------ lP&viagZf'i ' v- . 1 r - '-Ik. "5i VOL. 2, WESTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1880. NO. 47. l. ta WESTOX WEEKLY LEADER W. T. WILLIAMSON, O-. 'COU' WlXUAJUeX JTCelX. raMlsaers. Issued Evert Saturdat Morxino, WESTO. CMATUAA COUSTT OB. 0.Year.(eoto) Six Month : Aras Month. '".i-'lW, ttngl Copies ... Advertising Hates. Om Bauer (1 Ineh) Brat Insertion (Mh additional insertion TnBqvMi (n( Insertion . Each additional Insertion Tires Squares. SrM InserUoa. Each addition! InMition On Qjuartar Colamn, Srst Insertion, yi. aililitry1 insertion, Time adrertlsers by (pedal contract. Local noM 14 MWMlM Brrt iSertlon. 12 nte p.r Mo. each T . .1 ' J Kill rvrth. Illl&l'- aabeeqaeut insertion. ausim" i j - terly. n i l uiim will ha charred 75 cent! Per square t Insertion, and 37 J cent, per square each subsequent Insertion (psyaoie mvnuuv ' None. Simple announcementa of births, marriages aaa deaths will be inserted without chart Obituary notices charged (or aounrdinc to length. . .. 60 ..in .. 1 60 .. Oo .. 1 0 .. 6 60 .. 69 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. SV. KNOX, S Attorney at Law, nirton Territory. npeclai attention pais, iu una vm Will practice la tbe Courts of this Bute ana wan business and Collccuo Offlce-Mala HI.. TCestcn. . G. T. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, OFFICE-.11 Cotirt Hour. Walla Walla ADVERTISEMENTS, NOTIONS! Port Monnaies, Fishing Tackle, STATIONERY, PLAYING CARDS. CUTTLERY AMD PIPES 1 FANCY GOODS, MATCHES. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, 1KENCU AND AMF.KU'A Toys and Nuts, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, M'hoeutlc and Rrtail. Fred. M. Pauly, They stood at the garden gate. By the lifting of a Ud She might hare read her fat In toe little thing he did. He plucked a beautiful flower. Tore It away from its place Ou the side of the blooming bower, And held It against his face. Drank in its beauty and bloom. In the midst of his Idle talk; Then cast it down to the gloom And dust of the garden walk. Aye, trod it under his foot, - As it lay In his pathway there ; Then spurned it away with his boot, . Because it had ceased to be fair. , Ah, the maiden might-hare read The doom of her young life then; But she looked in his eyes instead. And thought hint the king of men. She looked in his eyes, and blushed ; She hid In his strong arms' fold ; And the tale of the flower, crushed And spurned, was once more told. Anon. SLIGHTLY 1NTEKUOCATOBT. MEACI1EN, A.. Attorney at Law and Notary Public. W1I practice n the Courts In Oregon and Washington Territory. Collections Promptly Attended To. 0FFICK. an Mala Htrert. Weit, Or 1 A. ST1SK1., Notary Public and Collector. Agent for Utah, Idaho and Oregon Stage Co's, also, Dealer In Caadira, Nut. Toys, Motions, Clear Tobacco, aad nameroa other artlrlca. QEO. V. REA, - Attorney at Law. ' Will practise In all the courts of the State. BXPrXKB, OB. E W. WESTON, M. D. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. auiva, hukm. All calls promptly attcaded. S. F. SHARP, M. D.f Ilytician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur OFFICE Over Wagner's Furniture Store, Centcrville, Or. 17-ao-tf S. H. Kennedy's Mf g Co ! MANUFACTURERS OF i SHEEP DIPS. The T ,",'rest of th9 kind in tn XT. S 'V Please examine the of the 2 "'jar; (liferent dips and pries, viz: Dissolved Sulphur Dip, Price S2.25 a gallon, This is equal to 30 Us the best Sublime Sulphur. Concentrated Extract of Tobacco-Dip, -Price, $2.25 a gallon, This is my FAVORITE Dip be t CURES SCAB and can as uu.u . u,y degree 01 strengiu witn saiety. Hemlcck Poisonous Dip, Price, $2.25 a gallon. AND IS THE BEST POISONOUS DIP IN USE. Each Gallon of these Dips Will make enough for 225 Sheep after shearing. Special Dip for Scab, Price, $2.50 a gallon. Reliable at any season of the year, especially so in the Fall and Winter, Put np in one and five gallon cans with full directions for use. Pamphlets sent Free to any Address. Sold by all principal dealers in the U. S. J. McCRACKEN & CO., Areata for the PaclflcCoast. D R. W. R. JONES, Omcs at TBI ricroai Galliry, Westox, Orsooh. Inserting Artifldal Teeth, a Seaialty71. . D RS. KELLOGG & NICHOLS, Homoepathic Physicians and Surgeons TALLt WALLA.- OmCE Paine Bros' Brick. XirSpeolal Attention given to diseanes of the Eye, Ear and Throat. mar!Sly. R. JAMES DORR, "X'XIESa?, OVER DAY'S DBCG STOBE, WALLA WALLA 49"retn eztaactod without pain and all work war rentei . C." MACK, Of Walla Walla, will make frequent professional rlalts as weBMm ana reuaicioa. D R. EAGAN, Physician and Surgeon, WESTON OREOOX Oalee, aext door to City Dra Store. prwniptly attvaded. SAN FRANCISCO "Bulletin," -THE Leading Evening Newspaper West or th Rocky Moaatnlns. SI BSF.KIPTIO.N BATES. Doily Bulletin, cue year $12 OC Wecklr and Friday Bulletin (makinz tozcthei a complete Semi-Weekly 3 00 Weekly alone, one year S 50 Farts of a year in proportion. FREE SEED DISTRIBUTION. Each subscrlcer will be presented with seteral rieties of Rare and Valuable TREE, VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS, equal In value to the subscription price oi tne paper. 19 oena lor sample copy, giving imi particuian. Remittances by Draft. Postofflce Order, Wells, Fargo e; Co. s Express, and Kegiatcrcu L.ettr, at our nsK. ADDKCSS S. F. BLLLETIS CO., San FranrlHco, Cal. NO PATENT, NO PAY PATENTS. obtained for mechanical devices, medical or other com- unds. ornamental dnrimis. trade-marks and labels. .veats, Amitrnnients. Interferences, Infringements, and all matters rulatimr to Patents, promptly attended to. We make preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as to patentability, tree oi charge, ana ail wno are inter ested in new inventions and Patents are invited to send for a copy of our "Guide for obtaining Patents," which is sent free to anv address, and contains complete in structions how to obtain Patents and other valuable matter. During the past Ave years ax have obtained nearly three thousand Patents for Aincrira'i and Foreign inventors, and can give satisfactory references in almost every county in the Union. Address: Loots Banter et Co.,Snl:.i K.ir nf Patents and Attorneys at Law, LcLroit Building, Waofeiagton, D. C. Calls R. W. T. WILLIAMSON, Physician and Surgeon, WESTON. OGN. ale at Bis resldeaee aa Water St. W. T: COOK, STOVAR'S' PVBXsZO. OFFICE At Druy Stort, CenUrviUe, Qr3n- 7-17 80 tf T. E. BRAMEL, SUKVETOR AND CIVIL ENGINEER. LOCATED AT WELLS SPRINGS, UMATILLA CO., in Dalies District. Parties desiring land located would do well to correspond with him. Pettysville P.O. J. C STAMPER, MRS. TAYLOR. The Webfoot Restaurant, (Opposite the new Court Houts.) amiTiS - - - - - aaa Brt Meals for Ike Money In Walla Walla. 7 21- Editors Leader: Dear Sir : I see your answer to an en quirer and telling why you are a Democrat. I have read it through and cannot see the point. One reason is that the' Democratic party is older than the Republican party. As j you state it the Democratic party dates back to the time of Jefferson, while the Republican party trnly dates back to Lincoln. It is the same argument that Paul uses to show that inan is superior to woman, for hs says "man fir it was then woman." By that argument the ape would be superior to man, for he was made first. You say the fundamental princi ples are the same with the Democratic party to-day that it was in Jefferson's days. Noth ing could be more erroneous. . Do you sup pose Jefferson would have voted to place Benedict Arnold in the U. S. Senate 1 or do you suppose that the Democrats of his time would accuse him of waving the bloody shirt ' had he refused to vote that way ? Before you claim to be a Jeffersonian Democrat, I would ask you, do you think that Jefferson looked upoii treason as a crime or not ? Do you think he would have voted to turn out a Sargent-at-arms at the Capitol who had held the office of General in the Continental army and put a Tory iu his place? or do you think he would have voted to put Benedict Arnold as chair man ot the committee on pension claims? You believe in State's rights. You leave it as clear mud. Jeff. Davis is a State's rights man, aud every man iu the rebel army was a State's rights man. Define yourself. There is not a Republican in the U. S. who does not hold to State's rights. . But there is a limit to it and thoy ai-9 not afraid to tell it. The Democratic party of to "?y Wow hot and cold with the same breath. ' They are aold men or green- backers to sui? !;S voters either way; to suit like Pat's horse, "if he was any better lor having the heaves ho had 'em." Any one by reading your letter would suppose that the Republican party anted the part of traitors during the war and that the Democrats of Missouri restored the Union. I see you claim Lincoln as a Democrat, and condemn Blaine, Conklins. Cameron, Loiran, Garfield, etc., as deadheads, enemies to the country, bat not one word of condemnation of such men as Hampton, Toombs and the host of men that tried to destroy the best government on earth. You would make people believe that if Demo crats succeed in electing their men and get control of the government that northern Dem ocrats would have something to say about running it. You can make no one believe this. If Democrats win it will be the solid south who is master of the situation, and you know what their feelings are towards the "Lost Cause." Do you think that the "prin ciples that Lee and Jackson fought for are dead with them? Do you think such a Con gress with a President that they elected would look with favor on union pensions ? Do you think they meant it when they said they would tear your amendments from the Consti tution? I will say one thing more about Democratic principles to show you how they : are two-faced. They have contended since the war that a military man was not a man for President." They supported Tilden wh boasted in '66 that he had not given one dollar to aid the unholy war, and Seymour who de nounced the war as a failure (in a speech in Chicago in '64). They support English who was in sympathy with the rebellion and claimed that Democrats in Indiana returned runaway slaves to their masters and called Republicans blackhearted Abolitionists. At the same time they support Hancock who risked his life to fight such principles. If it is not a mixed np mess, what is it? Do you remember that the Democratic party fought the homestead bill for years? and that that party parsed the first railroad grant? No' will you be kind enough to give this a place in the Lea DER ? I write this because there is two sides to the question and both should be read. Truly yours, H. H. Nichols. Wa are pleased with the energy of Mr. Nichols letter. It is so much more satisfactory to find a man openly, and without personal feeling, advocating his views, and combating those with which he differs, than grumbling and abusing in private. To the argument. "We stat ed the comparativo duration of the two parties, but observe, toe drew o infer ence favorable to democracy from its greater age. Fott drew the inference, then argued against it Ton say Jefferson would not have voted to make Benedict Arnold a sena tor Can it possibly be that you com pare the people of the south to-day with Arnold? If that is not your meaning pardon us, but your reference to the "bdy shirt" implies it Are the peo ple of tie U. S. tb-day fellow-citizens ? Have the people of the south political privileges' Do you ask them to be gov erned and yet not allow them, to assist in governing? If you had a quarrel with your brother, then afterwards shook hands with him, professing to live in equality and friendship with him, and yet all the while harbored the feeling en tertained while fighting, would your cr.urse be honorable or treacherous? "When the people of the north professed reconciliation to the south, either they mant it, or they played false. Can any one deny that ? You want us to define ourselves on State's Rights, saying our claim was "clear as mud." "We said the party believed in "constitutional State's Eights." Amendment 10th of the Con stitution reads : "The powers not dele gated to the U. S. by th constitution, nor prohibited by it to the StateSj are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Read Sec. 8 and 10 of the constitution, or rather, all of it for con stitutional State's Bights, and if it be still "clear as mud," we are not responsible. Regarding finances, you are right as far as localities are concerned. Demo crats have differed and do differ on cur rency, but we think you will find the national platforms to be in aecord in that party. You might have said the Repub lican party also, for it "blows hot and cold" just the same. You make nothing by the comparison as to consistency for the Republican party, and lose when on the national record. The Republican party is certain on one financial point they are certainly increasing the capital of U. S. bond-holders at enormous usury by the National Bank system, at the ex pense of the people, while the Democrats have certainly always opposed it We did not say or imply that : the Re publicans were "traitors during the war." Simply this, in reply to the Republican campaign boast that the Republican party crushed the rebellion (rt-.ad platform of 1880), we said that Republicans and Democrats did it, and we brought the proof. "We did not claim that Lincoln was a Democrat We said that certain planks of the Lincoln platform, quoted, are in harmony with the principles of Jefferson, and or the Democratic party to-day and we reiterate it A Demo cratic Congress granted more pensions to Union soldiers than did a Republican one. In comparing the cost of conduct ing government under the last Democrat ic congress, with a similar cost under the last Republican congress, the Democrats diminished the outlay in every item, ex cept pensions to Union soldiers, which teas increasedl The utterances of peo ple a long way off are to be accepted with caution, especially after going the rounds of a strongly partisan press. Til den denied the statement you credit him with and proved his position, four years ago. No considerable body of the south ever threatened to tear the amendments from the constitution. Of course there are extremists on every question. Some man down south may have said it Why, sir, there are men to-day who speak of our southern fellow-citizens as if they were on a level with Benedict Arnold ! It is unfair to brand a whole party for such utterances. When you say the Democrats granted the first rail road lands, do you mean to disparage them ? Then supposing your statement is correct, what blame must be attached to the Republican congress far if-nd grants as subsidies to Kailroais oi terri tory "greater than France, Spa.: and Italy together !" From Wm. M. Evart s Speech at Cooper Institute, OUR WASHINGTON LETTER .... Sept. SB, 1880 I : Thank God, they have got all the see-1 Washihgtoh, D. CL, Oct 8, 1880, " tionalism now in front, and in the solid I Although there is little in the way of ' South. rApplause.1 We will rxlitical news to agitate our social It- save the government from passing into 1 mosphere, yet there has been sufficient the hands of sectionalism next November, I to occupy the attention of our people in and four years hence, and eight years the way ef a fair, which was opened en hence, and twelve years hence, and so on I Tuesday by a large procession ef our during the long roll of the history of the I tradespeople. The principal event which American people. Applause. CAIX FOR A PUBLIC HEETCfG IX HEW TOKK. JA.1. 11, 1ST. To the CmzeHs of New York: To day's Associated Press despatches ef -the events which took plaee in our sister city of New Orleans present the most marked attack upon the rights of American citi zenship which has been made since the establishment of our government. A legislative body of a' sister state, peacefully assembled, has been broken into and dispersed by Federal troops, act- Qr ing under orders from the President of the United States. To give expression to the outraged feel ings which every citizen of a free Com monwealth must experience, that a crime, happily in this country so unparalleled, against underlying principles of our gov ernment, we ask you to assemble, irre spective of party ties, at the Cooper Ins titute, on Monday evening, Jan. 11, it 8 o'clock. Wm. Culles Brtant, Wm. M. Evarts, Wm. K Dodge, Whitelaw Reid. And many others. iV. Y. Suns transpired at the Fair grounds took place - yesterday afternoon when St. J ulien trotted against time. It was.given'out thai, he would endeavor to beat his reconl . of 2:11 J, but in this he did not ficeed. Two heats were trotted: ; one whichwas for the purpose of wanning him -up Vas . accomplished in 2:19 J. The second. which came off half an hour later was trotted in 2:13, and was beautifully done. The action of "St Julien" while in motion is simply perfect, and the race was greatly enjoyed by all lovers of fast t There was a large, attend- PEN'DXf TO ITEMS. ance, about 6,000 spectators being -in at tendance, v ' '" ' " In the line of theatricals there have been some excellent representations at the National Theatre, and manager Kingsley has catered to the public taste. -r; in a manner every way worthy of patron- . age. That admirable burlesque upon the traveling proclivities and habits of the American people, yjz: The Tourists" ' has drawn crowded houses during the past week. In the case of ex-Senator Isaac P. Christiancy now U. S. Minister to Peru, against his yoking wife, Mrs. Lilly M. Christiancy, filed several months ago, but little progress has been thus far made. -Tbe last time the case was before the ' court an order was made directing the Pendleton, Oct. 20, 1880. During the last week Lock wood & Stover have put in a fine pair of hay scales, in front of their Liverv Stable. ' The brick work on Milarkie's new buildimg plaintiff to pay $300 counsel ; fees and is finished. It looks splendid, and will com pare favorably with the brick buildings of any town in the State. We learn that the lower story is to be occupied by Summerville & Raley as a drug store. Too this it is well adapted as the fine glass front will enable them to show their goods to advantage. The second story will be used for offices. Col. Larabee spoke here on the 14th to the largest and most enthusiastic audience which it has been my pleasure to see in Pendleton. The effort is pronounced by both Republicans and Democrats as the ablest ever heard. G. W. Walker Esq. addressed the Haucock and English Club on Friday evening. A large and very attentive audience was in attendance. The speech is spoken of by many as able and interesting. In fact, the. audience evinced their approbation of what the speaker said by loud and long applause. " j On Sunday last, much interest was manifest over the motion made in the Legislature to re consider the motion by which the Division of Umatilla county was indefinitely postponed. We are not advised as to what turn the mat ter took. The residence of Cap. Wm. Martin, sheriff, is nearing completion. The building looks quite well and will be an ornament to our town. Perhaps Cap. commenced this outlay before the Legislature voted him back pay, over the left, but then he is able to foot the bill without any back pay. Much dissatisfaction seems to prevail over the law made by the legislature, relative to making the offices of Clerk and Shariff salar ied offices ; and in fact we fear the Legislature has made quite a blunder. And the fact that nine counties were exempted from the opera tion of the law does not look well. The Oregon Railway and Navigation company have resolved to increase their capital stock from $6,000,000, to $9,- 000,000. Use Oriental Hair Tonic for preserv ing the hair. The house bill appropriating $10,000 in aid of a monument to Dr. Whitman, was reported back to the house with the recommendation that it do not pass. The bill was then indefinitely postponed. The reason that guided the house in its action is said to bo the present financial condition ef the state. The total value of petroleum and petroleum product export for the past year was in round numbers, $34,000,000, being a falling off of $3,000,000, as com pared with the year preceeding. i A field of forty acres of wheat near Watsonville, CaL, yielded 97 bushels p?r acre, a rom i u to au nusneis per acre is reliably reported as a frequent yield this year, in Pajaro valley, j West Virginia election returns are very meager. The democrats claim the state by from 12,000 to 15,000, the re publicans concede it by 8,000. Oh, yes ! Yon can rely on Webfoot oil at all times, night or day, as a sure cure for croup or spasm. Ask for it at McCoH Miller's. Subscribe for the Leader. $100 per month alimony, but it is under stood that the orders have only been par tially complied with, and that several '. hundred dollars are now due from him." A Mis. Christiancy has commenced to move in the matter, and will this week begm taking testimony at 33 Wall street, New ' York, before C. B. Cawles, commissioner. The witness to be summoned before him' is Mr. George E. Haight, who was a pas senger on the steamer in . which Mr. ' Christiancy, in 1879, embarked t join, her husband in Peru. . She did net like V the Peruvian gentleman under whose protection she traveled, and Mr. H. fre quently rendered her assistance during the voyage, and after the arrival at lima -became a frequent visitor at the residence of Mr. Christiancy. - It is well under stood that Mr. Haight will testify that ' during some of these visits he saw Mr. Christiancy while intoxicated assault his wife, and that the minister's conduct tc- -wards his wife was a subjeot ef general talk among the Americans at Lima. -Owing to the limited amount of legal : tender notes, better known as greenbacks, the government dues are now paid by the assistant Treasurer of New York through the clearing in gold. This is - owing to the great demand for the notes all over the country especially in the . - west. There are all sorts of rumors running around, some of them of the asest extra- : ordinary description. One of them is that should Indiana and Ohio go Demo- " cratic in the forthcoming state elections, that Garfield will withdraw in favor of Grant, who will accept the situation, and :- go in for the purpose of breaking up the -solid south, and it is stated that this is - being treated a very serious intention on the part of the Republican candidate for -the Presidency. The Supreme Court of the United ' States will convene for the October term on Monday the 10th inst The Chief -Justice and three of his associates are . already in the city and the balance with the exception of Justice Field of Ceiifor- , nia will be here by that time. The num. . ber of cases on the docket is 909, about 200 more than were docketed last year. -. Among the important cases assigned for argument on the first and second days of . the new term are No. 767. The TJ. 8 , ex neL Thomas M. Bride against , Carl Sohurz, known as the Mormon land case, -which will explode all the Mormon cities -in Utah and open up to settlement H' government lands in that Territory bow held by tbe Mormons; tbe Florida rail- -road cases and the cases of the Louisiana ' and Kentucky Lottery Companies. "H. G. t s i if