Weston rvMg gtato. .;A4VLDA.Y. DECEMBER 11. 1880. SPECIAL NOTICE. . - ii ' t . rh.Kii AufcJjT School fiery BuJay .VIA .' I!. f Warren S "rrt- u. to Ch.fch on the ioeiU. . A. u, ul 7 f . M.. IJ Her. iTMt. pastor. - ...r wednlT at 7, r. m u .i .(ml bv H K. W. atom-on M. . Ctmrrh. JUrth.- Ttwt 0I , Kt th MUM -' rrriees ltajThe.! J. E. JoM, w. K. PKKPA&IXO. The old hardware kop U be ing renovated and fitted np iu good style fur our new Drug Store. Onward we move. BOOKS. If yott need anything in the way of beuks send to J. E. LswU, Walla Walla, and four orders will be promptly attended U. SCHOOL. Mis Carmichael ia teaching at Walker' school honae on Dry Creek. The average attendance is good uod the eatisfac tijn general. - "' CaiSOOK. The warm wind that favored the valley of Pine Creek ha not been Very exten sive in iU benign influent, as we can Me no w all aidee of na. ;-, . - ' ProfesSIosau. Ir. Eagaa made a living trip tii Pendleton during tbw week, on prufes- nioii.il business. He report matter a lively at the County' seat- ICE.' Did anyone pot away ice for the time when ehiuonks are not in detnand, or arc the thought of this oold mop going to keep as cool all next Summer? Litigation. Sam. Vancil and M. D Bv- land made a bet of a mare each on the presi dential election. - The fortxr oo Hancock, the latter Garfield. The horses were rdaid in a atable nntil the matter was decided, and not long since Byland got the horses, on the ground that Garfield waa elected. Vancii ia sued a writ of replevin, .and the qtie-rtimt ia now tub judice. W. S. Crawford for plttT.. S. V. Knox for deft. NEW TO-DAY. mm a F.ealon Lo4ee.Se. S u-U -try Tt.url '. 7 r, N., la ll's Hall. "i"V" T. HI" Mtrttnlal" Lodge Mo. MI. n.r.'iJ'yrj Saturday at r. . Otllll tlOIKKCTOBT. f ,0-n !-' ' ..yWrt" ; v. iVFlTfl... Ki.'Mtl'"' I . . . :.. -.i-Ki'. r.. v .rnv.. . . .... .. W. C. U1V i K Hnni;Vi Mm J'tiiUinJ M. M. 1'mniinfVon ) Q Wlla P J Klly Mia lutli J. B. Kuanej N Hewlo i J. C. Arnuld Dr. J. P.. Undsav .1. M. Riil kl . Colo. The Rev, J, D. McConkey did not et teinpt to face the cold on Sunday last, but wixely remained at Walla Walla; At bert hi trip U a bard onel FI.YINO. The politiial treamera at Cen tervilln ave still flying at the respective head quarters, probably awaiting the official count to know which one to haul down. . RETIRES. The city election is over and a good council chosen. We cannot but regfe. however, that Mr. P. A. Worthinton did not allow his name to be used as a candidate. He made a moot efficient omncilmen, and we are sorry to disp;nse with his service. He was active, prompt and very attentive tu the many duties imposed upon him. He retires, how ever with a good record. . WRITISO SCHOOL. Next Monday evening Mr. C. C. Myer will organise a wtiting school at this place. Those interested will meet at the school house at 6 30 P. M. We have seen the Kentlenun's diploma, and examined his specimens of plain and taucy penmanship, and judging fr"ui them, Mr. Myers ought to meet with sueoess. Term. 12 50 per scholar for fifteen lessons : Copy book and pen 25c : pu pils to furnish their own ink and light. Beward of Merit. w ' ' CHRISTMAS " is at hand ad N". Daaenuery & Co. .have the ' ' BRIGHTEST . - - : : - - '-.. and r..-.,. T . . Tlaabiest stock of Holiday Go -ds at, the new Brick Stori. " J: '; " ' " ' ' Come and get bargains at lowest cash rates. NEW TO'DAY. SQMEHHIC HEW. Clly Olllnrrs. '! ', .t. d J .if ! I i.M' t '-! '- - - . .. T. J. Lttpy. . ..L. a. Wood. . ..A. Moieta-n. ...Unry cwl. C. MeMiinin, C. K. llwkrit. int. Millw HATS.T-The advantage in ' buying from Goldman Bro.'a is, that they are practical Latter and thus cannot fail to fit you. They keep gentlemen's goods of all kinds. Meetihos llev. H. W. Pruett of the Kin-t Baptist Church of this place, assisted by Elder Brookx and Jones, held a series of in tereaiinx meetings during the past week.. DlISKCTOIiY. The newspaper Directory, issued by Geo. P. Kewell it Co., of New York is the mot complete we have yet seen. Thu name bouse will soon issue another fr DECEMBER. thi: Nor In lUe Loral Volnuinit will Invarl lily be cliurgrd at tUe rate of S3 edit per Hue. ' I.OML LK.tOKUri. llllv TU. Chinook. lllvi- yuu paiil our bcm1 tax? i'ium-ti ai-.'l American candies at Pauly's. l, iirit&n, w a.e pleasjd to say, is i!aiu t 'uvlai'Cent. Kr well seweil glove enquire for Mills Jt Leak's make at baling .t Hills'. Killy's "Sunri-" Coal i the bus. T'i-y l..j it at the City Drug store. 1'iir Holiday g'tods und toy go to Fred I'viV'- Is Tows. We notice on the strei-ts the nilin phiz of lVter llji'Ueng. Yi Y u;k. .loe Itiuox contemplating a trip ! the Haniivish Is'and. ritoososTICATOH. This i a kind of pro phetic weather clerk which you may purchase from Mr. Steele at the stage oQivfT .It has a thermometer attached to regulate the temperature. Mors Yet. Opposition is the life of trade, sava the Scandinavian I'hilosopcr. Now e have an opposition boot and shoe Bhop. Plenty of good ojienings for lucrutive business left here yet. Notice. Ir. Ida E. Andrews wishes to inform the ladies of Wenton and vicinity that he may tie consulted at the parlor of the St. John lln'i 1. Dr. Andrews will remain in the city for huiae time. The Oregou Kidney Tea has been awarded two medals by the Oregon State Agricultural Society, the first of bronze and the second of gold, the difference in the value of the two in dicate the increase in the esteem of the com munity which a year's trial of the remedy has induced. For all deneasea of the kidney and urinary organs it is unsurpassed. Don't fail to try it. Ask yonr Druggist for it. The heath-Rate of Our country is getting to be fearfully alarm ing the average lile being lessened every vear, without any reasoiihhle cause, death resulting generally from the moat insignificant origin. At this season of the year, especially, a cold is such a common thing that iu the hurry of evciy day life wc are apt to overlook the dan gers attending it and often find too late, that a fever or Lung trouble has already et in. Thousands lose their lives in this way every winter, while had Boschee's Germayi Symp been taken, a cure would have resulted, ami a large bill from a Doctor been avoided. For all i! esc; isps of the Throat and Lungs, Voi-chct's German Syrup has proven itself to be the greatest discovery of its kind in medi cine. Every Drujririst in this county will tell you of its wonderful effect. Over 9;')0,000 bottles sold last year without a single failure known. ANOTHER Hardware Store IN WESTON. Keeps everything that is kept in a - First-Class Establishment. Ir&n, Nuilx and Tiyuoare rheaper them ever sold before. " . Will tako Farmers Produce In Exchange for goods. Also old Iron, lljJes, second hand btoves, or any wcy to please our patrons. AT PROEBSTEL'S Ll STAND. A RTAKK. In which all oar Obligations to other parties must be paid. The MONTH -la which all the notes and ac counts we hold are dae and many overdue. The 4 MONTH In which we have reason to expect coin in payments of notes and accounts rather than addi tional promises to pay. The MONTH In which we would prefer par ties who owe us would pay in terest to others and favor us with the coin.. The FRESE'S HAMBURG Tt . mill relieve the vi.a. , . : .j ..j.-, ... Once IJsefijAlwa'ys; IJsed CBESKTS HAKBTRO TEA ' .- . i, the best fumlv medicine, sad wffl lie touod oo ; pvJ to ke the iet esy, aatunl uul owat.wh.hle ajH-rient obtainable. FSVE'S HAMBI'RQ TEA ' " iil tct gently on the bow'a, reroo wtoa, ar ' h.nburn, oar uiKh aoiditEkMSoitod frontM , .ahceJUij secretion Mule. -.- . t FRESE'S HAMBURG TE is the most effectual rt-KKl? for hesaarts.alaese, nerrous deprtesioo. piUpilit: . i.thelr lic tude snd gensral debU-.y. ' - " ;i -:.eamatim anil jo . prevent pra.vtl aac ir- r. a us blvrrar. mud eusw CRESTS K..VBUR3 -C . V. , caaplsuau. V-et ii;,ijo, shiveru;, spaanUj W . -. spirits usd unta'- 'y. ' . tRES ESKAMICKO t:a . . , is inval-jibie ai retaear tor tne pin- nam vvwm. trj-edfor manvvearsand aaaciven great tas!con. If yon are afflicted try it- ' PRESETS HA MBXJRO TEA purines and cleonsos me Dlooa, ana rernwn scrofulous sSecUoas: It is aWth-(rtvng. roteaii( ..luvijortinir. s CBESE'8 HAMBCRO TEA A bas an esutousnea repuiis a cmroww. fur sudden and severe oclds.wuK'os levom aad au. astbmaaodphuu.su. ... CEESE'S H AMBURO TEA-' ' . cures enrome, nervous ana bich n.aw, vm . depressian, -drijwsiness, oauseai-vorsitiftC, pimples ' on the lace and freckles. CRESE-S HAMBTTRO TEA ' cures dyspepsia, aad oounterttcts tna effect mala rious pouon. " CRESE S HAMBURO TEA cures consiipauon, uirraom au wuvcxy . . tain in mailts. and correvts aa dititurbances of the stomach, and bowels. FRESE'S HAMBURO TEA is a nleasaKt remedy for boils, cor blades, bliVcne.. ulcerated and running sores, suuUssalt raeum. and gianduiar swellings. In which we hope wc will not be obliged to put anyone to costs or extra expense. The ANOTHKR. The poople of School District No. fij, are about to organize a debating soci ety. There is nothing like developing the I latriit oratorical powers of otir embryotic j statesmen. j I'i'. Kk, Mi, Fawh Ynu that c-in sing, j and you that would like to learn, rcmenilitr j that A: E. Freed will organize a Singing class r XKH. --The Sheriff will be h?re ou Dec. t at Dealy's Hall, 7 30 p. M. on Monday the Sl-t nd l-t. Prepare fr him. I 13th. Everybody invited. 'mrs:. Ileud Stcen's reply to Kelley's )r, lu. n,m on the divioioii ipietion. Htl.lX. -This village of .(Jr.-iisoM'ood has a :..rc, i-:iio d house and post otlice. Tae p!ce to get a nice present for your friemU in I'aulyV Kur'giKNl, durable ISuek gloves, buy Mills . Lrak's inakc. For fale by Sating t Heese. (i , MK. During the snow '"t irm ra libit and f rairie chickeiis were slaughtered in abund u.nc. Weiifont oil is thu chief in putrid sore throat or diphtheria. For sale by MuColl and Miliar. LtTn.-. Sorry that we weat to press before jc olilo fulkes ooacerte, but ill report it next week. Foil SALE. 200 acre of deeded land for $U0). For particular apply to Leader office. P.VXCINO. Fiddling and dancingand serv- n;ilie . well parties arc an uie rae K LEO ANT. I-ook out for the Masonic Call imtitc 27tlu It will be got up in tlngaut tvle. LKCTt'RES. Why can't Weiton bsvn a spricii of lecture between now and the ides of April. Omen. -Mao now complains that hi hat in too smnll for him. Funny how office affects huihc people. I'wil Pauly kiiep the V-st kind of ttdmreit suit riars. s "Henry " Own," "Wood and Nirkul Tag," "Lorillards" and "Venerable" ru OROCEkiES. Plants & Mackay, whose ad. appears elsewhere are making a xpeeialty of groeeries. When you go to "Walla Walla don't forget that their place of business is in Odd Fellows' Temple, on Main street. Z. K. Straight has the finest Jewelry Store in Walla Walla and docs not carry any plated jewelry. Any one wanting something nice for the holidays cannot do lietter than call on him. Main street opposite St. Louis Hotel. Coin. Centlenir.n. Coin ! We need it iu our business. Those indebt ed to us by note or account are respectfully, but earnestly requested to call and pay up at onto. McCm.l. & Mii.i.er. Miituun. At the residence of Mr. MrFcrran, Nov. 21st, by llev. W. If. Pruett. Mr. Edward E. Whitcnian and Miss Emma L. McFerran all of Umatilla county, Oregon. At the residence of the bride" parents, near Weston. Nov. 25:h, by Be v. S. H. Pruett. Mr. A. J. Hussell ami Helen M. Wright. JOIIX B. LEWIS, Main Street, "Walla Walla. W. T. Importers of Books, Paper, Legal and Com mercial Stationery. Blank nooks. Cotl Pens, Prayer Honks, ' I'liolo Alautus, Seliool l$i!ks, Anlograph Albnms, Standard "Works, Porltcal Works, Legal Blanks, Bibles. Agency for the celebrated Thomas and' Star Inks. Orders from the country promptly attended to and catalogues sent ou applisation: dec4-Sm JOHN DOVKU, W. C. EARH8LKT, C. M. JOHNSON'. J. Dovell & Go. In which if parties indebted to us will call at our office and settle, they will do ns a favor and probably save themselves trouble and - unnecessary ex pense. REMEMBER IT IS NOW DECEMBER, And Don't Forget 8aling it Reese. J. E. JONES ! FTRESE'S HAMBURG TEA luuil luiuueaafullv for f'Btld breath, scald beax!. ringworm, lch, pnckly-aeat, cancerous ulcers asd saiu diseases gcxierally- FEJMt's uithrao tea , hka humiuI inthe entire ranee of the Pharmcopola uh an anti-sorbutic, alUsroutire, caniunauve and blood puriher. Fasss'g muBma TEA trivi-s a tone of health and elasticity to the whol sysUaa and will prevent almost any disease ii used at least once a ma&th. FaSPE'S BAMBTEd TEA u a triumph in nwdirino; harmless ye emoadoun. Im-aluable in the family, at the mines, on the road, at saa, and everywhere. raeSE S HAHBTBa TEA is the bl medicine for chidren. As a Spring rem edy nothiiur eomes near to it. Everybody should .use it at the change of s-Aia- EMIL IBE-HK'H n'tVltrtC TEA is for sale by crery Pruggidt, Grooer and County Her cuiil oo the I'acitic Cms-., Soot 18 8m I. (). O. F. The following officera were elected for 1S81. in Weston I-otlge, No. 53, I.O.O.F. P. A. Worthingtou, N. C. P. Beckett, V. C; W. T. Williamson, S. ; A. B. Hendrick, T. The ollieer are all Past Grands. DIED. f'f consumption on F'riilay Nov. 10th, at the ;re of 28 years. Lillian ii. Kin.x, wife of S. V. Khox, nf this city. Mrs. Knox was a most estimable lady; and during her short residence anion; us, had made many warm personal friends, who deep ly deplore her Iosm. Our kindest sympathies are with the bereaved husband from whom death ban taken heaven's best boon to man, a true and loving wife. NEW TO-DAY. Pfl.L. Notwithstanding the th.-.w on Tuesday last a man brought a quarter of cord of wood on a sled through town. As he bad only twelve oxen yoked up hauling it, he bad some six others along, being lod, to use as re. emits. Use Rose Pills. THE Leading Manufacturing Company! or WASHINGTON TERRITORY. The Iieioest and Latest Design FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERED GOODS Always on hand. Sash, Poors and Moulding, "Wholesale ami KetaLL, Main St., above the Bridge, WALLA WALLA. t MI-TV. Our ca'.nKoose has not had an o'-ru'.siit for a long time. Thi speak well t r tlie i.iace. S r.'VE.l Axd TtNWAP.E :(' to the Tinner t .V.iila Walla, opposite Odd Follows' Teui- t'ie ft-r bargains. P.ETfRP.r. Mr. Dan Dwight has re turned from his eastern trip, aud is again pre pared for all manner of land business. Dan is always obliging and has better facilities for doing a land business than anyone else in tho countr. PECULIAR. During the cold weather it was peculiar the persistency with which the man sitting near the stove would shut off the draft as noon ns h. was warm, utterly unmindful of how nearly freezing the rest of the congrega tion might lie. Washb'iarus. Messrs. Dovell & Co., of j Walla Walla arc uianufactnring w ashboanla I on a Urge scale. Retail merchants would do ... . . . . .1 11 ,.u well to 0 taeir raira. an iuvy ojc.ti than in Portland or San Fraueieco, consider ing the freight. Sacrifice. Mrs. Miller will sell sll kinds WINCHESTER & RICCS, Photographers. First St., near Main, Walla "Walla, W. T. Firt-class pictures taken in all kinds of weather. novll W. T. SLOAN, M. D., Physician aRd Surgeon. Office with Dr. rropp, over Day's Drug Store. Main St., Walla Walla, W. T- NEW STOCK BOOTS .OF. and SHOES, . Dr. IDA E. ANDREWS, Ecletic Physican and Surgeon. Boom So. S, Lacy A Whitman's block, oppo site Mine nonsc. Main St. , Walla Walla, W. T Diseases of women a specialty. Second Street, next door TO Paine Bro.'s, Walla Walla. Notice. lard OfTioe at LaGrande, Or., 1V-. 4, l6". v,i i. l erehv giei at the fa)Vwlfij;.amwl si-- FINEST GOODS at the Lowest Prices. All kinds of ishcirilardware Constantly ou hand, for sale cheap. A Large Assortment of HARDWARE 1 RANGES, COOK .SB PKJECXaOZC Stoves ! the Very Best Material and Most Ai proTed rattrrns. All Tinware nude ol Rood heary awatertml, and noue hut the best warkaaesi esnpvyed. Rivets, Iron Steel, Nails SE SHOES, CUTLERY ! Wetobolme'B All StTiei SHEEP SHEARS, Burton &. and 'KaBgaroo.V CLOTHES M RIX0ER8. . iT3,sotnjy dqi una n MO jno oui) psqstam; oeraeLrad Suipnq tof 'aocsacxi'x '8AOQNIM 9 SEOOQ vinuojitvo j sjeras pooi x otyy -noriduassd XnA o -pjap 9di X i iaqihsi-i BtiOA. i 'paamlMd aaoo ra maa aiUaBrrMrai 3aoayapp Jn dqsi Jno .paKsaiaa Sah 4nvui3vLAi ONianria 1 doqf? S!CKNK.s. Sonte sickness exist in the sur roi v. tiug country, though there is nuthiug of . . : inn, nature. iii RT. Js. Ilamford had a fall from a iH-alTold winch temporarily boused him up. But t ia all right aguio. - . CHRISTMAS. Panly Christma goodaar. riel Thursday. The wcteet thing in the world i his pcre honey. Mkasle. Thi disn.-, in rather a mild form, is preraleot in the city. It interfere w ltb Lbo solitHti sonwwhat. I h.-i filA.l nn::f.: 01 Lis In c tloii t) onat; tli'.Ai tsro1 of millinery uooda at greatly rrdveAd priff r. j.ort. ut bis -iAm. ati t .at a;a prui will oe male .. "f t t:,i . MkIoi the Cutinn Ju.lj;.. in Pendleton, Vaiatu a tvun- fromnow until Christmas, after wlncn : tJ KHvtM 0B ji,. ,v im, m : shop will be closed until Spring. The ladies j inos.is UAY. .l.o.il.l not fail to note this, us md bftiyiiiu i llonesii. : n lor tneir.u-tionai aw j a a. o m may now lie secured. uf S,: 11. Ta K 51 F. of ft'M. nml nami the Iotulr.c wic:i-;iw, tk vr i Ui tontiiiut.-u.4 rwtdi-Do ujon, and t raltlvat!on ti sa d Unii, vis: A. L. VArry, L. C. Van twinkle V V 1 l....l.. K r Uab and TV J. WaiU. A.1 11. w. Pwioirr, Roister. De 11 f-w Chasced. Tlie Rev. T. K. Burnett has ' of 'ir, l.iuti:iavoua'.y, otegon. taken the place aud will Gil the appointments of the Rev. Mr. Warren, now of Dayton. I Readers will observe th change nnder relig ious notices in our columns. II r. li'iruett is a resident of Centervilkv JJoC7Vt!JAt. Dy, what became of th night Kcbool t Did yon find something wore tnternsuiig t study than llramtaar. II.VL0 Uot'St Mr. Simpson, tlx barber lia noted Dr. Epperson's bouse. There ia au4 Jkov vicaut duelling iu tie city. Fipfwalks. The sidcalk on tlie west side of Frankhn St., between Main end Poin Kt.'s. is in a dehtnidated and danneroma eond- tiou. . W. hopa our nw Council will imd ?Ttt -?iSe i' NOTICC l Asa Cmice at LUsai. Ok., Dee. 4, 18H0 - r-Vioe U berhy cri tbat tor foUowing. named elr but fill Dooee ut bie iatcotloa to uuae Unal proof ic u'ort A bis claim, and that aid p(of will Ik iroaoe before toe County Juue, at remlletoa, L'ma U1U cuusty, in- m, on January 15, 1SS1, rit : ALONZO U EAKIIV, So UTS. !r j t Mi i of -w ana naoee us wo to it at ooo. If notaina better ran 1 done ! ' "imtss. 10 rrww bis conunoous rtwionee oi-sn, . , " W1 ... and cultiotonoi said knsO. vix: 1. AC lwnaAdson. T. let U b torn np altogether and thus otnrtute ! iuv. Gto H 111 and Oua Becd, al. vt Weston, ts the probability ti havirg to pay damage for j u" 8ml w. orwa,. GOLDMAN BRO'S. Practical Hatter, And dealers in Clothing -and Fin a Furnishing Goods. Odd Fellows' Temple, One FUU! and HCc St WXa WoUa. Agents for MeusodorfTcr & flerrman's fiao hat?, f. F. doc-i 3m Shot-Gun & Rifle Ammunition, A Full Lite of Pistols and Bevolvers!! BIRD CAGES, FLOWERPOTS IIAXGINO BASKETS, Trout Baekets, RodgerS' CutlerV; and Sp-oaia. ' A COMPLETE STOCK OF ROPE S:M at T-aw at er 'goa "Tlie GhiirGli aid Home." A Reliirious Journal ' Devoted to ! Issued Monthly at Westox. Every Family Onzht to 'Take .it. 43rTerms, $1.00 Per Ycar.J lir". X. VT. MOB.m!M . . .Edltar. BEDIivSTON &CCJS ; ILflSIDA WATER FOE. THE HANDKZRCIaTEF. Thi article, ptsessing the most delieat frugranc oi Flowers, ia nnequaled as a per . fume for the Handkerchief. TOS THE JiATE. Ud in bathing, t jmparts energy and strength to the. system, and gives that soft ness and dehcaev to the skin so much desired " by alb - . - . . V ' IT REMOVES - .-. SUNBURN, FRECKLES AND PIMPLES - - - t i ' . 4. l . And, diluted with water, it maketi an" exeei-- lent dentifrice, imparting pearly wliitane to" : the Teeth, sweetne tr the Breath, "finofraii"-' " ders the Gums liwd and' of beantifal sWojr c FLEAS' 0TW lTfCT&' ' The irri'.&tioM eanai by thp Jwea of ". .FMaa, . sV!ofuItos and otbv :seta, il instant ry' " ' ifeved by the Af's tf if etffri'giktJn' 'J a'r.tps spnsklcd at tj.rp4.wl bwpV JtHf ? peiiou Wt only suwfWid yoa. withth,. . gnocwii Altsr.tmatjaet, but. prayer. ts in j gnl sTjrssmrs the jrre-se " ' oil.e If t v