ZXwttn 3ctMg gtatttiv SATURDAY, OCTOBER: 23, 1880. . "Blalock precinct which would Turn carried much of the division ticket at ther last election, but -for such niachnvtrfca. was orevented from Toting by unfair influences." "If we fail to obtain it (diviaion) th blama must rest on intrigue emanating front the present county seat, whence hiia issued all tlie opposition hitherto." LEAOKB. Sept. 25th. "SueH. an accusation as to "intrigue" or "opposition" fo the division of Umatilla Coun ty on the part of the citizens tiring in and sear the "conntv seat," we characterise as a wilful and malicious falsehood written with a full knowledge of all the circumatanses." tut Oregonian. Oct. 2. . , Begriniing BUIock precinct, it further said: "Ve have no reply to make to such an in sinuaticn as this, hut would call upon the edi ter of the LSADhR to have at least the man Kneii and candor to express themselves intel ligently upon waatever it may be they are hintiu? at i .d we shall be ready to meet them on that ground a:s. Several times since the Section have vairue illusions been made to it nut its chart's in some taneible shape the only conclusion left is that their authors knowing their falsity dare not bring them be fore the public for refutation. E. 0. Very well, E. 0., we believe the poll-books who were aware that lilalock precinct would support division of Umatilla county. Dr. Blalock's eon reported iu brief thus : . "At the time the poll-books - arrived at the precinct, a young miin, a stranger there arrived also and in an swer to his Questions. Mr. Colby informed him they intended supporting diviaion. He (the stranger) hung around the office for a time, then disappeared witnout saying -gooa-kve' to unv one. Shortly afterwards on look ing for the books they could not be found any where. The young man was tall, slim, dressed in light brown clothes, and had little or no hair on hit. face. One of the men who saw him said he was a vounz lawyer from Pendle ton." Ifthei'. O. desires fuller par ticuhtrs they can be given. Leader Oct 9th. Tlipn nn t.ha 1 lir.h ft Mr. Hot. mmor editor of the E. 0. appeared in a letter "To the public" in said journal, claiming that he was the man described. Of course if the ap fits him, he was entitled to wear it : with that we find no fault However he at -once set out to get evi dence t& connteraet the impression which Y. C. Blalock's statement had made. He approached Y. C. B. (the Dr's son) and vrifJuntt showing the article in the Leader he obtained tho following state ment: "L. B. Cox s Dear Sir- In reference to the article published in the Weston Leader, Oct. 9th, I think the gentlemen are very much mistaken, as I never met or saw Mr. Cox until date. . In regard to the poll-books, I delivered them to the man John Rose who drives ths pack train from "Flurueville to the mountains on Friday before the election, I being at Flumeville. He stated that he delivered the poll-books to one Waggoner, book-keeper at the mountains who left for Montana two or - three days before election. On the day of election a man whese name I do not now know came up looking after the election and pock eted the anti-division tickets and scratched others to suit himself. The above is my state ment and I never made the statement as tier Leader to any one. I was at the mill during tne time reterrsa to, oetore ana utter. Y. C. BLALOCK. Witness, A V. Nye." In a communication subsequently received, Mr. ttlalooic says, "xou may change my statement a little with recard to the man spo ken of on the day of election. I made state- UKUl UClUilUlX UJIU JIB WVHrillg IILII, Ky and brown clothes, I neglected to give you in writing, nease matte tne alteration. ' evidence to suit hin?, here bursts into f ' low, vicious tirade against the editors o' " N. T. Williamson and U this paper. r m PEOPLE OF ORECOX, THE T. 8.. A.l WUKLLfclak. . B. COX li K.NOW.. . E. 0. The reader will observe Y. C. B. says, "I never made the statement as per LEA SER to any one." That is the statement of Leaver as Cox represented it. He al so says, "I think the gentlemen are very mucu mtstaicen, as l never met or saw Mr. Cox until date." It will be observed we made no statement relative to that point. Cox's companion said to Y. C. B. on approaching hint in the buggy, "Did you ever see this gentleman before t" "Are you surel", and then they got him to write his negative answer. He said, last Tuesday, that he could not swear that Oox was the man at Blalock pre rinct a few days before election, or that he was not As to Mr. Colby, we found it unnecessary to see or write him, but give his letter to Mr. Cox, Mr. Colby I was unable to see but enclosed the article from the LEADER, requesting a re tut by mail which has been received and is as follows ' Blalock Mt., Oct. 12th, 18S0. L. B. Cox : Dear Sir.- Yours of the 10th inst. is before me. Have also read the article referred to ia the Leader. I beg to say I have no knowledge of ever meeting or seeing you. . I do not know the name of the party referred to m the article, but remember lie ta vored division. - Y. C. Blalock stated to me t hat "h delivered the books to a Mr. John Rosa who la tarn delivered, them to one 'Waazoner who left for Montana a day or two previous to election. Where the books went it ia auite improbable to say. Ws supposed at the time Wacftener had misplaced them sad having Uft the country of course could jive us no information in the matter. It was JhaJJewty Sheriff of Umatilla County or his ' agent that I told a few days previous toelee- that I supposed the preomct would favor division. Yours very truly, D. & Colby. E. 0. - His "third sentence is remarkable. Hew could he know he never saw Mr. Cox) He might often have seen him without knowing his name. John Hart- . nu says he never was at Blalock pre- - cinet in his life, if he is the Deputy ' Sheriff referred to. We would like to see the letter written to Mr. Colby, as well at his written reply, and perhaps it could be cleared vp as thoroughly as Y. C-Blalock's. But with Mr. Colby m are not directly concerned. This Mr. Cox having gotten this much McColl are, and I so brand them b fore the people of Umatilla County an the State of Oregon, malicious villinV r, contemptible slanderers and consumm: liars, ' 'They manufacture a falsnhu- d out of the whole cloth"-"They forge the name of innocent third, persons to their false and slandeious accusations" "This mendacious couple" "they malign and villify the character of any and every one opposed to themselves" "it may :be considered as the proper course to pur sue in Canada" "Camiu;; into Umatilla County with no testimonials of charac ter, as I can learn" "When they at tempt to smirch my character and des troy my standing among the people of Oregon they must present a stronger case than that they have made out. I might well bring against them an action of slander I scorn to do it : I might call them to a personal accountability, but by so c'oing I should consider that 1 was placing myself on their own base level. I renounce all communications by written of spoken word with them, and shall for the future treat them with that silent contempt they deserve at the hands of every gentleman." The reader may wonder, why this shower of vile epithets? Probably first to divert attention from himself, and secondly, the E. 0. would dearly love to bring the standing of the Leader down to it3 own. The people of this county may remember the nasty language it used to us before, because of correspondence in Leader reflecting on Dr. La Dow (and which was afterwards reasserted in the Independent, without contradiction), which upon receiving his statement, we apologised for. The names of the authors of the letter concerning T. J. Lucy were published with it. And now when Mr. Cox thought he had his case fixed, his spite simply overflowed. Thus he has overbalanced himself., The "speech" at Umatilla and what he "con tributed to the defeat of Dr. Williamson" as causes for our action, is too ludicrous a joke to require serious answer. Then the absurd insinuation thrown out by this Mr. Cox that Berry, Pierce and a third person, "leaders of the divis ion party n Milton precinct," stole the poll-books, reflects no credit on Mr. Cox. Mr.lDolby said the precinct favored divis ion, Dr. Blalock has always said it, and when Mr. Cox asked Y. C. Blalock if he did not think some of the Milton boys stole the books, he "almost lauihed in his face" and told him "of course not, for it was strong for division and be sides that, everybody believed it was a n r mi soiia iiivision precinct. j.aat was a grossly stupid statement for Mr.' Cox The statement we published on tne 9th and for which this Mr. Cox has assailed us as above is .in every respect "correct, as the following affidavits satisfactorily establish. I, Y. C. Blalock, beinjr first duly sworn, do depose and say that the statements made by me to L. B. Cox, were made before I had read or understood the article published in the leader. Having ttince read it, I now say tne statements as made ty tne jueader. are as I made them to father by telephone, when asked by him why we did not bold an election at Blalock precinct. Further, the Leader did not say I liait met Mr. Cox, while 1 was given to unaerstaaa ny nun innt 1 naa saia he was seen by me at the mill before election. The ninn described by the Leader, was the man at the null two or three days before elec tion; and the mail there on election day was a ditterent person altogether. 1 think Air. Cox has gotten the two liadly mixed. I may have conveyed the meaning he published, by my letter, but did nut intend to. V. J. BLALOCK. Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 19th day of Oct. ,1880. JONATHAN 1 ALBERT, Justice of the Peace. State of Oregon, i County of Umatilla. I. B. E. Eastland, and W. T. Williamson, bring first duly worn, each one for himself, and one not for ' he other, say that the state ment published in the leader of the 9th inst., in reference to Blalock precinct poll- books, is in every particular the same as that which i . t. iiial'icK communicated through the telephone to his tut her as reported to us hv the latter at the time in his office at Walla Walla. Robert E. Eastland, " W. T. W ILLIAMSON. Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 'Editors Leader: Don't Cox wind you apt Will you imtinue to issue the Lead r, or subside? fou must be; awful men, both of. you. i won't talk to you, at all, but speak to Mr. Cox, who says he has a "character." i uu do right, Mr. Cox, not to "nstiee or recognize" them, for they are bad men. True, they did not steal the poll books, but perhaps they will two years hei.ee. Then "they have ao testimonials of, character, that you know of," while yon brought papers from Virginia to prfve you had any "character." But, be easy on those unfortunate ones whose actions are their only character, having overlooked the documents. And by all means frame your papers and hang tin mi up, for one is liable to need them an time. You did right of course, but were you not a little "fresh" in calling them "con summate liars," before they had a chance to put in their cefence 1 I'm no lawyer, but back in Missouri they always hearu both sides before giving the verdict, es pecially when the one man got the evi dence and acted as judge and jury. You are a lawyer, and can perhaps back up your position easier with law than com mon sense have more of it seemingly. If they should prove correct, where can you run to The New York Sun knows you for they published your political let ter from "L. Bvrkely Oox, a leading and influential citizen of Umatilla county, Oregon," just as you said. . Go to Alaska. Didn't you-grind them about being "foreign-born V That was a premeditat ed act ot villainy of theirs. How nice it would be if foreigners had never come to our shores ! What an innocent time vou would have had with the native born, if those wicked foreigners had nev er come, say two hundred years ago! But in Canada they actually train chil dren to be villains, and then export them to worry native-born peopie. f You gently refer to where "they at tempt tosuiiich my character and destroy my standing among the people of Ore gon." Pshaw 1 tiiey cau'c do it, it's too heavy a job. They might smirch your "character" for you know you have it only on paper, but they cannot "destroy your standing." Not much: leave you alone for that 1 All strangers have a good "standing" at first; so had you. tomg into the Jiant Vregonian did not neip you very much, but Iroui present appearances you are getting even with that sheet. Just keep on iu vour pres ent course and it will be utterly impossi ble lor anyone to destroy vour good standing. , That was a noble and dignified senti ment yoir" uttered, "I renounce all com niumcatiou by written or spoken word with them." Th.i very time to do it If you had t waited for theii reply, they tt have knocked the "stumu" out of you. And agatn, "tor the future treat tue.u with tuao silent contempt they de serve at "tLe hands of every wentl-man." .Beautiful : just the same as it you were ntleiLan. lh'tt "silent contempt" is suih a sublime method of crawling into a hole. You are clever, very. Who would have thought you could get in such a majestic fahot at Pierce and .Kerry I lhey jirobably first got wind of the books in V ashingtou Ty., and then tried to run them down for two weary days and nights. Wasn't it tunny that they wowd steal those poll-booka, when they were the "leaders of division," and Blaiock precinct was solid for division! Besides there were two or three very suspicious anti divisionists round there ab ut that time, and it was surely more in their line. Berry and Pierce must be very wicked to steal the poll-books away fiom their best precinct. But then, probably they are "foreign-born," or have no written "character" with them. That "speech" at Umatilla! You guessed the cause of the whole trouble. They say before you made that "speech," the whole county was just boiling for di vision. You changed them. You would have utterly demolished Dr. Williamson it he had not spoken alter you. As it vras you made a. good impression, very- They should never have taken you home to Pendleton, and put Coniey in your place. Coniey never made a speech like yours at Umatilla, and probably he never with Your friends maligned you when they said you did more harm than good, Poor, p-o-o-r Cox ! Cu'.iiiiY. "The golden rule of successful trading is to buy in the cheapest and sell in the Jearest market. Under a republican ad ministration, farmers in the United States compelled to reverse this rule. This is owing to the high tariff upon all the necessaries of life which they are obliged to buy. Here are a fe of the most im portant articles with the Advalorem Im port Duty paid on them, according to the kind : MUSIC STORE! Id WitBe i ( - Woolen Uanotacrores, Cotton, Linen Silk Iron and Steel Leather Crockery and E&rthec we, Tin le,te and Ware Hemp tad Jute fabrics Window Glass 64, 6T, 68, 70 and 77 per cent 35, 45, 67 and 63 " SO, S5 and 40 -SO and 60 SO, 35, 45. 48 and 60 BJ, 25, S5, and 50 40 and 45 " ST " 40 " 63 and 72 " MUSIC STORE MUSIC STCR D 20th day of Oct. 1880. SEAL. A. Meachen, Notary Public. The "quack bill'' as it is sometimes called is meeting with considerable op. position. Those who prey and i moose upon the people with pretensions of medi cal skill and marvelous cures are very unwilling thit any legal restrictions should be placed upon their "business." Theso persons are aided in their schemes by the few journals that are willing to assist in duping their subscribers for the sake of the advertising patronage of these same fraudulent quacks. We still hope to see the medical bill become law and rigorously enforced. It works to the ad vantage of the peoule ia other States, and there is no reason why it should not in Oregon. Snbacribe for the LXAOEB. The import duty on diamonds, which farmers do not use extensively, is only 10 per cent but on cleaned "rice it is 93 per cent. This import duty is levied on no less than 1600 artklss. The heaviest rates are imposed on articles of general j -and necessary consumption by the jeo- pie. The dutie3 above given were those collected in 1878. Now let us see what. it cost the farmers. The census of 1870 put the number of agriculturists at 5,- 922,000. It is safe th&i to conclude thai this number had been increased' to 7,000,000 in 1878. Each family would average at least $200 annually spent in buying such goods as are subject to im port duty. This would make an aggra vate of $1,.00,000,000 for one year. The average duty on imported goods in 1878 was 42J per cent. To be on the safe side we will call it 40 per cent. It is a simple mathematical problem then that the farmers paid the enormous sum of $400,000,000 for the sole benefit of the American manufacturers. This is an indirect tax which the republican idea of protective tariff imposes yearly upon the people; and of which Gen. Jas. A. Gar field is so ardent an admirer and so earn est a supporter, as his votes in Congress abundantly prove. As we have seen the duty on woollen goods is from 64 to 77 per cent (average 66 per cent). Therefora for every $20. spent for woollen goods we t'.irow away 8. On every $9 spent in cotton and linen goods we waste $3. And so on through the whole category. Railway iron cost from 30 to 53 pr cent more iu America than it could be boudit for if there was no duty on it. This increases the costof buiMing railroads; but the Com panies make up this additional expense by increased rates of freight, for which the firmer has to pay. And yet the political party that upholds this system of high traift, loudly and constantly proclaims it self to be the friend of the laboring clas ses. ' It is their friend by ext: a lin j from them yearly the modest amount of $400,- 000,000. But what becomes of this $400,000,000 which the farmers pay annually over and above what they ought to pay on goads subject to import duty! The amount of Custom revenue derived from duties on foreign goods imported in 1878 was $130, 000,000. The agriculturists being about one half the population contributed about $60,000,000. But we have seen that they paid $400,000,000, and yet only $60,000,000 of it went to the legitimate purpose of national revenue. What be came of tbe remaining $340,000.0001 The government never received any bene fit from it. Did it cost $340,000,000 to collect $400,000,000 i Their figures show at a glance the grand beauties of protective tariff, and how the poor man is made poorer, and the rich manufactur er made richer by its operation. 107 First Street, PORTLAND, Or, . THE LEADING MUSIC DEALERS ! j Pianosand OrgansSold on the Installment Plan. is-OLD INSTRUMENTS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE." j Mammoth Stock ot - . Sheet Music and Music Books. Sole Agents for the ' GHLESS WEBER PIANOS. Spuare and Haines Bros., Pease & Co., Upright -THE Grand Pianos. Wb rlEsy l & CO. UPRIGHT PIANO Are the best Medium Priced Pianos made. THE ESTEY ORGANS "Siug their own Praises, aud Lead the World." f The Sterling' Organ. D. W. PRENTICE &,?CO. IVSusic 107 First Street, PORTLAND, Or. Store Successor to A dams Bros.) COR MAIN s? e ets WALLA W Keep on band at all times full and complete iitock of G-ENERAX MERCHANDISE, Which old at J WILL OFFER TO THE PEOPLE OF WESTOX AND VICINITY, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS, And guarantee to 111 M rvnranir m Z&'Bij Coming to . Walla Walla and making your PurcJiases of me"J Orders Care?u!Iv and Prompt! Filled. AND AT . ADVERTISEMENTS. From all parts of the State comes the cheering intelligence of unabated interest in the Democratic ranks. If. the good work keeps on until the 2nd of Novem ber, there is a good prospect that Han cock and English will receive the elector al vote of Oregon. The counties east of the Mountains will rive a democratic majority of at least 1200. Multnomah tbe stronghold of Oregon republicanism will tell a very different story in Novem ber from what it did in June. Every week sees deserters from the Republican party joining the Hancock Clubs and working for their success. The hearty, hopeful labor of the democrats is in striking contrast to tbe aprthy of the opposition, and augurs success. Uma tilla may be relied on to do her share a cool 300 democratic majority at the very least. fflll STOMACH At Kichmond Hill, Oat., two brothers named Fahey quarreled, and the elder (track the younger pa the forehead, inflicting pro bably a fatal wound. Their father, at seeing this,feU dead. The advocates of female franchise have accomplished something with, the Ore gon Legislature. The Senate by a vote of 21 to 9 and the House fey 28 to 25 have decided to submit to the people the question of so changing the State Con stitution as to allow women to vote. This is quite a triumph for the Women Suffragists. But Legislature's do not al ways represent public opinion. The ote of the people will change their peans of of joy into songs of sadness and the mor sel of victory that now tastes so sweet will turn to ashes in their mouths. But it may never go before the people as may be seen from the following extract? Blevens of Union presented the follow ing communications: Mr. Speaker I desire to give notice that I shall on to-morrow, or some sub sequent day, move a suspension of the rules of this House to the reconsideration of the vote by which SJB No. 2 -was adopted for the following reasons to-wit: L I have good and reasonable cause to believe that bribery and intimidation have been resorted by one or more of the friends of S J R No. 2 in order to secure its passage. 2. The House had no quorum at the time of the adoption of said S J R No. 2, if Abigal Scott Duniway . says in the columns of the Daily Oregon Statesman of the 15th inst. be true, for where there arc no brains there can be no sense. Thouah KbultlTix Like an Aspen leaf With th chit) and ever, tbe victim of malaria nv Still recover by using th celebrated specific, wbich not only breaks np the most aggravated attacks, but pre vents their recurrence. It is infinitely preferable to quinine, not only because it does the business far more thoroughly, but a! no on account of its perfect wboie pomenea and invigorating action upon the entire sys tem. t or sale bv all Druggists and Dealers generally THE LITTLE JOKER CLOTHES WASHER, ILL WAfH MORE AT A TIlIrT; lanre garments, small ones few or many. washes them clean: never tears off or breaks button cannot ruin the clothes a particle; is easily worked auu avoius pacauig ciotees oexore wasmng tnem. And is Unequalled for Washing Wool. References: : Mrs E Robins Mrs J E Bean Mrs M Bentler Miss Cynthia Beagle MrsM A Unlock : . Mis Lot Livermor Miss Lizzie Shull lira A K Pennfnroa Mrs Joe Keeney lira V Wbitccmb . Mrs A Cole Mrs M 1 Arnold. KEXXESON & ELY, Cicn'l Agents. 8-14-80 4m flnnMH ailslA Political. Satiri- rt VSl3U I 1 eal. Society jour nal, pub.isned every Saturday, at 522 California sL 8. F ...Editors FRANK M. PIXLEY, 1 FKtD. M. SOMLKS, I ' 2MI"0" Jarw2nIIS3E In Prices at the CENTERVILLE HARDWARE STORE"! All kind of Tinware kept In Stock and auade f Order. . . . ' STOVES ! Job Work and Repairing Neatly andr Cheaply done. All Goods t my line told at Walla Walla prices. K. SMITH. Osuterville, Or 7-17-80-tf The Akoonact is essentially a California publication bright, breezy of tne Pacinc and the medium ot tne gooa things ot current Ihuratarc bent, post paid, to any addres , upon receipt of tUMO yearly subsuipuou. Arsonant. To Land Hunters ! Persons wanting land between Pendleton aud the Columbia river, should call on -W. vr. Ca vines. at the head of Cold Spring. Also improved lands, at all prices, for sale. 0-2-80-tf NOTICE. I aim Omoa at LaG&ancs, Os., Sept. 15, 1880. Kottce is hereby given that the following-named settler has nled notice of hie intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from tbe data of uus Douce, via: JEROME REESEB. Preemption, t. S. No. 1730, proof win be taken on the zoo cay oi uetoDer, ioou, neiore n. A. steel, a Kotary rue uc, as "won uniua county, ucegon, I or tne v NWi of Sec IS T 6 N M V, Ulamette Meridian, an . .).. fAllH.1.. 1.1. i t.. . , i t- : . well, Willis Reecer, Andy HcEwao and Eno Goodman, aii tn tiju:ruc, vxcajUH. 11. n. 1 wight. Sept 26-6w . Register. Oh, yes ! You can rely on Webfoot oil at all times, night or day, as a sure cure for croup or spasm. Ask for it at JIcColl t Miller's. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY1 Ia a never-failing Cure ior .Nervous Debility, Exhausted Vitality, faralysis, and all such. ernble effects as Loss A Memory. Lassitude, Aversiou to Society, )iiiinea of Vision, .n,OA in . 1. T T ud many other diseas es that lead t insanity and death. : DR. MINTIE will agree to forfeit Fivk Hundred Dollars for a rase of thin kind the VITAL RK8TORATIVE (under his special adrios- snd treatment) will -not cure, or for anything impure or lujnnou found in it. DR. MIN TIE treat? all Private Diseases suecewtfullr without mercury. CONSULTATION Free. Thorough examination and advice, including analysis of urine, $5.00. Price of Vital Re storative, $3.00 a bottle, or four times the quantity, $10.00; rent to any address upon re ceipt of price, or C O. D-, secure from ob servation, and iu private name if desired, by a TJ II IVTIV t Tl T r . . a. u. oiiii,, m. v., ti avearney aireei San Francisco, Cal DR. MINTIK'S KIDNEY REMEDY. "NEPHRET1CUM," cures all kinds of Kid ney and Bladder complaints, Uonnorrhoeav Gleet, Leneorrboes, For sale by all drog eixta; $1 .00 a bottle, six bottles for $5.00, "' UU. MIM 1S VAJSULLIUI rilAJ are the best and cheapest DYSPEPSIA and B1LLIOUS cure in the market. For sale by all druggets. r2Jj31y W. H. ROWLAND, PHYSIO-MEDICAI Olt BOTANIC Diseases of Women and Chronic Complaints, also Extracting e Teeth a epee- tarty. vonsmoauoB r ree as my vmos. Hoaman Moms', ILMUI 7-17,80-U cnuorea, anptiwiersa as lyOAce, a il.LF. Or.