OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. NATIONAL PLATFORM. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMLUTS. ECHOES FROM THE PISE TBT5E STATE HOW THE XKWS WAS RECEIVED AND IS REGARD ED IN WASHINGTON THE POLITICAL C05CKDSUU OF THE NINETEENTH ' fENTURY -MORTIFICATION AUONO THE MEMBER3 OF PRESIDENT ' SATES CHURCH GRANT TO VISIT " WASHINGTON. Washington, D. C, Sept.18, 1880. Whatever it may turn out to be, the mult of the election in Maine is a disap pointment all round. A disappointment to the Republicans because they had ex pected a victory, and an agreeable disap pointment to the Democrats because they had conceded defect. It goes to show that the judgement cf th v. isc-'.t politics; leaders is not always infllibiv because the calculations of tita shrewdest pur. gr have been blowa to the foar via is. The result demonstrates that, pekuca! leaders have miscalciilated tho politic.! atmosphere. Two wssks ago the r,aiionai democratic committee give up the Sght in Maine and stopped sending speakers into the state. Now, in the light of events this is explained by the apologists that they were conducting a still hunt, ana bad copes ail along or success. Une very clever theory of the deeat is that it will wake Senator Conkling up. He has long had a personal grudge against Senator Elaine, and now that the latter has lost his own state, Conkling will be especially solicitous to carry New York for the Republicans, this to serve notice on the Maine Senator, that after alltthe Presidency can be carried without the Pine Tree State. At the Interior and Post OInce Departments, there is consid erable gloom. But little public business Las been transacted during the last three days, most of the clerks being engaged in discussing the political situation and the prospec'.s of tne future. One strange feature of the situation is that neither Democrats nor Republicans can make any satisfactory explanation as to what contributed to sueh an unexpected result. One thing is sure, that from this time on (till the 2nd of November we shall have nothing else but politics politics in the morning with our breakfast, politics in our business, at our luncheons, politics at our dinners, and we shall no doubt take politics to bed with U3. And then, when 'tis done, will it be done? or will it hang on all winter long, as it did in '76, and nobody bo sure of anything 1 Whatever is the result let us pray that it will bs eo decisive that no electoral cemmissions will be necessary. Let us have at least one quiet winter so that we may know exactly what the harvest will Ve in the spring trade, harvests don't generally coiub in the spring, but politi cal harvests come in the spring every four years whether or no. Some of the friends of the President, who belong to the same church, are quite scandalized over his proceedings during his present term. Tl ey say that during the President's stay in Washington he conducts himself with the utmost propri ety, permitting no beverage stronger thaa Appolinaries to be placed on the White JTouse table, conducting regularly Sab bath evening prayer meetings at the Ex ecutive Mansion, absenting himself from balls and receptions, and invariably re fusing the offers of private boxes at the theatres, which were sc promptly accept ed by Gen. Grant. As in n arked con trast with this they point tu t; action of the President ir. parricip v, :r;c: while )n Salt lake City, i.i Svn.hy it? vit'.es with the ungodly Mcrmcna, ;n h;:' oc-u-pying a box at a theatre u tLe eitv of San Francisco in full view of Li.-. ! whole audience, and rao.-t culpable of ail, in his going to a dancing reception in Monterey,' although, as we are informed by the telegram, he did not dance him self. If the President continues to fall from grace in this style, it is not unlikelv that he may be "disciplined." Gen. Grant is soon to be in Washing ton. He has promised his old friend Ned Beale that he will be here by the first of next month and stay a fortnight. If only Itafe Ingalls and General Sher man were here, what a good time they ' would have Grant is more familiar with five Generals that I can name than with anybody else in the world. Here they are: General Beale, General Sher man, General Ingalls, General Van Vleit and General Macfeely. He uncorks himself with them as it were and gets over all his reticence. He feels free and easy and at home. With them he will play Boston all night long. H. G. Webfoot Oil cures pain, internal or external in from one to fifteen minutes. Warranted. For sale by McColl & Miller. Subscribe for the Leader. ADOPTED BT THE CINCINNATI CONVENTION. The Democratic party of the United States in convention assembled, declare: Ffrst We pledge ourselves anew to t!e constitutional doctrines and traditions of the Democratic party as illustrated by the teach ing and examples of a long line of Democrat ic statesmen and patriots, and embodied in the last national cenvention of the party. Second Opposition to centralization and that dangerous spirit of encroachment which tends to consolidate the powers of all the de partments in one, and thus to create, what ever be the forms of government, a real dep- otisni; no sumptuary laws; separation of church and .State for the good of each; com mon schools to be fostered aud protected. Third Home rule, honest iuone3 th strict maintenance of public faith, consisting I gold, silver and paper convertible to coin on demnnd; the strict maintenance of the public faith, State aud national, and a tariff i r revenue only. Fourth tbe subordination of the military to tho civil power, a:sd a general and thor ough reforu. ot the civil service. Fifth Eight to a free ballot as the right preservative of ail rights, and must and shall be maintained ia every part of the United States. Sixth The existing ailnunistraton is repre sentative ot conspiracy only, and its claims of right to surround the ballot boxes with troops and deputy marshals, to intimidate and obstruct the elections, and by unprece dented use of the vote to maintain its cor rupt and despotic power, insults the people, and imperils their institutions. Seventh The groat fraud of 1876, by which, upon a false count of the electoral vote of two States, the candidate defeated at the polls, was declared to be President, and for the first time in American history, the viJ of the people was set aside under the threat of military violence, struck a deadly blow at out system of representative govern ment. The Democratic party, to preserve the country from tho horrors of a civil war, submitted for the time, ia the firm and pat riotic faith that the people would punish this crime in 18S0. This issue precedes and dwarfs every other. It imposes more sacred duty upon the people of the Union than was ever addressed to the conscience of a nation of freedmen. Eighth We execrate the course of thisad ministration in making places for political criminals, and demand a reform by statute which shall make it forever impossible for a defeated candidate to bribe his way to the seat i;f a usurper by villainies upon the peo ple. Ninth The resolution of Samuel J. Tilden not again to be a candidate for election, the exalted place to which he was elected by a majority of hfs countrymen, and from which he was excluded by the leaders cf the Re: publican party, is received by th? Democrats of the United States with sensibility, and they declare their confidence in his wisdom and patriotism and integrity, unsullied by the assault of the common enemy, and they further declare to him that'he is followed into the retirement he has chosen for himself by the sympathyand respect of his fellow-citizens, who regard him as one who, .by ele vating the standard of public morality and adorning and purifying the public service, merits the lasting gratitude of his conutry and his party. Tenth Free ships aud a living chance for American commerce on the sea and on tbe land, no discrimination in favor of transpor tation lines, corporations or monopolies, Eleventh Amendment of the Burlingame Treaty; no more Chinese immigration excep for travel, education and foreign commerce, and therein carefully guarded. TwelfthPublic money and public credit for public purposes solely, and public lands for actual settlers, Thirteenth Tho Democratic party is the fri- nd of labor and tho laboring man, and pledges itself to protect him alike against the cormorants and the commune. Fourteenth We congratulate the country upon the honesty and drift of th Democrat ic Congress whiuh has reduced the public ex r nditures to 840.000.000 a yeafj upon the roitinuatioD of iTufperity at home and the a- -lonor airmail, and above all, unnn pr -i: of such a chonge in the adminis tration ci tl.is government as shall insure its genuine. : s.ing reform in every department of the public service. ADVERTISEMENTS. WALU WALLA BAKERY. Established 1381. 'manufacturer or BREAD, CAKES AND PIES And all kinds of CRACKERS. Fire-Proof Building, Main Street, jan25tf WALLA WALLA, W. T N. DUSENBERY & CO.'S STILL CONTINUES on a CASH BASIS, and we have just received unusually large invoices of Dry Goods Clotoiug, tients furnishing Goods, boots and Shoes Groceries and Provisions, wbich we are prepared to sell at the LOWEST possible rates FOR CASH." Grain Bacon, Lard, ate, taken in exchange for merchandise Remember tne place: opposite Drug Store, Main greet Woston. Or. SHitn;- J. H. EALEY. Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Pendleton. Oreeon. Town I'lats made and Lands Located. OFFICE At the Covrt Honse. THE BEST or ALL LINIMENTS PCS 1IAH OS BEAST. When a medicine lins Infallibly done Its work In mil ioiis of casus for nor than a third ot a eunturv: u lii-n It liat KS rva-hel even- twrt of liiu workl: when Fjj numtmrlesa iiiiuiltos cverywh rt con- imm m-.-eil!iit, it. is prelly Bale to call &UL-11 a lueUicino m BEST CF ITS KfflD. This is t!io ensn t?UU 1 lie SFvslran Wiutang l.lulraeist. Every muil briiigs jjilelilgi'iiccol'it alnnble home saved, ilie ai;- -ny i f 11:1 awful scald or imrja )ubciuil, ll.o hrr .'3 of rlieit-mnt-m overeomo, pncl of a tlionsauil-aii'.l-on8 ether b basiutr and luerei M iHTfonneit -liy tho clu reliable 3Ix- '.il forms ofS'iii wiiil iisoaso arvt.' speedily i-urml by I lie ' ' YTuslftnflr Jiinimont. Jt l'tiicfnti. ti.uscle. membrnnn find tissue. 10 tho very l,on, bunishiiiij puin him curing mscasu wn ! ti power novev fails. It is n ixiciiclneaetoi by everybody, lYum Uiu ranc1itro who rules overtho solitary plains, to the merchant 1 prince, and the ooduulter who splits! his to.:t wall tho axe. I It ore Itheimittuam when all other f applications tail. This wtmileiml I fill!! frcli!v niircM such ailments of tUel S 1 ir . tri .... I KElmiiftticin. Nwnlllnira. KtlfT iJoiuO, otitm-t. 1 ItluM-lu, Uurii 5i 8s felines, PitSOiifS-;, iimctieg, 4Jt riorum, Tlcers. lVfSt?!tei, 4 U Utlains. t-ij-I.i; every form of external ds- H -'.o r ',;nt Kt rrraocly for ths dis orcr : j i 0 mi t m lo which the U.ivi 'n i: :v.i v i v ' R'ibjcvt' lliut has i ii-'-i Li-.1.- w J', cui'oa '-ve, y-:--t. Si"., -!-. w V.'iu Scaii, I r"yt Jtmiionef t'. tv-i--:z. t?e ,cfiiw."' Hie &tato if.f-nl fiir?c aril arc Haiti-. Mufl'-i:- l-hi;:neiit 1 na often snvert u it rnJ i ni :nnt ft wear. Jt ffos to pa tho wry roi. ti liio m.atcr, ieueLrttiiig G-oa tho boiif. 15 cinea cve-iyb'uly, imd cii8appoint o rno. J Ijmh bfen in steady umi lor tno- Uian ivvouly-Hvu ye aw, aud ta positively TEE BLEST CF ALL FOE 0B BEAST. MA8,QUEr MASUFACTCES" o.ND DKAM.R 'S SADDLES, BRIOLES, HARNESS, TC. Rrtck Knifdins, sSain St., Vnlla . 1 will kteji at all tinei! fui! it'.-ok of Team and 2ugjy Hatness, 3ADDLF3, vfi;:s, SPl BS. ll-VUtES. And evei-v Harness Sir .ually kept in a first-class REPAIRING oeatly and promptly done. -4 TOS. CEISX. LAND AGENCY, Bwiglit & Eailey, Gcrcrrl aLand Ns Curie Public and Keal tnt Krokers, PendStcn, Oregon , Have Township JPlats of all Purveyed lands in Umatilla County and a record cf all land Claims from the firsr location to the present time, and corrected 8tmi-weekly fiom the Land Office at LaOrande. Will secure claims for parties under any of the Land Laws of the U. conduct contested cases before the Local Land Office, and on appeal to the Department at Washington. Will furnish Soldiers Additional Homestead Floats and all kinds of Land Scrip on short notice and at lowest market rate Will buyand sell lands, city property, &c, on reasona bcommssion. : Tho Plattf and Records abo'c referred to are the only ones of the kind in Umatilla County, and settlers can save time" and a Uip to LnGrande by coming to us. TWe hare special facilities for locating new coznei'8. - - E. L. GFESSAZ, dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, Wold Pecs etc. Repairing a Specialty 1 B'ain cireet, Weston, Cr. 8-7-80-tf j. c. pta:.:i ? mrs. tayloe. The Webfoot Restaurant, (Opioiite the netc Court House.) TVXTiJZJZUZS. ------ 250 .Best Meats for tne Mon?y In Valla Walla. 7-24- MEXICAN J. H. IRVI5E, 31. D DRUG STORE! MAIN STREET, Centeniile Oregon. Contains a full stock of Para , DRUGS & PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS AND TOILET ARTICLES PAINTS, SWEET & LI ERIC AT! KG C!LS Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. BOOKS and ST A T10NARY,: Todd's Gold Pens. Fine Cigars, and Tobaccos, Choice Wines aud Liquors, For Medicinal purposes only. PrescrlpUoas and Beceipes Cemjiounded yUti Care and Dispatch. cook Ss acEfc"xxarza . E. BAKER, Proprietor. Tbis Centrally located and Popular House having been entirely Refitted and Kefurnished is Now opened to the public under the New Management. THE TABLE Will at all times be fonnd furnishrd -with the Very Rest the market affords, and every exertion made to satisfy tbe wants of the patrons ar tbe Douse. THE BEDS Are all new, and the rooms have been furnished in th neatest style and with every convenience usually found in a first-class house. The Pendleton Hotel has a Fire-Proof Safe fo ths deposit of Valuables. And in all Its departments It vr'Hl be up with the times and the Proprietor is determined that it siial maintain the reputation of being the Dest Uouse East of tbe Mountains. THS STAGES STOP HERE. The resident and traveling public are respectfully invited to call. . E. BAKES. Restaurant ! i ho ensv cr.e ift Jseppr.es-! ICE OMS Flit F. IO tiETA i-f ftAKE MUXL Just below T'-r .,er's Livery Stable ! :nOBEe SHOP! In connect ten vrith the Iiouse. A. P.. DlTZEL. UTAH, IDAHO & lYORTHERN Stage Comparsy Lfaves Peiidlt'tnn for Un'atilla every Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 5 P. M. Leaves Westrn daily for The Dalles, via Pilot Kock and lieppner, at 1:5 A. M LrAvrs Weston daily for Walla Walla, via. Milton, at 10: 45a. m. New Coaches, Good Stock, Skilled Driven! and able per loiniance ol service are tbe features ot this old and Reliable Company. K..A. STEEL, Agent. SAILSBURY, HA) LEY & CO., Proprietors. Heait Market! 8. A. JOllX. Pruprictor. Peeler in FRESH SAT.T MEATS 1 MEAT, Fisb, Fruit and Vegetables, Etc, Etc. Are alvraya Fresb and Good. All Order are Filled vi 1th Promptness. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Liberal Discount Made on Large er Cash SaJes. w T. COOK, ILLUSTRATED Catalogues BENT FEEE. I BBATTLBBOEO, VT. Offers to sell to the tmest aud best SADDLES, HARNESS AND 3 per ocut l ess than any otber Saddlery Homse this side of Portland. TTAVING RECENTLY REMOVED TO J 1 omce. i am preparea to furnish anv Kind have been sold in Walla Walla. All my Harness made of the best California Oak Tanned leather. NOVE BET THE CEST WOEKMEX No trouhle to show troods. Carriage. Trimming with dispatch. I 4-17 V. WORMINaTO: WXLTOS, DRY GOO GRCCERiES, Heavy Sto COAL OIL TCBACCOand CIGARS- CANNED FHUJTS Qr ALL KINDS Hardware, ilroB L2& Stir CLOVES OF ALUKfMDS A SPECIAL1 Y i?f!J8ucc taken in E.f!iance. kfaav ays UndertakeR. NO extra charge for Hearse!! : WESTOFJ Oregon. pap , ! Walla Walla, V. T. This establishment is now thoroughly equipped for MANUFACTURE CF SOAPS 1 On an extensive scale, and I am prepared k fnmih for the ue of Hcusckeepcia a Ih tier nrltcle tban s cait be t.uht here for the uiuc luoutj 1 PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. Send your order to 8-14-80-Sm, f. J. DTEB, Provrletor. S. F. SHARP, M. D., P ljEic;ij, ticcri, ttd Accccchetr OFFIGEi-Ot)er Wagner's Furniture Store, Centerville, Or. 17-80-tf 1 ST. PAULS SCHOOL, A Boarding and Day School IFOR GIRLS. The Christmas Term beina on Thursday, Sept. 2 1SS0. It is Important for evtrj- pupil to be prew nt o the FIRST DAY OF THE TERM ! For paitlcuUrs. call at the school on Poplar Street, betw-cn -eeoni acd Taird Street, or Address the PRINCIPAL, ItKs, h. B. Wi.LI. 7U 3m n-alla walla, w. T. A -1 Host Exto i V.'A ( TJbrldJ Purit) of &" Durability iORGA.i:. AIMS UflHIVAlX '.Si - - ;r - f". public one of tbe selected stocks ot SADLERY HARDWARE, 7Tu MY OLD STAND, OPPOSITE THE' of eoods in mv line for lass monevtb- and Saddles are of niy own maaufacfr ""d i j EMPLOYED IS VT ESTABLISBMENTf - . 1 and repairing of all kinds done j IU? ihon JAaJSS WMJil LAti, . Main Street WallA Watta, OREGON, CROCKERY CLASSVABF J a AS1- 1 -ja of . BOOTS ard SHOES, ft I.MILLXjINERY !!; HE LADIES OF WESTOX AND VICtN'tTt 6igced have opened and now otter lor aato CobiW tfock ol Hrat-Chu, - J IsilLLINEFaYl GOODR.f The Latest Styles of Hats and E;.a: nets always on tand in Gre; t T riety. FEATHERS, FLOW! pi and every sina 01 lnnv . ' "MING to suit the most r Pastidious. AGENTS for WAEEEN'S HEALTH . Corset. MUX STBEET TTESTOS. ! INext door to Hardware Store.) 1 j MILLER & SC1INEBLEY. 4 6-27-Sm . '.. 1 THE Valley Academy I hoarding and Day School for Boys. " ! Walla Walla, W. T, Second Year Begins Monday, September ; 6th, 1880. wrnm ishtiti tioi. offers a thob- J3m ough Enjlish and classical course. Bnysptf CftieU for college a Specialty. Tuition no, 14, 2Q and $25, according to class, per term, (half year.) Board and washing, $110 per term of 20 weak. For further particulars, address the Principal. Rev. 1. McCOSKF.Y, 91. A., B. !.. P. O. box 202 , Will Walla, 1. T. (Opposite Post Offtcs,) Main St., Walla Walla, W. T. E. It. ROUNDS, - - Propeibtob. rd, per !av, 1.00. Board and Lodging, par sroek, $5.00 and W.09, according to room. teals,2Se.. j Beds 26 and 60c r e Coaefc to the Hotel, tor raMeaser. tsnno bHTNAMEH" EMPLOYED.? North end of Water St. H. A- GrREEN Keeps constantlr on hand a full supply of Har, 4.ntla oats, etc., and all bones left in our charge ju receive good treatmaat. Prompt attention gives to stock day or night good com! and camping grounds adjaesnt to slabic