Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, September 04, 1880, Image 3

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vrr !. .'i.;V'
. . W. C. IaDow
.-.-.J A UaanU
...Win Fenland
. .S-M. Prnninetea
..i.P 1 Kelly
..J. B. Keener
...J.C. Arnold
....Dr.J.B. Uadsay
...J. H. Raley , ..
rbox wim graic.
ruucua ,
I'VMO JM.....
I'tww Poucn..
.. Rwln,
r. A. Werlhlaf tea.
T. J. luey.
....A. MMlHufl,
.liear Woed
. Jno. ICIUar
Oee. ftrwsetel
Kplarenwl Ckarrh. Iad)r SehMl every sueder
I IV JO, a. m., end service at 7, r. a., by Bev; J. It.
Httbedlst Chare elsw Bev. K. p. Warren
tutor ; services hU hvAbe Baptist Chasety). the
weond Sunday e each BMStb, at 11 A. a. aad J r. a.
aiier taarvij aerrteevoe-th arsrsunasyet
wh swath; U,i a. a., a ad 7 r. ., fcjr Rev. w. 11.
toasts, pester, . i.i
rassbrrlaael lrrbytrta Charch Services
nrj SonBty at 11, a. a., and 7, r. M., Sunday School
a-. 11, ., aadaervW every Wednesday at 7, r. a., in
teal;' Malawi Water afreet, by Rev. W. lierrison.
Jk- A .P. at A. M.-WU1 Ledge,
XJC meets second and fourth Saturday! of
' biodUi, at 7 r. a. at the hUeunic Had.
J. E. Jie, W. M.
i. at. a. r unm Ui
Satf awr ateeU every Ttaunday at 7 JO, r. a., la
ewwr- vawyi uau.
L. ti. T. Mas Meantai
aweteevery natarday at 7,W r. a,
a Led Ma, mi,
It. D. H. I'rtidnt Hay is expected to
Ti.it Walla WaUa.
IlGPrNER. Tha Heppaar H. & E.
will notice the request oa tha 4th page.
Webfoot oil ia the chief ia putrid lore throat
or diphtheria. Fur sale by MoColl and Mil
lB'i;i. Pishing it nut good far up the
liver. The trout seem to have couie duwa far
the grasHh-jpi.ers.
OK tub ili.st;avrU)N. Tha Indian will
whi.b wat burned two year ago, it beiag ta
built, und fitted up again for work at an early
rru.il. -
.:tiT... What a delicioaa, magaificont
..! jraps Mr. William Kall teniae,
err appreciated and enjoyed immensely.
31v rvcr bloom !
mom nmru.
tt Our Hcppuer
"Ajai." uivee a well-deserved rebuke to the
Maudering Tribune. Perhaps they will be
m.ift rtrefal hereafter;'
n i kd 100 Lamm. Monday evening
tea S:h. (. W. Walker, of Pendleton, will.
atMreaa the Weaton Hancock and Engliah
l.'lub at TWialy'a Hall. Ladiet and Iudepepd-t-at
liejmMieaue, and evfrj liody elae invited.
Had Habits. Opium-imoking and gam
1'lia, both flagrant riolatioua of the law, are
aaiil to be practiced in thit city'' Sueh per
. aicinui doings should be tummarily dealt
with. Tbcae evils are ae dangerous aa infata
ating. Uarblk Wokki. 11. J. Coleman, Walla
Walla, is proprietor of the Marble Works, nd
prepared to runttah Head.Stonee,Monumentt
aad everything elae ia hia line, at reasonable
re tee, B. F. Mansfield ia Agent for Center
tile and Weotoa, and is authorited to take
order and give receipt.
WHAT IS It ? A worm about an eighth of
SB inch In length it foand, we are informed
by John Hartman, in nearly every stalk of
wheat, at tha joint. Some think it may hare
been deposited by the Hessian fly. There is
mi evidence pointing to its exercising any in
jurioas influence over the graia. We would
like some af onr agricultural joaraala to tell
as what it prnbably ia.
Thb Brst Way to Kill Squirrel. Pro
vide yourself with a package of Holmes' Sqvir
rW Poio aad have all the boys and girls go
tvter 'ess. It will clean them oat sure. Put
p ia large packagea and is the cheapest and
best ia the market. Made and for sale by H
K. Holmes, Druggist, Walla Walla, or to be
had ftoea Tour nearest Drnejriet.
Warm Sprukm, Aug. 30, 1880.
Eds. Leader Gentlemen: It it Almost
universally conceded that to those who are
worn with the duties or cloyed with the pleav
urea of city life, camping out" ia a delightfnl
ted healthful recreaJkm. Whether this it
die tu the fact thai such a life it simply a
return to the origisal mode of living indulged
ia by oar remote an oast or, or that the pleat-
are ia derived -solely from tha relaxation of
tba conventional restraints civilization im
poses npoa at for it seems that tha more civi
lized wa are, the lct "natural w bsoonie); ia
not my province at present to determine. All
I desire ta eay is, iXSt "eampisx " under
certain circa mttaacet and conditions, mar be
all, and more, than iU warmest advocates
claim for itT At least I found it more aad
different. It ia agreed that sleeping in the
pen air is one of ite greatest attractions.
When the night is ?ltav-ud uot too eold.
this may bt true; but whet the wind howU
through the narrow canyons like the savage
spirits of dsfunct aboriginsa, seeking revenge
or rest, one gets more open atmosphere than
is pleasant or desirable. M Pure air, and plenty
of it are doubtleat necessary to man 'a well-be
ing and comfort. But when the pure air of
the uiouataias rnahea down on him with the
fury of aa enraged tempest, aad laden with
the eold of higher altitudes, it benign influ
eace on hit Sanitary condition may well be'
questioned.. A.uAwh81) the rain, comes down
in torrents with nothing between the camper
and its anger save the flapping canvass or
tb soaking blanket, when the feeble flame
of the camp-tire ftiekrt and tpluttert and
finally diet, -when tha shrieking pines sway
to and fro, wailing as if in agony, and strain
ing every limb to ward off the harratt of the
ttorro, and when darkness damp and drear
settles down on all around, one feels the full
force of Byron's lines.
" Oh, nlf ht I raoat glorious nig-ht,
Thou wtr't eat suds (or lumber.' , Let bm be
A sharer in thy fierce dall-ht,
A forties of the tempeot and ot thee."
Slumber forsooth I I should think not.
And to be a sharer in any delight, however
fierce, would be a relief to the unmitigated
misery oi tuch a night. With water above.
below and all around, we were surely a por
tion of the tempest, and however fierce we
may have been, there wat very little of de
light in us. But it is uot always night when
camping out, nor it tduiuber its principal plsas
ure. There ia the glorious sport of angling,
It it well knowu that the Umatilla abounds
ia trout of ditierrat kindt. And what royal
sport it ia to catca the same and bear the
speckled - beauties in -triumph to the camp.
And thus it seemed to the fertile imagination
of our Mac. So early one morning, accom
pauied. by tariff., that prince of piscatorial
sports, he tnllied forth with rod and line
Along - in the afternoon he returned, laden
with dnt aad disappointment. He had four
small trout that would not weigh an ounce
apiece, aad the rattle of a snake, He was
Hushed aith exercise, and tugged viciously
at his cigar aa he related the fearful encoua-
I tsr he had with that rattlesnake. When
correspondent asked alx'tit the fi-liing, be looks wise aod
says. "I lion t think there is much fun in
wading up to your knees to catch your death
of cold." Mac don't tike even to talk about
tinning II. B. does.
Judge Crawford and Mr. MeAnljff swooped
down on our serenity lttxt week, bringing the
latest news, which is even here in much re
quest. From their short stay, it was difficult
to say whether business or pleasure wafted
them hither, if such persons could be wattd
by any thine;. Perhaps a combination of both.
The LKADElt man, as might have beeu ex
pected, has gone up the stream. Whether
or ao he floated up, ia a question. Anyway,
hia lengthy visugc is no longer here that is,
it ia uot here at all. But he did not have to
eat the touichest piece of the cougar. That
colt-devouring beast is yet at large. The
grand hunt flashed in the pan. '
I should add in conclusion that even at the
time of uiy last writing, a strong party was
at work on this road. They worked from
b t'.i ends, and will soon meet. All the loose
rocks have beeu removed, places that were
washed out have been filled up, aud the road
is aow in splendid condition.
. Yours truly,
CoaacJl PrecceeUna;-
SEPt-HE, August 30, J8S0. City Cockch. Chamber, )
tEDB. laTA&ER: Saturday e.veaiing' the Westox, September 1, 1880.
-Democrat of this place apet mL-itpmtiTk!tSU1 - J - aual hour and
a nancocx and. tngliah club. The officer l,lBC rreseut Councilman McMorna,
elected war at follows
IJMdeBt-JFrank Maddock.
Viehlreident J. L. Slorrow. '
Secietary Geo. W. Be. i
TTesaurerwJamea FaiW -ft
The folhrwing are the committees spput-
d. ' "' ' i.. ,
, Exccutivw-Thes. Matlock. Warren ClaVk
J i'd Ai Stevenson the President and ors-
tary being uierabera by virtue of their office.
t inane Dr. ShoU, Ceo. W. SwsWtrert.
E. Sparry. . . ,i. .- ..-n - 1 53?
On motion, the Secretary wat instracUd to
aend the proceed,ln;a of the meeting to the
V stn LXADx& Eaet Oregonian aad Daily
Standard for pabheation.
The name adopted hy tha club, was -the
Heppner Haacock and Eaglith Club.
mere being ao further business before tha
club, they adjourned i meet on Thursday,
Septemlier 2nd,"t 8 o'clock P,M.
Gko. W. Rea. ;
; Secretary.
w . u. iAMKON.-vatca-maker and jew
Wr. corner Main and 3d St. Walla Walla
solicit year patronage Having 17 years
practical experienre and keeping competent
workmen ta his employ, is prepared to do
oe watch repairiug, iwelrj work, seal cut
Uag etc, promptly aad at reasonable price.
waaea. Clocks, Spectacle always in stock
and sold cheaper tluau say other store in
CoxrBREM-K. Ihe Annual Conference of
the M. E. Charch, South, will convene ia the
Presbyterian Church of this place on the 6th
of next month (October), aud continue over
Ilia following Sabbath. We are informed by
the resident pastor, tier. li. P. Warrea, that
preparatieu are bring made for holding a
tianlv-Deeting in connection with the aaue,
A number of eminent diviae from a distance
are txpeettd to be in attendance among
wauiu art mentioned the names of Bishop
Dogget, of Virginia, who will preside over
the deliberation -of the body, and Kev. Dr.
Wilson, berretary of the Board of Mission of
that church. A gearral giod t?:r.e it expect
and a!l ia-'f-d t.' ttfa-?. 0'."-:A
, , Heppser, Aug. 30, 1880:
Editors ' Leadkk: The Hancock and
English Club that was organized here last
Saturday, starts out with forty aaraaa on the
roll. Hancock wiu be our next Praaidani
' 'and don't yoa forget it " .. , - . "
I think the m aould draw anything
immoral or in from the communication
seat you from th place, must be suuk low
down in the moral scale. But you can al
ways tell the immoral man by the conclusions
he draws, or the construction he placet upoo
anything he may htar or read, where a bad or
harmless construction may be made; aud he
who gives a construction to that which he
reads which would make it iudttent, must be
naturally depraved. ; -f. .
Ed. Bishop, of th firm of Maddock &
Bishop, Wm. Morrow, of th firm of Morrow
k Sons, and Will Theodore, of the firm of
Theodora & Minor, left here yesterday for
Portland for the purpose of purchasing goods.
W understand they intend to flay in a large
stock. We hope they may have a pleasant
voyage aud a speedy return home, for Oregon
can boast of no finer young men than they.
Fred Hawker says he want hi name
spelled with a w inttead of a u, to that hi
girl will know who it is; aad by the way, M
would not be surprised if we had a wedding
at the inwer hotel soon. Fred is willing, and
Jim says he dou't care. 1-think ull that is
lacking is the ooasent of the lady. "Never
give up the ship, boy,": "faint heart never
won a fair lady." ' ;
We have had a tine rain in th last day or
two, and everybody i ieeling better.
Death ha again visited our town, thi tim
taking the family pets, sweet little Myrtl
Ayera, and the infant daughter of Mr. and
Mr. Wells We can sympathize with th
bereaved parent, for we know how hard it is
to give up those little ones aud Uy their bod
ies in the sold grave; but those grave's will
sometime give up their dead,., and then "w
shall Bgain greet our; little: one where s'ick-'
nets aad death can come no more.
There ha been a grpat deal of sickness
her during the past month, und it is to b
hoped that the cool, wet weather we are hav
ing now will improve the health of the place.
But I will cloae, witu a promise to write
again if you desire to hear from ut.
PKKsf-" ITEM .
Aurust 25, 1830.
Beckett, Pru.-bstl and Worthimoa: Record
er Anting Mayor, and Marshal Wood in at
' The minuts of "the last regular meeting,
and also an adjourned meeting were read,
.and on motion approved.
The petition of citizen requesting citizen
to accept donations to aid ia building a City
Hall, was introdaced for final action, and ou
motion made by Councilman Prcebetel, and
seconded by Councilman Worthingtoa, it was
unanimously carried (the vote beiug taken
by yeas and nays) that the city shall furnish
y&00 from the city treasury, and f 1,000 in
aenp, toward building said hall, which should
be t the following gsueral dimensions: 30x70
aad two stories hih. Ou tuotiou, a commit
tee of three, oonuating of Councilman Mc
Morris, Beckett aud Prcebstel, wer appoint
ed to previd plau and specifications aud in
vite bids for tu erection ot said hall, and to
report at an adjourned mtiug.
A petition to raise th Marsha!' salary,
signed by assay tax-payers, wat read, aad oa
motion it consideration was poatpgaed until
next regular aaectiag.
The Maisha) was instructed to build all
uufiuianed silewaik hitherto ordered built.
unless th occupant did so within It days.
aud proceed by inr ate t anioru collec
tion of the expense ut said imprevemtutt.
The Marshal was ordered to enforce the
dug ordiuaae, witti-vigor.
The Kecorder waa instructed to advertise
for bids for the erection of city ball.
The City Marshal bill tor $7,?a, fur labor
on th streets, was allowed. Alto a hard
ware mil in iaror i J. K. 0 ones tor $1.7i.
Ou motion, th Council adjourned t meet
ou Wedueauay eveuing, the Bin lustaut.
City liwaordcr.
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An Astealshtac Pact.
A large portion of th American people are
to-day suffering from the effects of Dypepsia
r disordered liver. Th result of these dit
eases upon the masses of intelligent and val
nahle people ia most alarming, making" life
actually a burdeu instead of a pleasant axiot
enc of njoymcut und usefulness as it ought
to be. There i no cood reason for tbi. if
you will only throw aside prejudice and skep
tieitin, take the advice of druggitts and yoar
friends, aad try one bottle of Green' Aug-ist
Flower. Your speedy relief is certain. Mil
lion of bottle of this medicin have been
sivea away to try it virtues, with satisfact
ory results in vry case. You can buy
samble bottl for 10 cents to try. Three
doses will relieve the worst case. Positively
old by all druggist on the Western Conti
nent. The Price or Wheat.
The bountiful harvest in both this country
and Europe will no doubt cause wheat to nil
very low this season, but thi will not lessen
the demand for the Oregon Kidney Tea, aa
very man or woman who hat a backache or
any trouble with the kidney or nriuary organ,
will try thit well known remedy eveti if wheat
should be only 50c per bushel. Sold by all
Druggists. " ;. ,
Building. J. E. Saliag- will build en of
the must handsome and convenient dwelling
ia the coaaty two stary brick with mod-
era conveniences. John F. Adam intends
erecting a frame buildiag at hi ranch OB
Wild Horse, about 57 feet long. D. P.
Earp's brick is approaching completion.
Webfoot oil ia the bos medicine, aad can
had fcr fiV w.t hettV t McCeU Mil-let's.
Town improving.
Pendleton want to be incorporated.
Heppner want a new county. Pendleton
proposes to give her a few sand-lots slotiy the
Columbia, bat Heppner "bucks."
The new hotel dok fin, It will probably
be opened iu about two week.
- 1 no nre company have erected a hne en
gine house, with a hall iu the second story far
tiie uee of the company. Chief Dunn is the
architect, and hi labors are creditable.
We are soon to have a neat picket feuc
around the court-house square a part of the
expense to be paid by the county, and a part
by the people of Pendleton.
Thomas Malarkie haa piled large quantities
af lumber, brick, sand and lime in th street,
preparatory to commencing work oa the walls
of his new brick.
J. H . Sharon Si Co. have made marked
improvemente on their planing mill during
th past tew month," sad their business saem
tab rushing. Th furaitur niauufaolared
by them is real "Bobby."
John Bean, a farmer resident of thi plsoe,
met with quite an accident a few dajt ago.
While riding ou horseback, hia saddl turned,
throwing him to tb ground In the fall' ha
broke hi arm, aad dislocated the elbow joint
of the asm. Dr. Hall, of this place, waa
oalled, bat when he arrived, the limb waa sa
swollen that it was impossible to reduce tb
fracture. Mr. Bean wu brought to town,
and the limb ia being treated by Dr. Hall
aud Pruett, but the boue ha not yet bran
et. -'
On last Sunday evening-the M, H, minis
ter. Rev. Kvnuedy, formerly of , Uaiou,
- -
? u
1 $
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u U
I 1
B'rvaa San4 Mellow.
Rain Buepeuded harveetiag.
Mr. Weleu aud family have returned.
One young man plucky oueagh to go aad
see the widow, . Ciu-it, awy.
Wheu you go to Centerville, be bure you
trade with the cierk, as he never cheats itn-
body but hia wife. .
J. M. Stone i the father of a fiae daugh
ter, boiir amiable aud pretty. Good for you,
Jerry t bAKu Hollow..
liU'KOVKD. The buuiuiei vule road, by
way of Warm Springs, haa been improved.
Mr. McDonald has a gang of uieu at work.
and now the only pari that wat bad, has beta
fixed iu firtt-ciass style. The rocks have beeu
removed eutireiy, or else the level of the road
raised, covoriug them. The road is uow iu
excellent condition lor all kinds of travel, and
is probably " toe best way across the li:ue
Bakery, Last week v.e ouutttd mention
ot the sew Weston Bakry. Parties desirous
of parciiasiug bread, cookies, etc., wilt find
theui always oq.iiaud at . Fred l'auly'a notiou
titwre, Mam Qtreet. bpeciul order.iusy be
left wifh Mrs. L. S. Wood, at resideuee on
Water atreeC Now let U the haucry roll
up, tuuibl up, get whaftaey want, aad' be
x aik. we aoanowieage tae receipt ot a
coiiipliBtcntary ticket to tb Umou Counir
Agricultural rair. iiona cavinet is rifti
uent, and W. J, Snodgrass, Secretary of the
Society. It will epeu October 11th, and close
ou the 16th. At Umatilla doe not iudulgo
iu the luxury of a Fair, he will do well to
patronize tlie effort of the adjoiaing county:
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music store music; store
107 First Street, PORTLAND, Or.
Pianos and Organs Sold on the Installmsnt Planl
M iHtnoth Stock of
Sheet Music and Music Books
Sole Agent for th j
Spuare and.
Haines Bros-, Peas & Co.,
n mim
& go:
SOCIAL. A private Mueice-Literary So
ciety was oroniitd last Tuesday evening,
The object is social pastime aad the mental
improvement of its members. This is a move
ia the right direction, and merit tuccess.
Sebvicks. It it probable that Ker. Mc
Con Key will resume Episcopal services at
I'endleton. Until further notice, luerning
sriee w ill b continued at Weston, aad sun.
day School at 4 I'. M.
Are the best Medium Priced Pianos made.
''Sing their own Praitet, and Lead the World'. '.'
The Sterling Organ.
. PRENTICE Music Store
101 First Street, POltTLAXD, Or.
Makbied. Mr. 6. Kothchild, of IVudle
tu. to Mia llaaaah Wnrzwieler, of Port
land, at that place, oa Aag. 29th.
tiucee-tior lo Adams ilfot.)
No-Ffhce. A' very interesting article ou
No-Feace, appears oa the first page, from the
ahl paii of li. W. Walker. .
' v. ; ' -
RAIK. More copious sbowsrs hav fallen
than usual for thi season of the year.
Kp4 n hand at all titles full sod complete stock el
' Whlehiril' !dat - "" . I
And giiarautre ta
preached his first aenaen jn this place. lie
did aurte sell, and we think all who heard
him ware pleased with hi discourse that is, etiMf u:
except thre girl, and w think thair taatb
ert ought to have been prestnt. " r ' -
Th.e Episcopal tainiiter, Rev. MeOonkey,
preached hi last sermon her on istnday last.
W regret to state this, for he w a maa of
talent, aad there ia room here for the reform- !
alien which he suggest.
imineUiatu cumtruvtion ot a City Hall in uk
H ton. ol the loliuwins' dimcnsiuni: A brie
bailuiaiTj tx7o :t .two stories uign. '1'tie undersiicui'd
will give ail Dectfirv inlormatioa in rtgurd to tn con
tract, flans and spodlicatioBS will be iuraished.
By order ol too Ojuuxil, arpUnnbrr 1, 1880.
SU. Mcliomtm,
i. PaaseTSL.
LaadOSce at LaGrando, Or., Aug-. 81. 130.
Notice is hershy (iven that the fsllowiac named set-,
tier lis Sied notice ol his inteation te auc anal proof,
in support ol nis eiaha, and sounr ttnai mtry tncrcon
at the sxpiratioa ol tuirty das (rua th date of tais
g3p.Z?y Cominj WJla. Wj.',li a.1 mixLtj your Purchnttt o'7n"3
Orders Carefullv and Promptiv Filled,
a a.- f a a '
-N1 AT
'ill I HI WW -li
D. 8. o. 1,838; befera K. A; Steel, a Notary Public, at
Weetoa.orrfen, en Oct. 11, lSAxi, lor tue .si, , sec.
ta, T C N, it sa E; and nauiee the lolleinj as his ait
aeeMs, vu: U. C. boM, A.ruu Miller, M. . . U. Wona
iai;toii and aauiu.l Lauidiu, all of itilten, Umatilla Uo.,
Ursfeu. K. '. Dwi.imi-,
C. D.
WAfal SrRISO. Partiea . camping u
at the Warm Spring wer obliged last weak,
frotu the rains, either to stsrt homeward, or
ek shelter with T. J. Lacy. There
prs.Vy V rxenty ef Lr.t w.t;er ye:..
anrs me rEttr. of weato ax
jMh vicunt. in aeceroance with eur usual eiutom,
oiff S wul b eload on um tt, 7, and 15 oaviof sept.
lHsn. W e desire our custemcrs and outers wisoin to
uKe Pure i lm te reaerre uwir erdsra iuu atwr tunee
Uwhdaya, ariien eur dears vui be openMt at tne luuai
beer as-J bu:u reeumed ae bar.
OcicTS'r.r t fo.
J . .MPr&esat..th
All kind af Tinware kept la toek aad mad
u Order.
! i
Job Work an-i lUwrlsj Xwitly and
Ckaply don. AU (rooin Iu my H.v tnty 1
at Walla Walla pru,. IK . SM II H.
. CeTitrri!l-, Or. -17-J0-f
Diamond Soap
Walla Walla, W.
T. ! ".
Thia ailahUUsment I now tharoucbly eqoipnad fer
On sn extensive aea'.e, and I assftmpmrad to rtrnish fer
tno of Housekeepers a better article than
earn be beaujtht hem fer the sasae aarae I
Stod jenr otJer to.
. J. BTf at,