n tfcftBiK-KUL. ' Milk is on'y 25 cent gallon In Boise City. , . "" ' , There are 237 f.ost officii in Washing ton Territory. " - A post office &m leea published at Hnntsville. tie ne tou t between Waits burg and Dayton. The PuLlifc School Gaxtte is the naiiio of a paper just started at Dayton. We acknowledge receipt of initial number. Houses to reiit in Vancouver are as Mstrw as hen's teeth. . The 8ame here in Bcrard, Ectler, Hampton, . Pendleton, and Thurman declared ainst the claims of SpofTord, and others are now being added to the list." The Sigma Chi fraternity of the vari ous colleges, of the country have been holding a conelave'm Washington during tho past few dayi On Thursday the proceedings closed by a- trip to Mount ' Vernon and a banquet in the evening. Yesterday afternoon Neverson, alias "Babp," Bedford", and Queenan expiated the crime of murder upon tine gallows. Last spring a young man named Hirth, Wtwtou: afd hen frnit is equally scarce, j of respectability, and -worth was brutally New Trc.tiir has leen agreed upon as j assaulted fey several blacks in the even- the plaee for holding the Washington j lug. a he was proceeding homeward after Teachers' Institute, on the second Tues day in August next. A Stilcooui correspondent tells of a 01 via Mun.li apple grown then this year which weighed two fmunis, nitusur iog seven inches in diaaiter There is some talk of starting another l)aily in Walla Waiia. We don't know whether it is business enterprise, or envy or only talk. The wave of crime, sots the Idaho Democrat, whii.L swept over Eastern Ore- j gon and Washington has reached this basiness, and his death was the result. Three of his assailants were convicted of the murder, and two were hung, while the sentence of the third was commuted to imprisonment for life. The general impression was that the- President would intervene in the case of .the two victims of the law,-but such proved fortunately not to be the case. The1 example is a very salutary one and will have its effect accordingly upon the dangerous classes of the District. ' It is understood that the question of who will be the successor of the late torr.ion of Irlalin t i e .1 tt T , i "Old Probabilities," has been finally set- Bro. Beeson of the Vancouver Itfle- . . . . . . Ul by the rrestdent appointing General Miles as Chief of the Signal Service Department. He is at present Colonel of the Fifth U. S. Infantry and is known pendent does not like to loan his printing utfiea to every one that comes along. But then Beeson always was a funny fellow. ' The oldest church tower in America belongs to an Episcopal church at Taco ina, Washington Territory. It is an im mense fir tove, surmounted by a bell and cross, and bearing rings which show its age to be t least 275 years. Cipt. Monson, one of the great tem perance evangelists of Southern Idaho, a:iys the Good Templars are corralling two or three votaries of Bai-chus at every meeting. Let the Weston Lodge take courage. The Independent says : On Tuesday Jake Wagenblast brought in from the Proebstel place on Fourth Plain fourteen dressed hogs, all this year's crop, that wei-hed 2,700 pounds. As they were hung up at Jo. Burke's shop they made the finest pork exhibition we have ever een in Vansouver. This cold weather is fearfully "bind ing" on wood racks. We- noticed one last Monday, drawn up on top like a as one of the bet Indian fighters on rec ord. He had an excellent record during the war,, beginning as Captain in the ilix -Mass. Volunteers, and ending as Colonel of the 40th U. S. Infantry and ISrevet ilajor Lreneral in the. regular aruiv. II. G ADVERTISEMENTS. (Suecessvr ta Adams Btyt.) COR. MAIN SMMl WALLA k Keeps on ha&d at ail timeafall ud camp lets ituckof GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Which w sold t WILL OFFER TO THE PEOPLE OF WESTOS AXD VICINITY, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS, And' guarantee to an E2F2ty Coming to Walla Walla and making your Purchases of me'Q Orders Careful and PromptW Filled, 31 ILLUSTRATED Catalogues AND AT THE BEST OF ALU Use Rose Pills, AD VEKTISEM ENTS. ARGONAUT! A&SJJS; nal, publUbed uveij batur jar, at 6:2 Cuiiivrnia at. S. F FRANK M. MXLF.Y, I 11U.D. M. SOMEliS. f - . Eorroca The AasoKAi'T is csscntiiliy a California publication bright, breezy of the raiitic and ti;e medium f the good tliicK of current literature, beat, poet paid, to wij addte. , upun roctlpt of yearly subscription. I Till, IDAHO & XORTUEKX Stage Company. Leaves' Pendleton for Umatilla every Tucs day, Thursday and Saturday at 5 P. M. pack saddle and when we asked the man Leaves Weston daily for The Dalles " Mataowia aw bVf 1T7 IftVJU UF n kallll. ifT j tuniled and said, it always does that in right cold weather or whenever wood is high, but. will such men ever see the Not, much I W. W. WaUhman. angels 1 OIB WASIIIWrOX LETTER. I'il.u Hock and lieiipiu-r, at 1:5 a. M. Leaves Weston daily for Walla Walla, via. Milton, at 10: 43a. M. Niw Coch-s. Good St(M:k, Skilled Driven and able per foi liuiuce ol vervice are the fuatures of this old and reliable Cimpany. Washington, 1. C, Nov. 20, 1880. The fourteenth annual session of the National Grange of Patrons of Husband ry has len held in Washington during the past week. Atiout five hundred members, it is stuh-J, participated in the proceedings, represtnting every State and Territory in the Union. All the found ers, with a single exception, it is under stood we present. The citizens of the District of Colum bia have not been much edified by the wrangling of the (toltticians regardii.g tb inauguration ceremonies of the 4th of March. There are quite a number uf ge;itlniHri who are very irsirous of hav ing their r.arncs printed in the L.rul pa pers so that the President elKt can see who are his enthusiastic admin rs. They think by such a course that thtv will )e recommended to the incoming President an men very worthy of-his notice and ac cordingly his preference. General Gar tiuld is accredited, however with too much guod senxe U a'lo.v sueh a manner . f approaching hnn, tti influence his judgment in any particular. The Presi dent elect, is expected to arrive here next Tuesday and to remain very quietly at his residence for a few days. Good heavens! we pity him, his quiet will be like the murmuring of the ocean attend ed by the musical aspirations of a thous and mosquitoes. What a quiet time he will have Ui be sure! It must be a nice thing to be a President eltit. There will undoubtedly be a big time bete during, inauguration week, as the h.tei keepers are already reusing appii- etitk.ua foe rooms during that time. Ev ery room and available apace in boom of tho hotel baa . already been allotted, On bol proprietor Uas had pj4ktioo from JThUudelchia to board a&4 lodge im vitotafroiu tkat rity U t,aiyartwl tha tSra ooste o oest Mr. IWotSmtf pnitfct jtrcm bwaeat hauaor. vil aea Waod t4iaom ig HNaiom MtwithMaadiBf tb apvoiav Mjit fJ OoTrno Wilt as rtlcoeseor to Hpoff jrd, the deceased contestant Kve Wtiing r:;iocrtttic Senators, Messrs. It. A. STEEL. Agent. EA1LSV.URY. UAH.F.Y 1 CO., Proprietor 1864, 1880, Home Mutual Insurance Co Op California. FIRE ONLY. Income 12 Months, $328,5C3.?3. Premiums Since Organization, Losses paid since Organization, $1,521,402.15. Losses paid in Oregon in J years, $182,30329. This Company has had tor more than "years, $50,000 On depoolt with the State Tnusurer of Oregon, for the security oi tvney-noiacra.. Th "HOME MUTUAL" by jnir- suing a correct, promjit and honorabl-e course has secured tlie jo&!tion of the lead ing Fire Insurance Company 071 Hie Pa cific Coast, and has for years done the largest business of any tf ilm Companies, Local, Eastern, or Foreign in California, and being independent of all rings, com binations or compacts trill accept good business at tlie lowest possible rates, con sistent irith undoubted protection and cer tain speedy indemnity to policy holders. "Ripe in its time, firm in Us judgment, equitable in the measurement efiis gifts. LINIMENTS FOB MAN OS BEAST. flits work In millions of cumin for- mon- llian a Uilnl ol a contiiry; n lu-u it iiut rwhel evcrv prt of tiiu w.rlil; wltcn I iiumiMM-tos.4 i-iiiiiillcH vi'iywl. n cm-l itior I? him oi,iy Hiiiu rvittimw lit iasi or :iiii .r ih'miiii!. it. irutty eulo to call oucU u UiuUiciiio THE EEST OF ITS KIND. 31 u(a lnlmeiit, Kvry mull uriiifrs inuillii'iw: of a alittible hone MAvritf tho agony !' iui awful cMt or Imrti sulxliiril, tiio lirr"i4 of rliu inntim ovcrcoiiM1, tun I of a UiotiHimtt-und-oiia othor b tiiiff anl iiifrci h pi!rfunnca hy tho Ui reliable Mex ican ltlnstnnff J.lnitueitt. f 11 fni or ('iitwurtl diseaso nw. spcodily cure I liy itiu MEXICAN Mustftnjr J.liiliiiont. It iwiiiHiiiU s nuiaclii, mombmna nil tinsuii, t tliu very lou-, biuilsliinir puin niHi curing tusritMit wiin u power ur.it never lulls. It In a imlicie aeiMlerl l.v rvorybfMly, fuim I Ui: raiichtro, wlio ntl in MUSTANG orcrthc Hnlitnry jilnino. to tho m rebuilt 1rince, iiiki uio 'oui.-uucr wuo nuuts lis fo t with llui iiX". It cur'S Itlii u mutism wUcn all other anpllt uiioiii tall. Tlii4 tvutortul LINIMENT 8fwfrfity fHrcH Micii uU incuts of the lit' MAN Fl-fcslI ua Ittiuttinatlrim. fftrelllun. ffIIT! Joint. ontrurtt'd Mnavlcs itnrtta unit kalI9 -utM9 Jti ulxet and Mpralua, I'oUouoih HUm mid NtlKa BtllTiifi, inmtnem, Olil Soreg, tlcrrM. 1-ril1.Uct 'allblml. Sore llilr. (Mkcil llrast. and ludaed every ioriu of external dla caie It 13 tho gifat't ninoiy for tlio dls fttMlors tn i 1 ucci.hiuu to which the llttun-. CJMIATKH tiV x Hiihjuct lliut bus uvtr biHit known. It cures ra!u. Kwlnnv. StllT JalntM. Fommlfr. TTnru-Hi Sore. Hoof IM riNf h, uot itwt, Mreir Worm. Scab. Hollow Horn, Scratches, tViad c;nlts. Spa-1 ii, l-'arry, Itlnglone9 Old Morn, INtll 10vU, Film tin on tlifi Mar lit nnd everv other ailment to which ino trceupaui or lueyl Stable and Mock lard are liable. A Iwcutv flvo coot hottlo f Mexican MusniiK l.lniinent baa ot'ien snvel u .iltialio horso, a life on crutches, oi years f tortnrn. 1 hial4lrlllinM M Haa. T nruia I the very root of tho ntallur. pouclratliu: vvu tlio bono. , It elites ovHryhndy. and iifannoii.t i o rue. It ho; boon iu steady unn lor more man iwoniy-uvo yeaiw, anu u pottitivcly THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOE 1IA1I OS BEAST. Restaurant ! The onU one in Heppner! THE OXLT ri.il C TO GET & 8Ca-4BE MEAL Just below Tom Ayer's Livery Stable ! BARBER SHOP! In connection with the house. A. E. DlTZEL. D. C. Lounsbury, UndertakeR. NO extra charrjc for Hearse!: WESTON Oregon. Diamond Soap forks Walla Walla, W. T. This establishment ia now thoroughly equipped for MANUFACTURE OF SOAPS On an extensive urate, and I am prepared to furnish for the use of Housekeepers a brtlrr nrtlcle than can b bought her fur tlic aauic luonry ! PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. CT T 7 Most 1 V BEST FBEE. f L"V r S 0 i . .. i La 'Mb 1 Manufactcry , o REEDO w POWER, t Comb'ncxI itUU Purity of Tone. Durability Finish, THESE ORGANS ASJK RIVALED! 5 I BRATTLEBORO, YT. M. V. WORMINQrTON, ! MIITON, OREGON. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY GLASSWARE, Heavy Stock of BOOTS and SHOES, COAL OIL TOBACCO and CIGARS- CANNED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS. Hardware, Iron and Steel. GLOVES OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY 5T Produce taken in Exchange. -DKALEBit LV ! . PURE DRUGS, Patent Medicines, Paints. Chemicals. lli-uahe. iilass, Pnttj, Aniline Dye, I'liis. Send voiir order to 8-J4-S0-Rm w. .. nvi it. Prupririor. WESTON OB0. L. ST0EY, Portland, Manager Orefion, Waahingtuu and Idabo. SUPERVISORS FOR OREGON. C. 8- IEWIS of Alien 6 Lrria. 3. MeCILACEEK of J. HcCrackra k 0 1'. AJtMJOaAD sf P. WoseermiLB a C o. AGENTS. O. P. Mt&iU,, ' - - - W7s-o. U V. WOWayrJTOS. - - - Mmoo. U. a. CaaaW, - ... Cc-BVerrilli. N. OUSCMBERY VCO.-8 ST O X KT1LL COKTlMJtS on a CAB BASIS, ud b- fu. noiini uaoMaiiy lai( tamim el Pry Goods OAhtnc, Uesta' Klimiahui Ooeda, fcoccj and Boaea Orseaiiai and lfaviaiaDa, which v are nrmrod astl at th UiWtt-T poMibM rates OK CAbH. Opais Haetm, Lad, Ac, taara is ezebanjre itK oarehaadiae Huneuibvr the fM. opvsii ltrvt bWrv, Main knrl A tfUtfl '.v. fO&? ' 1 THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. U a never-failing Cure or Nervous Debility, Exhausted Vitality; .'aralysis, and all nnch urrible effects as Lo if Memory, Lassitude, VverHiuu to iciety, )iuins8 of Vision. Noises in the Head, .nd many other disus es tlint lead ti insanity and death. PH. M1NTIE will agree tot..rfeit Five Hundrku j DtiLI.AKS for a rase of thin kind th VITAL ! KKSTORATIVE under his 8icctal advice and treatment) will not cure, or for anything impure or injurious found in it. DR. MIX TIE treat -all Private DiiiestKia uccetfully without nrcury. CONSULT ATIOS.. fBEE Tufrongh exananation aid advice, including anaivrm of urine, $3.00. Price nf Vital R Ktorativt;, $3.00 a bottle, or funr times the qnautity, SiO.00; i-eiitto any addremupon re i eifit 1 1 price, or C O. D., secure from ib ?eivuou, and in private Dame if desired, by A. E. AUNTIE. M. D., U Kearney etree San FrinHco, Cat DR. MIN'TIE'S KIDNEY REMEDY, "NEPHRETICUM," cures all kiudn of Kid ltey and Bladder oomriUints, Uonnorrboeu. Gleet, Lctierxrbuea, ' For tale by all drug gihtti: $1 .00 a Dottle, nil bottles for $5 00, DR. MINT1EH DANDELION PILLS are the bext and cheaptwt DYSPEPSIA and BlLLIODS ram in Ui market. For le by J all druggist. 2Jy31y Meat Market! S. .1. JOIIV. Proprietor. Dealer in FRESH MEATS! SAT.T M13A.T, Fish. Fruit and Vegetables, Etc, Etc Are always Frcah and Good. All Order are Filled with Proniptneiw. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Liberal Discount Made on Large or Cash Sales. THE Valley Academy ! A Boarding and Day School for Boys. Walla Wall., W. T. Second Tear Begins Monday, September Vtli, 1880. . M31N"3, LUXDRORIi'S A'l U1MMBIS E JEL 3? "O" S3 S 9. Pure LlCUOrS( Sold ouly on Pbyniciims' PrtwriptioiiH. IMPERISAHBLE PAINT AND ATALANT1C LEAD, & A LARGK ANl, R HLL-KEI.EC.TKH STXiCK OK . Blank Books. School Books, Stationery, Paper, Papeterie, Albums, ' CLOCKS, WATCHES AXD JEWEMKY, ; Elegant Yases, Toilet Articles and fancy lotions I . Unseed, Clilna Sut. Lnbrtealing. Lard and Sperm. Musical Instruments, U13IP8 of all alzea. ECBF.K.1 and lanioas LEAD CLAMI IIIM.VE1S. Prescriptions Carefully Comopunded at all hours MUSIC STORE! MUSIC STORE MUSIC STORE m W IMS BM nil jvJ HIS INSTITlTIOHf OFFKRS A THOK- ouirh taeltah and classical eourse. Burn nre. pared for college a ripcclalty. Taitiuo-10, 1 fl and S25, according to claw, per term, (half year.) Board sad wathin;, 3110 per term of SO weeks. For further particulars, address the Principal. Bev. J. D. Hcl-ttis'KhV, M. A.. B. D.. IP. O. bos i) . Walla Walla. W. T. WALLA WALLA BAKERY, CsiaoKsbed 1SL O. rTR.TICiA'J.'BXi, KaXBracrcasa or BREAD,, CAKES AND PIES And all kinds of CRACKERS. Rre-Proof Building, Main Street, ' 107 First Street, PORTLAND, Or. THE LEADING MUSIC DEALERS ! Pianos and Organs Sold on the Installment Plan! tarOLD INSTRUMENTS TAKEN IN EXCItANGE-'ta ' Mammoth Stock of Sheet Music and Music Books, . Sole Agents for the MATCHLESS WEBER PIANOS. Haines Bros , Pease & Co., . Crand Spuare Upright Pianos. "!-.. r -THE- win nn WW Are the best. Medium Prioed Piamw made.' CE & CO. UPRIGHT PIANO THE ESTEY ORGANS v:i "King their own Praises, aud Lead the World, - The Sterling Organ. " D. W. PRErJTICE & CO. Muoic Otoro 107 First Street, IHJITTlAXD, Dr ,