Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, September 04, 1880, Image 1

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, t L
- -r arnr rjr e'er
. f A.
. m riiir rut - (Mfj:
4 -Sf-W'fi" rs . L iv
r- ... -5v w .
VOL. ,m V1i?fe
WILLI AM AO WLL, nskUahers. ,
W Vur,(oUi)... v.
Kix Uotithx.
fliruv Uunti .'.jj.
Hie IXipie
AdvrrilMt i
.'. ISiCU
Oh ('! (1 teob) tnk iimrtim . i
ttth uiiixtiuuai iiMurciun
torn. .,..,.rtrr
ThrM m t UHwrtiun,
S Ou
cta mIuiu.. . tnmtion
im Vmrr'-ritflumn, drat inwrtiou..
wlailiou;J tudurtion
. 1 00
. 50
TMw ftdvrtuMr by special contract , . Locl notiro
U nM pr Um flnt.iwMrtion, Vll otm.it pr line each
akMuu( imvUoUf Advrt4niiif p'it jwj'Abti iuar
rl. ' "
All lura notiew will k haryed 75 eeott per iusn
rut ibnertiun, an4 nte pr nqurft each ulequuit
iw.tiuD (paW wmatkly). . ..
rths, urni-rUge
si.d iltLhi will b lMertaa wlttMUt ckai
xvticua euarKMl (or kcbonling m length.
f.- f- -" tj' v
'- I - V -' X '
Attorney at Law,
. ;.i til j Court of "tlli Suite luid W
( . AfMctal ttltttull jtlid tit 1.:U OlH'x
'.Wtr-Haia Ml.. !. .
FI11E-.lt Comi-1 linn-. WaUil U.illa
Attorney at Law and Notary Public. '
V 1 in -tir n the Court. In On-yon una Washington
- . Tvrrilwr).'
Colloction Promptly Attended To.
tot t II i.. Mala Mreet. .. Weston, Or
:i:ttrv Tublic and . Collector.
nt, for Utah, Idaho and Orefoo Stnfe C' alu,
. ' ; : if " t f '"'.-
Vrn'.vt la Caclea Kirts WaHrtUM", ls r
' i !. and UNCMcmtherartll.
' Attorney at Law.
' Ue In all the eourU of the State!.
u::ppxek. ok.
i V.iVR.TtM. M. t.
n ysician. Surgeon and Accoucheur.
All calla praaiptly ailcaded.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office with Dr Blalock, over Day's Drug
- Store. ;
R. W, R. JOXElj, ,
emva at' tub Picna (lAiimT Wbto
l-tf" lnrtiii Artificial Teeth, a S a -ialtv
,( VT "T
KS. KEbbOOt; & MtHOLS,
Homocpathip Physicians and Sorgeons
orriCE- Paine Brps Brjck.
ftTHfavia! AthniUun vivca to diM.-iu.( ul the I've, Eur
uiil TUruut.
K. JAMES 1'OlfE,
trith tttaaicd without in and
rt-rU. .
all work war
Of Wall W illa, iU tn-fko .ii vjuu-. ,rou,na1. i'u.
I muitoitanil Pennlett-.!.'
- - -vh?t TvV v i
r.. ea(tA,
rbyslrinii Surjoa.
, v .'; f-, 1
pm-. nrxt t1lr 9r. Calls
Tk. V. T. 'ILUAllSO,
Mlrr at hln rcaldrjar Ja-f Ml,
ci-ralf ' Xcw rt Wto. ep
.. d-a &a i
a 3
, .Fkliing Taekle,
Perfumery, ToiletSoaps,
Toys and Nutr,
WhucMile mod li
Fred. M.
S. H. Kennedy's Fvlf ? O
The T--,-?Mt of the Idnd in tb :r
Please examine the
I'.fc-rent dips and price
, dissolved Sulp.'.u '-.
'Price a gall. ...
This 13 oqcal to 30 liis i: .
Sublime Sulphur.
Concentrated Exirao ;
Tobaecif IHp,
Price, S2.23 a gallot,
This is my FAVORITE I .
.:tTRI SCAII and c'-.u
uavu at u.rto of stitagth witii safu:
' Hemlcck Poi onous Di
Price, $2.2j a gallon.
Each Gallon of ther.s "
Will males . cnoiih for . '
Special Dip for Scab,
l'nue, 6-J..,0 a gallon.
Reliable at any season of the year, e?peciauy
so in the Full and Winter.
Put up in one and tive gallon cans with fu
directions fur use.
Pamphlets sent Free to any Address.
Sold by all principal dealers in the L . S.
J. McCltACKKX CO., ;
- Acral fur th PaclflcCoat
. THE lift?
I Lriiillus Evetilns -Newspaper Weal of (h
I Borky Munnlalna.
i si nst:BirTix kit eh.
I I .ily P.n'.lctin, one year M1
WifC-Hlv tinj Friday ltutletin (niukini; to.rct'neJ
j ii c.inlete Semi-Weekly it Oil
. Vt-ek: aioue. one year "i Hit
VsLi tK of a year in proportion.
Kuch eubwricer will be presentei wit- j v."
ri-.-lics oi 'trc ani valuable T.taii, V'r-li .. ' . " -
FLO KR oEKDs, filial inv.Uue to til-- s... ..i .-. .
prii-c Jl t;ie pajjr.
aJ" SenJ tor Sanjple Copy, giving- full parti- Siu. :
'.i. niitttini- by Draft, Po-t"!rli-e Order, We. s
r C'o.'n KapreiM, and HeUtereji Letter, ut our -.,
a. r. BnxKTiti ro.,
' nan 1'iaai Uio.
'BAT'S i'
!oll:tined for inechanical devices, cu...f. n
pounde, otnamental del(rn. t .ai 'ti. - j .
Vavtia, .twignnieiite, lntenorcu..-i
1 1; aiMm relating to i-t n. - .
)l Diac prcuiniotry -$imi
' to p.uut4bi.it. , tree o. t ' v : -1 j w-- - '
uid in inveiirjoni - - ".:--v:
lor a cop, ol our --U.li.l- .uf v. ... '
aj avnt t oo to suy sdtirwi pu ,v.-.T.-.ra ' . t..-
btruciioiiH how to obtain I'attnv .::i-c.:.v: i.u
'. m.twr. Ouring tne paafc iv .,-.a
I nt-iri.. thru- t.a).uaaiMl fet .or :-' ' : r
l in enlors, arid .qri'givt: Katisl'avto.y rci. . v
I Uun in tiie L'nion. r "
! Alt L,lBuBUITril..Siy',Ul.o.- . .' .
; aiu '.-oineyeat Law, LeUroit lluildjiig, Wwluai.
1. .
I will drllvrr eoada fa nl rrot mjt rxirt f
aalii Hti ni Jbe ruo(r . nunblr ral.
Vi iU carry trcU;at to una trutu
All onk-rs loft with 8aling A Reese. J. K. Jones u !
F. M. l'uuly at Weeton, or Cook a Irriue, Ctntervlj.. :
will reoeive my prttnpt attention. (
Freight Wa U iontibiy pai4 io advance. J
3-13 tt "
4;.: sffrXQ.
!" Tditai tnd FAnuy M. M71J
If CfttraVAiue. is guilty of bribiog
or otherwise corrupting hi fIlHr-iuw-
bers (nnd the ridensh6ws tkk k iX
bribe! r c ."J. , Ibere is notOM
' - , .3 V'Ubiic denial ou
i. ... . i ..-.ifv th real
:ess-Tiii(fr i; false -suggestion,,
oi- by.uirec. f i tfi Jrov-d to be
such by thffecy4;l4lilc If
he.-p aieuiliors cliJ not iVel that thfir
(!ie'it 3Iol4berVH?arisatfpns V're die.
irtr ;. r' hyf, vrhf 'did 'i "he'-esort to re
..a' o i and concealment iu their fire
uine T-.-.iijK.p.., Rep., Ftb. i4, ISIS.
The bribe taker id as guUtyd
:t givar utl ?Mr, au de
:U to being ..ade a acape-
iins ;o, uOier peopT. For
;o.- ui.uouwith ku. OwditJ
, tuwic liiii-jt nave ueeu
, v ial for kirn to work withal
ting that the accused parties,
"V jCn-Pii-siC" down, ig
. Ahm' no'ivj; ni lirat
.Lat an be &iu ui eiS ..
tjbert?-atia VsHfhttyit.
.ulged ib li"Oi.'i i,lia time'.ati.' tafS4J
U 1
X6 .-us
nv was
kt j
rtucie progreba
i y tothc; present mo
r-.-i TAKERS a::i .
-, i, T;-.p.'. rb . ..
.... J yius6r. .
f j
, i -.. j-'en said lj
i . -. .. istiioii, was ki;
ght it .. iari. o v "lT'Dni:- .
nd hL ' ' n. - -.ribe-t
d liats i-;Hi . Ti' -
.he in.-l l...to v.ii.. Siit his
fi-iou fit ' j (.-. ' -ec-ause the press has
at- .- -:4i -y in exposing a grau&is'
i' ..u Tae PreM, Rup , February -'i '
' il;s 1 revoiati..-n "ii'.:!b'ev.,:. the',
moral sense Vif men of i 1 p : -, -nd de
stroyed some, of the pe.-.;s -.a.
... . ...... . ,TI0N. .. . n "
(Editorial letter in Pros, Rep., Fvbnu"rV lf. lS7S.jp V.
. Their denial at the .begin nipgv
has placed them and all who desire 1 to
rescue them in the most emu r-smii
position for that proved tha' tic? ''j'f
ashamed pjL.tbe miuHMCaqn,-. Aiid-' .
the fact appeared that the accused u.u
taken the stock with a full knowledge
of the exaggerated dividends, and when
this iact w.-s clinched and riveted by un
fortunate contradictions, before the eom-.
u. t..ee, it wm, idle to attempt an impos
1.3 v.:'dlcullwn. '
' - tHii o-:us uros the country.
Fcbnury i, W73.1
: v of Congress is at an
a. le has been- re-i.--.:r-
a-, i ;f sgaai iu
i .'3 '..W. . -O XilU
:i' ..: j ...U . f It
;i.....;ry; l.
jjort .iaiiHr LYl.NQ.
it'njui tbe N. ..
' 4-
A.Li it iuity bo properly
idded in the sauia lins-s that luucli dic-
itihfaction exists 1 m the "conuuuaity
. .at all of the arguments and debates in
' fe Cae have'overlookeof a r potnt more
' '. r3.?Ir tf"i.Anir.ed"-4Lfc tfie 'crimes
, .!K,?a . i su-i - epti-i.e of "proof
! .1,.011-U, uuy'ii tiajj ot souio
; " -jfio i4i.iviuua:s iiituiiAt-d. ;
i , . ; -- .. '.i . i
.-;.ip.. re temporal :iy c!ipsfd'in
-,.i.e county, In-r.Mia, iire the
the temperance. v;oaienrartd the divei-'.yrs
of the county fr over th sale of lager
Mf W tlie IdV ond. The directors
hare leased the privilege of selling bear
for $1,000.' Te womeu, easisted by'tjie
clergy, art dounciug the action of' the
Beard, end and will hold mass tewting
in every township in the conuty ti in-
w i-eople to remain away
oee u made on oi-icago
ra-i holes for aciuig liquors to minors.
Editors Lead-b:
After a somewhat
t - xtended trip over the west tirulierless
wheat-srrowinsr countrv in 'Rnatrn Om.
gou and Wasjingtoa Territory, we have
U-corne imbued with the great necessity
of a no-fence-law. 'And we think ev
ery one ia aware of the great need; but
the great question ia, how can it be done 1
Many, claiming to know, say it can't be
accomplibhed, 1 and other " think it a
"hard nut" which1 thfy do not wisli to
attempt to crack. Now we propose to
tell exactly how we think it chu be done,
and then wait for some ot the smart
Alecks" to tell us' wherein we have
bean so blind as. to overlook a great un
derlying principle. This iu our law in a
nutshell: ! : : ' ''"
Be it encuted: 1st, That when the
majority sf the legal voters of any tract
of Tand which shall contain more than
thirty-five square miles of territory shall
so decide by-written consent, tiled with
the Cn3Seisrfe"if the county wherein
;:jrn'br'peri!'tajit.Jiud main-
tain a fence oil the boundary" jne of said j
, ..2nd. That w&nauch fence is erect.
ed, it shall be' lawful for said person or
persons' to' erect, maintain and keep
e;ed, a ' goodSmd sufiioient. gate across
alLhighwaysj'tlmt i'wJaid out, or
shall hereafter be laid tjut- oa the said
land jykfc, a olkt-c where .id boundary
tint ernge4;ti)B said bghw&y
' ' 3rd,, ; ThaVit ihali b'.unlawf ul for
aiiy dvmeblic animals to run at Lirge in,
or be uberateda. the sa,id enclosure
"T J SSMt-.tt-'S -i !
si ihrti adMAd aoctin S3,' page 529 of j
. : ibe Cd8tf;-y iiaorving 'he word "fence." j the clerical force, will .'completed in a ' i'''
.j , When this laxv is, pa-thed, we: say thaf i feW da:st and then "the". office will bej
'-Ae people of Eastern Oregon will have thorougfdy organized. It will lie some ' tW !
Pactical no.fence law -a-law which I time besore Com..jissioi.er Walker will put
. which will protect all their rights and j be ready to issue special figures, of pop- i pu." i
"' v" """ UL i
perhaps, will- be ready to exclaim that it j
is unconstitutional and void; others will j
say, ! cuuot see how it v.ili work.
As for the fir.st4 WijecUou, wewiiU say
kit it is perfectly Aonstitutioualv-in ev
ery particular. -. There is but one consti
tutional question in the matter, and that
is this: The constitution of Oregon pro-
vides that the legislature shall. consist of
a nouse anu oeuate... xvovr it migui ue
argued that this law attempts to dele-
gate the legislative power of the people,
and is tor that raason unconstitutional.
; -. . , I - ' . .. . i j -" it a - -
Cut i this is not true; the Supreme j tunate. They have sseu Secretary Ham-' t,kis purpose all the spring, but to ship
Courts of many of the States have dc-j 6ey repeatedly and urged that Vhite-! to Hamburg iu auch qaautiuee'as'at pres
ided that such. laws are perfectly con-j aker be granted a c.urt martial, and ! ent is a new idea. . At least 20 fa-foea.
li'.iUionaL ' In relation to the seconi j have filed papers with iliat reipiost, both averaging some 75,000 busheis, have oceii
o'tjttion, suffice it to say, the p-actical a,t fhe'AVHr Departmmt, and at tlie sunt to Hamourg and liremeu wituin a
working of the law is easy " to;explaiu, j Wlte House." Thev protest that White- '; short time, all to be used in distilleries.
ana iu iue luiure wu liuji hik-uijio. iu
i iu the future we, uiaye attempt, to
ke the explanation. ; .':
xue law in tue snape proposea, nas
two f.-atures that rocjmmend it to the
people. One is, it avoids unconstitu
tionality,' which many persons have con
tended is impossible. The other is. the
law would meet with but little opposi
tion in its passage. -
This no-fence law is not, as many may
suppose, an idea-engerideeif in the mind
of a fanatic, or the outgrowth of a wild
j and excited1 imagination. It is, in fact.
the production of long ages of experi
ence, coupled with the most severe tests
that human, intellect could bring to bear
upon it.. s.Jir we find, that, since. Rome
sat on her seven hills and gave ont law
to the world, in the form of that great
foundation of Jaw yrhicji is said not to
lie the production of a wise iviau or of a
society of 'wise men, or even of a gener
ation of. wise roiuvbuiof liiai.y generar
tions of wise men, 1 mean the common
law we find a, no-fcuce law. .This fact
cl-in : enough M ediivince. any person
th.'-t: 'tii3 ajaems is practwab. In fact, it
is not .-jjaething new. and untried, but
it is 3ouiething that his been tried, and
has beeir found true. If the people of
Uniatilla county desire to accompluU
Sucii aTeeult, we nay it ' fa practical and
will work. '
W. Walkee.
Webfoot Oil cores pain, intt-rnal t r
external in fntn on to fift!ti niinut-K.
bv McColl
Send in
jour subscriptions for the
Washington-, D. (.'., An- U, 1SS0. j
Day by day American products1; i
European markets grow steadily ito
I I 1 Tl . 1-w . .
popular favor. The Department - xf rJll-l ou buaaar. ,
State is constantly in receipt of inform-.! " Xxten'sive Wai'ks for lie ian,ufacture
tion from our cousular offioert iu &H of miueral paiutsjo ative southern
parts of the world, showing that this j ores have LeenTuilt at Chattanooga, Ten
gratifying exhibit is not confined bv any ' iiessee, and they calculate to turn out
means to Europe, but extends to evVr ' fronffave to iteven tons-daily,
part of the glol s. Their personal tasti- J It isestiinated at at least three years
mony not only bears witness to it, but j will be required to complete the entire
the newspaper clippings j from , foreign j ceiupilatipB of tbrjcensuv thougn the ag
journals which are from tluis to time I gregate of popalatiua aud other ttatistics
forwarded to thu Dej'iartmeat of State j w ill be known much sooner.
" ..I
by tkeui, is conclusive evidence of the ;
fact. The public at Jarge have no ade
quate conception of the extent to which
our manufactories-and products are en
tering and monopolizing foreign m-u-kets j
a. recent dispatch Irotn tue Consul or !
the United. States at Geneva , shows '
that American boef and live stuck have
even penetrated aa far as that region,
and that 'fli. tHw of ehoiee rattle, j
raisea in great numoers m ow uzeriana
k it. T :.. tt t. i.a. i i
been sonsiblydiminished by th import-j
tion of American cattle.
Within the past few days a large i
number of per.sous' of both bm have
reccivod appolutuv'n;- iu tl CViisus of- !
flil und liidttv- iitli.-l-J LvA v ul t,:. 1 ia .n. j
. j
pointed. ibe pressure briuht upon I
Gen." Walker for phut. Has ben trait
inendous. But few of the more rrccnt 1
.r.rw-nrw1 r.,, ,.,. iitfM. ti,! .
taavA vv a e.T, i a v tiiati VVVV
demand foi office was o great that Gen." !
Walker found Lo could
tt c im-jetent
clerks at 720, fjC80, a is
1 t'vn for g00' 1
p-r yna-i. i iit iwiupn i
per year
the C'.-uua of-
fice' building, put- in? . u.-c.inuodatW !
uiation, etc. iviter the first review aud
computation ia made, it U subjected to
two revisions, and until such 1 revisions
are made, thu data ia not considered uc-
curate. It is estimated that it will take
three vears at least to omnlite the en-
tire compilation of the census.
The friends of. Cadet Whiteaker have
all along been verv ai.xious that he
: should be granted a trial by court-mar-
I L1MI tU HUd, ouul bu hnvn ,11 iIIUb ill?
i tial as tin
.... t ,.,,, 1 11 .1 . .1
j C0Urt of inquiry find him guilty of
j mutilating himself. Within the pa3t
, fHW davs tnev have become verv imnor-
, oter is innocent, and that ti ajiurove
; aker Is innocent; Vnd that t approve j
! the "findings of Vile court of inquiry i
without giving Whiteaker a chauce,
I would mark an innocent man ' sruiltv for
iife. While nothing has as yet been
definitely decided in the case, the state
ment made seine time ago that a co'ut
martil would Cery likely ije granted, will
be found to bo correct,
still at West Point.
, Whituaker is
Gen. MoDoiinld's "exposure" of the St. i 0i fua jixeoutive Committee appointed at
Louis whisky riu.2;, has caused ooiiaidcra-. ,M c'einrviUo meeting. However grat
ble gossip ' in 'he Goveruiuent Dep .rt-: v; ui.i- heat the fact that the feu
ments, li is probable that tlie ur.s.gu j distoii Convention endorsed that line,
was to is.stie the book as a campaigu uoc- Wa) yt-u cannot impose upon the ; jieopie
umeut iitul Grant been nonunaii, but j wv that ca v to tlte extent of expecting
that it became wortlihws for that whim them to tt tue jieticion in shape for the
auothcr iiiau wa nominated, aud thai ijijeg.iuai.iire. '. '1 he pon ions of the county
McDonald pwblihhps it now to make j more immeuiatiy bn-iittd are, of
some moiiov by its sale. The amount of course, expected to bear the onu of th
newmatter in it, however, aside from
McDonrld's tsnsupporveil btatemeitta,
does not seem of aufficient Weight io
make any great d-iiratid for the oo-.k,
likelvi' Tho pul'ticirlbb' seeiul to ahw
that merabcr f the "v. hiakey ring were
on a rather unpleasantly familiar fwiing
at the White House; but the friends ot
Gen. Grant contend that he had no 'per-
aonal' know wast ot tlm operations ot the
j i iu tho mnw CuUid not be uni
.. I-,-. ,-,, r,1(,1.,i,.P. ,,f,hi
hou.-hord.- McDonald, it is siid, wuu
Gifnt-wrgHrd 'by bis pluck and enrg
; at VicksVjrg, and it w a. tlie likiirj n id '
conndence thus inspired that gavo liiin a
footing afterward at the White House.
It would seem, 83 in some other in
stances in (' rant's Pivsideutial career, to
have be'-i ft o-ise of sadiy misplaced con
A'derovt QsTorth Garolin ipofet master
!ia been ealled ujoiv to resign because it
tweafc agin" nia couscienca to wake up
.. ... r rr .. i i
Massachusetts .as shown by the last
census, contains nineteen cities and a to
tal population of 1,785.812; against 1,-
! 6.1,91J iu 1875 and 1,457,351 iu IS70.'
iostou; population U 303,938 I against
2oO,d0 -
,, . .. . f r..,i. .ii,.ui
at from 9,00,000 to lO.UOO.uOO bushels,
which after allowing a!aout 2,000,000
iyr nomt. requi,,ement8i Will leave
. w 7,000,000 to 8,000,000 bus-
7 ,
Futy-acvea. orphan boys sent out by
ftb Nev k'ork Catholic Protectory were
aouxtMcA tUre weeks ago among the far-
ra aieng Le road between Des Moines
j and Council rUuiik This society has
fouttU heme lor I ,-00 bovs in Iowa,
' -ca Ant n L.rian Expadi i
uuuel' i -u ai'-f nl,ar1
the i'lcnw'; C -iv?.-nu.ent liaartcei'-ett'r-
a .v-jr. i ' i m Indian
.. j.... vo.0r.,i.. or '.:j..A.-atape;i
t.ooper trmk-
c-i i.l i.i'ji U-autifuiiy
. ..r and many jars
z-j'y. vjity' for lumber aiolij
i.-: i: -m Jiiocnlaiu road ia
aiid coinpiibe
i.:..ui,, oak, iii.kcry, ash,
: resa. Xu- re are iaii
..tUt-.'aiMi in iS9 1U0,U00,,
. . Wits luanufactUieJ. .
: ; i i..urket although.
.lippeu to at.3i-in
; wei-
f miles
! 000 foj.i
i iSt'Lou:
i cir.iv
A Ntsw Vorli si;i uuini; recent
interview: "We aro now hiadiu,- Indian
corn in Europe at one cent a pound, or a
haif penny sterling. We ara actually
sending corn to Hamburg to still, it is so
cheap.' A caigu going tiur j ..ins morn
ing to still, and We are shipping to Italy
! & -till" V.. I,v l...n -h.,..,,r ,rn ft.i-
- ---
The ime for tie meeting of the Legis
lature m u a urawing niga, aud arraugo
meubn pjriautiug w iitiiiilng tho divis
ion wt Uuiauua Oouiity a-, tue liamis oi
its mnuior, uiu.st ue noun coiupleiwl.
ihe vai'ijus pruciucts uiut complete tb
ia'iva.i ror signatures to the petition,
anil have; tne.-n banned in to thcniemoers
effort, i'be committee should meet at
au-early day aud mak all necessary ar-
! lAiigouiduU, and then entrust the bill to
auM oar ilouoiai.e Kt presenUuvea,
j wll4y mfU .ar to turihr the expreaoea
LWU!eaU ai , tucir eoustitueuU Nov.-
tL. umi. tj ue Up MUU Uotug. and lot not
j ,varier Walt Jur 0u. W -ntova
uiatt-'i . b it go en.v
llV Ui
. ..,! ... ..i..
1 , , ,y.
! ' '
vtb!Kcu ut u.'v t
. Y.Ytlia
as a ure
I oil at- 'ui.taiirt, night or- day,
ir" i. r T"Uy jhpasm.
Ask. foru at
i. t-.-u.
V Jiiill'l'
. Use Oriental Hair ionic for pru.-.Tr-iu
the hair.
bubaoriue foi n.o LilAUtK.
j ft