Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, November 13, 1880, Image 3

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    t' - :
' list f letter
teroauilng in Weston Post-office Nov.
1880. . '
See. ' . " f
BannsrJ Umatilla.' . .. -gdioflowttlug
yialytells fresh peanut. -
YVbat about b town hall hbraryt . ,;
n.lyi r brick will be ft noble structure..
VTwtcp ba nnuiual educational facilities
Xhe Sfc- J01 Hotel can bow be approached
w ton without mad.
VqfUttia, uus ana ioiart can nt toe uity
Wibfoot ail t the chief is putrid sore tbrot
(jipLUieri. For by ilcColl and Mil-
HlAlTBT.Tbere ie little or no sickness in
the City - . ; . - ,
UUCHAKOUS. The Fall goods aw begin
aioft arrive.
TlJUt They ere selling (food watehea nt
tedaccd prices t the City Drug Store.
ASKoriNd. To drive the end of a scant-
ting through 24x40 double thick glass.
StWtTS. The Marshal has a small force
of njen'ipp'yeil in improving' the streets.
IXIfUK. There ia no .better i a vestment of
mossy than thot paid for judicious insurance
THAKKS0IVINO. Have yon secured your
turkey and nn.de yo'ir mince meat for tbauks-
gWnX? -
AS0T11EB. The crowing on Main street.
on the east side of Franklin street is quite
JESTINO. A jet should be always ho deli
cite that the object of it can join in the m'utb
it occasions. . ..
Barrett, Miss Era ,
Bug, Chas
Uramin, Mrs K C .
Clark, Jas ,
Cummius, Jno M '
Curamings, Chas 2
Crissmau, Wm 2
aton. Mrs Kate
Derrick, H C
Dingus, PA v'
Liana, Walter
roster. Sain
Fraser, Thomas
(ireelev. I r
Cordon, John '
HHdspeath, Host
Hard, Jarvie
Harc.enyle, J F 2
Hopper, Miss Kcie
ffelleman, William
Jackson, John H
Jackson, Frank
TONSORIAL. When you want a real good
ikave call en Simpson, the barber. See his
crd in ible U'tne. '
COW. it U now after harvest 1 Mut
lave money. Call and settle. Your bill is
ready for you. J. E. Jones.
Dimmer. A good place to get a good din
ner-is at the St. John Hotel. Farmers and
others should make a note of this.
. "REPAIRING. Our enterprising townsman,
F. M lPoly is having hie store ceiled and
Mined teady for the approaching winter.
GOOD. We notice some )eople briirgin
their ehildren to school iu a hack. It shows
sympathy with them and with education.
TY It. Murray's Lung & Liver Balaam
cores tolds and complaints of the liver. A
effective and popular remedy. ; Try it
Mary bad little iamb
It's rloeoe was grey and brown,
And every time that Mary hnighod
The grey-brown Unib sat down.
ELECTION. It ia about time to think of
ri:y officer fur the ensuing year. City elee
tinn takes place on the first Monday -in De-
Profakitv. The language used on the
treU by the rising genera 1 n of boys
something that might be improved by externa
AT LAST. The same tr tliusa graashop
pers that raine through here 1 nt maimer i
talopttnus sprelttt. We'll know how ;o ui.et
them uext time.
Keene, Frederick.
Kiphart, Joseph
. Morris, Joseph. "
- Miller. Mrs Sarah A
- McKay, Frederick .
'. Maag, William
Milne, Alexander 3
' Moore, William
. Moore, Amu B
Montgomery, J G
PattoBr -Porter
Kigga, G W 2
Kay, Thos D
' Saudem, Chas F
. Sanders, WO
Shaw. William T
Smith; Richard
Shook, Samuel
Stitts. R L 2
Trenton. S
Woodworth Laura
Woodworth LJ
Kinkade John
I'eraons calling for the above letters, will
please say "advertised.
L. S. Wood. P. M
Dissolution. The partnership heretofore
existing between Mm. Schnebley and Mrs.
Miller in the Millinery business, has been dis
solved hy mutual consent." The business wili
be carried on by lire. Miller. See advertise
luent in another column.
L.AKD. If people here had to go a thousand
miles to get land, they would all be emigrat
ing. But all yon have to do ia to go to W.
W. Cavities?, C4d Spring, or T. E. Bramel,
Willow Creek, and get it Why w ill you lot
the golden moment pasa unimproved?
Seasos. The farmers have had occasion
to rejoice at the propitious autumn- The
area of grain being put in this season very
much surpasses that of any preceding;' Beau
tiful rains have furnished the requisite moist
ure, and the prospects are encouraging.
BKTTER. The young ladies of Union and
LaGrande have started a buggery -catching
bugs for a collection. So says the Sentinel.
Better go catching grasshoppers and keep
them from biting vegetables next year. They
could prove themselves true philanthropists
by canning them.
Ou the north-east corner of Main and Frank-
lin Btreets stands J. E. Jones' new brick
building, one of the finest edifices in Eastern
Oregon. It is an ornament to the city of
Weston, and a beautiful monument of the en
terprise of one of her citiiens. The buildioir
is 30x80 feet and two stories high, surmounted
by fire walls several feet ia height It has
been finished inside aud out with regard only
to iu durability and beauty. The upper
story is to t-e occupied as a lodge room by'the
Masons and Odd Fellows. The lower utory
will be used by Mr. Jones himself for bis in
creasing hardware buinesa.
The brick part of the building whs built by
air. A. emitters, of this place. The c mtract '
for the wood work was awarded to Mcssr. I
Meckl'ng & Backet This part of the work 1
was under the direct supervision of Mr. M?c'.i-
iug, to whose skill aud judteuiei.t the building
owes much of its elegant tippi-amore. The
cornice, mouldings, casing ai.d shelving, ail
di.-pliy superior workmanship. The paiuting
and glazing were done by .Mr. It. 11. Drew
who lias well performed bia puit Thus it
will lie seen that it was not nece-sary to go
outn.de of Weston for any of the artisans, and
meir worn win compare very latoibly with
that of mechanics of places of greater preten
sions. Of course to Jones himself ia due the
lions share of l be cred.t in planning the build
ing and seeing everything carrjed out to a
successful completion. The enterprise thus
displayed by Mr. Jones is well worthy of coru-
mendatiou and nutation. When one who
has grown up with the place shows such faith
its future greatness aud prosperity we have
every reason to feel hopeful and encouraged.
Surh imposing struc'ures give an air of sub
stantial progress and permanency to the place
that cannot fail to assist very materially in
building it up. Thus every one who has the
enterprine to embark his means in such an un
dertaking Peonies a public benefactor. . We
sincerely hope that Mr. Jones will meet with
the buccpss he so richly deserves, and that
others will be induced to follow his good cx
amiibs of building up the "City of the Valley."
(Successor to Joe. -Lennox.)
All work done In tie latsst style of the art. 8atlsae
tion fuanuiteed. 1
Next door to Westoe Hotel, r Xl-ltJ
ie vlde t olkes. Some ol the vonng
ladies are eagaged in developing an Old Folk:
Concert ThatV right, if we are ever going
to have any social enjoyment we may aa well
be at it Man was not made to eat and sleep
and bow politely to a passing acquaintance,
speaking entirely apart from his future con
cerns. Cive a helping band to all innocent
recreation whenever opportunity presents.
Likf.LV. The Mountain Sentinel reads
moral kct.ire to the E. O. and New Northwest,
beaded ''James and Abigail." It's only ob
jeetion ti Mrs. D.'s Woman's Rights is the
fact tliat sJ;e is really working for the Repub'
lican party, under the other pretence. It also
says, "it Una great question was left alone
and cniild be decided by woman's ballot it
would fall to the earth a mutilated corpse and
a dead l-ane.
Omciocs. Early Thursday morning Mr.
W. Jj. rtaiialdsnu came to town for TJr.Eagnn,
and tied His horse to a wagon while he stepped
into the office. He returned in about five
minutes and found bis horse gone." Upon go
ing to the livery stable he saw his horse. , Our
deputy Marshal bad taken it thereon the plea
that the horse had been standing on the street
aH night. Of course Donaldson had to pay
the stable bill.
ASSISTANT. M iss Mury Creswe'l hi) g;iv
such good satisfaction a a tearhsr in our pab;
lie school U soou to take a puaiiiou in she
Weitoa Academy.
Killed. A man in Sou; kern Greg-"' kilUd
his family and then killed himsi l;. Cause,
failure in business,' because he did uot udver
' tisc in the local paper.
Work. Batuford liro 'a are turning out
immense g,ouiitities of excellent work. Their
industry and honesty merit the liberal patron
age they are receiving.
Gone. Joe Lennox has left us and hi-,
place is lilted by Mr. L. A. Simpson, lormer
ly of Walla Wulla. We hope that Mr. Simp
son will find Weston both pleasant and profitable.
VSITim-Messrs. D- While and K Johns,
haitues of Washington Territory, are here on
a visit The mors has not yet began to sprout
eu lueir heads, and the boya look quite unt
CROSSING. From Dcaly'e Hall to Hart
man s there is a break in the walk which
proves very disagreeable. Ae tl.is thor ugh-
fare is much traveled, we commend the mat
tr to our C.itv T.'.tt..r. -
WASTED. A jeweler. People don't knew
when to get up in the morning, or go to their
meals. Even the roosters are crowing out of
season. Let us bare a watchmaker or some
thing serious may result
Mail. Our Pendleton correspondence on
first page wae mailed in time to have reached
us in time for last week s inaue, and did not
reach Weato until Saturday. This ia the
third time suoh delays have occurred.
Dwellings. The demand for dwellings
still continues. Perhaps some of our "solid
men" will realise the necessity of building
houses to rent when it is too lute. Good for
tune will not forever force itself upon a p'ace.
It ought to be encouraged rather than rebuffed.
aarteaUnral laaplemeats.
I have now ia stock a full line ol agricult
ural implements uf the best manufacture
which I am selling at Portland prices. ' Please
call and examine. J. . Jones.
JtV are respectfully informed that the Under
siued has opened out and now offers (or sale a .
Complete Stock of First-Class
At Moderate Prices.
Thg Latest Styles of Eats and Boa-
nets always on hand in
FEATHEBS, ! FLOWERS, and every
Kinaoi :iu.naiiai.JNti to suit
the sunt Fastid
j ... ious.
Soap. We have received reports from
most of those who have tried the soap manu
factured by W. J. Dyer of Walla Walla. Ev
erybody speaks in the mo.-t flattering terms
of it, and there seems to be no good reason for
our merchiints'importingmorefroni elsewhere,
when this Walla Walla firm turns out such a
superior article. The "Flannel Soap" is
unique and excellent sample, containing the
properties claimed for it. Alwajs encourage
home manufacture. Mr. Mattoon, well and
favorably known in this city, is the gentle
manly agent at Walla Walla. Call and see
ACCIDENT. Last Sunday, Mr. Pat Ryan,
of Greafewond, was thrown from a wild, young
horse which he was riding; but as one foot re
mained fast in the stirrup, he was dragged by
it for quite a distance. Finally bis boot slip
ped from his foot and be was released. He
sustained a severe injury perhaps concussion
of the brain. Dr. Hall, of Pendleton, was
summoned. " O" Monday Dr. Eagan was
called in consultation. Mr. Ryan, when last
beard from was in a critical condition,' not
having recovered consciousness from the time
the accident occurred. ' "
LADLES will save money bv examining
my. goods before purchasing elsewhere.
Next door to Hardxcare Store.) -
Mrs. M. E. 3IILLER.
nov IStf
O "a?I CJ 33 I
Obliged by
Pressing? De-
mands to col
lect ail Notes
and Accounts
Due Us. We
Hereby Give
notice tlmt all
General Jobbers.
nov 13-yl
If we have ever accom
modated ycu in the past,
do us the favor to return
the Compliment now.
j WESTOX, Oregoa.
Eev. E. W. MOEEISON, Principal.
English Literatuie, Mental and Moral Sgi
' ' . ence.
Latin Language, Natural Science and the
I Higher Mathematics.
Mr. A. E. FEEED,
Trimary Department.
TUITION $5, ?7 50 and $10 per term of
three months.
No pains will be spared to make this in
every respect a
First-Class Institution.
For further particulars address the
l0S0-80tf '. Principal.
Cuows. No Fence Law lias been defeated
i' Walla Walla county, and the Statesman,
tbe champion of the opposition to it is so hap
py that it turns loose a whole barn-vnrd full
of roosters "to ebaunt exultant strains of
victory. " The Statesman is so vigorous and
iternrising it must needs meet with succes.
Pfoyite are only beginning to appreciate the
l'txnry of telcgrapbio news two daysahead of
waiting for Portland journals.
Go Ahead. School District No. 20, just
north of nn, has just completed a neat and
commodious scbool-hnnse. They have further
secured the services of Prof. L. H. Lee, ex
Snpcrintendent of this connty, as teneher, nrd
expect to have a first-class school. The build
in? has not ben seated properly yet. and tliey
preferred waiting another year, and tben get
tin" the parent iron desks. This is unt the
stron?et district in the cnnnv, bnt. they
reem to be made of the riaht kind of stuff.
It having been understood by many that
Mr. H. B. Starr was a partner, or was inter
ested in my bnsiuesa, I w ish to state to the
public that Mr. Starr never Was interested in
my business in any way except at daily wages,
aud is no longer iu my employ.
J. E. Jones.
Tbe Eslev Organ.
Fire at Eugenk City. At 10 o'clock
yesterday morning, a fire wns discovered in
tbe Astor House at Kntrene Oity and before it
could lie checked, it. destroyed the bnililinsr
and the frame structures whirh snrronnded
it. The fo'lnwing are tbe losses : Astor
Honse, Mr. Chas. Tlaker, owner, $6,000; in
surance, $3,500; B. C. Pennington, $4,000;
Mrs. Riley, $300; K. Rosenblatt. $500; J. J.
Walton, $1,000; J. R ElUson and F. Rankin.
$3,000; Eugene Guard, $SO0; insurance, $300.
CENSUS. The census tells as that we have
advanced In a century from 3,000,000 to 60,
000,000; from villages to metropolitan cities;
from 37 t 9.000 periodicals; from 75 post
offices to 33.000; from 1,900 miles of hor?eb;ick
mail service, costing S32.0C0 a year, to 2C5.
000 miles, costing $129,000,000, together with
a quarter of a million nii'es of telegr;ipb wire.
We have 141,620 school hou'ex and 63.082
churches. Our farms, implements and live
s'octc are va'ned at over $11,000,000,000; our
farm prodncts and fajm wages are nearly $3.
000,000,000, ami our exports nearly $500,000,
000 a year. Statesman.
This fine instrument is now offered for sale
on easy terms, delivered to customers in an v
part of the country, and fully warranted f r
five years. The WEBEli and other tirst-elas .
Pianos at the lowest prices.
Also sheet music and music books. Cr.'- r-i
by mail will receive prompt attention Ir
Rtrunients tuned and repaired. I'rtee list sen;
on application. Address all orders to A. i.
Stanley, Walla Walla, W. T.
Gnc: Used Always Used
Is the best funilv ise.iizkM.'Siid will t fnunJ an
to be the bm ur, utaad and ceiatortoBl
aperient obtaisabis.
kiu acc fe-enuy oa tne ton:s, rsmovs wind, eat
. heartburn, sour stomxeh aad a.tIw. ad pronote -a
boaitby secretioa of bii. .
is the moot effectual Tezaed- tor iec3dn. rtititirni ' '
nervous depression, p&lpttabeu of th tuut, lsssi
tude and general dcbiltf.
will relieve the worst cases of rhemniUsin and gout
prevent gravel and stone in the biaider, aad our
all diseases of tbe kidneys.
cives BDeedv and durable relief in bilious and liver
complaints, weak digestion, shivering;, spasms, low
spina sad irritability.
is invaluable as a remedy for the piles. Ithaabxn "
vr eg wr manvycarsaoa nae yireo pan wywicuwi.
If yon are afSleted try iL '
purifies ar.d cleanses the blood, aad tesaeves &U
s jrof aloua iSecUons. ' It is health-gi'mrnftesaiBC
. iavigor;ir.fr. - ......
for sudden r.d severe eolds,eougbs fevets aad ague, v ',
- ssthuu and phtnis.
cor.s enrome, nervous and Kick headache, nervous - - v
depression, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, swautaa
. oa tiie lace and freckles. -
is gent. e laxitireand tonic; improves the ap)
: cures drapepsia, aad counteracts the sslset of
neos poison.
Crese's Hamburg tea
cures constipation, diarrhoea and dysentery; is eer
tain in results, and corrects all disturbances of the
stouiaob aad bowels. .
I Is a
pleasant remedy for bolls, earbundee. blotches.
ulcerated and running ores, scab$eslt rheum, and
, gianauiar swellings.
is used successfully for totld breath, scald head,
ringworm, itch, prickly-heat, caaoerous ulcers and
skin diseases generally- .
hag no equal in the entire range of the Pharmacopaia
as aa anu-sorouuc, aiiernauve, camunauve ana
' blood, purifier. -
Filer's HAMBcaa Tlx
gives a tone of health and elasticity to tbe whole
system and will prevent almost any disease if used,
at least ence a month. .
is a triumph in medicine: harmless vet efficacious.
Invaluable in the family, at the mines, on tbe roan,,
at sea, and everywhere.
ia the bt medicine for ehtdren. Ae a Rnnnv rnn.
edy nothing comes near to it. Everybody Blioald
uss it at the change of season.
ia for sale by evei
chant on the
A Remarkable Result.
It makes no difference how many physi
cians r how much medicine you have tried,
it is now an estaMislieil fuct that German
Syrup is the only remedy Which has given
complete satisfaction in cases of Lung Dis
eases. It is true that there yet thousands of
persons who ;ire predisposed to throat and
lung affections, consumption, hemorrhages,
asthma, severe colds settled ou the breiist,
pneumonia, whooping cough, etc., who have
no personal knowledge of Boschee's German
Syrup. To such we would say that 50,000
dozen were sold last year without one com
plaint, Consumptives try just on bottle.
Regular siai3 75 cents. Sold by all Drug
gists in America.
S. A. JOHN, Proprietor.
Slain Street, Weston, Or.
And is now open for the reception of guests.
The Tables
WiM at all times be furnished with tbe very
best the market affords.
The Beds
itro all new, and the rooms have been fur
v.. ,!'ed in the neatest style and with every con
ve;;:tnce usually found in a first-class house
Is under tbe care of the well known Hotel
Keeper, Mrs. RaLEY.
Cnarzes, Seasonable.
All kinds of
Shelf-Hardware Constantly 01
band, for sale cheap.
A Larjre Assortment of - -
tbe Very Best Material and Host Ap
proved Patterns. All Tinware made of
good heavy material, and none tint
the best workmen empoyed.
The Oregoa Kidney Tea.
If your back aches, or if you have any
trouble with your kidneys or urinary organs,
don't buy some nostrum that you know noth
ing about, made iu some distant city to sell,
but buy a remedy tbat bas never been known
to fail, made from herbs produced in Oregon
and put up by a firm known all over the
Coast. Patronize borne industry aud be cured
at the same time.
Lakd Omrs at LaGrande, Ogn., Oct 27, 1380.
RSOTICE is hreby given that Joseph E. Hoon
EE Id has ths this day applied to tnter under the act of
Congress app oved June 3d, 1378, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lane's in tne States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and W'asnington Territory,'' the S i of Sei
of Sea 20, and bw( of SwJ of Sec 21, and Ni of hw of
t-ec. zs, i 4 ri, K 77 last oi m.iauieue jnenoiiu, ana
containing lt&-33 acres.
Final proof will be made after sixty days publication
and aitiiin ninety days from tne date hereof.
nov w MX. n . ifwjiiur, register.
Lasd Orrics at La Grande, Ogn , Xov. 1, 1SS0.
Notica is hereby given that the following Denied set
tler bas filed notice of his intention to make final nroof
in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at
t:.e expiration oi tnirty days irom tbe date oi una notice,
viz: & , .
Homestead No. 678. before the County Judireat Pendle
ton, Umatiila county, Oregon, on December 0, 1830, for
tne o j oi aw oi sec zs, T l , n u e oi nsi, and
names the following as his nitnrsses. viz: Wm. H.
hales, Wm. H. Pruitt, A. Kees and Posey Kees, all of
v eston, l.maiu;a county, Oregon,
Henuv ViVDwiOHT
Novl3-5w Register
Land Orncs at La Gbaxss, Or., Oct. 11, 1880.
Notice Is hereby given that the following named set
tler has filed notice of his intention to make final pi oof
in si ppott of his claim, and secure final entry thereot
at the expiration of tnirty days from the date of mil
notice viz:
j. h. Mclean.
D. S. So. 17-11, before Register & Receiver, at LaGrande.
Oregon, on November 24tfa, 1880, for the NE I of Sec 32,
Tp 6 N, R SS E. WM, and names the foUowing as his
witnesses, viz : Alexander McDonald, Lawrence Hutch
inson, George Carmicbae and Andrew J. Wise, ail of
Weston, Vmatlila county, Oregon.
H. W. Owner.
OctlS tw Register. -
Land OjncE at La Gbakie, Ogn Nov. 8. 1880,
Notice is hereby given that the loilowing-namud set
tler uas filed notice of his intention to wiute iin i proof
in support ot las claim and secure final entry we eof at
tne exirauon ul Uurty days from tbe date ol this notice,
Pre-emption D. 8. No 2007, b.fre Dwight & Bailey,
otarfe rub.ic, at Pendletou, ViuiiLiJ. cont;. , Oregon,
on Dcceiuocr iJ, loin1, lor tne 6i. t 2.., i o K 34
. oi w fti, and iunes t..v tul Onlng ai nid v.tiu.socs, viz
T. n. LiM-ehuia, J. H. rert;usoii, itu. a..er aLa Caas.
iteeu, an a wei.tervuw, ...... -i.. . count , ureAwn.
Ubar n . uwiaT,
Novl3-5w Reisier
Land Office at LaGrande, Or., Oct. 19, 1880.
Notice is hereby given tbat the following-named set
tler hss filed notice of his intention to make filial proof
in support of bis claim, and secure final entry thcra at
the expiration of thirty days from the date of tais
souce, via:
Homestead No. 884. before the Countv Judtre at Pendle
ton, Umatilla county, Oregon, on November 22d. UW0
for the W 4 of SE 1 ; SE 1 of BE 1 ot See 22. and NE i
of NE J ct Sec 47, Tp 6 i. K 36 E, W Ji, and nimes the
foliosingas bis witnesses, vis: John Graham, Joha
Foster, George DeUarcn and James Lawrence, all of
nana w aua, X. tfjrET w. Dwiear,
Oct 2-$w Register.
Drumrlst. Grocer and Countv Mar:
c Coast. Sept 18 6m
30I101I 1HOHS uo snm puvrvioj moj
m.q jmo mxui pet(sami sseodmd Safpnua, x.
j viNaojnvo
jo spots pooS v OSV aoi)djos(i Xuas jo
. !- - . yj iC(ddus pooS pusq ao does
pMlsap edeaa W asetanrij
ilioAi oi ?jBdMd aaou aae aav AiTrsinav
Mom r ?PP pne doqg auo pelxerue Biavh
nvia3viAi DMianina
.1 si saaiv3a." csv i
Westenholme's All Styles
Burgon & Ball's and "Kangaroo."
Shct-Gun & Rifle Ammunition,
A Full Line of
Pistols and Bevolvers!!
Trout Baskets, Etc.
RodgerS' OutlerY
Comprising heaw-nlated Knives, Tarks
aad Spoons.
Sold at Lowest rates gol article
"Tiie Oliircli and Home,"
j A Reiieious Journal Devoted to
Ojgs-rx-ajDu woks
I Issued Monthly at Weston.
Every . Family Ought to Take it.-
j fiSTerms, il.OO Per Tear.a "
KEY. E. VI'. IIOKSISO?!.,.. EsUtor.
; This article, possessing the fnost delicate)
fragrano of Flowers, is nnequaled as a per.
fume for tiie Handkerchief. . - - ,
! Used in bathing, it imparts energy and
strength to the system, and gives'that soft
ness and delicacy to the skin so much desired
by all " V "
And, diluted with water, it makes an exeel
le J?entif,icC' waparting pearly whitenoss to
the Teeth, sweetness to the Breath, and ren
ders the Gums hard and of a beautiful color
The irritation caused by the bites of Fleas,
Mosquitoes and other insects, ia instantly re
lieved by the application of RediflgtOn
& Co's Florida Water, and a tew
drops sprinkled on the carpet and about tbe
nvv vujjr nuiuumu j'vu wiui lus IIS-
grance of a rare bouquet, bat prevent in- a
great neasnra the presence of these rouble-
acme peats .80-401