Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, September 25, 1880, Image 1

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VOL. 2,
WILUAHMX et M'COLL. robll.awrs.
Issued Eviar Satckoav Mobmno,
brrlyU Bale I
Om Tsar, (eota)
M Moi tin ,
fane Months.
Outfe ,
.tdTerflsiajc Mates.
On siuusre 0 Inch) flrst insertion ,
Laen aduitiiktl inssruu.
TuvNfUWa, ant lasertioa. ...... ...,.
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ram Mk..MH Hv-iw., . . 4 so
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one S'aarurcvKMui, Bmt MnerOoa
Kadi bldiUtfu! iMwdnn
Tlcat advertisers y special contract. Local notice
M "imu pr line lint insertion, K'l Mia jtr tin inch
o1aluiul insertion. -Advertising Iritis payabe ft,uar-
Uirtj .
Al loyal norast. will be charged 75 cents per ariare
ft iiiMrliuu, aiW 3;i csuU per sipiam eaeh suiutequeat
oawrUoa pa.jbto MouthljX
Xcmos Slmpls announcement of birth, niarrisjpM
and dssthi will Im insrrtad wlthuut chaiy. obituary
wiIm ehaqcd lor avMtrdin; hi leiixth.
Attorney at Law,
H ill practice in the Court of thin State aud W sh-
riruiu 1'erriforv. Special atiuiitluu paid to Land Olilce
oustneo Mia collections.
Mee-Hala Ml.. mIh, i. j
Attorney at Law,
HK Ii -At Court Hoasr. Walls Malta
Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
"a ll rwaetle the Courts in !irKOo and Washington
Collections Promptly Attended To.
PriCK. Mala Mrerl. . Wcstoa. Or
Xotary Public, .and Collector.
Agent fur I'Uh, Idaho and Oragon Stage C'o'n, also,
lrasr la rajsdlrs. Kata, To). lion. t'lgar
Valsarrwi. aad aansrrosia Xnrr artlrlra.
f iVAK W. RE A,
Attorney at Law.
Will practise in all tlx courts of the State.
Errs KB. OK.
i i W. WESTON. -M. I.
I J.
Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur.
All rails prouiptly ntlriMlril.
J K. CKOPP, M. It.
rityoiciau aud Surgeon.
Office with Dr Blalock, over Day's Drug
It. W. R. JONES,
ori-irs st tin Ciea-ac Osllrik, Wkston, Okkoox.
1Y Inserting Artificial Teeth, a 8)e ialtt Ta.
Homcepathic Physicians and Surgeons
OFFICE -Paine Bros' Brick.
t srspwlol Attention given Ui dicaes of tlie Kye, liar
and Throat.
AJTToeth estoacted without pain and all work war
reatei .
Of Walla Walla, will make frmrnt prnlrashmal vwiis
at WeaWn and Pendleton.
rhyxirfan and Surgeon,
. next 4oor to Ifr Drasj Mar.
imaall) sttndfd.
Physician and Surgeon,
hi rratdrarr oa Warr M.
Ose rata Ore's New
Rlork, i
Port Monnaie9,
Fishing Tackle,
Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, I
Toys and Nuts,
vW;.eule and Metull.
Fred. M. Prv.:ly,
S. H. Kennedy's Mfg Co
The T "r33"j of th3 kini ia th i XT- S
f9AeU?- Plsasu examine tlie of the
Jt ? (liferent diM auJ price viz:
kw Dissolved Sulphur Dip.
Pricu ii.'.'Jj a gallon,
This H equal tu 'M V.m tlm best
Sublime Sulphur.
Concentrated Extract of
Tobacco Dip,
Price, $2. a5 a gallon.
This Is my FAVORITE Dip be
t'CljREK SCATS anil can as
j ugrcc of strength with safety.
Hemlock Poi-onous Dip,
Price, 2.25 a gallon. r
Each Gallon of these Dips
Will make eiiuuifh or J5 Sheep after
Special Dip for Scab,
Price, &..) a gallon.
Reliable at any season of the year, especially
so iu the Fall and Winter.
Put tip in one and five gallon cans with full
directions for use.
Pamphlets sent Free to any Address.
Sold by all principal dealers in the I". S.
J. McCllACKEX & CO.,
AicrnlH for thr. Piu llloCoimt.
Leadlne Evening Newspaper West of th
Rorky Moiintain.
Diily Mullctin. nnc year Vt 0O
Weekly und Friday Bulletin (making toethei
a cinnplete Sumi-Weekly S 00
Weekly aloue, one year V 541
I'artu uf a year in proportion.
Kach surwericer will he presented with aet ei al ve
ripti,-. uf H.ir., and Valuable TILKK. VEflKTAHLK and
KLOWLtt SKKl.s, equal in value to the subscription
price ot the paper.
Sf Send for Siuiiplc Copy, giving full particulars.
Kemit.tuiit-c-t by Pnift, l'o-toniec rder, Wells. Karo
& Cu.'s Kxpreu, arid He;;iHtered Letter, at our ri&k.
!. '. BI LLr.Tl CO..
Xun t'riinri.ru. al.
obtained for mechanical devices, medical or other com
pounds, ornamental designs, trade-marks ami labels.
Caveat, Assignments, Interferences. Infringement, and
all matters relating to Patents promptly attended to.
We make preliminary examinations and f urninh opinions
as to patentabUitv, iree of charge, and all who are inter
ested in new inventions and Patents are invited to send
for a copy of our "uide for ohtnininsr I'atentu," which
is sent free to anv address, and contains complete in-
i structiotis how u ohtain Pntents ami other valuable
! matter, tuning the paat live years we have obtained
! nearly three thousand Patents for Americau and Koreicn
! inventors, and tan j;ive satisfactory references in almost
: every county in the Union.
Addr.s: Loni Bugger t C..Soliritors of Patents
I and Atiornevsat Law, l.el)riit Buildint.-, V a.shlnsln.
u. t .
W.J. Heffelfinger's
City Express
I will deliver samls to and from any part ol
aald title al most r . asouklr ram.
Will carry rrright to and front
All orders left with Salln; & Horse. J. K. .tone, n
y. ji. lauly at Weston, or took Irvine, C'-ntervts!..
will receive" my preuipt attention.
Freight B-'s V.if invaiibly pai'j in advance
3 U if
from the flowery (troves at the Southland
; And the fields of eott-oa and eane.
To the wonderful lake, of Uw Northland,
And the pine -clad Mill of Maine.
Brave men are dwelling; by thousands,
I Who once were ao hot to aiay.
When aome wore toe blue of the L'nioa,
And other confedamte gray.
The panions of war bare subsided, 1
I Its hatreds have gone with the past.
And now like an army of brothers,
They all cum, together at hut.
r My follow man who In battle,
tVas brarest among the brave,
yL.l whw, ha cn Bhilhe was ended,
Wt.1 drat to console and save.
M'lth hin. arc his warried soldiers,
those that he faced in the fray;
The moi. who wore blue are (or Hancock,
j it:, those who have worn the gray.
Pur peace and the. perfect Union ;
1 For brotherhood over the land.
They are forming; shoulder to shoulder,
And are marching hand in hand.
S'ow, "Down with all thoughts of disunion ."'
I Say those who have worn the grar,
'Away with all sectional feeling !"
The blue-coated veterans say.
Xli.'V rally for peace and for union.
! And who shall dare say them n&y ?
They ruy in blue for Hancock,
j fur Hancuok they rally in Kray.
Tlie following instructions have ben
i-ecfived at the U. S. Land Office of this
District :
Washi.vgtos, D. C.July 17, 1880.
Okntlemen: I have to direct your
attention to the provisions of an act of
Congress approved June 15, 1880, en
titled "An act relating to the public
lands of the United States," of which a
copy is appended.
Section 1 provides that when any
lands of the United States shall have
been ontere-j, antl the O-overnxient price i
paid therefor, neither criiiiinnl nor civil
I suits or ln'oceoili nfs shall ok had or
further maintained for or on account of
certain trespasses therein specified.
Tlie first proviso W'-thfcr section re
stricts its application to trespasser, ike., j
to date prior to March 1, 1879.
This section extends to such trespass-
j ers the privilege of pnyiug for th land
I upon which the offenses were so com-
mitted, at the prices per acre fur which,
j under the law in force at date of pay
ment, the lands could be sold. This
privilege of purchase is not confined to
lands subject to private entry, but ex
tends to any lands not mineral sub
ject to disposition under general existing
laws. This section cannot be construed
to permit a party who falls within the
class of offenders named to enter the
land if the valid claim of another person
shall have attached prior to his applica
tion to purchase ands is still subsisting.
Whenever application shall be made
to purchase under t'nis section you will
require tlie same to be presented under
oath of the applicant, giving a full and
detailed statement of all the facts upon
which he bases his claim to purchase.
Such sworn statement should be corrob
orated by the affidavits of credible wit
nesses, and you will thereupon forward
1 all the papers iu a special letter to this
office allowing no entry until so directed
! ty me.
Under section 2, duly qualified per
i sons who, prior to June 15, 1880," en-
tercd, under any of the homestead laws,
lauds properly subject to such entry are
I permitted tj obtain title by paying the
; ( i eminent price, less the fee and com
j missions paid at date of original entry.
' When homestead entries made prior
to June 15, 1880, have been attempted
! to be transferred by bona fide, instrument
in writing, the persons to whom such
! transfers were made are likewise author
ized to obtain title by like payment and
, with like deductions of fees and commis
i sinus. In allowing entries of the first-
nanied class you will require proof that
, the partv w-as twenty -one years of age;
had declared, his intention to -become a
' citizen of the United States, and was in
other respect entitled to make the entry.
! In permitting entries by transferees,
you will require the instrument in writ-
; ing, by which it was sought to transfer
such homestead right, to be filed, togeth
er with the best evidence attainable of
the Ixtna fiie character of the transfer,
i including the affidavit of the party who
seeks to purchase. You will exercise all
possible i-:ir in this matter, as it is not
improbable. th;:t frauduVnt entries will
be :if.:r!j-'d, aftd !h: proper execution
of the law will largely depend upon your
vigilance and discretion. . In cases where
in you entertain a doubt of the propriety
of allowing the application to purchase,
you should refer all the papers to this
office, with a full statement of facts and
your opinion.
Under the proviso to this suction you
are specifically instruct! to allow no
i entry which interferes with an entry'of
the land under the homestead laws made
subsequent to jhe original tttr-f" on
; which application is made to enter under
j section 2; and if the land was embraced
j in a prior entry at date of such hoine
I stead, the section is inoperative, inas-
much as in that case the lnnd was not
properly subject to entry. The applica
tion to purchase must iikewi.se be reject
ed, if at date of the original homestead
entry a prior claim wliirh has not been
abandoned or forfeited existed under any
I do not construo this section as in-
' tending to permit the parties named as
j conditional purchasers to make entry of
tracts to which adverse legal rights have
attached prior to date of the act.
The third section reduces to one dollar
and twenty -five cents per acre the price
of any lands which were subject to ordi
nary private entry at two dollars and
fifty cents per acre at the date of the ap
proval of the act, having been doubled
in price by reason of the grant of alter
nate sections for railroad purposes, and
which were put in market at that price
prior to tlie 1st of January, 1861.
Lands which have not been put in mar
ket for sale at ordinary private entry at
two dollars and fifty cents per acre, or
which were so put in market subsequent
to the 1st of January, 1861, are not
chanced in price "v this section. You
will carefully observe the rule, as to
price, thus introduced. ' By reference to
i your official records, it will be in yor
power to ascertain the facts with regard
to any lands from which to decide as to
its applicability to them. In case of
doubt, you may correct your records to
exhibit the facts by correspondence with
this office.
You will further observe that, under
section 4, none of the provisions of this
act apply to mineral lands, and that no
person is entitled to the benefit of any
provision of the entire act who falls
within the inhibition named in this sec
tion. Very respectfully,
The subject of caring for the insane is
a question of no small imjiortance. Foi
many years they have been kept by Dr.
J. C. Hawthorne of East Portland under
a contract with the State. At every
meeting of the Legislature there has been
an attempt made to change this method.
The question of building a state asylum
is now again before the people's repre
sentatives. Tlie plea usually urged is
that the state could keep those unfortun
ates at a much less expense than by giv
ing the contract to a private individual.
When we compare the amount of money
appropriated for this purpose .with the
expense of State institutions, and add
the cost of building a suitable asylum,
the economy of a change is not verv ap
parent. With the manner in which the
insane are now kept we have never heard
any complaint. This much cannot be
said of institutions belonging to the State.
Whatever gaiii might accrue from a
change f the present system in a finan
cial point of view, it is certain that the
patients will never be better ket It is
good legislation to' let well enough alone.
A bill to regulate the practice of medi
cine in Oregon is now before the Solons
at Salem. We have not learned the pro
visions of the bill but we hope that they
are simple, and if they become law, will
present no loophole through which their
violators may pass with impunity. Al
most every state in the Union has
thou git it advisable to legislate on this
important question. Since the passage
of such a law in California our State has
leen flooded with quacks, who could not
receive the sanction of the State Medical
Board to carry on their pernicious prac
tice. Ir the bill will relieve the State of
these pseudo Sons of Esculapius, we
hore it will become law.
The charge has been made by leading
Republicans in Congress, and echoed by
Republican newspapers, that the Demo
cratic party proposes to pay all the so
called Southern claims. A deluge of
claims for losses incurred by the Confed
erates during the war, it is asserted, will
pour in upon Congress, and that body
will empty the Treasury and bankrupt
the country by appropriating the money
!neices8ary to pay tnem. By careful figur
ing they demonstrate that the payment
of these imaginary 'claims will wreck the
financial and industrial interests of the
North, and that the South itself will go
down in the common bankruptcy and
ruin that will follow this wild extrava
gance. .
Just why a Democratic Congress, and
a Democratic chief magistrate should
wish to ruin and destroy the industries
of the people, these alarrui-sts do not ex
plain. In the catalogue of these imaginary
claims which the Republicans assert will
be settled by a Democratic Congress are
claims for all the slaves that were eman
cipated during the war, and for all losses
incurred in aid of the rebellion bv the
Confederate states and the people of the
To show that there is neither sense
nor sincerity in this vulgar clamor, it is
only necessary to say, what is known to
every intelligent man in the Republic,
that all of these claims are forerer barred
by the Constitution of tlie United States.
No man of any party, in any section of
the country, desires to see them paid.
They are impossible claims, without a sin
gle living "claimant" foolish enough to
press them, and without a forum iu which
a single one of them can be adjudicated
The fourth clause of the Fourteenth
Amendment to the Constitution of the
United States is in the following words
Sec. IV. The validity of the public
debt of the United States, authorized by
law, including debts incurred for payment
of pensions and bounties for services in
surpressing insurrection or rebellion,
shall not be questioned.
But 'leither the. United States nor any
state shall assume or pay any dept or ob
ligation incurred in a:id of insurrection or
rebellion against the United States, or any
claim for the loss or emancipation of any
slave ; bill all such debts, obligations and
claims shall be held ileyal and void.
By this amendment to the Constitution
all such claims are removed from the do
main of discussion, and any attempt to
agitate the question of their possible pay
ment becomes the trade of the demagogue
alone. General Hancock in his letter of
acceptance expressly declares this and
the other Constitutional amendment in
violable in the following words :
The thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth
amendments to the Constitution of the
United States, embodying the results of
tlie war for the Union, are inviolable.
If called to the Presidency I should deem
it my duty to resist with all my power
any attempt to impair or evade the full
force and effect of the Constitution, which
in every article, section and amendment
is the supreme law of the land. The
; Constitution fornw the bas,is cf th
e nov-
eminent of the United States.
The members of the Oregon Legisla
ture met at L'alem on the morning of the
13th instant, and proceeded to a tempo
rary organization immediately. In th
; Senate, C. W. Fulton, of Clatsop Coun
ty, was made temporary Chairman, and
in the House, C. P. Yates, of Multno
mah, was made temporary Speaker.
Committees on Credentials were appoint
ed, who reported in the afternoon, when
the Senate proceeded to a permanent or
ganization by electing Mr. Sol. Hirsch,
of Multnomah, President; J. C. Peebles,
Chief Clerk; G. O. Holmes, Assistant
Clerk; George Tatam, Sergeant-atarms;
James Acton, Doorkeeper. In the
House, the permanent organization is as
follows : 7.. F. Moody, of Wasco, Spe-tk- j articles imported into this country, M
Cr;C. B. Mnores, Chief Clerk;.!. W. ! hown by the last quarterly report of the
cj. v n it j ( chief of the bureau of statistics, demon
Strange, Assistant Clerk; L. C. Hada- ' , , , . . '. ..
' strates a tendency which, if persisted in,
way, Seargeant-at-arms; T. A. Bacon. ! a.n ,ip.tr v,bis l.hmrnf tr.t
Doorkeeper; Charier Cosper
Laugbead, Pages.
and L.
Oh, yes ' You can rely on Wrbfoot
oil at all times, night or day, as a sure
cure for croup or spasm. Ask ijc it at
McCoIU- Miller.
OUR vasiiigtox letter;
Washington, D. a, Sept t, 1880 A
There probably within twenyywr
has never been an impending Prn&eft 1
tial campaign so much in dbt a tbe
present one. Both sides crow, lustily tci
keep their courage up, while at the same!
time both are equally apprehensive!
Right here t the capital of th ' je'inT
wher there are so. ruaajotBcf holders
it is difficult to get a iair expjyjnMn fj r f
opinion this for the reison that the;
"ins" want to stav in and the great ma-j
jority allow their feelings to run away;
with their judgment. For this reason in
part there is the stiffest kind of confi
dence among the office holders that Gen. '
Garfield is going to be elected. Turning r
to that class who lias held office under j
this and heretofore existing Republican.! -administrations
and been disposessetL !
there is the same bias in the opinipu that '
a change is coming; that Hancock will:
be elected, and that the "outs," includ
ing this class will again be in. The Re-:
publican campaign committee does not;
regard Pennsylvania or Maine among (
the debatable states. Ther is confi-.
dence that both will give good Republi-(
can majorities, and that in Maine the
majority of last year will be considerably
augmented. The conceded debatable:
states are New York, Indiana, Connecti--cut
ani New Jersey. The Republicans
do not feel at all uneasy about the Pacific ,
slope states. Mr. Blaine is to go to Cai-
ifornia as soon as the Maine election is i
Over, and his record on the Chinese ques-!
tion and his .well known popularity iu :.
that section are counted upon to pull the ;
electoral votes of all the slope states to
the Republican column. This the Dem-;
ocratic committee or Democratic leaders !
do not concede. The debatable states
claimed by the Democrats other than.!
New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and , -Indiana,
are California Nevada and Ore- j
gon. It is in fact, in connection with !
these states, that during the Cincinnati j
convention the claims of Justice Field i
for the. presidential nomination were
urged on the ground that he was the I
only Democrat who could carry the Pa-'
cific slope states, k j
Mr. Joseph Nimms, Jr., chief of the '
bureau of statistics, has to-day given to j
the press his long-expected report on the 1
commercial aspects of the proposed 1
American Inter-Oceanic canaL The i
preparation of this report has involved i
an immense amount of labor, since it is i
based 'upon the commercial statistics of j
all the principal commercial nations of j
the globe. The result reached by Mr. j
Nimins will cause disappointment to tlie ,
friends of the several canal projects, and ,
the most interesting chapter of the re- i
port is the chapter on trans-continental '
railroads in determining the course of '
tritle between the Atlantic and Pacific ;
ports of the United States, with respect !
to the routes by way of the Isthmus of j
Panama, by Cape Horn, or by rail acrosx i
the continent, are freight charges, time' !
risk, certainty of movement and facilities
for distribution. The distance from San
Francisco to New York by each of the i
three existing routes is as follows: Via .
Cape Horn, 1.3,610 miles; via the Fsth- '
mus of Panama, 5,260; across the conti- J
nent by rail, 2,824. The average time j
required for the transportation of freights i
between San Francisco and New York !
by the above mentioned routes, is as foL
lows : Via Cape Horn, (sailing vessels) j
125 days; via Isthmus of Panama (steam ,
vessels) 26; across the. continent by rail, :
20 to 25. The report is accompanied by j
sixty-one appendixes containing valuable
statistical and other statements.
The large shipments of gold to this "
country and the heavy balance of trade
in our favor during the past Aionth,
coupled with the prediction of Treasury i
officials that this condition of affairs is '
likely to remain unchanged during ihn j
i present month, affords a cheerful outlook. ',
I An examination of the nature of tho-
our favor. The tables show an iitftvaftA j
in tltat cIpks of articles worn as laxprif), j
which drain the country of voWyrith
ont giving any return. - During the-pawt - j
four months this increase has grown to
alarming proportions, and the present
rate threatens the balance of trade,
i ' H. G:
rr- ...