4 7o ShMinne VOL. 2, WESTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OKEGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1880. NO. 441 Ji -$1 -M H - 1 WESTON WEEKLY LEADER W "t. WILLIAMSON, M'COLL VOUUUM WfLt. ItMUfceri. Ibbuso Every Saturday Moekiso, ADVERTISEMENTS. WESTON. UMATILLA COUNTY abaertptlon Bale OR. One Tr. (coin). .88 00 llltaotta.--- ; Montns. v - rime ginfl Oopie. .124 CU Advert! ulna; Bale. OoB)iua(l Inch) first insertion.... tl SO Cith aUuisional insertion. " 60 Two Squares, tmt Insertion ! 50 VKh additional Insertion I 60 Thiw Squares, lint insertion. too Eairii additional insertion. 1 00 (tot Quarter Column, ttnt insertion 8 40 Each addition! InMrtlon. 3 SO Tim advertiser by special contract. Local notice 9 eenta nor line ft rat Insertion. 121 cent per line each subsequent Insertion. Advertising bill payabe quar terly. All lesral notieei will be ehanred 75 eenbi per quare rat InMrtlon, and 87i cent per square each lubsequent Inssruon ipayaoie monuuyj. . NoTiflL Simple announcement of birth, marriage an death will ft Inn nod without enarg. ODituary nouses ehanred lor aounrolng to Isngtn. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. S. V. KNOX, Attorney at Law, Will nractle In the Court of thl State and W ah ngton Territory. Special attention paid to Land Office BIMHIMM mum VVJIWUUIM. eMee-Mala HI., Weston. O. G T. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, OFFICE At Corn Bonnes Walla Walla A MEACIIEN. Attorney at Law and Notary Public. NOTIONS! Port Monnaies, OOMBS, BIbTTSECB 3 Fishing Tackle, STATIONERY, PLAYING CARDS. CUTTLlRY AND PIPES! FANCY GOODS, MATCHES. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, FBESCH AX AMEBICA.V Toys and Nuts, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, W hocsale and Betall. Eleventh Regular Session of the Oregon Legislature. Fred. Pauly. MU practio a the Court. In Oregon and Washington Territory. Collections Promptly Attended To. OFFICE. n Mala Street. . Weston, Or T A. SJEEL, Notary Public and Collector. Afff.l inr Lull, Id V.i'j snd Oregon Stage Co', alo, T.ler In fnlt'.. Stilt, Toy. SoUojis l2r TiTac u. aisif nmii. oibft if llc!e. a -). Vt. UK A, Mlorney at Law. Will p-actlM . " " :ti(.l t'.e S.o. HEPPNKB, .. W. WESTON, M, D. physician. Surgeon and Accoucheur. NILTV.1i, OKECOX. u All call promptly alteadcd. S. H. Kennedy's Mf g Co MANUFACTUBERS OP SHEEP DIPS. The T--",--e3t of the kind in th TJ. S Please examine the of the ummf (liferent dips and pries- viz: Dissolved Sulphur flip, Price $2.25 a gallon. This is equal to 30 lbs the beat Sublime Sulphur. Concentrated Extract of Tobacco Dip, Price, $2.23 a gallon, rhis i my FAVORITE Dip be t CURES SCAR and can as degree of strength with safety. Hemlrck Poisonous Dip, Price, $2.25 a gallon. AND IS THE BEST POISONOUS DIP IN USE. Each Gallon of these Ti?3 Will make t.noiigh for S.'aaj, after i'mariny. $pcc!i Dip for Scab, Puce, g2,.0 a .rtll-a. to at any season cf tSie yew, especially Put up in o... , c3-.v'i with full directions for use. - - . Pamphlets sent Free to any Address. Sold by all principal dealers in the U. S. J. McCRACKEN C- CO., . Asr.nt for the PactOcCoast. w. WACNER, aad dealer in J' U XfeTATI'-L USE, CeXTEBVILLE, OCN. D R. Y. R. JONES, Omci AT nil Pictur Oailirt, Wutom, Okrooii. r-TIoMrtlng ArtiAcial Teeth, a Sfejlalty 'Bl. SAN 'BuMetiia," J THE- RS. KELLOGG & NICHOLS, omoepathic Physicians and Surgeons WALLA WALLA. OPTICE-Paine Eros' Brick. tVSpedal Attention given to dlaeaaea of the Eye, Ear ' and Throat. marBly U. JAMES DORR, Leading Evening Newspaper Went of In Rocky Mountain. KEBSEBIPTIOX BfTES. D illy Bulletin, one year f $13 60 Weekly and Fridny Bulletin (making -together a complete Hemi-n eeKiy if w Weekly alone, one year X 60 Parts of a year in proportion. FREE $EED DISTRIBUTION. Eah euhacrlccr will bo presented with sever! ve rieties of Rare and Valuable TREK, VEUETABLH and FLOWER SEEDS, equal in value to the aubucription price of the paper. -3T sena lor sample uopy, giving parueu.ara. Remittancea by Draft. PoutofBcs Order, Wells, Turjo & Co.'a Express, and Registered Letter, at our rUk. ADVKB8S B. F, B! LLETIN CO., 8an Franrtaeo, al. DHNTIST, ,p!EB BAT'S DBIC 8TOKK, WALLA WALLA tJTToeth extaavted without pain 'enU) . and all work war c. H. MACK, DBWTIST, Of Walla Walla, will make frequent profession visit R. EAGAN, Physician and Surgeon, WESTOX OREGON Mf, next dor ( City DrC Klore. premplly alirnded. Call R. W. T. WILLIAMSON, Physician and Surgeon, WESTON, OGN. tBc at hi realdcBec m Water M, D RS. BOYD 3t A LB AN, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, VALLA WALLA. c rain Br Kew tain. Brlrtt Black, np SO-fMjrr NO PATENT, NO PAY. PATENTS, obtained for mechanical device, medical or other com pounds, ornamental designs, trade-marks and labels. Caveats, Assignments, Interferences, infringements, and all matters relating to Patents, promptly attended to. We make preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as to patentability, free of charge, and all who are inter ested in new inventions and Patents are invited to send for a copy of our "Guide for obtaining Patents, which I sent free to any address, and contain complete in structions how to obtain Patents and other valuable matter. During the-past five years we have obtained nearly three thousand Patents for American and Foreign inventors, and can give satisfactory references In almost every county in the L'nion. Address: Loni Bac2Ti Co., Solicitors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, Lel)roit Building, Washington, D. C. T: E. BRAMEL, SURVEYOR t AND CIVIL ENGINEER. LOCATED AT WELLS' SPRINGS. UMATILLA CO.. . in Dalles District. Parties desiring land located would do well to correspond with him, Pettysville P.O. W. T: COOK, Btro or A-itT-r fubx.zo. OFFICE .4 1 Drvg Stare, Centervilh, Oregon. 7-17-80-tf II. B. No. 64. Introduced by Mr. Wilson, and read first tim September 21, 1880. - A Bill for An Act to Create the County of Knox and fix the salaries of County J udge and Treasurer of said County. Be it enacted by ike Legislative Assem bly of the State of Oregon: Section 1. That all that portion of the State of Oregon embraced within the fol lowing boundary lines, be, and the same is hereby created and organized into a separate County by the name of Knox to-wit : Beginning at mid channel of the Columbia river,' at a point north of the meander post on the section line between sections nine (9) and ten (10), township five (5) north, range twenty-nine (29) east; thence south on said section line to the center of township three (3) north range twenty-nine (29) east; thence east to the center of towrjship three (3) north, range thirty-three (33) east; thence south to the township line between townships two (2) and three (3) north, range thirty three (33) east; thence east on said line between said township two (2) and (3), to the south-east corner of township three (3) north, range thirty-three (33) east; thence south on range line to the base line;" thence east on base line to the sum mit of the Bbii mountains; thence north easterly oa the line between Umatilla county and TJnitn county, to the State line between Oregon and Washington Territory, thsr.ee west on said line to the channel oi the Columbia river; thence down the channel of said liver to the point of beginning. Sea 2. The territory embraced within said boundary lines shall compose a coun ty for all civil and military purposes, and shall be subject to the same laws and re strictions, and be entitled to elect the same officers as other, counties of this State; Provided, that it shall be the duty of the Governor, as soon as convenient after this Act shall become a law, to ap point for Knox county, and from among her resident citizens, the several county officers allowed by law to other counties of this State which said officers, after duly qualifying according to law, shall be entitled to hold their respective offices until their successors are duly elected at the general election of 1882, and have duly qualified as reqnired by law. Sac. 3. The temporary county seat of Knox county shall be located at Milton, in said county, unti) a permanent loca tion is adopted. At the next general election in November, 1880, the question shall be submitted to the legal voters of said aisunty, and the place, if any, which shall receive a majority of all the votes cast at said election, shall be the perma nent county seat of said county; but if no place shall receive a majority of all the votes cast, the question shall be gain submitted to the legal voters of said county, between the two points haying the highest number of votes at said elec tion, at the next general election, and the place receiving the highest number of votes at such election shall be the per manent county seat of said county. Sea 4. The County Clerk of Umatilla county shall send to the County Clerk of Knox county, within thirty days after this Act becomes a law, a certified trans cript of alj delinquent taxes from the as sessment roll of 1880, that were assessed within the limits of Knox county, and also a certified transcript of the assess ment of persons and property within the limits of Knox county for 1880, and the said taxes shall be payable to the proper officers of Knox county. The county Treasurer of Knox county shall out of the first money collected for taxes, pay over to the Treasurer of U niatijla county the full amount of State tax on the as sessment roll of 1880 due from citizens of Knox county; the said Clerk of Uma tilla eounty shall also make out and send to the Clerk of Knox, within the time above limited, a transcript of all cases pending in th Circuit and County Court of Umatiiia county between parti-s resid ing ia Knox cour.ty, and transfer all orig inal papers in said cases to be tried in Knox couaty. bee. o. ai)p said .county of Knox is hereby attached to the Fifth Judicial Tistrict for judicial purposes, and the terms of the Circuit Court for said coun- j ty shall be held annually at the county seat of said Knox county, on the first Monday of September and the first Mon day of April in each year, until other wise provided by la Sec. 6. The County , Court of Knox county shall be held at the county seat of said county on. the first Monday in January, April, July and October of each lyeaiy:'.-. Sec. 7. The legal electors cf Knox county shall be entitled to elect at the general election of 1882, and thereafter until otherwise provided by law, one member of the house of Representatives while the county of Umatilla shall be en titled to elect but one. The counties of Knox and Umatilla shall constitute the Seventeenth Senatorial District, and be entitled to one Senator until otherwise provided by law. . Sec. 8. The county of Knox within one year after its organization by the ap pointment of its officers as hereinbefore provided, shall assume and pay to the county of Umatilla a just proportion of the indebtedness of Umatillo county, after deducting therefrom the value of the public property of Umatlll county. And in case the County Courts of Knox and Umatilla counties cannot agree upon the amount of said indebtedness to be assumed and paid by Knox county, then the same mav be ascertained and deter mined at the suit of Umatilla county as in other actions. Sec. 9. Until otherwise provided by law the salary of the County Judge of Knox county shall be six hundred dollars per annum. Ihe salary of the County Treasurer of said county shall be three hundred dollars per annum. The other officers of said county shall receive the same compensation tor their services as is provided by law tor lite omcers m Um atilla county. ec. 10. Inasmuch as there is urgent public need of division of the county, this Act shall take effect and be in force from and alter its approval by the Governor. EI. B. No. 53. Introduced by Mr. Kelly, (Umatilla) and read first time September 21. A Bill for an Act to be entitled "An Act to divide Umatilla county and to Create and Establish the Counties of Wise and Coal out of a portion of the Territory thereof, and to define the Boundaries of said Counties; to provide for the Appointment of Officers there of, and to locate the County Seats of each of said Counties, and to fix the Salary of the County Judges and County Treasurers of each of said Counties." Be it enacted by the Legislative Assem bly of the State of Oregon : Section I. That all that portion of Umatilla county in the State of Oregon embraced within the following boundary lines be, and the same is hereby created and organized into a separate county by the name of Wise, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the Columbia river where the range line between ranges 29 and 30, east of the Willamette meridian, inter sects said Columbia river, and thence running south on said range line to the center of west boundary of Township 4, north of the Wilkmette meridian; thence east twenty-seven miles to the center of range 31. east of the Willamette merid ian; thence south to the middle of the channel of the Umatilla river; thence up the channel of said Umatilla river to the mouth of Meacham creek, thence up said Meacham creek to the western boundary line of Union county; thepce northerly along said boundary line to a point where said lines intersects the 46th' parallel, north latitude; thence westerly along said line to a point where it intersects the Columbia river; thence down said Colum bia river to the place of beginning. Sec. 2. The territory embraced within said boundary lines shall compose a coun ty for all civil and military and other purposes, and shall be subject to the same laws and restrictions, and be entitled to elect the same officers as other counties of this State, Sec. 3. That all that portion of the State of Oregon embraced within the fol lowing boundary lines be, and the same is bereby created and organized into a separate county by the nsime of Coal, to- wit : Beginning at a point on the Col umbia river at the center of range 27, east of the Willamette meridian, running thence south to the center of. Township 1, north; thence east 15 miles to the range between ranges 29 . and 30, east of the Willamette meridian; thence south on said range line to the south boundary of Umatilla county; thence westerly on said south boundary line of Umatilla county to the range line between ranges 21 and 22, east of the Willamette meridian; thence north on said range line to the Columbia river; thence up said river to the place of beginning. j Sec. 4. The territory embraced within said boundary lines shall compose a coun ty for all civil militiry purposes, and shall be subject to the same laws and re strictions and be entitled to elect the same officers as other counties of this State. j Sec. 5. That it Bhall be the duty of the Governor, as soon as convenient, after this Act shall beeome a law to appoint for Wise county and Coal county, and from the resident citizens of the respective counties, the several county officers for each of said -counties, as allowed by law to other counties of this State, which said officers after duly qualifying accordingj to law, shall be entitled to hold their re spective offices until their successors are duly elected at the general election of 1882, and have duly qualified as required by law. Sec. 6. The temporary county seat of Wise County, shall be located at Milton, in said county, until a permanent location is adopted. At the next general election the question shall be submitted to the legal voters of said Wise county, and the place, if any, which shall receive a major ity of all tho votes cast at said election, shall oe the permanent county seat, of said county, but if no place shall receive the majority of all the votes cast, the question shall be again submitted to the legal voters of said county, between the two points having the highest number of votes at said election, at the next general election, and the place receiving the highest number of votes at such election shall be the permanent county seat of said county. Sec. 7. The county seat of Ccal county shall be permanently located at Heppner,' in said county. Sea 8. The County Clerk of Umatilla county shall send to the County Clerks' of Wise county and Coal county, within sixty days after this Act shall become a law, a certified transcript of all delin quent taxes from the assessment roll of 1880, that were assessed within the lim its of Wise county and Coal county, and also a certified transcript of the assess ment of persons and property within the limits of Wise county and Coal county, for 1880, and the said taxes shall be col lected by the proper officers of Wise county and Coal county. The County Treasurers of Wise county and Coal county, shall pay over to the Treasurer of Umatilla County, Uie full amount of taxes on the assessment roll of 1880, due from citizens of Wise County and Coal County, respectively. Sea 9. The County Court of Wise county shall be held at the county seat of Raid ceunty, on the second Mondays of January, April, July and September, be ginning on the second Monday of Janu ary next, after the appointment,' by the Governor, of county officers as provided for in this Act. The County Court of Coal county shall be held at the county seat of said county, on the third Mondays of January, April, July and September, beginning on the third Monday of Janu ary next, after the appointment by the Governor of county officers as provided for in this Act. Sea 10. Until othei wise provided for, the County Judge of Wise county shall receive an annual salary of $400, and the County Judge of Coal county shall re ceiye an annual salary of $400, . Sec. 11. The County Treasurer of Wise ceunty shall receive an annual salary of $300, and tli3 County Treasurer of Coal county shall receive an annual salary of $300. Sea 12. This Act shall take effect from and after its approval by the Governor. REBEL CLAIMS. In reply to Theodore Cooke,' of Cin cinnati, asking for as authoritative dec laration with reference to rebel, claims-, Gen.' Hancock writes! ' .' i Goverkor's Islajtd, N. Y.,' Sept 23.. To Theodore Cooke, Esq: Dear Sib: Your letter of 20th is received. - I regret -that you are disturbed about that bug' bear "southern war claims. People caff not be misled by it tbo suppose that "rebel claims or claims in. the interest of per' sons who were in the rebellion can ia any way or in any degree be counten anced. The imputation of disloyalty, such as used to be made against demo crats even, when they were in arms '. de fending the country, so far as it touches me I denounce. . The government can never pay a debt op grant . & pension or reward of any sort for waging war against its own existence; nor could I be induced to approve or encourage payment of such debt, pension or reward. "No body expects or wants. such unnatural -action. To propose it would insult the intelligence and honor of our people. When rebellion was crushed so was the heresy of secession forever. It is a thing of the dead past. We move forward not backward. . If I were president I would veto all legislation which might come be fore me providing for consideration or payment of claims of any kind for losses or damages by persons who were in re bellion, whether pardoned or not. In relation to Union war claims, the gov ernments obligations to its defenders come first They are lasting and sacred. The public laws of civilized nations do not m general recognize claims for. in juries to property resulting from opera tions of the war of the union; but as hos tilities were closed more than fifteen years ago claims of that nature, now mostly in the hands of brokers or persons other than the original sufferers, are be coming stale and in my judgment, might fairly be considered as barred by lapse of time, and if hereafter entertained at all should be subjected to the strictest scru tiny. . Yours very truly, W. S. Hancock. Garfield not only perjured himself in regard to the Credit Mobelier stock and lied about the back-pay steal, but in a most positive manner stultified-himself as a member of the Electoral Commission. In his place in the House he said: "The Commissioners have an undoubted right. under the bill, to go behind the returns fpr the correction of fraud." He toot a solemn oath as a member of the Commis sion in these words: :'':.' 1 " I do solemnly swear that I will im-. partially examine and consider all ques tions submitted to the Commission, of '- 'which I am a member, and a true judg ment give thereon, agreeable to the Constitution and laws so help me God." When the vote of Louisiana came up, ' George F. Hoar moved that evidence be not received in the cases of Louisiana and Florida,and James A. Garfield voted "Aye." When the case of Oregon was called, Hoar moved that evidence be received in the case of Oregon, and Garfield again voted "Aye," though the position was in direct antagonism to his, vote in the Louisiana motion, in which he had figured as a doctor of returns. iV". T. Slur, Sept 16, 1880. ! Use Oriental Hair Tonic for preserv ing the hair. The Democratic outlook in Illinois is excellent, and the election of Judge Trumbull and the state ticket is assured, if the full vote is polled. Systematic'; organization has been thoroughly effected in every county, and if the proper work is done the Democracy can smrely carry i Illinois, for there has been practically no ' real organization in this state for twenty years, until the present year that is to j say, the entire state has not been organ ized. - There has been an organization in the southern part of the state and in ChicagOjbut the northern tier of counties has been neglected.' , The result has ben Republican majorities.' TIiU year, by hard work and thorough organization, the Democrats hope to car rf Illinois, and if the present outlook is any indica tion, the state will five a Democratic majority in November. Let every Demo crat de ,his share of the work and the result will be a surprise to every one. -Rock Island Argus. Oh, yes ! You can rely on ' Wcbfoot oil at all times, night or day, as a sure cure for croup or spasm. Ask for it at McCollor Miller's. '