Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, September 11, 1880, Image 1

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a; TTT- "" "S-glJLSg.' ' ' J 11 J. 1. . 1 " .. "' ultiM. TJ. I', f 7'r 1" IJ """ ' ' ' -iilii- 1. in 1 iip'iii.i a, ii a 1 ' 1 ",' '.'Ti " " " ",'' "' ' " ' ' i n Mfn mi .in. ! . . 1.1 J""H',",' ' "' H.Vj' ' " ' ' ' ' S j
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wiuummi 4 ircwu. ratiiiiiri.
Imvid Ersmr SatcuJat IIokxixs,
aTr,(an .,...,.,... .,...-1
r . Uaati. . 1 50
dxu a 4 S
' JL4vrUa(MC Bate.
m SqiMi 0 ) lint lawrtton . .
kck tdiiilioaal hsMrtira.
T RqiMTW, Int laaMtio .'
Kb additional inwrtiun
Tfor 8.,uu, bit lnawttoa. :
tatrb 4aibMiai inMrtJmi. ,
Om (ivnrttr Column, flrat ioMrtion..
adiUUanal tBMrtioo
:.. i so
1 50
. . OO
1 60
6 60
S 60
TIbo tirmin by peUl contract. Local notlc
14 wax f Ut flrtt iuaenion, 1 ! c. nt pr line eafh
uuMfit nmrtion. AirunMajc biilt pavaba quat
tarl. J
ifi Uf al BOtiaa will b charired 75 ccaU per ftquan
rat iuaartioii, and 37 J tebta pur a la.ira oacb f ubjaquunt
inaaruoB (jja;abla Bvubaj V
yerira. Slmpla annaBnoemenU of birtha, marrlagea
an4 liaaUbt will b inaerUd wituout c.iar. obituary
avUcaa coargati f :r attrdiuff Uj .distil.
1 ; tort Rlonnalo.
OK'irfiaj' mil ii i fea Jr ' "
Attorney at Law,
will niutlra U iha Courta of thia Stat ana W ah
taa Vai ritnrj . spwuti atwiiuoa pia u LauJ Uffiaa
aaa ia.Miiia
ca-llalii HU. Wcatan. 0.
Attorney at Law,
orFICE A Caart Umu. Malla Walla
Perfumery, Toileij Bakps, !
- lUI Vtll AX AMtliaCASSi
Toys and Nuts,
Wkacaalc aa4 Bctall.
Fred. M. P.uly,
4 1EACUEN. '
V.. ; ? ;
' Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
pnu-u n tba Court in Oregon and Washington
Cvlldctiont Promptly Attended . To.
ortirr.. oa Unla Mrcrt. Waataa. ir
I A. STEEL, r- .
Notary Public ami Collector.
lj.nl for Utah, Idaho aad Onfoo Starc Co , alao,
Kar la Caaallra, Xala, Toya, Nalloaa,1zar
Taaraa. uaal aaateraaa other artirJo.
Attorney at Law.
Will practia in all tha eaurta o( th Stota. -
-9 -
Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur.
-. . -W , Ua,TwJ(. OitaAM .
AU aalla arBaitly attcaalrtl.
i j r. cttOPPa M. p
Physician and Surgeon.
Ome witk Dr EUlock, 7r Day e Drug
me, at raj fiemaa Oiutn, Wito, Oauoic,
tW laaerilaf Artilctal Taaih, a 8 ia ty T.
S. H. Kennedy's tVlfg O o
Th" nt of t2n kial ia th : U. S
.Taa I'leaae examine the - of the
I aa iferent (Jipe and price vie:
" T Dissolved Sulfur Dip. .
l'rioe $2.2 gallon,
i hia is equal to 30 tba the best
Oublime Sulphur.
Concentrated Extract o
' Tetmece Mt, v
inrioe, $2:25 a gallon'
i hia U my FAVORITE Dip be
CURES SCAB and can. as
ree of strength with safety.
Heml- ck Pol onous Dip,
Price. y.2o a Rallon.
Each Gallon of these Dips
Will make enough for 25 Sheep after
Special Dip for Scab,
I'rice, yl.M a gallon.
Reliable at any season of the year, especially
so in the Full and Winter.
Put up in one and. fire aallon cans with full
directions for use.
Pamphlets sent Free to any Address.
sold oy all principal dealers in the U. 8.
J. McCKACh i-jr 6 CO.,
Aavala fur the raeifletteaat.
"Father, who trsTels eur roast lata T
"Hush, my child, 'tis ttooaodidate. -
Fit examplanf huruan WoeAj
Early he conieM euid late ha foes, ' '
Me great the woman with eanttly aman.
Hokiaaea the baby's dirty face. ;
tie calls to th feaea tba burner
He lrea the merchant aad he bores tbaciark.
Tliia hlai'kaiu.th. wkil. hia aitiril
He BTat-'ta, ::nd this is tba aona be aiaawf
fiowdv, htrwiyltowsli -
ii.w f.iuf wife, 'and MVr-Vreyoat --All,
it Uis my. hat.aa tt bthsr can,
The uur.ij h.nj uf the w.rkingmaa."
" ilasband who in t!i:tt at tha aie
tiiae, my ove, a ih eljididiife.C-sE
"il.iblni.il, hy liiii't tie wurk,4ifcyo?
"11 s lie not .i ii at a:: . home to dui"
tvifnjsVer. a iaa. fc down, "
N l at h tu'i.iul nj redii n tnwn,
too pi. in 1 1 )'.ea h u d to proud to beg,
TyM t!'"d rob and to laqrto dig,
iijir r hi-i h. r-e liileg,he tlrn-s,
A A . tl. e rtu;if people thw norlg ue sings.
' . ' riowdw, huwdy, howd'.vedo?
1 ilo'y in year wife, and lu.vt fe you?
" Ah,' icfits myHt aa uu uthrr am.
flie horny hand of the workinmau.' "
. ii
"Urothera, who work both ei.rlv und late,
Ask. these tbiiiKa uf the candidate.. 7
W hat is hia record ? flew do- i li siaud
At home? No matter atout tas ti . ad,
tie tt hard or a, ft. so it i- n prone
To close oer money not his ou n.
Ha he iu view no thievin); plant i
Is he honest and rapabSe 1 tie's your man 1 .
Cheer such a man. till the welkin rings, ;
Join theVhorua whi.e he sings: ;
Howdyi -howdy, howd'yedo? '
How ia yewr wife, and how are you ?
Ah, it fits my fi-t aa ao other can,
The korny hand of the workingman., '
was intoxiemtod Satnrday Bight, whoa I
went t bed at aeren, with a raging
tooth-ache;" 3
'It's that recklea fool trhwa I left ia
tharge," groanetl the Colonel. 'TU
make it all right, Marah," Md Bghot
aMflarn'oa, only to bo confronted Vy
MHjor'illi'riv-4'- !i '
btreai Blia ixOoia decpaat
roiotAat isvjUaiooua-! .It's mj in
teatlorf, kir, to call yott out and shoot,
you t j rough the heart What the deuce
do you .mean by putting this note in
your papers
!!S"Militat Jomsea, Major Blim,
the tattered old rillain who hid in an
oytter barrel during the battle of Bull's
run, weai s a wig. He ought to be shot
in the la.uk with a baked apple."
"I can't help it, Blim," said Bagshot,
wiping hia forehead, "it's all owing to
that young devil in the office, lie has
made a rvd-hot paper. J uat wait, Major,
andl'Uti thuigs." ... .
1'hea, Bagjsfe started again,
Be.polT-oioiFa'ker grabbed
- "Ob,, you " unfeelins; gSoul f vailed
Parker, 'you ought to. be rode oh a rail
The' idea- of making inn. of my pour,
tteaTrfdead child ra '
"How r
HaVoocX ia a Forthern fBaaa, Tirwud
frota any ataadpoiai4 It is now tecasata-
ed by those who wvald lain hav hrottghs j
a charge of treason agiisa nin-Mhoaa
load-nKatbed aeeaaers, who, nnlikhia
stayed at homer daring th var, iMt yaaf
by year maee an ineraatJag in loyalty.
proporuonaae u wnx distance iroa 1 TtT. -r.,'., rnrta a ha'.
. - - . - - aia 4
ilakalumne Bill iscrowdedwiai sum-
1 ..''a? , A
iaifcvrs. t ' fM
JfcJtipv Butte, had halt4nchi last
efcTaebdaj r.ht. 5, :K 1
s The. bornt iiit7ict of4 Ed;Blnfi is he
lms tapialy rebuilt
15 IGUO 1 S AS 1 .
Bew He Kan the "Choduak I'Biea.'
leadinfT eletoants eoatriWiug success at
the moat critical epoch iri die country's
history, when "ihqok to the eenter by
civil dissensiona Is it not wrak and
cowardly how for those who then ad
mired his brilliant efforts and roiced at
his saceesses, enjoying the fruits thereof,
for them now to belittle his efforts and
impugn hut motives t" It is noticeable
that none of the brave fellows who. act
ually donned the blue or the gray, are
contemptible enough for thia; a soldier's
honor is too great. ; Again, Hancock's
actions and utterance show that he is a
lover of his whole country, of hi-r con
stitution and law, prtp&rcd to deal out
even-handed justice to alL His ex
pressed sentiments on record are t credit
to the eitixeft, a glory to the soldier and
an knnrt, n flia ftlaf.cin.n f.lT Vlf, it Pnoll
1 KM innvillo
How else can
Yuba foothills swru with quails to
an un precedent uegree.: "-.-t
New Hope, Sun Joaquin, bas a radish
which weigh fiine pounds. j ,.(
At Willows, recently, Patsy Gallagher
sbet George Smith in both handa,
Major Bigney of Pveblo, a well known
editor, died last week. - . j ...
September 21t Denver pugilists are
arranging for a priz fight at some'poiut
in New Mexico. -
A cloud bnrst on August 24th did
about a thousand dollars worth of dam
age Jo the brick-yards of East Denver.
Tue fire in the Yuba hills, near Selby
Flat, bas run over 600 acres of j pastu-e
and timber lands. . :'! '
There being no opposition it is decided
that the birds "Bob Whita" around Mc-
Hemoepathie Physicians and Surgeons
0rn6E Paine Bros' Brick. '
rlfial Atoadoh finn to dUwaitol of the Ere, Ear
, , . .aad Th rout.
roarS'V, ,
arTavtb axtAacted without pain and all work' war
11. MACK,.
Of Walla Walla, will autkt traqnant protaaaienal runts'
at Waawn and yrndletoo.
Physician aiirt Siirscon,
atrr, neat War ta rtly r Mai.
' pa-waapUy atealel.
:ia . . ..
Bvrnlas SwraBr Wetl ef th
eekr Mountains.
D llj BuaUn,aa year .v"1
WackW aad Friday Umletin (nuiinj Uj.'cthaJ
a eoaiplata ticuu-H ki'
Weakly alona, aaa year "
' & ' fa'rta a Jaar ia proportion.
Each tubaerieer will ba preaented with aee.al re
riet-es ot Kara aad Valuable TMiii. VKOKTARLE and
KLOWKRKKl8, eoual iaranta to the aubn-nytion
price of the paper.
t& Send for aaaaple Copy, glriot full parttculiru.
Remittaaeaa by Draft, Po-torlce Order, Mel a. t'iirgo
i Co. a Kxpreaa, aad Uasitml Uettar, at our rw.
s. r. ucLLtrrt a rw
ana trnariarv. Tat,
Obtained Br ateehaaieal devioea, medical or ether eeta
pouada, eraaajeatal deabyna, trade-mark, and labels.
Carta U, AMhjamenta, lnterierencea, lntnnjomenta, sad
all atatteia ralattaf to raaeaia, promowj .
We nuke prcliaiinary exaatinaAioaa aad f umiah opinion.
ae to patentability, free ol enanre, aa
eatad W iaTaaUoaa and Pateata arainriud to aand
for a copy of our "aside lor ootainm ra, -
. rr . j , . .hiM III it I m
aent tree ia aay waraa, - r
atructioua bow toabtaia hteaU aad ether valuable
aiatter. Purine tba past ore years we am iw
tk. tiul Patents for AanneM aad renin
inventora, and ran (fire aaUafaetory rafereaeea in alaaoet
Addnaai-Laala Bbaturr dt f,soiier. -and
AUoraevaat Law, LeiMoit Buluuug, W aaaiaxteat.
Colonel Bagshot ruus a weekly uews
paper up in Cliodunk, called the Union.
llfrcently the Colonel was called away to
New York on business, h aving the paper
in the hands of an asslt-taut who had
been in his employment some little time.
Now the Colonel knew that the said as-
sihtant had the cheek' of "ahrass statue,
an3 the UiUcityTrf a New-Erglaad fly,
both indiripenaible attributes of the news
paper man; but still, after being in the
city about a week, he began to grow un
easy, and telegraphed to Chodunk:
"How's tilings 1"
Back came the. answer from the Union
. ., ....
wbuom eaitor:
"Bullv ! circulation of the old thing
has gone up a thousand Been getting
up a red hot piper, and there's a crowd
outside that are weeping because 4hey
c-in't hoist the shingles off the roof and
knock the whole concern to thunder.
Stay away as long as you like."
Bagshot didn't waste a moment after
receiving that encouraging dispatch, i
He started for home in the first train,
and reached Chodunk before night.
The first man that struck him ws the
"Look here, Colonel ! he cried, excit
edly, "I've a darn good notion to punch
your head; you brazen-faced old liar.
"Whyr asked Bagshot.
"Bead that 1" and the ticket agent
shoved a crumpled Union into his hand.
. There was a paragraph marked as fol
lows: ...
in the highest degree.
human discernment fathom the integrity
of any man than by hi words and ac-
"How ! have "you ot the cheek to turn The hottest political enemy he
ask how ? Maybe you didn't shove this j tas, fails to point out a single tct of his
into the Union, did you, you heartless
hyocrite:" . C5
, ob:tcaet:
" Li.t'e Bennie Parker
iiad a stomach pain,
Rhu arb aud ipectc
r. lioth were in vain;
lie kicked the gulden bucket,
His parent's hearts re aore,
;'. i . '-.They'll bury biro to-uiurrow,
. i At a quarter to lour.
Of course Bagshot had to explain, and
promised the father a two-col u run notice
of the dead Bennie's many virtues.
Hardly had he done so before young
Cooley appeared.
"Colonel Bagshot," announced he,
'-you are a lying scoundrel. This is a
nice thing to put into your blackguard
sheet about a young lady:"
"Society Kewa Mias Cooley, tha
old hag on South street, wait tea around
in a patent bustle in the hope of catch
ing a fellow. - But she can't, not even
if she lays the paint on twice as thick as
she does now."; ; " i :
But Bagshot didn't atop to hear it.
He flew across, the square and into the
Union office like a flash.
Nit one was there. The able assistant
editor, warned by friends unknown, had
dusted forever. Lying on the desk was
a copy of his paper folded that this not
ice caught Bagshot's eye:
Litikarv Itlms. The . bald-aeaded
sidpe who pretends to run this paper,
discreditable to him as a man, or in any
other capacity. Then, wherein lies any
objection to him Simply because he
will probably receive the 'electoral vote
of the Southern States. Does it look
likely that Hancock is a Southern sym
pathizer t Aiiy way, the Southern States
have as mu:hright to vote for" Hancock
or whom they will, as the 'Northern, or
any other States. HajRSctMay can
satisfy national feeling at the North and.
South alike, can bring an honest person
al record, and can stand before the peo
ple as a loyal and capable man of honor.
He should be elected.
The ateeaUtcaN CaadteWtr's aVUa.cnelrs
Wbea Collerter.
Surely 110 man ahould
be the incumbent of
an offioe the duties
of which for any cause
he is untitled to per
form who is lacking
in the ability or integ
rity which a proper
f.d.uiiiist ration of such
office demand'. The-e
view, which I have
ha. gone to Nsw York. We expect to jglj,
hear every moment of his sentence to
Sing Sing for arson and higway robbery.
The citizens of Chodnnk should con
gratulete themselves if the Colonel does
Oreea Bay, Wis., Adrocate.
There may be serious differences twixt
politicians of the same party, as note;
Arthur's letter 1 - I .Shetman'a letter.
"The resolution r "But if it ia to be
fcrring to the public I held that, to procure
twrviee seems to ine
deserving of approval
bin village bv beinc hune
Railroad News. The bandy-legged. . .. ' . . .
Bagshot never intends to employ an
other assistant editor, and journalists in
sesrch of a situation will find it healthy
to keep away from him. -
-jryk. W.. T. .WILLIAMSON.
Physfotan and Surgeon,
1 ..tt
t reaaWffM si Wstaejatu t i
Offlrs) at hi I
W. J- Ueffelfihger's
City Eiqpreos
I wllf au)l ver eals te aad) ftraea aay part et
aall t It Irs as ease as wet aaeaaae raaea.
Wtat eaarj tVeashs ta aawl ffraaa
BtVt lew ttek
AS erden left with SaOac A aaeaa, J. E. Joaaa o
. ii 1 m Tfaitna. f "n A Imne. Oeotemd
wfll raeaiee aay PWH aWaatiiwi
TraSfM BUB) tS aavasiet ssM B
idiot who robs the railroad eompany at ,
this village, has purchased a new pocket
knife. More knocking down fro4t. the
cash drawer." i
B.gshot bit his lip.
"Bill," said he, "that's a cajamit, and
I'll s e it all righted in our lnext. It's
my cussed assistant's work."
I don't care whose work it is,
growlad th agent; "but if it ant V. con
tradicted, somebody's got to die, that's
,11." :
Bagshoi didn't reply, but sailed down
street to the Union ofhee.
He had not gone half a block before
. . aa, ' '
he collided with Deacon Marsa. .
Tha Deacon seized him by the shoul
der an i exclaimed: .
"What did you mean, Bagshot, by in
serting that scandalously untrue item
about me T" ,
Didu't insert any item," replied the
"Don't "sneak out of it in that way.
You know you did. Why, 1 j-wt cut it
out of the Union listen:
. "Religious Intelligence. 'That
whitened sepulchre, Deacon Marsh, was
noticed, last Saturday msbt trying to
open the coal hole in front of hia resi
dence with a night key. The Deacon
was full as a goat, and couldn't tell
moonshine from green cheese."
"Now, that's nice, ain't it, saying I
fnriuly applied when
called upon to act, 1
the removal - of Col
lector Arthur, it ia
sufficient to reasona
bly eatablwh that
gross abuses of ad
ministration have con
tinued and increased
during his incumbeu-er-'-tbat
many person
hare been regularly
paid on his rolls who
rendered little or "o
service that the ex-
5nses ot his oJioe
tave increased a hile
collections have been
diminishing that
tinrf mh.ulieil in the. : bribes, or uratuit ies
rKanlniiou. which oi iu the nature of
course 1 approve.'
The fact should not be lost sight of
that more than three-fourths of the boys
in our public schools will, have to earn
their living by some form of manual la
bor; and, this being the case It is not kind
neair to fill their heads with the idea of
escaping their destiny, nor is it justice to
deny them opportunity for preparation.
The sentimental idealists, whose onimons
have given shape to the school Rystem s
it now staads, claiming and attempting
too much for the great mass of mediocre
material which co.ues under the band
for the teachers, and in the end do not
really get h li tae educational benefit for
their clients that -wouiJ result from a
clearer a.laj.' i"n of means to ends from
auiore;oii:i;Vi,, and practical provision
for arming the majority of school children-
with the means ot earning their bread
mid butter in after life. Benvelence is
not alwavs kind, and short-sighted phil-
antbopy is sometimes cruel St. Paul
Piomer Prist.
Webfoot Oil euros paw, internal or
external in from one to fifteen nainutea.
Warranted. For sale by McColl aV
lirilwe, have been l
reived by hia subord
inates ia several
branches of the cue-loin-houses
that ef
forts to correct these
abuses have not met
his support, and that
he has not given to
the duties of the office
the requsite diHgenc
and attention, then it
ia submitted that the
case is made out. This
form of pr.Mif the de
partment ia prepared
to sulnnit."
Front the ETaneville, Ind., Courier, Augnat ITth lbSO.l
. It is a signiticant evideuc'3 of the "mu
ability.uf human" ailkirs'''" that in 1.S65
Secretary Stanton omplijieutsd General
Hancock for having captured -'nearly 11
the forces of the r-bel gurilla Mosby,
and had ofwred a reward of 2,000 for
the.captur- of Mosby himself." Now
Mosb'v is a "loil' Republican oflioial.
while Hancock is denounced as a traitor
and rebel, and everything else that is un
patriotic, by the same party that could
not toe much praise him for his course
in that casa. .
Tto Biwkdvn..saya .it.Js good
for $1,000,000, and then declares that
Gen. Garfield commitUHl perjury in the
Cretlit Mobilier buaines. If thinks a
suit for libel would lie a good way ot
justifying the assertion, attd it wants to
be made a defendant in court. It will
do all it can to push the case to trial in
a month, and does not care whether the
trial takes place ia New York or Ohiot
The Chicago Tinut says Hancock's
letter "is no; so bad as represented to be."
A atiagy admission is better thun none.
, Boise City is troubled with opium
smokers, both Chinese and white. The
StdUtman wants the matter in vestigated
The Albany Blue Ribbon Club put . .
"The Last Loaf" on the stage, and ac- .
quitted themselves very creditably.
.Which county in Oregon will be the
banner Democratic one at the Presiden-
tial election? Umatilla will try.. -
Miss Eva Burbank's father blames -those
near her for permitting her to
drown in the" sear Hla parental anguish
must be great " ' '
Horse thieves, lielie ved to be organized
in bands, according to the Statemtuin, are
oorrmitting depredations in this upper
Mary E. Brown of Colorado Springs
and Frank Cappler of Silver Clifi were
receutly burned to death with kerosene.
August 24th a young man of ' Denver
named J. Jones got eighteen buckshot
ia his leg. He had gone out' with- a
charivari party.
It is said that the old Mission' Church -at
Santa Barbara, Ci., is going t ruin,
and steps to preserve it are urged. '
Governor Perkins has offered a reward
or' 500 for the arret and conviction of '
Francisco Ortego, who murdered Edwm
Sixby near Colton on May 23J. ,
Herrsll k Limmerman, brewers ftt
Portland, have been arrested for viola't "
ing the revenue law by using.the gju:-'"
stamp twice. It i- uaJ uil;y, s.Siie'of'
$100 for each ti-ie .th dc d wd.s ctona,
will be, iinpjsed.
i Marhfield has a popalation. ef 61 5.
It Las eleven plats where whiskey' can
be bought It has no church building.
It has no public school hopse. It ca.ts
a large Republican majority.
A Silver City rancher iirigates his
potatoes by walcr from quartz-mill tail-
T t . t . 1 t X x
mgs. it is saia tnat wuen nt( wens
dig his potatoes a few days ago he found
them incased in a bright covering ot sil
ver which had formed upon them.
A pane of glass was broken, a shop en
tered, and the llaneock snd English flag
that Hotted from the building during the
day, was stolen after being cut from the
staff at Sheridcn, Oregon. The owner
of the flag is an ex-Union soldi r. But
it is alt right, since it did not happen
down - south, and was not a Garfield
flag. . j
A Ladville lot-jumper took possession
ef a piece of land-.helongiag..i. J;WO re
spectable and bard-working wrnen.. The
citizer.s ordered hia to leave or Ukejlba
eonsequeneea He deckled tej leave yter
surveying the crowd . which had asaem-
- - ttl ;
Oli. yes! You -can reiy on Wtjbfor
oil at all tirues, night .or day, aVe
Cure xor croup or Bpasm. uis lor it at
McColl Miller's. .
' Tb basebrilf rAteber ie-no;a considered
an expert unless he can curve the ball
into the batter's stomseh three time , out
of a possible five.
ii i
af - v.
v Vt -.