SATURDAY, 8EPTEMBER 11. 1880. rricitL IBECT-Ri. A- ':::::: W. C. U1K ..'... 1 A Huneata M m 1'enland , H.M. fauniufton J H Wilson P i Kelly Wm Martin J. B. Keen N Hendns J. C. Arnold Dr. J. B. Lindsay J. H. Rale? Wn IuukI City mcrr. T-i-teSi rnual'-.. ....... ' 7"- rUasJ.DSs A. ur ruuvs.. CociittJcmi. w , Mint MaXATua.. ItgrUMXTAIKtM gMsirr . CtuM...... t (MM. W.TMtX)IT. WU Wsivu ELFIT HCBsMai. I will open a select school in Dealey'a Hall on Monday, the 27th lay of September. Tu ition heretofore, 45, ST 50 and $10 per term. No pupil admitted for lew than half a term. Thos. O. T.WtoR. FREIGHT. There are several tons of Grande Ronde freight at Blue Mountain, ita storage there being free. In a iaw days the steamers will land all the freight at Grande Uonde land ing and it will then come by way of Blue Mountain entirely. DRUMMER. If the tide of drummers con tinues to pour in on us at the present rate, not a few of ns will be converted to the belief of the Portland merchants, that all traveling salesman, not belonging to the State ought to bo taxed. At present, they, like the Door, are ever with us. en I. Bon)Mnl, ' ' r. A. WuruUugtae, COVXCU.SSX. C. V.-Murrta. u. a. ucciutt, Jim. Miller Ova. Probate! SPECIAL NOTRE. 11 m pal -Hunday School every Sunday C iu.mTa. a., end wrkv t 7, r. a., by Kev. J. D. UOnkj. v Jinked l Barrk aalh. Rev. P. Warren mW ; Kirvlmi held In Uie lieptl.irrh, on the mod Wttndejf of each BKtutli, at 11 1. m. sod 7 r. a. Baptist Cssurkv-ekrvBM oo tat ant Winday of Mb Month, 11, a. a., and 7 r. a., by Kev. m. 11. iTiwU, wetor. a'asahrrUacl Presbyterlaa 4'hareh Services . ery Suaday at 41, M., and 7. r. a., Sunday School at It, a., and sanrk-M every Wednesday at 7, r. ., In thev'a UaU, ua Water street, by Kev K. W. Morrison. -JL," A.F. A A. M. Writes Ledft-e. Xs JL Jl sar.u aecand aad fourth Saturdays of ' N month, at 7 r. a. at Uie Masonic flail. h i. F Joan, W.M. iV. I. . S). V. Wratoa Lolsi.a. SXi ' auete every Thursday at 730, r. a., in ueaieirs tuui. !. T. ItlM Maaalala Ladsa aieeUevery Saturday at 7,30 r. M. Ml, LOCAL LEADER. Tn.VMCX.--Kor kindness from the Tribune llice. FROM HEPPVER. lAM WK 1H EMiUSa i'LDB. For lead, Oils and Color.', call ut the City Drug Store, Weston. I Stovk. The stove is not very bin, even fur its years, yet !oc. is happy. 1)1' KS. Now is the Mason for duns, and the crop promises to be a plentiful one. , KtCYH'K. There will be svrvit-e in the Kriiwupal t'huri-h to-morrow at 7 P. M. - . - Webfoot oil is the chief in putrid sore throat at diphtheria. Fur sale by McColl and Mil ler. FlXHHhn.' Mr. Bradley's new biick dw.Il iutf is quite an ornament Ui the upper part of town. e LATK. It is consider'! rather aristocratic to obm late focburch. The minister delight ia it also. Df.8F.BVED. A worthless, bullying bra" gart undertook to insult and intimidate one of the quietest and most respectable young men in town, and was repaid for his insolence by a box on the ear that sent him sprawling on the ground. The cowardly bully picked himself up, growling like a Itear with a sore head, and walked off disgraced. I)C8T. The greatest dust storm that has come upon us" in the memory of the oldest inhabitant, occurred last Wednesday. It came driving up from the south-west and at its densest , point -rendered the atmosphere darker than during an eclipse of the sun. It was immediately followed by a grateful show er that had the cflect of laying the dust. Marblk Works. D. J. Coleman, Walla Walla, is proprietor of the Marble Works, tml prepared to furnish Head Stoues,Moiiumciits and everything else in his line, ut reasonable rates. B. F. Mansfield is agent for Center ville and Weston, and is authorized to tuke orders and give receipts. The Bkst Way to KillSqcirrkl. Pro ride yourself with a package of Halm'' Siiiir rtl Poinon and have all the boys and girls go after 'em. It will clean them out sure, l'ut up in large packages aad is the cheapest and best in the market. Made and for sale by H. E. Holmes, Druggist, Walla Walla, or to be had fiom vour nearest Dmxeist. W. G. Jamkson. Watuh-mukcr and jew ler, corner Main and 3d St. Walla Wallaa solicits your patrounge Having 17 years practical exHrience and keeping competent workmen is his employ, is prepared to do -nc watch repairing, jewelry work, seal cut ting etc, promptly and at reasonable prices. Watcht's, Clock, Sctacles always in stock and sold cheaper than any other store in Walla Walla. KoLD Kit. Cbsriie I'owers. a prince among "type slingers," has left us for a situation on the liutlftin. (.'HOirr.. Read our advertisement of Red iai ton's Florida Water, than go nud invest in a battle. BLANKS. AH kinds of lal Wanks deeds, mortgages, sunimous, &e for Kale at the Lka I'KK office. TASTK. It is not considered g"od taste for a lady to be obstinately arguneatative. any are than for a gentleman. TOO Mini. Last Sunday, Rev. J. I). McCoukey, in order to meet his appointments, had to travel a distance of ft miles. President Hayes will visit Walla Wi.Ua about October 4th. As yet we have heard nothing of hia coming to Weston. CoMTLKTRD. The sidewalk on the south side of Main St. ia completed and will prove a great convenience in muddy weather. JJicr.. The Leader is indebted to Dr. Ftgsn for a handsome, gold-mounted McKin non pru. His modesty forbids our saying more. Lo. Some seventeen Indinns, preachers or nemliera of the Presbyterian Church, from fjtpwai, are in the city attending the Presbytery. C Ann ;k Heads. u. Dealy of our city produces the largest cabbage of the season. Mome of thcin wsigh over 2.1 lbs. Who can jucatthat? f.XTKePlilsK. S. A. John supplies the A'andleton Hotel with ''meat, while Mrs. Wood's jptkery furnishes the best quantity At nn adjourned meeting of the City Coun cil held I tiesday Sept. 21st, 1-ouusl.ury & Do ble'a h-iids for the completion, according to contract, of carpenter work on City Hall was approved. At the same meeting, complaint being made, the Marshal was ordered to serve short notice on all parties occupying premises wherefrom arise offensive smells, to abate the same ami remove hog peus. . Personal. Dr. W. S. ZeiUn of the well known Drug houso of I'edingtoii & Co., San Francisco, was in the City lust Saturday and gave us a pleasant call. Dr. Knpui has lieen called to Pendleton on professional busincs once or twice during the week. Mr. A. A. Jones, brother to our popular hardware man is here on i visit. Miss Ella Miller who has lieen visiting friends in the Valley returned to-day. Our old friend, II . C. Skinner, made a de scent on u this week. Rev. E. W. Morrison of tbk city is quite sick. The Presbytery being in session here t this time, makes it more unfortunate for him. We trust he will soon lie urouud to resume his usefulness. Heppxer, Sept 20, 18S0. Eds. Leader: A stranuer visitimr our town at this time and seeing the number of persons upon our streets, in our Hotels, and filling our saloons, would naturally wonder wnat there could be in or around this little isolated town to support so large a population; but ere lie has been here an hour he would learn that various causes were working to gnther to bring the motly crew here, the great est attraction perhaps for the average Oregon- lan is the horse race which comes off the 23d f this month ; next in order comes the M. E. Church campmeeting now under full head way, engineered by the Rev. Mr. Pettis, who has the enviable reputation here of being a much married man, and consequently quite an attraction to the ladies, but he, seemingly unconscious of the storm of indignation that is being poured out upon him by those of us who ran lioasl of but one wife, as we gather around the card tables at our usual resorts, (the saloon) and spend what little we earn, while that wife of ours sits sewing the rags to gether that are to shield herself and children from the inclemency of the weather, and with aching head and heart waits patiently far into the night for our coming goes on with bis work of love, trjing if perchance he might lead some of us from the evil of 1 our wavs. And so the world moves along, while day after day and year after year we continue to thank God that we are not like that publican. But moralizing is not our forte so we will -change the subject. Will. Theadore & Morrow have returned ' from their trip below, looking hale, hearty j ami happy, aiul tnn upon tons of new goods ! which they purchased while below, are nrriv i iit daily. They both came home single, ; though seemingly sadder men, much to the I joy of a couple of young ladies, who, rumor says, are some time to have the legal right to stay at home and like the rest ot our wives, wait the coming of their lord and master. Lecher's new hall is about enclosed, and the Hancock and English Club, of this place, in tend giving a grand hop in it on the evening of the 28th. Tickets iucludingsupper 3. A grand time is anticipated. There will be three new general merchan dise stores started here this fall. I fear that kind of business is likely to be overdone. There wan a slight misunderstanding be tween two old friends here a few days ago, which culminated in one of them speaking disrespectfully of the others near relations. The language having been used in the hearing of Justice Llurk, lie caused the oneiuler to be brought before him and very properly re quired him to increase the school fund to the tune ot SIS, which luckily for the fund lie was able to borrow. He has since grown old er, and it is to be hoped wiser. We hear some talk of the starting of a sew ing machine factory here by the Matlock Brother's, iu connection with their other busi ness. They are energetic men and ought to succeed. We have just learned that there will be an other horse race over (he Heppnei- track Sept. zotn, lor a purse or Mt, raised oy the lovers of the sport. The race wii! -. one half mile, and free to all horses entering. hy is Fred Hawker like Dr. Sbobe's new stable? Because he looks so uattv but thev are both ornaments'to the- town. There are facts coming to light which we are not at liberty to disclose at present, which leaves but little doubt of the guilt of the boy Brooks, charged with the murder of Thomp son, near this place last May. But 1 must close this long letter with the promise of more anon. Ajax I.ast Monday evening Mr. Isham reviewed the political situation before an attentive audience at Dealey's Hall. Having been a Republican he shaped his remarks in answer to the question "Whv I turned to be a Dem ocrat." His reasen was clear and collected. and his points were delivered with snch force and connection, a' to convince partisan repub licans, at. least that there is two aides to the question. ; He arraigned Mr. Garfield only on Republican authority, and iu such a masterly style, ns to make Hancock stand nut in pure and bold relief, as far hie superior. The speaker was interrupted by frequent bursts of applause, testifying appreciation. The roll of membership received 23 new names, and still the good work goes booming along. Ou Friday of la-st week Sheriff Steen and party found John Killin. a well known sheep herder, sitting on the ground with his cane in one hand and pipe in the other, dead. Mr. Killin had been missed for several days, and when found was within half a mile of his camp on upper Tukunon. The deceased was about 50 years of age. He served with honor during the rebellion, and had lived ill the vi cinity of Dayton for about a dozen years. Hr. W. Union. A serious accident occurred to J. J. Joseph last Wednesday, at J, H. Aslier s sawmill. Little White Salmon, ' who, while chopping the end of a log in trout of a circular saw slipped and fell, the top saw striking him on the top of the head, cutting the skull and brain. He was immediately removed to Vancouver for medical ail, and at last report he wai still alive. Inland JLutptrr. Portland, Maine, Sept. 22 Fiual result, Davis, 73.G40: Plaisted, 73,814; Plaisted's plurality, 174. ul bread te the Miltou Hotel. J SOUND. Mr. Walker has fallowed his pre Vieun JetVir ou -Re Fence, to a practical cou Juaioo, n4 ia tins issue demonstrates uot onljr its Cr4ajfeihy but utility. SCHOOL MEF.THii. Pursuant to rail a school meeting whs held in the school-house last Saturday te decide the question of tax or no tax. The interest manifested may be judged by the number present. The whole number of votes cast was 34, of which 31 were "no tax" and 3 "tax". This shows that we arc strongly in favor of free schools and education generally it they cost us nothing. On the question of tax for improving the school-house nnd grounds the vote was more creditable, and an assessment of four mills was ordered for that purpove. Outside patent. Weakly Tribune, -Pemlletown : All its talent Other papers Boiled down. Xollce to Teccliers. There will be a Public Examination of applicants for Teacher's Certificate held on Tuesday, Sept. 28, 1880, beginning at 9 o'clock A. M., sharp. Ji.o. C Arnold, School Sup't. NEW TO-DA. NEW TO-DAY, NOTICE. NOTIOE IS HEREBY OIVES THAT AMBROSE Oldaken bag this dav undo aoDlication to pur- chaw under the act of Coagretis approved June 3d, 1STS. entUletl "An ju.t for thi. tti timber lands in the Ntau of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," for tue SwJ of NwJ of Sec: 20. T 8 X, 11 57 t, Willamette Meridian. Knuu proof will be mode at the expiration uf ninvtf Uae from this date, uiiraiwc, beyt. , iKsv. 11. . valour. B-U-ao-vw Keiter.. . NOTICE. IOT1CE 18 HEREBY U1VEX THAT J. C. ilF.D loclt ha this diy made application at this office to enter, under the aet of Conitrea. approved June Vd, 1S7S, entitled "An aet fur the bale of timbered londd in the Mates uf California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," the Si, Sn J hvv. 26, T 4 N, R 1 East. uiven under aiv band tlos 1W dav of June, 1380, at the U. S Land Oiflce at LsUrasde. Or. H. W. bwuirr Register. REDINGTON & CO.'S ILOSLM WATER FOB THE HANDKERCHIEF. This article, possessing the most delicate fragrance of Flowers, is unequaled as a per fume for the Handkerchief. FOR THE BATH. I'sed in bathing, it imparts cnerry and strength to the system, and ipvcs that soft ness and delicacy to the skin so much desired by all. IT REMOVES SUNBURN, FRECKLES AND PIMPLES! And, diluted with water, it makes an excel lent dentifrice, imparting ppnrly whiteness to the Teeth, sweetness to the Breath, and ren ders the Gums hard and of a beautiful color. . FLEAS AND OTHER INSECTS. The irritation caused by the bites of Fleas, Mosquitoes and other insects, is instantly re lieved by the application of RedingtOfl fit Co's Florida Water, and a tew drops sprinkled on the ctirpet and about the person not only surrounds you with the fra grance of a rare bouquet, but prevents in a great measure the presence of these trouble some pests. 9-25-80-6m KOTIOBI Obliged by Pressing De mands to col lect ail Notes and Accounts Due Us. We Hereby Give -J- Jl -A. V 1 nonce waii s&ii debts due us must be PAID AT MATURITY. If we have ever accom modated ycu in th3 past, co us the favor to return the Compliment now. SALINC & REESE. lUblUfc. Ul- HU1ASS. ";--.. .j.. .. . .-i . j . : - : s The Beet Spring Mediant) and Beaati Her of . the Complexion, in, use. , : Cure Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Neuralgia . Scrofula, Gout, Rheumatic and Mercuxi- al pains, and all Diseases arising from any" impure state of the Blood or Liver. " ' N IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT- CURE for COUGHS. COLDS, AsTH' MA. BRONCHITIS, CROUP. INFLUENZA, CATARRH, Lnss of VOICE, Incipient Consumption, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Ask for the Cali fornia Pulmonary Balsam, and take ntf other. , ; '.. . y s. ', ; . 5Told by nil Drasirlsts. xooauo-" -'soxsa.v , aoij.ox Moils uo smrc PUWJ moJJ , . lo o -"K) ukuj pansimuj essodind 8uipiini JO SMOQNIM $ SliOOd ; viNaojnvo : jo 3oa poo3 a oiv -aoiidnosea Sjaf JO OHlGinOlAL jo Xiddus pco3 puaq ao deajj ifjoAi o pxiedjjd mou jjo ui 'faaiqjsia jjora pppe pue deqs -ino pj&iuna 9raae snviaaviAi QNiaiina. si saa'ivaa asv- Harbowihc. 'ie party who bujuy bor row is wel knoyn. Prutleni would .fectate its .yiuaeiste .return. 1 concur itb pn deuce. John M. Hahtman. A Remarkable Result. It makes no difference how many eians or how much medicine you have tried, it is now an established (act that (erinun Syrup is the only remedy whieh ha. x'v" complete aaliwfaction iu case of Lun Dis eases. It is true that there yet thousands of persons who nre predisposed to thront and lng affection, consumption, hemorrhages, asthma, severe colds settled on the hreast, pneumonia, wbiioplng cough, etc., who have no personal knowledge of Boxchee's tierinan Svrnn To .u. k wj unnlJ uav tlmf. :V1 OHYCt ' I doie n were sold at year without one com - TJie siaewalk ec4in$ I aintt ConsumptiTes try just ou bottle. Regular itize 75 eeuts. boid by ull Drug gjets ia Amerivu. Nt'WAXCE. A big-mouthed, tond.-voiced, rattle-brineI iiMliridual can come ipto the rity and be more disagreeable to the sitircna than a Mkck of cats under a bed room window t uight. rAMir.Bot s. along Franklin St. rcsx Main to I'omeroy ia ia delapidated aad daAjptruua condition . Jt would be better to reisir it then to pay dam S4(es for aeridenta. THOCUHTLKM Some men still persist in sirmj thtmaeWca on tilted chairs, on some of the porches of Main street, much to the an noyance of latlie who frequently have to wait amtil sufficient room is made for -thcin to Ijut Saturday niit Mr. Marks, formerly of Harris & Marks merchants jof Jhis eity, who had just returned from Germany, stepped off the platform at the depot, in the dark, and broke his right leg just below the sje. There ought to lw plenty of light .at the depot when the train comes in t night. Bro ken lees are painful ejid inconvenient. )'. Jf. Uiiiou. It seems to he an inevitable concomitant o civilization that people will make pretensions to knowledge of which they are entirely inno cent. Thi pretense pervades the realms of literature, science and the Cue arts. It is hy many considered so disgraceful to he ignorant of certain mutters that it is too much for their moral courage to admit the true state of their knowledge. Ask a young man if he has read Shakespeare and the reply is very apt to be "Oh : yes, he ia my favorite author," w hile a continuation of the conversation will draw from him the information that he considers "Pinafore" as one of Shakexpenre's finest pieces. It cecms to he tlie proper thing to have read Khukcxpenre nud to admire Milton; and it requires no small measure of heroic truthfulness for a person, who would fniu be considered gentecly educated, to avow his ig norance of the one or his luck of appreciation of the other. And yet it is more than prob able that a person may he of at least ordinary intelligence and culture, mid have never studied the writings of the bard of Avon or admired Paradise Lost. Vi'e do wish to be understood as implying that this pretence of which we are speaking ia found concerning the productions of these two great authors alone: wo merely take them us examples. Ntr do we wish to criticise the good taste of I these who pny appreciative', homage at the ! ahrinc of Shakespearian or Miltouiau great- ; ness. What we object to is the common i hnhit of "literary lying" of ' pretending to admire works of which we know very little, , and of which if we kuew more we would caro K- . I: is better to hear the. ridicule, which j oi:iy vul'.ir people will heap upon us because ot our ignorance, tban to misrepresent it. There are certain literary works that, hare received the sanction and favor of many ten erations, and the more nearly our ideas ac cord with these settled opinions the more nearly correct we are apt lo be. lint there may lie some even of those works that do not commend themselves to our unbiased judg ment, and there may be many more of them upon which we have formed no opinion what ever. Then what a piece of cowardly men dacity Jo pretend that we aie familiar with and appreciate them. Independence of thought iu these matters is of as much importance, morally, as in any other; and being a. slave to public opinion, destroys that independence. Ao one can tell talsehoods, even about his views of literature, without injury to his mor als. The range of literature is so extensive Once Used Always Used FKESE'S HAMBURG TEA id the best family medicine, and will be found on ti ial to be the most easy, rmtural and couifortublu aperient obtainable. FRESE'S HAMBURG TEA will act gently on the bowels, remove wind, cure heartburn, Hour stomach and diz2ine8s and promote a neaitny secretion oi one. FRESE'S HAMBURG TEA is the most effectual remedy for headache, giddiness, nervous depression, palpitu'ion oi the heart, lassi tude and general dcbilty. FRESE'S HAMBURG TEA will relieve the worst cuses of rheumatism and gout prevent gravel and stone in the bladdur, and cure all diseases of the kidneys. FRESE'S HAMBURG TEA gives speedy and durable relief in bilious and liver complaints, weak digestion, shivering, ssiiisf low spirits and irritability. FRES F8HAMBURO TEA is invaluable ana remedy for the pilos. It has been tryed for manyyearsund lias given great satisfaction. If yon are alnicted try it. FRESE'S HAMBURG TEA liurities and cleanses tha blood 1864, 1880, Hcrofulous affections. invigortinK. and rem ores all It In h-Kivintf, refreshing FUESE'S HAMBURG TEA has ail established reputation as an efficacious remedy for sudden and severe colds, i-ouht fevers and ague, asthma and phthisis. FRESE'S HAMBURG TEA cure ;hronic, nervous and sick lieodache, nervous depreuiuin, drowsiness, nausea, vutuitU), pimples oil the face and freckles. FRESE'S HAMBURG TEA is a jjentlc laxitiveand tonic; improves the appetite cures dyspepsia, and counteracts the effect 01 inula- nous, poison. FRESE'S HAMBURG TEA cures constipation, diarrhoea and dysentery; its cer tain in results, and corrects all dituruiuces ui tlw stomach and bowels. FRESE'S HAMBURG TEA Is a pleasant remtdv for boils, uarhunck. ulcerated and running sores, scab- gianuuiar swellings. Matches. jlt nieum. anil FRESE'S HAMBURG TEA in used successfully fur frtid breath, acald head, ringworm, itch, prick ly-h vat, cancerous ulcurs and skin diseases geuenUh- FRFJtF.'S HAMRI KG TT4 halt no anilftl in rntirv runi'( nT fr PIm ramonrwvtia as an anti-sorhutic. dioou punner. alternative, carminative and FRRBK'8 iiambtko tea gives a tone of health and elasticity to the whole system and witf prevent ainiost any disease if used at least once a month. pRESE'S HAMBrRO TEA is a triumph in medicine; harmless j et efficacious. Invaluable in the family, at the mines, on the rood, at sea, and everywhere. X Heme Mutual Insurance Co Of California. FIRE ONLY". Incomn 12 Months, $328,5G3.13. Premiums Since Organization, $3,171,423.19. Losses paid since Organization, $1,521,402.15. Losses paid in Oregon in 7 years, $1S2,3G3.29. This Company lias had for more than 7 years, $50,000 On deposit with the State Treasurer of Oregon, for the (security oi roney-noiaers. The "HOME MUTUAL" by pur suing a correct, prompt atul honorable course has secured the position of the lend ing Fire Insurance Company ou the Pa cific Coast, and has for years done the largest business of any of tie Companies, Local, Eastern, or Foreign in California, and being independent, of all rings, conv binations or compacts will accept good business at the lowest possible rates, con sistent with undoubted protection and cer tain, speedy indemnity lo policy holders. "Ripe in its time, Jinn in its judgment, -qvitable in the measurement of its gifts." GEO. L. STORY, Portland, Manager Oregon, Washington and Idai.o. SUPERVISORS FOR OREGON. C. 11. LEWIS of Alltn & Letria. J. McCRACKEN oi J. Mc-Cmcken Co. I . WASHERMAN of I'. Wa.-aeruian & Co. AGENTS. G. P. JIcCOLL, - - - Wcaton. M V. WORMINGTON, - - - Milton. M. A. CABRIS, - - - C'cnterrillle. 3VODT lEfclOlES 3Efc ! In Pricesjftt the 4 . CENTERV1LLE HARDWARE ' STORE ! . Ml kinds of Tinware kept In Stock And wade ' to Order. STOVES ! Job Work and Repairing Neatly and Cheaply done. 'All Goods in my line sold at Walla Walla prices. K. SMITH. Centerville, Or. 7-17-80-tf ii The Clmrcli and Home." A Rclirious Journal Dcrotsd to . -.- ; C Kt-ECI STIABT WOBBf Issued Monthly at "Weston. '7 ' Every Family Ought to Take it. tSTtnra,. 1.00 Per Vear.'&i REV. E. W. JIO&KISO.N'...; Editor. W. H. ROWLAND, PHYSIO-MEDICAL OR BOTANIC - Diseases of Women and Children,- Diphtheria and Chronic Complaint, a I ho Extracting ot Teeth a .pee. ialtv. ConKultation Free at mv Ottice, next door to Hoffman & Morris. CKNTKUVILLK. Or. 7-17,80-U NOTICE TO BUILDERS.' IM WILL RK KN EIVCB FOR TRK immediate construction of a City Hall in tha City uf Weston, of the following dimension: A brick buildintr. 30x70 eet, two Htorics hiirh. The undenriirued ! will ive all neccsxan information in reinl to the con tract. Plans and specifications will belumisaed. ISv order of tlie City Council, Seutein'.t-r I, 1880. - - C. K, . BltCHSTT, i li. 1'KO-MTEL. tliat it is no discredit to be ignorant uf even 1 truss's havbtro tea ,f .V... V.,,. .. .J x . . I : : ...J 1, 1 ' is the best medicin t'ltib v. Lilt mn-n a, M1IU vVl SttO EH UIV11UCU .ua. it eau be no disgrace to disagree with the gen tnally received verdict of their merits and it would be only common honesty to admit our igrmnuirf or our diapirnbatiJu. is the best medicine for chidren. As a Spring rem edy nothing comes near to it. Ever; bod should use it at the change of season. EHIL FRE.SEH HAMBIKK TEA is for sale by every Drujrpst, Oroitr and County Mer chant on the Pacific Cons;. freytt la Hm ARGONAUT!" A rolitical, Satiri cal, Society Jour nal, published ever" Saturday, at b-2 California at. s. F FRANK M. PIXLEY, FKF.U. M. SOMERK. EDtroa Committee E. (Opposite Tost OtBca,) - Main St., Walla Walla, W.T. K ROUNDS, - - Proprietor. The Arooicait is essentially a California publication bright, breezy of the Pacific and the medium of the good things of current literature. Kent, put paid, to ajij addres-, upon iwipt of W.TO yearly subscription. Argonaut. rd, per day, S1.00. Board and Lod-inc, per week, ti.00 and C.US, according to rootu. laeals, lie. beds 25 and ioc ' F c ranch to the Hold, for I'asArucrr. eHO CHINAMEN EMPLOTED N. DUSENBERY & CO.'S .. tarx aa xr sto xt. zi-u ' STILL CONTINUES on a CASH BASIS, and we have 'T just received unusually larxe invoieni of Dry QaiyT: Clothin, Gents' Fumishinif Goods, boots and Kaoe v ' Orocerivtf and Provisions, which we are prepared to sell at the LOVVOT possible rates FUU CASH. Grain Bacon, Lard, &c.. taken in exchange for merchaadiH. - KemeinDcr tne place: op mite uni store, Sua I aston. Or. fiSoaj- f it t I I yawp