Wtttin Wrtfctg gratta. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1880. WILLI VJMw at MCIX, Milan. Ill great contest is over, and Garfield is elected. We are glad if the majority is so aecmea taat uiere win Be no ground for dispute. It deadens the moral sensi bilities of the whole laud to have a well- grounded belief thai the minority candi date is declared elected, Garfield is a declared disciple of Hamilton, and if the majority of the poeple in their wisdom endorse him, we can only accord the sen timent, however much we may differ from it. the utmost legitimacy. Views of the tariff question as upheld by the republi can party, are directly beneficial to the .great manufacturing interest; while those injured by such views suffer only indirect ly. The capital of manufactures is thus interested in perpatuating republican ad ministration, and this is a mighty in finance. But the greatest factor in pro- during the result was the Solid South. It is useless to discuss the merits of this case, as opinions nave an oeen conclusive ly formed already i and what effect Han cock's election would have is, for four years at least, classed among the un known. Now that it is over, however, 1st us all return to the quiet relations formerly existing. Political feelings should never arry us, nor we them, out aide of the field cf politics. We quote the following dispatches from the Oregonian: Chicago, Nov. 4. The probable Re publican victory in North Carolina is be lieved here to be -quite positive. The Republicans of that State may cause fear prise by their work.. I Edgefield, Nov. 4, One negro killed and eleven wounded in an election riot Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 4. The Re publicans gain two Congressmen in Tenn essee and elect the Governor. Moon is probably elected here to Congres by 1,000 majority, lhe .Republicans gain 11 as semblymen and claim the legislature by virtue of other gains in middle and east Tennessee. , How is it possible that this condition of affairs could be true when the Ore goman has been insisting that no Repub lican could vote in the South Surely the Oregonian has been editori ally lying all through the campaign or its dispatches lie. Albany Democrat. The following counties give republican majorities : Benton 45; Coos 75; Doug las 154; Polk 54; Yamhill 116; Wash ington 302; Tillamook 60; Columbia 8; Clackamas 294; Marion 668; Clatsop 120; Multnomah 492. Total 2464.; Demo cratic majorities: Jackson 322; Lake (est.) 150; Josephine (est.) 80; Lane 79; Linn 274; Umatilla 825; Union 226; Baker 256. Total 1917. Republican majority, 547. In the above Grant and Curry are not estimated, but their vote is more likely to increase the republican majority than to reduce it Daily Ore gonian. ' THASK8Gme PROCLAMATION. At no period in the history since the United States became a nation has this people had so abundant reason for joy and gratitude at the favor of Almighty God, or been subject to so profound an obligation to give thanks for his loving kindness and humbly to implore his con tinued care and protection. The health, wealth and prosperity throughout all our boarders, peace, honor and friendship with all the world, firm and faithful ad herence by the great body of our popula tion to the principles of liberty and jus tice, which have made our greatness as a nation, to the wise institutions and strong frame of government, and society which will perpetuate it. For all these let the thanks of a happy and united people as with one voice ascend in devout homage to the giver of all good. I. therefore, recommend that on Thursday, the twenty fifth day. of November next, the people meet in their respective place of worship to make acknowledgement to Almighty God for kis bounties and his protection, and to offer to him prayer for then con tinuance. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this first day of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eighty, and or the independence of the United States the one hundred and fifth. R. B. HAYES. t'lr.cfcarjMsOfneUl- Precincts ' Garfield Hansock Marquam's, 61 29 Cascades, 47 47 Tualatin, 36 23 Canby, 41 33 Canemah, 30 13 Harding's, -30 28 Mnrxhfield,. 39 32 Viola, C 13 Oswego, .66 . 38 Oregon City, ' '" . 300 146 New Erie, 40 18 Milwaukee, CO 33 Union, 18 9 Highland, I 17 45 Lower Molalla, lf5 46 Springwater. '13 27 Pleasant Hill, 40 32 Beaver Creek, 46 35 Soda Springs, 3 12 Upper Molalla, : 37 68 Eagle Creek, 51 59 Rock Creek, 61 34 Cutting's, 25 42 - Total, U6U S72 Cla kop-.omeial, Astoria, 318 233 Upper Astoria, 34 29 Knappa, 36 22 Clifton, 27 13 Westport 24 5 Young's River, (maj) 13 Clatsrrj), 41 24 Jon Day's, 9 16 Seaside, 11 ' 19 Lewis and Clarke, 5 20 . Vesper, 6 - 5 Fishbank, 5 7 Misawaka, 6 14 Total, 622 420. The Atlanta Constitution commenting upon the election says: "It would appear that the line of sectionalism has been sharply drawn by the voters of the north, but there is nothing depressing in this. We are willing the north should draw the sectional line in politics if the south be permitted to draw the line with respect to the progress and improvements of those conditions and forces which, make a people happy in their fields, their work shops and their homes. We have a pros perous future before us, and to thin end we shall look inteni.r. We have- the cause of public edacation to promote and the welfare of a. great and growing sec tion to foster. The south expected a lit tle more rom Gen. Hancock's auminia tration than it will ask from Garfield's. We vant nothing more than simple, ex ktt, absolute justice. If the new presi dent owes nothing to the south, he at least owes something to the country, and we shall be glad to see him cancel this debt by giving us an administration as fair, just, and as clear as that of Mr. Hayes." A member of the extensive firm of "Williamson, Steen k Co." has soineithng to say on division. His 4etter will be found on the first page. We hope that verv voter in the nroDOsed counties of t al A t Wise and Coal will give it a careful p rusal. It gives a good idea of what the Pendleton papers regard as a just and fair division of Umatilla county. It shows now much of a friend to the people these papers are. When you read it. compare H. B. 52 with H. B. 64 and then pass them round to your neighbors. Let it be seen how much the Sage of Cot tonwood desired to do fur his constitu ents, PENDLETON ITEMS. Republican majority, 102. Liukville, Lake. C8 64 PEXDLETON, Nov. 10, 1880. Editors Leader: ' On last Saturday morning, a motion ceme on to be heart! in the Circuit Court, for the setting aaideJtheVerdict of the jury in the Ed ward Marphy murder trial The ground on which the motion was based, was that the jury were allowed to converse with persons on political subjects after being chosen aud before the verdict, also, that oua of the jurors drank spirituous liquor during the same time. It did not appear that more than one drink was taken aud that occurred 36 hours before the trial begau. The motion was denied and two o'clock p. M. appointed by the Court for Dassinsr sentence. At the appointed hour the courtroom was packed witljeople, among wnom were some 10 lames, toe court or dered the prisoner to stand up then informed him of what had been done, and asked it he had anything to say as a reasou why the sen tence of the law be not passed. The response was in the negative. The Judgs proce (led to pass m substance, the lolluwiug sentence. "In the name of the State of Ore;jun, and by virtue of the verdict of the jury iu this cause, and the laws of this State, the Court sentences you, Edward Murphy, to be taken from this room, by the Sheriff, to the c&vnty jail of this county, and there kept in cioVontiaemeiit until the otn day ot January, ISSI, and on said day between the hours of 9 a. m. aud 3 P. M., to be taken from said jail to the yard thereof, aud iu the presence of twelve persons qualified to act as jurors of this county, to b ; mere ana tneu haugeu by cue ueck until you are dead, and may God nave mercy ou your soUl." When the Judge concluded, a breath less silence prevailed the prisoner was taken from the court room, and the wheels of justice moved on. Murphy seemed to take tiie sen tence with quite a degree of coolness, but it did uot take a close observer to see that he keenly felt its force. Much excitement prevails over the question of who shall be city officers. The Republi cans say they are opposed to drawing party lines and we wish they had thought of that "lcetle" matter sooner. Prior to this we were not advised that they were dead stuck after good men. The othcial count of Umatilla county shows the Democratic majority to be 2S5. The festival, on last evening, conducted by the ladies at the M. E. Church was well at tended and U considered quite a success. NEWS ITEMS. -p - i ..,. j- President Hayes thinks that the Paci fic Coast is solid Republican, but the Chinese question gave it to the Demo crats, and that the Garfield-Morey letter aided it! very materially. The English Channel squadron is sent to the coa3t of Ireland. The agitators say the banner they now raise will not be put down without a gigantic strug- gie.. The Chicago Times shows how specula tors in pork, after losing three million dollars, went in for all the pork this side of the Atlantic and cleared $7,000, 000 by it. ',' Thomas Hughes, of England, was wel coined by 3,000 people in the Cooper Institute, New York, and General Wrn. Curtis presided. Hughes read a paper on co-operation. Ther are startling rumors in New York City about what the Democratic Committee will do, as it is said thev in tend tu prove fraud on the part of the Republicans in New York State. OctB-Sm THE LITTLE JOKER ' CLOTHES WASHER, LL WASH MOKK AT A TIXK; Urn nnnrata. null on few or m... washes teem clean; never tears oft or breaks button cannot ruin the clothe particle; is easily worked and avoids packing clothe before washing them, And is Uneaualled for Washino WooL References: '-, ADVERTISEMENTS. w T. COOK, J. II. IRVINE, M. D The slowness with which election re turns come is a matter of surprise and regret. As far as can be ascertained the general result is as follows : Hancock receives the electoral vote of the "Solid South" (138), Delaware (3), New Jersey (9), Nevada (3), California (6). Garfield receives all the rest with the exception of New York (35) and Oregon (3) which are still undecided. In the case of Ore gon the vote is'very close with the chances in favor of the republicans. In New York the republicans claim a good ma jority. The democrats insist that this result was brought about by fraud and that they have the proof to substantiate their charges. They declare that Con gress will have to decide the matter. We regret that any complications of this kind should arise, and sincerely hope that the official count will be satisfactory and -decisive. Baker. ' Baker City, Nov. 4, via Umatilla, Nov 7. Baker county gives Hancock 212 majority. Two precincts to hear from will not change the result but a few votes. Jackson. Jacksonville, Nov. 6. Jackson coun ty official gives Hancock 322 majority. Concord, Nov. 7. Returns from all but three precincts in the state show a total presidentUl vote of 86,177 as fol lows: Garfield, 43,787; Hancock, 40,707; scattering 683. Wilmington, Nov. 6. The official count shows the vote of Deleware on the electorial ticket to be, Hancock 15,183, Garfield 14,150. Washington, Nov. 6. The election in Virginia is very close. Half the State gives the Democrats 4,000 majority. There are several strong Republican counties to hear from. A periodical cessation from toil seems necessary to mans well being. lhe Christian world believes in a Sabbath as a day of rest. Many eountries make a proper observance of this day compul sory. Our own State laws prohibits the carrying on of business on Sunday. Yet many who -would fain be considered as law abiding citizens utterly disregard both the divine and huni'Ui law as far as it concerns a violation of the Sabbath. Now while there may be those whose ac tions are not governed by any considera tions of the decalogue as such, and who may think it nothing wrong to set aside any state law that does not commend it self to their judgemet, yet thure is a very large class of people who regard these things differently, and we think that their opinions and feelings are entitled to respect The man who thinks there is no harm in buying on Sunday should remember that many object to selling on that day. A decent respect for the opin ions of others would do away with a great deal of Sunday work. A proper regard for the law of the land would abolish it entirely, and a thorough appreciation and obedience of the requirements of the body would make the observation of the Sabbath an important duty. "ine resf-arcnes upon this point are most marvelous. h,ven from the most earthly standpoint and with utter obliv iousness of its spiritual and religious char acter, the principle of a seventh day's rest, stands disclosed as a law of man's physi cal nature. Hot merely apcrlion of time, as the tenth or twentieth, but the seventh portion of time, as a needful recreation for the body and mind of man." The latest dispatches indicate that the Democratic managers purpose contesting New York, on the ground that they have proof of more fraudulent Republican votes having been cast, than Garfield's claimed majority. Of course' we cannot form any opinion from the megre dis patches, but evidently there is a move ment of some kind on foot. If an hon est count elects Hancock, then inaugur ate him; but if Garfield is elected, let him be seated in the White House. It is useless either to place implicit faith in the statement of gigantic frauds, or to deride the whole matter as party "bosh"; we are liable to believe -what coincides with our wishes. We can only wait un til the result is definitely declared. The following is the vote of Umatilla coun ty by precincts so tar as known and the ma jorities of the respective parties so far the returns have been received. Dem. The Republican organ at Pendleton with its characteristic brilliancy and as tuteness accounts for the falling off of the Republican vote in this state and jeeunty. It attributes the increased ma jority of the democrats in this county to the lack of "interest in our national af fairs" exhibited by the republicans. This is -certainly complimentary. But that far-seeing sheet goes farther nd adds : "Reports from Multnomah County state that at least 500 persons did not g to the polls on account of the heavy rain. This accounts for the republican losses as far aa heard from." There are not many who could so ably have accounted for republican losses in California, Nevada, Mid else where. That rain in Portland did it. Pendleton Precinct, Umatilla, Meadows, Grease wood, Centerville, Weston, Milton, Alta, Lena, Upper Butter Creek, Lower Butter Creek, lieppuer, Mountain, iUalock, Van Syckle, Lower Willow Creek, Camas, no election. Cottonwood, 1 38 2 19 46 3 0 10 9 40 28 Rep. 43 16 O 6 The Portland Standard has come off from the late campaign with flying colors. Multnomah, which has been the banner republican county, ha3 been cuWdown in its majority of J une last, in a most strik ing degree. The Standard has valiantly fought it out there, almost alone. Its editorials have been pungeht, concise and racy, always furnishing food for thought, and moreover written witji such dash as to be always captivating to the reader. It should be patronised throughout the DRUGSTORE! ) MAIN STREET, Centerville Oregon. ! Contains a full stock of Pure DRUGS & PATENT MEDICINES, PERFU&iEREES, F.1XCY GOODS AND TOILET ARTICLES PAINTS, SWEET & LUBRICATING OILS i Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, S BOOKS and STATIONARY, Todd's Gold Pens. - .Fine Cigars, and Tobaccos, Choice Wines and Liquors, For Medicinal purposes only, rre&crlntiou and Eeeeipe Compounded j ; with Care and Dispatch. - COOK & lEtVISffB. ADVERTISEMENTS. ST. NICHOLS HOTEL CenterviDe, Oregon. New House, New Furniture. Stages Stop Here. Board, - - - . . fti r u. ... . -r- - Tie Best Table la tkc Cutry. Mrs E Bobins Mr H Bcntley Jin M A MMlocic Jiiei Lizzie Shull Mr Joe Keeney Mrs A Cole Mr J E Bets Mis CynthU Bcatf Mr Lot Livermon Mr A E Fenniatoa Mm V Whltcomb Mr M J Anold. . 8-11 SO -Sm KEXXISOX & ELY, tien'l Agents. UTAH, ED 1114) & AORTIIERX Stage Company. Leaves Pendleton fur Umatilla every Tuea day, l iiursaay auu oatnraay at a r. M. ' Leaves WeEton daily for The Dalles, via 1'ilot Kock and lieppuer, at 1:5 A. II. LfaVes Weston daily for Walla Walla, via.' Miitou. at 10: 4dA. M. ZtSXTJCBX New Coache. Good Stock, Skilled Mnn and male per and reliable Company. H. A. STEEL, Aft-rat. SA1LSUURY. HA1LEY & CO., Proprietor. LAND AGENCY. Dwight & Bailey, Crneral LnI A cent, Katarie I'd Mir mmA ! Seal Estate Broken, i Pendleton. Oregon , Hhtc Tovxsnrr Plat of alt surveyed land, in Umitilla Count aad a record of all'Latid Claim, from the Srat location tu the pi-eat-nt time, and corrected aenii-weekly from the Land DttuA at LaGrande. Will secure claim for parties under any of the Land Law. of the V. S., conduct contested case, before tin Local La ml Office, and on appeal to iba Departnwnt at Washington. V ill furnioh Soldier Additional ITomlead Floala and all kind of Land Scrip on aiiort notice and at le t market rate . Will buvand tell land, ritjr property, Ac., on reasons hcummnion. . ,,. .. Tha Plattf and Becora above referred to are the only one of the kind in Umatilla Connti. and acttk uu avv time and a Uip to Lntarande by Mniiifr tu ua. 5" Vi e have special facilities for foratiuc t , - Cbuiera. state. SCHOOL HEKTIMG. ' TTae Oriental Hair Tonic for preaerv - fog th Lair, The Catholics have presented Garfield with a gold headed cane voted him at the Columbus Cathedral . and he made a graphic response, saying : "I accept this all the more gladly because it comes across one of the lines that divide us religious-ij." and. later advice indicates a majority of two in the House, Vut this is not con ceded yet. Everybody is interested in furthering the jTowth of the city in which he lives. Energy begets energy, and a spirit of progress is infectious. If, two years ago, a large and sufficient number of tenement buildings had been erected by some of our enterprising citizens, our population to-day would have been increased won derfully. The increased number of peo ple aids each and every kind of business, and the whole reacts to t'ne common good. And such a speculation would be profitable in a pecuniary sense to the parties engaged in it. Rents to-day are bringing better remuneration than any ordinary investment of the same money, and herein lies the guarantee of success. It may be urged that this is a bad year. But while this is trae, it need not and does not of necessity form an insuperable barrier to growth, A glance at the de velopment of the city of Weston during the past six months establishes this. At no previous time in our history has there oeen sucn suostanuai ana extensive im provement of a permanent nature. Mr, L T. Reese with hi3 characteristic energy is now at work endeavoring to organize a Real Estate Association for the fur therance of this project It is to be hoped that all those concerned will take hold of the matter in a business like spirit, and tnus remove tne greatest impedimen to onr immediate growth into such di mensions as our business standing and tne surrounding country demand. On Thursday next, the itgal voters are requested to meet to deem upon tfie ad visability of voting a tax for repairs to school building and grounds. By the city law, a si.iewalk must te built by the school district in front of property. Be sides such an improvement is imperative ly required by the children attending scnooL .ine bunuing also requires re painting, for, as it is, it is far from being a credit to the district or ; city. Every thing should keep pace with the spirit of progress and improvement now manifes ted, and particularly a matter of this kind, as it is an index to the true condi tion of public spirit. Milton and Hepp- ner both have splendid school-houses, and we should certainly not allow Weston to fall behind the rest in giving a reputa tion to Umatilla county. aflSTETTlftv J CELEBRATED i lfc fc STOMACH P Soap Walla Walla, W. T. -T. , This csUUiHehment is now thoroughly equipped for MANUFACTURE OF SOAPS On an extensive scale, and I am prepared to fambb for me use oi tiou:Keeper a rx-ttrr article tfcaa cam be bemebt her for the saara aaoacy I PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Send onr order to B-lt-S0-3m Though Slinking Like an Aspen Lear With the chill and fever, the victim of malaria may stilt recover by using this celebrated specific, which not only break up the most aggravated attack, but pre vents ttieir recurrence, id is iiiuuiveiy preieraDie CO quinine, not only because it does the business far more thoroughly, but also on account of its perfect whole someness and invigorating action upon the entire Sj a- win. For sale bv all Drusrciste and Dealer generally Some of our leading democrats in this city proposes to emigrate to South Amer ica now that Garfield is elected. There is a place where all vote solid for the democratic ticket and thev had better all emigrate to that place. It is the place that Ingersoll does not believe in. Pen dleton Tribune. Another sample of the bad taste of that journal. It always crawls up in sight of the defeated, and crows as loud ly as its weakness permits. Of course. though in its locals, no one suspects it of perpetrating original matter, and oar readers have doubtless already seen this sentiment. It is not the plagiarising e object to, so much as the execrable taste displayed in it. NOTICE. LutD Omci at LaGrande, Or., Oct. 12, 1880. Notice is hereby civen that the fo'lowlne-nained set tler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof iti ou 'J y l vi i:cr i-uiui, luju secure luja! cm-ry uicrvOl at trie expiration oi uurty aay irom tne date of tnu notice, viz: STELLA E. SICKLES. D. S. No, 2413. before R. A. Steel, Notary Public at Weston, Uma'-illa county, Oregon, on November Z2d. 1880, for the S of J. it I and N J of Sw J ok Sec 84, Tp 4 N, K 87 E, WM, and names the following as ber witness es, viz: ueiceu. comn, oi walla. v ana. w. T., and Thomas 1. Allen, Reuben Kinney and George T. Berry, vi juiiMin, uaauua couutv, vrcgon. li. w. uwioirr, Oct 18-6w Register. A student of the University of Cali fornia was found to have the small pox. Other cases cause consternation in the city. Fifty cases are said to have occurred in four days. Vaccination is popular thereabouts. There is r.o small pox among the Chinese. NOTICE. Land Office at LaGrande, Or., Oct. 11, 1880. Notice is hereby given that the following named act-, tier has filed notice of his intention to make final proof, in support of hi claim, and secure Anal , ntrv thereon at the expiration of thirty day from the date of thi a truce, viz: GEORGE CARMICHAEL. D. 8. No, 1769, before Register k Receiver at LaGrande. Oreeon. on bovember 24t. 1880. for th E 1 of E i of See 82, Tp 6 N, R 35 K, WM. and names the following as nis iuicsaes, viz; Anorew ry uk, z. r. raweett, law rence Hutchinson and John McLean, all of Weston, vmauua county, vrcgoo. u. w. 1wiobt, Octl-6 Register. To Land Hunters ! Persons wanting land between Tendleton and the Columbia river, should call on W. w. CarlBem. at the head of Cold Spring. Also improved lands, at all price, for sale. 9-2-80-tf forks . J. BTEB, rroprleiar. JMK.TSJT INDIES 312. In Price, at th. ' '. CENTERVILLE HARDWARE STORE ! All kinds of Tinware kept la Stack aa nat to Order. ; . STORES! Job Work and Repairing Neatly and ' Cktaritu dnnt. All (rneuititt. linn meJ.I at Walla, Walla price. U, SMITH. : l-'cnterville, Or. 7-17-80-tf T XT D ATW fJ . JLX. -1AX liliXi Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Pendleton, Oreeon. Town Plats made and Lands Located. OFFICE At the Cent Itut. 80-2-28-lY . - ARCONAUTIA!,": FRANK M. PIXLET, 1 FHKD. 1L BOILERS, f: Tbe AlcoKAtrr la essentiallv a California anhllnliaM bright, breezy of the Pacific and the medium of that coon uumr ot current literature, bent, poet paid, to any address upon receipt of S4.00 yearly snbeenptasa. Arsanaat. W. H. ROWLAND, PHYSIO-MEDICAL OR BOTANIC Disease ? Women and Children, IMphtheria aft Chronic Complaints, also Extracting of tMtk a Spec ialty. Consultation Free at my prBee, dew to Hoffmen fc llorri.', CE.NTERViLL, Or. 7-itso-a ; W. WACNER, - as) teaser la Jb' U JAJSJ X'X' U X.&E1, CI3TEKTI1.LK. . '