater, dismissed.
Armstrong vs Willis, dismissed.
Frazer, Sperry& Co vs Kester, dis
Park os vs LeCompi ot al motion to
strike out part of answer allowed.
Kimball & Son vs John diaaalseed.
State vs William A Biglow, indicted
for larceny, N B Humphrey appointed
te defend. j
State vs Charles Loft, larceny, L
Evarts appointed to defend.
State vs W A IWylly, D M Conly
appointed U defend.
State vs Dexter Roberts indictment
No 1, larceny, tried by a jury and guilty-
! . ..
State vs Grant Nelson, larceny, plead
guilty and sentenced to one year.
State vs Dexter Roberta, indictment
No 2 on trial. East Orerjonian.
Since the present government of Can
ada was organized in 1867, its debt, ex
clusive of war or othor extraordinary
expenses; has increased at the rate of
$30,000,000 a year. On the 31at ot last
March it amounted to $257,000,000
Besides that regular, indebtedness there
has been advanced to the Canadian Pa
cific Railway Company the sum of $32,
000,000, which it is expected the Com
pany wilt repay. This total amount is
mere than one-sixth the debt of the
United States, and as the population ef
Canada ia but about 4,500,000. her debt
is more than twice as much as ours in
proportion to the population. The cred
it of Canada is at low ebb. Only last
January, when some $30,000,000 ef the
dominion bonds fell due, a new issue oi
bonds was made to meet the debt. The
new issue were 3i per cent., and the
best terms that could be secured lor
them in London we.e 91 cents, and even
then a stipulation was required that no
more bonds should be offered until the
syndicate which took this lot had dis
posed of them. The rate of interest for
tirst-class securities in England is lower
now than in January, bnt these bonds
are only quoted at 90. During the pres
ent year other loans to the amount ot
$i0,000,000 fall due, and they must be
met by new loans, as they cannot be
paid. The war now in progress will en
tail large expense, the Canadian Pacific
must be kept going, or the 432,000,000
already advanced must be regarded a
total loss. The "terward" policy ef
Mr. Macdoaald is growing more unpop
ular with the increase of tho dominion
I One Srrarm f hserrtfrrss I
Eawn aauMioaai usstnes. ....... .....w... m
Two Squares, fta rasertts...... ..... t 0
Enea additional insraoL...........v.. m
rhree Soaerat, Bast Uuwrtwa..-. OS
Each addiUanal ioeafttoa. 1
One Quartet Cofcuaa, first assertion.....;., f S
Each asMtttonai inesmen v 3
Thra advertises
ksMk-e 23 cents peratae.
bUta pay
Alikfal boOmwuI be ebarra Ti oents -easam
tret Ineersteav. east 7 eeaS per erssn
ease, esiaeenesst laesetlesi
Brraw fnmnln' enn nil inaH ot Mitta -Darnagss
aai deaths will be Inserted wltnewV
eiiartrs- Osilaafy noslel shamed lee as mediae:
te Isnsrn.
He Was Sorry.
The other morning a tramp walked
up to one of our prominent citizens on
the street and, shivering with eold,
begged him for a quarter with which
to buy something to eat. The promi
nent citizen stopped and looked at his
train pship pityingly, then replied
"My good man, hew long ia it since
you had a meal?"
"Two days," said tho tramp, as his
knees shook and his teeth chattered.
"I am very sorry, my frieud, but I
have net had a dinner tor two weeks."
The tramp opened his eyes and look
ed wild, and his teeth ceased chatter-
iug aud his knees no longer quaked as
5 ? 3
if o 5 S
n i
n sir m a t J?
? 3 B-fe-g- g r5
is If? S fls3
e 4 ! -
s. eraf ron-tr-s
2.5- Is- m If
y-s n. -eg -3 sa
Ha? mgeS J S
fcjrg IS.
K s?- IS V
a f - r
he drew his breath with difficulty and I
sadly said:
"Here is a quarter, poor fellow. Tak
it and go and get seme grub."
"But I am not a beggar!" cried the
prominent citizen.
"I know, I know," the tramp replied,
"but you are the champion liar of the
country. You were picking your teeth
when I met you."
Commenting on tho wheat prospects
of the old Northwest, the St. Paul
Pioneer-Press of the 9th says: "Re
ports concerning the winter wheat crop
are of a rather gloomy character. The
damage from winter killing and other
Horn & Howard vs Kester, default I causes is said to he very great, and
and judgment. there are predictions that the yield
Bauer Bros & Co vs Baxter, default will be exceptionally saalL In the
and judgment. I Northwest the cold aud rainy weather 1
Sperry et al vs Koenker, demurrer ot the past few daya has delayed seed-
Here is where yon ean get yeur meney'i
wertn in
Beef, Pork, Mutton,
and everything in the line of meats that
the country produces.
II lUUIIIIt! llff 111
market price
MA3N 8T.
paid for fat
- - ADAMS.
Away Off ill Chinese tocography.
"You no talkee no inuchee mole
'bout English newsplapee put tee Chi
cago in Vermont and Niagla Fall in
San Francisco," said a flat-eyed, saf-
fron-hued linen destroyer.
"What's the matter new, John?"
asked the gentleman, who was after his
"This New York plapee say the
Flench takce Yen-ping on Lake Cha-oe,
in the plovincc of Toong-tse-ting. Yen-
ping, tlee teusaad miles front Cha-oo
and Toonr-t3e-tinr. is the name ef a
mountain, net plovince. Melican news
papee fool."
iug considerably, but while the season
is undoubtedly somewhat backward
there is still no reason to believe that
any serious damage will be done. In
fact, as regards both winter and spring
wheat, it is yet much too early to put
Dr. Johu J. Moran attended Edgar
Allen Poc in his dying moments. He
now writes that the habits of intemper
ance did, to some extent, eleud the
post's early life, but not his later years.
Poe's constitution was such that be
could net become a d -am-drinker, and
for four years previous to his death he
was perfectly temperate. His death
was caused by ill-treatment and expo
sure suffered from a party of Baltimore
roughs, who caught hira, cooped him
up, drngged him and voted him during
an excited election. In attending hi
daring file last illness Dr. Morgan saw
that his patient gave no signs of a dc
bauch. He refused a glass of soirita the
day before he died.
Kincaird vs Graham, answer filed;
demurrer te answer overruled.
Garred vs Debaven, motion allowed.
Smith vs Hanna, decree of foreclos
Smith vs Waddle, decree ot toreclos- faith in gloomy forebodings,
New England Mortgage Security
Company vs Berry, taken under ad
Assignment of J. Grower, report
Assignment of N J Gerking, report
Staver & Walker vs Crews, till ISth
to answer.
Fester vs Sswtell, default and jud
ment of foreclosure.
Dewitt vs Dewitt, default and J W
Orr appointed referee,
Burk vs Burk, default and X B
Humphrey appointed referee.
Montgomery vs Douglas, demurrer
Martin vs Martin, default and H J
Bean appointed referee. Decree on re
port. Adams vs Adams, default and F P
Tustin appointed referee.
me "great American desert ef our
fathers is rapidly becoming not merely
a celebrated agricultural region, but a
forest. The last biennial report of the
Kansas board of agriculture show that
there are growing, west of the 9Sth me
ridian, 39,000 acres of forest trees,
planted by tho settlers. In the same
region there are over 20,000,000 fruit
trees growing, and about 10,000 miles
of osage orange hedie are also doing
well. In Nebraska over 60,000,000 for
est trees lave been planted, at least
one-fourth of this number west of the
100th meridian, and they are doing
well, also.
War is too costly a luxury to indulge
in, and nations hesitate a Ion? time be-
fere making the last appeal. When
England went te war with the French
Republic in 1793, her debt was $1,-
200,000,000; when she had succeeded
Huntington. Hopkins & Co vs Smith, I in unseating Napoleon in 1815 it
would respectfully Inform the public that she
nas just openea out a complete stock of
Spring and Summer Millinery
In lira. Aahby's old stand on Water Bt
and all the latest Novelties,
MvCtock Is all new and fresh, and the ladles ot
Weston and vicinity are respectfully invited to
call and examine it.
Froebstel Bros. Proprietors -
KAjrrjFACTUstKBs or
And keep constantly on band aM kheVk
- oi mui lead sneh a
Xotlee to the Public.
- A"Peron knowing themselvea la- :
debted either by not or book account
are hereby requested to coma forward
and make immediate payment, as all aid
running aocouota must bo act tied bv
a-e also wish te rive astir that
W.ton a FlwS&t
' Froebstel Bros.
matter of health.
Backlea's Amies. Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cat."
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, aud au Skin Erupt
ions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
iertect satisfaction, or money refunded,
1 Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
I vt . il. Alcoy.
"Have you noticed how Mary D. has
changed of late?" asked a stately
beauty, caressing a diminutive black-
and-tan, whose collar waa ornamented
with silver bells.
"What's the matter with her?' was
the query.
"Why, you know she was married
last week, and her maid informs me
that she has not fed her dog once since
her marriage; has scarcely noticed him
in fact. She actually seems to prefer
the society of her husband.
Exclamations of astonishment.
Strickland vs Strickland, default aud
N B Humphrey appointed referee.
Raley vsBurch, motion allowed.
Bowman vs Bowman, demurrer over
Snyder vs Snyder, answer stricken
Atwood vs .Martin, lodgment on
mandate from Supreme Court.
Lonon vs Loaen, dismissed.
Hawn & Guyer vs Dolson, default
and judgment.
Reeves et al vs Ceffman, dismissed.
In matter, of estate of Reeves heirs
Tustin & Leasnre vs Emerich appeal
Knykendall vs Kaykendall demur
rer overruled
$4,200,000,000, the difference, $3,000,-
000,000, being expended in her army
and aavy. The lo'' peaee that has
prevailed sinee has enabled England to
reduce her National debt somewhat,
and it ia to-day $3,700,000,000 grow
ing whenever there is war and decreas
ing whenever there is peace.
Boot and Shoe Maker,
The finest Boots kept constantly eei
band or made to order en tae
shortest notice.
It is stated that President Arthar
saved $70,000 out of his salary. This
is doing pretty well in two years and a
half. But then it mast bo remembered
that he was net a married man aad
consequently did not hay. to buy seal GENTS FINE BOOTS
skia-sacques and caramels, or hot
wouldn't have saved a cent. ,1 Speclalty
5 .Trices reasonabla.
42 3r P. 1LAXWELL.
A beantv without wit aeetna t resom.
ble a bait without any hook in it.
Is prepared to do any and all kind iS-
Wvrlc-1 in It!. K..-. T . i .
u hi um, rncei nmmmmom
- "e
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
INotary Public,
Iad business o all klads-ffnac. ctovIm so.
it attended to with promptness and ease.
Collecting Accounts Specialty.
(SnnriMB, to Blmpeoo).,
Work done ia the Late aad Best Styla,
fettles door t tjiwiii' Os.lv-