Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, February 27, 1885, Image 3

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    Weston Weekly Leader.
Ths fallowing ar the authorized ajents ol the
Lunm In their respective localities:
p.ndlaton O W Walker.
Heppner O H Hallock,
Milton A B Kuans.
Centerville 8 H Stuart,
Will Walla ...OT Thompson.
riu P. O Frank Ovintt
land Citv J L. Carter.
Wall Wall A. Muachen
Squirrsl poison at tha Adam drug
Tha HelU aaloona hare " bcen
frozen out
-No one from Weston i coins to
tb inauguration.
Pv.aien.ber the school meeting next
Meaday at I p. at.
Usee A Iiedmau's (hip has come
io. Look oo the gecoad page.
Tee Weston schools hare suspended
for abort time on account of tue Bear
.let (ever acare.
If you want a good plow share
aiade or a pour one mended go toJas.
T. Lieuallen, Adam.
Mrs. J. M. Morris and daughter
of Centerrille have gone to San Frau
ciico on aa extended visit.
There U going to be a killing in
Adams this ncaann at least there is to
be a brick-kiln there soon.
For durable aud finely finished fur
nltsre that put up by Mr. F. C. Bagga,
f Adam, is difficult to excel.
The young mens prayer meeting
held at the Baptist Church on the even
ing ef the 24th was well attended.
The festive ground squirrel is play
iag bavoe with some of the wheat fields
of Cold Spring, Juniper and Vansycla.
"Twelve Evidences of Conversion,"
will be the subject of discourse next
Sunday at 11 a. m., by Pastor, W. II.
The Misses Josie aud Ella Miller
are over in the Yukima country looking
after their landed interest there. They
are expected home to-morrow.
Eggs are said to be so numerous
as to be a drug on the market. They
are a drug that we can recommend as
being good and plcasaut to take.
Thero is still some wheat being
aent out of the county. There is quite
a pile of it on the platform of the Ceo
terville depot, and also some at Adams.
Over near Ileppne, Nelse Mnguu
en dug a well thirty fett doep on his
ranch but did not strike water. He
gave it up. On recootly examining the
hole again he found twelve feet of water
in it.
Heppner sheep growers have organ
zed to promote the wool industry, aud
exterminate disease anions sheep. The
fallowing is the execntivo committee
J. L. Fuller, chairman; Wm. Hush, S.
II. Christian, P. C. Thompson, Ed.
Rood, Wm. Peland, S. R. Reeves and
W. P. Dutton.
Here Is something worth noting,
for a merciful man is kind to his beast.
' Emsley Ridenonr at Adams is running
a horse restaurant on the American
plan, that is, the best oi feed and treat
nieiit for the least money. Let it not
escape your memory.
The case of Bill Tillard against tin
Western Union telegraph company, for
42,000 damages, has been transferred to
the U.S. District court. If the West
rn Union attended to its business as
closely as Bill does to his, there woul
be little danger ef its getting a laWBuit
oa its hands.
A visit to Adams and vicinity re
veals the tact that the wheat crop in
that neighborhood will be immense
Last year there were shipped from
Adams about 4500 tons of wheat; hut
taking the prospect aud acreage into
accouut there will be this coming sea
son live times that amount or about 20,
000 tons. Adams is surrouuded by a
fertile country which is in a good state
cultivation, aud it will always be a
shipping point of no small importance.
Uev. A. P. Grans, the Missionary
Baptist Evangelist, closed a revival
aerviee at Colfax, V. T., the 17th inst.
Daring said meeting, nearly one hun
dred professed conversion. Many
united with the Baptist church of that
place. II is low holding forth at
Moscow, Idaho Ter. He will visit the
Baptist Church ot this placs the latter
part of April ar early in May.
W. H.P.
Last Tuesday the genial counte
nance of Deputy U. S. Marshal Viu
eent of Pendleton beamed on Weston.
Ha wanted somebody and found him in
the pa -son of Milt Brown. It seems
that at the time Jt E. J ones was having
his little unpleasantness with the city
that he made a bill of sale of his liquors
te Milt Brown, who sold them to Grasty
k Ferguson of Adams. But Brown
( had no wholesale licence to sell liquors.
' Perhaps he had no license of any kind.
In this illegal traasaction he offended
the dignity if not the peace of the
United States, heuce his arrest.
Westou is not the only place that
Is going te have a boom in church build
ing. Adams ia making a irood second.
Tha Episcopalians of Adams have al
ready secured the lots upon which to
build a nice church. Most ef the money
for its completion has been subscribed
and the work will be pushed forward
with Tigor aa soon as the weather is
favorable. The MethodisU also have
cured lot for a similar parpusa and
nave receivea contributions te the
amount of $2200 to fiuish the good work
"Father Wilbur" who ia well known,
caste into the town oa Friday last and
a Monday bad received subscriptions
to the amount stated. This speaks
voluoies for Adams enterprise. It is
the intention to build a nice church ed-
. ifice and buy an organ and church bell
with the money. Adams already has
ft geod school. The intellectual and
roeral weltara of its people is not for
gotten ia its rapid strides of business
In answer to our query of last week
Mr. J. E, Beam informs us that he is
the constable of Weston precinct.
Good man too. That good action of
the county court escaped our notice.
George Sttrrett, seedsman, Walla
Walla, has for sale New Zealand oats,
weighing 115 pounds per sack, two
weeks earlier than common oats. Price,
$3 per 100 pounds. Also, Evergreen
Millet 40 cents per pound.
The time for saddles has ceme
again. In a geod saddle there is com
fort and safety. When you buy one,
get the best in the market by buying
from Mr. Chae. E. Nve, Walla Walla,
whose ad appears this week.
It is with pleasure that we respect
fully call attention to the advertisement
of Saling & Co. Their new store is
stocked with now goods, which will be
sold at new prices to old and new cus
tomers. The Leader is pleased to no-
lice this new evidence of Weston enter
prise and wishes the new firm unbound
ed baccess. The gentlemen coniTioiina
the linn are so well aud favorably
known for their business ability aud
fair dealing that they need no introduc
tion to the majority of our readers. -
For the Leader.
Milton, Feb. 25, 18S5.
Buttercups aud daisies are in bloom.
On the 20th inst, J. Barnettof whom
we have written before, died at the
residence of John Frazier. He was
turned, on the following day by the I
r i ' T f ...1. : .1. j . i r ...
O. G. T. of which order he was a faith
ful member. He died of quick con
snmption. Chas. I'udio went one day last week
to Dayton for medical treatment.
Charley Berry seems to be fully in
stalled as clerk in Williamsou's store.
C. Williamson took a trip to La
(Irandu last Friday aud returned ou
C. C. Cunningham is having a build
ing erected adjomicg lus saloon
Main street.
"Doc" Whitley and family have
msveJ to Adams to live.
Ou Muud.ty, Mr. &imons a railroad
employee, died, after cn illness of but
tour or kve days, tic was taken to 1 lie
Dalles for iutermeut. lie leaves a wife
aU'l one child.
Our public school closes on Friday
Next Thursday Grandpa Coe and
wife will celebrate their fiftieth wede'ing
Ematiila Beserratton.
Washington, Feb, 24 The bill
that passed tbe house to-day, on motion
cf George, in relation te the Umatilla
Indian reservation, ia the senate bill,
but as some amendments were adopted
it requires further action by the senate.
1 be bill, after allotini; lands in sever
alty to Indians, provides for survey and
appraisement of tbe surplus, and for
their sale in tracts of 160 acres of ua
timbered lauds, and forty acres ef tim
bered lauds, at publio auction at the
land office to the highest bidder, if an
actual settler, and at a price not less
than the appraised value, payments to
be part in hand and balance on time.
lha fund realized is te be used to aid
Indians in improving their severalty
lands, and for eduoation and future
welfare of the Idiaus. It appropriates
on S30,000 to carry the provisions of the
bill into ellect, $10,000 of which can be
used m establishing an industrial farm
and school.
An 01l-i"its!iloml Idea.
i lie old-iushioncd idea thai one
should never enter a sick room with an
empty stomach is a true one. The gas
trie juice is not secreted in an enij ty
stomach; it is only when fond is taken
into the stomach and digestion commen
ces that the gastric juice is present.
All germs are killed by coniinj; in con
tact with, healthy gastric juice, there
fore a full stomach fortitLM one against
contracting contagious disf-ase. De-
Haven's Dyspepsia Cure is especially
adapted to act upon the digestive juices
of the system aud keeps them in a pure
and natural condition. In this manner
t insures proper digestion and assimila
tion of the food. It never tails to effect
cure in the most ohst'.nato cases of
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and
Sickheadaclie. Sample bottles free at
W. II. McCoy's dru store.
All the Kae.
To captivate the popular taste and
surpass all previous efforts to please the
palate, requires no small amount ot
knowledge and no little skill, and when
we remember that the very agreeable
liquid fruit remedy, byrup of tigs, is
as beneficial to the system, as it is ae-
Jlr. liradsiiaw s family and Grandpa ceptable to the stomach, we readily un
Cue's family are moving from Wright's derstaud whv it is the universal favor
addition to Milton, to Milton proper. ite as a cure for Habitual Constipation
A protracted meeting is in progress ana other ills arising from a wealtsess
t the M. E. Church. If Father hliafar or inactive condition of the Bowels,
loes not arouse his people to a sense kidneys. Liver and Stomach. Sample
of their inactivity in religious matters bottles free and large bottles for sale by
it will be no fault of his.
The race mare which A. M. E!am
bought seme time ago, ran away the
other day and broke her leg. Her in
juries were so great that she had to be
l'ubt. Wilniot hss gone to his Willow
creek farm. Marshall Woodward has
come hoaie. lie has been quite sick.
Moke; Axon.
W. 11. McCoy.
M idi-.4 w ake Druggist
Mr. W. II. McCoy is always alive to
s business, and spares no pains to se-
tire the best of everything m his line
e has secured the agency for the cele
brated Dr. Kind's New Discovery for
'onaumptinn. The only certain cure
nown for Consumption, Coughs, Colds,
hit is, or auy affection of the Throat
aod Lungs. Sold on a positive cnarau
tec. Trial bottles free. Kegulur size $1
Pendt.etox, Feb. 24.
Protracted meetings tre in progress
at the M. E. church.
Yankee dim, our veteran news man,
has sold out to W. D. Fletcher.
Wm. Stark was taken to Portland by
Deputy Marshal Mwrse Mnuday uiUt
for having disposed of four bottles of
chain lightuini; to the irresponsible red
Willard Walliii.t was brought in from
Juniper mid lodged iu jail Friday,
charged with Iiumii" committed an as
sault with intent to kill.
Mrs. Matilda Kainbofrom vourlneiirh
bnrhood had an examination and was
takeu to the asylum Sunday night.
Lawrence Young was arrested Mon
day afternoon by Deputy Marshal Vin
cent for selling whiskey to the Indians.
Humor hus it that a foundry wi'I be
bunt in Pendleton this summer.
Prof. McCartv has organized a dram
stic troupe and intends to "take in" the
country during the coming summer.
A crand ball will be given here on
March 4th. The Washington birthday
ball was chiefly remarkable for the
slimness of the crowd, about half I
dizen couple being in attendance.
Telegrams were received from Seua
tor Slater and Congressman George to
day stating that the bill throwing open
the umuuila lieservution had passed
the House and that the Sena'e would
undoubtedly concur in the Hou3 amend
meuts. jVI.ki,
Xotes from .Ida ins.
Sincere thanks are herewith tendered
to those persons who so kindly contrib
uted their personal assistance in mak
ing the Old Folks' Concert a success
Without mentioning names we thaRk
those who;' sang, helped in tableaux,
gave a reading," and the Cornet Band,
The Committee.
Splendid Honors.
The public should note the fact that
the only proprietary medicine on earth
oarseness, Asthma, llay Fever, Brou- that ever received the supreme award
of Gold Medal at the great Iuterration
al World Fairs, Industrial F.x positions
and State Fairs, is St. Jacobs Oil.
After the "most thorough and practical
2a72BL3ESaS2E3 ZO-eTSTaS OS"
Umatilla Real Estate Go.
J. H. RALEY, Slanager.
Office Adjoins Pendleton Hotel, Main St, Penflieion, uj
when thrones are tottering and kingdoms
are crumbling to dust,
Improved and Unimproved Farms Bought and Seld Settlers
Located on Vacant Lands.
are selling Goods Cheaper, with better
value tor the money, than any oth
er house in the country.
Successorto Nye &, Frank,
Juniper Items.
JUMi'ER, Feb. 20, 1SS5.
To the Editor of the Leader:
Snow is all gone; very early spring;
ut look out, old Loreas is liable to
blow his breath across the country again
efore the winter months are gone.
Wheat fields are fast recovering from
the freezes of last winter, aud are loom-
up in such a manner as to send a
thriil of joy to the heart of the farmer
whose all depends on the crops next
fall. Grass is growing rapidly and
pring work is commencing in earnest.
Some of the young mon of Juniper
are complaining on account of the snow
going away too early, as they had just
srot their sleighs in trim.
We are pleased to announce that the
son of Mr. John Brown of Cold Spring,
who has been very low with typhoid fe
ver, is convalescent.
Thos. Nicley is confined to his room
with sore eye3.
St. Valentine doesn't have much ef-
tests, in hospitals and elsewhere, it has
universally triumphed over all compe
titors, and been proclaimed by Judges
and Jurors, including eminct physi
cians, to be the best pain-curing remedy
in existence.
Main St., Walla Walla, W. T.
MILI.KR DOZIER At the residence of the
bride's parents, in this city, Feb. 22nd, bv Rev.
W. H. i'ruett, Mr. Hiram II. Miller and Miss
Mary L. Dossier. .
BECKETT To the wife ot William Beckett on
Tuesday the 24th hist., a son. Weight, loj
- Bosf ncss Notices.
Steinaker & Co. keep tne Buckingham
& Jtlecnt s boots ana snoes.
For bargins in glassware and
crockery go to Keese&Redman's, Adams.
Steinaker & Co. have the lurgest and
best assortment of wall paper in W eston.
Reese & Redman, Adams, are pay
feet on the young people of Juniper, but i,,g the highest market rates for wheat,
his sly and timid messenger, Cupid,
Adams, Feb. 25.
To the Editor ot tho Leadku:
Times are improving. The change is
scarcely perceptible as yet, but the
stats ot affairs has arrived at so low
ebb that the slightest change
perceptible. 1 he improvement is no
ticeablc in the amount of work going on
iu our blacksmith shops, wagon sh'ps
and csrpeater shops, fliarp Hro. ar
busy from morning to uit;lit, with three
men employed. 1 hey liitvriu ma lii
thev have two montlis work on hii
Next week they will have another man
nakiu!! four in all. Jiniinie Lieuallen
acror.s the way. is constantly at wor
with one smith besides himself, makin
six blacksmiths iu town with more wor
than thev can do. V ining lros. an
Harvey Ceok, wjgon-mahers, are jus
as busy, lliey are Diiiuiing two sprin
waeons, one for the butclmr, Mr. t
vert, and one for a gentleman in Cen
terville. both as good as the finest im
ported hacks. The carpenter are joy
ous iu anticipation ot jrooit times iiu
nlentv of work in the near future. M
r . . . . . i . -. .:- I
uey Has been raiscu oy suoscripuon auu
otheiwiae to build a line church here
this summer. I raean another church,
for I have already informed you of the
fact that the Episcopalians were going
to build one here the coming summer,
lteese & llednian will build a brick on
the site i their present store. The Re
serve will soon be throwii open for set
tlement, vhich (t paraphrase an ex
pression lit the E. 0.) means -.";00 inhab
itants iuyiLdums in a few years.
The wheat in the surrounding coun
try looks eh! just splendid. Hotter ou
an average than it usually luoks in tne
last of April. One thing is noticeable,
aud that is that it all looks well, not an
occasional crop here and there, as is
commonly the case. It strikes mc that
if the wlinle-aU merchants below could
know exaotly the prospects of this year
there would be a better feeling existing
betweeu debtors and creditors than
seems to exist. I was conversing with
a prominent merchant in Pendleton u
few days hinoe. lie entertained a
gloomy view of the condition of things,
and said there would lie the same dif
ference between the ensuing ninety days
and the preceding ones that theIriU
inan described as existing between the
toothache aud tue gout. He said the
toothache was like placing your thumb
in a vise aod turning it just as long as
you could turn it. and the gout was like
turning the vise three or four limes
S. P. Whitley aud family have taken
up their residence with us and will
make a permanent home in Adams.
Doc is going to build a brick residence
this summer.
A promiuent young gentleman of this
place took a flying trip to Cold Spring
this week, some of the particulars of
which I will give you next week.
Dr. McColl was in town Wednesday.
A man who would start out collecting
at this season of the year ought to be
kept under friendly surveillance, for a
time at least, until it is certain that it
is only a mild form.
;'01d Father Wilbur" was in town
this week. Talk about your jolly
preacher.: he made more frieuds in the
two days he was "here than some of
them would in six months.
I. Hanson is improvisg Lw lots hj
setting ont shade and fruit trees. He
has a beantiful site for his future resi
dence, and evinces cood iudr.mint k
commencing thus early to beantv and
adorn it. Ills example i worthy' of em-
"""Hon. ai. s lj-j
Don't forget that Reese & Redman
are located at Adams, aud do a "boss"
-N. Dusenbery & Co. is selling lum
bcr at $13 per M. for cash or good
notes. Also wood at $4 per cord.
Steinaker & Co. make a specialty of
aent s clothing and furnishing goods.
l'or a nobby suit call on them
-The Leader office will do all kinds
self while here, iu teaching the young nf :nh a. wplI ,nfl chpan ean
idea how to shoDt, and added greatly to be done in portana
her well-known reputation as a teacher.
Sunday School getting along nicely,
with an average attendance of thirty
ive pupils. Church well, we don't
seems to be working wonders.
Charlie Sanders has disposed of his
farm to Peter ChrUtensen, of North Ju
niper, for a consideration of $2000.
The public Bchool closed February
13th, after a very successful term of
four months, nndrthe auspices of Mrs.
Kobey. Mrs. lloboy distinguished her-
Do you want a Fruit Tree, Forest Tree or an Or
namental Tree, tiose or snrub 01 any kind;
If so, call and see
Who will furnish you from
at prices to suit the times.
Or if you want any kind of
Garden, Field, Tree, Grass
or Flower Seeds,
Fresh and Pure, call and eee me at the Post Of
fice in
Centerville, Oregon.
have anv church at all. Ihere are
standing appointments for three Sun-
davs in each month, bat we haven t
heard a sermon since the second Sunday
December. We have been promised
a series of protracted meetings twice,
but have bien disappointed. by it
is, the people cannot understand, unless
we have lallcn beneath tne preacners
notice or have been forgotten by them
since the commencement of winter.
Our Literary and Debating Society ia
in a flourishing condition, and judging
from the crowds that attend, it must be
amusing and entertaining. The litera
ry pei toruiiiuocs are good, and ques
tions of interest are debated on, but
there is more iunorance exposed, "ener-
aily, than argument produced. It will
close for the aeason on February 27th.
li.rn, to the wife of II. C Brannin,
February "th, u daughter; weight, much
ly big. judging from the way Robert
steps around since.
It becomes our duty for the first time
to communicate to the Lkader the
news of a row which took place on Ju
niper on February 19th, on the premi
ses of J. li. Davis, betweeu Willard
Wallcn and Alex, and Wm. Renick, a
pistol being used, but fortunately no
one hurt. The trouble first originated
betweeu U alien and the Iienick boys'
father. A. li Reim. Wallen was dog
gin" Renick's hogs, when Reuick un
dertook to stop it by interfering person
ally, but was greotcd by Wallen with a
euod "cussing." Mr. Renick discovered
that several of his hogs had been badly
milt llnted bv the doe, and had Wallan
arrested on a charge of cruelty to ani
,.,u IIu wuH taken before Justice Da
vis for trial, but was acquitted. After
the trial was over the Renick boys
approached Wallen and demanded his
reasons for abusing their father. Wal
len began to draw bis revolver, but Al
ex, dealt him a blow and Will told him
to put away that pistol; but U alien, la
stead of doing so, iiied at him and then
at Alex, and started on the run, follow
.l l.o ti,0 I,.. who succeeded in get
ting the pistol from him. He was then
arrested en a charge of assault with in
tent to kill, and taken before the just
ice, who bound him over iu the sum of
five humlrad dollars to await, the action
of ths grand jury, but being unable to
give bail he was taken to jail.
Captain jiks.
"Mrs. Jones, Where did you huy
that handsome Dolman?" "Why, at
the Great I. X. L. Store, Walla Walla.
Taylor oo Evans of Milton have
always on hand a fine assortment of
books, stationary and notions.
Ladies, have you been to see the
fine bcrgaius given away at the Urcat
I. X. L. Stare in our Cloaks Dolmans
and Suit Departments.
Ordinance No. 82.
Rnrklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best S ilve in the world tor Cuts,
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Cori.s, and all Skin Erupt
ions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay re-juirtd. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or mouey refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
W. II. McCoy.
AN ORDINANCE to amend Ordinance Ko. 15 of
the City of Weskni, to provide fur the assess
ment ami collection of Property taxes for the
City of Weston. Approved March 12th, IS-9,
BE IT t RDAINED by the peoult of the City of
Sectios 1. That the provisions of Ordinance
No. 15 of th-3 Citv ot Weston, approved March
l2th, 1379, snail be umenueu so as to read as fol
That it shall be the duty of the City Assessor to
ascertain, as far as he can do so, the ownership of
all property, real and personal, within said city
taxable for county r-urp:SQs, and assess the same
at its actual value according to his -best judg
ment, and fur that purpose he shall have the
lvower to administer an oath that he or she will
discover to the Assessor all their taxable urnparty
w-ithin said city, and he shall add up, sigrn, and
make return of such assessment to the Common
Council on the first Wednesday in September of
each year; and the said Council shall thereupon
thvc notice in all the ncwsoa!ers published in the
city, that the assessment list for the year therein
suiti d has occn retumeu ana is suoject to tne in
spection of anv person interested therein, and
that the said Council will sit as a Board of Equal
zation at a time and place, which shall be speci
fied in such notice, when all persons may be
heard who may ieck themselves aggrieved by the
assessment of his or her prOrty, and the said
Council may approve, alter, correct or amend
such assessment, as in their opinion shall
Section 2. It shall be the duty of the City Re
corder immediately after euch assessment list
shall have been approved by the Common Coun
cil, when any tax is levied, to estimate the
amount of taxes due from each person or persons
sii assessed, and set the same down in its irier
place in the list aforesaid, and deliver it to the
i itv Collector, taking his receipt therefor, and
pln"r.'in-r him with the amount of tax to be collec
ted bv him as therein set forth; and the Collector
shall thereupon jive notice in one or more of the
nowsnnrers published in said city, that he has re
ceived the same and that the taxes will fall due
on the 40th dav of September of that year; and it
hall h the "dutv of the Collector to call on the
isions whose names appear as the owners of
vh r.rtwrtv. for the payment of said taxes; and
ui-ou such payment, shall give a receipt to the
the same, statinc the amount, the
date of payment, and by whom paid, and for
i,t vir the same was assessed, and such re-
:.',nii ! evidence of such torment in all
r.Lv whh-r. and in case any person shall be
absent from his or her place of residence at the
time the Collector calls for payment, the Collect
or shall leave a written or printed notice at the
,f ,ivh iierson. stating the amount ot
tax due from such person and requiring him or
her to make pavmeut of the same at his office
within five days from the date of such notice, and
.i, ..ti.-. hatl be considered a sufficient de
mand fur the taxes, and the Collector shall pay
. r?.wvr.-lRr all monevs collected by
him on account of such taxes by the tenth day of
October of that year, and to pay over all moneys
c-llected on account of delinquent taxes as fast aa
Cl Sisc-no 3- That if any person shall fail to pay
his or her taxes Dy tne una. uajui
each year, the same shall be considered de.iD
qent, and it shall be the duty of the Chtor at
the exViration of thirty days thereafter to bnmj
suit in the name of the city of W eston, in some
urt having compeien ij i. . r -
Notice of Sale of Mortgaged
SW made and executed by J. E. Jones and I.
H. Jones, in favor of Charles Kohn & Co.. and
duly filed in the office of the County Clerk of
Umatilla County, Oregon, to secure the sum of
Five Hundred Dollars ($500) and interest from
November 29lh, 1881, at ten per cent, per annum.
and attorney's fees, said mortgage being given
alt the Household i-uriuture. L'rgan. Orna
ments and Effects, of all and every description
(nave and except wearing apparel) now being in
the duelling house of the said J. E. Jones and L
H. Jones, on the corner of Pomcroy and Broad
streets, in the town of Weston, Oregon, I will
proceed to sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder, cash in hand, at said dwelling houe. in
saiu town, on
Saturday, the 281b Day aT February,
1S85, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. all of the
above-described property and effects, or so much
inereor as may oesumuunt to satisfy said amount
ana lnrcrest ana costs ana accruing costs and at
torneys' fees. If the sale of said property is not
concluded on Saturday, the 2Hth inst., the same
win be resumea on Monday, March 2u, 1835, at
the hour of 10 o-clouk a. m.
Dated Kobruary 18th, 18S5.
By C. L. BURGG, Agent.
Miss Lou Reynolds' Large Stock ot
consisting of
Hats, Feathers, Flowers
and Trimmings of all
will be offered tor the next thirty days at cost.
The mods are now on exhibition at Mrs. M. J.
Powers1, on Water St.
terThe ladies of Weston and vicinity are re- I
spectfully invited to call around and examine
tne stocK. 20 lm
Farms & Town Property to Rent Collections Wade Loans Negotiated
1C0 acres deeded land, and 160 acres railroad land; located four milea north or
Barnhart Station; good house; small stable; thirty acres in wheat; best ot
wheat land. Price, $2000; $300 cash; two and four years on balance.
No. 2.
160 acres deeded; 160 acres railroad and 160 acres timber cnlfare land; four mile
from depot. Price SIG00; (600 cash; balance on one aud two years, time.
No. 3.
640 acres; Rood house, cellar and barn; all under good fence, with garden fenced
separately; plenty of water; three miles from depot; seventy acres in falk
wheat. Price $3500; $1000 cash.
No. 4.
640 acres schoel land; first payment made; four miles from depot; all leveL Pi ice
$2000; easy terms.
No. 5.
143 acres deeded land; all nnder fence; good house; plenty of water; eighty-fiver
acrea in wheat. Price $1500; easy terms. Pour miles northwest of Pendle
ton. No. 6.
160 acres timber culture land; some improvement; five miles northwest of Pendle
ton. Price $350; easy terms.
No. 7.
320 acres deeded land; two houses; 110 acres in fall wheat; a choice farm; fonr
miles north of Barnhart Station. Price $5000; $1000 cash; long time on bal
ance. No. 8.
160 acres deed land; 220 aeres railroad land; fifty acres plowed; one mile fence;
400 posts; six miles frem depot. Price $2500; $800 "cash; balance on long. .
No. 9.
1C0 acres deeded land; 320 acres railroad land; all fenced; seventy acres in wheat;
good school and church privileges; oue and one-half miles from depot. Price;
$2500; $1000 cash.
Timber culture claim; four miles from depot. Price $300; cash.
No. 11.
City lots in the town of Pendletan bought, sold, exchanged and transferred. We
make this oar specialty.
No. 12.
480 acres deeded land; 1C0 acres railroad land; all in barley; 140 acres in wheat;,
goad buildings; four miles from depot; a fine farm. Price $6800; $2500 cash;
lone time on balance.
No. 13.
320 acres of railroad land; all fenced; seventy acres in wheat; one mile from de
pot. Price 1100; easy terms.
No. 14.
160 acres deeded land; under fence; forty acres plowed. Tries $1400; one-halt
No. 15. ,.
Good timber culture lan j; one half mile from a growing town. Price $150; cash
No. 16. .
City property to exchange for land.
No. 17.
Heavy span ef work horses; young and warranted true. Price $180; cash.
JNO. 18.
160 acres; preemption claim; four miles from Pendleton. Price $150; cash..' ,
No. 19.
1C0 acres timber cultare land; 160 acres railroad land; all fenced; ten acres fn
trees; sixty acrea in wheat. Price $1200; easy terms.
No; 20. . ,
Fifteen head of yoong cattle; cheap for cash.
No. 21. ' '-
160 acres deeded land; 160 acres railroad land; all fenced; good house; near school
, house; plenty of water. Price $2000; aasj terms.
No. 22.
Good location for poultry yard; adioiuiog Pendleton. Price $200. ,
Odor of Forest. Sparkle of Stream.
Do you own a gun, or a "fish-pole," or "bird
dog " or rifle? Ever go angling, or shootinjr, or
tramping, or camping, or canoeing, or yachting?
Have you a taste for studying the habits of wild
birds or animals? Do you know that for ten
years we have bcen publishing a bright weekly
paer aevotea io tneso suniects? it will repar
you to look at a copy of the Forest and Strram .
There is no other paper in the world just like it.
Address forest and Stream Publishing Co., S
Park Row, New York.
Specimen Copy IS Cents.
Perfection at Last.
Fop Every Home Library.
Notice for Publication.
Lasd Obvici at La Grands, Orbgox,
Jan. 27, 1SS5.
Notice is hereby given that the foPowine-
named settler has filed notice of hia intent-ion
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before A. A. .lones,
Notary Public, at Pendleton, Oregon, on March
6th, 1SS5, viz..
N.J. Kosenburg,
D. S. 8205, for the northeast quarter of section
14, township 6 north, range 34 east, W. M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of,
said land, viz:
M. G. Parr, Mrs. M. O. Parr. Ocorire Ray
mond, of Centerville, Oregon, and Kasson Smith,
of Walla Walla, W. T.
30 Register
Notice for Publication.
Land Omci at La Grands, Orkoos
Jan. 24th, l&S.
Notice !a herebv given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claira,and that
said proof will be made before the County Judge
oi imatinauonnty, uregon, at rencueton, Ore
gon, on jiarcn o, lBga, viz:
Irani T. Nelson.
Hd. 1666, for th southeast quarter of section 6,
township 4 north, range 34 E. W. U.
lie names the following witnesses to prove hia
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
George V . Ilanna and Franklin Palmer of Pen
dleton, Oregon; Dewitt C. Henry, of Helix, Oreg
on: and William Piper, of Centerville, Oregon.
30 Ht.MlI . llilHin f, Register.
Of tiik English Lakouaoic New Edition. With
Supplement. Unabridged and profusely illus
trated. The standard, and in ail respects best,
Dictionary published. Library sheep, marbled
euges, $lo.uv.
Lipriicorrs rBonoirxtixc bio-
Containing complete and concise Biographical
oKeiuues ui uie E.miRent reroons oi all Ages
and Countries. Ity J. Thomas, A. M M. D.
impend svo. sheep, eio.oo. That will ride as easy as a four. Good and strong, with phaeton bodr-
LirriNCOTT-s PBONOincirc cazet- geod, full, large back and the rider can use aod feel no more horse
' JAr T.WUA.V. I , , , , . , .,
motion inan in a lour-wneeiea remcie. lias ail tne conveniences lor a
doctor's box, for a chest, storm apron, and is as easy to get in and out of
as a buggy; nothing to climb over in getting in. See what is said of it:
A complete Geographical Dictionary. New Edl-
xion. xnorougniy revisea ana grently enlarged.
Containing Supplementary Tables, with the
most recent Census Returns. Royal Svo. Sheen.
American Revised Edition. Tua bust in avcRT
way, A Dictionary of Useful Knowledge. Pro
fuicly Illustrated with Maps, Plates and Wood
cuts. 10 vols. Koval 8vo. Several edition,
at various prices.
OF ENGLISH WORDS." S vols. Uound in
half morocco, in cloth box. $12.50. Or, each
volume sold separately.
Embraces "Poetical Quotation.' "Proa
Quotations," anil "Went Anthora of
All Aa. Complete in three octavo vol
umes. Price per set in cloth, 99.00. Half Rus
sia, iz.og.
."For sail by all Bo -ksel'cra. or win ha ml
rtc o CAf-cijac, oil rcufcipi OI inc price Dy
i- d. Llf KINUUIT & CO.,
715717 Market 81., Philadelphia.
"It lithe best cart In our city. FX, H. MAT
LOCK, Ottawa, IU. 1
TORKVILLE, ILL., Dec 1J, 13.33.
"I havo been using one of Church's Physi
cians' Road Carts for some time, and am well
pleased wjth it. I have practical medicine near- JACKSONVILLE, ILL., March 18, IBS,
iy twenty-are years, and have used almost eve- W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir I am greatly
ry kino oi vehicle on two wheels that 1 have pleased with your two-s heeled vehicle. It dis-
een, am mis is tne only conveyance oi that de- counts an j wing of tne kind. I have no aw
vnpuon tnai i hare ever used that I can heartl- use lor lour-wneeleit buggies In mr business.
6, BSH
, 2 ff o o tt
Great Coyote Bant.
The grand meet will be) at J. R.
King's, on Wild Horse, on Saturday,
March 7th, at 9 a. m. Erery one bar
ing a horse or hound invited to participate.
judgment subject to the equities of sale and ro
SeaS as provided by the lawsof the State ot
Ore4n be rendered against the property of all
such delinquents aiKi in Uvr of said city.
Section 4 The Collector shall receive for his
services "in the collection of property toi five per
cent, on all moneys collected by him, and no
"""The provisions of Ordinance No. 15 are hereby
Kved February 24th, 1S33.
W. R. JONES. Mayor.
A fine farm, two miles fro an Center
ville, 160 acres deeded land and 80 acres
of railroad land, on easy terms. Will
take one-half in cattle or horses. A
big bargain to be had. Apply at once
to B. F. Swaggaet,
Ceuteryille, Oregon,
Garden, Flower Crass.Trce
and Hedge Seeds.
Clover, I
Alfalfa, Etc.
Catalogues Sent Free on Application
For sa'e by w. H. JTOy, Weaum t Sat
ly recommeud." W. T. SHERWOOD, At. D.
PLANO, ILL , Bee. 8, 1882.
W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir. The Koad Cart I
purchased of you is all and mors than you to'd
me. it noes as easy as any lour-wneeiea ouf
gyrand I most heartily recommend it.
O. V. UkAltllkbl, Jt. u.
CLAYTON, MICH., April CO, 1883.
W. R. CHURCH, Yorkville, Hi. Dear ir. I
am well pleased with my Cart; tmnlt it well
worth the cost. Would not be without it for
any price. O. h'. RICE.
W. R. CHURCH. Torkvills. TIL Dear Sir. I
have used one of your Road Carts since last Feb
ruary. I think it superior to any Road Cart I
have examined. It is TH R thing for ths "busy
practitioner." W. K. KlS.Nfc.TT, M. D.,
i orsvuie, nu
PAW PAW, Mar 1st, 18S3.
W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir: You wish to know
how 1 like my Cart. 1 cannot say too much in
its praise, it is simply perfect.
U a. 1SUAFF1T, M. D.
MARSHALL, TEXAS, April 30, 1333.
MARTINS', S. C., MavtO.lSSS. ,
W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir-Th. Cart ordeteo?
from you came yesterday. It ts all and moro
than you claim for it. It is certainly the flnst
and most convenient thing on whe-ls. 1 aont
think 1 will nss any oilier vehicle in my practice
now. Yours respectfully,
HEMSTEAD. TEXAS, June 16. 1X31.
W. R. CHURCH Dear 8ir-Crtis at hand '
has been tried by me and is satisfactory in rrerv
particular. I will not hesitate to recGnune.d
them, Mtonly to phyatc.aoa, bat also to any ai-d
all persons having much driving to do
fours, etc., P. 8. CLARK. ,
W. R. CHUR'. H I received my Road Cart all
right and like it very much; would not cxehanite
it for any four-wheeled vehi. le I have ever had
for my use. It is the admintion of ail who sea
it. Yours very respectfully,
.. . . viivwu mu mr -t mi v,
W. R. CHURCH Dear Sir I have now used reived in sooa sham I hi..i -
my Cart about ten days, and must say it stands It after (riving it a trial. It is much ti
the test admirably. It ts admired by svervbodv. more eomnac-t than I n.i i .ii. u.
Send ms a top for it. Yours truly, lake hen. Wishinz you mere i am tonn -
B. F. EADS. M. D. Y. C. HOYT.
- ,CF.8TTR' lr,v Anffiwt 1, im
. iv. trii iujH-uiat Sir The Cart is tho
DYERBURGH. TENN., April 7, 1883.
W. R. CHURCH Sir The Cart is at hand aod
I like it splendidly. It is simDlr tterfect. I lhrhttst ta draw in tl.. ii:. a wo
could not make any alterations. 1 use it toe better I like it. Yours trnlv
JO. A. roWLKER, M. D. F. nSSuuS, M. D.
LANSDALE, PESN-, April 20, 19S3. MARLIV TFTi a
Ths Cart arrived to-dar. and Iamsreatlv W. It. fTnrnrTT'rw,,v. . l.l .
pleased. Beau auythina; in this section of tbe for a rceommtixbulon of your Cart. I thmt VZ
country. I wish you success in your enterprise, duty to tin one. For im nA .7... rV
B. H. ANDREWS, well beaten. With a ti Txms Zoor 1 Ui'.l
ean ro with any high-priced bone. 8. P. RiCE
Editor and Publisher of the Medical Summary.
3fo. 10 Oregon St YOBttVILLE, ILLINOIS