Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, September 18, 1880, Image 1

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VOL. 2,
WILUilUM at M'tOLL. JhaMlshers.
Issued Eveitr Saturday Morxixg,
waeTox, umatiixa county
aaerlptlasa Kalra t
Omt Tear, (uoin).
U Month
AM aJonslar...
aau Uaaa,
W 00
s w
1 w
. ..!JU
Avritajsuc Bate.
Oh lan (1 tacb) liuarttun fl 50
lack atfaatfaoal toawtfon M
T huM, Int Insertion .. ....!
. addlUunal insartion 1 So
Tbraa Maunm, Irs hrtioa. ,. .. S Uu
Hack sdrtiainnal inaartie log
Um wur Culwu, tint w Mrti 5 :
tak addtuaaal Insertion. 10
Tin advartisaia by special can tin'.. Local notir
tt Ml par Una irat iusertion, U -nU per line each
subavueat insertion. Advsrtiaiiif bill payab, quar
Ml). Al lnJ aotias will be charged 7 'lent per square
rat iassatioa, and l'i cent per square aaclt aubioquent
lustrtioa (payable aieuthly).
Hmtrn. aiipl aanounoamenta o! births, marriage
,i4 deaths will a Inserted without char,-,. Obituary
notice, tbargad for aofemliuf to IwKth.
Attorney at Law.
WIU praetlce in th Courts of thi State and W h-ue-ton
Territory. Special attention paid to Land Othuv
Imwimm and Collections.
Mm-Mala .. Wanton. .
Attorney at Law,
r1'E-.tt t'eart Haas. WU Walla
Attarney at Law and Notary Public.
H i.riia a the Court In Oregon and Washington
CotLaetiafl Promptly Attended To.
rfira. oat Mada afj-r.. . . Wain, Or
t. ,
Notary Public an4 Collector.
. . - . ...
atfant tor I'tah, Idaho and Oregon Stage Co'i, also,
lavaler la (nadirs, al. Taps, Nation, 'ga r
Taaaccaa. nadl aasaeraMsatlsrr ajraarle.
1 EO. W. EE A,
littney ai Lav.
WIU prauUaia aUaa.asurUi tUu State,
,1 V..'E.STOX. M. I).
PhywciatL Surgeon and AccsucheAU'.
AM aAI gnmitig mi tended.
lhjJdaii and SursMi.
Office witk Dr Blaloclc, orer Day'c Drug
lrH t thi fienac UtUMir, Wihton, Ohkoon.
liiaxtiiiK Artlacial Teeth, a 8a laity 'frl.
Hom(paUa Pbas a4 ttrgeons
OrriCE-Paif e Bros' Eiidk.
A"IHaal ii&iaitiuB xLvay to diouea oi ah Jlyit, Kar
uaut fltruat.
AaTTaptti Mtaactad w'-4htt pa. i
int .
ami all acsrl wr
Of Wall Walla, will bhJ
aA Waatoa and raalXan.
'O lr9iu-nt ir'ju";.i8j riiU
Phy&ician and Surgeon,
awatt dlaar fa ('Mr Drag Marc, rails
jara (aptly altradral.
PJsjrftieiafi and Surgeon,
ajira a lav vut4t a Watrr M.
0 RS. GOVT) 4c ALBA3T.
Port Monnaies,
Fishing Tackle,
Perfumery, Toilet Soaps,
Toys and Nuts,
Wboriuile and Iti-tull.
Fred. M. Paiily,
S. H. Kennedy's Mf g Co
The T.irgest of tha kind in th IT. S
Please oxamine the of the
intercut uipg and prica vu:
Dissolved Sulphur Dip,
Price $2.25 a gallon,
This is equal to 30 lbs the boat
Sublime Sulphur.
Concentrated Extract of
Tolmoro Dip, '
Prioe, $ 2.25 a gallon,
This is my FAVORITE Dip be
t CURES SCAR and can a.
Uaou at any uegTeJs of strength with safety.
Hemlock Poisonous Dip,
Price, 82.25 a gallon.
Each Gallon of these Dips
Will make enough for 225 Sheep after
Special Dip for Scab,
Price, $2.50 a gallon,
italiable at any season of the year, especially
so in the FUll and Winter.
It up in one ami five gallon cans with full
Aioeetiotia for use.
PBmbJets sent Free to any Address.
Soli Iwy .all principal dealers in the U. S.
J. 1M! HACK EN d- CO.,
Aarntit for thai ractflrCaast.
. f
kadi: larnlac (eaisuppr Weil at Ik
itnrlt MaiainlllinK.
I) lily UaUcCm. one ,vr. $19 a
WiK'kly and Fridiir femuQau (inukinv; to-etluu
a complete Semi-Xoekiy 3 99
Weekly alone, oce ywar. t M
Part.ut a pwar in proiortion.
Kach Mlbwuiiiittr atll the presented with neen.l we
neticsof Ktvr bud ViUttuble TREE, VEt. ETABLE anU
r IAI Kll JtrJUikSi, etitttvi iin value to the sulMcnptMii
prife tif the ikjer.
tat' Henfl ir SaiixVe Copy, pivlnKr full paicukn.
KtiM'rtitunatM by ftcwSt. lotolflce rder. Wells, Kjuo
Jt C.h i&proii, omA Jwtered Lettr, at our risk,
atone t,M
Kittt Frani-lHro, CaJL.
obtained for mechavaical aea'iccs, medical or other com
pounds., (OtnamonUJ aaiug'n, trade-marka and labels.
Caveat, Awiaunou, knterferencca. Infringements, and
an aaMfcE reluba? to J'atents, promptly attended to.
We auake preliuuaajry examinations and fumiah opinions
aaa4)atlsitaibii;tr. lata .t charge, and all who are inter
ested in nm-aiiMvtiKaMxnd latent are invited to aend
lor a copy of uur "tiaidc (or obtaining PatentH," which
ia aont free to anyaddre. and contains complete in
asnuctions liow to,obtain Patent and other valuable
mutter. IHimi the nut five years we have obtained
nearly three tliouwwad "atent for Ameriani and Foreign
inventor;, and eau aatuioctory references in almost
o ttrv witutv in Use It anon.
lWrB:--laila:cr.t Ce.,Solieitors of Patents
and t.touawjit Lav.OOiroit Building, WaKBlagtan,
W.J. Heffelfinger's
City Express
I will dfllw aaf a aad rram amy pari at
saM lllra as fcr ao rcaaaable rates.
Will caxr, frearJki to aad tram
Alt order, left with Sallng Jt Keeae, J. F.. Jones a
F. M. Fauly at Weston, or Cook Inriae. Ceatemll,
will raeeiv sny prampt attention.
FreigbBUIstostABJrajjklysad ia
rnlanlru v. serltaaalliu.
Following is the speech of Senator
Wm. A. Wallace, of Pennsylvania, de
livered at Hancock's home, Norriston,
Pa., on August 10th, 1880:
Gentlemen: It is fitting that here
in the home of General Hancock, the
campaign which we hope and believe is to
result in bringing his native State to de
mocracy, should be inaugurated. The
real and vital issue is the qvestion of
unionism as against sectionalism wheth
er the Union is to be restored and per
petuated, or whether sectionalism and
disunion are to continue to exist. Tbe
republican party, as a party, has practi
cally ignored the existence of the Feder
al Union by its appeals to its own voters
of the North to sustain that nartv in
their bitter attack upon the South, and
have ignored the broad spirit of union
ism that reaches out and covers the
whole country in its grasp. It is time
for us to return to questions graver and
more important than those hate, of
sectionalism and disunion. The questions
that really concern us as a people relate
to our returning prosjerity, to our pro
gress as a nation, and to the elevation of
our people intellectually and in a busi
ness sense. The campaign of the repub
lican organization is inaugurated upon
the old sectional issues. Hate is their
animating idea. Their policy commands
them to forsake their old party -associates
South and . thoy unhesitatingly obey
They would be unable te pointjto a "solid
South," to talk of Southern outrage, to
falsify the record and preach the gospel
..... .
oi uaie, 11 tuey wouia admit and recog
nize that it was possible for tfiem to car
ry a Southern State for the republican
organization. In Alabama thsy seek the
cover of the greenbacker and fight beneath
his banner; in Virginia they properly
cover thBiaelvs; beneath the banner f
readjustment, and practically ignore the
teachings that belong to the great peo
ple the national credit and state faith.
They clamor they have no votes in the
South. They do not want them, for if
thfy had them they would no longer be
able to appeal to the bitter passions of
the North. If the Southern outragos
they paint and the inability to vote they
preach, be true, the responsibility is up
on them and not upon us, for thfry have
had entire control of the governuieiit for
fifteen years, and have utterly failed to
restore the Union. They have not at
tempted it; it was not their interest to
produce it. Their interest and their poli
cy have run in a different direction, and
they have pursued the path of hate and
sectionalism and not that of peace and
harmony. The republican party has
ceased to be national, if it ever was such.
While the nation progresses, business-energy
revives and prosperity crowns us in
every section, this great giant Polyphe
mus, with his one eye in the back of his
head, can see but one section of the coun
try, and will not recognize the inevitable
march of events. General Hancock
forcibly says:
The war for the Union was successful
ly closed more than fifteen vears ago; all
classes of our people must shire alike the
blessiags of the Union, and are equally
concerned in its perpetuity and in the
proper administration of public atlairs.
We are in a state of profound peace; as
one people we have common interests.
These are the teachings that best fit
the situation of this great people now.
What good can come from the success of
the Republican organization but a con
tinuation of hate, of sectionalism and
disamionf What can come from ours
but the restoration of die Union, the set
tleoieHit of all questions of sectionalism,
and tbe return in every Stale to those
questions of administration, of internal
improvement, of tariff or ;:" 'couomicnl
administrations, which propwiy leloiig
to the sphere of government i Their
policy is continued disunion, increased
hats and the perpetuation of bitterness;
ours is unionism, progress, and the restor
ation of business life in every swiiou of
the republic The charges they make as
to the condition of the South are not
true. General Grant, in his sjech at
Little Rock, on the 15th of April last,
' Citizens : On first landing on the soil
of your State and at every stopping-place
on the road, in the crowds of people I
met and the greeting I received, I saw
that the feelings of the past weie gone ;
nothing will advance your prospects so
much as an entire absence of sectionalism.
1 have noticed in my travels that section
alism is passing away.
In his speech at Cairo, on the 16th
he said :
To stand divided we are too nearly
ual, nian to man, to be a great and
prosperous people; let us hope, there may
be a genuine union of sentiment, a gener
ous rivalry in the building up of our sev
eral States. . ; . .. ' '
We must live together, and this great
people in their march of progress cannot
stop for bickerings and quarrels. The
genius of our people is progress, business
and energetic life, and the party that
stands in their road will go down before
the march of events. General Hancock
is a representative of this unionism ; the
Republican party and its policy are the
exponents of the reverse. Their policy
destroys our control of the manufactur
ing interests of the republic ; takes from
the North that peculiar Control which
has heretofore belonged to us, and places
factories, furnaces, rolling mills, and
work-shops by every river in the South.
The South has been agricultural; that is
its natural sphere. Its enormous pro
ducts from the soil have been and ought
to continue to be the most important
element in her progress and prosperity.
Disunion, hate, and persecution force
them to depend upon themselves and
thus deprive vs of what is and ought to
continue to be our natural market.
Another thought : the plain issue be
tween a strong government and a gov
eminent of the people, between the teach-!
ing of Jefferson and those of Hamilton
is involved in this campaign. General i
Garfield, in his place in the house, on the
26th of January, 1865, said :
I believe that the fame of Jefferson is
waning and the fame of . Hantiltewi-waTx-"'
ing in the estimation of American peo
ple, and that we are gravitating towards
a stronger government. I am glad that
we are.
At the Fifth Avenue Hotel on FrMay
last he paid a tribute to Alexander Ham
ilton as the leader of American thought.
The conflict is here again shaped between
the rights of man as such, and of power
and paternal government. That was the
issue the people of Eastern Pennsylvania
met in 1800, here in this locality, and
they turn form power those who followed
and believed in the teachings cf Mr.
Hamilton and Mr. Adams and placed in
power those who followed and believed
in the doctrines of Mr. Jefferson. With
us the individual is the unit. We gov
ern by individuality. All rights belong to
the individual, save those which are vi
tal to the conduct of the government,
and when those pass from the individual
the extent of the grant is to be measured
with jealousy, and its abuse curbed when
ever it occurs. We want no strong gov
ernment ; we want a government of the
people, by the people, and for the people.
Our candidate voices this when he sars:
This Union, comprising a general gov
ernment with general powers, and State
government with State powers, for pur
poses local to the States, is a polity the
foundation of which were laid in the
profoundest wisdom. This is the Union
which our fathers made, and wrick has
been so respected abroad and so lenefi
cent at home.
General Garfield and his party would
centralize the government. The tenden
cy of their system is to igw re the indi
vidual a a unit and to govern the peo
ple from the top. Federal election laws
are but one of the evidences of this ten
dency. They apply now to cities alone,
but concede the power and it grows upon
what it grasps and ultimately finds full
play in the control of elections in the
rural districts. In a republic all men
are equal ; in a centralized despotism they
are also all equal ; in tha former, because
they are everything ; in the latter, be
cause they are nothing. We want neither
sectional hate, disunion, nor paternal
government. i
Let us trace the record of the candi
date of the Republican party. He it is
who has solemnly asserted that the man
who attempts to get up a political excite
ment in this country oil the old sectional
issues will find himself without a party
and without support ; yet he is the man
who is now presenting himself to the
people as the champion of sectionalism.
of hate, and disunion. In this he is
about to verify his own prediction, and
find binisi'lf without a party and without
support He has eulogized free trade
and voted for high duties in one session,
and he has advocated protection and
voted for free trade in another. In 18
66 he spoke against reducing the duty
on tea and coffee, and in 1872 he voted
against placing them on tbe free list. In
1866 he replied to Mr. Stephens by say
ing : " - '
Against the abstract doctrine of free f
trade as such very little can be said, but
it never can be applied to values except
in time of peace.
Yet to-day he is paraded as the advo
cate of protection, while in 1870 he voted
to reduce the duty on pig-irou from 9
to 7 per ton, and in 1872 ho voted
for the bill to reduce the duties upon
wools, iron and steel ten pt-r centum.
In 1880 as'a member of the Committee
on Ways, and Means, he voted against
the bill reducing the duties on salt,' print
ing paper, and wood-pulp. He has ac
knowledge in eiuphitic terms, in his
place in .the Federal House, the gross
partiality and injustice of the Federal
election, laws, and, amid the derisive
laugter o bi&associatcs, has voted against
his own v-opitio4i to amend them in
the interest of justice and fair play.
He has vijototLsly and. uniformly de
clared against u&U-avagauce anl waste
in the- bills for internal, improvement for
rivers and. harbors,, aj.nl has uniformity
voted fee" the laws, to iuejrease and create
them. He has spuktu, for general amnes
ty -hut when the party Lash was. applied,
,le vted against it
With tUe broadest
theoretical views of union, peace and
harmony in his public utterances, his
practical application of his, own doctrines
has. been to perpetuate sectionalism and 1
distkQMMi. lie voted iii. Ctoortessiaiiaiust
the iill for the Electoral Cotavutission, be
uattse it authorised that (,oir,M.soft tono
behind the returns of a State, and as ont
of the commission he voted and decided
that the law gave no such power in the
cases of Louisiana and Florida, whiW it
did in the case of Orvgou. He earnestly
denounced the abuses, oi' the civil service,
declaring that Coi-gressiueu had lcooe
the distributors and brokers, oi public
patronage, while in i.i:, letter of accept
ance he gives his unqualified assent to
the continuation of the u buses ho before
assailed. He has assumed to be the
friend of legislation for preventing dis
crimination m freight charges, and haa
given like assurance to its enemies. His
personal record in mutters, that are now
so public, I shall not attempt to deal
'with. They are before the public, and
they must judge hiin by the record in
regard thereto. We present a candidate
born on your own soil, to whose support
every feeling of local and State pride
prompt us to rally; a Union General,
who was found at the .supreme crjsis of
the nation's peril, equal to the occasion;
who repelled the advancing enemy froir.
his native Ttate, ami saved both it and
the Republic. One with a stainless per
sonal record, with a magnificent military
record, is the candidate of the Democra
cy in this contest. He is the represent
ative of unionism against sectionalism,
of the rights of the people against those
of power and centralization.
Alaskan explorers report one of the
largest rivers in the world, the Vukon,
as navigable for steamers two thousand
five hundred miles, and fivo hundred
from its mouth it receives a very large,
navigable tributary. The basin formed
by the confluence is twenty-four miles
wide. The Yukon is nearly as large as
the Mississippi.
The Spirit of f?i? Tim? says that the
fis'a caught in the Columbia river brand
ed with letters as referred to in the Ae
toriany were put into the Atlantic by an
Eastern hatchery. If this is so it is a
matter worthy of investigation. A large
number of salmon were caught this year
with a clip off their tails.
The Vatican asks amuesty for the
four Polish priests who were sent to Si
beria for issuing a Nihilist paper and
circulating it among the people of St.
Petersburg. .
Use Oriental Hair Tonic for preserv
ing the hair.
NO. 41.
Washington, D. C. Aug. 28,jl880.
The formsl retirement of Judge Key ;
from the Postmaster-Generalship was 1
comumated en Wednesday last by the
presentation to Mr. Maynard by the ;
President, of his commission as Post- .'
roaster-General, and also to Judge Key
his commission as District Judge tor -"
t Via 'Eajirorii district of TpnnMmw TViia
tIaakiv. narpninnv liavinir haa feonalaul .
ed at the White H&uspboth gntkrna -proceeded
to the Post-office Department,
where Mr. Maynard was sworn into of
fice. A large gathering of the clerk of
the department took place, when a hearty
welcome was given to the incoming chief
and pleasant words of parting were said
to Judge Key, who spoke in the highest
terms of commendation of all who had
so ably seconded his efforts to prpaaaf
the usefulness of the mail servieei
The death of General Myerstj Better"
known as "Old Probabilities," has cre
ated much sympathy for the family of
the deceased officer. A more interesting
family circle could not have been found1
. , ,.i i .1 ...
in uie country, ana tne ueatn oi its neaov
has caused a great loss, both of a kind
and ailectionate father, and a valued,
friend. It is probably not generally
known that '-Old Probabilities" was
originally ? surgeon in the army.. He
invented a code of signals, tbe idea of,
which he derived from the Indians walk
he was stationed on the plains,. This
signal code was adopted lay the-QoAieMas-ment,
and proved a valuable a&b; &av
communication during tW wajre. uiixr
of General Myers." feats hww Ifcanb
: l-i: i i x Tar r j .t
uuuiuruiiuuu , aaanur aiSM jauimsiyi
production entitled, "-HoldJ. kftkir Bort,"
which is sung by Su&44bh Sihools
throughout the ccaantry. T&ilaa waa
suggested to the antlrar by tbisvJight be
tween the Northern and Snuitlhan-iorcea
in Georgia in October vL)bv tha
federal forces, under corasrimKill Oat'Gta-
erai J olm r . (Jorse, were- nrnmrnuti bjrv
Geneial Sherman at 17 rut iaTTTaiawaiis1 ,
eighteen miles distant by aaam- ofr'it
formation conveyed to hint tkfougJpL tffm
signal flags of General Myers who g
pened to be stationed witb GeueijaJt
Corse's forces at the time of tin ngage
tuent. From this signal serrie ezperi
ence. General Myers conceived tW idea,
of publishing a daily map of the odi
tion of the weather V throughout ' the
country by means of the' experience tfcaVsv
obtained he was enabled to predict th
state of the weather in certain localities,
whence he derived the ' soubriquet pf
"Old Probabilities j
There was quite a targe Democratic
ratification meeting on Thursday even
ing and the vicinity of the City Hall
was very handsomely illuminated. Quite
a number of speeches dilated in the usu
al nianner of such gatherings ujjoi the
excellence of their candidate acd tha
prospects of his election.
President Hayes and his family left
last evening for Ohio, en route for the
Pacific Coast. The Secretary of. War,
General Sherman and daughter, and
somo few others will make up the party,
which will meet in Chicago about the
2nd dny of Septemler.
I a ru iiiformed that a number of im
portant changes are soon to take place
witnin the Patent Office, and that the
new Commissioner, Mr. Marble, wilt
leave no stone unturned to straighten)
out the much-complicated mess left be
hind by his predecessor, Mr. Paine. The
rumored removal of Mr. Chapman, one
of the principal examiners, is causing
considerable comment among the em
ployees of the Bureau, as it is not gen
erally known that this man, by his pus
illanimus conduct, has tsade himself ob
noxious not only to the powers that be,
but with a large number of attorneys,
who, from necessity, are compelled to
come in direct contact with him.
Oh, yes! You can rely on Wssbjeot
oil at all times, night or day, as a sure
oure for croup or spasm. Ask for it at
McCoUi Millar's.
Webfoot Oil cures pain, internal or
external in from one to fifteen minutes.
Warranted. For sale by McCull 4t
1 t-.iUJ-
Salscribe or the Leajku.