Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, February 20, 1885, Image 1

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    1 . r
2. r. JTCOL1, rabllihrr.
Isocd Eteby Saturday Mousing,
-AT y
nerlplloa Bale I
M sU
a Tear. On advance) v
i Month. 1 :J
. ... ' uicu
ng vvn-""
NO. 1 0
8. WOOD,
Legal bU.iV. of Jtt kimls tor sate
l)!H t PoetoHice. lu "
f . . j D..MI. I And MuMcr specialty,
i- .ttn.lM to- umce ocr
Collection. pr.ii.. ... 7v7,"i 5 i
th Kimt National Ban, Court St. J;
Attorney at Law,
will practice tn the Court of this State and
Land Otlti ulness and Collections.
om:e-Mil St.. Weitim. Or.
. ...j.. t r. i.rthur will bo associated
, it" mi in all my casus in the Circuit or Supreme
Phyjican and Surgeon.
land City, Oregon,
tv aL.tuliitl til.
tlie Drug Store, Is
UTAH call prompt
Office at Cuok & Ir ine's Urne Store.
,R. W T.
Absolutely Pure.'
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,
strength and wholesomcness. More economical
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com
petition with the multitude of low test, short
weigro,aiumorpnospnatepowaers. soldonlvis
cams. Rotai Bahiks Poweia Co., 106 Wall-st,
H. Y. ,
and Surgeon
Obstetric and ilineastii of women a specialty.
Orriu Ovr.a Scax aki!
WKSMS, OllK'luN.
riiyslclftii anil Snrscon,
Il ifsa t CVs Drug
Office In
IMs.. All calls promptly attonded to.
I sitters
iO. W. KIN'i;, M. I).,
Physician and Surgoon,
Olfico over Sloinaker's store,
Calls promptly answered day or ni'ght.
Watchmaker and Jawoier,
readlrtia Orrgon,
Court St., In Domnrt's Pruz Store.
Watch rcpairlnic a specialty. Jewelry made to
order and rouiiircd. All work warm ntcd. Aifcnt
for tha i iIb of Allli ri.aUl WntcllCl. PlW ItlC JeWCl-
w r!AmnMiv and Kinir'n celebrated combination
rnwctai'Ma the bet In I ho world; also atrcut tor
tns Weber and Chickerlnjr piuno, the hstey anu
UicrlitiK onraita, u. u. conn s ana dianiuon i
brass iiiMtrumeuta.
I know, as my life grows older.
And mine eyes have clearer sight.
That tinder each rank Wrong, somewhere
There lies the root of Right.
That each sorrow has its purpose.
By the sorrowing oft nnguessed;
But as sure as the sun brings morning.
Whatever is, is best.
1 know that each sinful action.
As sure as the night brings shade,
la sometime, somewhere, punished,
Tho' the hour be long delayed.
I kmiw that the sou! is aided
Sometimes by the heart's unrest,
And to grow means only to suffer;
Whatever is, is best.
I know there are no errors
In the great Eternal plan,
And all things work together
Fur the final good of man.
And I know when my soul speeds onward
In the grand eternal quest,
I shall say as I look earthward,
Whatever is, is best.
r.v tha use of IliwteUor 's Stomach Bittern tl
h.iL'u'i'-r.l carance of the countenance airl
twtiow of dvsjie, tic; arc 8U;m Uuttti hy a health
i:r 1 -k. and a the f.,od is asniuiiliitcd, thj b.d.
.icijtiirc Hulntariee. Aivctite is re.st.trcd. am:
tlie nervous lystclil rufreslied with much needed
lumiier, throiltrh tlie use of tim munidne,
Mliii-h is also bancflria! to vers ns of a rheumatic
tendency, and an inestimable preventive oi fever
in aue.
For sale bvDruis'istsand Dealurs, generally.
nnwra WiHTF.I).-Ws want a lady or eel
prenttW In every county to Introduce on
swiasins, books and other articles, to whom llberi
rm are offered. Address The American Agent
A Five Dollar I ' Spears for
lgl luUIMlloa 4Srl.rd b Lw, ol lllinoU.
desirous of Inlrooncn kTus Ausbicau aosstAvo
alaxy o Litssatv moreextei.iuvely iempow.
trert to enroll luo,cuu Members at a Fee 01 8 1 eaon,
emllalnK for AsiKiclslion a Hurplus Fund of f LCO.UOO.
rtiliinni sllows,wlth accrued fnterest.swltbdrawsl
f $A.ons per snnum for ft years, which covers cost
sf tle publication of our niaHsxlne, besides leavlnc
t surplute bs used ml ho poblicailon of s Librarr
f Books Pl b lIC. AST. hDCOATlOK, Postbt and
Oooo Litssaikss.w1.UIi will bo furnWied to mem
bsrssiH "tall price the recetpU being reinvested
in nihM wnrka.flrlva an unlimited lleld for onerstlon.
M b m win i, AiiMlIrd ou the SniFOBrrnoH Books
and t'crtlnVmri. of nirmbrrshlp (entitling said
aismbertos paid p Mibm rlplionloTns Asia
lota AoiTUALAzror LiTAKAiussforS ypara
0(1 all olherprlvllrices of the Atsoclstlon.) will bs
lorwsrnrnon rcrirtm incpnoncripunn rt-poi r ii
I A pai-Mp BvbtenpUim ioAtn.Agmijoroytan.
IStcurmga tmrnrx of tioontm fwoiisnsapnc
ditmutit on all publication not issued byve '
A cMsroKnl on articles adrertised in Am. Agent.
I Liberal disttunts on Xcwpapers t Magasines,
I A Cvrrrtixmdfvce Ifurnni aniioinerprmirge.
U'liv tlit m h dm.e nrontablv In very plain. Af
ter 100.000 names are enrolled , located In every state
imviiati thm rlvliiv our mAEazlns a thoroueh
Introduction, a constant Increase of subscriptions
win h. mmivmI iilts v.nri a,nd rom the sale
of books to non-memht rs. toucther with the corres.
The mm. nnnn'iir WAnklV news-
miMr rinvnljal In i.ianra. meehamcs. en-
irineerins:, discoveries, inventions and patents
ever published. F.very numbor lllnstratea witn
splendid enerawincs. This publication, turnisnes
a most valuable encyclopedia of information which
no person should be without. The popularity of
the SoiEirnFio Amfp.icih is such that its cir
culation nearly equals that of all other papers of
its class combinel Price, $3.20 a yer. JJiscount
loumns. Bold by all newsaeaiers. jn.uii.i e v..
Publishers, No. 361 Broadway, H. Y.
sawsiaisgin Mnnn a no. nave
ATEHTS. wa?9-
wtsmmmmmmm praotice noium
the Patent Office, and have prepared
more than One Hundred Thous
and applications for patents in the
Cniteff States and foreign countries,
treats. Trade-Marks, Copyrights,
a; mii, n.o(t all other naners Tor
securine to inventors their rights in tha
"SiSd States, Canada. England. .France,
Gmany and other foreign eointwpj
pared at short notice and on reasonable terms.
Information s to obtaining patents cheor
fullr given without charoe. Ifand-books i oC
fk.,,ln sent freo. Tatents obtained
through Miinn Co. are not iced in - ,ennuo
woVl upderitood by all persons who wish to dispose
oi vneir p""i'."jT l cn rime Scrauim
AltKBlCAit, 361 i!roadwa7,Sow iork. J
for ;ir
Ami Ol'icr I'ulilicaiions.
ponding Increase In t he value or I ne aovenisicc col-
nmn iBinm In na a inii.t BRtlsfACtOrT InCOmS.
II aadreda of Dollars tnved In dlscouni s by (be
For further particulars write to
R. A. Tenney,
simple Investment ofonlv l-nd even fortbst yon
nrervea mailne trorIA the dollar fen llmesorer. '
Una S OCCVrsTIOSS a llSIt tlnosi at half pries l a.wbn
fSabrrlhei-ow as subscription price will again
Im nlacMl at 11 a tear when 100.000 nsmes are In. ' i
I :;tl K !t TIC F..
"Let 113 go into lia- Iwn-ic of llis Lord,
l'SALMS 12: 1.
Divine sorviefi at tlie First Riiitist
Church f Weston, Ui'i-gon, mi the 1'irst
,itul Tliird tjiiniltiys in each month,
morning and evening. Stiinluy wliotil at
3 p. in. every btuniiiy. i'r.'.ycr Meeting
every Tlnir-dsy at 7 p. in. All arc cor
dially invited tn ntti-n.l these services.
Y . 11. I'ltl MT, 1 abLiir.
.Is jut Yrlial its nama implies ;
farel VcgetaHa
pXta directly upoa the'
- Iht mmy diaeasCT u
Kirtaiit organ, sua
anxou ailiTu
aamgta. or'
pgund,'' thai
er: canng
Ohtnitied, and all To rut Business af
home or ii'iroiid attcr.ilcil lo for ir!tr-
ttct' Cs. I'nr ct'.'u'e is otiposite the l;.
S. I'atcnt Oilicc, and we e;u i.btal:i ji.it
ents in le s titne than tliose reinctts from
usliin'ton. Send .l.j '. ?,; hnttri.iy.
We advii?; its to ii:itont;;h:!irv tree of
charge; and we charji' uuj'c': uiU:'
patent ' alfoicccl.
We rfer, here, to the I'ostmsstpr,
the Siipt. i.f Money "rder !iv-., and to
llicitils of the I'. S. Patent Oliiee. For
ircnlar. ndtiee, tennis, ;in l references
to actual client in yoai ma tate or
ooiiutv, write to
'. A. S01T S: CO.,
Opp. Fat. Uitice, Wa'iin-toii, l.C.
In this country there is no na
lional cemetery of preeminence. The
dead presideuts are nearly all bu
ried in the neighborhood ef homes
which thev occupied in lif. There
is' no Valhalla, ho Westminster Ab.
bey, no public ground belonging to
the nation. Tho presidents went,
in the end, to the citizenship that
tlify sprung from, to the equality
of final repose.
Washington 8 tomb is a brick
vault at Mount Vernon, Va., one of
the world's noted shrines.
John Adams u buried in a vault,
beneath tlie Unitarian Church at
Quincy, Mass., as also the remains
1 hi3 son, President John Quincy
Adams. The coffins are of lead.
placed in cases hewn from solid
blocks ot ;i-amte. lheii- wives are
buried with them.
Thomas Jefferson lies in a littl
enclosure containing some thirty
"raves, among the woods on th
road that leads from Charlottesville
to Monticf-llo, Va. A granite obe
lisk, much chipped by relic-takers,
nif,rks the grave.
John Madison rests in a beauti
ful spot on the old Madisin estate,
near lus home in Mtintpelier, Va
Above the body is a hue block of
polished Virginia marble, support
ing a coffin-shaped block of granite,
on which are brass plates, suitably
inscribed, surrounded by a gothic
Andrew Jackson is buried in the
. -m t . 1
gurcien ot tlie Hermitage, eleven
miles froai Nashille, Tenn. His
wife is beside Iihb. lhe tomb is a
massive monument of Tennesbee
granite, eighteen fvet in" diameter,"
surrounded by fluted columns and
surmounted by an urn.
Martin VanBuren lies in the vil
lage cemetery at Kinderhook, N
Y., in the family lot. liis resting
place is marked by a modest shaft.
William Henry Harrison sleeps
at his home at North Bend, on the
Ohio river, a fs v miles frera Cincin
nati, Ohio, in a family Tault.
John Tyler rests withia ten yards
of James Monroe, in Hollywood
cemetery, Richmond, Va. His
grave is surrounded with magnolia
James K. Polk lies in the private
u-arJen of the family homestead in
Nashville, Iniin. lhe grave
marked by n limestone monutuen
ith Doric columns. A block
twelve feet square by twelve m
height bears inscriptions.
Zachary Taylor is buried in Cave
11 ill Cemetery, iiouisviiie,
-. . . ,
Millard iillmore reposes in tu
beautiful Forest Lawn Cemetery of
Buffalo, N. Y., and his grave is
surmounted by a lofty shaft
Franklin Pierce sleeps in the
Concord, N. H., cemetery, and his
grave is marked by a marble monu
ment. Jamps Buchanan reposts in the
Woodward Hill cemetery at Lan
caster. Pennsvl vania. in vault of
masonry The monument is com
posed of a simple block of Italian
Abraham Lincoln rests in the
most magnificent of all the memo
rials te the dead presidents, in the
Oak Ridize cemetery at Springfield,
III., enclosed in a sarcophagus of
whim iiinrlile. The monument is
of marble, grarite and bronze.
Andrew Johnson lie on a cone
shaned eminence half a mile from
Uraeiieville, Tenn., a spot selected
hy himself. The handsome monu
ment of marble and granite bears
numerous patriotic emblems, while
the inscription declares "His faith
in the people nevt-r wavered."
Janifs A. Garfield, the latest dead
of the eighteen presidents who haye
j passed away, is buried n Lakeview
cemetery at . leveland, Ohio.
of thesa pass to the back, where
they fenn the piaa,l crd, and this
extends upwards and passes into
tha brain, as yom sea in the engra
ving. Thus every part of the body
is connected with the braia through
these minute telegraph wires or
nerves. They carry messages from
every part to the. brain. If you
touch your finger, the message goes
from your finger to your brain
along aome of these nerves. If you
wish to move tout hand, the brain
sends a message to the muscles of
the arm and hand.
But no matter how many nerves
we had, we could not feel anything
if there were not a mass of little
nerve cells at the ends of the nerves
in the brain. These cells are like
tha batteries in a telegraph. ; A
nerve cell is a little sau, and so
small that 1,500 of them would only
make a row one inch long. Witk-
in the cell is a little point called a
nucleus, anoWhis is the center of
its forces. At the surface of the
brain there are more than 300,000,-
000 of these tiny cells. Those
shown in the engraviua; are highly
The back center of the braia is
called the Sensus, because it is the
chief otdce for receiving sensations,
aud messages that ceme from all
parts of the body. The front center
13 named the Motus, because it is
the principal office for sending out
messages which make the muscles
Now we can understand how the
brain does its work. .Let us sup
pose that there is an arrow before
us. A licture of this arrow is
formed in the back of the eye, as
shown at the letter A. The bun
die of fibers called the optic nerve,
take this picture to pieces and carry
it, first to the optic ltibes, then to
the sensus, across to the uiotus,
and then forward to the cells of
Form and Color, where the arrow
is marked arr. When the picture
has reached these cells, then we see
the arrew before us. So it is th
cells in the brain that see, after all
we now know what kind of a thing
is we are looking at, and th
philosophers call this action of th
mind a Perception. . A message
now passes upward from one cell
another. It reaches Memory,
and at once we remember what ar
rows are used far, and we reflect or
reason that by reaching out our
hand we can get this particular ar
row. The message goes still up
ward aud over toward the back of
Ubrajn Itawakens Desire, and
we feel that we would liRe to show
the arrow to some one, or to do
something with it. This stirs up
the cells of Volition or the will,
and they send down a message
tjyrough the sensus to the uiotus,
H. B. No. 89, by Leinenweber,
for redistricting the State, Senator
ial and judicial (Jistricts; indefinite
ly postponed. ,f V
H. B. No. 101. by Cox, in send
section 3 of an act to secure t vHt-
t 9qars (1 nch)flrt usssvtliwi .
tash-irtiltttonal snseruon
i wo SQUrtm.ftrs J
Eaoh additional insertions,..-.
rhsee 8'-tsar., fine ;
...... '
... .V..s... i.M
i c
O QaMfr Ooiaaan, ttrat tawrM., , . , . an
ajkcsi assmtafiaau tnaatftifkn..
Tins adTsffsasan ay
Saeaatt nar Us.
AdTsitsam WaIs payabia
AnVisralaotioaswIB lajahaqraa t
inars flrat Iswawtlnti, and Wt
ot bsrthai
rill ha IraMrtea WTOioaj ;
charge. Oattnary aouehassrsa toraassuaf
and down the front columns of the
spinal cord. This message passes
out on the motor nerves to the mus
cla cells of the arm and hand. It
makes all these muscle cells con
tract or shorten, and thus moves
the hand. Besides this, a message
caoie at the same time from Form
and Color and joined the other in
the motus, and this message told
the muscle just how far and which
way to move, in order to get the
arrow, lhe messages travel aiong
at the rate of 200 feet in a second
The shape of them is made up of
tiny waves, the 60,000th part of
an inch in breadth, and these waves
differ from each other in shape.
Each cell vibrates with these waves,
and makes the cell next beyond it
vibrate also. So that all the time
while we are thinking or feeling,
the parts of the brain are in tremu
lous motion.
The brain works, and it also gets
tired. We rest tho brain when we
sleep. But sometimes some parts
of the brain tries to work without
the rest of the parts, while we are
sleeping. This mixes things up
without much order, in the form of
dreams. lhe regular circuits in
the brain are more or less in sleep
, , i j
and tlie messages wanaer nere ana
there, they get stuck together in
very idd ways, and often present a
bundle of contradictions.
C.,. Trl.- 19 IRS.i
. Ivinnm linnora.
B. No. 130, by Hare (reported . . 'ita final
Ta 31?1A BRAI.
, BLtionsnessk
'eta 'It fi" .tlieTefbrB a
!taast be xept in offier."
Fir thousands of years the wis
st of meti did not know how the
I tuiod does its work. The mind has
to work as well as the body. It
i thinks, and it feels, and it tells the
hands and other parts of the body
what to do. Tbia thinking and
feeling and exercising cur wills is
' rel work, acd a most wonderful
Invigorates the Liver, Regulates the Bow-,
els. Strengthens tho System, Purines tho
nrA a aaieta TYippat ion. Prevents Fevers.'
fa a Wnnaphold Need. An Invaluablo
Family Medicine for common complaints:
Tt-a ?rrnna T.TVER rST7IQOEA.T02..
ATprienes f Forty yean, ond Thcu.
,Am nt TttiiriLoniaU VTOtt ti Merit. . -1
.... . . . . i .. .iUmi rne iial ' . . . . .
M Book on tha - Liver and Its disease, "
la ha ' ' ' v
The Bitters' Guide Is issued March
and Sept., each xear: 224 pages, 8xllJ
inches, with over 3,300 illustrations
aa aaVinla ntntTiMreallntiV Tsr 11704 wfml OCfil A
prirjesdu-ectoeowumerson all goods for ; part of our body is employd iq do-
personal or .-tf5Tv lamiiy use. ; ikx it. iins worssnop oi tne nuna
Tells howto order, and j is the Brain, and if von carefully
gives, exact j gs cost w ey. ; t d t, ensravig whi)o you are
ery thing you f? pi rise, drink, i ,-. L, - , J . ..
eat,we.or have fun reac'.mg the following description,
with. These t&Sir invaluable ; you may get a clear idea of its in
books contain information cleaned from I terestins; and curious structures,
i&e markets of the world. Ae will mail1, From every part of our bodies
wi7 a ree w any auunss upon receipt , . , , - , . . , , -
. . ' I r l-.'f! n.'!.t a e.Htt i-nn trt the, hrain.
These cords are the nerves. First
thy gather in bundles aud many
of the postage a cents. Let ns hear ': Jj.
from the committee on public lands)
to -onfirui title of certain settlers
upon smamp and ove. flowed lands
in the State of Oregon; reported by
committee on public lands, with
amendment, which was adopted,and
the bill was made a special order
for 10 o'clock to-morrow.
The committee on ways and
means, to whom was referred S. B.
No. 142, by Haines, to provide for
t.h annoiittnieut of a health officer
and Quarantine regulations at Hun
tincton, Bakr county, and Uma
tilla, Umatilla county, reported the
same without recommendation.'
A reso'ution relating to this sub
Sopr. was offered by Haines, which
was adopted.
H. B. No. 12, by Abahier, to reg
ulate salaries of County Treasurers;
rules suspended and passed to sec
ond reading.
H. B. No. 195, by Jolly, to pro
tect ntme; read first aod second
times md referred to judiciary com
S. B No. 40, by Moult, to regu
late the transportation and freight,
nraventinsr discrimination between)
distances; passed. i
a just division of estates by
debtors; passed.
Tlie Senate was announced at 12
o'clock, and the clerk having called
the roll, the president declared that
no candidate had received a majori
ty of the votes for U. S. bona tor.
and ordered the 15th ballot with
the following result:
Enoch Hoult Abshier, Bean,
Bilyeu (Lane), Bilyeu (Linn),
Black, Burton, Cauthorn, Chand
ler, Coleman, Cox, Craven,
Cyrus, Dick, Dorris, Haines, Hayes,
Hoult, Kuykend-d, Leinenweber,
Lewis, Lockett, STiUer (Marion),
Montanye, Morrow, Myers, Nelson,
Perry, Pennington, Porter, Prim,
Rinehart, Shelton, Siglin, Taylor,
Vaatch, Watts, Weatherford 37.
Hirsch Cameron, Carson, Cu-
sick,Davenport of Multnomah.Ken-
worthy, Manning, Mayo, McHaley,
Miller of Josephine, Roberts, Si
luoi., Shupe, Su;ton and Wilcox,
Eniuiit, Flinn, Gilbert, Hall, Reed,
Rogers, Story, Thompson, Will,
Waldo, Cole, Jolly, Wait, Williams
Scarttering 1 6,
Burch (Democrat) voted for
Hirsch voted for Carson.
February, 13
S. B. No. 33, by Davenport, to
provide for the election of preciuct
assessors, abolish the olhce ot coun
ty assessur and change the manner
of making assesments, was taken up
under a special order. The bill had
been referred to the committee on
assessments and was reported with
forty-three amendments which were
severally adopted. The amend
ments included all the bills on the
subject introduced into the Senate.
The bill, as amended, was ordered
prin ted.
S. B. No. 57,by Shupe, to amend
the salaries of County Judges; re
ported by the committee on coun
ties with amendments. Pending
adoption of the amendments, the
Senate adjourned.
H. B. No. 49, by Bilyeu, to regu-
late freights and fares; laid on the
H. B. JNo. 60, by Story, to pro
vide for the completion of the Nar
row Gauge Railroad (Levee bill);
CVsavtcrppvsctV lhe bill, . saying that
the State could hot give the levee to
the Narrow Gauge, becau;o it was
net public property. After a short
but spirited discussion the bill
passed by a vote of 36 to 21. '
II. 13. INo. by .Black, to pay
outstanding soldiers' bounty bonds;
tl H. JSo. 131, by Sanders, to
regulate construction and operation
of railroads; passed.
H. B. No. 146, by Hayes, to es
tablish a reform school for boys;
H. B. No. 89, by Cox, to relieve
the several counties of the State
from certain taxes; lost.
The Senate met the House in joint
convention at 12 noon, President Waldo
m the chair.
After roll call and raading of the
Journal, the President announced that
a Senator had not yet been elected and
ordered the 16th ballot, with the
following result:
For I. D. Haines All the Dem
ocrats present but Burch 32.
For Hirsch Cameron, Uarson,
Cole, Cusick, Davenport of Mult
nomah, Em mitt, Flinn, Gilbert,
Hall, Jolly, Kenworthy, Manning,
Mayo, McHaley, Miller of Joseph
ine, Reed, Rogers, Roberts, Shupt,
Story, Simon, Sutton, Thompson,
Wait, Williams, Will, Wilcox, Wal
do 28.
Gcoree Allen, Barnes, Cart-
wright, Connor, Davenport of Ma-
. .- T T I I O . L O
non, ijiDson, neuKie, ouiitu o.
Boise Bleakney, Burch, Hare,
Prosser, Keady, Smith 6.
Scattering 10.
Salem, February 14th.
II. B. No. 66, by Keady. to regu
late the sale of spirituous, malt and
was taken up and
placed on its fenal passage.
and taxes; passed. :
li. u. JNo. a, by f linn, to regu
late the practice of medicine and
surgery in the State; lost. .
a. B. No. 3, by Hoult, for a con
stitutional convention; lost
S. B.No. 28, by Cartwright, to
create the county of Gilliam; passed
H. JJ. INo. 49, by Bilyeu, to regu
late freights and fares; lost. ;
Haines Senate resolution appro-1
priation to defray quarantine ex- j
penses at Baker City : defeated. I
unanoier moved that it is tne I
sense of the House that ne money I
bo expended east of the mountains;
ruled out of order.
The Senate met the House in Joint I
convention at 12 m., President . Waldo I
in the chair. After roll -call and read-1
ingot the Journal, the president an-1
nonuced that no election had been had
for U.S. Senator yesterday, and order-1
ed the 17th ballot with the following
J udge Shattuck Abshier, Beall,
Bilyeu of Lane, Bilyeu of Linn,
Black, Cauthorn, Craven, Chandler,
Coleman, Cox, Cyrus, Dick, Dorris, I
Haines, Hoult, KuykendalLLeinen
weber, Lwis, Lockett, Montanye,
Morrow, Miller of Marion, Myers,
Nelson, Peerr, Pennington, Porter,
Prim, Rinehart, Siglin, Taylor,
Watts and Weatherford 34.
Hirsch Cameron, Carson, Cole,
Cusick, Davenwort of Multnomah,
Emmitt, Flinn, Gilbert, Hall, Lee,
Jolly, Kenworty, Manning, Mayo,
McHaley, Miller of Josephine,
Reed, Roberts, Rogers, Shupe, Si
mon, Story, Sutton, Thompson,
Wait, Williams, Waldo, Will, Wil-
eox 29.
George Allen, Barnes, Cart
wright, Conner, Davenport of Ma
rion, tieer, liibson; Hen tie, liyte,
Smith, Sanders, Woodward 12.
Failing--Bourne, Therkelsea and
Davenport of Marion 3.
Carson Hirsch 1.
Boise Bleakney, Burch, Hare,
Downing, Prosser, Keady, Shelton,
Voorhees 8.
Eighteenth Ballot Weatherford
31, Hirsch 29, George 12, Boiae 7,
Fiilino- 2
NineteenthBallot Townsend 31,
Hirsch 29, George 14, Boise 11.
Absent Burton, Riddle, War
ren and Veatch.
0 i Ir
tmter StoelTfrv18cU- now complete,
New and Nobby Styles of
Gents' Clothing and
Furnishing Goods
at Bed-Reck Prices.
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Carpets,
4 ; Wall Paper, Crockery, Lamps
In Eastern Oregon.
All of which is offered at astonishingly
Low Prices for Cash. .
Our price list before purchasing elsewhere.
-IS'AT V a,, , . .
rs& ai as. ja.ii jcrnuui Knowing inemselvea in
debted to us by note or account will please take no
tice that we need money, and must have a complete
settlement ky November 20th, 1881
OctoHer 14, 1884.
Appropriated without permission from exchange
Jake Heird writes to Lodge Deputy
J. E. Miller that the peeple of Tilot
Rock want a Good Templars Lodge
Wo uada-rbtaaijU-that, Mr." - Jjoorrie,
who has ran the St. Nichols hotel at
Centerville for several years past, will
move to Weaton and take charge of the
new hotel at that place wlien completed.
The people of Pendleton have an idea
that with their situation in the heart of
a fertile and yet undeveloped region,
and with so many men of merit aod
talent in oar midst, one of its citizens
ought to be appointed one of the Immi
gration Board under the new law.
The bill dividing Up-.atilla county
passed the senate ou Monday, aud Mor
row county is no lenger a couuty on pa
per, but a fact; but we predict that the
people the taxpayers of the new
county will be sick enough over what
they now think a victory and a bonanza.
They think they have - struck, a rich
lead, hut will find that it will not pan
out. They have county buildings to
erect and will naturally conclude that
i. would be poor economy to erect cneap
ones as they would seon be called upon
to do the work over again; the salaries
of their officers will amount up to con
siderable, their records will help to
swell the amount and before they are
aware of it they will have a countyiti.
debtcdness of no small magnitude. 'They
have not much property in the way of
deeded laud and the principal part
their taxes will come from stock-raisers
who, if they find their taxes too burden
some, will "move en." A great many
nho are in the new county will live to
see the day that they wish they "were
-r- i. .
Here is where you ean get year uieeey'a
worth m
Beef, Pork, Mutton,
and everything in the line of meats that
the country produces.
Highest market price
paid for fat
- - ADAMS.
Hare spoke in favor of the bill,
taking strong prohibition views.
Haines spoke against the bill on
"patriotic" grounds, that the paying
of licenses added to the public rev
enne. and that the raisins of corn
as a farmer's industry would, be in
terfered with if the business of the
manufacture were to be stopped.
Siglin favored high license tor tne
n . , f I .
purpose ot wiping out tne iow sa
loons; would favor prohibition ll it
could be done. Make the saloons
ica.i,niu ( i
The last remai W was maue in an
swer t Hare's saying tliat the low
er a saloon the better. He did not
live in a town supported by a tax
on whiskey and dogs.
The vote being taken the bill
II. B. No. 69, by Morrow, dtfin
inn wire fences; passed.
H. B. No. 12o, by K,ogers, grant
ing legal voters the right to vote on
questions of liquor dealing, local op
H. B. No. 115, by Gilbert, ex
empting firemen freni certain duties
Syrup or Figs.
Nature's own trus Laxative. ' Pleas
ant to the Palate, acceptable to the
Stomach, harmless in its nature, pain
less in its action. Cuies habitual Con
otipation, Billioasness, ludtgeslion and
kinkred ills. Cleanses the system, pur
ines the blood, regulates the Liver and
acts on the Bowels. Breaks up Colds,
Chills aud Fevers, etc. Strengthen
the ore tns on .which it acts. Better
than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines.
pills, salts and draughts. Sample bot
tles free, and large bottles for sale ry
V. II. McCoy.
- A
This)JSelpiant It now open for the reception
of raestsTX tsble is alsrava furnished with
the best the market affords
Board & Lodging
can be secured at reasonable rates. The BED-
Commercial Travelers
will find this the best place in thi city.
Mrs. R. M. Powers,
louring Hi.
Proebstel Bra. Proprietors.
And keep constantly on hand all kinds
ol null feed such aa
Notice to the Public
All persons knowing themselves in
debted either by note or book account,
are hereby requested to come forward
and make immediate payment, as all eld
running accounts most be settled by
April let, 1884, or the same will be duly
collected by law.
a. We also wish to oiv thntiesa that .
the Weston Steam Flour Mill is for rent
or sale. For farther particular apply
to the undersigned.
Proebatel Bros.
Peterson's Magazine for March opens
with a beautiful steel-plate of two girls
caught in a snow-storm, and entitled
"The Sisters," illustrating a powerful
story hy Ftank Lee Benedict. In ad
dition, there is the usual double size
fashion-plate, printed from steel, and
colored by hard: "Peterson" being
the only magazine to give these expen
sive and refined fashion-plates. The
principal article is an illustrated oae,
entitled "Washinirton City. Its fie-
Is prepared to-do any aod all kinda of
work in his Hue, Prices reasonable.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. .
Notary Public, .
Land business of all ktnds-alinc. Droviar .'
I Ac attended toarlthpioajpcaeas andaars.
I Collecting Accounts
a Spee:y.!
. -.-, i. 1 1 -it ;,. I
tonaioiue. a reumnusuij I ,rn :r .1 1,1, . w k- 1
and discriminating paper on the Fed- 1 h now at his will on '
eral City, considered artistically, arcui
tecturally, socially, etc., etc. The eon-
tinacd .ovelet-"The Lost Ariadne," ffllj m m jsjj FHQM WESTOM I
by -ii rs. OOllu ouer?ova, oi .lew luia
increases in power with every num
ber. The price is but two dollars
year, with great deductions to dabs.
Address Charles J. Peterson, 306 Chest
nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa
b a n d e 'r:
a good assortment of
All Ends of Lnmte.
Work done hi the batast and Bast
laja, sja soctlaaao&Ty 4 CtrV
" 71
: I
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