7 LEADERETTES. "Gone to the White House, ha! Clereland. inaugural seems to meet with general approal. Too often, peeple pretend to de pn what they are incapable of ap preciating. .The' Illinois Legislature still re fuse to profit -J Oregon's stupidity, but seems bent on actio? "similarly likewise." It will be many that Feadleten jiointmenb a, disaDDointment to L neither Tburman nor rkMived a cauinet an- " Folks "back east" are bothering tbemselres a great deal about Ore- effon'a failure to elect a United n Slates Senator. Of course it is a mere coincidence, but since General Grant has been placed on the retired list the reports of his health are more favorable. The pre-emption and timber cul tare laws have not been repealed Dfither haa the Umatilla Keeerva lion been thrown open to settlement, 'Brick" Pomeroy has started newspaper st Washington, called "The United States Democrat." It xi.l probably be Democratic ia pol ili'.a, CLEVELAND'S ABIXET. For his Secretary of State, the President has called . upon eno of the greatest lights of tha Demo cratic party, and one . of the fore most men the day, Thomes F. Bayard, of Delaware. Bayard is in the prime of life, being 57 years of age. Bayard has been one of the greatest minds in the Senate during the past fifteen Tears. His private character is of . the purest. while bis public career has been without flaw or stain. He has made a powerful study of the ques tions of the day, and will make his influence felt for the upbuilding of the success of the Republic as 2ven with a tax levy of twenty, foir mills on the dollar it is more than doubtful if Umatilla county's indebtedness will be reduced during this fiscal year. Sixty million dollars has been expropriated for pensions. The fat iher we get away from the lale unpleasantness the bigger the pen sion list becomes. Business depression does not seem to affuct the fire fiend much. Dur ing January and February of this yesr $18,500,000 worth of proper ty has been consumed. Cleveland's inauguration is said to have been attended by the grand est display ever witnessed in Amer ica. Jefiersonian simplicity was lost sight ef in the enthusiastic rejoicing. ITS KECOXD. As no newspaper has yet offered any advice to Governor Moody as to whom he should appoint, the Lead eh would respectfully suggest that he taVe plenty of time to con st Jer the matter and then do as he pleases. There are about 2675 National Banks in the United States. About one sixth of the National Banks or ganized either retire voluntarily from business er are forced to do so. finch has been the fate of nearly six hundred National Banks since February, 1883. Seme thoughtless aewspapers are j)iolaby giving; Mr. Harvey Scott roore credit than he dtscrves when they attribute to him the failure of the Legislature to elect a Senator, and besides,bad as the late-lamented legislature was, it is cruel to accuse it of being so imbecile as to be the tool of Mr. Scott's hatred against Mitchell. Gentlemen, give the late fomented credit for having bad a " little sense. Coagresa is an expensive luxury. a me oompensatien ot senators is $380,000, of Representatives $1,--696.000, making more than two millions for salaries of members. ; Thkir mileage amounts to about 4150,000, their clerks and messen--gers rsceive $G17,000, their station costs $G0,000, and their bou queta are put down at $11,000. In V. addition to all this just seethe fun v Cengressaien have. 4 . .. There is an amusing phase to the fault-finding of false and f ckle Re- publican journals. For many weeks beth before and after Cleveland's flection these patriotic pa pars pre dicted that his administration would be an ignominious failure because ho would be a Bare puppet in the hand of his corrupt party. His every word and act since the elec tion, however, has shown that he is ' mere patriotic than partisan, that ie ia fearless, intelligent and inde I "-oi : that he evidently in 1 len.ls that Cleveland ahall U Presi ',. l'it, sad a just ana true one. This a tad disappointment to the newjaiet .alluded to. sad nr.. """;" Ujr Sri nnJulv m.-r.rr..A k. " vcvawo I'deat ia flying in the face of la party, Tyleriring the Democ racy and. leaving himself without . .rMoearry out hi, excenent s v.,, ? wnmient. It never, of . occurs to th. ume patriot- w uns are plenty of jp -d mmn ia both parti wno will President in all mess- v ... j gTernment, for their ; --lie doty are bounded by j ' 'Qtitcea and animated ' ; advantages, ' member of the President's Cabinet. liie selection will receive the ap proval of the patriotic men ef both parties. N better one could have been made. For Secretary of the Trcnsury, we are to have Daniel Manning, of Albany, representative Ameri can. His parents were from the humbler walks ot lite, Jiarly in life he was apprenticed to the print ers art, serving his time as compos itor on the Albany Argus. He afterwards was placed upon the reportoriat stall', where his talents developed themselves. He after wards used to be editor of the pa per ana .f resident et toe company that owned the concern. To his brilliant literary attainments were added the possession of great bust news qualifications, which the citi zens of Albany recognized. He resigns the Presidency of the Cora mercial Bank of Albany, to enter the new Cabinet. Daniel Manning will make an able and conservative Secretary of the Treasury. For Attorney General, the great est lawyer of the American Senate, Augustus II. Garland, of Arkansas, has been chosen. Garland is also in the prime of life, beiDg about 53 years of age. He has been one of the ablest and most valued mem hers ef the Judiciary Committee of the .Senate, Garland is a great favorate anions; the able men both parties who have courted his society for the benefit of the thoughts of his able brain. David Davis and Senator Edmunds, Republi cans, pronounced him the ablest lawyer, by far, in the United States, which is saying a good deal by Re publicans, for Mr. Garland. Gar land is a representative of the en ergy, brains and production of the South. For Postmaster Ger.eral we will have the able services of William Freeman Vilas, of Wisconsin. William F. Vilas is 45 years of sge, having been born in Orange, Vermont, in 1840. His father was a Democratic judge in Wisconsin, and trained the young William te the bar. After serving with hon ors during tho late war, he com menced the practice of law at Madison, Wisconsin, where, at present, he ranks at the head-ot the legal talent of that city. Ho has been, during the present session of the Legislature of his State, the leader of the Democrats, who will miss his able and valued leadership. Vilas is a representative of the vig orous, aggressive young Democracy. The portfolio of Secretary of the luterier is to be taken in charge by the Statesman and orator of the South, L. C. Q. Lamar, o Missis sippi. Mr. Lamar is 49 years old. He is one of the greatest scholars in America. Lamar represents tho advanced opinions of his State. His eulegy of Charles Suraaer will go down to history as ona of the greatest ora torial efforts of the times, lie is honest, able and efficient. The State ef New York, gets an other representative in the Cajbinet in the person of William Whitney as Secretary ot the Navy. Whit ney was born ii Massachusetts in 1840. He was Corporation Coun sel of New York City during the prosecution of the Tweed rin y. His eminent success established his rep utation as a great lawyer. During the campaign of 1876 Whitney was the confidential adviser of tho sage of Democracy, Samuel J. Tilden. He was the organizer of the County Democracy of New York City. Whitney has always been regarded as an intimate friend of Cleveland's and did much toward bis success during the Gubernatorial and Pres idential campaign for the great re former. The Secretaryship of War goes to William R Eudicott, who is 58 years old. Judge Erdicott hails from Salem in the Bay Ctate, and was the candidate for Governor last Fall. He has been Supreme Judge of Massachusetts since 1873, which office he filled with marked ability, giving satisfaction to all shades of political ofimon by his wise and able decisions. until the year 1856, Endicott affiliated with the old line Whigs. At that time he entered the Democratic fold, and has given great service to the Dem ocratic party in his State. His ap pointment will be especially picas ing to the great body of Independ' enta who bolted Blaine. What the VsrtyEiabth Congress Has Done aad Failed t do. Washington, March 3. During the two sessions of the Forty-eighth congress there have been introduced in the house 8286 bills and 345 joint resolutions. The following named measures of general impor tance have been enacted into laws; Bills to establish a bureau of labor; to establish a bureau of animal in dustry; to prevent the spread of pleura-pneumonia and other contag ious aiseases among domestic ani mals; to repeal the test oath act of lob2; to limit to three years the time in which prosecutions may be begun against pet sons for violation of internal revenue laws; to estab lish a bureau of pavigation in the treasury department; to grant letter carriers at free delivery offices fif teen days leae of absence, with pay, in a year; to provide a retired list for soldiers and marines who have served continuously for thirty years or upward; to reduce the rate f postage on newspapers and other periodicals of the second class, when not sent by others than the publisher or news agent, to 1 cent for each four ounces; to remove certain burdens from the American merchant marine (the Dingley snipping bill); to provide civil gov ernment for Alaska; to prevent and' punish counterfeiting in the United states of bonds or other securities of foreign governments; to extend the duration of the court of com missioners of Alabama claims; to make all public roads and highways post roads; to make it felony for any person to falsely personate an ofheer or employe of the United States acting under authority of the United States; to remove the charge of desertion from soldiers of the late war who, after having served faithfully until the close of the war, left their commands with out leave; to provide for the loca tion of a branch home for disabled volunteer soldiers of the Mexican war and the war of 1812, whose disabilities were not incurred in service against the United States; to reorganize the corps oi judge ad vocate ef the army; to declare for feited certain lands granted to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from Portland Astoria, Oregon; to reorganize the inspector general department of the army; to provide f . r ascertainment f claims of American citizens for spoliations committed by the French prior to July 31, 1801, by referring them to a court of claims. NOT YET LAWS. The following important bills have been sent to the president for his approval, and will doubtless be signed by him before adjournment of congress to-morrow, and hence may be considered as enacted bills te prohibit the importation ana migratien of foreigners and aliens, under contract or agreement to perform labor in this country; te declare torteiture of lands grant ed aid tho construction of the Texas Pacific railroad, and to prevent un lawful occupation of public lands. Among important measures yet remaining in conference committees, upon points of difference between the houses are the house bill to re peal the pre-emption and timber culture laws; house bill to forfeit lands granted the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad company, and house bill to provide for settlement of claims of officers and enlisted men of the army for private pro perty destroyed in the service of the United States. KvMsa. on Coashs. Ask for "Koueh on Couchs" for Coughs, Colds. Sore Tbroat.Hoareeaees. Troches, I5c. Liquid, 25c. Boagh on Kats. Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies. ants, bed-bugr, skunks, chipmunks, go phers, lac. Druggists. Heart Pains. Palpitation, Dropsical Swellings, Diz ziness, indigestion, Headache, Sleep lessness cured by "Wells Health Re ne wer. Corns." Hard or Boneli on Corns. Ask for Wells' "Roaeh on 15c. Quick, complete cure, sott corns, warts, bunions. Konjch on Pain Poronited Planter; Strengthening, improved, the best for backache, pains in chest or side, rheu matism, neuraljna. Tnln People. "Wells Health Renewer restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepnia. Headache, Nervousness, Debility. $1. Whooping Consh, and the many Throat Affections of chil dren promptly, pleasantly and safclv re lieved by "Rough on Coughs" Troches, lac; .Balsam, Zoc. Mothers. If you are failing, broken, worn out and nervous, use "Wells' Health Re newer." $1. Druggists. Life Preserver. If yon are losing your grip on life, try "Wells Health Renewer." Goes direct to weak spots. Kongh on Toothache. Instant relief for Neuralgia, Tooth ache, Faceache. Ask for "Kough on loothache, 15 and 25 cents. Prett Women. Ladies who would retain freshness and vivacity. Don t fail to try "Wells' Health .Renewer." Catarrhal Throat Affections, Hacking, irritating Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, cured by "Rough on Coughs, Troches, 15c. Liquid, 25c. Rough on Itch. "Rough on Itch" cures humors, erup tiens, ringworm, tetter, salt rheum frosted feet, chilblains. when thrones are tottering and kingdoms are crumbling to dust, SAMIG & COo 9 DEALERS IN Eastern Oregon i urn mm mm n n -LOCATED AT- Westoxt, Wmatilla ?Gv Oregon. O -T- The Only Normal School in Eastern Oregon or Washington. STUDENTS ADMITTED AT ANY TIME IN THE YEAR. Believing that the best primary training is essential to the highest development, pupils oi an ages are admitted and given the most careful training. The Normal School are selling Goods Cheaper, with better value for the money, than any oth er house in the country. A. Is. POWBM4 The nope of the Nation. Children, slow in development, puny. scrawny, and delicate, use "Wells' Health Kenewer. G1TY JEWELRY. IUG STORE. Wide Awafeo three or four hours every night congh mg. Get immediate relief and sound rest by using Wells 'Rough on Cougbs. Troches, 15c; Balsam, 25c Hough on Pain Poroased Plaster. Strengthening, improved, the best tor backache, pains in the chest or side. rheumatism, neuralgia. Tho New York Star recently printsd s chart showing the loca tion of 465 liquor saloons in the Eighth Assombly District. There are in the city 10,375 licensed and about 1000 unlicsnssd saloons, ma king a total ef 11,375 saloons, or one for every 119 inhabitants. The total number of bakers, batchers and grocers in that citv is onlv 611. It would seem from this statement that there were more thirsty than hungry people in tho great metropolis. Smuggled Opium Discovered. The Chinese, among other things, are noted as the most cunning and ingenious of all smugglers, and cus tom house officials on this coats have to keep their wits continually about them to discover violations of the law. Not a' vessel arrives from Chi na in any port without the inspec tor discovering some new mode by which the cunning Mongols have attempted to bring their most valued ug, opium, into this country free of duty. The latest scheme discov ered is reported from San Francisco and was the result of a sudden freak upon the y art ot an agile custom house officer. While Inspectors McLaughlin, McCrary and McCoy were aboard the City of Tokio, one of his colleagues bantered McCoy to climb the mainmast. McCoy slipped off his coat and mounted with the sgihty of an old tar. When he reached the top spar he tittered a shout, which caused his companions to look up in apprehen sion, but they saw him still clinging to the rigging, which he was exam ining closely. He commenced to unwind some string, and in a few moments descended with eight 5 tael boxes of opium which he had found lashed to the top spar. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE, NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. THE ONLY LINE RUNNING Pnllman Palace Sleeping Cars. Masnlilcent Bay Coaches and ELEGA1ST EnlGKAXT SLEEPU'Ci CABS with berths tree of cost. . From Washington and Oregon TO THE EAST! Via St. Paul and Minneapolis. The only Trans-continental Line Running PALACE DININb CARS. (Healt 75 cents.) Fastest Time Ever Made from the Coast OVER THE Northern Pacific Railroad. To Sionx City, Council rtlnOs, St. Jo- Kepn, Atrnlaon, Lrnvenwortb. Kansas City, Burlington, Quincy, - ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, And all point thrnn&hont tbeEast and Soutnraat via St. t'aul and Minneapolis. THE ONLY LINE RUNNING Through Emigrant Sleeping uars i r oiu rortiana. And unnlrd on resnlar exnrcss trains over the entire It-uulli of the North ern Paclttc Katlroad. Leave Wallula Junction at 4:40 a. m. Leave Portland at 5 p. m . daily ; arrive at Min neapolis or St. Paul 1-2:25 p. m.. fourth dav. Connection made at St. Paul and Minneapolis to an points cam, aoutn ana soutneasc. PACIFIC DIVISION. Train leaves Portland daily 9:25 a. m. Arrive at New Tacoina 6:U5 p. m., connectiner with O. K. & X. Co's boats for all points on Ptiget Sound CHAS. S. FEE, General Pass. Agt, St. Paul. A. D. CHARLTON, Gen'l West'n Pass. Agent, no. z nasmnton at., rortiana, ur. U. M. CHASE. Agt., Walla Walla. Watchmaker IJeweler Weston Clocks paired in i rates. "You haya heard of tho Irishinaa who dreamed ha was asked if he would take his whiskey hot or cold, and preferring it " hot, woke up be fore his friend ou!d get back with the hot water?'. "Yes, ha! ha! and how sorry tho Irishmen felt that he didn't take it cold. Very good joke." "Capital. I had a similar exper ience myself last night. I dreamed tnat i was at your oouse and you put the same question te me. "Ha! ha! and you chose it hot' "No, I chose it cold and I've been sorry ever since." By act ot Congress tho barbed wire fences by which millions of publio lands are inclosed will bow hare to go down. When the fences around the large inclosures are pull ed down there will be mere need of barbed wire for inclosing the small tracts of homestead eettlers who are. I now driven pTthe public lands. "Well, deacan, hare you remem bered the poor dorins; this cold weatherr. "Yes, parson, I think of them very often. Only yesterday a poor, shivering little fellow came to my aoor witnout elotbes onough to cover his nakedness. It was a pa thetic sight" "What did you do for the poor little creature, deacon f "I let him shovel eTmy sidewalk, and it made him so nice and warm ihe actually perspired." rjpAYLOU & EVANS, BOOKSELLERS -AND- STATIONERS, -AND DEALERS IX- Novelty Goods School Books, Blank Books, Miscellaneous Books, Periodicals, Stationery. Candies, Nuts, Toys, Tobacco and Cigars. v SCHOOL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Post Office Building, HAIX ST&EET, HILTON OREGON WANTED . AGE3TS To tell Dixon's new and superior maps charts As paying1 aa atrency a anv in world. For 3S page catalogue, free, address John Dixon, Kt aarkrt S4. hi Fruelac, Cat. 1. gives a thorough, practical education to those who do not care to learn what they will not use. It is especial ly adapted to the wants of those who desire to enter bus iness or the profession of Teaching. It embraces A Classical Course of Three Years, A Scientific Course of Three Years A Teachers' Course of Two Years, A Business Course, and An Elementary Course, in which the COMMON BRANCHES are taught by the best approved and most interesting methods. Arithmetic by the Grube Method. Reading by the "Sentence Method.' Geography by relief maps and globes and map modelling. Grammar by the celebrated Reed and Kellogg Dia grams. listory by the Brace Sj stem. PRSSCREPTIONS, DRUGS, BOOKS, Patent aV3edidines, Condition Powders J NO. J. BEELER O.R.&N.CO. OCEAN DIVISION. BKTWEEX Post Office Buildiug, Oregon. and watches cleaned and re . skiful manner at reasonable 11 PATENTS, Caveats, Be-issaes and Trade-Marks se cured, and all other patent causes in the Patent Office and before the Courts promptly and carefully attended to. Upon receipt of model or sketch of invention, I make careful examination and advise as to patentability FREE OF CHARGE. Fees moderate, and I make NO CHARGE UNLF.SS PATENT IS SECURED. Information, advice and special referen ces sent on application. .1. B. JL1 1 TELL, Washington, V. V. Near U. S. Patent Office. rOUTLANB FK43CISCO. AND BAN Proposed Sailings: FRCM SAX rUSCISCO, LMtTirjg Spear Street wharf at 10 a. m. as follows: Columbia Tuesday, Feb 3 Queen of the Pacific Sunday, Feb 8 Oregon ... Friday, Febl3 Columbia Wednesday, Feb 18 Queen of the Pacific 11 on day, Feb 23 Oregon Saturday, Feb 28 Columbia Thursday. Jlar S FROM PORTLAND, Leaving Ainaworth Wharf at 12 midnight, as follows: Oregon Wednesday, Feb 4 Colnmbia Siondav, Ftb 9 Queen of the Pacific Saturday. Feb 14 Oregon Thursday, Feb 19 Columbia Tuesday, Feb 24 Queen of the Pacific Sunday, Jlch 1 The right is reserved to change steamers sailing days. BII'ER THIECAKD. THE MILTON NURSERY The undersigned baa on hand a lare assortment m one. two ana uiree-j ear-oid Fruit Trees, Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums.rtc, Some new and rars fruit. Also everal of the best Russian Varieties Also six or eight varieties of GRAPE BOOTS, which we will sell at rmcES to suit the times, and will also take in exchange Wheat, Barler and Oats at the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. Leave Portland for; 5Ion;Tues;Wed iTIm'lFri ITam 17 a r Dayton, Orcsron . . 7 a m Salem & Corvallis. 6 a ml 6 ami NOW IS THE TIME to insure the greatest amount and choicest varie ties. We warrant our stock tre to name; so come on and patronize home production. AARON MILLER & SON, One Mile North of Milton. and the A BAMS Thos desiring fine, centrally located Bminees Lots or beautifully situated Reskienc Sites in tie thriving; new CITY OF ADAMS, cm W eWconiTDodnUird by oRing at the otRet of the Adams Real Estate Association, M WMTOK, OmfiGOJi For Astoria and Lower o umliia point, daily except ftimuay. For Tacoina and Seattle daily at 1:00 x. m. Victoria, B. C, steamers do not run Sundays. RAILROAD DIVISION. -On and after Nov. 23d, 1884. Leave Walla Walla (West bound.... 7:0" p. tn Leave Walla Walla (East bound) 6:45 a. ni Leave Walla Walla for Blue Mountain.. 11:00 a. m Arrive at Blue Mountain 12:30 p. m Leave Blue Mountain.... 1:00 p. m Arrive a nana nana z:3U p. PULLMAN PALACE CARS run through from Portland, Oreiron to points on Northern Pacific K. R. Connect at Wallula Junction for points on Northern Pacific Railroad, and at Portland for San Francisco and all Columbia River and Pusret Sound points. Trains to walla Waila run daily, to Rlut 31ountai daily, except Sunday. J. a. fK EiHJOTT, Manager. JOHN MCIR, Traffic Manager. Referee's Sale of iteal Estate Y VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE CIR. 19 cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Uma- vuuuty , inane ana entered on the sth dav ot leceniber, A. D. 154, in the case ot Mrs. Rienna w mte, plaintiff, against Wm. Holdman, F. M. Pauly and Albert Anderson, defendants, anthnr. izing and requiring nietotell the real estate here inafter described: Notice is therefore hereby giv- the 8th Day of March, 185, at one o'clock p. m. of said dav, in front of the Court House door in Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, I will sell at public auction, to the hieh- t hUM -1 -.1 1 .... .. v- ., ... . .. . situate in me town ot Weston, Umatilla county Oreiron. Terms of Sale: Each lot will he M .-r! ten per cent of the purchase price to be paid iiaiw, me Balance to be paid in eight urouua uuui kmc, w iui interest. JAMES A. FEE, a Referee. None But Professional, Skilled and THOROUGHLY INFORMED TEACHERS will be employed in any department. Spring Term Begins February 16th, 1885. 4 weeks, begins June 1, 1885. Norma! Institute, Tuition, per term Normal Institute fee $10.00 5.00 EStudents found competent will be aided by the In structors in securing positions. For further information and special terms, address. Eastern Oregon Normal School, Weston, Oreg?onv FURNITURE. n 1 i x uooper, mmx & Garnett. MANUFATUUERS AND DEALERS IN PARLOR AND DEDH00M SETS and u!l kind of THE BEST FURilSTURE We carry a full stock of Household Furniture, in walnut, ash and mm': also. a large assortment ol liairs Mattresses, Spring lieds, Louiigcs, etc. A supply on hand of House Moulriiti". Doors and Hash. Flooring. uusucanu FINISHING LUMBEB, GIVE US A CALL. COOPER SCHMUOK & CARHETT, Corner Main and Water Sts., WESTON - OREGON. WALLA WALLA BAKERY Established 1861. O. BRECHTEL MANUFACTURED Of BREAD. CAKE3 & PIES, And all kind of CEACKBBS Fire-Proof Building, Main Street, Notice for Publication. Lad Omci at La Ghasdh, Oriwob, February 11th, 1884. Notice ia hereby riven that th fonowinp n&med eettler bu filed notice oi hie intention to nmke final proof in support ot hie claim, and that amid proof will be made before CoontT Clerk of Umatilla Coantr, Oregon, at Pendleton, Ore-ea, on April 1st, 1883, ris Saauel Wi.a. to commute Hd. No. 2633, For the south half of the northeast quarter of section 11, tp north of range to east, W. M- He names the folio win (r witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, riz: Henry Frasdcr, H. C. Adanw. J. S. Phillips and O.C. Taylor, a!! of Weston, Oregon. SO HE.VRY W. IW1UHT, Begfeter. - WALLA WALLA W. T. Iv TENTH YEAR The otilr illustrated M?iurfne dcrotcd to the development of the Great West. Contains Test amount of general information and ape. ciai stocks on mnjecuor Interest to all. Ably eosMlaeteelt Mascrblr II ltuitrateaV! Only (3 a year. L. Samuel, Publisher, Ko. 123 trout street, roruaaa, ur. ' - - By Iusurins your against Dwelling. FIRE. Take Your Choice of l'omna nicst Home Mutual, New Zealand, State Investment or Western. Each of these Companies has 5o9ooo Deposited with the State Treasurer ot Oregon for the protection of Policy Hold ers. . V .y- Agency at Th Leader Qfficet